Beispiel #1
void unpack_forces( msgbuf *b, int j, int k )
  int i;
  cell *to;

  to = PTR_2D_V(cell_array, j, k, cell_dim);
  for (i=0; i<to->n; ++i) {
    KRAFT (to,i,X) += b->data[ b->n++ ];
    KRAFT (to,i,Y) += b->data[ b->n++ ];
    POTENG(to,i)   += b->data[ b->n++ ];
    PRESSTENS(to,i,xx) += b->data[ b->n++ ];
    PRESSTENS(to,i,yy) += b->data[ b->n++ ];
    PRESSTENS(to,i,xy) += b->data[ b->n++ ];
#ifdef NNBR
    NBANZ(to,i) += (shortint) b->data[ b->n++ ];
  if (b->n_max < b->n) error("Buffer overflow in unpack_forces.");
Beispiel #2
void pack_forces( msgbuf *b, int j, int k )
  int i;
  cell *from;
  from = PTR_2D_V(cell_array, j, k, cell_dim);
  for (i=0; i<from->n; ++i) {
    b->data[ b->n++ ] = KRAFT(from,i,X);
    b->data[ b->n++ ] = KRAFT(from,i,Y);
    b->data[ b->n++ ] = POTENG(from,i);
    b->data[ b->n++ ] = PRESSTENS(from,i,xx);
    b->data[ b->n++ ] = PRESSTENS(from,i,yy);
    b->data[ b->n++ ] = PRESSTENS(from,i,xy);
#ifdef NNBR
    b->data[ b->n++ ] = (real) NBANZ(from,i);
  if (b->n_max < b->n) error("Buffer overflow in pack_forces.");
Beispiel #3
void add_presstensors(void)
  int k;
  for (k=0; k<NCELLS; k++) {
    int i;
    cell* p;
    p = CELLPTR(k);
    for (i=0; i<p->n; i++) {
      AVPRESSTENS(p,i,xx) += PRESSTENS(p,i,xx);
      AVPRESSTENS(p,i,yy) += PRESSTENS(p,i,yy);
      AVPRESSTENS(p,i,xy) += PRESSTENS(p,i,xy);
#ifndef TWOD
      AVPRESSTENS(p,i,zz) += PRESSTENS(p,i,zz);
      AVPRESSTENS(p,i,zx) += PRESSTENS(p,i,zx);
      AVPRESSTENS(p,i,yz) += PRESSTENS(p,i,yz);
Beispiel #4
void clear_forces(void) {
  int k,i;
  tot_pot_energy = 0.0;
  virial = vir_xx = vir_yy = vir_xy = vir_zz = vir_yz = vir_zx = 0.0;
  for (k=0; k<nallcells; k++) {
    cell *p = cell_array + k;
    for (i=0; i<p->n; i++) {
      KRAFT(p,i,X) = 0.0;
      KRAFT(p,i,Y) = 0.0;
      KRAFT(p,i,Z) = 0.0;
#if defined (STRESS_TENS)
      PRESSTENS(p,i,xx) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,yy) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,xy) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,zz) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,yz) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,zx) = 0.0;
      POTENG(p,i) = 0.0;
Beispiel #5
void add_forces( int j, int k, int l, int m )
  int i;
  cell *from, *to;

  from = PTR_2D_V(cell_array, j, k, cell_dim);
  to   = PTR_2D_V(cell_array, l, m, cell_dim);

  for (i=0; i<to->n; ++i) {
    KRAFT (to,i,X) += KRAFT (from,i,X);
    KRAFT (to,i,Y) += KRAFT (from,i,Y);
    POTENG(to,i)   += POTENG(from,i);
    PRESSTENS(to,i,xx) += PRESSTENS(from,i,xx);
    PRESSTENS(to,i,yy) += PRESSTENS(from,i,yy);
    PRESSTENS(to,i,xy) += PRESSTENS(from,i,xy);
#ifdef NNBR
    NBANZ(to,i) += NBANZ(from,i);
Beispiel #6
void calc_extpot(void)
  int k, i, n;
  int isinx,isiny,isinz;
  real tmpvec1[4], tmpvec2[4];

  vektor d,addforce,totaddforce;
  real   dd,cc;
  real   dn,ddn,ee;
  vektor force;
  real tmp_virial;
#ifdef P_AXIAL
  vektor tmp_vir_vect;
  real pot_zwi, pot_grad;
  int col, is_short=0;

