/// <summary>Convert string into a list of words/whitespace with contiguous formatting</summary>
      /// <param name="str">string.</param>
      /// <returns>List of words/whitespace with contiguous formatting</returns>
      PhraseList  RichTextRenderer::GetWords(const RichParagraph& para)
         RichCharList chars;

         // Flatten paragraph into list of characters
         chars += para.Characters;

         // Abort if empty string
         if (chars.empty())
            return PhraseList();

         // Get first char
         PhraseList phrases;
         phrases += RichPhrase(*chars.front());

         // Transform into blocks of contiguous characters
         for_each(++chars.begin(), chars.end(), [&](const RichCharacter* ch) 
            RichPhrase& current = phrases.back();

            // Create new word on colour/formatting change
            if (ch->Colour != current.Colour
             || ch->Format != current.Format)
                phrases += RichPhrase(*ch);

            // Create new word line-break and word-break
            else if (ch->Char == '\n' || iswspace(ch->Char) != iswspace(current.Text.front()))
               phrases += RichPhrase(*ch);      // TODO: Prevent lines starting with punctuation
               // Otherwise append to last phrase
               current += ch->Char;

         // return words
         return phrases;
Beispiel #2
PhraseList PhraseList::operator |(PhraseList &other) {
    return PhraseList(this, &other);
Beispiel #3
PhraseList PhraseList::operator |(const AbstractFieldPhrase &other) {
    return PhraseList(this, &other);