RenderablePicoModel::RenderablePicoModel (picoModel_t* mod)
		// Get the number of surfaces to create
		const int nSurf = PicoGetModelNumSurfaces(mod);

		// Create a RenderablePicoSurface for each surface in the structure
		for (int n = 0; n < nSurf; ++n) {
			// Retrieve the surface, discarding it if it is null or non-triangulated (?)
			picoSurface_t* surf = PicoGetModelSurface(mod, n);
			if (surf == 0 || PicoGetSurfaceType(surf) != PICO_TRIANGLES)

			// Fix the normals of the surface (?)

			// Create the RenderablePicoSurface object and add it to the vector
			RenderablePicoSurface rSurf = RenderablePicoSurface(surf);

			// Extend the model AABB to include the surface's AABB
			aabb_extend_by_aabb(_localAABB, rSurf.localAABB());

		const int nShaders = PicoGetModelNumShaders(mod);
		for (int n = 0; n < nShaders; n++) {
			const picoShader_t *shader = PicoGetModelShader(mod, n);
			if (shader) {

		std::stringstream polyCountStream;
		const int polyCount = getPolyCount();
		polyCountStream << polyCount;
		polyCountStr = polyCountStream.str();

		std::stringstream surfaceCountStream;
		const int surfaceCount = getSurfaceCount();
		surfaceCountStream << surfaceCount;
		surfaceCountStr = surfaceCountStream.str();

		std::stringstream vertexCountStream;
		const int vertexCount = getVertexCount();
		vertexCountStream << vertexCount;
		vertexCountStr = vertexCountStream.str();
Beispiel #2
/* _ms3d_load:
 *	loads a milkshape3d model file.
static picoModel_t *_ms3d_load( PM_PARAMS_LOAD ){
	picoModel_t    *model;
	unsigned char  *bufptr, *bufptr0;
	int shaderRefs[ MS3D_MAX_GROUPS ];
	int numGroups;
	int numMaterials;
//	unsigned char  *ptrToGroups;
	int numVerts;
	unsigned char  *ptrToVerts;
	int numTris;
	unsigned char  *ptrToTris;
	int i,k,m;

	/* create new pico model */
	model = PicoNewModel();
	if ( model == NULL ) {
		return NULL;

	/* do model setup */
	PicoSetModelFrameNum( model, frameNum );
	PicoSetModelName( model, fileName );
	PicoSetModelFileName( model, fileName );

	bufptr0 = bufptr = (picoByte_t*) _pico_alloc( bufSize );
	memcpy( bufptr, buffer, bufSize );
	/* skip header */
	bufptr += sizeof( TMsHeader );

	/* get number of vertices */
	bufptr = GetWord( bufptr,&numVerts );
	ptrToVerts = bufptr;

#ifdef DEBUG_PM_MS3D
	printf( "NumVertices: %d\n",numVerts );
	/* swap verts */
	for ( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ )
		TMsVertex *vertex;
		vertex = (TMsVertex *)bufptr;
		bufptr += sizeof( TMsVertex );

		vertex->xyz[ 0 ] = _pico_little_float( vertex->xyz[ 0 ] );
		vertex->xyz[ 1 ] = _pico_little_float( vertex->xyz[ 1 ] );
		vertex->xyz[ 2 ] = _pico_little_float( vertex->xyz[ 2 ] );

#ifdef DEBUG_PM_MS3D_EX_
		printf( "Vertex: x: %f y: %f z: %f\n",
				msvd[i]->vertex[2] );
	/* get number of triangles */
	bufptr = GetWord( bufptr,&numTris );
	ptrToTris = bufptr;

#ifdef DEBUG_PM_MS3D
	printf( "NumTriangles: %d\n",numTris );
	/* swap tris */
	for ( i = 0; i < numTris; i++ )
		TMsTriangle *triangle;
		triangle = (TMsTriangle *)bufptr;
		bufptr += sizeof( TMsTriangle );

		triangle->flags = _pico_little_short( triangle->flags );

		/* run through all tri verts */
		for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
			/* swap tex coords */
			triangle->s[ k ] = _pico_little_float( triangle->s[ k ] );
			triangle->t[ k ] = _pico_little_float( triangle->t[ k ] );

			/* swap fields */
			triangle->vertexIndices[ k ]      = _pico_little_short( triangle->vertexIndices[ k ] );
			triangle->vertexNormals[ 0 ][ k ] = _pico_little_float( triangle->vertexNormals[ 0 ][ k ] );
			triangle->vertexNormals[ 1 ][ k ] = _pico_little_float( triangle->vertexNormals[ 1 ][ k ] );
			triangle->vertexNormals[ 2 ][ k ] = _pico_little_float( triangle->vertexNormals[ 2 ][ k ] );

			/* check for out of range indices */
			if ( triangle->vertexIndices[ k ] >= numVerts ) {
				_pico_printf( PICO_ERROR,"Vertex %d index %d out of range (%d, max %d)",i,k,triangle->vertexIndices[k],numVerts - 1 );
				PicoFreeModel( model );
				_pico_free( bufptr0 );
				return NULL; /* yuck */
	/* get number of groups */
	bufptr = GetWord( bufptr,&numGroups );
//	ptrToGroups = bufptr;

#ifdef DEBUG_PM_MS3D
	printf( "NumGroups: %d\n",numGroups );
	/* run through all groups in model */
	for ( i = 0; i < numGroups && i < MS3D_MAX_GROUPS; i++ )
		picoSurface_t *surface;
		TMsGroup      *group;

		group = (TMsGroup *)bufptr;
		bufptr += sizeof( TMsGroup );

