/** * test case for ping() functions */ void TestEthernet::tcPing(void) { cout << "ping 测试 :" << endl; char *strIP = NULL; if (Ping(strIP)) { cout << "Ping NULL 成功!" << endl; } else { cout << "Ping NULL 失败!!" << endl; } char strIP1[] = "www.datatom.com"; if (Ping(strIP1)) { cout << "Ping www.datatom.com 成功!" << endl; } else { cout << "Ping www.datatom.com 失败!!" << endl; } }
void CRemoteConnection::Update(const bool inInitialConnect) { if (!active) return; const float curTime = static_cast<float>(SDL_GetTicks())/1000.0f; if(inInitialConnect && lastSendTime<curTime-1){ //server hasnt responded so try to send the connection attempt again SendRawPacket(unackedPackets[0]->data,unackedPackets[0]->length,0); lastSendTime=curTime; } if(lastSendTime<curTime-5 && !inInitialConnect){ //we havent sent anything for a while so send something to prevent timeout Ping(); } if(lastSendTime<curTime-0.2f && !waitingPackets.empty()){ //we have at least one missing incomming packet lying around so send a packet to ensure the other side get a nak Ping(); } if(lastReceiveTime < curTime-(inInitialConnect ? 40 : 30)) { active=false; } if(outgoingLength>0 && (lastSendTime < (curTime-0.2f+outgoingLength*0.01f) || lastSendFrame < gs->frameNum-1)){ Flush(); } }
bool NetworkManager::InitialiseNetworking() { WSADATA wsaData; if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) { std::cout << "WSAStartup failed." << std::endl; return false; } m_IOSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(m_IOSocket == SOCKET_ERROR) { std::cout << "Error Opening socket: Error " << WSAGetLastError() << std::cout; return false; } //setup the local (server) address the socket will listen on m_LocalAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; m_LocalAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;//inet_addr("") m_LocalAddress.sin_port = htons(1328); //setup the broadcast address m_BroadcastAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; m_BroadcastAddress.sin_port = htons(1328); m_BroadcastAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(""); //bind the socket (so that it listens) if(bind(m_IOSocket, (SOCKADDR*) &m_LocalAddress, sizeof(m_LocalAddress)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { std::cout << "bind() failed: Error " << WSAGetLastError() << std::cout; } //automatically reset the socket connection if it exits prematurely DWORD dwBytesReturned = 0; BOOL bNewBehavior = FALSE; WSAIoctl(m_IOSocket,SIO_UDP_CONNRESET,&bNewBehavior,sizeof(bNewBehavior),NULL,0,&dwBytesReturned,NULL,NULL); //enable broadcasting on this socket BOOL bOptVal = TRUE; setsockopt(m_IOSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,(const char *)&bOptVal,sizeof(BOOL)); //join multicast group /* ip_mreq mreq; mreq.imr_multiaddr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(""); mreq.imr_interface.S_un.S_addr = INADDR_ANY; setsockopt(m_IOSocket,IPPROTO_IP,IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,(const char *)&mreq,sizeof(ip_mreq)); */ //ping the local net a few times Ping(); Ping(); Ping(); return true; }
int CDevWatchdog::Open( const void* devName ) { if ( ! devName ) devName=DEV_WATCHDOG ; m_nDevFd = open((const char*)devName, O_RDWR ) ; if ( -1 == m_nDevFd ) { PERR( "Unable to open device file[%s]", (const char*)devName ) ; return false ; } struct watchdog_info ident ; ioctl(m_nDevFd, WDIOC_GETSUPPORT, &ident); if ( ! (ident.options & (WDIOF_KEEPALIVEPING|WDIOF_SETTIMEOUT) ) ) { ERR( "features missing: KEEPALIVEPING and SETTIMEOUT"); systemf_to( 20, "log2flash 'WTD: ERR: features missing: KEEPALIVEPING and SETTIMEOUT'&"); close(m_nDevFd); m_nDevFd = -1 ; return false ; } ioctl(m_nDevFd, WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT, &m_lPingInterval); LOG("Found [%s] with %lu seconds timeout", ident.identity, m_lPingInterval); systemf_to( 20,"log2flash 'WTD: Found [%s] with %lu seconds timeout'&", ident.identity, m_lPingInterval); Ping() ; return true ; }