  for (k=0; k<ep_n; k++) {
    ep_fext[k] = 0.0;
    ep_xmax[k] = 0.0;
    ep_ymax[k] = 0.0;
    ep_xmin[k] = 1.e8;
    ep_ymin[k] = 1.e8;
  if(ep_key == 0) {   /* default: original harmonic potential */
    for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) {
      cell *p = CELLPTR(k);
      for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
	for (n=0; n<ep_n; ++n) {
	  isinx= ep_dir[n].x;                  
	  isiny= ep_dir[n].y;                  
	  isinz= ep_dir[n].z;                  
	  d.x = ep_pos[n].x - ORT(p,i,X); 
	  d.y = ep_pos[n].y - ORT(p,i,Y); 
	  d.z = ep_pos[n].z - ORT(p,i,Z); 
	  dn  = SPROD(d,ep_dir[n]);
	  /* spherical indentor*/
	  if (n<ep_nind) {
	    if (dn > -ep_rcut) {
	      real d2 = SPROD(d,d);
	      real d1 = SQRT(d2);
	      dd = ep_rcut - d1;
	      if (dd > 0.0) {
		real f = ep_a * dd * dd / d1;   /* force on atoms and indentor */
		KRAFT(p,i,X) -= f * d.x; 
		KRAFT(p,i,Y) -= f * d.y; 
		KRAFT(p,i,Z) -= f * d.z;
		ep_fext[n]   += f * ABS(dn); /* normal force on indentor */


		/* for determination of contact area */
		    ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		    ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		    ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		    ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		else if(isiny)
		    ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		    ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		    ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		    ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		    ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		    ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		    ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		    ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
	  /*  potential wall */
	  else {  
	    if (dn*dn < ep_rcut*ep_rcut) {
	      real d1 = (dn>0) ? dn : -1*dn ;
	      dd = ep_rcut - d1;
	      if (dd > 0.0) {
		real f = ep_a * dd * dd / d1;   /* force on atoms and indentor */
		KRAFT(p,i,X) += f * ep_dir[n].x;
		KRAFT(p,i,Y) += f * ep_dir[n].y;
		KRAFT(p,i,Z) += f * ep_dir[n].z;
		ep_fext[n]   += f;  /* magnitude of force on wall */
  else if(ep_key == 1) /* Ju Li's spherical indenter, see PRB 67, 104105 */
      for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) {
	cell *p = CELLPTR(k);
	for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
	  for (n=0; n<ep_n; ++n) {
	    isinx= ep_dir[n].x;                  
	    isiny= ep_dir[n].y;                  
	    isinz= ep_dir[n].z;      
	    if (n<ep_nind) {	    
	      d.x =   ORT(p,i,X)-ep_pos[n].x; 
	      d.y =   ORT(p,i,Y)-ep_pos[n].y; 
	      d.z =   ORT(p,i,Z)-ep_pos[n].z; 
	      dn  = SPROD(d,ep_dir[n]);
	      dd  = SPROD(d,d);
	      if ( dd < ep_rcut*ep_rcut)
		  /* for the determination of the contact area */
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		  else if(isiny)
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		  if(have_extpotfile == 1){
		    PAIR_INT3(pot_zwi, pot_grad, ext_pot, n, ep_nind, dd, is_short);
		    tot_pot_energy += pot_zwi;
		    force.x = -1.0* pot_grad * d.x; 
		    force.y = -1.0* pot_grad * d.y; 
		    force.z = -1.0* pot_grad * d.z; 
		    KRAFT(p,i,X) += force.x;
		    KRAFT(p,i,Y) += force.y;
		    KRAFT(p,i,Z) += force.z;
		    totaddforce.x += force.x;
		    totaddforce.y += force.y;
		    totaddforce.z += force.z;
		    ep_fext[n]   += -pot_grad * ABS(dn); /* normal force on indentor */
#ifdef P_AXIAL
		    tmp_vir_vect.x -= d.x * force.x;
		    tmp_vir_vect.y -= d.y * force.y;
#ifndef TWOD
		    tmp_vir_vect.z -= d.z * force.z;
		    tmp_virial     -= dd * pot_grad;

		    if (do_press_calc) {
		      PRESSTENS(p,i,xx) -= d.x * force.x;
		      PRESSTENS(p,i,yy) -= d.y * force.y;
		      PRESSTENS(p,i,xy) -= d.x * force.y;
#ifndef TWOD
		      PRESSTENS(p,i,zz) -= d.z * force.z;
		      PRESSTENS(p,i,yz) -= d.y * force.z;
		      PRESSTENS(p,i,zx) -= d.z * force.x;

