int main(int argc, char** argv) { pid_t pid; try { CIMClient client; client.connect("localhost", 5988, "", ""); if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { cout << "Fork Error\n" << endl; exit(0); } else if (pid == 0) { // child sleep(10); EnumerateInstancesTiming(client, CLASSONE); _exit(0); } // parent sleep(10); EnumerateInstancesTiming(client, CLASSTWO); sleep(5); EnumerateClassesTiming(client, "TimingSampleClass"); } catch(Exception& e) { PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << "Error: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD(endl); exit(1); } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char* argv []) { MTTestClient command = MTTestClient (); int rc; try { command.setCommand (argc, argv); } catch (const CommandFormatException& cfe) { cerr << MTTestClient::COMMAND_NAME << ": " << cfe.getMessage () << endl; cerr << command.getUsage () << endl; exit (Command::RC_ERROR); } catch (const Exception& e) { cerr << MTTestClient::COMMAND_NAME << ": " << e.getMessage () << endl; } rc = command.execute (cout, cerr); PEGASUS_STD(cout) << "+++++ passed all tests" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); exit (rc); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { CIMClient client; try { client.connectLocal (); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); return -1; } if (argc != 3) { _usage (); return 1; } const char* opt = argv[1]; const char* optLang = argv[2]; String qlang(optLang); #ifndef PEGASUS_ENABLE_CQL if (qlang == "DMTF:CQL") { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << "+++++ cql test disabled" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); return 0; } #endif return _test(client, opt, qlang); }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { String stringVal; verbose = (getenv("PEGASUS_TEST_VERBOSE")) ? true : false; CIMClient client; try { client.connectLocal (); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); return -1; } _enumerateInstanceNames(client); _getInstance(client); _setProperty(client, 7890); _getProperty(client); // getProperty() only returns CIMValues of type String. value.get(stringVal); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(atoi((const char*)stringVal.getCString())==7890); _setProperty(client,1234); _getProperty(client); // getProperty() only returns CIMValues of type String. // Verify that setProperty worked as expected. value.get(stringVal); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(atoi((const char*)stringVal.getCString())==1234); return 0; }
void _usage () { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "Usage: TestDisableEnable2 " << "{setup | setup2 | create | create2 " << "| sendSucceed | sendFail | sendBlock " << "| delete | delete2 | cleanup | cleanup2} {WQL | DMTF:CQL}" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { CIMClient client; client.connect("localhost", 5988, String::EMPTY, String::EMPTY); Array<CIMInstance> ia; try { ia = client.enumerateInstances(NAMESPACE,CIMName("PG_WBEMSLPTemplate")); } catch (Exception& e) { cout<<e.getMessage()<<endl; } // There should be one instance if (ia.size() == 0) { cout << "+++++ Error: enumerateInstances on WBEMSLPTemplate" << endl; cout << "+++++ Test failed" << endl; return 1; } else { Array<CIMObjectPath> instanceNames = client.enumerateInstanceNames(NAMESPACE,CIMName("CIM_WBEMSLPTemplate")); for (Uint32 i = 0; i < instanceNames.size(); i++) { CIMInstance i1 = client.getInstance(NAMESPACE,instanceNames[i]); Uint32 NumProperties; cout << "Getting all properties for WBEMSLPTemplate instance ..... " << i+1 <<"\n"; NumProperties = i1.getPropertyCount(); for(Uint32 i=0;i<NumProperties;i++) { CIMProperty p1=i1.getProperty(i); CIMValue v1=p1.getValue(); CIMName n1=p1.getName(); cout << n1.getString() << " is " << v1.toString() << "\n"; } } } } catch(Exception& e) { PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << "Error: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD(endl); exit(1); } cout << "Client Execution finished"<< endl; return 0; }
void RT_IndicationProvider::_checkOperationContext(const OperationContext& context, const String & funcName) { // // Test the filter query container // SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer qContainer = context.get(SubscriptionFilterQueryContainer::NAME); if (qContainer.getFilterQuery() == String::EMPTY) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << funcName << "- empty filter query" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); throw CIMOperationFailedException(funcName + "- empty filter query"); } if (qContainer.getQueryLanguage() == String::EMPTY) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << funcName << "- empty filter query lang" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); throw