s32_t pwrctrl_timer_delay (u32_t time)
    u32_t uDecValue = (u32_t)(time * PWRCTRL_SLICE_CLK) / PWRCTRL_SLICE_UNIT_CONV;
    u32_t uCurValue, uTargValue;

    /* 读Timer的当前计数值 */
    uCurValue = pwrctrl_get_slice_time();
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_DEBUG, "Current TIME Value1 = 0x%x\n", uCurValue, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    /* 求Timer的递减目标值 */
    if (uDecValue <= uCurValue)
        uTargValue = uCurValue - uDecValue;
        uTargValue = PWRCTRL_SLICETIMER_XLOAD - (uDecValue - uCurValue);

    /* 读取,并比较 */
    for (;;)
        uCurValue = pwrctrl_get_slice_time();
        if (uCurValue <= uTargValue)
            PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_DEBUG, "Curent,TIME Value2 = 0x%x\n", uCurValue, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    return RET_OK;
 函 数 名  : pwrctrl_mntn_show
 功能描述  : test init
 输入参数  : 无
 输出参数  : 无
 返 回 值  : s32_t
 调用函数  :
 被调函数  :

 修改历史      :
  1.日    期   : 2012年8月31日
    作    者   : 刘永富 56193
    修改内容   : 新生成函数

s32_t pwrctrl_mntn_show(void_t)

     PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "exc vaddr: %x, paddr: %x \n", (s32_t)g_stAcpuPwcExcLog, EXCH_ACPU_CORE_PWC_ADDR, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep cnt: %x, slice: %x \n", (s32_t)(g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.SlpCnt), (s32_t)(g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.SlpMgrSTm), 0, 0, 0, 0);
     PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "wake cnt: %x, slice: %x \n", (s32_t)(g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.WkCnt), (s32_t)(g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.WkMgrSTm), 0, 0, 0, 0);

void pwrctrl_print_switch_set(unsigned int flag,int mode)
    if(0 == mode)
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_INFO, "pwrctrl_print_switch_set,old value:0x%x\n",g_ulpwrctrl_print_switch,0,0,0,0,0);
        g_ulpwrctrl_print_switch |= (1<<flag);
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_INFO, "pwrctrl_print_switch_set,new value:0x%x\n",g_ulpwrctrl_print_switch,0,0,0,0,0);
        g_ulpwrctrl_print_switch = flag;
Beispiel #4
static void pwc_snapshot_button(struct pwc_device *pdev, int down)
	if (down) {
		PWC_TRACE("Snapshot button pressed.\n");
	} else {
		PWC_TRACE("Snapshot button released.\n");

	if (pdev->button_dev) {
		input_report_key(pdev->button_dev, KEY_CAMERA, down);
int pwc_set_video_mode(struct pwc_device *pdev, int width, int height,
	int pixfmt, int frames, int *compression, int send_to_cam)
	int ret, size;

	PWC_DEBUG_FLOW("set_video_mode(%dx%d @ %d, pixfmt %08x).\n",
		       width, height, frames, pixfmt);
	size = pwc_get_size(pdev, width, height);
	PWC_TRACE("decode_size = %d.\n", size);

	if (DEVICE_USE_CODEC1(pdev->type)) {
		ret = set_video_mode_Nala(pdev, size, pixfmt, frames,
					  compression, send_to_cam);
	} else if (DEVICE_USE_CODEC3(pdev->type)) {
		ret = set_video_mode_Kiara(pdev, size, pixfmt, frames,
					   compression, send_to_cam);
	} else {
		ret = set_video_mode_Timon(pdev, size, pixfmt, frames,
					   compression, send_to_cam);
	if (ret < 0) {
		PWC_ERROR("Failed to set video mode %s@%d fps; return code = %d\n", size2name[size], frames, ret);
		return ret;
	pdev->frame_total_size = pdev->frame_size + pdev->frame_header_size + pdev->frame_trailer_size;
	PWC_DEBUG_SIZE("Set resolution to %dx%d\n", pdev->width, pdev->height);
	return 0;
s32_t __init pwrctrl_common_initial ( void_t )
/*lint -e553*/
/*lint +e553*/
    local_t u32_t startTm=0;
    u32_t tmpTm = 0;


