Beispiel #1
void LoadConfig(void)
  if (Item_Index[LOAD_PROFILE]) {
    Update[LOAD_PROFILE] = 0;
    if (SD_Card_ON())
      if (FAT_Info() == 0)
         Char_to_Str(FileNum, Item_Index[LOAD_PROFILE]);
         if (Open_File("FILE",FileNum,"CFG") == 0)
            if (Read_File() == 0)
               DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[ReadErr]);
         } else
            DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoFile]);
      } else
         DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SDErr]);
    } else
       DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoCard]);
  } else {
Beispiel #2
void SaveWave(void)
  Update[SAVE_WAVE_CURVE] = 0;
  if (SD_Card_ON())
      if (FAT_Info() == 0)
         Char_to_Str(FileNum, Item_Index[SAVE_WAVE_CURVE]);
         if (Open_File("FILE",FileNum,"DAT") == 0)
            F_Buff[0] = 0;
            F_Buff[1] = 0;
            memcpy(F_Buff + 2, View_Buffer, 300);
            if (Write_File() == 0)
               if (Item_Index[SAVE_WAVE_CURVE] < 255)
               Update[SAVE_WAVE_CURVE] = 1;
            } else
               DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[WriteErr]);
         } else
            DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoFile]);
      } else
         DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SDErr]);
  } else
     DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoCard]);
Beispiel #3
void SaveConfig(void)
  Update[SAVE_PROFILE] = 0;
  if (Item_Index[SAVE_PROFILE]) {
    if (SD_Card_ON())
        if (FAT_Info() == 0)
           Char_to_Str(FileNum, Item_Index[SAVE_PROFILE]);
           if (Open_File("FILE",FileNum,"CFG") == 0)
              if (Write_File() != 0)
                 DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[WriteErr]);
           } else
              DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoFile]);
        } else
           DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SDErr]);
    } else
       DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoCard]);
  } else {
    if (Write_Parameter() == FLASH_COMPLETE)
       DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SaveOk]);
       DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[Failed]);
Beispiel #4
void LoadWave(void)
  Update[LOAD_WAVE_CURVE] = 0;
  if (SD_Card_ON())
    Hide_Index[REF] = 1; // hide reference waveform
    if (FAT_Info() == 0)
       Char_to_Str(FileNum, Item_Index[LOAD_WAVE_CURVE]);
       if (Open_File("FILE",FileNum,"DAT") == 0)
          if (Read_File() == 0)
             memcpy(Ref_Buffer, F_Buff + 2, 300);
             Hide_Index[REF] = 0; // show new reference waveform
             Update[LOAD_WAVE_CURVE] = 1;
          } else
             DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[ReadErr]);
       } else
          DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoFile]);
    } else
       DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SDErr]);
  } else
     DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoCard]);
Beispiel #5
int main (int argc, char **argv)

	showGraphics = true;


	char scr_file_open_mode[4] = "r";

	if ( playbackScript )
		ifp = Open_File(playback_fname, scr_file_open_mode);

//	srand(time(NULL));

	dsFunctions fn = Simulator_Create();

	envs = new ENVS();

	if ( showGraphics )
		dsSimulationLoop (argc,argv,352,288,&fn);
	else {
		if ( ~playbackScript ) {
		while ( 1 )

	delete envs;
	envs = NULL;

  	return 0;
Beispiel #6
void InitializeCode(int argc, char *argv[])
    int index;

    Frames = AllocateStack(20);
    LabelStack = AllocateStack(500);
    OpStack = AllocateStack(500);
    Op1Stack = AllocateStack(500);
    Op2Stack = AllocateStack(500);
    index = System_Flag ("-trace", argc, argv);

    if (index)
        TraceSpecified = true;
        TraceFileName = System_Argument
                        ("-trace", "_TRACE", argc, argv);
        TraceFile = Open_File (TraceFileName, "w");
#if 1
        fprintf (TraceFile,"Hello.\n");
        rewind (TraceFile);

