Beispiel #1
 * @bug 4104136
void DateFormatRegressionTest::Test4104136(void) 
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    SimpleDateFormat *sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(status); 
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
      dataerrln("Couldn't create SimpleDateFormat, error %s", u_errorName(status));
      delete sdf;
    if(failure(status, "new SimpleDateFormat")) return;
    UnicodeString pattern = "'time' hh:mm"; 
    logln("pattern: \"" + pattern + "\""); 

    UnicodeString strings [] = {
        (UnicodeString)"time 10:30",
        (UnicodeString) "time 10:x",
        (UnicodeString) "time 10x"

    ParsePosition ppos [] = {

    UDate dates [] = {
        date(70, UCAL_JANUARY, 1, 10, 30),

    /*Object[] DATA = {
        "time 10:30", new ParsePosition(10), new Date(70, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 10, 30),
        "time 10:x", new ParsePosition(0), null,
        "time 10x", new ParsePosition(0), null,
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        UnicodeString text = strings[i];
        ParsePosition finish = ppos[i];
        UDate exp = dates[i];
        ParsePosition pos(0);
        UDate d = sdf->parse(text, pos);
        logln(" text: \"" + text + "\""); 
        logln(" index: %d", pos.getIndex()); 
        logln((UnicodeString) " result: " + d);
        if(pos.getIndex() != finish.getIndex())
            errln("Fail: Expected pos " + finish.getIndex());
        if (! ((d == 0 && exp == -1) || (d == exp)))
            errln((UnicodeString) "Fail: Expected result " + exp);

    delete sdf;
// 设置位置信息(指定父对象位置)
BOOL CControlBase::SetPositionWithParent(CRect rectParent)
		return FALSE;


	pos.nCount = 0;
	LPCTSTR pszValue = m_strPos;
	while(pos.nCount < 4 && pszValue)
		pszValue=ParsePosition(pszValue, pos.Item[pos.nCount++]);

    if (2 == pos.nCount || 4 == pos.nCount)
		if(4 == pos.nCount)
			CRect rect;
			rect.left = PositionItem2Value(pos.Left, rectParent.left, rectParent.right); = PositionItem2Value(pos.Top,, rectParent.bottom);
			rect.right = PositionItem2Value(pos.Right, rectParent.left, rectParent.right);
			rect.bottom = PositionItem2Value(pos.Bottom,, rectParent.bottom);
		if(2 == pos.nCount)
			CRect rect;
			rect.left = PositionItem2Value(pos.Left, rectParent.left, rectParent.right); = PositionItem2Value(pos.Top,, rectParent.bottom);
			if(m_nWidth != 0)
				rect.right = rect.left + m_nWidth;
				rect.right = PositionItem2Value(pos.Left, rectParent.left, rectParent.right);
			if(m_nHeight != 0)
				rect.bottom = + m_nHeight;
				rect.bottom = PositionItem2Value(pos.Top,, rectParent.bottom);
        pos.nCount = 0;
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
// 从XML设置菜单位置信息属性
HRESULT CControlBase::OnAttributeMenuPosChange(const CString& strValue, BOOL bLoading)
    if (strValue.IsEmpty()) return E_FAIL;

	LPCTSTR pszValue=strValue;
	while(m_posMenu.nCount<4 && pszValue)

    return bLoading?S_FALSE:S_OK;
Beispiel #4
// 从XML设置Tab页签按钮位置信息属性
HRESULT CDuiTabCtrl::OnAttributeTabBtnPosChange(const CString& strValue, BOOL bLoading)
    if (strValue.IsEmpty()) return E_FAIL;

