int frameIsLastFrame (uint8_t *data)
  int retVal = 0;
  if (PAVE_CHECK (data))
      parrot_video_encapsulation_t *PaVE = (parrot_video_encapsulation_t *)data;
      if (PAVE_CTRL_LAST_FRAME_IN_STREAM & PaVE->control)
          retVal = 1;
  return retVal;
C_RESULT video_stage_merge_slices_transform(video_stage_merge_slices_config_t *cfg, vp_api_io_data_t *in, vp_api_io_data_t *out)
  bool_t switchBuffers;
  bool_t dataReady = 0;
  video_stage_merge_slices_buffer_t *buf;
  int dataSize;
  parrot_video_encapsulation_t *PaVE;
  parrot_video_encapsulation_t *mergingPaVE;
  out->size = 0;

  if(out->status == VP_API_STATUS_INIT)
      /* By default, feed the next stage with our local output */
      out->numBuffers   = 1;
      out->buffers      = cfg->bufs[0].bufferPointer;
      out->buffers[0]   = cfg->bufs[0].buffer;
      out->indexBuffer  = 0;
      out->lineSize     = 0;
      out->status       = VP_API_STATUS_PROCESSING;
  // check input
  PaVE         = (parrot_video_encapsulation_t *) in->buffers[in->indexBuffer];
  mergingPaVE  = (parrot_video_encapsulation_t *) cfg->bufs[cfg->mergingBuffer].buffer;

  VIDEO_SLICE_DEBUG("PAVE frm %d  sl %d/%d  %s\n ",
                    (PaVE->frame_type == FRAME_TYPE_I_FRAME || PaVE->frame_type == FRAME_TYPE_IDR_FRAME) ? "I-frm":"p-frm" );

  if ( (PaVE==NULL) || (!PAVE_CHECK(PaVE)) || (PaVE->total_slices == 1) )
      // No slices, just send the data to the next stage

      /* Feed the next stage with the previous stage's output */
      out->buffers     = in->buffers;
      out->indexBuffer = in->indexBuffer;
      out->lineSize    = in->lineSize;
      out->numBuffers  = in->numBuffers;
      out->status      = in->status;
      out->size        = in->size;
      out->status      = VP_API_STATUS_PROCESSING;
      /* Get rid of previously accumulated data */

      /* IPHONE DEBUG : set slices miss to 0/1 (to avoid keeping old/fake slice datas) */
      DEBUG_totalSlices = 1;
      DEBUG_nbSlices = 0;
      return C_OK;
   * Check if the incoming PaVE belongs to the same frame.
  switchBuffers = (mergingPaVE)  /* At program startup this buffer is empty and switching makes no sense */
    && ( !(pave_is_same_frame(PaVE,mergingPaVE)) );
  /* If not the same frame, start building a new one */
  if (switchBuffers)

      if (0 != DEBUG_prevNumber)
          int DEBUG_tempMiss = (PaVE->frame_number - (DEBUG_prevNumber + 1));
          if (0 < DEBUG_tempMiss)
              DEBUG_missed += DEBUG_tempMiss;
      DEBUG_prevNumber = PaVE->frame_number;

      cfg->readyBuffer   = cfg->mergingBuffer;
      cfg->mergingBuffer = (cfg->mergingBuffer+1)%2;

      cfg->bufs[cfg->mergingBuffer].accumulated_size = 0;
      cfg->bufs[cfg->mergingBuffer].nb_slices = 0;

  /* Get a pointer to the buffer to store data to */
  buf = &cfg->bufs[cfg->mergingBuffer];

  // Check destination buffer size
  if (buf->buffer_size < (buf->accumulated_size + in->size))
      buf->buffer_size = buf->accumulated_size + in->size;
      buf->buffer = vp_os_realloc(buf->buffer, buf->buffer_size );
      if(!buf->buffer) { return C_FAIL; }

  /* Copy data */
  if (PaVE->slice_index == 0 || buf->accumulated_size==0)
      /* Copy the entire packet */
      if (buf->buffer) { vp_os_memcpy(buf->buffer, PaVE, in->size); }
      buf->accumulated_size = in->size;
#define mymin(x,y) ( ((x)<(y))?(x):(y) )
      /* Copy only the payload */
      dataSize = mymin(PaVE->payload_size,in->size); /* safety if the PaVE is corrupted */

      if (buf->buffer) { vp_os_memcpy(buf->buffer + buf->accumulated_size, in->buffers[in->indexBuffer] + PaVE->header_size, dataSize); }
      buf->accumulated_size += dataSize;

  /* Select the buffer to send to the next stage */
  if (PaVE->slice_index == PaVE->total_slices - 1)
      /* The buffer we just used for merging is ready to be sent */
      cfg->readyBuffer   = cfg->mergingBuffer;
      cfg->mergingBuffer = (cfg->mergingBuffer+1)%2;
      cfg->bufs[cfg->mergingBuffer].accumulated_size = 0;
      cfg->bufs[cfg->mergingBuffer].nb_slices = 0;
      dataReady = 1;
  else if (switchBuffers)
      /* Send the previous buffer if it contains something */
      dataReady = 1;