        TraceSpecified = false;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 FUNCTION NAME:		void Record_Sort(CLI *, database *, fstream *, char *, char *)
 PURPOSE:           loads classes into vector, and if needs to redo the output file
 RETURNS:           void
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Record_Sort(Command_line_Record * GivenChars, fstream * databasefile, char *Filename, char *Reportname)
	Open_File(Filename, databasefile); //all functions require that this file is opened.
	vector<database> Records(1);	//create vector for database entries, and make at least one empty one.
	int n=-1, i = 0; // n = for do loop only  i = number of records that were opened.
	bool change_file = false;	//T/F check to determin if vector has changed
	do{			// load file into class vector.
		*databasefile >> Records[n];
	}while ((*databasefile).eof() == 0); //run until end of file
	VERBOSE(3) << "loaded file\n";
	if (GivenChars->add_acount_true() == 1) // check to see if adding account
		Add_Account(GivenChars, Records, &i, &n);
		change_file	= true;
	else if (GivenChars->Arg_Given[Command_line_Record::reportfile] == true)
		Print_Report(Reportname, Records, &i);
	else if (GivenChars->transfer() == 1)
		Funds_Transfer_Add(Records, GivenChars);
		change_file = true;
	else if (GivenChars->Arg_Given[Command_line_Record::deleaccnt] == true)
		n = Delete_Account(Records, GivenChars, &i);
		if (n>=0)
			change_file = true;
			VERBOSE(3) << "Account Deleted.\n";
		for (n=0; n<i; n++)
			database *rec = &Records[n]; //create pointer to current vector location
			if ((!strncmp(GivenChars->Get_Account(), rec->Get_Account(), 5)) && (!strncmp(GivenChars->Get_PassWd(), rec->Get_PassWd(), 6))) //check that account number and password match
				CLI_Sort(GivenChars, rec, &change_file);
	if (change_file == true) //if a record was chaged, rewrite the output file
		databasefile->open(Filename, ios::out | ios::trunc);
		for (n=0;n<i;n++)
			*databasefile << Records[n];
Beispiel #8
*/	DEVICE_CMD Create_File(REBREQ *file)
	if (GET_FLAG(file->modes, RFM_DIR)) {
		if (!mkdir(file->file.path, 0777)) return DR_DONE;
		file->error = errno;
		return DR_ERROR;
	} else
		return Open_File(file);
Beispiel #9
void Load_Opacity(char filename [])
  char local_filename[FILENAME_STRING_SIZE];
  int fd;

  fd = Open_File(local_filename);

  Read_Shorts(fd,(unsigned char *)&opc_version, (long)sizeof(opc_version));
  if (opc_version != OPC_CUR_VERSION)
    Error("    Can't load version %d file\n",opc_version);

  Read_Shorts(fd,(unsigned char *)opc_len,(long)sizeof(map_len));

  Read_Longs(fd,(unsigned char *)&opc_length,(long)sizeof(opc_length));


  printf("    Loading opacity map from .opc file...\n");
  Read_Bytes(fd,(unsigned char *)opc_address,(long)(opc_length*sizeof(OPACITY)));
Beispiel #10
void SaveWaveImage(void)
  Update[SAVE_WAVE_IMAGE] = 0;
  if (SD_Card_ON())
      if (FAT_Info() == 0)
         Char_to_Str(FileNum, Item_Index[SAVE_WAVE_IMAGE]);
         if (Open_File("IMAGE",FileNum,"BMP") == 0)
            if (Writ_BMP_File() == 0)
               if (Item_Index[SAVE_WAVE_IMAGE] < 255)
               Update[SAVE_WAVE_IMAGE] = 1;
            } else
               DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[WriteErr]);
         } else
            DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoFile]);
      } else
         DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SDErr]);
  } else
     DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoCard]);
Beispiel #11
/* Save_Struct_Gnuplot_Data()
 * Saves antenna structure data for gnuplot
Save_Struct_Gnuplot_Data( char *filename )
  FILE *fp = NULL;

  /* Open gplot file, abort on error */
  if( !Open_File(&fp, filename, "w") )