	LPCTSTR pszValue=strValue;
	while(m_posTabBtn.nCount<4 && pszValue)

    return bLoading?S_FALSE:S_OK;
Beispiel #5
 * @bug 4134203
 * SimpleDateFormat won't parse "GMT"
void DateFormatRegressionTest::Test4134203(void) 
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString dateFormat = "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss zzz";
    SimpleDateFormat *fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat, status);
    if (failure(status, "new SimpleDateFormat", TRUE)) return;
    ParsePosition p0(0);
    UDate d = fmt->parse("01/22/92 04:52:00 GMT", p0);
    if(p0 == ParsePosition(0))
        errln("Fail: failed to parse 'GMT'");
    // In the failure case an exception is thrown by parse();
    // if no exception is thrown, the test passes.

    delete fmt;
Beispiel #6
// 重载加载XML节点函数,加载下层的div内容
BOOL CDuiLayout::Load(DuiXmlNode pXmlElem, BOOL bLoadSubControl)

	if(pXmlElem == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	// 加载下层的div节点信息
	for (DuiXmlNode pDivElem = pXmlElem.child(_T("layout-div")); pDivElem; pDivElem=pDivElem.next_sibling(_T("layout-div")))
		CString strDivPos = pDivElem.attribute(_T("div-pos")).value();
		int nMinPos = _ttoi(pDivElem.attribute(_T("min-pos")).value());
		int nMaxPos = _ttoi(pDivElem.attribute(_T("max-pos")).value());

		// 创建div
		CDuiPanel*	pControlPanel = (CDuiPanel*)DuiSystem::CreateControlByName(_T("div"), m_hWnd, this);

		// 加载XML中Tab节点的各个下层控件节点

		LayoutItemInfo itemInfo;
		itemInfo.pControlPanel = pControlPanel;
		ParsePosition(strDivPos, itemInfo.pos);	// 解析pos信息
		itemInfo.nMinPos = nMinPos;
		itemInfo.nMaxPos = nMaxPos;
		itemInfo.nPos = -1;	// 初始化实际的位置值
		itemInfo.rcSplit = CRect(0, 0, 0, 0);	// 初始化分割线区域
		itemInfo.rcThumb = CRect(0, 0, 0, 0);	// 初始化滑块区域

	// 初始化div中控件的位置

	m_bInit = TRUE;

    return TRUE;
void BoardConfigurationSerializer::LoadBoard(BoardConfiguration* board, const std::string& file)
    if (board == nullptr)
    //TODO: Add some error detection here. If the config file is malformed, random stuff (most probably crash) happens.
    boost::property_tree::ptree configTree;
    boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json(file, configTree);
    for (auto& value : configTree.get_child("board"))
        Player player = ParsePlayer(value.second.get<std::string>("player"));
        ChessPiece::Type pieceType = ParseType(value.second.get<std::string>("type"));
        char xPos = value.second.get<char>("x");
        unsigned int yPos = value.second.get<unsigned int>("y");

        board->m_BitBoards[player][pieceType] |= (uint64_t)1 << ParsePosition(xPos, yPos);
    board->m_CurrentPlayer = ParsePlayer(configTree.get<std::string>("currentPlayer"));
Beispiel #8
ModelData* ModelLoader::LoadModelFile(std::string filePath)
	ifstream file; + ".obj");
	if (!file)
		return 0;
	string str;

	while (!file.eof())
		file >> str;

		if (str == "#" || str == "s")	ParseComment(file);
		else if (str == "v")			ParsePosition(file);	//position
		else if (str == "vn")			ParseNormal(file);		//normal
		else if (str == "vt")			ParseTexCoord(file);	//texturkoordinat
		else if (str == "f")			ParseFace(file);		//face
		else if (str == "usemtl")		ParseMaterial(file);	//material
		else if (str == "g")			ParseGroup(file);		//group

		else if (str == "mtllib")								//materialfile
			ParseMaterialFile(file, filePath);
                str = "";

	ModelData* model = new ModelData();
	for (auto it = m_groups.begin(); it != m_groups.end(); ++it)
	return model;
Beispiel #9
// 从XML设置位置信息属性
HRESULT CControlBase::OnAttributePosChange(const CStringA& strValue, BOOL bLoading)
    if (strValue.IsEmpty()) return E_FAIL;

	m_strPos = strValue;


