Beispiel #1
  Find and display image base address and return image base and its entry point.

  @param CurrentEip      Current instruction pointer.

DumpModuleImageInfo (
  IN  UINTN              CurrentEip
  EFI_STATUS                           Status;
  UINTN                                Pe32Data;
  VOID                                 *PdbPointer;
  VOID                                 *EntryPoint;

  Pe32Data = PeCoffSearchImageBase (CurrentEip);
  if (Pe32Data == 0) {
    InternalPrintMessage ("!!!! Can't find image information. !!!!\n");
  } else {
    // Find Image Base entry point
    Status = PeCoffLoaderGetEntryPoint ((VOID *) Pe32Data, &EntryPoint);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      EntryPoint = NULL;
    InternalPrintMessage ("!!!! Find image based on IP(0x%x) ", CurrentEip);
    PdbPointer = PeCoffLoaderGetPdbPointer ((VOID *) Pe32Data);
    if (PdbPointer != NULL) {
      InternalPrintMessage ("%a", PdbPointer);
    } else {
      InternalPrintMessage ("(No PDB) " );
    InternalPrintMessage (
      " (ImageBase=%016lp, EntryPoint=%016p) !!!!\n",
      (VOID *) Pe32Data,
Beispiel #2
  Search module name by input IP address and output it.

  @param CallerIpAddress   Caller instruction pointer.

DumpModuleInfoByIp (
  IN  UINTN              CallerIpAddress
  UINTN                                Pe32Data;
  VOID                                 *PdbPointer;

  // Find Image Base
  Pe32Data = PeCoffSearchImageBase (CallerIpAddress);
  if (Pe32Data != 0) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "It is invoked from the instruction before IP(0x%p)", (VOID *) CallerIpAddress));
    PdbPointer = PeCoffLoaderGetPdbPointer ((VOID *) Pe32Data);
    if (PdbPointer != NULL) {
      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " in module (%a)\n", PdbPointer));