void CCustomExplosionGenerator::ParseExplosionCode(
	CCustomExplosionGenerator::ProjectileSpawnInfo* psi,
	int offset, boost::shared_ptr<creg::IType> type, const string& script, string& code)

	string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
	string vastr = script.substr(0, end);

	if (vastr == "dir") { // first see if we can match any keywords
		// if the user uses a keyword assume he knows that it is put on the right datatype for now
		code += OP_DIR;
		boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
		code.append((char*) &ofs, (char*) &ofs + 2);
	else if (dynamic_cast<creg::BasicType*>(type.get())) {
		creg::BasicType *bt = (creg::BasicType*)type.get();

		if (bt->id != creg::crInt && bt->id != creg::crFloat && bt->id != creg::crUChar && bt->id != creg::crBool) {
			throw content_error("Projectile properties other than int, float and uchar, are not supported (" + script + ")");

		int p = 0;
		while (p < script.length()) {
			char opcode;
			char c;
			do { c = script[p++]; } while (c == ' ');

			bool useInt = false;

			if (c == 'i')      opcode = OP_INDEX;
			else if (c == 'r') opcode = OP_RAND;
			else if (c == 'd') opcode = OP_DAMAGE;
			else if (c == 'm') opcode = OP_SAWTOOTH;
			else if (c == 'k') opcode = OP_DISCRETE;
			else if (c == 's') opcode = OP_SINE;
			else if (c == 'y') {opcode = OP_YANK; useInt = true;}
			else if (c == 'x') {opcode = OP_MULTIPLY; useInt = true;}
			else if (c == 'a') {opcode = OP_ADDBUFF; useInt = true;}
			else if (c == 'p') opcode = OP_POW;
			else if (c == 'q') {opcode = OP_POWBUFF; useInt = true;}
			else if (isdigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-') { opcode = OP_ADD; p--; }
			else {
				logOutput.Print("[CCEG::ParseExplosionCode] WARNING: unknown op-code \"" + string(1, c) + "\" in \"" + script + "\"");

			char* endp;
			if (!useInt) {
				const float v = (float)strtod(&script[p], &endp);

				p += endp - &script[p];
				code += opcode;
				code.append((char*) &v, ((char*) &v) + 4);
			} else {
				const int v = std::max(0, std::min(16, (int)strtol(&script[p], &endp, 10)));

				p += endp - &script[p];
				code += opcode;
				code.append((char*) &v, ((char*) &v) + 4);

		switch (bt->id) {
			case creg::crInt: code.push_back(OP_STOREI); break;
			case creg::crBool: code.push_back(OP_STOREI); break;
			case creg::crFloat: code.push_back(OP_STOREF); break;
			case creg::crUChar: code.push_back(OP_STOREC); break;
				throw content_error("Explosion script variable is of unsupported type. "
					"Contact the Spring team to fix this.");
		boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
		code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
	else if (dynamic_cast<creg::ObjectInstanceType*>(type.get())) {
		creg::ObjectInstanceType *oit = (creg::ObjectInstanceType *)type.get();

		string::size_type start = 0;
		for (creg::Class* c = oit->objectClass; c; c=c->base) {
			for (int a = 0; a < c->members.size(); a++) {
				string::size_type end = script.find(',', start+1);
				ParseExplosionCode(psi, offset + c->members [a]->offset, c->members[a]->type, script.substr(start,end-start), code);
				start = end+1;
				if (start >= script.length()) { break; }
			if (start >= script.length()) { break; }
	else if (dynamic_cast<creg::StaticArrayBaseType*>(type.get())) {
		creg::StaticArrayBaseType *sat = (creg::StaticArrayBaseType*)type.get();

		string::size_type start = 0;
		for (unsigned int i=0; i < sat->size; i++) {
			string::size_type end = script.find(',', start+1);
			ParseExplosionCode(psi, offset + sat->elemSize * i, sat->elemType, script.substr(start, end-start), code);
			start = end+1;
			if (start >= script.length()) { break; }
	else {
		if (type->GetName() == "AtlasedTexture*") {
			string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
			string texname = script.substr(0, end);
			void* tex = projectileDrawer->textureAtlas->GetTexturePtr(texname);
			code += OP_LOADP;
			code.append((char*)(&tex), ((char*)(&tex)) + sizeof(void*));
			code += OP_STOREP;
			boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
			code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
		} else if (type->GetName() == "GroundFXTexture*") {
			string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
			string texname = script.substr(0, end);
			void* tex = projectileDrawer->groundFXAtlas->GetTexturePtr(texname);
			code += OP_LOADP;
			code.append((char*)(&tex), ((char*)(&tex)) + sizeof(void*));
			code += OP_STOREP;
			boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
			code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
		} else if (type->GetName() == "CColorMap*") {
			string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
			string colorstring = script.substr(0, end);
			void* colormap = CColorMap::LoadFromDefString(colorstring);
			code += OP_LOADP;
			code.append((char*)(&colormap), ((char*)(&colormap)) + sizeof(void*));
			code += OP_STOREP;
			boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
			code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
		} else if (type->GetName() == "IExplosionGenerator*") {
			string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
			string name = script.substr(0, end);
			void* explgen = explGenHandler->LoadGenerator(name);
			code += OP_LOADP;
			code.append((char*)(&explgen), ((char*)(&explgen)) + sizeof(void*));
			code += OP_STOREP;
			boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
			code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
unsigned int CCustomExplosionGenerator::Load(CExplosionGeneratorHandler* h, const string& tag)
	unsigned int explosionID = -1U;