  // If slice was the last one, continue to next stage
  if (dataReady)
      buf = &cfg->bufs[cfg->readyBuffer];

      if (buf->buffer && buf->accumulated_size)
          int totalSlices;
          parrot_video_encapsulation_t *newPaVE = (parrot_video_encapsulation_t *) buf->buffer;

          /* Save the old value of total slices */
          totalSlices = newPaVE->total_slices;

          newPaVE->payload_size = buf->accumulated_size - PaVE->header_size;
          newPaVE->slice_index  = 0;
          newPaVE->total_slices = 1;

          /* Feed the next stage with our local output */
          out->size         = buf->accumulated_size;
          out->buffers      = buf->bufferPointer;
          out->buffers[0]   = buf->buffer;
          out->indexBuffer  = 0;
          out->numBuffers   = 1;
          out->lineSize     = 0;
          out->status       = VP_API_STATUS_PROCESSING;

          if(!PAVE_CHECK(buf->buffer)) { printf("%s:%d - No PaVE !\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);  assert(0==1); }

          if (buf->nb_slices != totalSlices) { printf("Missing slices (%d)\n",totalSlices-buf->nb_slices); }
          DEBUG_nbSlices = 0.9*DEBUG_nbSlices + 0.1*(totalSlices-buf->nb_slices);
          DEBUG_totalSlices = 0.9*DEBUG_totalSlices + 0.1*totalSlices;
      out->size = 0;

  if (out->size)
      PaVE = (parrot_video_encapsulation_t*) out->buffers[0];
      VIDEO_SLICE_DEBUG("Switch %d - Sending - PAVE frm %d  sl %d/%d\n ",
                        PaVE->total_slices );}

  return C_OK;
C_RESULT video_stage_encoded_recorder_transform(video_stage_encoded_recorder_config_t *cfg, vp_api_io_data_t *in, vp_api_io_data_t *out)
	vp_os_mutex_lock (&out->lock);
  vp_os_mutex_lock (&cfg->videoMutex);

  // Copy in to out
  if (NULL != in && NULL != out)
  out->numBuffers   = in->numBuffers;
  out->indexBuffer  = in->indexBuffer;
  out->lineSize     = in->lineSize;
  out->size         = in->size;
  out->status       = in->status;
  out->buffers      = in->buffers;
  out->status       = VP_API_STATUS_PROCESSING;

  uint8_t *slice = in->buffers[in->indexBuffer];
  parrot_video_encapsulation_t *PaVE = (parrot_video_encapsulation_t *)slice;

  if (cfg->lastStreamId == PaVE->stream_id)
      VER_PRINT ("Got a video slice from an old stream, skipping\n");
      vp_os_mutex_unlock (&cfg->videoMutex);
      vp_os_mutex_unlock (&out->lock);
      return C_OK;
  if(cfg->startRec == VIDEO_ENCODED_START_RECORD)
      ardrone_video_error_t vError = ARDRONE_VIDEO_NO_ERROR;

      cfg->video = ardrone_video_start (cfg->video_filename, cfg->fps, VIDEO_FORMAT, &vError);
      if (ARDRONE_VIDEO_SUCCEEDED (vError) && NULL != cfg->video)
          cfg->currentStreamId = PaVE->stream_id;
          VER_PRINT ("An error occured when creating video");

  if((cfg->startRec == VIDEO_ENCODED_RECORDING) ||

      /* Quick and dirty debugging inside AR.Drone Navigation */
      if (PAVE_CHECK(slice))
    	  parrot_video_encapsulation_t * pave = (parrot_video_encapsulation_t*) slice;
     	  printf("Recording frame %dx%d num %d   \n\033[1A",pave->display_width,pave->display_height,pave->frame_number);
    	  if (pave->control & PAVE_CTRL_LAST_FRAME_IN_STREAM) {
    		  printf("\n\nEnd of stream PaVE received !\n\n");
      ardrone_video_error_t vError = ardrone_video_addSlice (cfg->video, slice);
      if (ARDRONE_VIDEO_FAILED (vError))
          char errBuf [50] = {0};
          ardrone_video_error_string (vError, errBuf, 50);
          VER_PRINT ("Error while recording frame : %s", errBuf);
          ardrone_video_cleanup (&(cfg->video));
          cfg->startRec = VIDEO_ENCODED_STOPPED;
      if (1 == frameIsLastFrame (slice))
          VER_PRINT ("Received last frame for current stream, finishing video\n");
          video_stage_encoded_recorder_finish (cfg);

  vp_os_mutex_unlock (&cfg->videoMutex);
  vp_os_mutex_unlock (&out->lock);
  return C_OK;