	      /* old version of extpot, kept for downwards compatibility */
		    ddn= sqrt(dd);
		    cc = (ep_rcut - ddn)/ep_a;
		    if (cc > UPPER_EXP) cc = UPPER_EXP;
		    if (cc < LOWER_EXP) cc = LOWER_EXP;
		    ee = exp(cc - 1.0/cc);
		    tot_pot_energy += ee;
		    POTENG(p,i) += ee;
		    ee = ee / ep_a / ddn * (1.0 + 1.0 /(cc*cc));
		    KRAFT(p,i,X) += ee * d.x; 
		    KRAFT(p,i,Y) += ee * d.y; 
		    KRAFT(p,i,Z) += ee * d.z;
		    totaddforce.x += ee * d.x;
		    totaddforce.y += ee * d.y;
		    totaddforce.z += ee * d.z; 
		    ep_fext[n]   += ee * ABS(dn); /* normal force on indentor */
#ifdef MPI
      tmpvec1[0] =  totaddforce.x ;
      tmpvec1[1] =  totaddforce.y ;
      tmpvec1[2] =  totaddforce.z ;
      //    printf("before totaddforcereduce allreduce\n");fflush(stdout);
      MPI_Allreduce( tmpvec1, tmpvec2, 4, REAL, MPI_SUM, cpugrid);
      // printf("after totaddforce allreduce\n");fflush(stdout);
      totaddforce.x = tmpvec2[0];
      totaddforce.y = tmpvec2[1];
      totaddforce.z = tmpvec2[2];      
      /* no need for a wall as the total additional impuls is substracted */
      totaddforce.x *= 1.0/nactive_vect[0];
      totaddforce.y *= 1.0/nactive_vect[1];
      totaddforce.z *= 1.0/nactive_vect[2];
      for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) {
	cell *p = CELLPTR(k);
	for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
	  KRAFT(p,i,X) -= totaddforce.x;
	  KRAFT(p,i,Y) -= totaddforce.y;
	  KRAFT(p,i,Z) -= totaddforce.z;

  else if(ep_key == 2) 
    /* Ju Li's spherical indenter made flat, see PRB 67, 104105
       with subtraction of total additional impulse
       works only with indentation directions parallel to box vectors*/ 
      //      vektor d,addforce,totaddforce;
      //real   dd,cc;
      //real   dn,ddn,ee;
      for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) {
	cell *p = CELLPTR(k);
	for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
	  for (n=0; n<ep_n; ++n) {

	    isinx= ep_dir[n].x;                  
	    isiny= ep_dir[n].y;                  
	    isinz= ep_dir[n].z;      
	    //  vektor d;
	    // real   dn;
	    d.x =  (ep_dir[n].x==0)  ? 0 : (ORT(p,i,X)-ep_pos[n].x); 
	    d.y =  (ep_dir[n].y==0)  ? 0 : (ORT(p,i,Y)-ep_pos[n].y); 
	    d.z =  (ep_dir[n].z==0)  ? 0 : (ORT(p,i,Z)-ep_pos[n].z); 
	    dn  = SPROD(d,ep_dir[n]);
	    dd  = SPROD(d,d);
	    if ( dd < ep_rcut*ep_rcut)
		/* for the determination of the contact area */
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		  else if(isiny)
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    