	LPCSTR pszValue=strValue;
	while(dlgpos.nCount<4 && pszValue)

    if (2 == dlgpos.nCount || 4 == dlgpos.nCount)
		if(4 == dlgpos.nCount)
			CRect rectParent = CRect(0,0,0,0);
			CDuiObject* pParent = GetParent();
				rectParent = pParent->GetRect();
			CRect rect;
			rect.left = PositionItem2Value(dlgpos.Left, rectParent.left, rectParent.right); = PositionItem2Value(dlgpos.Top,, rectParent.bottom);
			rect.right = PositionItem2Value(dlgpos.Right, rectParent.left, rectParent.right);
			rect.bottom = PositionItem2Value(dlgpos.Bottom,, rectParent.bottom);
		else if(2 == dlgpos.nCount)
			//m_uPositionType = (m_uPositionType & ~SizeX_Mask) | SizeX_FitContent;
			//m_uPositionType = (m_uPositionType & ~SizeY_Mask) | SizeY_FitContent;
			CRect rectParent = CRect(0,0,0,0);
			CDuiObject* pParent = GetParent();
				rectParent = pParent->GetRect();
			CRect rect;
			rect.left = PositionItem2Value(dlgpos.Left, rectParent.left, rectParent.right); = PositionItem2Value(dlgpos.Top,, rectParent.bottom);
			if(m_nWidth != 0)
				rect.right = rect.left + m_nWidth;
				rect.right = PositionItem2Value(dlgpos.Left, rectParent.left, rectParent.right);
			if(m_nHeight != 0)
				rect.bottom = + m_nHeight;
				rect.bottom = PositionItem2Value(dlgpos.Top,, rectParent.bottom);
        dlgpos.nCount = 0;

    return bLoading?S_FALSE:S_OK;
Beispiel #10
void UciLoop(void) {

  char command[4096], token[180], *ptr;
  POS p[1];

  setbuf(stdin, NULL);
  setbuf(stdout, NULL);
  SetPosition(p, START_POS);
  for (;;) {
    ReadLine(command, sizeof(command));
    ptr = ParseToken(command, token);

    // checks if Rodent should play with an opening book
    // UseBook remains for backward compatibly
    if ((strstr(command, "setoption name OwnBook value")) || (strstr(command, "setoption name UseBook value")))
      use_book = (strstr(command, "value true") != 0);
    if (strstr(command, "setoption name UCI_LimitStrength value"))
      Param.fl_weakening = (strstr(command, "value true") != 0);

    if (strcmp(token, "uci") == 0) {
      printf("id name %s\n", PROG_NAME);
      printf("id author Pawel Koziol (based on Sungorus 1.4 by Pablo Vazquez)\n");
      printf("option name Hash type spin default 16 min 1 max 4096\n");
      printf("option name Clear Hash type button\n");
      if (panel_style > 0) {
        printf("option name PawnValue type spin default %d min 0 max 1200\n", Param.pc_value[P]);
        printf("option name KnightValue type spin default %d min 0 max 1200\n", Param.pc_value[N]);
        printf("option name BishopValue type spin default %d min 0 max 1200\n", Param.pc_value[B]);
        printf("option name RookValue type spin default %d min 0 max 1200\n", Param.pc_value[R]);
        printf("option name QueenValue type spin default %d min 0 max 1200\n", Param.pc_value[Q]);
		printf("option name KeepPawn type spin default %d min -200 max 200\n", Param.keep_pc[P]);
        printf("option name KeepKnight type spin default %d min -200 max 200\n", Param.keep_pc[N]);
        printf("option name KeepBishop type spin default %d min -200 max 200\n", Param.keep_pc[B]);
        printf("option name KeepRook type spin default %d min -200 max 200\n", Param.keep_pc[R]);
        printf("option name KeepQueen type spin default %d min -200 max 200\n", Param.keep_pc[Q]);