		/* we ignore hidden groups */
		if ( group->flags & MS3D_HIDDEN ) {
			bufptr += ( group->numTriangles * 2 ) + 1;
		/* forced null term of group name */
		group->name[ 31 ] = '\0';

		/* create new pico surface */
		surface = PicoNewSurface( model );
		if ( surface == NULL ) {
			PicoFreeModel( model );
			_pico_free( bufptr0 );
			return NULL;
		/* do surface setup */
		PicoSetSurfaceType( surface,PICO_TRIANGLES );
		PicoSetSurfaceName( surface,group->name );

		/* process triangle indices */
		for ( k = 0; k < group->numTriangles; k++ )
			TMsTriangle *triangle;
			unsigned int triangleIndex;

			/* get triangle index */
			bufptr = GetWord( bufptr,(int *)&triangleIndex );

			/* get ptr to triangle data */
			triangle = (TMsTriangle *)( ptrToTris + ( sizeof( TMsTriangle ) * triangleIndex ) );

			/* run through triangle vertices */
			for ( m = 0; m < 3; m++ )
				TMsVertex   *vertex;
				unsigned int vertexIndex;
				picoVec2_t texCoord;

				/* get ptr to vertex data */
				vertexIndex = triangle->vertexIndices[ m ];
				vertex = (TMsVertex *)( ptrToVerts + ( sizeof( TMsVertex ) * vertexIndex ) );

				/* store vertex origin */
				PicoSetSurfaceXYZ( surface,vertexIndex,vertex->xyz );

				/* store vertex color */
				PicoSetSurfaceColor( surface,0,vertexIndex,white );

				/* store vertex normal */
				PicoSetSurfaceNormal( surface,vertexIndex,triangle->vertexNormals[ m ] );

				/* store current face vertex index */
				PicoSetSurfaceIndex( surface,( k * 3 + ( 2 - m ) ),(picoIndex_t)vertexIndex );

				/* get texture vertex coord */
				texCoord[ 0 ] = triangle->s[ m ];
				texCoord[ 1 ] = -triangle->t[ m ];  /* flip t */

				/* store texture vertex coord */
				PicoSetSurfaceST( surface,0,vertexIndex,texCoord );
		/* store material */
		shaderRefs[ i ] = *bufptr++;

#ifdef DEBUG_PM_MS3D
		printf( "Group %d: '%s' (%d tris)\n",i,group->name,group->numTriangles );
	/* get number of materials */
	bufptr = GetWord( bufptr,&numMaterials );

#ifdef DEBUG_PM_MS3D
	printf( "NumMaterials: %d\n",numMaterials );
	/* run through all materials in model */
	for ( i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++ )
		picoShader_t *shader;
		picoColor_t ambient,diffuse,specular;
		TMsMaterial  *material;
		int k;

		material = (TMsMaterial *)bufptr;
		bufptr += sizeof( TMsMaterial );

		/* null term strings */
		material->name    [  31 ] = '\0';
		material->texture [ 127 ] = '\0';
		material->alphamap[ 127 ] = '\0';

		/* ltrim strings */
		_pico_strltrim( material->name );
		_pico_strltrim( material->texture );
		_pico_strltrim( material->alphamap );

		/* rtrim strings */
		_pico_strrtrim( material->name );
		_pico_strrtrim( material->texture );
		_pico_strrtrim( material->alphamap );

		/* create new pico shader */
		shader = PicoNewShader( model );
		if ( shader == NULL ) {
			PicoFreeModel( model );
			_pico_free( bufptr0 );
			return NULL;
		/* scale shader colors */
		for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
			ambient [ k ] = (picoByte_t) ( material->ambient[ k ] * 255 );
			diffuse [ k ] = (picoByte_t) ( material->diffuse[ k ] * 255 );
			specular[ k ] = (picoByte_t) ( material->specular[ k ] * 255 );
		/* set shader colors */
		PicoSetShaderAmbientColor( shader,ambient );
		PicoSetShaderDiffuseColor( shader,diffuse );
		PicoSetShaderSpecularColor( shader,specular );

		/* set shader transparency */
		PicoSetShaderTransparency( shader,material->transparency );

		/* set shader shininess (0..127) */
		PicoSetShaderShininess( shader,material->shininess );

		/* set shader name */
		PicoSetShaderName( shader,material->name );

		/* set shader texture map name */
		PicoSetShaderMapName( shader,material->texture );

#ifdef DEBUG_PM_MS3D
		printf( "Material %d: '%s' ('%s','%s')\n",i,material->name,material->texture,material->alphamap );
	/* assign shaders to surfaces */
	for ( i = 0; i < numGroups && i < MS3D_MAX_GROUPS; i++ )
		picoSurface_t *surface;
		picoShader_t  *shader;

		/* sanity check */
		if ( shaderRefs[ i ] >= MS3D_MAX_MATERIALS ||
			 shaderRefs[ i ] < 0 ) {

		/* get surface */
		surface = PicoGetModelSurface( model,i );
		if ( surface == NULL ) {

		/* get shader */
		shader = PicoGetModelShader( model,shaderRefs[ i ] );
		if ( shader == NULL ) {

		/* assign shader */
		PicoSetSurfaceShader( surface,shader );

#ifdef DEBUG_PM_MS3D
		printf( "Mapped: %d ('%s') to %d (%s)\n",
				shaderRefs[i],shader->name,i,surface->name );
	/* return allocated pico model */
	_pico_free( bufptr0 );
	return model;
//	return NULL;