CIMOperationFailedException(funcName + "- empty filter query lang"); } CIMNamespaceName tst("root/SampleProvider"); if (!qContainer.getSourceNameSpace().equal(tst)) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << funcName << "- incorrect source namespace" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); throw CIMOperationFailedException(funcName + "- incorrect source namespace"); } try { // // Try to parse the filter query from the filter query container // CIMOMHandleQueryContext ctx(qContainer.getSourceNameSpace(), _cimom); QueryExpression qe(qContainer.getQueryLanguage(), qContainer.getFilterQuery(), ctx); // Exercise the QueryExpression...this will cause repository access through // the CIMOMHandleQueryContext. qe.validate(); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << funcName << "- parse error: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD(endl); throw CIMOperationFailedException(funcName + "- parse error: " + e.getMessage()); } // // Test the filter condition container. // Note: since this only contains the WHERE clause, the condition could be empty (and will // be for some testcases) // SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer cContainer = context.get(SubscriptionFilterConditionContainer::NAME); if (cContainer.getQueryLanguage() == String::EMPTY) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << funcName << "- empty filter condition lang" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); throw CIMOperationFailedException(funcName + "- empty filter condition lang"); } }
int _test(CIMClient& client, const char* opt, String& qlang) { if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "setup")) { _setup (client, qlang); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "setup2")) { _setup2 (client, qlang); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "create")) { _create (client); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "create2")) { _create2 (client); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "sendSucceed")) { _sendSucceed (client); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "sendFail")) { _sendFail (client); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "sendBlock")) { _sendBlock (client); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "delete")) { _delete (client); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "delete2")) { _delete2 (client); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "cleanup")) { _cleanup (client); } else if (String::equalNoCase (opt, "cleanup2")) { _cleanup2 (client); } else { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "Invalid option: " << opt << PEGASUS_STD (endl); _usage (); return -1; } return 0; }
void MessageQueueService::handle_CimServiceStop(CimServiceStop *req) { #ifdef MESSAGEQUEUESERVICE_DEBUG PEGASUS_STD(cout) << getQueueName() << "received STOP" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); #endif // set the stopeed bit and update _capabilities |= module_capabilities::stopped; _make_response(req, async_results::CIM_STOPPED); // now tell the meta dispatcher we are stopped update_service(_capabilities, _mask); }
void OOPModuleFailureTestProvider::invokeMethod ( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & objectReference, const CIMName & methodName, const Array <CIMParamValue> & inParameters, MethodResultResponseHandler & handler) { Boolean sendIndication = false; String identifier; handler.processing (); if (objectReference.getClassName ().equal ("FailureTestIndication") && _enabled) { if (methodName.equal ("SendTestIndication")) { if ((inParameters.size() > 0) && (inParameters[0].getParameterName () == "identifier")) { inParameters[0].getValue().get(identifier); } sendIndication = true; handler.deliver (CIMValue (0)); } } else { handler.deliver (CIMValue (1)); PEGASUS_STD (cout) << "Provider is not enabled." << PEGASUS_STD (endl); } handler.complete (); if (sendIndication) { _generateIndication (_handler, identifier); } // // If I am the OOPModuleInvokeFailureTestProvider, fail (i.e. exit) // if (String::equalNoCase (_providerName, "OOPModuleInvokeFailureTestProvider")) { if (methodName.equal ("Fail")) { exit (-1); } } }
int removeErrorInstance(CIMClient& client) { try { client.deleteInstance(TEST_NAMESPACE, errorPath); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << "Exception encountered while removing Error Instance: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD(endl); } return 0; }
