main(int argc, char ** argv) { check_help(); extern char *poptarg; extern char *poparr[]; int c; const char *param_string = ""; while ((c = pgetopt(argc, argv, param_string, "$Revision: 1.5 $", _SRC_)) != -1) switch(c) { case '?': params_to_usage(cerr, argv[0], param_string); get_help(); exit(1); } dyn *b; real prev_time = -VERY_LARGE_NUMBER; cerr.precision(HIGH_PRECISION); while (b = get_dyn()) { real time = b->get_system_time(); if (prev_time > -VERY_LARGE_NUMBER) { real dt = time - prev_time; PRC(time); PRL(dt); } else PRL(time); prev_time = time; rmtree(b); } }
bool CorporationDB::CreateMemberAttributeUpdate(MemberAttributeUpdate & attrib, uint32 newCorpID, uint32 charID) { // What are we doing here exactly? // Corporation gets a new member // it's new to it DBQueryResult res; DBResultRow row; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " title, corporationDateTime, corporationID, " " corpRole, rolesAtAll, rolesAtBase, " " rolesAtHQ, rolesAtOther " " FROM character_ " " WHERE character_.characterID = %u ", charID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } if (!res.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Cannot find character in database"); return false; } // this could be stored in the db #define PRN new PyNone() #define PRI(i) new PyInt(i) #define PRL(i) new PyLong(i) #define PRS(s) new PyString(s) #define PRNI(i) (row.IsNull(i) ? PRI(0) : PRI(row.GetUInt64(i))) #define F(name, o, n) \ = o; \ = n //element Old Value New Value F(accountKey, PRN, PRN); // i don't even know what this could refer to F(baseID, PRN, PRN); F(characterID, PRN, PRI(charID)); F(corporationID, PRI(row.GetUInt(2)), PRI(newCorpID)); // these also have to be queried from the db F(divisionID, PRN, PRN); F(roles, PRNI(3), PRI(0)); F(grantableRoles, PRNI(4), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtBase, PRNI(5), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtHQ, PRNI(6), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtOther, PRNI(7), PRI(0)); F(squadronID, PRN, PRN); F(startDateTime, PRL(row.GetUInt64(1)), PRL(Win32TimeNow())); // another one i have no idea F(titleMask, PRN, PRI(0)); F(baseID, PRS(row.GetText(0)), PRS("")); #undef F #undef PRN #undef PRI #undef PRS #undef PRNI return true; }
void star_cluster::print(ostream& s = cerr) { PRC(relative_mass);PRC(get_total_mass());PRL(nstar); PRC(relative_age);PRC(next_update_age);PRC(relative_mass); PRC(black_hole_mass);PRC(trlx_initial); PRC(rvir);PRC(nstar);PRC(x_imf);PRL(minimum_mass); }
void compute_max_cod(dyn *b, vec& pos, vec& vel) { // First see if the data are already known. if (find_qmatch(b->get_dyn_story(), "density_center_type")) if (streq(getsq(b->get_dyn_story(), "density_center_type"), "max")) { if (twiddles(getrq(b->get_dyn_story(), "density_center_time"), b->get_system_time(), TTOL)) { pos = getvq(b->get_dyn_story(), "density_center_pos"); vel = getvq(b->get_dyn_story(), "density_center_vel"); return; } } real max_density = 0; pos = 0; vel = 0; // for_all_leaves(dyn, b, d) for_all_daughters(dyn, b, d) { real dens_time = getrq(d->get_dyn_story(), "density_time"); if (!twiddles(dens_time, b->get_system_time(), TTOL) && print_msg) { warning("compute_max_cod: using out-of-date densities."); PRC(d->format_label()), PRL(dens_time); if (++msg_count > MAX_MSG_COUNT) print_msg = false; } real this_density = getrq(d->get_dyn_story(), "density"); if (this_density > 0) { if (max_density < this_density) { max_density = this_density; pos = d->get_pos(); vel = d->get_vel(); } } else if (this_density <= -VERY_LARGE_NUMBER) { if (print_msg) { warning("compute_max_cod: density not set."); PRL(d->format_label()); } if (++msg_count > MAX_MSG_COUNT) print_msg = false; } }
