Beispiel #1
static void initialise(){
	PicoSetMallocFunc( malloc );
	PicoSetFreeFunc( free );
	PicoSetPrintFunc( PicoPrintFunc );
	PicoSetLoadFileFunc( PicoLoadFileFunc );
	PicoSetFreeFileFunc( PicoFreeFileFunc );
Beispiel #2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	int		i, r;
	double	start, end;
	/* we want consistent 'randomness' */
	srand( 0 );
	/* start timer */
	start = I_FloatTime();

	/* this was changed to emit version number over the network */
	printf( Q3MAP_VERSION "\n" );
	/* set exit call */
	atexit( ExitQ3Map );
	/* read general options first */
	for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
		/* -connect */
		if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-connect" ) )
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
			Broadcast_Setup( argv[ i ] );
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
		/* verbose */
		else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-v" ) )
			verbose = qtrue;
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
		/* force */
		else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-force" ) )
			force = qtrue;
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
		/* patch subdivisions */
		else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-subdivisions" ) )
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
			patchSubdivisions = atoi( argv[ i ] );
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
			if( patchSubdivisions <= 0 )
				patchSubdivisions = 1;
		/* threads */
		else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-threads" ) )
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
			numthreads = atoi( argv[ i ] );
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
	/* init model library */
	PicoSetMallocFunc( safe_malloc );
	PicoSetFreeFunc( free );
	PicoSetPrintFunc( PicoPrintFunc );
	PicoSetLoadFileFunc( PicoLoadFileFunc );
	PicoSetFreeFileFunc( free );
	/* set number of threads */
	/* generate sinusoid jitter table */
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_JITTERS; i++ )
		jitters[ i ] = sin( i * 139.54152147 );
		//%	Sys_Printf( "Jitter %4d: %f\n", i, jitters[ i ] );
	/* we print out two versions, q3map's main version (since it evolves a bit out of GtkRadiant)
	   and we put the GtkRadiant version to make it easy to track with what version of Radiant it was built with */
	Sys_Printf( "Q3Map         - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.\n" );
	Sys_Printf( "Q3Map (ydnar) - v" Q3MAP_VERSION "\n" );
	Sys_Printf( "GtkRadiant    - v" RADIANT_VERSION " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n" );
	Sys_Printf( "%s\n", Q3MAP_MOTD );
	/* ydnar: new path initialization */
	InitPaths( &argc, argv );
	/* check if we have enough options left to attempt something */
	if( argc < 2 )
		Error( "Usage: %s [general options] [options] mapfile", argv[ 0 ] );
	/* fixaas */
	if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-fixaas" ) )
		r = FixAAS( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
	/* analyze */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-analyze" ) )
		r = AnalyzeBSP( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
	/* info */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-info" ) )
		r = BSPInfo( argc - 2, argv + 2 );
	/* vis */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-vis" ) )
		r = VisMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
	/* light */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-light" ) )
		r = LightMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
	/* vlight */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-vlight" ) )
		Sys_Printf( "WARNING: VLight is no longer supported, defaulting to -light -fast instead\n\n" );
		argv[ 1 ] = "-fast";	/* eek a hack */
		r = LightMain( argc, argv );
	/* ydnar: lightmap export */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-export" ) )
		r = ExportLightmapsMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
	/* ydnar: lightmap import */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-import" ) )
		r = ImportLightmapsMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
	/* ydnar: bsp scaling */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-scale" ) )
		r = ScaleBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
	/* ydnar: bsp conversion */
	else if( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-convert" ) )
		r = ConvertBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
	/* ydnar: otherwise create a bsp */
		r = BSPMain( argc, argv );
	/* emit time */
	end = I_FloatTime();
	Sys_Printf( "%9.0f seconds elapsed\n", end - start );
	/* shut down connection */
	/* return any error code */
	return r;