void Detection::WorkFunc() { CheckIP138(); CheckIP(); TestTinydrag(); Ping(); GetLocalIP(); Test9KAPPPAC(); Test9K(); Test8888(); boost::thread work_thread(boost::bind(&Detection::TestTracker, this)); for (int i = 0; i < 5 * 60; ++i) { if (i % 3 == 0) { ++m_progress_pos_; if (i % 60 == 0) { Test9K(); } } Sleep(1000); } Analyze(); TestBs(); Test9K(); WriteTrackerResult(); Sleep(1000); MessageBox("测试完毕!"); }
int TMain::CheckPing() { int Result = ID_NO; String Host, Phone, S = ""; ShowWaitCursor(); TFileIni* FileIni = CreateINIFile(); for (int i = 1; i <= FileIni->ReadInteger("DB", "Count", 0); i++) { ProcMess(); Host = FileIni->ReadString("DB", "Ping" + IntToStr(i), ""); if (Host != "") if (!Ping(Host)) S = ConcatStrings(S, Format(IDS_PING_ERROR, ARRAYOFCONST((FileIni->ReadString("DB", "Name" + IntToStr(i), ""), FileIni->ReadString("DB", "Phone" + IntToStr(i), "")))), (String) sLineBreak + (String) sLineBreak); } FileIni->Free(); RestoreCursor(); if (S != "") Result = MsgBox(S + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + LoadStr(IDS_PING_RESULT), MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION); return Result; }
bool C4Network2IO::Execute(int iTimeout, pollfd *) { tLastExecute = C4TimeMilliseconds::Now(); // check for timeout CheckTimeout(); // ping all open connections if (!Inside(tLastPing, tLastExecute - C4NetPingFreq, tLastExecute)) { Ping(); tLastPing = tLastExecute; } // do statistics if (!Inside(tLastStatistic, tLastExecute - C4NetStatisticsFreq, tLastExecute)) { GenerateStatistics(tLastExecute - tLastStatistic); tLastStatistic = tLastExecute; } // resources ::Network.ResList.OnTimer(); // ok return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Target doesn't exist or has eluded us, so search for one //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_CombineCamera::SearchThink() { // Allow descended classes a chance to do something before the think function if (PreThink(CAMERA_SEARCHING)) return; SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.05f ); SetIdealActivity((Activity) ACT_COMBINE_CAMERA_OPEN_IDLE); if ( !GetTarget() ) { // Try to acquire a new target if (MaintainEnemy()) { SetThink( &CNPC_CombineCamera::ActiveThink ); return; } } // Display that we're scanning m_vecGoalAngles.x = 15.0f; m_vecGoalAngles.y = GetAbsAngles().y + (sin(gpGlobals->curtime * 2.0f) * 45.0f); // Turn and ping UpdateFacing(); Ping(); SetEyeState(CAMERA_EYE_IDLE); }
/** * @brief Funktion Ausweichen * * Der Asuro benutzt den Ultraschall um die Umgebung zu scannen und weicht * jedem Hinderniss mit einer Rechtsdrehung aus und fährt weiter geradeaus. * * @param Speed Die Fahrgeschwindigkeit * @return Kein Rückgabewert(void) * */ void Ausweichen(uint16_t Speed) { sei(); /*~~~~~~~~~~*/ int pos, i; int posmarker; /*~~~~~~~~~~*/ TextAusgabe("Vor Ping"); TextAusgabe(CR); posmarker = 0; Ping(20); TextAusgabe("Nach PING"); TextAusgabe(CR); for (pos = 0; pos < 1000; pos++) { TextAusgabe("In der ersten For-schleife"); TextAusgabe(CR); /* 1000 = die maximale Entfernung */ _delay_us(10); if ((ACSR & (1 << ACI)) != 0) { TextAusgabe("Im ersten if"); TextAusgabe(CR); /* Wenn Register ACI von ACSR nicht gesetzt ist dann.. */ if (posmarker == 0) { TextAusgabe("Im zweiten if"); TextAusgabe(CR); posmarker = pos; } /* Wenn posmarker = 0 ist dann pos und posmarker gleichsetzen */ } TextAusgabe("Vor ACSR"); ACSR |= (1 << ACI); /* Das Bit ACI setzen. Damit es durch einen Interrupt gel�scht werden kann */ } if (posmarker < 200) { TextAusgabe("Im dritten if"); TextAusgabe(CR); /* Wenn ein Hinderniss im Bereich von 200 ist */ StatusLED(Rot); /* StatusLed leuchtet Rot */ Motor(BREAK, BREAK, 0, 0); /* Motor kurz anhalten */ Motor(FWD, BWD, 0, 255); /* Linkes Rad vorw�rts und Rechtes R�ckw�rts(Ausweichen) */ } else { TextAusgabe("Im else"); TextAusgabe(CR); StatusLED(Gruen); /* LED Gr�n */ Motor(FWD, FWD, Speed, Speed); /* Motoren f�hrt geradeaus */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { TextAusgabe("Im zweiten for"); TextAusgabe(CR); _delay_ms(1); } /* kurze Pause */ } }