local void scale_limits(real& e1, real& e2, int option, int N, real M, real E) { real scale = 1.0; PRL(E); if (option == 3) { // Limits refer to kinetic energy per unit mass. Scale to -E/M. scale = -E / M; } else if (option != 2) { // Limits refer to energy. Scale to kT = -(2/3) E/N. scale = -E / (1.5*N); PRL(scale); } e1 *= scale; e2 *= scale; }
local void addstoa(dyn * b, int m_flag) { real time; int ndim; int n; int n_stoa; n = 0; for_all_daughters(dyn, b, bi) n++; PRL(n); cin >> n_stoa; cin >> ndim; cin >> time; PRC(n_stoa); PRC(ndim); PRL(time); if (n != n_stoa){ err_exit("n and n_stoa must be equal"); } for_all_daughters(dyn, b, bi) { real mass; cin >> mass; if(m_flag)bi->set_mass(mass); }
local int add_background_stars_to_ccd(real** ccd, wavelength band, real beta_PSF, real arcsec_per_pixel, real fwhm, bool verbose) { real luminosity = 0; real xpos, ypos; real ccd_size = XCCD_MAX*YCCD_MAX * pow(arcsec_per_pixel/3600., 2); PRL(ccd_size); real a = -5.86697E+00; real b = 9.95179E-01; real c = -3.74649E-02; real d = 6.47974E-04; real e = -4.38781E-06; int n_added=0; int ns_mag; real Mv; for(int imag=4; imag<31; imag++) { Mv = imag; ns_mag = (int)(ccd_size * 2.5 * pow(10., a + b*Mv + c*pow(Mv, 2) + d*pow(Mv, 3) + e*pow(Mv, 4))); PRC(Mv);PRC(ns_mag); for(int i=0; i<ns_mag; i++) { Mv = randinter((real)imag, (real)imag+1); if(band!=2) { Mv += randinter(-0.2, 1.5); } luminosity = pow(10, (4.76-Mv)/2.5); xpos = randinter(0., XCCD_MAX*arcsec_per_pixel); ypos = randinter(0., YCCD_MAX*arcsec_per_pixel); if (verbose) { cerr << "Background star # " << n_added+1 << " pos (x, y): " << xpos << " " << ypos << " pixels"; cerr << " magnitudes (M): " << Mv << endl; } if(add_star_to_ccd(ccd, luminosity, xpos, ypos, beta_PSF, arcsec_per_pixel, fwhm)) n_added++; } } return n_added; }
void mmas::mixing(usm &model) { int n = model.get_num_shells(); real entr_min = 1e100, entr_max = 0; vector<real> dm; real m_prev = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { mass_shell &shell = model.get_shell(i); entr_min = min(entr_min, shell.entropy); entr_max = max(entr_max, shell.entropy); dm.push_back(shell.mass - m_prev); m_prev = shell.mass; } real M = model.star_mass; real alpha = 10 * square(log(entr_max/entr_min)/log(10)); PRL(alpha); vector<real> m_mu; for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { mass_shell &shell_k = model.get_shell(k); real X_H = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { mass_shell &shell_i = model.get_shell(i); real fac = 0; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { mass_shell &shell_j = model.get_shell(j); fac += gij(shell_i.mass, shell_j.mass, M, alpha)*dm[j]; } real xH = (4.0/shell_i.mean_mu - 3.0)/5.0; X_H += xH * gij(shell_i.mass, shell_k.mass, M, alpha) * dm[i] / fac; } real mmu = 4.0/(5*X_H + 3); m_mu.push_back(mmu); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { mass_shell &shell = model.get_shell(i); // PRC(shell.mass); PRC(shell.mean_mu); PRL(m_mu[i]); shell.mean_mu = m_mu[i]; } }
