Beispiel #1
static pmix_status_t connect_to_peer(struct pmix_peer_t *peer,
                                     pmix_info_t *info, size_t ninfo)
    struct sockaddr_un *address;
    char *evar, **uri;
    pmix_status_t rc;
    int sd;
    pmix_socklen_t len;
    bool retried = false;

    pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                        "[%s:%d] connect to server",
                        __FILE__, __LINE__);

    /* if we are not a client, there is nothing we can do */
    if (!PMIX_PROC_IS_CLIENT(pmix_globals.mypeer)) {
        return PMIX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;

    /* if we don't have a path to the daemon rendezvous point,
     * then we need to return an error */
    if (NULL != (evar = getenv("PMIX_SERVER_URI2USOCK"))) {
        /* this is a v2.1+ server */
        pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops = pmix_bfrops_base_assign_module("v21");
        if (NULL == pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops) {
            return PMIX_ERR_INIT;
    } else if (NULL != (evar = getenv("PMIX_SERVER_URI"))) {
        /* this is a pre-v2.1 server - must use the v12 bfrops module */
        pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops = pmix_bfrops_base_assign_module("v12");
        if (NULL == pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops) {
            return PMIX_ERR_INIT;
    } else {
        /* let the caller know that the server isn't available */
    /* the server will be using the same bfrops as us */
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->compat.bfrops = pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops;
    /* mark that we are using the V1 protocol */
    pmix_globals.mypeer->protocol = PMIX_PROTOCOL_V1;

    uri = pmix_argv_split(evar, ':');
    if (3 != pmix_argv_count(uri)) {
        return PMIX_ERROR;
    /* set the server nspace */
    if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->info) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->info = PMIX_NEW(pmix_rank_info_t);
    if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr = PMIX_NEW(pmix_namespace_t);
    if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->nspace) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->nspace = strdup(uri[0]);
    if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.nspace) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.nspace = strdup(uri[0]);

    /* set the server rank */
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.rank = strtoull(uri[1], NULL, 10);

    /* setup the path to the daemon rendezvous point */
    memset(&mca_ptl_usock_component.connection, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
    address = (struct sockaddr_un*)&mca_ptl_usock_component.connection;
    address->sun_family = AF_UNIX;
    snprintf(address->sun_path, sizeof(address->sun_path)-1, "%s", uri[2]);
    /* if the rendezvous file doesn't exist, that's an error */
    if (0 != access(uri[2], R_OK)) {
        return PMIX_ERR_NOT_FOUND;

    /* establish the connection */
    len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un);
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = pmix_ptl_base_connect(&mca_ptl_usock_component.connection, len, &sd))) {
        return rc;
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->sd = sd;

    /* send our identity and any authentication credentials to the server */
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = send_connect_ack(sd))) {
        return rc;

    /* do whatever handshake is required */
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = recv_connect_ack(sd))) {
        if (PMIX_ERR_TEMP_UNAVAILABLE == rc) {
            /* give it two tries */
            if (!retried) {
                retried = true;
                goto retry;
        return rc;

    pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                        "sock_peer_try_connect: Connection across to server succeeded");

    /* mark the connection as made */
    pmix_globals.connected = true;


    /* setup recv event */
                      EV_READ | EV_PERSIST,
                      pmix_usock_recv_handler, pmix_client_globals.myserver);
    pmix_event_add(&pmix_client_globals.myserver->recv_event, 0);
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->recv_ev_active = true;
    pmix_event_add(&pmix_client_globals.myserver->recv_event, 0);

    /* setup send event */
                      pmix_usock_send_handler, pmix_client_globals.myserver);
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->send_ev_active = false;

    return PMIX_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
static pmix_status_t send_connect_ack(int sd)
    char *msg;
    pmix_ptl_hdr_t hdr;
    size_t sdsize=0, csize=0;
    pmix_byte_object_t cred;
    char *sec, *bfrops, *gds;
    pmix_bfrop_buffer_type_t bftype;
    pmix_status_t rc;
    uint8_t flag;
    uid_t euid;
    gid_t egid;
    uint32_t u32;

    pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                        "pmix:tcp SEND CONNECT ACK");

    /* if we are a server, then we shouldn't be here */
    if (PMIX_PROC_IS_SERVER(pmix_globals.mypeer)) {
        return PMIX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;