virtual EModRet OnUserMsg(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage) { Ping(); if (m_bIsAway) Back(); return(CONTINUE); }
/* MakeBulkPacket - creates a bulkread packet based on the ping results. * It only needs to be called once because the packet will never change. * If the user wishes to use bulkread, this function must be called first. */ void DarwinController::MakeBulkPacket(unsigned char *BulkReadTxPacket){ int number = 0; BulkReadTxPacket[0] = 0xFF; BulkReadTxPacket[1] = 0xFF; BulkReadTxPacket[ID] = 0xFE; BulkReadTxPacket[INSTRUCTION] = 0x92; BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER] = 0x0; if(Ping(0xC8, 0)){ BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+1] = 30; //length BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+2] = 0xC8; // ID_CM BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+3] = 24; //P_DXL_POWER number++; } if(Ping(70, 0)){ BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+1] = 10; // length BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+2] = 0x70; // ID_L_FSR BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+3] = 0x1A; // start address P_FSR1_L number++; } if(Ping(0x6F, 0)){ BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+1] = 10; // length BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+2] = 0x6F; // id ID_R_FSR BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+3] = 0x1A; // start address P_FSR1_L number++; } for(int id = 1; id < 21; id++){ //NUMBER OF JOINTS = 20 BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+1] = 23; // length BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+2] = id; // id BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+3] = 26; // start at CCW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN number++; } BulkReadTxPacket[LENGTH] = (number * 3) + 3; int length = BulkReadTxPacket[LENGTH] + 4; BulkReadTxPacket[length - 1] = CalculateChecksum(BulkReadTxPacket); }
LRESULT nsPluginInstance::ProcessMessage(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_MOVE: // Update trap mouse if required UpdateTrapMouse(); return 0; case WM_SIZE: // Update trap mouse if required UpdateTrapMouse(); // Inform that the window size has been changed FrontendImpl::OnSize(); return 0; case WM_PAINT: // Let the frontend draw into it's window FrontendImpl::OnDraw(); // Ping Ping(); return 0; // Drag and drop of files case WM_DROPFILES: { // Get dropped filenames. Because there's no way - without extreme overhead :) - to check whether // we really need to use Unicode or ASCII is quite enough, we always use Unicode just to be sure. const uint32 nNumOfFiles = DragQueryFileW(reinterpret_cast<HDROP>(wParam), 0xFFFFFFFF, static_cast<LPWSTR>(nullptr), 0); if (nNumOfFiles) { // Create the file list PLCore::Array<PLCore::String> lstFiles; lstFiles.Resize(nNumOfFiles); for (uint32 i=0; i<nNumOfFiles; i++) { // Get the length of the string (+1 for \0) const UINT nSize = DragQueryFileW(reinterpret_cast<HDROP>(wParam), i, nullptr, 0) + 1; // Create the string and fill it wchar_t *pszFile = new wchar_t[nSize]; DragQueryFileW(reinterpret_cast<HDROP>(wParam), i, pszFile, nSize); // Store the string (the PL string takes over the control) lstFiles[i] = PLCore::String(pszFile, false, nSize - 1); } // Inform the frontend FrontendImpl::OnDrop(lstFiles); return 0; } } default: break; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }
void SubsonicService::Login() { // Forget session ID network_->setCookieJar(new QNetworkCookieJar(network_)); // Forget login state whilst waiting login_state_ = LoginState_Unknown; // Ping is enough to check credentials Ping(); }
