Beispiel #1
int main(void)
    parsercontext p;
	//size_t size, night, density, touchscreen, keyboard, textinput, navstate, navmethod;

	// Core-C init phase

	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("size"), Size, sizeof(Size)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("night"), Night, sizeof(Night)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("density"), Density, sizeof(Density)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("touchscreen"), TouchScreen, sizeof(TouchScreen)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("keyboard"), Keyboard, sizeof(Keyboard)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("textinput"), TextInput, sizeof(TextInput)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("navstate"), NavigationState, sizeof(NavigationState)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("navmethod"), NavigationMethod, sizeof(NavigationMethod)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("aspect"), Aspect, sizeof(Aspect)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("orientation"), Orientation, sizeof(Orientation)/sizeof(tchar_t*));
	OutputArrayValues(&p, T("uimode"), Mode, sizeof(Mode)/sizeof(tchar_t*));

#if 0
	for (size = 0; size < sizeof(Size)/sizeof(tchar_t*); ++size)
		for (night = 0; night < sizeof(Night)/sizeof(tchar_t*); ++night)
			for (density = 0; density < sizeof(Density)/sizeof(tchar_t*); ++density)
				for (touchscreen = 0; touchscreen < sizeof(TouchScreen)/sizeof(tchar_t*); ++touchscreen)
					for (keyboard = 0; keyboard < sizeof(Keyboard)/sizeof(tchar_t*); ++keyboard)
						for (textinput = 0; textinput < sizeof(TextInput)/sizeof(tchar_t*); ++textinput)
							for (navstate = 0; navstate < sizeof(NavigationState)/sizeof(tchar_t*); ++navstate)
								for (navmethod = 0; navmethod < sizeof(NavigationMethod)/sizeof(tchar_t*); ++navmethod)
									OutputValues(&p, size, night, density, touchscreen, keyboard, textinput, navstate, navmethod);

	// Core-C ending

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
static HRESULT OutputBitmapPalette(IStream *stream, UINT frameNum, IWICPalette *palette)

    if (stream && palette)
        UINT colorCount = 0;
        WICColor *colors = NULL;

        result = S_OK;

        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            result = palette->GetColorCount(&colorCount);

        if (colorCount > 0)

            if (SUCCEEDED(result))
                colors = new WICColor[colorCount];

                if (NULL == colors)
                    result = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

            if (SUCCEEDED(result))
                UINT cActualColors = 0;
                result = palette->GetColors(colorCount, colors, &cActualColors);

            if (SUCCEEDED(result))
                BeginBlock(stream, "PAL", frameNum);
                OutputValue(stream, colorCount);
                OutputValues(stream, colors, colorCount);
                result = EndBlock(stream);

            if (colors)
                delete[] colors;

    return result;
Beispiel #3
static HRESULT OutputColorContext(IStream *stream, UINT frameNum, UINT colorContextCount, IWICColorContext **colorContext)
    if (stream && colorContext)
        BeginBlock(stream, "COL", frameNum);
        for(int i = 0; i < colorContextCount; i++)
            UINT numBytes = 0;
            BYTE *bytes = NULL;
            result = S_OK;

            if (SUCCEEDED(result))
                result = colorContext[i]->GetProfileBytes(0, NULL, &numBytes);

            if (numBytes > 0)
                if (SUCCEEDED(result))
                    bytes = new BYTE[numBytes];
                    if (NULL == bytes)
                        result = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

                if (SUCCEEDED(result))
                    result = colorContext[i]->GetProfileBytes(numBytes, bytes, &numBytes);

                if (SUCCEEDED(result))
                    OutputValue(stream, numBytes);
                    OutputValues(stream, bytes, numBytes);                    

                if (bytes)
                    delete[] bytes;
       result = EndBlock(stream);
    return result;
Beispiel #4
static HRESULT BeginBlock(IStream *stream, LPCSTR name, UINT frameNum)
    HRESULT result = S_OK;

    if (NULL == stream)
        result = E_INVALIDARG;

    // Remember where we are
    if (SUCCEEDED(result))
        LARGE_INTEGER zero = { 0 };
        result = stream->Seek(zero, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &lastBlockPos);

    // The number of bytes is stored as zero for now. The function EndBlock will write the
    // correct value later.
    UINT numBytes = 0;

    // Output the name
    if (SUCCEEDED(result))
        result = OutputValues(stream, name, 4);                        

    // Output the frame number
    if (SUCCEEDED(result))
        result = OutputValue(stream, frameNum);

    // Output the size
    if (SUCCEEDED(result))
        result = OutputValue(stream, numBytes);

    return result;
Beispiel #5
static HRESULT OutputBitmapSource(IStream *stream, LPCSTR name, UINT frameNum,
                                  double dpiX, double dpiY,
                                  IWICBitmapSource *source)

    if (stream && source)
        UINT width = 0, height = 0;
        UINT stride = 0;
        WICPixelFormatGUID pixelFormat;
        BYTE *pixels = NULL;

        result = S_OK;

        // Retrieve the dimensions of the source
        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            result = source->GetSize(&width, &height);

        // Optionally retrieve the resolution
        if (SUCCEEDED(result) && (dpiX == 0 || dpiY == 0))
            result = source->GetResolution(&dpiX, &dpiY);

        // Get the pixel format
        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            result = source->GetPixelFormat(&pixelFormat);

        // Get the stride
        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            stride = GetScanlineStride(width, pixelFormat);

            if (stride < 1)
                result = E_UNEXPECTED;

        // Allocate the pixels
        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            pixels = new BYTE[stride * height];

            if (NULL == pixels)
                result = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

        // Get the pixels
        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            WICRect rct;
            rct.X = 0;
            rct.Y = 0;
            rct.Width = width;
            rct.Height = height;

            result = source->CopyPixels(&rct, stride, stride * height, pixels);

        // Output everything
        if (SUCCEEDED(result))
            BeginBlock(stream, name, frameNum);
            OutputValue(stream, width);
            OutputValue(stream, height);
            OutputValue(stream, dpiX);
            OutputValue(stream, dpiY);
            OutputValue(stream, stride);
            OutputValue(stream, pixelFormat);
            OutputValues(stream, pixels, stride*height);
            result = EndBlock(stream);

        if (pixels)
            delete[] pixels;

    return result;