  /* Output if patch segs and no new input pending */
  if( data.m && isFlagClear(INPUT_PENDING) )
    int idx, m2;

    /* Output segments data */
    fprintf( fp, _("# structure patch segmenets\n") );

    /* Output first segment outside loop to enable separation of wires */
    fprintf( fp, "%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n",
        (double)data.px1[0], (double)data.py1[0], (double)data.pz1[0],
        (double)data.px2[0], (double)data.py2[0], (double)data.pz2[0] );

    /* Start from second segment and check for connection of ends */
    m2 = data.m * 2;
    for( idx = 1; idx < m2; idx++ )
      fprintf( fp, "%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n",
          (double)data.px1[idx], (double)data.py1[idx], (double)data.pz1[idx],
          (double)data.px2[idx], (double)data.py2[idx], (double)data.pz2[idx] );
    } /* for( idx = 1; idx < m2; idx++ ) */

    fprintf( fp, "\n\n" );
  } /* if( data.m && isFlagSet(INPUT_PENDING) ) */

  /* Output if wire segs and no new input pending */
  if( data.n && isFlagClear(INPUT_PENDING) )
    int idx;

    /* Output segments data */
    fprintf( fp, _("# structure wire segmenets\n") );

    /* Output first segment outside loop to enable separation of wires */
    fprintf( fp, "%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n",
        (double)data.x1[0], (double)data.y1[0], (double)data.z1[0],
        (double)data.x2[0], (double)data.y2[0], (double)data.z2[0] );

    /* Start from second segment and check for connection of ends */
    for( idx = 1; idx < data.n; idx++ )
      /* Leave a 2-line gap to next segment */
      if( (data.icon1[idx] == 0) || (data.icon1[idx] == (idx+1)) )
        fprintf( fp, "\n\n" );
      fprintf( fp, "%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n",
          (double)data.x1[idx], (double)data.y1[idx], (double)data.z1[idx],
          (double)data.x2[idx], (double)data.y2[idx], (double)data.z2[idx] );
      /* Leave a 2-line gap to next segment */
      if( (data.icon2[idx] == 0) || (data.icon2[idx] == (idx+1)) )
        fprintf( fp, "\n\n" );

    } /* for( idx = 1; idx < data.n; idx++ ) */
  } /* if( data.n && isFlagSet(INPUT_PENDING) ) */

  fclose( fp );
} /* Save_Struct_Gnuplot_Data() */
Beispiel #12
/* Save_FreqPlots_Gnuplot_Data()
 * Saves frequency plots data to a file for gnuplot
Save_FreqPlots_Gnuplot_Data( char *filename )
  /* Abort if plot data not available */
  if( isFlagClear(FREQ_LOOP_DONE) )

  /* Used to calculate net gain */
  double Zr, Zo, Zi;

  /* Open gplot file, abort on error */
  FILE *fp = NULL;
  if( !Open_File(&fp, filename, "w") )

  /* Plot max gain vs frequency, if possible */
  if( isFlagSet(PLOT_GMAX) && isFlagSet(ENABLE_RDPAT) )
    int nth, nph, idx, pol;
    gboolean no_fbr;

      gmax,     /* Max gain buffer */
      netgain,  /* Viewer direction net gain buffer */
      gdir_phi, /* Direction in phi of gain */
      fbratio;  /* Front to back ratio */

    /* Find max gain and direction, F/B ratio */
    no_fbr = FALSE;
    netgain = 0;

    /* Polarization type and impedance */
    pol = calc_data.pol_type;
    Zo = calc_data.zo;

    /* Save data for all frequency steps that were used */
    fprintf( fp, _("# Gain and F/B Ratio vs Frequency\n") );
    for( idx = 0; idx <= calc_data.lastf; idx++ )
      double fbdir;
      int fbidx, mgidx;

      /* Index to gtot buffer where max gain
       * occurs for given polarization type */
      mgidx = rad_pattern[idx].max_gain_idx[pol];

      /* Max gain for given polarization type */
      gmax = rad_pattern[idx].gtot[mgidx] +
        Polarization_Factor(pol, idx, mgidx);