// // This search function will sit with the turret deployed and look for a new target. // After a set amount of time, the barrel will spin down. After m_flMaxWait, the turret will // retact. // void CBaseTurret::SearchThink(void) { // ensure rethink SetTurretAnim(TURRET_ANIM_SPIN); StudioFrameAdvance( ); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; if (m_flSpinUpTime == 0 && m_flMaxSpin) m_flSpinUpTime = gpGlobals->time + m_flMaxSpin; Ping( ); // If we have a target and we're still healthy if (m_hEnemy != NULL) { if (!m_hEnemy->IsAlive() ) m_hEnemy = NULL;// Dead enemy forces a search for new one } // Acquire Target if (m_hEnemy == NULL) { Look(TURRET_RANGE); m_hEnemy = BestVisibleEnemy(); } // If we've found a target, spin up the barrel and start to attack if (m_hEnemy != NULL) { m_flLastSight = 0; m_flSpinUpTime = 0; SetThink(&CBaseTurret::ActiveThink); } else { // Are we out of time, do we need to retract? if (gpGlobals->time > m_flLastSight) { //Before we retrace, make sure that we are spun down. m_flLastSight = 0; m_flSpinUpTime = 0; SetThink(&CBaseTurret::Retire); } // should we stop the spin? else if ((m_flSpinUpTime) && (gpGlobals->time > m_flSpinUpTime)) { SpinDownCall(); } // generic hunt for new victims m_vecGoalAngles.y = (m_vecGoalAngles.y + 0.1 * m_fTurnRate); if (m_vecGoalAngles.y >= 360) m_vecGoalAngles.y -= 360; MoveTurret(); } }
HRESULT PixelLightCtrl::OnDrawAdvanced(ATL_DRAWINFO &di) { // Let the frontend draw into it's window FrontendImpl::OnDraw(); // Ping Ping(); // Done return S_OK; }
int Interpreteur( char *Buffer, struct Global *g) { char arg0[80],arg1[80],arg2[80],arg3[80],arg4[80] ; int rc ; bzero(arg0,sizeof(arg1)); bzero(arg1,sizeof(arg1)); bzero(arg2,sizeof(arg2)); bzero(arg3,sizeof(arg3)); bzero(arg4,sizeof(arg4)); fprintf(stderr,"Interpreteur ;") ; sscanf(Buffer,"%s %s %s %s %s\n",arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) ; fprintf(stderr,"arg0 %s \n",arg0 ) ; /* ATTENTIO? NE PAS OUBLIER ELSE SINON ERREUR DE SYTAXE */ if (strcmp(arg0,"connexion")==0) rc=Connexion(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"ip")==0 &&( strcmp(arg1,"address")==0) ) rc=IpAddress(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"netmask")==0 ) rc = Netmask(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"gateway")==0 ) rc = Gateway(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"dns")==0 ) rc = Dns(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"ports")==0 ) rc = Ports(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"ping")==0 ) rc = Ping(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"send")==0 ) rc = Send(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"bind")==0) rc = Bind(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"nslookup")==0 ) rc= NsLookup(Buffer,arg1,arg2,arg3, arg4,g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"waitreceive")==0 ) rc=WaitReceive(g) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"read")==0) rc = LireMessage( g ) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"exit")==0) exit(0); else if (strcmp(arg0,"ipconfig")==0) rc = AfficherParametres( g ) ; else if (strcmp(arg0,"help")==0) rc = Help() ; else if (Blanc1013(Buffer)) { fprintf(stderr,"Ligne vide \n" ) ; rc = 1 ; } else rc = 0 ; fprintf(stderr,"fin Interpeteur\n") ; return(rc) ; }
int wmain(int argc, LPWSTR argv[]) { UINT Count; LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCounterFrequency; PingCount = 4; Timeout = 1000; hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); UsePerformanceCounter = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&PerformanceCounterFrequency); if (UsePerformanceCounter) { /* Performance counters may return incorrect results on some multiprocessor platforms so we restrict execution on the first processor. This may fail on Windows NT so we fall back to GetCurrentTick() for timing */ if (SetThreadAffinityMask (GetCurrentThread(), 1) == 0) UsePerformanceCounter = FALSE; /* Convert frequency to ticks per millisecond */ TicksPerMs.QuadPart = PerformanceCounterFrequency.QuadPart / 1000; /* And to ticks per microsecond */ TicksPerUs.QuadPart = PerformanceCounterFrequency.QuadPart / 1000000; } if (!UsePerformanceCounter) { /* 1 tick per millisecond for GetCurrentTick() */ TicksPerMs.QuadPart = 1; /* GetCurrentTick() cannot handle microseconds */ TicksPerUs.QuadPart = 1; } if (!ParseCmdline(argc, argv) || !Setup()) { return 1; } FormatOutput(IDS_ARPING_TO_FROM, TargetIP, SourceName); Count = 0; while (Count < PingCount || NeverStop) { Ping(); Count++; if (Count < PingCount || NeverStop) Sleep(Timeout); } Cleanup(); FormatOutput(IDS_ARPING_STATISTICS, Sent, Received); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { max_iteration = abs(atoi(argv[1])); iter = 1; if (setjmp(Main) == 0) Ping(); if (setjmp(Main) == 0) Pong(); longjmp(PointA, 1); return 0; }