int retrieveIndicationInstance(CIMClient& client) { // Approximates a timeout, each loop is roughly 1 second Uint32 loopCount = 0; while ((receivedIndications == 0) && (loopCount < MAX_COUNT)) { Thread::sleep(1000); loopCount++; } AutoMutex a(*mut); Array<CIMInstance> indications; try { indications = client.enumerateInstances( TEST_NAMESPACE, "PG_InstMethodIndication"); } catch (Exception& e) { cout << "Exception caught while enumerating indications: " << e.getMessage() << endl; return -1; } if (indications.size() != 5) { cout << "Expected to get one instance. Received " << indications.size() << endl; return -1; } indicationInstance.reset(new CIMInstance(indications[0])); if (receivedIndication.get() == 0) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << "Did not receive indication via listener" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); return -1; } if (!indicationInstance->identical(*receivedIndication)) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << "Indication instance retrieved via listener does not match " << "instance retrieved via enumeration" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); return -1; } return 0; }
void MessageQueueService::handle_CimServiceStart(CimServiceStart *req) { #ifdef MESSAGEQUEUESERVICE_DEBUG PEGASUS_STD(cout) << getQueueName() << "received START" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); #endif // clear the stoped bit and update _capabilities &= (~(module_capabilities::stopped)); _make_response(req, async_results::OK); // now tell the meta dispatcher we are stopped update_service(_capabilities, _mask); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { verbose = (getenv ("PEGASUS_TEST_VERBOSE")) ? true : false; const char* _pegHome = getenv ("PEGASUS_HOME"); if (_pegHome == NULL) { PEGASUS_STD (cout) << argv[0] << " +++++ tests failed: " << "PEGASUS_HOME environment variable must be set" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); return -1; } ConfigManager::setPegasusHome(_pegHome); try { String name; String ver; name = "C++Default"; ver = "2.1.0"; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT( ProviderManagerMap::instance().isValidProvMgrIfc(name, ver)); ver = "2.6.0"; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT( ProviderManagerMap::instance().isValidProvMgrIfc(name, ver)); name = "Junk"; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT( !ProviderManagerMap::instance().isValidProvMgrIfc(name, ver)); #ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_CMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER name = "CMPI"; ver = "2.0.0"; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT( ProviderManagerMap::instance().isValidProvMgrIfc(name, ver)); ver = "1.2.3"; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT( !ProviderManagerMap::instance().isValidProvMgrIfc(name, ver)); #endif #ifdef PEGASUS_ENABLE_JMPI_PROVIDER_MANAGER name = "JMPI"; ver = "2.2.0"; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT( ProviderManagerMap::instance().isValidProvMgrIfc(name, ver)); #endif } catch(Exception& e) { PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << "Error: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD(endl); PEGASUS_STD (cout) << argv[0] << " +++++ tests failed" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit(-1); } PEGASUS_STD(cout) << argv[0] << " +++++ passed all tests" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); return 0; }
void _sendBlock (CIMClient & client) { try { _sendIndicationShouldBeBlocked (client); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "sendBlock failed: " << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit (-1); } PEGASUS_STD (cout) << "+++++ sendBlock completed successfully" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); }
void RT_IndicationProvider::invokeMethod( const OperationContext & context, const CIMObjectPath & objectReference, const CIMName & methodName, const Array<CIMParamValue> & inParameters, MethodResultResponseHandler & handler) { Boolean sendIndication = false; handler.processing(); if (objectReference.getClassName().equal ("RT_TestIndication") && _enabled) { if ((methodName.equal ("SendTestIndication")) || (methodName.equal ("SendTestIndicationNormal")) || (methodName.equal ("SendTestIndicationMissingProperty")) || (methodName.equal ("SendTestIndicationExtraProperty")) || (methodName.equal ("SendTestIndicationMatchingInstance")) || (methodName.equal ("SendTestIndicationUnmatchingNamespace")) || (methodName.equal ("SendTestIndicationUnmatchingClassName"))) { sendIndication = true; handler.deliver( CIMValue( 0 ) ); } } else if ((objectReference.getClassName ().equal ("RT_TestIndicationSubclass")) && _enabled) { if (methodName.equal ("SendTestIndicationSubclass")) { sendIndication = true; handler.deliver( CIMValue( 0 ) ); } } else { handler.deliver( CIMValue( 1 ) ); PEGASUS_STD(cout) << "Provider is not enabled." << PEGASUS_STD(endl); } handler.complete(); if (sendIndication) _generateIndication(_handler, methodName); }