      /* Net gain if selected */
      if( isFlagSet(PLOT_NETGAIN) )
        Zr = impedance_data.zreal[idx];
        Zi = impedance_data.zimag[idx];
        netgain = gmax + 10*log10(4*Zr*Zo/(pow(Zr+Zo,2)+pow(Zi,2)));

      /* Radiation angle/phi where max gain occurs */
      gdir_phi = rad_pattern[idx].max_gain_phi[pol];

      /* Find F/B direction in theta */
      fbdir = 180.0 - rad_pattern[idx].max_gain_tht[pol];
      if( fpat.dth == 0.0 )
        nth = 0;
        nth = (int)( fbdir/fpat.dth + 0.5 );

      /* If the antenna is modelled over ground, then use the same
       * theta as the max gain direction, relying on phi alone to
       * take us to the back. Patch supplied by Rik van Riel AB1KW
      if( (nth >= fpat.nth) || (nth < 0) )
        fbdir = rad_pattern[idx].max_gain_tht[pol];
        if( fpat.dth == 0.0 )
          nth = 0;
          nth = (int)( fbdir/fpat.dth + 0.5 );

      /* Find F/B direction in phi */
      fbdir = gdir_phi + 180.0;
      if( fbdir >= 360.0 ) fbdir -= 360.0;
      nph = (int)( fbdir/fpat.dph + 0.5 );

      /* No F/B calc. possible if no phi step at +180 from max gain */
      if( (nph >= fpat.nph) || (nph < 0) )
        no_fbr = TRUE;

      /* Index to gtot buffer for gain in back direction */
      fbidx = nth + nph*fpat.nth;

      /* Front to back ratio */
      fbratio  = pow( 10.0, gmax / 10.0 );
      fbratio /= pow( 10.0,
          (rad_pattern[idx].gtot[fbidx] +
           Polarization_Factor(pol, idx, fbidx)) / 10.0 );
      fbratio = 10.0 * log10( fbratio );

      if( no_fbr && isFlagClear(PLOT_NETGAIN) ) /* Plot max gain only */
        fprintf( fp, "%13.6E %10.3E\n", save.freq[idx], gmax );
      else if( isFlagSet(PLOT_NETGAIN) ) /* Plot max gain and net gain */
        fprintf( fp, "%13.6E %10.3E %10.3E\n", save.freq[idx], gmax, netgain );
      else if( !no_fbr ) /* Plot max gain and F/B ratio */
        fprintf( fp, "%13.6E %10.3E %10.3E\n", save.freq[idx], gmax, fbratio );
    } /* for( idx = 0; idx < calc_data.lastf; idx++ ) */

    /* Plot gain direction in phi and theta */
    if( isFlagSet(PLOT_GAIN_DIR) )
      fprintf( fp, "\n\n" );
      fprintf( fp, _("# Direction of gain in theta and phi\n") );
      for( idx = 0; idx < calc_data.lastf; idx++ )
        double gdir_tht; /* Direction in theta of gain */

        /* Radiation angle/phi where max gain occurs */
        gdir_tht = 90.0 - rad_pattern[idx].max_gain_tht[pol];
        gdir_phi = rad_pattern[idx].max_gain_phi[pol];
        fprintf( fp, "%13.6E %10.3E %10.3E\n", save.freq[idx], gdir_tht, gdir_phi );
      } /* for( idx = 0; idx < calc_data.lastf; idx++ ) */
    } /* if( isFlagSet(PLOT_GAIN_DIR) ) */

    fprintf( fp, "\n\n" );
  } /* if( isFlagSet(PLOT_GMAX) && isFlagSet(ENABLE_RDPAT) ) */

  /* Plot VSWR vs freq */
  if( isFlagSet(PLOT_VSWR) )
    int idx;
    double vswr, gamma;
    double zrpro2, zrmro2, zimag2;