#if 0
    g_stMcuLogExt = (PWC_MCU_EXC_LOG_STRU *)ioremap(pwrctrl_read_reg32(MEMORY_AXI_MCU_LOG_ADDR), 0x1000);
    /*保存SLICE TIMER 基地址*/
#if defined(CHIP_BB_HI6210) /*B020 Modify*/

    if(RET_OK != pwrctrl_is_func_on(PWC_SWITCH_ASLEEP))
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "MCU: pwc_common_initial,msleep not support!\r\n",0,0,0,0,0,0);

    /* 低功耗初始化完成*/
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "ACPU: Enter pwrctrl initial routing! \n",0,0,0,0,0,0);

    pwrctrl_write_reg32(IO_ADDRESS(MEMORY_AXI_SEC_CORE_BOOT_TEST_ADDR), 0);
    printk("sec core boot test addr:0x%x\n", MEMORY_AXI_SEC_CORE_BOOT_TEST_ADDR);	
    g_pwc_init_flag = PWRCTRL_INIT_FLAG;

    return RET_OK;
u32_t pwrctrl_read_reg32 ( u32_t ulRegAddr )
    if (0 != (ulRegAddr & 0x03))/* not 4byte aligned */
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "pwrctrl_read_reg32 Address: 0x%x not aligned.\r\n", (int)ulRegAddr,0,0,0,0,0);
        return 0;

    return *(volatile u32_t *)ulRegAddr;
s32_t pwrctrl_check_irq_pending_status ( void_t )
    u32_t i, j;
    u32_t pendings32_tNum = ACPU_GIC_MAX_NUM;
    u32_t gicIcdIsprRegValue = 0;
    u32_t key = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < ACPU_GIC_ICDABR_NUM; i++)
        gicIcdIsprRegValue = PWRCTRL_GET_GIC_STATUS(i);
        if (0 == gicIcdIsprRegValue)
            for (j = 0; j < sizeof(u32_t); j++)
                if ((gicIcdIsprRegValue & (1 << j)))
                    pendings32_tNum = ((i * sizeof(u32_t)) + j);
                    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_DEBUG, "GIC Pending %d  ... \n", pendings32_tNum, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);


    /*忽略Com ARM内置DEBUG模块的通道发送请求中断*/
    if (((ACPU_COMMTX_CORE0 <= pendings32_tNum) && (ACPU_COMMTX_CORE3 >= pendings32_tNum)) \
     || (ACPU_GIC_MAX_NUM == pendings32_tNum))
        return PWRCTRL_TRUE;
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_DEBUG, "Can't sleep: GIC Pending %d  ... \n", pendings32_tNum, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        return PWRCTRL_FALSE;
s32_t pwrctrl_write_reg32( u32_t ulRegAddr, u32_t ulRegVal)
    if (0 != (ulRegAddr & 0x03))/* not 4byte aligned */
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "pwrctrl_write_reg32 Address: 0x%x not aligned.\r\n", (int)ulRegAddr,0,0,0,0,0);
        return RET_ERR;

    *(volatile u32_t *)ulRegAddr = ulRegVal;
    return RET_OK;
s32_t pwrctrl_clr_bits (u32_t ulRegAddr, u32_t ulMask)
    if (0 != (ulRegAddr & 0x03))/* not 4byte aligned */
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "pwrctrl_clr_bits Address: 0x%x not aligned.\r\n", (int)ulRegAddr,0,0,0,0,0);
        return RET_ERR;

    pwrctrl_write_reg32(ulRegAddr, pwrctrl_read_reg32(ulRegAddr)&(~ulMask));
    return RET_OK;
void_t pwrctrl_log_mem(u8_t* info, void_t* addr, u32_t size)
    u32_t idx;

    if(!info || !addr)
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_log_mem: null parameters.", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

        return ;