	if (tag.empty()) {
		return explosionID;

	const std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator it = explosionIDs.find(tag);

	if (it == explosionIDs.end()) {
		CEGData cegData;

		const LuaTable* root = h->GetExplosionTableRoot();
		const LuaTable& expTable = (root != NULL)? root->SubTable(tag): LuaTable();

		if (!expTable.IsValid()) {
			// not a fatal error: any calls to ::Explosion will just return early
			logOutput.Print("[CCEG::Load] WARNING: table for CEG \"" + tag + "\" invalid (parse errors?)");
			return explosionID;

		vector<string> spawns;

		for (vector<string>::iterator si = spawns.begin(); si != spawns.end(); ++si) {
			ProjectileSpawnInfo psi;

			const string& spawnName = *si;
			const LuaTable spawnTable = expTable.SubTable(spawnName);

			if (!spawnTable.IsValid() || spawnName == "groundflash") {

			const string className = spawnTable.GetString("class", spawnName);

			psi.projectileClass = h->projectileClasses.GetClass(className);
			psi.flags = GetFlagsFromTable(spawnTable);
			psi.count = spawnTable.GetInt("count", 1);

			if (psi.projectileClass->binder->flags & creg::CF_Synced) {
				psi.flags |= SPW_SYNCED;

			string code;
			map<string, string> props;
			map<string, string>::const_iterator propIt;

			for (propIt = props.begin(); propIt != props.end(); ++propIt) {
				creg::Class::Member* m = psi.projectileClass->FindMember(propIt->first.c_str());
				if (m && (m->flags & creg::CM_Config)) {
					ParseExplosionCode(&psi, m->offset, m->type, propIt->second, code);

			code += (char)OP_END;
			copy(code.begin(), code.end(), psi.code.begin());


		const LuaTable gndTable = expTable.SubTable("groundflash");
		const int ttl = gndTable.GetInt("ttl", 0);
		if (ttl > 0) {
			cegData.groundFlash.circleAlpha  = gndTable.GetFloat("circleAlpha",  0.0f);
			cegData.groundFlash.flashSize    = gndTable.GetFloat("flashSize",    0.0f);
			cegData.groundFlash.flashAlpha   = gndTable.GetFloat("flashAlpha",   0.0f);
			cegData.groundFlash.circleGrowth = gndTable.GetFloat("circleGrowth", 0.0f);
			cegData.groundFlash.color        = gndTable.GetFloat3("color", float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f));

			cegData.groundFlash.flags = SPW_GROUND | GetFlagsFromTable(gndTable);
			cegData.groundFlash.ttl = ttl;

		cegData.useDefaultExplosions = expTable.GetBool("useDefaultExplosions", false);

		explosionID = explosionData.size();
		explosionIDs[tag] = explosionID;
	} else {
		explosionID = it->second;

	return explosionID;
Beispiel #3
void CCustomExplosionGenerator::ParseExplosionCode(
	CCustomExplosionGenerator::ProjectileSpawnInfo* psi,
	const int offset,
	const boost::shared_ptr<creg::IType> type,
	const string& script,
	string& code)
	// strtod&co expect C-style strings with NULLs,
	// c_str() is guaranteed to be NULL-terminated
	// (whether .data() == .c_str() depends on the
	// implementation of std::string)
	const char* scriptStr = script.c_str();

	string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
	string vastr = script.substr(0, end);

	if (vastr == "dir") { // first see if we can match any keywords
		// if the user uses a keyword assume he knows that it is put on the right datatype for now
		code += OP_DIR;
		boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
		code.append((char*) &ofs, (char*) &ofs + 2);
	else if (dynamic_cast<creg::BasicType*>(type.get())) {
		const creg::BasicType* basicType = (creg::BasicType*) type.get();
		const bool legalType =
			(basicType->id == creg::crInt  ) ||
			(basicType->id == creg::crFloat) ||
			(basicType->id == creg::crUChar) ||
			(basicType->id == creg::crBool );

		if (!legalType) {
			throw content_error("[CCEG::ParseExplosionCode] projectile type-properties other than int, float, uchar, or bool are not supported (" + script + ")");

		int p = 0;

		while (p < script.length()) {
			char opcode = OP_END;
			char c = script[p++];

