Beispiel #1
void CSDKPlayer::State_Enter_DEATH_ANIM()
	if ( HasWeapons() )
		// we drop the guns here because weapons that have an area effect and can kill their user
		// will sometimes crash coming back from CBasePlayer::Killed() if they kill their owner because the
		// player class sometimes is freed. It's safer to manipulate the weapons once we know
		// we aren't calling into any of their code anymore through the player pointer.

	// Used for a timer.
	m_flDeathTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_DEATHCAM );	// go to observer mode

	RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW );	// still draw player body
void CBasePlayer::PlayerDeathThink()
	if( GetFlags().Any( FL_ONGROUND ) )
		const float flForward = GetAbsVelocity().Length() - 20;
		if( flForward <= 0 )
			SetAbsVelocity( g_vecZero );
			SetAbsVelocity( flForward * GetAbsVelocity().Normalize() );

	if( HasWeapons() )
		// we drop the guns here because weapons that have an area effect and can kill their user
		// will sometimes crash coming back from CBasePlayer::Killed() if they kill their owner because the
		// player class sometimes is freed. It's safer to manipulate the weapons once we know
		// we aren't calling into any of their code anymore through the player pointer.

	if( GetModelIndex() && ( !m_fSequenceFinished ) && ( GetDeadFlag() == DEAD_DYING ) )

		m_iRespawnFrames++;				// Note, these aren't necessarily real "frames", so behavior is dependent on # of client movement commands
		if( m_iRespawnFrames < 120 )   // Animations should be no longer than this

	// once we're done animating our death and we're on the ground, we want to set movetype to None so our dead body won't do collisions and stuff anymore
	// this prevents a bug where the dead body would go to a player's head if he walked over it while the dead player was clicking their button to respawn
	if( GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NONE && GetFlags().Any( FL_ONGROUND ) )
		SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );

	if( GetDeadFlag() == DEAD_DYING )
		SetDeadFlag( DEAD_DEAD );


	GetEffects() |= EF_NOINTERP;
	SetFrameRate( 0.0 );

	const bool fAnyButtonDown = ( GetButtons().Any( ~IN_SCORE ) ) != 0;

	// wait for all buttons released
	if( GetDeadFlag() == DEAD_DEAD )
		if( fAnyButtonDown )

		if( g_pGameRules->FPlayerCanRespawn( this ) )
			m_fDeadTime = gpGlobals->time;


	// if the player has been dead for one second longer than allowed by forcerespawn, 
	// forcerespawn isn't on. Send the player off to an intermission camera until they 
	// choose to respawn.
	if( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() && ( gpGlobals->time > ( m_fDeadTime + 6 ) ) && !( m_afPhysicsFlags & PFLAG_OBSERVER ) )
		// go to dead camera. 

	if( IsObserver() )	// player is in spectator mode

	// wait for any button down,  or mp_forcerespawn is set and the respawn time is up
	if( !fAnyButtonDown
		&& !( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() && forcerespawn.value > 0 && ( gpGlobals->time > ( m_fDeadTime + 5 ) ) ) )

	m_iRespawnFrames = 0;

	//ALERT(at_console, "Respawn\n");

	g_pGameRules->PlayerRespawn( this, !( m_afPhysicsFlags & PFLAG_OBSERVER ) );// don't copy a corpse if we're in deathcam.
	SetNextThink( -1 );