        printf("option name BishopPair type spin default %d min -100 max 100\n", Param.bish_pair);
        if (panel_style == 2)
			printf("option name KnightPair type spin default %d min -100 max 100\n", Param.knight_pair);
           printf("option name ExchangeImbalance type spin default %d min -100 max 100\n", Param.exchange_imbalance);
        printf("option name KnightLikesClosed type spin default %d min 0 max 10\n", Param.np_bonus);
        if (panel_style == 2)
           printf("option name RookLikesOpen type spin default %d min 0 max 10\n", Param.rp_malus);

        printf("option name Material type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", Param.mat_perc);
        printf("option name OwnAttack type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", dyn_weights[DF_OWN_ATT]);
        printf("option name OppAttack type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", dyn_weights[DF_OPP_ATT]);
        printf("option name OwnMobility type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", dyn_weights[DF_OWN_MOB]);
        printf("option name OppMobility type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", dyn_weights[DF_OPP_MOB]);

        printf("option name KingTropism type spin default %d min -50 max 500\n", weights[F_TROPISM]);
        printf("option name PiecePlacement type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", Param.pst_perc);
        printf("option name PiecePressure type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", weights[F_PRESSURE]);
        printf("option name PassedPawns type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", weights[F_PASSERS]);
        printf("option name PawnStructure type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", weights[F_PAWNS]);

		printf("option name Outposts type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", weights[F_OUTPOST]);
        printf("option name Lines type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", weights[F_LINES]);
        if (panel_style == 2) {
          printf("option name PawnShield type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", Param.shield_perc);
          printf("option name PawnStorm type spin default %d min 0 max 500\n", Param.storm_perc);
        printf("option name PstStyle type spin default %d min 0 max 2\n", Param.pst_style);
		printf("option name MobilityStyle type spin default %d min 0 max 1\n", Param.mob_style);

        if (panel_style == 2) {
          printf("option name DoubledPawnMg type spin default %d min -100 max 0\n", Param.doubled_malus_mg);
          printf("option name DoubledPawnEg type spin default %d min -100 max 0\n", Param.doubled_malus_eg);
          printf("option name IsolatedPawnMg type spin default %d min -100 max 0\n", Param.isolated_malus_mg);
          printf("option name IsolatedPawnEg type spin default %d min -100 max 0\n", Param.isolated_malus_eg);
          printf("option name IsolatedOnOpenMg type spin default %d min -100 max 0\n", Param.isolated_open_malus);
          printf("option name BackwardPawnMg type spin default %d min -100 max 0\n", Param.backward_malus_base);
          printf("option name BackwardPawnEg type spin default %d min -100 max 0\n", Param.backward_malus_eg);
          printf("option name BackwardOnOpenMg type spin default %d min -100 max 0\n", Param.backward_open_malus);

        // Strength settings - we use either Elo slider with an approximate formula
        // or separate options for nodes per second reduction and eval blur

        if (fl_elo_slider == 0) {
          printf("option name NpsLimit type spin default %d min 0 max 5000000\n", Timer.nps_limit);
          printf("option name EvalBlur type spin default %d min 0 max 5000000\n", Param.eval_blur);
        } else {
          printf("option name UCI_LimitStrength type check default false\n");
          printf("option name UCI_Elo type spin default %d min 800 max 2800\n", Param.elo);

        printf("option name Contempt type spin default %d min -250 max 250\n", Param.draw_score);
        printf("option name SlowMover type spin default %d min 10 max 500\n", time_percentage);
        printf("option name Selectivity type spin default %d min 0 max 200\n", hist_perc);
        printf("option name OwnBook type check default true\n");
        printf("option name GuideBookFile type string default guide.bin\n");
        printf("option name MainBookFile type string default rodent.bin\n");
        printf("option name BookFilter type spin default %d min 0 max 5000000\n", Param.book_filter);

     if (panel_style == 0) {
        printf("option name PersonalityFile type string default rodent.txt\n");
        printf("option name OwnBook type check default true\n");
        if (fl_separate_books) {
          printf("option name GuideBookFile type string default guide.bin\n");
          printf("option name MainBookFile type string default rodent.bin\n");