			// consume whitespace
			if (c == ' ')

			bool useInt = false;

			     if (c == 'i')   opcode = OP_INDEX;
			else if (c == 'r')   opcode = OP_RAND;
			else if (c == 'd')   opcode = OP_DAMAGE;
			else if (c == 'm')   opcode = OP_SAWTOOTH;
			else if (c == 'k')   opcode = OP_DISCRETE;
			else if (c == 's')   opcode = OP_SINE;
			else if (c == 'p')   opcode = OP_POW;
			else if (c == 'y') { opcode = OP_YANK;     useInt = true; }
			else if (c == 'x') { opcode = OP_MULTIPLY; useInt = true; }
			else if (c == 'a') { opcode = OP_ADDBUFF;  useInt = true; }
			else if (c == 'q') { opcode = OP_POWBUFF;  useInt = true; }
			else if (isdigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-') { opcode = OP_ADD; p--; }
			else {
				const char* fmt = "[CCEG::ParseExplosionCode] unknown op-code \"%c\" in \"%s\" at index %d";
				LOG_L(L_WARNING, fmt, c, scriptStr, p);

			// be sure to exit cleanly if there are no more operators or operands
			if (p >= script.size())

			char* endp = NULL;

			if (!useInt) {
				const float v = (float)strtod(&scriptStr[p], &endp);

				p += (endp - &scriptStr[p]);
				code += opcode;
				code.append((char*) &v, ((char*) &v) + 4);
			} else {
				const int v = std::max(0, std::min(16, (int)strtol(&scriptStr[p], &endp, 10)));

				p += (endp - &scriptStr[p]);
				code += opcode;
				code.append((char*) &v, ((char*) &v) + 4);

		switch (basicType->id) {
			case creg::crInt:   code.push_back(OP_STOREI); break;
			case creg::crBool:  code.push_back(OP_STOREI); break;
			case creg::crFloat: code.push_back(OP_STOREF); break;
			case creg::crUChar: code.push_back(OP_STOREC); break;
			default: break;

		boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
		code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
	else if (dynamic_cast<creg::ObjectInstanceType*>(type.get())) {
		creg::ObjectInstanceType *oit = (creg::ObjectInstanceType *)type.get();

		string::size_type start = 0;
		for (creg::Class* c = oit->objectClass; c; c=c->base) {
			for (int a = 0; a < c->members.size(); a++) {
				string::size_type end = script.find(',', start+1);
				ParseExplosionCode(psi, offset + c->members [a]->offset, c->members[a]->type, script.substr(start,end-start), code);
				start = end+1;
				if (start >= script.length()) { break; }
			if (start >= script.length()) { break; }
	else if (dynamic_cast<creg::StaticArrayBaseType*>(type.get())) {
		creg::StaticArrayBaseType *sat = (creg::StaticArrayBaseType*)type.get();

		string::size_type start = 0;
		for (unsigned int i=0; i < sat->size; i++) {
			string::size_type end = script.find(',', start+1);
			ParseExplosionCode(psi, offset + sat->elemSize * i, sat->elemType, script.substr(start, end-start), code);
			start = end+1;
			if (start >= script.length()) { break; }
	else {
		if (type->GetName() == "AtlasedTexture*") {
			string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
			string texname = script.substr(0, end);
			// this memory is managed by textureAtlas (CTextureAtlas)
			void* tex = projectileDrawer->textureAtlas->GetTexturePtr(texname);
			code += OP_LOADP;
			code.append((char*)(&tex), ((char*)(&tex)) + sizeof(void*));
			code += OP_STOREP;
			boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
			code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
		} else if (type->GetName() == "GroundFXTexture*") {
			string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
			string texname = script.substr(0, end);
			// this memory is managed by groundFXAtlas (CTextureAtlas)
			void* tex = projectileDrawer->groundFXAtlas->GetTexturePtr(texname);
			code += OP_LOADP;
			code.append((char*)(&tex), ((char*)(&tex)) + sizeof(void*));
			code += OP_STOREP;
			boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
			code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
		} else if (type->GetName() == "CColorMap*") {
			string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
			string colorstring = script.substr(0, end);
			// gets stored and deleted at game end from inside CColorMap
			void* colormap = CColorMap::LoadFromDefString(colorstring);
			code += OP_LOADP;
			code.append((char*)(&colormap), ((char*)(&colormap)) + sizeof(void*));
			code += OP_STOREP;
			boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
			code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);
		} else if (type->GetName() == "IExplosionGenerator*") {
			string::size_type end = script.find(';', 0);
			string name = script.substr(0, end);

			IExplosionGenerator* explGen = explGenHandler->LoadGenerator(name);
			spawnExplGens.push_back(explGen); // these will be unloaded in ~CCustomExplosionGenerator()

			void* explGenRaw = (void*) explGen;
			code += OP_LOADP;
			code.append((char*)(&explGenRaw), ((char*)(&explGenRaw)) + sizeof(void*));
			code += OP_STOREP;
			boost::uint16_t ofs = offset;
			code.append((char*)&ofs, (char*)&ofs + 2);