    /* Calculate VSWR */
    fprintf( fp, _("# VSWR vs Frequency\n") );
    for(idx = 0; idx <= calc_data.lastf; idx++ )
      zrpro2 = impedance_data.zreal[idx] + calc_data.zo;
      zrpro2 *= zrpro2;
      zrmro2 = impedance_data.zreal[idx] - calc_data.zo;
      zrmro2 *= zrmro2;
      zimag2 = impedance_data.zimag[idx] * impedance_data.zimag[idx];
      gamma = sqrt( (zrmro2 + zimag2)/(zrpro2 + zimag2) );
      vswr = (1+gamma)/(1-gamma);
      if( vswr > 10.0 ) vswr = 10.0;
      fprintf( fp, "%13.6E %10.3E\n", save.freq[idx], vswr );

    fprintf( fp, "\n\n" );
  } /* if( isFlagSet(PLOT_VSWR) ) */

  /* Plot z-real and z-imag */
  if( isFlagSet(PLOT_ZREAL_ZIMAG) )
    int idx;
    fprintf( fp, _("# Z real & Z imaginary vs Frequency\n") );
    for(idx = 0; idx <= calc_data.lastf; idx++ )
      fprintf( fp, "%13.6E %10.3E %10.3E\n",
          save.freq[idx], impedance_data.zreal[idx], impedance_data.zimag[idx] );

    fprintf( fp, "\n\n" );
  } /* if( isFlagSet(PLOT_ZREAL_ZIMAG) ) */

  /* Plot z-magn and z-phase */
  if( isFlagSet(PLOT_ZMAG_ZPHASE) )
    int idx;
    fprintf( fp, _("# Z magnitude & Z phase vs Frequency\n") );
    for(idx = 0; idx <= calc_data.lastf; idx++ )
      fprintf( fp, "%13.6E %10.3E %10.3E\n",
          save.freq[idx], impedance_data.zmagn[idx], impedance_data.zphase[idx] );
  } /* if( isFlagSet(PLOT_ZREAL_ZIMAG) ) */

} /* Save_FreqPlots_Gnuplot_Data() */
Beispiel #13
/* Save_RadPattern_Gnuplot_Data()
 * Saves radiation pattern data to a file for gnuplot
Save_RadPattern_Gnuplot_Data( char *filename )
  int idx, npts; /* Number of points to plot */

  /* Scale factor ref, for normalizing field strength values */
  double dr;

    fx, fy, fz, /* Co-ordinates of "free" end of field lines */
    fscale;     /* Scale factor for equalizing field line segments */

  FILE *fp = NULL;

  /* Draw near field pattern if possible */
  if( isFlagSet(ENABLE_NEAREH) && near_field.valid )
    /* Open gplot file, abort on error */
    if( !Open_File(&fp, filename, "w") )

    /* Reference for scale factor used in
     * normalizing field strength values */
    if( fpat.near ) /* Spherical co-ordinates */
      dr = (double)fpat.dxnr;
    /* Rectangular co-ordinates */
    else dr = sqrt(
        (double)fpat.dxnr * (double)fpat.dxnr +
        (double)fpat.dynr * (double)fpat.dynr +
        (double)fpat.dznr * (double)fpat.dznr )/1.75;

    npts = fpat.nrx * fpat.nry * fpat.nrz;

    /*** Draw Near E Field ***/
    if( isFlagSet(DRAW_EFIELD) && (fpat.nfeh & NEAR_EFIELD) )
      fprintf( fp, _("# Near E field\n") );
      /* Write e-field out to file [DJS] */
      for( idx = 0; idx < npts; idx++ )
        fscale = dr /[idx];
        fx = near_field.px[idx] + near_field.erx[idx] * fscale;
        fy =[idx] + near_field.ery[idx] * fscale;
        fz = near_field.pz[idx] + near_field.erz[idx] * fscale;

        /* Print as x, y, z, dx, dy, dz for gnuplot */
        fprintf( fp, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
            fx - near_field.px[idx],
            fy -[idx],
            fz - near_field.pz[idx] );
    } /* if( isFlagSet(DRAW_EFIELD) */