    /* setup the header */
    memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(pmix_ptl_hdr_t));
    hdr.pindex = -1;
    hdr.tag = UINT32_MAX;

    /* a security module was assigned to us during rte_init based
     * on a list of available security modules provided by our
     * local PMIx server, if known. Now use that module to
     * get a credential, if the security system provides one. Not
     * every psec module will do so, thus we must first check */
    PMIX_PSEC_CREATE_CRED(rc, pmix_globals.mypeer,
                          NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cred);
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
        pmix_output(0, "OUCH: %d", __LINE__);
        return rc;

    /* allow space for a marker indicating client vs tool */
    sdsize = 1;

    if (PMIX_PROC_IS_CLIENT(pmix_globals.mypeer)) {
        flag = 0;
        /* reserve space for our nspace and rank info */
        sdsize += strlen(pmix_globals.myid.nspace) + 1 + sizeof(int);
    } else {
        flag = 1;
        /* add space for our uid/gid for ACL purposes */
        sdsize += 2*sizeof(uint32_t);

    /* add the name of our active sec module - we selected it
     * in pmix_client.c prior to entering here */
    sec = pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.psec->name;

    /* add our active bfrops module name */
    bfrops = pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops->version;
    /* and the type of buffer we are using */
    bftype = pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.type;

    /* add our active gds module for working with the server */
    gds = (char*)pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->compat.gds->name;

    /* set the number of bytes to be read beyond the header */
    hdr.nbytes = sdsize + strlen(PMIX_VERSION) + 1 + strlen(sec) + 1 \
                + strlen(bfrops) + 1 + sizeof(bftype) \
                + strlen(gds) + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + cred.size;  // must NULL terminate the strings!

    /* create a space for our message */
    sdsize = (sizeof(hdr) + hdr.nbytes);
    if (NULL == (msg = (char*)malloc(sdsize))) {
        return PMIX_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    memset(msg, 0, sdsize);

    /* load the message */
    memcpy(msg, &hdr, sizeof(pmix_ptl_hdr_t));
    csize += sizeof(pmix_ptl_hdr_t);

    /* provide our active psec module */
    memcpy(msg+csize, sec, strlen(sec));
    csize += strlen(sec)+1;

    /* load the length of the credential - we put this in uint32_t
     * format as that is a fixed size, and convert to network
     * byte order for heterogeneity */
    u32 = htonl((uint32_t)cred.size);
    memcpy(msg+csize, &u32, sizeof(uint32_t));
    csize += sizeof(uint32_t);
    /* load the credential */
    if (0 < u32) {
        memcpy(msg+csize, cred.bytes, cred.size);
        csize += cred.size;

    /* load our process type - this is a single byte,
     * so no worry about heterogeneity here */
    memcpy(msg+csize, &flag, 1);
    csize += 1;

    if (PMIX_PROC_IS_CLIENT(pmix_globals.mypeer)) {
        /* if we are a client, provide our nspace/rank */
        memcpy(msg+csize, pmix_globals.myid.nspace, strlen(pmix_globals.myid.nspace));
        csize += strlen(pmix_globals.myid.nspace)+1;
        /* again, need to convert */
        u32 = htonl((uint32_t)pmix_globals.myid.rank);
        memcpy(msg+csize, &u32, sizeof(uint32_t));
        csize += sizeof(uint32_t);
    } else {
        /* if we are a tool, provide our uid/gid for ACL support - note
         * that we have to convert so we can handle heterogeneity */
        euid = geteuid();
        u32 = htonl(euid);
        memcpy(msg+csize, &u32, sizeof(uint32_t));
        csize += sizeof(uint32_t);
        egid = getegid();
        u32 = htonl(egid);
        memcpy(msg+csize, &u32, sizeof(uint32_t));
        csize += sizeof(uint32_t);

    /* provide our version */
    memcpy(msg+csize, PMIX_VERSION, strlen(PMIX_VERSION));
    csize += strlen(PMIX_VERSION)+1;

    /* provide our active bfrops module */
    memcpy(msg+csize, bfrops, strlen(bfrops));
    csize += strlen(bfrops)+1;

    /* provide the bfrops type */
    memcpy(msg+csize, &bftype, sizeof(bftype));
    csize += sizeof(bftype);