void new_camera_position(vec &v_new, vec v_old, real theta_rotation, real phi_rotation, int nsteps, int nsnap) { real theta = nsnap*theta_rotation/nsteps; real phi = nsnap*phi_rotation/nsteps; PRC(nsnap);PRC(theta);PRL(phi); real r = abs(v_old); v_new[0] = r * sin(theta); v_new[1] = r * sin(theta) * cos(phi); v_new[2] = r * cos(theta); cerr << "vector = " << v_new << endl; }
real stellar_evolution_constants::super_nova_kick() { // Super Nova Kick functions. // kick velicity imparted to the remnant during the supernova event. // changing the kick velocity requires recompilation. // Paczynsky's velocity distribution with a dispersion // of 600 km/s is prefered by Hartman. // Gauss kick velocity distribution. // Lyne, A.G., \& Lorimer, D.R., 1994, Nature 369, 127 // propose v_k = 450 +- 90 km/s // this is comparable to a one dimensional gaussion // of 260 km/s. // Hansen & Phinney (1997, MNRAS 291, 569) kick velocity distribution. // They prever a Maxwellian with a velocity dispersion of // 270 km/s. // selected kick distribution imparted to a newly formed neutron star // in a supernova. PRL(v_disp); switch(pk) { case no_velocity_kick: return 0; break; case Maxwellian_velocity_kick: return random_maxwellian_velocity(v_disp); break; case internally_decided_velocity_kick: case Paczynski_velocity_kick: return random_paczynski_velocity(v_disp); break; case delta_function_velocity_kick: return v_disp; break; default: cerr << "\nNo recognized option in " "stellar_evolution_constants::" "super_nova_kick(super_nova_kick_distribution " << pk << ")" << endl; exit(1); } }
local void add_bad_column(real **ccd, int n_bc, bool verbose) { // reset input seed. int input_seed = 11111111; int actual_seed = srandinter(input_seed); if (verbose) { cerr << "Add " << n_bc << " bad columns: "; PRC(input_seed);PRL(actual_seed); } for(int iy = 0; iy<n_bc; iy++) { int iyy = int(randinter(0., YCCD_MAX)); if (verbose) cerr << "Bad column at: " << iyy << endl; for(int ix = 0; ix<XCCD_MAX; ix++) ccd[ix][iyy] = 0; } }
local bool read_binary_params(ifstream& in, real &m_prim, real &m_sec, real &sma, real &ecc, real &z) { m_prim = 1000; m_sec = 1000; sma = 0; ecc = 0; z = 1; while (m_prim>100.0 || m_sec>100.0 || ecc<0 || ecc>1 || z < 0.0001 || z > 0.03){ if(in.eof()) return false; // reading from input file // int id, tpp, tps; // real time, Rlp, Rls; in >> sma >> ecc >> m_prim >> m_sec >> z; // in >>id >> time >> sma >> ecc // >> tpp >> m_prim >> Rlp >> tps >> m_sec >> Rls; } PRC(m_prim);PRC(m_sec);PRC(sma);PRC(ecc);PRL(z); return true; }
