Beispiel #1
void SortMoves (int ply)
 *  Sort criteria is as follows.
 *  1.  The move from the hash table
 *  2.  Captures as above.
 *  3.  Killers.
 *  4.  History.
 *  5.  Moves to the centre.
   leaf *p;
   int f, t, m, tovalue;
   int side, xside;
   BitBoard enemyP;

   side = board.side;
   xside = 1^side;
   enemyP = board.b[xside][pawn];

   for (p = TreePtr[ply]; p < TreePtr[ply+1]; p++)
      p->score = -INFINITY;
      f = FROMSQ (p->move);
      t = TOSQ (p->move);
      m = p->move & MOVEMASK;

      /* Hash table move (highest score) */
      if (m == Hashmv[ply])
         p->score += HASHSORTSCORE;

      else if (cboard[t] != 0 || p->move & PROMOTION)

	/* ***** SRW My Interpretation of this code *************
           * Captures normally in other places but.....         *
           *                                                    *
           * On capture we generally prefer to capture with the *
	   * with the lowest value piece so to chose between    *
           * pieces we should subtract the piece value .... but *
           *                                                    *
           * The original code was looking at some captures     *
           * last, especially where the piece was worth more    *
           * than the piece captured - KP v K in endgame.epd    *
           *                                                    *
           * So code modified to prefer any capture by adding   *
           * ValueK                                             *
           ****************************************************** */

        tovalue = (Value[cboard[t]] + Value[PROMOTEPIECE (p->move)]);
        p->score += tovalue + ValueK - Value[cboard[f]];

      /* Killers */
      else if (m == killer1[ply] || m == killer2[ply])
         p->score += KILLERSORTSCORE; 
      else if (ply > 2 && (m == killer1[ply-2] || m == killer2[ply-2]))
         p->score += KILLERSORTSCORE; 

      p->score += history[side][(p->move & 0x0FFF)] + taxicab[f][D5] - taxicab[t][E4];

      if ( cboard[f] == pawn ) {
        /* Look at pushing Passed pawns first */
        if ( (enemyP & PassedPawnMask[side][t]) == NULLBITBOARD )
           p->score +=50;
Beispiel #2
int SwapOff (int move)
 *  A Static Exchange Evaluator (or SEE for short).
 *  First determine the target square.  Create a bitboard of all squares
 *  attacking the target square for both sides.  Using these 2 bitboards,
 *  we take turn making captures from smallest piece to largest piece.
 *  When a sliding piece makes a capture, we check behind it to see if
 *  another attacker piece has been exposed.  If so, add this to the bitboard
 *  as well.  When performing the "captures", we stop if one side is ahead
 *  and doesn't need to capture, a form of pseudo-minimaxing.
   int f, t, sq, piece, lastval;
   int side, xside; 
   int swaplist[MAXPLYDEPTH], n;
   BitBoard b, c, *d, *e, r;

   f = FROMSQ (move);
   t = TOSQ (move);
   side = ((board.friends[white] & BitPosArray[f]) ? white : black);
   xside = 1^side;

   /*  Squares attacking t for side and xside  */
   b = AttackTo (t, side);
   c = AttackTo (t, xside);
   CLEARBIT(b, f);
   if (xray[cboard[f]])
      AddXrayPiece (t, f, side, &b, &c);

   d = board.b[side];
   e = board.b[xside]; 
   if (move & PROMOTION)
      swaplist[0] = Value[PROMOTEPIECE (move)] - ValueP;
      lastval = -Value[PROMOTEPIECE (move)];
      swaplist[0] = (move & ENPASSANT ? ValueP : Value[cboard[t]]);
      lastval = -Value[cboard[f]];
   n = 1;
   while (1)
      if (c == NULLBITBOARD)
      for (piece = pawn; piece <= king; piece++)
         r = c & e[piece]; 
	 if (r)
	    sq = leadz (r);
	    CLEARBIT (c, sq);
	    if (xray[piece])
	       AddXrayPiece (t, sq, xside, &c, &b);
	    swaplist[n] = swaplist[n-1] + lastval;
	    lastval = Value[piece];

      if (b == NULLBITBOARD)
      for (piece = pawn; piece <= king; piece++)
         r = b & d[piece]; 
	 if (r)
	    sq = leadz (r);
	    CLEARBIT (b, sq);
	    if (xray[piece])
	       AddXrayPiece (t, sq, side, &b, &c);
	    swaplist[n] = swaplist[n-1] + lastval;
	    lastval = -Value[piece];

 *  At this stage, we have the swap scores in a list.  We just need to 
 *  mini-max the scores from the bottom up to the top of the list.
   while (n)
      if (n & 1)
         if (swaplist[n] <= swaplist[n-1])
	    swaplist[n-1] = swaplist[n]; 
         if (swaplist[n] >= swaplist[n-1])
	    swaplist[n-1] = swaplist[n]; 
   return (swaplist[0]);