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_INFO, "%s, 0x%ux, %u", info, (u32_t)addr, size, 0, 0, 0);

    for(idx = 0; idx < size; idx = idx + 16)
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_INFO, " 0x%.8X:  0x%.8X  0x%.8X  0x%.8X  0x%.8X ", (int)addr + idx,
            *(int*)((int)addr + idx), *(int*)((int)addr + idx + 0x4), *(int*)((int)addr + idx + 0x8), *(int*)((int)addr + idx + 0xC), 0);

 函 数 名  : pwrctrl_cpunumbermax_notify
 功能描述  : qos cpunumbermax回调处理函数
 输入参数  : 设定的CPU个数
 输出参数  : 无
 返 回 值  : 无
修改记录   :
int pwrctrl_cpunumbermax_notify (struct notifier_block *b, unsigned long cpumax,
    void *v)
     int cpu = num_possible_cpus();

     PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_cpunumbermax_notify %lu,%d\n",cpumax,cpu);

    /*读SC判断qos特性是否打开,没有打开return ERROR */
    if((cpumax<= num_possible_cpus())&&(cpumax>=1))

        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_cpunumbermax erro fail:%lu\n",cpumax);

    return 0;
s32_t pwrctrl_mem_show( u32_t addr )
    u32_t *addrV=0;

    addrV = (u32_t *)ioremap(addr, 0x1000);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x \r\n", \
         addr, *(addrV++), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), 0);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x \r\n", \
         (addr+0x10), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), 0);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x \r\n", \
         (addr+0x20), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), 0);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x \r\n", \
         (addr+0x30), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), *(addrV++), 0);


    return RET_OK;
Beispiel #14
static int set_video_mode_Kiara(struct pwc_device *pdev, int size, int pixfmt,
				int frames, int *compression, int send_to_cam)
	const struct Kiara_table_entry *pChoose = NULL;
	int fps, ret = 0;

	if (size >= PSZ_MAX || *compression < 0 || *compression > 3)
		return -EINVAL;
	if (frames < 5)
		frames = 5;
	else if (size == PSZ_VGA && frames > 15)
		frames = 15;
	else if (frames > 30)
		frames = 30;
	fps = (frames / 5) - 1;

	/* Find a supported framerate with progressively higher compression */
	while (*compression <= 3) {
		pChoose = &Kiara_table[size][fps][*compression];
		if (pChoose->alternate != 0)
	if (pChoose == NULL || pChoose->alternate == 0)
		return -ENOENT; /* Not supported. */

	/* Firmware bug: video endpoint is 5, but commands are sent to endpoint 4 */
	if (send_to_cam)
		ret = send_video_command(pdev, 4, pChoose->mode, 12);
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	if (pChoose->bandlength > 0 && pixfmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420)
		pwc_dec23_init(pdev, pChoose->mode);

	/* All set and go */
	pdev->pixfmt = pixfmt;
	pdev->vframes = (fps + 1) * 5;
	pdev->valternate = pChoose->alternate;
	pdev->width  = pwc_image_sizes[size][0];
	pdev->height = pwc_image_sizes[size][1];
	pdev->vbandlength = pChoose->bandlength;
	if (pdev->vbandlength > 0)
		pdev->frame_size = (pdev->vbandlength * pdev->height) / 4;
		pdev->frame_size = (pdev->width * pdev->height * 12) / 8;
	PWC_TRACE("frame_size=%d, vframes=%d, vsize=%d, vbandlength=%d\n",
	    pdev->frame_size, pdev->vframes, size, pdev->vbandlength);
	return 0;
 函 数 名  : pwrctrl_hotplug_qosdev_register
 功能描述  : cpu qos设备创建及回调notify函数注册
 输入参数  : 无
 输出参数  : 无
 返 回 值  : OK/ERROR,设备注册成功或者失败
修改记录   :
 int pwrctrl_hotplug_qosdev_register ( void )

    if((pm_qos_add_notifier(PM_QOS_CPU_NUMBER_LOCK, &cpu_numberlock_notifier) < 0) \
     || (pm_qos_add_notifier(PM_QOS_CPU_NUMBER_MAX, &cpu_maxnumber_notifier) < 0) \
     || (pm_qos_add_notifier(PM_QOS_CPU_NUMBER_MIN, &cpu_minnumber_notifier) < 0))
        return RET_ERR;