local void mk_ccd(dyn* b, vec dc_pos, int project, wavelength band, real distance, real reddening, real upper_Llimit, real xoffset, real yoffset, real electrons_to_ADU, real beta_PSF, real arcsec_per_pixel, real fwhm, char* filename, bool add_background_stars, bool add_standard_star, int input_seed, bool add_cosmics, int nbad_column, bool verbose) { PRL(band); real maximum_electrons = electrons_to_ADU*SATURATION_LIMIT-1; real half_xccd = 0.5*XCCD_MAX*arcsec_per_pixel; real half_yccd = 0.5*YCCD_MAX*arcsec_per_pixel; real **ccd = mkarray(XCCD_MAX, YCCD_MAX); cerr << "CCD allocated"<<endl; for(int ix = 0; ix<XCCD_MAX; ix++) for(int iy = 0; iy<YCCD_MAX; iy++) ccd[ix][iy] = 0; PRL(distance); real distance_modulus = 5 * log10(distance/10.); PRC(distance_modulus); PRL(distance); // magnitude_limit -= distance_modulus; // real magnitude_limit = t_obs/10. - distance_modulus; // real luminosity_limit = pow(10, (4.76-magnitude_limit)/5.5); // in V // PRC(magnitude_limit); // PRL(luminosity_limit); real pos_to_parsec = b->get_starbase()->conv_r_dyn_to_star(1) * cnsts.parameters(Rsun)/cnsts.parameters(parsec); real pos_to_arcsec = b->get_starbase()->conv_r_dyn_to_star(1) * 3600 * cnsts.parameters(Rsun) / (distance*cnsts.parameters(parsec)); PRC(pos_to_parsec);PRL(pos_to_arcsec); real xpos, ypos, zpos; real M_max = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER; real local_Mmm=0, magn; real luminosity, L_max = 0; real xmax=0, ymax=0; vec r; if (b->get_oldest_daughter()) { vec r_com = b->get_pos() - dc_pos; for_all_leaves(dyn, b, bb) { // cerr << " new star: "; // cerr << bb->get_index()<<endl; r = bb->get_pos()-bb->get_parent()->get_pos(); // PRL(r); switch(project) { case -3: xpos = r[0]; ypos = r[1]; zpos = -r[2]; break; case -2: xpos = -r[0]; ypos = r[2]; zpos = -r[1]; break; case -1: xpos = -r[1]; ypos = r[2]; zpos = -r[0]; break; case 1: xpos = r[1]; ypos = r[2]; zpos = r[0]; break; case 2: xpos = r[0]; ypos = r[2]; zpos = r[1]; break; case 3: xpos = r[0]; ypos = r[1]; zpos = r[2]; break; } xpos = xpos * pos_to_arcsec + half_xccd - xoffset; ypos = ypos * pos_to_arcsec + half_yccd - yoffset; zpos *= pos_to_parsec; // PRC(zpos); if(distance+zpos>0) { real local_distance_modulus = 5 * log10((distance+zpos)/10.); // PRL(local_distance_modulus); luminosity = get_luminosity(bb, band, local_distance_modulus, maximum_electrons/upper_Llimit); // PRL(luminosity); if(L_max<luminosity) { L_max = luminosity; M_max = 4.76 - 2.5*log10(luminosity) - local_distance_modulus; local_Mmm = local_distance_modulus; xmax = xpos; //ascsec ymax = ypos; } if (luminosity<=0) { luminosity = 0; // cerr << "Stellar luminosity = " << luminosity << endl; // cerr << " star Not added to ccd"<<endl; } else { if (verbose) { real nx = xpos/arcsec_per_pixel; real ny = ypos/arcsec_per_pixel; if (nx>=-10 && nx<=XCCD_MAX && ny>=-10 && ny<=YCCD_MAX+10) { cerr << "Cluster star #" << bb->get_index() << " pos (x, y): " << nx << " " << ny << " pixels" << endl; cerr << " magnitudes (M, m): " << 4.76 - 2.5*log10(luminosity) - local_distance_modulus << " " << 4.76 - 2.5*log10(luminosity) <<endl; } } add_star_to_ccd(ccd, luminosity, xpos, ypos, beta_PSF, arcsec_per_pixel, fwhm); } } }
