Beispiel #1
// Trace from a vertex to each direct light source, accumulating its contribution.
void ComputeDirectLightingAtPoint( Vector &position, Vector &normal, Vector &outColor, int iThread,
								   int static_prop_id_to_skip=-1)
	sampleLightOutput_t	sampleOutput;


	// Iterate over all direct lights and accumulate their contribution
	int cluster = ClusterFromPoint( position );
	for ( directlight_t *dl = activelights; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next )
		if ( dl-> )
			// skip lights with style

		// is this lights cluster visible?
		if ( !PVSCheck( dl->pvs, cluster ) )

		// push the vertex towards the light to avoid surface acne
		Vector adjusted_pos = position;
		Vector fudge=dl->light.origin-position;
		VectorNormalize( fudge );
		fudge *= 1.0;
		adjusted_pos += fudge;

		if ( !GatherSampleLight(
				 sampleOutput, dl, -1, adjusted_pos, &normal, 1, iThread, true,
				 static_prop_id_to_skip ) )
		VectorMA( outColor, sampleOutput.falloff *[0], dl->light.intensity, outColor );
Beispiel #2
// Computes max direct lighting for a single detal prop
static void ComputeMaxDirectLighting( DetailObjectLump_t& prop, Vector* maxcolor, int iThread )
	// The max direct lighting must be along the direction to one
	// of the static lights....

	Vector origin, normal;
	ComputeWorldCenter( prop, origin, normal );

	if ( !origin.IsValid() || !normal.IsValid() )
		static bool s_Warned = false;
		if ( !s_Warned )
			Warning("WARNING: Bogus detail props encountered!\n" );
			s_Warned = true;

		// fill with debug color
		for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; ++i)

	int cluster = ClusterFromPoint(origin);

	Vector delta;
	CUtlVector< directlight_t* >	lights;
	CUtlVector< Vector >			directions;

	directlight_t* dl;
	for (dl = activelights; dl != 0; dl = dl->next)
		// skyambient doesn't affect dlights..
		if (dl->light.type == emit_skyambient)

		// is this lights cluster visible?
		if ( PVSCheck( dl->pvs, cluster ) )
			VectorSubtract( dl->light.origin, origin, delta );
			VectorNormalize( delta );
			directions.AddToTail( delta );

	// Find the max illumination
	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; ++i)

	// NOTE: See version 10 for a method where we choose a normal based on whichever
	// one produces the maximum possible illumination. This appeared to work better on
	// e3_town, so I'm trying it now; hopefully it'll be good for all cases.
	int j;
	for ( j = 0; j < lights.Count(); ++j)
		dl = lights[j];

		SSE_sampleLightOutput_t out;
		FourVectors origin4;
		FourVectors normal4;
		origin4.DuplicateVector( origin );
		normal4.DuplicateVector( normal );

		GatherSampleLightSSE ( out, dl, -1, origin4, &normal4, 1, iThread );
		VectorMA( maxcolor[dl->], out.m_flFalloff.m128_f32[0] * out.m_flDot[0].m128_f32[0], dl->light.intensity, maxcolor[dl->] );