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_hotplug_qosdev_register sucess\n");

    return 0;
 函 数 名  : pwrctrl_hotplug_qosdev_unregister
 功能描述  : A
 输入参数  : 无
 输出参数  : 无
 返 回 值  : 无
修改记录   :
 s32_t pwrctrl_hotplug_qosdev_unregister ( void )
    /*去注册cpu_number_lock qos notify 回调函数*/
    if((pm_qos_remove_notifier(PM_QOS_CPU_NUMBER_LOCK, &cpu_numberlock_notifier) < 0) \
     || (pm_qos_remove_notifier(PM_QOS_CPU_NUMBER_MAX, &cpu_maxnumber_notifier) < 0) \
     || (pm_qos_remove_notifier(PM_QOS_CPU_NUMBER_MIN, &cpu_minnumber_notifier) < 0))
        return RET_ERR;

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_hotplug_qosdev_unregister sucess\n");

    return 0;
 函 数 名  : pwrctrl_cpunumberlock_notify
 功能描述  : qos cpunumberlock回调处理函数
 输入参数  : 设定的CPU个数
 输出参数  : 无
 返 回 值  : 无
修改记录   :
int pwrctrl_cpunumberlock_notify (struct notifier_block *b, unsigned long cpulock,
    void *v)

    /*读SC判断qos特性是否打开,没有打开return ERROR */
    if(cpulock<= num_possible_cpus())
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_cpunumberlock erro fail:%lu\n",cpulock);

    return 0;
 函 数 名  : pwrctrl_cpunumbermin_notify
 功能描述  : qos cpunumbermin回调处理函数
 输入参数  : 设定的CPU个数
 输出参数  : 无
 返 回 值  : 无
修改记录   :
int pwrctrl_cpunumbermin_notify (struct notifier_block *b, unsigned long cpumin,
    void *v)

    /*读SC判断qos特性是否打开,没有打开return ERROR */
    if((cpumin<= num_possible_cpus())&&(cpumin>=1))
        PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_cpunumbermin fail:%lu\n",cpumin);

    return 0;
Beispiel #19
static int __init usb_pwc_init(void)
	int i;

	PWC_INFO("Philips webcam module version " PWC_VERSION " loaded.\n");
	PWC_INFO("Supports Philips PCA645/646, PCVC675/680/690, PCVC720[40]/730/740/750 & PCVC830/840.\n");
	PWC_INFO("Also supports the Askey VC010, various Logitech Quickcams, Samsung MPC-C10 and MPC-C30,\n");
	PWC_INFO("the Creative WebCam 5 & Pro Ex, SOTEC Afina Eye and Visionite VCS-UC300 and VCS-UM100.\n");

	if (pwc_trace >= 0) {
		PWC_DEBUG_MODULE("Trace options: 0x%04x\n", pwc_trace);

	if (fps) {
		if (fps < 4 || fps > 30) {
			PWC_ERROR("Framerate out of bounds (4-30).\n");
			return -EINVAL;
		default_fps = fps;
		PWC_DEBUG_MODULE("Default framerate set to %d.\n", default_fps);

	if (leds[0] >= 0)
		led_on = leds[0];
	if (leds[1] >= 0)
		led_off = leds[1];

	/* Big device node whoopla. Basically, it allows you to assign a
	   device node (/dev/videoX) to a camera, based on its type
	   & serial number. The format is [type[.serialnumber]:]node.