		if(have_extpotfile == 1){
		  PAIR_INT3(pot_zwi, pot_grad, ext_pot, n, ep_nind, dd, is_short);
		  tot_pot_energy += pot_zwi;
		  force.x = -1.0* pot_grad * d.x; 
		  force.y = -1.0* pot_grad * d.y; 
		  force.z = -1.0* pot_grad * d.z; 
		  KRAFT(p,i,X) += force.x;
		  KRAFT(p,i,Y) += force.y;
		  KRAFT(p,i,Z) += force.z;
		  totaddforce.x += force.x;
		  totaddforce.y += force.y;
		  totaddforce.z += force.z;
		  ep_fext[n]   += -pot_grad * ABS(dn); /* normal force on indentor */
#ifdef P_AXIAL
		  tmp_vir_vect.x -= d.x * force.x;
		  tmp_vir_vect.y -= d.y * force.y;
#ifndef TWOD
		  tmp_vir_vect.z -= d.z * force.z;
		  tmp_virial     -= dd * pot_grad;
		  if (do_press_calc) {
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,xx) -= d.x * force.x;
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,yy) -= d.y * force.y;
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,xy) -= d.x * force.y;
#ifndef TWOD
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,zz) -= d.z * force.z;
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,yz) -= d.y * force.z;
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,zx) -= d.z * force.x;
		/* old version of extpot, kept for downwards compatibility */
		  ddn= sqrt(dd);
		  cc = (ep_rcut - ddn)/ep_a;
		  if (cc > UPPER_EXP) cc = UPPER_EXP;
		  if (cc < LOWER_EXP) cc = LOWER_EXP;
		  ee = exp(cc - 1.0/cc);
		  tot_pot_energy += ee;
		  POTENG(p,i) += ee;
		  ee = ee / ep_a / ddn * (1.0 + 1.0 /(cc*cc));
		  KRAFT(p,i,X) += ee * d.x; 
		  KRAFT(p,i,Y) += ee * d.y; 
		  KRAFT(p,i,Z) += ee * d.z;
		  totaddforce.x += ee * d.x;
		  totaddforce.y += ee * d.y;
		  totaddforce.z += ee * d.z; 
		  ep_fext[n]   += ee * ABS(dn); /* normal force on indentor */
#ifdef MPI
      tmpvec1[0] =  totaddforce.x ;
      tmpvec1[1] =  totaddforce.y ;
      tmpvec1[2] =  totaddforce.z ;
      //    printf("before totaddforcereduce allreduce\n");fflush(stdout);
      MPI_Allreduce( tmpvec1, tmpvec2, 4, REAL, MPI_SUM, cpugrid);
      // printf("after totaddforce allreduce\n");fflush(stdout);
      totaddforce.x = tmpvec2[0];
      totaddforce.y = tmpvec2[1];
      totaddforce.z = tmpvec2[2];      
      /* no need for a wall as the total additional impuls is substracted */
      totaddforce.x *= 1.0/nactive_vect[0];
      totaddforce.y *= 1.0/nactive_vect[1];
      totaddforce.z *= 1.0/nactive_vect[2];
      for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) {
	cell *p = CELLPTR(k);
	for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
	  KRAFT(p,i,X) -= totaddforce.x;
	  KRAFT(p,i,Y) -= totaddforce.y;
	  KRAFT(p,i,Z) -= totaddforce.z;

  else if(ep_key == 3) 
    /* Ju Li's spherical indenter made flat, see PRB 67, 104105
       without subtraction of the total additional impulse
       works only with indentation directions parallel to box vectors*/ 
      //    vektor d,addforce,totaddforce;
      //      real   dd,cc;
      //      real   dn,ddn,ee;
      for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) {
	cell *p = CELLPTR(k);
	for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
	  for (n=0; n<ep_n; ++n) {
	    isinx= ep_dir[n].x;                  
	    isiny= ep_dir[n].y;                  
	    isinz= ep_dir[n].z;      
	    vektor d;
	    real   dn;
	    d.x =  (ep_dir[n].x==0)  ? 0 : (ORT(p,i,X)-ep_pos[n].x) ; 
	    d.y =   (ep_dir[n].y==0)  ? 0 : (ORT(p,i,Y)-ep_pos[n].y); 
	    d.z =   (ep_dir[n].z==0)  ? 0 : (ORT(p,i,Z)-ep_pos[n].z); 
	    dn  = SPROD(d,ep_dir[n]);
	    dd  = SPROD(d,d);
	    if ( dd < ep_rcut*ep_rcut)
		/* for the determination of the contact area */
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		  else if(isiny)
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,X) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmax[n] = MAX(ep_xmax[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_ymax[n] = MAX(ep_ymax[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    
		      ep_xmin[n] = MIN(ep_xmin[n], ORT(p,i,Y) );    
		      ep_ymin[n] = MIN(ep_ymin[n], ORT(p,i,Z) );    