void CheckInternetConnection(bool starting) { static uint32_t lastCheckClock = millis(); if((millis() - lastCheckClock) >= CHECK_CONNECTION_TIME * CLOCKS_PER_SEC || starting) { static byte ip[sizeof PING_DNS]; memcpy_P(&ip[0], &PING_DNS[0], sizeof ip); InSession.InternetConnection = Ping(ip); lastCheckClock = millis(); } }
BOOL KRoleServerEyes::Activate() { BYTE* pbyData = NULL; size_t nPackLen = 0; BYTE byProtocol = 0; PROTOCOL_FUNCTION ProtocolFunction = NULL; time_t nTimeNow = time(NULL); while (true) { pbyData = (BYTE*)m_Stream.GetPack(nPackLen); if (!pbyData) { break; } byProtocol = *pbyData; ProtocolFunction = m_ProtocolFunctions[byProtocol]; if (ProtocolFunction) { (this->*ProtocolFunction)(pbyData, nPackLen); } else { QLogPrintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Invalid FSEyes protocol : %d\n", byProtocol); } m_Stream.PopPack(); } if (nTimeNow >= m_nNextPingTime) { Ping(); m_nNextPingTime = nTimeNow + 20; } //if (nTimeNow > m_nNextSendPlayerCountTime) //{ // SendPlayerCount(); // m_nNextSendPlayerCountTime = nTimeNow + 5; //} if (nTimeNow > m_nNextSendCustomInfoTime) { SendCustomInfo(); m_nNextSendCustomInfoTime = nTimeNow + 10; } return TRUE; }
bool C4Network2IO::Ping() { bool fSuccess = true; // ping all connections for (C4Network2IOConnection *pConn = pConnList; pConn; pConn = pConn->pNext) if (pConn->isOpen()) { C4PacketPing Ping(pConn->getInPacketCounter(), pConn->getOutPacketCounter()); fSuccess &= pConn->Send(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_Ping, Ping)); pConn->OnPing(); } return fSuccess; }
void jumpwireIo::loop() { if(ws_status == 4){ //Wifi error ws_connect(); }else if(ws_status == 3){ //Websocket error httpConnect(); }else if(ws_status == 2){ //Waiting for an incomming message parseWebsocket(); } if(millis() - pingtimer > 55000){ //ping every 55 sec. pingtimer = millis(); Ping(); } }
int main() { std::cout << "Ready… Set… Go!\n"; std::thread Ping(ping); std::thread Pong(pong); Ping.join(); Pong.join(); std::cout << "Done!\n"; return 0; }
void CWatchdogMngr::OnQuit() { CSimpleTimer t ; Ping(); //to make sure that prepare_for_reboot.sh has time to run systemf_to( ON_QUIT_DELAY, NIVIS_FIRMWARE "prepare_for_reboot.sh&" ); LOG("Waiting[%u seconds] for prepare_for_reboot.sh",ON_QUIT_DELAY) ; int nTimeLeftToPing = ON_QUIT_DELAY; if (FileIsExecutable(FTP_SCRIPT)) { nTimeLeftToPing = ON_QUIT_DELAY_FTP_LOGS; } t.SetTimer( nTimeLeftToPing) ; while( ! t.IsSignaling() ) { Ping() ; Sleep() ; } Ping() ; systemf_to( 20, "log2flash 'WTD: Finished running quit procedure.'&"); }
// // This search function will sit with the turret deployed and look for a new target. // After a set amount of time, the barrel will spin down. After m_flMaxWait, the turret will // retact. // void CBaseTurret::SearchThink(void) { // ensure rethink SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_TURRET_OPEN_IDLE ); StudioFrameAdvance( ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); Ping( ); // If we have a target and we're still healthy if (GetEnemy() != NULL) { if (!GetEnemy()->IsAlive() ) SetEnemy( NULL );// Dead enemy forces a search for new one } // Acquire Target if (GetEnemy() == NULL) { GetSenses()->Look(TURRET_RANGE); SetEnemy( BestEnemy() ); } // If we've found a target, spin up the barrel and start to attack if (GetEnemy() != NULL) { m_flLastSight = 0; SetThink(ActiveThink); } else { // Are we out of time, do we need to retract? if (gpGlobals->curtime > m_flLastSight) { //Before we retrace, make sure that we are spun down. m_flLastSight = 0; SetThink(Retire); } // generic hunt for new victims m_vecGoalAngles.y = (m_vecGoalAngles.y + 0.1 * m_iBaseTurnRate); if (m_vecGoalAngles.y >= 360) m_vecGoalAngles.y -= 360; MoveTurret(); } }