    /*** Draw Near H Field ***/
    if( isFlagSet(DRAW_HFIELD) && (fpat.nfeh & NEAR_HFIELD) )
      fprintf( fp, _("# Near H field\n") );
      /* Write h-field out to file [DJS] */
      for( idx = 0; idx < npts; idx++ )
        fscale = dr /[idx];
        fx = near_field.px[idx] + near_field.hrx[idx] * fscale;
        fy =[idx] + near_field.hry[idx] * fscale;
        fz = near_field.pz[idx] + near_field.hrz[idx] * fscale;

        /* Print as x, y, z, dx, dy, dz for gnuplot */
        fprintf( fp, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
            fx - near_field.px[idx],
            fy -[idx],
            fz - near_field.pz[idx] );
    } /* if( isFlagSet(DRAW_HFIELD) && (fpat.nfeh & NEAR_HFIELD) ) */

    /*** Draw Poynting Vector ***/
    if( isFlagSet(DRAW_POYNTING)  &&
        (fpat.nfeh & NEAR_EFIELD) &&
        (fpat.nfeh & NEAR_HFIELD) )
      int ipv;
      static size_t mreq = 0;

      /* Co-ordinates of Poynting vectors */
      static double *pov_x = NULL, *pov_y = NULL;
      static double *pov_z = NULL, *pov_r = NULL;

      /* Range of Poynting vector values,
       * its max and min and log of max/min */
      static double pov_max = 0;

      /* Allocate on new near field matrix size */
      if( mreq != (size_t)npts * sizeof( double ) )
        mreq = (size_t)npts * sizeof( double );
        mem_realloc( (void **)&pov_x, mreq, "in draw_radiation.c" );
        mem_realloc( (void **)&pov_y, mreq, "in draw_radiation.c" );
        mem_realloc( (void **)&pov_z, mreq, "in draw_radiation.c" );
        mem_realloc( (void **)&pov_r, mreq, "in draw_radiation.c" );

      /* Calculate Poynting vector and its max and min */
      fprintf( fp, _("# Poynting Vector\n") );
      for( idx = 0; idx < npts; idx++ )
        pov_max = 0;
        for( ipv = 0; ipv < npts; ipv++ )
          pov_x[ipv] =
            near_field.ery[ipv] * near_field.hrz[ipv] -
            near_field.hry[ipv] * near_field.erz[ipv];
          pov_y[ipv] =
            near_field.erz[ipv] * near_field.hrx[ipv] -
            near_field.hrz[ipv] * near_field.erx[ipv];
          pov_z[ipv] =
            near_field.erx[ipv] * near_field.hry[ipv] -
            near_field.hrx[ipv] * near_field.ery[ipv];
          pov_r[ipv] = sqrt(
              pov_x[ipv] * pov_x[ipv] +
              pov_y[ipv] * pov_y[ipv] +
              pov_z[ipv] * pov_z[ipv] );
          if( pov_max < pov_r[ipv] )
            pov_max = pov_r[ipv];

        } /* for( ipv = 0; ipv < npts; ipv++ ) */

        /* Scale factor for each field point, to make
         * near field direction lines equal-sized */
        fscale = dr / pov_r[idx];

        /* Scaled field values are used to set one end of a
         * line segment that represents direction of field.
         * The other end is set by the field point co-ordinates */
        fx = near_field.px[idx] + pov_x[idx] * fscale;
        fy =[idx] + pov_y[idx] * fscale;
        fz = near_field.pz[idx] + pov_z[idx] * fscale;

        /* Print as x, y, z, dx, dy, dz for gnuplot */
        fprintf( fp, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
            fx - near_field.px[idx],
            fy -[idx],
            fz - near_field.pz[idx] );
      } /* for( idx = 0; idx < npts; idx++ ) */

    } /* if( isFlagSet(DRAW_POYNTING) ) */
  } /* if( isFlagSet(ENABLE_NEAREH) && near_field.valid ) */

  /* Save radiation pattern data if possible */
  if( isFlagSet(ENABLE_RDPAT) && (calc_data.fstep >= 0) )
      nth,  /* Theta step count */
      nph;  /* Phi step count   */