		if(have_extpotfile == 1){
		  PAIR_INT3(pot_zwi, pot_grad, ext_pot, n, ep_nind, dd, is_short);
		  tot_pot_energy += pot_zwi;
		  force.x = - pot_grad * d.x; 
		  force.y = - pot_grad * d.y; 
		  force.z = - pot_grad * d.z; 
		  KRAFT(p,i,X) += force.x;
		  KRAFT(p,i,Y) += force.y;
		  KRAFT(p,i,Z) += force.z;
		  totaddforce.x += force.x;
		  totaddforce.y += force.y;
		  totaddforce.z += force.z;
		  ep_fext[n]   += -pot_grad * ABS(dn); /* normal force on indentor */
#ifdef P_AXIAL
		  tmp_vir_vect.x -= d.x * force.x;
		  tmp_vir_vect.y -= d.y * force.y;
#ifndef TWOD
		  tmp_vir_vect.z -= d.z * force.z;
		  tmp_virial     -= dd * pot_grad;
		  if (do_press_calc) {
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,xx) -= d.x * force.x;
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,yy) -= d.y * force.y;
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,xy) -= d.x * force.y;
#ifndef TWOD
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,zz) -= d.z * force.z;
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,yz) -= d.y * force.z;
		    PRESSTENS(p,i,zx) -= d.z * force.x;
		/* old version of extpot, kept for downwards compatibility */
		ddn= sqrt(dd);
		cc = (ep_rcut - ddn)/ep_a;
		if (cc > UPPER_EXP) cc = UPPER_EXP;
		if (cc < LOWER_EXP) cc = LOWER_EXP;
		ee = exp(cc - 1.0/cc);
		tot_pot_energy += ee;
		POTENG(p,i) += ee;
		ee = ee / ep_a / ddn * (1.0 + 1.0 /(cc*cc));
		KRAFT(p,i,X) += ee * d.x; 
		KRAFT(p,i,Y) += ee * d.y; 
		KRAFT(p,i,Z) += ee * d.z;
		ep_fext[n]   += ee * ABS(dn); /* normal force on indentor */
      error("Error: external potential ep_key not defined.\n");
#ifdef P_AXIAL
vir_xx += tmp_vir_vect.x;
vir_yy += tmp_vir_vect.y;
virial += tmp_vir_vect.x;
virial += tmp_vir_vect.y;
#ifndef TWOD
vir_zz += tmp_vir_vect.z;
virial += tmp_vir_vect.z;
virial += tmp_virial;
Beispiel #7
void calc_forces(int steps)
  int n, k;
  real tmpvec1[8], tmpvec2[8] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

  /* fill the buffer cells */
  if ((steps == steps_min) || (0 == steps % BUFSTEP)) setup_buffers();

  /* clear global accumulation variables */
  tot_pot_energy = 0.0;
  virial = 0.0;
  vir_xx = 0.0;
  vir_yy = 0.0;
  vir_zz = 0.0;
  vir_yz = 0.0;
  vir_zx = 0.0;
  vir_xy = 0.0;

  /* clear per atom accumulation variables */
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
  for (k=0; k<nallcells; ++k) {
    int  i;
    cell *p;
    p = cell_array + k;
    for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
      KRAFT(p,i,X) = 0.0;
      KRAFT(p,i,Y) = 0.0;
      KRAFT(p,i,Z) = 0.0;
#ifdef UNIAX
      DREH_MOMENT(p,i,X) = 0.0;
      DREH_MOMENT(p,i,Y) = 0.0;
      DREH_MOMENT(p,i,Z) = 0.0;
#if defined(STRESS_TENS)
      PRESSTENS(p,i,xx) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,yy) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,zz) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,yz) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,zx) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,xy) = 0.0;
#ifndef MONOLJ
      POTENG(p,i) = 0.0;
#ifdef NNBR
      NBANZ(p,i) = 0;
#ifdef CNA
      if (cna)
	MARK(p,i) = 0;
      NEIGH(p,i)->n = 0;
#ifdef EAM2
      EAM_RHO(p,i) = 0.0; /* zero host electron density at atom site */
#ifdef EEAM
      EAM_P(p,i) = 0.0; /* zero host electron density at atom site */

#ifdef RIGID
  /* clear total forces */
  if ( nsuperatoms>0 ) 
    for(k=0; k<nsuperatoms; k++) {
      superforce[k].x = 0.0;
      superforce[k].y = 0.0;
      superforce[k].z = 0.0;