	   Any camera that isn't matched by these rules gets the next
	   available free device node.
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEV_HINTS; i++) {
		char *s, *colon, *dot;

		/* This loop also initializes the array */
		device_hint[i].pdev = NULL;
		s = dev_hint[i];
		if (s != NULL && *s != '\0') {
			device_hint[i].type = -1; /* wildcard */
			strcpy(device_hint[i].serial_number, "*");

			/* parse string: chop at ':' & '/' */
			colon = dot = s;
			while (*colon != '\0' && *colon != ':')
			while (*dot != '\0' && *dot != '.')
			/* Few sanity checks */
			if (*dot != '\0' && dot > colon) {
				PWC_ERROR("Malformed camera hint: the colon must be after the dot.\n");
				return -EINVAL;

			if (*colon == '\0') {
				/* No colon */
				if (*dot != '\0') {
					PWC_ERROR("Malformed camera hint: no colon + device node given.\n");
					return -EINVAL;
				else {
					/* No type or serial number specified, just a number. */
					device_hint[i].device_node =
						simple_strtol(s, NULL, 10);
			else {
				/* There's a colon, so we have at least a type and a device node */
				device_hint[i].type =
					simple_strtol(s, NULL, 10);
				device_hint[i].device_node =
					simple_strtol(colon + 1, NULL, 10);
				if (*dot != '\0') {
					/* There's a serial number as well */
					int k;

					k = 0;
					while (*dot != ':' && k < 29) {
						device_hint[i].serial_number[k++] = *dot;
					device_hint[i].serial_number[k] = '\0';
			PWC_TRACE("device_hint[%d]:\n", i);
			PWC_TRACE("  type    : %d\n", device_hint[i].type);
			PWC_TRACE("  serial# : %s\n", device_hint[i].serial_number);
			PWC_TRACE("  node    : %d\n", device_hint[i].device_node);
			device_hint[i].type = 0; /* not filled */
	} /* ..for MAX_DEV_HINTS */

	PWC_DEBUG_PROBE("Registering driver at address 0x%p.\n", &pwc_driver);
	return usb_register(&pwc_driver);
s32_t pwrctrl_sleep_mgr_get_next_schedule_time( u32_t ulAllTimer,
                                           u32_t *pTimerID, u32_t *pNextScheduleTime)
    u32_t ulTimerValue = 0;
    u32_t i = 0;
    u32_t ulState = 0;
    u32_t ulTimclk = 0;

    u32_t ulCount = 0;
    u32_t ulTimerId = PWRCTRL_MAX_TIME;
    u32_t ulNextScheduleTime = PWRCTRL_MAX_TIME;

    if ((PWRCTRL_TRUE != ulAllTimer) && (PWRCTRL_FALSE != ulAllTimer))
        (int)PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_sleep_mgr_get_next_scheduletime: ulAllTimer[%x] is err\n", ulAllTimer,0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        return (s32_t)RET_ERR;

    if (NULL == pTimerID)
        (int)PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_sleep_mgr_get_next_scheduletime: pTimerID is null\n", 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        return (s32_t)RET_ERR;

    if (NULL == pNextScheduleTime)
        (int)PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "pwrctrl_sleep_mgr_get_next_scheduletime: pNextScheduleTime is null\n", 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        return (s32_t)RET_ERR;

    for (i = 0; i < PWRCTRL_ACPU_TIMER_TOTAL_NUM; i++)
        ulTimerValue = 0;
        ulState = pwrctrl_get_timer_active(i);

        /*if the timer is disable*/
        if (PWRCTRL_FALSE == ulState)
            /*do nothing,see next timer*/

        /*get the TIMCLK from SC .spc2.0 is 19.2M*/
        ulTimclk = pwrctrl_get_timer_clk(i);

        /*get the timer div*/

        /*ulDIV = pwrctrl_get_timer_div(g_ulPWRCTRLTimerAddr[i]);*/

        /*get the timer count*/
        ulCount = pwrctrl_get_timer_cnt(i);