    /* Frequency step and polarization type */
    int fstep = calc_data.fstep;

    /* Theta and phi angles defining a rad pattern point
     * and distance of its projection from xyz origin */
    double theta, phi, r;

    /* theta and phi step in rads */
    double dth = (double)fpat.dth * (double)TA;
    double dph = (double)fpat.dph * (double)TA;

    /* Open gplot file, abort on error */
    if( !Open_File(&fp, filename, "w") )
    fprintf( fp, _("# Radiation Pattern") );

    /* Distance of rdpattern point nearest to xyz origin */
    /*** Convert radiation pattern values
     * to points in 3d space in x,y,z axis ***/
    phi = (double)fpat.phis * (double)TA; /* In rads */

    /* Step phi angle */
    idx = 0;
    for( nph = 0; nph < fpat.nph; nph++ )
      theta = (double)fpat.thets * (double)TA; /* In rads */

      /* Step theta angle */
      for( nth = 0; nth < fpat.nth; nth++ )
        double x, y, z;

        /* Distance of pattern point from the xyz origin */
        r = Scale_Gain(
            rad_pattern[fstep].gtot[idx], fstep, idx );

        /* Distance of point's projection on xyz axis, from origin */
        z = r * cos(theta);
        r *= sin(theta);
        x = r * cos(phi);
        y = r * sin(phi);

        /* Print to file */
        fprintf( fp, "%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E\n", x, y, z );

        /* Step theta in rads */
        theta += dth;
      } /* for( nth = 0; nth < fpat.nth; nth++ ) */

      /* Step phi in rads */
      phi += dph;
    } /* for( nph = 0; nph < fpat.nph; nph++ ) */

  } /* if( isFlagSet(ENABLE_RDPAT) && (calc_data.fstep >= 0) ) */

  if( fp != NULL ) fclose(fp);
} /* Save_RadPattern_Gnuplot_Data() */
Beispiel #14
Datei: test.c Projekt: jz685/OS
int writefileback (int inode_number, char *outputdir)
	char* filenameTemp;
	int len, index;
	pid_t childpid;
	filenameTemp = Directory_Structure[inode_number].Filename;
	fprintf (stderr, "filenameTemp is %s\n", filenameTemp);
	len = Inode_List[inode_number].File_Size;
	fprintf (stderr, "len is %d\n", len);
	char* to_read = (char*) malloc(len );	
	//Read_File(inode_number, 0, length, to_read);
	FILE *fw;
	index = Open_File(filenameTemp);
	char writefilepath[100];
	char newpath[100];
	sprintf(writefilepath, "%s/%s", outputdir, filenameTemp);
	sprintf(newpath, "%s%s", writefilepath, "encd");
	fprintf (stderr, "writefilepath is %s\n", writefilepath);
	if (Read_File( inode_number, 0, len, to_read) > 0)
		//fprintf(stderr,"%s\t", to_read);
		fw = fopen(newpath, "w");
		if(fw != NULL)
			int i = 0;
			while(i < len)
				fputc(to_read[i], fw);
			fprintf(stderr,"Oops, can't open\n");
	childpid = fork();	
	//error handling
	if (childpid == -1) 
		perror("Failed to fork");
		return 1;
	//child code
	if (childpid == 0) 
		fprintf(stderr, "--------------I am the child----------------\n");
		//char filepath[100];
		//char newpath[100];
		//sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", dir, d_name);
		//sprintf(newpath, "%s%s", filepath, "encd");
		fprintf(stderr,"writefilepath is %s \t newpath is %s\t\n", writefilepath, newpath);
		char cmd[200];
		strcpy(cmd, "base64");
		strcat(cmd, " -d ");
		strcat(cmd, newpath);
		strcat(cmd, " > ");
		strcat(cmd, writefilepath);
		execlp("/bin/bash", "bash", "-c", cmd, NULL);
		//execl("/usr/bin/base64", "base64", filepath, ">", newpath);
		while(r_wait(NULL) > 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "Parent Wait\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "--------------I am the parent----------------\n");

	return 0;