    } else if (strcmp(token, "isready") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(token, "setoption") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(token, "position") == 0) {
      ParsePosition(p, ptr);
    } else if (strcmp(token, "perft") == 0) {
      ptr = ParseToken(ptr, token);
    int depth = atoi(token);
    if (depth == 0) depth = 5;
    nodes = Perft(p, 0, depth);
#if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64 
    printf (" perft %d : %I64d nodes in %d miliseconds\n", depth, nodes, Timer.GetElapsedTime() );
    printf(" perft %d : %lld nodes in %d miliseconds\n", depth, nodes, Timer.GetElapsedTime());
    } else if (strcmp(token, "print") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(token, "eval") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(token, "step") == 0) {
      ParseMoves(p, ptr);
    } else if (strcmp(token, "go") == 0) {
      ParseGo(p, ptr);
    } else if (strcmp(token, "bench") == 0) {
      ptr = ParseToken(ptr, token);
    } else if (strcmp(token, "quit") == 0) {
Beispiel #11
void C4Shader::AddSlices(ShaderSliceList& slices, const char *szWhat, const char *szText, const char *szSource, int iSourceTime)
	const char *pStart = szText, *pPos = szText;
	int iDepth = -1;
	int iPosition = -1;
	bool fGotContent = false; // Anything in the slice apart from comments and white-space?

	// Find slices
	while(*pPos) {

		// Comment? Might seem silly, but we don't want to get confused by braces in comments...
		if (*pPos == '/' && *(pPos + 1) == '/') {
			pPos += 2;
			while (*pPos && *pPos != '\n') pPos++;
		if (*pPos == '/' && *(pPos + 1) == '*') {
			pPos += 2;
			while (*pPos && (*pPos != '*' || *(pPos+1) != '/')) pPos++;
			if (*pPos) pPos += 2;

		// Opening brace?
		if (*pPos == '{') {
			iDepth++; pPos++;
		if (*pPos == '}') {
			// End of slice?
			if (iPosition != -1 && !iDepth) {

				// Have a new slice!
				if (fGotContent)
					StdStrBuf Str; Str.Copy(pStart, pPos - pStart);
					AddSlice(slices, iPosition, Str.getData(), szSource, iSourceTime);

				iPosition = -1;
				pStart = pPos+1;
				fGotContent = false;
			if (iDepth >= 0)

		// New slice? We need a newline followed by "slice". Don't do
		// the depth check, so that we also recognize slices inside
		// an ifdefed-out "void main() {" block.
		if (*pPos == '\n') {
			if (SEqual2(pPos+1, "slice") && !isalnum(*(pPos+6))) {
				const char *pSliceEnd = pPos; pPos += 6;
				while(isspace(*pPos)) pPos++;
				if(*pPos != '(') { pPos++; continue; }

				// Now let's parse the position
				iPosition = ParsePosition(szWhat, &pPos);
				if (iPosition != -1) {
					// Make sure a closing parenthesis
					while(isspace(*pPos)) pPos++;
					if(*pPos != ')') { pPos++; continue; }

					// Make sure an opening brace follows
					while(isspace(*pPos)) pPos++;
					if (*pPos == '{') {

						// Add code before "slice" as new slice
						if (fGotContent)
							StdStrBuf Str; Str.Copy(pStart, pSliceEnd - pStart);
							AddSlice(slices, -1, Str.getData(), szSource, iSourceTime);

						iDepth = 0;
						pStart = pPos+1;
						fGotContent = false;
					} else {
						ShaderLogF("  gl: Missing opening brace in %s!", szWhat);

		// Otherwise: Continue
		if (!isspace(*pPos)) fGotContent = true;

	// Add final slice
	if (fGotContent)
		StdStrBuf Str; Str.Copy(pStart, pPos - pStart);
		AddSlice(slices, iPosition, Str.getData(), szSource, iSourceTime);