        /*calc the remain time, unit is ms */
        ulTimerValue = (ulCount * PWRCTRL_THOUSAND_TIME) / (ulTimclk / PWRCTRL_THOUSAND_TIME);

        if (ulNextScheduleTime > ulTimerValue)
            ulNextScheduleTime = ulTimerValue;
            ulTimerId = i;


    /*output the next schedule*/
    *pNextScheduleTime = ulNextScheduleTime;

    *pTimerID = ulTimerId;

    PRINT_PWC_DBG(PWC_SWITCH_CPUIDLE, "the timerID is %d, the left time is %d[ms]\n", ulTimerId,ulNextScheduleTime, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    /*Log timer id and timer value to Exc space.*/

    return (s32_t)RET_OK;
s32_t pwrctrl_mcu_debug_info_show( void_t )
    int i;
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "Current slice: 0x%x \r\n", pwrctrl_get_slice_time());

    for(i = 0; i < PERI_SLEEP_STATE_MAX; i++)
    	PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "############# SYSTEM  ######## \r\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    	PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep cnt: 0x%x, wake cnt: 0x%x      \r\n", \
         	g_stMcuLogExt->peri[i].SleepCount, g_stMcuLogExt->peri[i].WakeCount, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    	PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep slice: 0x%x, wake slice: 0x%x, \r\n", \
         	g_stMcuLogExt->peri[i].SleepSliceTime, g_stMcuLogExt->peri[i].WakeSliceTime, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    	PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "wake src: 0x%x, 0x%x, \r\n", \
         	g_stMcuLogExt->peri[i].wakesrc0, g_stMcuLogExt->peri[i].wakesrc1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "############# C core ########### \r\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep cnt: 0x%x, wake cnt: 0x%x      \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->ccpu.SleepCount, g_stMcuLogExt->ccpu.WakeCount, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep slice: 0x%x, wake slice: 0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->ccpu.SleepSliceTime, g_stMcuLogExt->ccpu.WakeSliceTime, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "WFI wait fail cnt: 0x%x, wfi wait fail slice:0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->ccpu.WfiFailCount, g_stMcuLogExt->ccpu.WfiFailSliceTime, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "wake src: 0x%x, 0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->ccpu.wakesrc0, g_stMcuLogExt->ccpu.wakesrc1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "############# A core ###### \r\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep cnt: 0x%x, wake cnt: 0x%x      \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.SleepCount, g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.WakeCount, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep slice: 0x%x, wake slice: 0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.SleepSliceTime, g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.WakeSliceTime, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "WFI wait fail cnt: 0x%x, wfi wait fail slice:0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.WfiFailCount, g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.WfiFailSliceTime, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "wake src: 0x%x, 0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.wakesrc0, g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.wakesrc1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "IPC wake status: 0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->acpu0.wakesrcIPC, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "############# HIFI ######## \r\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep cnt: 0x%x, wake cnt: 0x%x      \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->hifi.SleepCount, g_stMcuLogExt->hifi.WakeCount, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "sleep slice: 0x%x, wake slice: 0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->hifi.SleepSliceTime, g_stMcuLogExt->hifi.WakeSliceTime, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "WFI wait fail cnt: 0x%x, wfi wait fail slice:0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->hifi.WfiFailCount, g_stMcuLogExt->hifi.WfiFailSliceTime, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_ERROR, "wake src: 0x%x, 0x%x, \r\n", \
         g_stMcuLogExt->hifi.wakesrc0, g_stMcuLogExt->hifi.wakesrc1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    return RET_OK;
Beispiel #22
static void pwc_frame_complete(struct pwc_device *pdev)
	struct pwc_frame_buf *fbuf = pdev->fill_buf;