    /* provide the gds module */
    memcpy(msg+csize, gds, strlen(gds));
    csize += strlen(gds)+1;

    /* send the entire message across */
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != pmix_ptl_base_send_blocking(sd, msg, sdsize)) {
        return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;
    return PMIX_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #3
/* we receive a connection acknowledgement from the server,
 * consisting of nothing more than a status report. If success,
 * then we initiate authentication method */
static pmix_status_t recv_connect_ack(int sd)
    pmix_status_t reply;
    pmix_status_t rc;
    struct timeval tv, save;
    pmix_socklen_t sz;
    bool sockopt = true;
    uint32_t u32;
    char nspace[PMIX_MAX_NSLEN+1];

    pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                        "pmix: RECV CONNECT ACK FROM SERVER");

    /* get the current timeout value so we can reset to it */
    sz = sizeof(save);
    if (0 != getsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void*)&save, &sz)) {
        if (ENOPROTOOPT == errno) {
            sockopt = false;
        } else {
           return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;
   } else {
        /* set a timeout on the blocking recv so we don't hang */
        tv.tv_sec  = 2;
        tv.tv_usec = 0;
        if (0 != setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, sizeof(tv))) {
            pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                                "pmix: recv_connect_ack could not setsockopt SO_RCVTIMEO");
            return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;

    /* receive the status reply */
    rc = pmix_ptl_base_recv_blocking(sd, (char*)&u32, sizeof(uint32_t));
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
        if (sockopt) {
            /* return the socket to normal */
            if (0 != setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &save, sz)) {
                return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;
        return rc;
    reply = ntohl(u32);

    if (PMIX_PROC_IS_CLIENT(pmix_globals.mypeer)) {
        /* see if they want us to do the handshake */
        if (PMIX_ERR_READY_FOR_HANDSHAKE == reply) {
            PMIX_PSEC_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE(rc, pmix_client_globals.myserver, sd);
            if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
                return rc;
        } else if (PMIX_SUCCESS != reply) {
            return reply;
        pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                            "pmix: RECV CONNECT CONFIRMATION");

        /* receive our index into the server's client array */
        rc = pmix_ptl_base_recv_blocking(sd, (char*)&u32, sizeof(uint32_t));
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
            return rc;
        pmix_globals.pindex = ntohl(u32);
    } else {  // we are a tool
        /* if the status indicates an error, then we are done */
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS != reply) {
            return reply;
        /* recv our nspace */
        rc = pmix_ptl_base_recv_blocking(sd, (char*)&pmix_globals.myid.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN+1);
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
            return rc;
        /* our rank is always zero */
        pmix_globals.myid.rank = 0;

        /* get the server's nspace and rank so we can send to it */
        if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->info) {
            pmix_client_globals.myserver->info = PMIX_NEW(pmix_rank_info_t);
        if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr) {
            pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr = PMIX_NEW(pmix_nspace_t);
        pmix_ptl_base_recv_blocking(sd, (char*)nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN+1);
        if (NULL != pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->nspace) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->nspace = strdup(nspace);
        if (NULL != pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.nspace) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.nspace = strdup(nspace);
        pmix_ptl_base_recv_blocking(sd, (char*)&(pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.rank), sizeof(int));

        pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                            "pmix: RECV CONNECT CONFIRMATION FOR TOOL %s:%d FROM SERVER %s:%d",
                            pmix_globals.myid.nspace, pmix_globals.myid.rank,

        /* get the returned status from the security handshake */
        pmix_ptl_base_recv_blocking(sd, (char*)&reply, sizeof(pmix_status_t));
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS != reply) {
            /* see if they want us to do the handshake */
            if (PMIX_ERR_READY_FOR_HANDSHAKE == reply) {
                PMIX_PSEC_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE(reply, pmix_client_globals.myserver, sd);
                if (PMIX_SUCCESS != reply) {
                    return reply;
                /* if the handshake succeeded, then fall thru to the next step */
            } else {
                return reply;

    if (sockopt) {
        if (0 != setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &save, sz)) {
            return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;

    return PMIX_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #4
static pmix_status_t connect_to_peer(struct pmix_peer_t *peer,
                                     pmix_info_t *info, size_t ninfo)
    char *evar, **uri, *suri;
    char *filename, *nspace=NULL;
    pmix_rank_t rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD;
    char *p, *p2;
    int sd, rc;
    size_t n;
    char myhost[PMIX_MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
    bool system_level = false;
    bool system_level_only = false;
    pid_t pid = 0;

    pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                        "ptl:tcp: connecting to server");