void SubsonicService::Login() { // Recreate fresh network state, otherwise old HTTPS settings seem to get reused network_->deleteLater(); network_ = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); network_->setCookieJar(new QNetworkCookieJar(network_)); // Forget login state whilst waiting login_state_ = LoginState_Unknown; if (IsConfigured()) { // Ping is enough to check credentials Ping(); } else { login_state_ = LoginState_IncompleteCredentials; emit LoginStateChanged(login_state_); } }
void G2Node::OnTimer() { if(System::Since(timestamp_) > ALIVE_TIMEOUT) { System::LogBas() << "Hub " << myInfo_.endpoint << " timeout. Disconnecting." << std::endl; Close(); DetachMe(); return; } if(periodLNI_.Set()) UpdateLNI(); if(periodQHT_.Set()) UpdateQHT(); if(periodPing_.Set()) Ping(); }
void CBasicListener::OnReadyRead() { /* Determine the size of the incoming datagram and create room for it in a buffer. */ QByteArray message; message.resize(pendingDatagramSize()); /* Grab the message (and the address that sent it). */ QHostAddress address; readDatagram(message.data(), message.size(), &address); /* Decode the JSON we received. */ bool ok; QVariantMap map = QJson::Parser().parse(message, &ok).toMap(); /* Make sure that there were no errors decoding the JSON and that we can read the results without any problems. */ if(!ok || !map.contains("version") || map["version"].toInt() != Definitions::ProtocolVersion) { /* We only want to alert the user once. */ static bool displayed_warning = false; if(!displayed_warning) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("Warning:"), tr("One of the machines on your network ('%1') is running a different version of NitroShare than this machine (%2). Please ensure both machines are running the latest version of NitroShare.") .arg(address.toString()).arg(Definitions::Version)); displayed_warning = true; } return; } /* Make sure none of the properties are ending. */ if(!map.contains("id") || !map.contains("name") || !map.contains("transmission_port") || !map.contains("uptime")) { qDebug() << "Ping received from" << address.toString() << "is invalid."; return; } /* Next, make sure that this is not one of _our_ packets. */ if(map["id"] == Settings::GetID()) return; /* Seems like a valid packet. */ emit Ping(address, map); }
bool ezSQLConnection::BlockingQuery( ezSQLQuery & QueryData, int WaitTime, bool SetDropIfFail ) { m_lLastBlockingID++; if ( m_lLastBlockingID > 1000000000 ) m_lLastBlockingID = 0; unsigned long LookingFor = m_lLastBlockingID; QueryData.m_ID = m_lLastBlockingID; Query ( QueryData ); //Send the query QueryData.m_ResultInfo.Reset(); //Forcefully wait until we get the packet we are looking for. //Don't worry, GetResult calls Update which checks to see if //if we have been disconnected from the server. long TimeToStop = time( NULL ) + WaitTime; bool failed = false; //m_Socket.blocking = true; while ( !GetResult( QueryData, LookingFor, true ) ) { if ( time( NULL ) > TimeToStop ) { failed = true; Ping( ); break; } #if defined(WIN32) Sleep(10); #else usleep(10000); #endif } //m_Socket.blocking = false; if ( !m_bConnected || failed ) { if ( SetDropIfFail ) for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_lReceived.size(); i++ ) if ( m_lSent[i].m_ID == long(LookingFor) ) m_lSent[i].m_dropResponce = true; return false; } return true; }
void __APPFUNC__ handlecmds(int cmd) { if (cmd >= 0x87 ) { /* On/offline options */ switch (cmd) { case 0x87: _DeviceOffline(HANGUP); printf("Hungup\n"); break; case 0x88: _DeviceOffline(NOHANGUP); printf("Offline\n"); break; case 0x89: _DeviceOnline(); printf("Turned device online\n"); } } else { if (process) { putchar(7); /* Beep */ return; } else { process=cmd; switch (cmd) { case 0x81: Ping(); break; case 0x82: do_netstat(); break; case 0x83: UserConfig(); break; case 0x84: exit(0); break; case 0x85: device_report(); break; case 0x86: figures(); } process=0; } } }