void _cleanup2 (CIMClient & client) { try { _deleteHandlerInstance (client, String ("DEHandler02"), NAMESPACE2); _deleteFilterInstance (client, String ("DEFilter02"), NAMESPACE1); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "cleanup2 failed: " << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit (-1); } PEGASUS_STD (cout) << "+++++ cleanup2 completed successfully" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); }
void _delete2 (CIMClient & client) { try { _deleteSubscriptionInstance (client, String ("DEFilter02"), String ("DEHandler02"), NAMESPACE1, NAMESPACE2, NAMESPACE3); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "delete2 failed: " << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit (-1); } PEGASUS_STD (cout) << "+++++ delete2 completed successfully" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); }
void _testDuplicate(CIMClient &client) { CIMObjectPath filterPath; CIMObjectPath handlerPath; CIMObjectPath subscriptionPath; try { handlerPath = CreateHandler1Instance(client, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); filterPath = CreateFilterInstance(client, QUERY1, "WQL", "Filter1", PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); subscriptionPath = CreateSbscriptionInstance(client, handlerPath, filterPath, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); _createDuplicate(client, String::EMPTY, CIMNamespaceName(), filterPath, String::EMPTY, CIMNamespaceName(), handlerPath); _createDuplicate(client, String::EMPTY, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, filterPath, String::EMPTY,PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, handlerPath); _createDuplicate(client, "", PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, filterPath, String::EMPTY, CIMNamespaceName(), handlerPath); _createDuplicate(client, "",PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, filterPath, "", PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, handlerPath); _createDuplicate(client, String::EMPTY, CIMNamespaceName(), filterPath, "", PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, handlerPath); _checkSubscriptionCount(client); DeleteInstance(client, subscriptionPath, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); DeleteInstance(client, filterPath, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); DeleteInstance(client, handlerPath, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); } catch (const CIMException &e) { PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << "Exception: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD (endl); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(0); } }
static Boolean verifyCertificate(SSLCertificateInfo &certInfo) { #ifdef DEBUG PEGASUS_STD(cout) << certInfo.getSubjectName() << endl; #endif //ATTN-NB-03-05132002: Add code to handle server certificate verification. return true; }
int ServerProcess::cimserver_fork(void) { getSigHandle()->registerHandler(PEGASUS_SIGUSR1, sigUsr1Handler); getSigHandle()->activate(PEGASUS_SIGUSR1); getSigHandle()->registerHandler(SIGTERM, sigTermHandler); getSigHandle()->activate(SIGTERM); pid_t pid; if( (pid = fork() ) < 0) { getSigHandle()->deactivate(PEGASUS_SIGUSR1); getSigHandle()->deactivate(SIGTERM); return(-1); } else if (pid != 0) { // // parent wait for child // if there is a problem with signal, parent process terminates // when waitTime expires // Uint32 waitTime = MAX_WAIT_TIME; while(!handleSigUsr1 && waitTime > 0) { sleep(1); waitTime--; } if( !handleSigUsr1 ) { MessageLoaderParms parms("src.Service.ServerProcessUnix.CIMSERVER_START_TIMEOUT", "The cimserver command timed out waiting for the CIM server to start."); PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << MessageLoader::getMessage(parms) << PEGASUS_STD(endl); } exit(graveError); } setsid(); umask(0); // get the pid of the cimserver process server_pid = getpid(); return(0); }
void _getInstance(CIMClient & client) { try { instance = client.getInstance(SOURCE_NAMESPACE, objectNames[0]); if (verbose) { XmlWriter::printInstanceElement(instance, PEGASUS_STD(cout)); PEGASUS_STD (cout) << "+++++ getInstance completed successfully" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); } } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "getInstance failed: " << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit (-1); } }