    /* see if the connection info is in the info array - if
     * so, then that overrides all other options */

    /* if I am a client, then we need to look for the appropriate
     * connection info in the environment */
    if (PMIX_PROC_IS_CLIENT(pmix_globals.mypeer)) {
        if (NULL != (evar = getenv("PMIX_SERVER_URI21"))) {
            /* we are talking to a v2.1 server */
            pmix_client_globals.myserver->proc_type = PMIX_PROC_SERVER | PMIX_PROC_V21;
            pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                                "V21 SERVER DETECTED");
            /* must use the v21 bfrops module */
            pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops = pmix_bfrops_base_assign_module("v21");
            if (NULL == pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops) {
                return PMIX_ERR_INIT;
        } else if (NULL != (evar = getenv("PMIX_SERVER_URI2"))) {
            /* we are talking to a v2.0 server */
            pmix_client_globals.myserver->proc_type = PMIX_PROC_SERVER | PMIX_PROC_V20;
            pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                                "V20 SERVER DETECTED");
            /* must use the v20 bfrops module */
            pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops = pmix_bfrops_base_assign_module("v20");
            if (NULL == pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops) {
                return PMIX_ERR_INIT;
        } else {
            /* not us */
            return PMIX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        /* the server will be using the same bfrops as us */
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->compat.bfrops = pmix_globals.mypeer->nptr->compat.bfrops;
        /* mark that we are using the V2 protocol */
        pmix_globals.mypeer->protocol = PMIX_PROTOCOL_V2;

        /* the URI consists of the following elements:
        *    - server nspace.rank
        *    - ptl rendezvous URI
        uri = pmix_argv_split(evar, ';');
        if (2 != pmix_argv_count(uri)) {
            return PMIX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        /* set the server nspace */
        p = uri[0];
        if (NULL == (p2 = strchr(p, '.'))) {
            return PMIX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        *p2 = '\0';
        nspace = strdup(p);
        rank = strtoull(p2, NULL, 10);

        /* save the URI, but do not overwrite what we may have received from
         * the info-key directives */
        if (NULL == mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri) {
            mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri = strdup(uri[1]);

        pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                            "ptl:tcp:client attempt connect to %s",

        /* go ahead and try to connect */
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = try_connect(&sd))) {
            return rc;
        goto complete;


    /* get here if we are a tool - check any provided directives
     * to see where they want us to connect to */
    if (NULL != info) {
        for (n=0; n < ninfo; n++) {
            if (0 == strcmp(info[n].key, PMIX_CONNECT_TO_SYSTEM)) {
                system_level_only = PMIX_INFO_TRUE(&info[n]);
            } else if (0 == strcmp(info[n].key, PMIX_CONNECT_SYSTEM_FIRST)) {
                /* try the system-level */
                system_level = PMIX_INFO_TRUE(&info[n]);
            } else if (0 == strcmp(info[n].key, PMIX_SERVER_PIDINFO)) {
                pid = info[n];
            } else if (0 == strcmp(info[n].key, PMIX_SERVER_URI)) {
                if (NULL == mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri) {
                mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri = strdup(info[n];
            } else if (0 == strcmp(info[n].key, PMIX_CONNECT_RETRY_DELAY)) {
                mca_ptl_tcp_component.wait_to_connect = info[n];
            } else if (0 == strcmp(info[n].key, PMIX_CONNECT_MAX_RETRIES)) {
                mca_ptl_tcp_component.max_retries = info[n];
    /* mark that we are using the V2 protocol */
    pmix_globals.mypeer->protocol = PMIX_PROTOCOL_V2;
    gethostname(myhost, sizeof(myhost));
    /* if we were given a URI via MCA param, then look no further */
    if (NULL != mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri) {
        /* if the string starts with "file:", then they are pointing
         * us to a file we need to read to get the URI itself */
        if (0 == strncmp(mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri, "file:", 5)) {
            pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                                "ptl:tcp:tool getting connection info from %s",
            nspace = NULL;
            rc = parse_uri_file(&mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri[5], &suri, &nspace, &rank);
            if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
                return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;
            mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri = suri;
        } else {
            /* we need to extract the nspace/rank of the server from the string */
            p = strchr(mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri, ';');
            if (NULL == p) {
                return PMIX_ERR_BAD_PARAM;
            *p = '\0';
            suri = strdup(p); // save the uri portion
            /* the '.' in the first part of the original string separates
             * nspace from rank */
            p = strchr(mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri, '.');
            if (NULL == p) {
                return PMIX_ERR_BAD_PARAM;
            *p = '\0';
            nspace = strdup(mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri);
            rank = strtoull(p, NULL, 10);
            /* now update the URI */
            mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri = suri;
        pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                            "ptl:tcp:tool attempt connect using given URI %s",
        /* go ahead and try to connect */
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = try_connect(&sd))) {
            if (NULL != nspace) {
            return rc;
        goto complete;