  /* What follows is the standard one-cpu force 
     loop acting on our local data cells */

  /* compute forces for all pairs of cells */
  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
    for (k=0; k<npairs[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n] + k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.x + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.x + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.y + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.y + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.y;
      pbc.z = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.z + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.z + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.z;
      do_forces(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc,
                &tot_pot_energy, &virial, &vir_xx, &vir_yy, &vir_zz,
                                          &vir_yz, &vir_zx, &vir_xy);

  /* complete neighbor tables for remaining pairs of cells */
  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime)
    for (k=npairs[n]; k<npairs2[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n] + k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.x + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.x + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.y + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.y + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.y;
      pbc.z = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.z + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.z + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.z;
      do_neightab(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc);

#ifndef CNA
  /* second force loop for covalent systems */
/* does not work correctly - different threads may write to same variables 
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
  for (k=0; k<ncells; ++k) {
    do_forces2(cell_array + CELLS(k),
               &tot_pot_energy, &virial, &vir_xx, &vir_yy, &vir_zz,
                                         &vir_yz, &vir_zx, &vir_xy);
#endif /* COVALENT */

#ifndef AR
  /* If we don't use actio=reactio accross the cpus, we have do do
     the force loop also on the other half of the neighbours for the 
     cells on the surface of the CPU */

  /* compute forces for remaining pairs of cells */
  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
/* does not work correctly - different threads may write to same variables 
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime)
    for (k=npairs[n]; k<npairs2[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n] + k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.x + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.x + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.y + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.y + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.y;
      pbc.z = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.z + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.z + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.z;
      /* potential energy and virial are already complete;          */
      /* to avoid double counting, we update only the dummy tmpvec2 */
      do_forces(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc,
                tmpvec2, tmpvec2+1, tmpvec2+2, tmpvec2+3, tmpvec2+4,
                                    tmpvec2+5, tmpvec2+6, tmpvec2+7);
#endif  /* not AR */

#ifdef EAM2

#ifdef AR
  /* collect host electron density */
  /* compute embedding energy and its derivative */
  /* distribute derivative of embedding energy */

  /* second EAM2 loop over all cells pairs */
  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
    for (k=0; k<npairs[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n]+k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.x + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.x + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.y + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.y + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.y;
      pbc.z = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.z + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.z + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.z;
      do_forces_eam2(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc,
        &virial, &vir_xx, &vir_yy, &vir_zz, &vir_yz, &vir_zx, &vir_xy);

#ifndef AR
  /* If we don't use actio=reactio accross the cpus, we have do do
     the force loop also on the other half of the neighbours for the 
     cells on the surface of the CPU */

  /* compute forces for remaining pairs of cells */
  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime)
    for (k=npairs[n]; k<npairs2[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n]+k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.x + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.x + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.y + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.y + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.y;
      pbc.z = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.z + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.z + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.z;
      /* potential energy and virial are already complete;          */
      /* to avoid double counting, we update only the dummy tmpvec2 */
      do_forces_eam2(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc,
                     tmpvec2, tmpvec2+1, tmpvec2+2, tmpvec2+3, tmpvec2+4,
                                         tmpvec2+5, tmpvec2+6, tmpvec2+7);
#endif /* not AR */

#endif /* EAM2 */

  /* sum up results of different CPUs */
  tmpvec1[0] = tot_pot_energy;
  tmpvec1[1] = virial;
  tmpvec1[2] = vir_xx;
  tmpvec1[3] = vir_yy;
  tmpvec1[4] = vir_zz;
  tmpvec1[5] = vir_yz;
  tmpvec1[6] = vir_zx;
  tmpvec1[7] = vir_xy;

  MPI_Allreduce( tmpvec1, tmpvec2, 8, REAL, MPI_SUM, cpugrid); 

  tot_pot_energy = tmpvec2[0];
  virial         = tmpvec2[1];
  vir_xx         = tmpvec2[2];
  vir_yy         = tmpvec2[3];
  vir_zz         = tmpvec2[4];
  vir_yz         = tmpvec2[5];
  vir_zx         = tmpvec2[6];
  vir_xy         = tmpvec2[7];