// // Tests subscription creation by sending the similar concurrent subscription // creation requests . // void _testConcurrent(CIMClient &client) { CIMObjectPath filterPath; CIMObjectPath handlerPath; CIMObjectPath subscriptionPath; try { HandlerPath = CreateHandler1Instance(client, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); FilterPath = CreateFilterInstance(client, QUERY1, "WQL", "Filter1", PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); Thread thread1(createSubscriptionFunc, (void *)0, false); Thread thread2(createSubscriptionFunc, (void *)0, false); Thread thread3(createSubscriptionFunc, (void *)0, false); Thread thread4(createSubscriptionFunc, (void *)0, false);;;;; thread1.join(); thread2.join(); thread3.join(); thread4.join(); _checkSubscriptionCount(client); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(exceptionCount.get() == 3); DeleteInstance(client, SubscriptionPath, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); DeleteInstance(client, FilterPath, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); DeleteInstance(client, HandlerPath, PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP); } catch(const CIMException &e) { PEGASUS_STD(cerr) << "Exception: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD (endl); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(0); } }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { verbose = getenv ("PEGASUS_TEST_VERBOSE") ? true : false; try { test01 (); PEGASUS_STD (cout) << argv [0] << " +++++ passed all tests" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << argv [0] << " Exception " << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit (1); } return 0; }
void _create2 (CIMClient & client) { try { _createSubscriptionInstance (client, _buildFilterOrHandlerPath (PEGASUS_CLASSNAME_INDFILTER, "DEFilter02", NAMESPACE1), _buildFilterOrHandlerPath (PEGASUS_CLASSNAME_INDHANDLER_CIMXML, "DEHandler02", NAMESPACE2), NAMESPACE3); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "create2 failed: " << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit (-1); } PEGASUS_STD (cout) << "+++++ create2 completed successfully" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); }
void MessageQueueService::handle_AsyncIoctl(AsyncIoctl *req) { switch (req->ctl) { case AsyncIoctl::IO_CLOSE: { MessageQueueService *service = static_cast<MessageQueueService *>(req->op->_service_ptr); #ifdef MESSAGEQUEUESERVICE_DEBUG PEGASUS_STD(cout) << service->getQueueName() << " Received AsyncIoctl::IO_CLOSE " << PEGASUS_STD(endl); #endif // respond to this message. this is fire and forget, so we don't need to delete anything. // this takes care of two problems that were being found // << Thu Oct 9 10:52:48 2003 mdd >> _make_response(req, async_results::OK); // ensure we do not accept any further messages // ensure we don't recurse on IO_CLOSE if (_incoming_queue_shutdown.value() > 0) break; // set the closing flag service->_incoming_queue_shutdown = 1; // empty out the queue while (1) { AsyncOpNode *operation; try { operation = service->_incoming.remove_first(); } catch(IPCException &) { break; } if (operation) { operation->_service_ptr = service; service->_handle_incoming_operation(operation); } else break; } // message processing loop // shutdown the AsyncDQueue service->_incoming.shutdown_queue(); return; } default: _make_response(req, async_results::CIM_NAK); } }
void _setup2 (CIMClient & client, String& qlang) { try { _createFilterInstance (client, String ("DEFilter02"), String ("SELECT MethodName FROM Test_IndicationProviderClass"), qlang, NAMESPACE1); _createHandlerInstance (client, String ("DEHandler02"), String ("localhost/CIMListener/Pegasus_SimpleDisplayConsumer"), NAMESPACE2); } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "setup2 failed: " << e.getMessage () << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit (-1); } PEGASUS_STD (cout) << "+++++ setup2 completed successfully" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); }
int main(int, char** argv) { try { TestProviderManager myPM; myPM.unloadIdleProviders(); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(myPM.supportsRemoteNameSpaces() == false); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(myPM.hasActiveProviders() == true); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(myPM.processMessage(0) == 0); } catch (Exception& e) { PEGASUS_STD(cout) << "Exception: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD(endl); exit(1); } PEGASUS_STD(cout) << argv[0] << " +++++ passed all tests" << PEGASUS_STD(endl); return 0; }
static inline BufferRep* _reallocate(BufferRep* rep, Uint32 cap) { // Allocate an extra byte for null-termination performed by getData(). rep = (BufferRep*)realloc(rep, sizeof(BufferRep) + cap + 1); if (!rep) { throw PEGASUS_STD(bad_alloc)(); } rep->cap = cap; return rep; }
void _enumerateInstanceNames(CIMClient & client) { try { objectNames = client.enumerateInstanceNames( SOURCE_NAMESPACE, SAMPLE_CLASSNAME); if (verbose) { PEGASUS_STD (cout) << "+++++ enumerateInstanceNames " "completed successfully" << PEGASUS_STD (endl); } } catch (Exception & e) { PEGASUS_STD (cerr) << "enumerateInstanceNames failed: " << e.getMessage() << PEGASUS_STD (endl); exit (-1); } }