bool FCajunMaster::Move (AActor *actor, ticcmd_t *cmd)
	fixed_t tryx, tryy;
	bool try_ok;
	int good;

	if (actor->movedir == DI_NODIR)
		return false;

	if ((unsigned)actor->movedir >= 8)
		I_Error ("Weird bot movedir!");

	tryx = actor->x + 8*xspeed[actor->movedir];
	tryy = actor->y + 8*yspeed[actor->movedir];

	try_ok = CleanAhead (actor, tryx, tryy, cmd);

	if (!try_ok) //Anything blocking that could be opened etc..
		if (!spechit.Size ())
			return false;

		actor->movedir = DI_NODIR;

		good = 0;
		line_t *ld;

		while (spechit.Pop (ld))
			bool tryit = true;

			if (ld->special == Door_LockedRaise && !P_CheckKeys (actor, ld->args[3], false))
				tryit = false;
			else if (ld->special == Generic_Door && !P_CheckKeys (actor, ld->args[4], false))
				tryit = false;

			if (tryit &&
				(P_TestActivateLine (ld, actor, 0, SPAC_Use) ||
				 P_TestActivateLine (ld, actor, 0, SPAC_Push)))
				good |= ld == actor->BlockingLine ? 1 : 2;
		if (good && ((pr_botopendoor() >= 203) ^ (good & 1)))
			cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USE;
			cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = FORWARDRUN;
			return true;
			return false;
	else //Move forward.
		cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = FORWARDRUN;

	return true;
Beispiel #2
bool P_PredictLine(line_t *line, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType)
	int lineActivation;
	INTBOOL buttonSuccess;
	BYTE special;

	// Only predict a very specifc section of specials
	if (line->special != Teleport_Line &&
		line->special != Teleport)
		return false;

	if (!P_TestActivateLine(line, mo, side, activationType) || !cl_predict_specials)
		return false;

	if (line->locknumber > 0) return false;
	lineActivation = line->activation;
	buttonSuccess = false;
	buttonSuccess = P_ExecuteSpecial(line->special,
		line, mo, side == 1, line->args[0],
		line->args[1], line->args[2],
		line->args[3], line->args[4]);

	special = line->special;

	// end of changed code
	if (developer && buttonSuccess)
		Printf("Line special %d predicted on line %i\n", special, int(line - lines));
	return true;
Beispiel #3
bool P_ActivateLine (line_t *line, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType, DVector3 *optpos)
	int lineActivation;
	INTBOOL repeat;
	INTBOOL buttonSuccess;
	BYTE special;

	if (!P_TestActivateLine (line, mo, side, activationType, optpos))
		return false;
	bool remote = (line->special != 7 && line->special != 8 && (line->special < 11 || line->special > 14));
	if (line->locknumber > 0 && !P_CheckKeys (mo, line->locknumber, remote)) return false;
	lineActivation = line->activation;
	repeat = line->flags & ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL;
	buttonSuccess = false;
	buttonSuccess = P_ExecuteSpecial(line->special,
					line, mo, side == 1, line->args[0],
					line->args[1], line->args[2],
					line->args[3], line->args[4]);

	special = line->special;
	if (!repeat && buttonSuccess)
	{ // clear the special on non-retriggerable lines
		line->special = 0;

	if (buttonSuccess)
		if (activationType == SPAC_Use || activationType == SPAC_Impact || activationType == SPAC_Push)
			P_ChangeSwitchTexture (line->sidedef[0], repeat, special);
	// some old WADs use this method to create walls that change the texture when shot.
	else if (activationType == SPAC_Impact &&					// only for shootable triggers
		(level.flags2 & LEVEL2_DUMMYSWITCHES) &&				// this is only a compatibility setting for an old hack!
		!repeat &&												// only non-repeatable triggers
		(special<Generic_Floor || special>Generic_Crusher) &&	// not for Boom's generalized linedefs
		special &&												// not for lines without a special
		tagManager.LineHasID(line, line->args[0]) &&							// Safety check: exclude edited UDMF linedefs or ones that don't map the tag to args[0]
		line->args[0] &&										// only if there's a tag (which is stored in the first arg)
		P_FindFirstSectorFromTag (line->args[0]) == -1)			// only if no sector is tagged to this linedef
		P_ChangeSwitchTexture (line->sidedef[0], repeat, special);
		line->special = 0;
// end of changed code
	if (developer && buttonSuccess)
		Printf ("Line special %d activated on line %i\n", special, int(line - lines));
	return true;