int main(int argc, char**argv) { int i, k; int n; Forceinfo force; Nbodyinfo nbody; init_nbodyinfo(&nbody); vtc_init_cputime(); parse_argv(argc, argv); if (snapin_flag == 0 && !initcond_flag) { fprintf(stderr, "snapshot input file required (-i)\n"); show_usage(argv[0]); } if (initcond_flag) { create_initcond(&nbody, initn); tstart = 0.0; } else { if (ionemo_flag) { read_binary(snapinfile, &tstart, &nbody); } else if (usepob_flag) { read_pob(snapinfile, &tstart, &nbody); } else { read_ascii(snapinfile, &tstart, &nbody); } } n = nbody.n; nbody.a = (double (*)[3])malloc(sizeof(double)*3*n); nbody.p = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n); if (NULL == nbody.a || NULL == nbody.p) { perror("main"); exit(1); } if (tstart > tend) { fprintf(stderr, "start time %f larger than end time %f. abort.\n", tstart, tend); exit(1); } #if DIRECT /* direct sum */ vtc_get_default_direct_params(&force); /* get current values */ #else /* tree */ vtc_get_default_tree_params(&force); /* get current values */ #endif /* direct/tree */ /* modify some of them */ force.theta = theta; force.eps = eps; force.ncrit = ncrit; force.node_div_crit = node_div_crit; force.p = me_order; force.negativemass = negativemass; force.pprad = pprad; force.full_dof = full_dof_flag; if (grape_flag) { force.calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; force.calculator = GRAPE; } force.test_id = test_id; PR(snapinfile,s); PRL(snapoutfile,s); PRL(n,d); PR(eps, f); PR(theta, f); PR(ncrit, d); PRL(node_div_crit, d); { double mmin = 1e10; double mmax = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nbody.n; i++) { if (mmin > nbody.m[i]) mmin = nbody.m[i]; if (mmax < nbody.m[i]) mmax = nbody.m[i]; } fprintf(stderr, "mmin: %e mmax: %e\n", mmin, mmax); } #if COSMO time_integration_loop_hubble(&force, &nbody); #else time_integration_loop(&force, &nbody); #endif #if USE_GM_API fprintf(stderr, "will m2_gm_finalize...\n"); m2_gm_finalize(); fprintf(stderr, "done m2_gm_finalize.\n"); #endif /* USE_GM_API */ exit(0); }
static void time_integration_loop(Forceinfo *fi, Nbodyinfo *nb) { int i, nstep; int outsnapstep, outimagestep; double W, K, E0, E, Q; double cm[3], cmv[3]; double t = tstart; nstep = (int)((tend-tstart)/dt+0.1); dt = (tend-tstart)/nstep; outsnapstep = (int) (dtsnapout/dt+0.1); outimagestep = (int) (dtimageout/dt+0.1); PR(tstart,f); PR(tend,f); PR(dt,f); PRL(dtsnapout,f); PRL(dtimageout,f); if (cputime_flag) { vtc_turnon_cputime(); } vtc_init_cputime(); vtc_print_cputime("initial vtc_get_force start at"); #if DIRECT /* direct sum */ if (grape_flag) { vtc_set_scale(512.0, nb->m[0]); #if MDGRAPE2 fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; #else fi->calculator = GRAPE; #endif /* MDGRAPE2 */ vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); #if CALCPOTENTIAL && MDGRAPE2 fi->calculator = GRAPE_POTENTIALONLY; vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; #endif /* CALCPOTENTIAL && MDGRAPE2 */ } else { #if CALCPOTENTIAL fi->calculator = HOST; #endif /* CALCPOTENTIAL */ vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); } #else /* tree */ if (grape_flag) { #if NOFORCE fi->calculator = NOCALCULATOR; #elif MDGRAPE2 fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; #else fi->calculator = GRAPE; #endif /* NOFORCE */ vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); #if CALCPOTENTIAL && MDGRAPE2 fi->calculator = GRAPE_POTENTIALONLY; vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; #endif /* CALCPOTENTIAL && MDGRAPE2 */ } else { #if CALCPOTENTIAL fi->calculator = HOST; #endif /* CALCPOTENTIAL */ vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); } #endif vtc_print_cputime("initial vtc_get_force end