#ifdef AR

Beispiel #8
void calc_forces(int steps)
  int  n, k;
  real tmpvec1[5], tmpvec2[8] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

  /* fill the buffer cells */
  if ((steps == steps_min) || (0 == steps % BUFSTEP)) setup_buffers();

  /* clear global accumulation variables */
  tot_pot_energy = 0.0;
  virial = 0.0;
  vir_xx = 0.0;
  vir_yy = 0.0;
  vir_xy = 0.0;

  /* clear per atom accumulation variables */
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
  for (k=0; k<nallcells; ++k) {
    int i;
    cell *p;
    p = cell_array + k;
    for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
      KRAFT(p,i,X) = 0.0;
      KRAFT(p,i,Y) = 0.0;
      POTENG(p,i)  = 0.0;
#ifdef NNBR
      NBANZ(p,i) = 0;
#if defined(STRESS_TENS)
      PRESSTENS(p,i,xx) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,yy) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,xy) = 0.0;

#ifdef RIGID
  /* clear total forces */
  if ( nsuperatoms>0 ) 
    for(k=0; k<nsuperatoms; k++) {
      superforce[k].x = 0.0;
      superforce[k].y = 0.0;

  /* What follows is the standard one-cpu force 
     loop acting on our local data cells */

  /* compute forces for all pairs of cells */
  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
    for (k=0; k<npairs[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n] + k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0] * box_x.x + P->ipbc[1] * box_y.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0] * box_x.y + P->ipbc[1] * box_y.y;
      do_forces(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc,
                &tot_pot_energy, &virial, &vir_xx, &vir_yy, &vir_zz,
                                          &vir_yz, &vir_zx, &vir_xy);

#ifndef AR

  /* If we don't use actio=reactio accross the cpus, we have do do
     the force loop also on the other half of the neighbours for the 
     cells on the surface of the CPU */

  /* compute forces for remaining pairs of cells */
  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime)
    for (k=npairs[n]; k<npairs2[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n] + k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0] * box_x.x + P->ipbc[1] * box_y.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0] * box_x.y + P->ipbc[1] * box_y.y;
      /* potential energy and virial are already complete;          */
      /* to avoid double counting, we update only the dummy tmpvec2 */
      do_forces(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc,
                tmpvec2, tmpvec2+1, tmpvec2+2, tmpvec2+3, tmpvec2+4,
                                    tmpvec2+5, tmpvec2+6, tmpvec2+7);

#endif /* AR */

  /* sum up results of different CPUs */
  tmpvec1[0] = tot_pot_energy;
  tmpvec1[1] = virial;
  tmpvec1[2] = vir_xx;
  tmpvec1[3] = vir_yy;
  tmpvec1[4] = vir_xy;

  MPI_Allreduce( tmpvec1, tmpvec2, 5, REAL, MPI_SUM, cpugrid); 

  tot_pot_energy = tmpvec2[0];
  virial         = tmpvec2[1];
  vir_xx         = tmpvec2[2];
  vir_yy         = tmpvec2[3];
  vir_xy         = tmpvec2[4];

#ifdef AR

Beispiel #9
void unpack_fcs(void) {

  fcs_float vir[9] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
  FCSResult result;
  real pot1, pot2, e, c, sum=0.0, fac=0.5;
  int n, m, k, i;

  /* extract output and distribute it to cell array */
  n=0; m=0; pot1=0.0;
  for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) {
    cell *p = CELLPTR(k);
    for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) { 
      c = CHARGE(p,i) * coul_eng;
      KRAFT(p,i,X) += field[n++] * c; 
      KRAFT(p,i,Y) += field[n++] * c; 
      KRAFT(p,i,Z) += field[n++] * c;
      e = pot[m++] * c * fac;
      POTENG(p,i)  += e;
      pot1         += e;

