// Purpose: 
// Input  : *soundname - 
//			params - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound( const char *soundname, CSoundParameters& params )
	int index = GetSoundIndex( soundname );
	if ( index == -1 )
		DevMsg( "CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound:  No such sound %s\n", soundname );
		return false;

	CSoundParametersInternal *internal = InternalGetParametersForSound( index );
	if ( !internal )
		Assert( 0 );
		DevMsg( "CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound:  No such sound %s\n", soundname );
		return false;

	params.channel = internal->channel;
	params.volume = RandomInterval( internal->volume );
	params.pitch = RandomInterval( internal->pitch );
	params.pitchlow = internal->pitch.start;
	params.pitchhigh = params.pitchlow + internal->pitch.range;
	params.count = internal->soundnames.Count();
	params.soundname[ 0 ] = 0;
	if ( params.count >= 1 )
		CUtlSymbol sym = internal->soundnames[ random->RandomInt( 0, params.count - 1 ) ];

		Q_strncpy( params.soundname, m_Waves.String( sym ), sizeof( params.soundname ) );

	params.soundlevel = (soundlevel_t)(int)RandomInterval( internal->soundlevel );
	params.play_to_owner_only = internal->play_to_owner_only;

	if ( !params.soundname[ 0 ] )
		DevMsg( "CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound:  sound %s has no wave or rndwave key!\n", soundname );
		return false;

	if ( internal->had_missing_wave_files &&
		params.soundname[ 0 ] != CHAR_SENTENCE )
		char testfile[ 256 ];
		Q_snprintf( testfile, sizeof( testfile ), "sound/%s", PSkipSoundChars( params.soundname ) );

		if ( !filesystem->FileExists( testfile ) )
			DevMsg( "CSoundEmitterSystemBase::GetParametersForSound:  sound '%s' references wave '%s' which doesn't exist on disk!\n", 
				params.soundname );
			return false;

	return true;
// Generates a sound clip for the game sound
CDmeSoundClip *CSFMGenApp::CreateSoundClip( CDmeFilmClip *pShot, const char *pAnimationSetName, const char *pGameSound, studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, CDmeGameSound **ppGameSound )
	*ppGameSound = NULL;

	CDmeTrackGroup *pTrackGroup = pShot->FindOrAddTrackGroup( "audio" );
	CDmeTrack *pTrack = pTrackGroup->FindOrAddTrack( pAnimationSetName, DMECLIP_SOUND );

	// Get the gender for the model
	gender_t actorGender = g_pSoundEmitterSystem->GetActorGender( pStudioHdr->name );

	// Get the wav file for the gamesound.
	CSoundParameters params;
	if ( !g_pSoundEmitterSystem->GetParametersForSound( pGameSound, params, actorGender ) )
		Warning( "Unable to determine .wav file for gamesound %s!\n", pGameSound );
		return NULL;

	// Get the sound duration
	char pFullPath[MAX_PATH];
	char pRelativePath[MAX_PATH];
	const char *pWavFile = PSkipSoundChars( params.soundname );
	Q_ComposeFileName( "sound", pWavFile, pRelativePath, sizeof(pRelativePath) );
	g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( pRelativePath, "GAME", pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) );
	DmeTime_t duration( GetWavSoundDuration( pFullPath ) );

	CDmeGameSound *pDmeSound = CreateElement< CDmeGameSound >( pGameSound, pTrack->GetFileId() );
	Assert( pDmeSound );
	pDmeSound->m_GameSoundName = pGameSound;
	pDmeSound->m_SoundName	= params.soundname;
	pDmeSound->m_Volume		= params.volume;
	pDmeSound->m_Level		= params.soundlevel;
	pDmeSound->m_Pitch		= params.pitch;
	pDmeSound->m_IsStatic	= true;
	pDmeSound->m_Channel	= CHAN_STATIC;
	pDmeSound->m_Flags		= 0;
	pDmeSound->m_Origin		= vec3_origin;
	pDmeSound->m_Direction	= vec3_origin;

	CDmeSoundClip *pSubClip = CreateElement< CDmeSoundClip >( pGameSound, pTrack->GetFileId() );
	pSubClip->m_Sound = pDmeSound;
	pSubClip->SetStartTime( DMETIME_ZERO );
	pSubClip->SetTimeOffset( DmeTime_t( -params.delay_msec / 1000.0f ) );
	pSubClip->SetDuration( duration );

	pTrack->AddClip( pSubClip );
	*ppGameSound = pDmeSound;

	return pSubClip;
// Purpose: 
int CSoundEmitterSystemBase::CheckForMissingWavFiles( bool verbose )
	int missing = 0;

	int c = GetSoundCount();
	int i;
	char testfile[ 512 ];

	for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CSoundParametersInternal *internal = InternalGetParametersForSound( i );
		if ( !internal )
			Assert( 0 );

		int waveCount = internal->soundnames.Count();
		for ( int wave = 0; wave < waveCount; wave++ )
			CUtlSymbol sym = internal->soundnames[ wave ];
			const char *name = m_Waves.String( sym );
			if ( !name || !name[ 0 ] )
				Assert( 0 );

			// Skip ! sentence stuff
			if ( name[0] == CHAR_SENTENCE )

			Q_snprintf( testfile, sizeof( testfile ), "sound/%s", PSkipSoundChars( name ) );

			if ( filesystem->FileExists( testfile ) )

			internal->had_missing_wave_files = true;


			if ( verbose )
				DevMsg( "Sound %s references missing file %s\n", GetSoundName( i ), name );

	return missing;
// Purpose: Simple wrapper to crack naming convention and create the proper wave source
// Input  : *pName - WAVE filename
// Output : CAudioSource
CAudioSource *AudioSource_Create( const char *pName )
	if ( !pName )
		return NULL;

//	if ( TestSoundChars(pName, CHAR_SENTENCE) )		// sentence

	// Names that begin with CHAR_STREAM are streaming.
	// Skip over the CHAR_STREAM and create a streamed source
	if ( TestSoundChar( pName, CHAR_STREAM ) )		// stream
		return Audio_CreateStreamedWave( PSkipSoundChars(pName) );

	// These are loaded into memory directly
	return Audio_CreateMemoryWave( PSkipSoundCars(pName) );
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *name - 
//			flags - 
// Output : int
int CGameServer::PrecacheSound( char const *name, int flags )
	if ( !m_pSoundPrecacheTable )
		return -1;

	int idx = m_pSoundPrecacheTable->AddString( true, name );
		return -1;

	// mark the sound as being precached, but check first that reslist generation is enabled to save on the va() call
	if (MapReslistGenerator().IsEnabled() && name[0])
		MapReslistGenerator().OnResourcePrecached( va( "sound/%s", PSkipSoundChars( name ) ) );

	// first time, set file size & flags
	CPrecacheUserData p;
	CPrecacheUserData const *pExisting = (CPrecacheUserData const *)m_pSoundPrecacheTable->GetStringUserData( idx, NULL );
	if ( !pExisting )
		p.flags = flags;
		// Just or in any new flags
		p = *pExisting;
		p.flags |= flags;

	m_pSoundPrecacheTable->SetStringUserData( idx, sizeof( p ), &p );

	CPrecacheItem *slot = &sound_precache[ idx ];
	slot->SetName( name );

	return idx;