at"); fprintf(stderr, "ninteraction: %e list_len_avg: %6.5f nwalk: %d\n", fi->ninteraction, (double)fi->ninteraction/nb->n, fi->nwalk); K = get_kinetic_energy(nb); #if CALCPOTENTIAL W = get_potential_energy(nb); E = E0 = W+K; PR(E0, 20.17f); PR(W, 20.17f); #endif PRL(K, f); plot_nbody(t, nb); /* calculate force at T=0 and quit */ if (snapout_flag && dtsnapout == 0.0) { static int nout = 0; char fn[255]; snapout_acc_flag = 1; sprintf(fn, snapoutfile, nout); PRL(fn, s); if (ionemo_flag) { write_binary(fn, t, nb); } else if (usepob_flag) { write_pob(fn, t, nb); } else { write_ascii(fn, t, nb); } vtc_print_cputime("exit at"); #if USE_GM_API fprintf(stderr, "will m2_gm_finalize...\n"); m2_gm_finalize(); fprintf(stderr, "done m2_gm_finalize.\n"); #endif /* USE_GM_API */ } for (i = 0; i < nstep; i++) { if (i%outlogstep == outlogstep - 1 && cputime_flag) { vtc_turnon_cputime(); } else { vtc_turnoff_cputime(); } fprintf(stderr, "step %d\n", i); push_velocity(0.5*dt, nb); push_position(dt, nb); t = tstart+(i+1)*dt; vtc_init_cputime(); #if DIRECT /* direct sum */ vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); #else /* tree */ vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); #endif vtc_print_cputime("vtc_get_force end at"); push_velocity(0.5*dt, nb); vtc_print_cputime("integration end at"); plot_nbody(t, nb); if (i%outlogstep == outlogstep - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ninteraction: %e list_len_avg: %6.5f nwalk: %d\n", fi->ninteraction, fi->ninteraction/nb->n, fi->nwalk); K = get_kinetic_energy(nb); #if CALCPOTENTIAL #if MDGRAPE2 if (grape_flag) { fi->calculator = GRAPE_POTENTIALONLY; #if DIRECT /* direct sum */ vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); #else /* tree */ vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); #endif /* direct/tree */ fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; } #endif /* MDGRAPE2 */ W = get_potential_energy(nb); E = W+K; Q = K/(K-E); fprintf(stderr, "\nT= %f K= %20.17f Q= %20.17f E= %20.17f Eerr= %20.17f Eabserr= %20.17f\n", t, K, Q, E, (E0-E)/E0, E0-E); #else /* CALCPOTENTIAL */ fprintf(stderr, "\nT= %f K= %20.17f\n", t, K); #endif /* CALCPOTENTIAL */ fprintf(stderr, "step: %d\n", i); get_cmterms(nb, cm, cmv); fprintf(stderr, "CM %15.13e %15.13e %15.13e\n", cm[0], cm[1], cm[2]); fprintf(stderr, "CMV %15.13e %15.13e %15.13e\n", cmv[0], cmv[1], cmv[2]); } if (i%outsnapstep == outsnapstep - 1 && snapout_flag) { static int nout = 0; char fn[255]; char cmd[255]; sprintf(fn, snapoutfile, nout); PRL(fn, s); if (ionemo_flag) { write_binary(fn, t, nb); } else if (usepob_flag) { write_pob(fn, t, nb); } else { write_ascii(fn, t, nb); } if (command_exec_flag) { sprintf(cmd, "%s %s %03d", command_name, fn, nout); fprintf(stderr, "execute %s\n", cmd); system(cmd); } nout++; PR(t, f); PRL(fn, s); } if (i%outimagestep == outimagestep - 1 && imageout_flag) { static int nout = 0; char fn[255]; char cmd[255]; char msg[255]; double center[2]; sprintf(fn, snapoutfile, nout); strcat(fn, ".gif"); PRL(fn, s); sprintf(msg, "t: %5.3f", t); center[0] = 0.0; center[1] = 0.0; // vtc_plotstar(fn, nb, msg, image_scale, center, 1e10, NULL, NULL); // vtc_plotstar(nb->x, nb->m, nb->n, t, image_scale, fn); nout++; PR(t, f); PRL(fn, s); } vtc_print_cputime("exit at"); } /* i loop */ }