    /* if they gave us a pid, then look for it */
    if (0 != pid) {
        if (0 > asprintf(&filename, "pmix.%s.tool.%d", myhost, pid)) {
            return PMIX_ERR_NOMEM;
        pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                            "ptl:tcp:tool searching for given session server %s",
        nspace = NULL;
        rc = df_search(mca_ptl_tcp_component.system_tmpdir,
                       filename, &sd, &nspace, &rank);
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc) {
            goto complete;
        if (NULL != nspace) {
        /* since they gave us a specific pid and we couldn't
         * connect to it, return an error */
        return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;

    /* if they asked for system-level, we start there */
    if (system_level || system_level_only) {
        if (0 > asprintf(&filename, "%s/pmix.sys.%s", mca_ptl_tcp_component.system_tmpdir, myhost)) {
            return PMIX_ERR_NOMEM;
        pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                            "ptl:tcp:tool looking for system server at %s",
        /* try to read the file */
        rc = parse_uri_file(filename, &suri, &nspace, &rank);
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc) {
            mca_ptl_tcp_component.super.uri = suri;
            pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                                "ptl:tcp:tool attempt connect to system server at %s",
            /* go ahead and try to connect */
            if (PMIX_SUCCESS == try_connect(&sd)) {
                goto complete;

    /* we get here if they either didn't ask for a system-level connection,
     * or they asked for it and it didn't succeed. If they _only_ wanted
     * a system-level connection, then we are done */
    if (system_level_only) {
        pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                            "ptl:tcp: connecting to system failed");
        return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;

    /* they didn't give us a pid, so we will search to see what session-level
     * tools are available to this user. We will take the first connection
     * that succeeds - this is based on the likelihood that there is only
     * one session per user on a node */

    if (0 > asprintf(&filename, "pmix.%s.tool", myhost)) {
        return PMIX_ERR_NOMEM;
    pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                        "ptl:tcp:tool searching for session server %s",
    nspace = NULL;
    rc = df_search(mca_ptl_tcp_component.system_tmpdir,
                   filename, &sd, &nspace, &rank);
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
        if (NULL != nspace){
        return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;

    pmix_output_verbose(2, pmix_ptl_base_framework.framework_output,
                        "sock_peer_try_connect: Connection across to server succeeded");

    /* do a final bozo check */
    if (NULL == nspace || PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD == rank) {
        if (NULL != nspace) {
        return PMIX_ERR_UNREACH;
    /* mark the connection as made */
    pmix_globals.connected = true;
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->sd = sd;

    /* setup the server info */
    if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->info) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->info = PMIX_NEW(pmix_rank_info_t);
    if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr = PMIX_NEW(pmix_nspace_t);
    if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->nspace) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->nspace = nspace;
    } else {
    if (NULL == pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.nspace) {
        pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.nspace = strdup(pmix_client_globals.myserver->nptr->nspace);
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->info->pname.rank = rank;


    /* setup recv event */
                      EV_READ | EV_PERSIST,
                      pmix_ptl_base_recv_handler, pmix_client_globals.myserver);
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->recv_ev_active = true;
    pmix_event_add(&pmix_client_globals.myserver->recv_event, 0);

    /* setup send event */
                      pmix_ptl_base_send_handler, pmix_client_globals.myserver);
    pmix_client_globals.myserver->send_ev_active = false;

    return PMIX_SUCCESS;