	/* The ToUCam Fun CMOS sensor causes the firmware to send 2 or 3 bogus
	   frames on the USB wire after an exposure change. This conditition is
	   however detected  in the cam and a bit is set in the header.
	if (pdev->type == 730) {
		unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)fbuf->data;

		if (ptr[1] == 1 && ptr[0] & 0x10) {
			PWC_TRACE("Hyundai CMOS sensor bug. Dropping frame.\n");
			pdev->drop_frames += 2;
		if ((ptr[0] ^ pdev->vmirror) & 0x01) {
			pwc_snapshot_button(pdev, ptr[0] & 0x01);
		if ((ptr[0] ^ pdev->vmirror) & 0x02) {
			if (ptr[0] & 0x02)
				PWC_TRACE("Image is mirrored.\n");
				PWC_TRACE("Image is normal.\n");
		pdev->vmirror = ptr[0] & 0x03;
		/* Sometimes the trailer of the 730 is still sent as a 4 byte packet
		   after a short frame; this condition is filtered out specifically. A 4 byte
		   frame doesn't make sense anyway.
		   So we get either this sequence:
		   drop_bit set -> 4 byte frame -> short frame -> good frame
		   Or this one:
		   drop_bit set -> short frame -> good frame
		   So we drop either 3 or 2 frames in all!
		if (fbuf->filled == 4)
	} else if (pdev->type == 740 || pdev->type == 720) {
		unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)fbuf->data;
		if ((ptr[0] ^ pdev->vmirror) & 0x01) {
			pwc_snapshot_button(pdev, ptr[0] & 0x01);
		pdev->vmirror = ptr[0] & 0x03;

	/* In case we were instructed to drop the frame, do so silently. */
	if (pdev->drop_frames > 0) {
	} else {
		/* Check for underflow first */
		if (fbuf->filled < pdev->frame_total_size) {
			PWC_DEBUG_FLOW("Frame buffer underflow (%d bytes);"
				       " discarded.\n", fbuf->filled);
		} else {
			fbuf->vb.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
			fbuf->vb.sequence = pdev->vframe_count;
			vb2_buffer_done(&fbuf->vb.vb2_buf, VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE);
			pdev->fill_buf = NULL;
			pdev->vsync = 0;
	} /* !drop_frames */
s32_t pwrctrl_debug_info_show( void_t )
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "################################ A核 core0 ############################\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "睡眠次数: 0x%x, 唤醒次数: 0x%x      \n", \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.SlpCnt, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.WkCnt, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "睡眠开始时间:0x%x, 睡眠时间:0x%x, 唤醒时间:0x%x , 唤醒结束时间:0x%x \n", \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.SlpMgrSTm, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.SlpSTm, \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.WkSTm, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core0.WkMgrSTm, 0, 0);

#if 0
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "################################ A核 core1 ############################\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "睡眠次数: 0x%x, 唤醒次数: 0x%x      \n", \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core1.SlpCnt, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core1.WkCnt, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "睡眠开始时间:0x%x, 睡眠时间:0x%x, 唤醒时间:0x%x , 唤醒结束时间:0x%x \n", \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core1.SlpMgrSTm, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core1.SlpSTm, \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core1.WkSTm, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core1.WkMgrSTm, 0, 0);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "################################ A核 core2 ############################\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "睡眠次数: 0x%x, 唤醒次数: 0x%x      \n", \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core2.SlpCnt, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core2.WkCnt, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "睡眠开始时间:0x%x, 睡眠时间:0x%x, 唤醒时间:0x%x , 唤醒结束时间:0x%x \n", \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core2.SlpMgrSTm, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core2.SlpSTm, \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core2.WkSTm, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core2.WkMgrSTm, 0, 0);

    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "################################ A核 core3 ############################\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "睡眠次数: 0x%x, 唤醒次数: 0x%x      \n", \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core3.SlpCnt, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core3.WkCnt, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    PWC_TRACE(PWC_LOG_MAX, "睡眠开始时间:0x%x, 睡眠时间:0x%x, 唤醒时间:0x%x , 唤醒结束时间:0x%x \n", \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core3.SlpMgrSTm, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core3.SlpSTm, \
         g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core3.WkSTm, g_stAcpuPwcExcLog->core3.WkMgrSTm, 0, 0);

    return RET_OK;