static void time_integration_loop_hubble(Forceinfo *fi, Nbodyinfo *nb) { double zval; /* red shift at T=0 */ double tmpzz; double t, t0, dt1, tpresent; double W, K, E0, E, Q; double cm[3], cmv[3]; int step = 0; double tsnapout, timageout; t = 0.0; tpresent = 16.0; /* present time must be 16.0 */ zval = 24.0; tmpzz = pow(1.0/(zval+1), 3.0/2.0); t0 = tmpzz/(1.0-tmpzz)*tpresent; fi->eps = (zval+1)*pow(t0/(tpresent+t0), 2.0/3.0)*eps0; dt1 = dt0; tsnapout = dtsnapout; timageout = dtimageout; PR(t0, f); PR(dt0, f); PRL(dt1, f); PR(tstart,f); PR(tpresent,f); PR(dt,f); PRL(dtsnapout,f); PRL(dtimageout,f); if (cputime_flag) { vtc_turnon_cputime(); } vtc_init_cputime(); vtc_print_cputime("initial vtc_get_force start at"); #if DIRECT /* direct sum */ if (grape_flag) { vtc_set_scale(512.0, nb->m[0]); fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); #if CALCPOTENTIAL fi->calculator = GRAPE_POTENTIALONLY; vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; #endif } else { vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); } #else /* tree */ if (grape_flag) { fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); #if CALCPOTENTIAL fi->calculator = GRAPE_POTENTIALONLY; vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; #endif } else { vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); } #endif /* direct/tree */ vtc_print_cputime("initial vtc_get_force end at"); fprintf(stderr, "ninteraction: %e list_len_avg: %6.5f nwalk: %d\n", fi->ninteraction, (double)fi->ninteraction/nb->n, fi->nwalk); K = get_kinetic_energy(nb); #if CALCPOTENTIAL W = get_potential_energy(nb); E = E0 = W+K; PR(E0, f); PR(W, f); #endif PRL(K, f); plot_nbody(t, nb); /* calculate force at T=0 and quit */ if (snapout_flag && dtsnapout == 0.0) { static int nout = 0; char fn[255]; snapout_acc_flag = 1; sprintf(fn, snapoutfile, nout); PRL(fn, s); if (ionemo_flag) { write_binary(fn, t, nb); } else if (usepob_flag) { write_pob(fn, t, nb); } else { write_ascii(fn, t, nb); } vtc_print_cputime("exit at"); return; } while (t < tend) { if (fi->eps < eps) { double eps1; eps1 = (zval+1)*pow((t+t0)/(tpresent+t0), 2.0/3.0)*eps0; fi->eps = (eps1 < eps ? eps1 : eps); } else { fi->eps = eps; } if (dt1 < dt) { dt1 = dt0*(t+t0)/t0; } else { dt1 = dt; } if (step%outlogstep == outlogstep - 1 && cputime_flag) { vtc_turnon_cputime(); } else { vtc_turnoff_cputime(); } push_velocity(0.5*dt1, nb); push_position(dt1, nb); vtc_init_cputime(); #if DIRECT /* direct sum */ vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); #else /* tree */ vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); #endif /* direct/tree */ vtc_print_cputime("vtc_get_force end at"); push_velocity(0.5*dt1, nb); vtc_print_cputime("integration end at"); plot_nbody(t, nb); if (step%outlogstep == outlogstep - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ninteraction: %e list_len_avg: %6.5f nwalk: %d\n", fi->ninteraction, fi->ninteraction/nb->n, fi->nwalk); K = get_kinetic_energy(nb); #if CALCPOTENTIAL if (grape_flag) { fi->calculator = GRAPE_POTENTIALONLY; #if DIRECT /* direct sum */ vtc_get_force_direct(fi, nb); #else /* tree */ vtc_get_force_tree(fi, nb); #endif /* direct/tree */ fi->calculator = GRAPE_FORCEONLY; } W = get_potential_energy(nb); E = W+K; Q = K/(K-E); fprintf(stderr, "\nT= %f K= %f Q= %f E= %f Eerr= %f Eabserr= %f\n", t, K, Q, E, (E0-E)/E0, E0-E); #else fprintf(stderr, "\nT= %f K= %f\n", t, K); #endif fprintf(stderr, "step: %d\n", step); fprintf(stderr, "T: %f current eps: %f dt: %f\n", t, fi->eps, dt1); get_cmterms(nb, cm, cmv); fprintf(stderr, "CM %15.13e %15.13e %15.13e\n", cm[0], cm[1], cm[2]); fprintf(stderr, "CMV %15.13e %15.13e %15.13e\n", cmv[0], cmv[1], cmv[2]); } if (tsnapout < t && snapout_flag) { static int nout = 0; char fn[255]; char cmd[255]; sprintf(fn, snapoutfile, nout); PRL(fn, s); if (ionemo_flag) { write_binary(fn, t, nb); } else if (usepob_flag) { write_pob(fn, t, nb); } else { write_ascii(fn, t, nb); } if (command_exec_flag) { sprintf(cmd, "%s %s %03d", command_name, fn, nout); fprintf(stderr, "execute %s\n", cmd); system(cmd); } nout++; PR(t, f); PRL(fn, s); tsnapout += dtsnapout; } if (timageout < t && imageout_flag) { static int nout = 0; char fn[255]; char cmd[255]; sprintf(fn, snapoutfile, nout); strcat(fn, ".gif"); PRL(fn, s); vtc_plotstar(nb->x, nb->n, t, image_scale, fn); nout++; PR(t, f); PRL(fn, s); timageout += dtimageout; } t += dt1; step++; vtc_print_cputime("exit at"); } /* main loop */ }
MyScopedPtr<T>::MyScopedPtr(T *_resource) : resource(_resource) { PRL(CONSTR_P); }
MyScopedPtr<T>::~MyScopedPtr() { PRL(DESTR); delete resource; }
void refine_cluster_mass2(dyn *b, // root node int verbose) // default = 0 { // Self-consistently determine the total mass within the outermost // closed zero-velocity surface under the specified external field(s). // Use a point-mass approximation for the cluster potential and iterate // until the actual mass within the surface agrees with the mass used // to generate the surface. // // This code is most likely to be called from refine_cluster_mass(). // Quit if internal forces are to be neglected. if (b->get_ignore_internal()) return; // Do nothing if all we want is to set the dyn story and the current // values are up to date. if (verbose == 0 && twiddles(getrq(b->get_dyn_story(), "bound_center_time"), b->get_system_time(), TTOL)) return; unsigned int ext = b->get_external_field(); if (!ext || b->get_tidal_field()) return; // Method assumes that the external field can be characterized as // depending on distance from a single point -- i.e. that it has a // single center -- and that it is independent of velocity. OK to // have multiple external fields (e.g. central mass + power law), // so long as they have a common center. int bits_set = bitcount(ext); vec external_center = 0; if (bits_set != 1) { if (bits_set < 1) return; else { // We have multiple external fields. Check for common center. cerr << " refine_cluster_mass2: "; PRC(ext); PRL(bits_set); int bit = 0, cbit = -1; for (unsigned int i = ext; i != 0; i >>= 1, bit++) { if (i & 01) { if (cbit < 0) { cbit = bit; external_center = b->get_external_center(cbit); } else { if (!twiddles(square(b->get_external_center(bit) - external_center), 0)) { cerr << " refine_cluster_mass2: center " << bit << " inconsistent with center " << cbit << endl; return; } } } } cerr << " common center = " << external_center << endl; } } else