  /* unpack virial */
  result = fcs_get_virial(handle, vir);
#ifdef P_AXIAL
  vir_xx += vir[0];
  vir_yy += vir[4];
  vir_zz += vir[8];
  virial += vir[0] + vir[4] + vir[8];
  if (do_press_calc) {
    /* distribute virial tensor evenly on all atoms */
    sym_tensor pp;
    pp.xx = vir[0] / natoms;
    pp.yy = vir[4] / natoms;
    pp.zz = vir[8] / natoms;
    pp.yz = (vir[5]+vir[7]) / (2*natoms);
    pp.zx = (vir[2]+vir[6]) / (2*natoms);
    pp.xy = (vir[1]+vir[3]) / (2*natoms);
    for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) {
      cell *p = CELLPTR(k);
      for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) { 
        PRESSTENS(p,i,xx) += pp.xx;
        PRESSTENS(p,i,yy) += pp.yy;
        PRESSTENS(p,i,zz) += pp.zz;
        PRESSTENS(p,i,yz) += pp.yz;
        PRESSTENS(p,i,zx) += pp.zx;
        PRESSTENS(p,i,xy) += pp.xy;

  /* sum up potential energy */
#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Allreduce( &pot1, &pot2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, cpugrid);
  tot_pot_energy += pot2;
  tot_pot_energy += pot1;
Beispiel #10
void calc_forces(int steps)
  int n, k;

  /* clear global accumulation variables */
  tot_pot_energy = 0.0;
  virial = 0.0;
  vir_xx = 0.0;
  vir_yy = 0.0;
  vir_zz = 0.0;
  vir_yz = 0.0;
  vir_zx = 0.0;
  vir_xy = 0.0;

  /* clear per atom accumulation variables */
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
  for (k=0; k<ncells; ++k) {
    int  i;
    cell *p;
    p = cell_array + k;
    for (i=0; i<p->n; ++i) {
      KRAFT(p,i,X) = 0.0;
      KRAFT(p,i,Y) = 0.0;
      KRAFT(p,i,Z) = 0.0;
#ifdef UNIAX
      DREH_MOMENT(p,i,X) = 0.0;
      DREH_MOMENT(p,i,Y) = 0.0;
      DREH_MOMENT(p,i,Z) = 0.0;
#if defined(STRESS_TENS)
      PRESSTENS(p,i,xx) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,yy) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,zz) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,yz) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,zx) = 0.0;
      PRESSTENS(p,i,xy) = 0.0;
#ifndef MONOLJ
      POTENG(p,i) = 0.0;
#ifdef CNA
      if (cna)
	MARK(p,i) = 0;
#ifdef NNBR
      NBANZ(p,i) = 0;
      NEIGH(p,i)->n = 0;
#ifdef EAM2
      EAM_RHO(p,i) = 0.0; /* zero host electron density at atom site */
#ifdef EEAM
      EAM_P(p,i) = 0.0; /* zero host electron density at atom site */
#ifdef RIGID
  /* clear total forces */
  if ( nsuperatoms>0 ) 
    for(k=0; k<nsuperatoms; k++) {
      superforce[k].x = 0.0;
      superforce[k].y = 0.0;
      superforce[k].z = 0.0;

#ifdef EWALD
  if (steps==0) { = 0.0;
    imd_start_timer( &ewald_time );

  /* compute forces for all pairs of cells */
  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
    for (k=0; k<npairs[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n]+k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.x + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.x + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.y + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.y + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.y;
      pbc.z = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.z + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.z + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.z;
      do_forces(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc,
                &tot_pot_energy, &virial, &vir_xx, &vir_yy, &vir_zz,
                                          &vir_yz, &vir_zx, &vir_xy);

#ifdef EWALD
  if (steps==0) {
    imd_stop_timer( &ewald_time );

#ifdef EAM2
  /* compute embedding energy and its derivative */

  for (n=0; n<nlists; ++n) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
    for (k=0; k<npairs[n]; ++k) {
      vektor pbc;
      pair *P;
      P = pairs[n]+k;
      pbc.x = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.x + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.x + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.x;
      pbc.y = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.y + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.y + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.y;
      pbc.z = P->ipbc[0]*box_x.z + P->ipbc[1]*box_y.z + P->ipbc[2]*box_z.z;
      do_forces_eam2(cell_array + P->np, cell_array + P->nq, pbc,
        &virial, &vir_xx, &vir_yy, &vir_zz, &vir_yz, &vir_zx, &vir_xy);

#if defined(COVALENT) && !defined(CNA)
/* does not work correctly - different threads may write to same variables 
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
  for (k=0; k<ncells; ++k) {
    do_forces2(cell_array+k, &tot_pot_energy, &virial, 
               &vir_xx, &vir_yy, &vir_zz, &vir_yz, &vir_zx, &vir_xy);

#ifdef EWALD 
