Beispiel #1
    PageHeaderFooter met a jour les variables PageHeight et PageFooterHeight 
   selon le type de page auquel appartient l'element       
   Marque Page pointe par pElPage.                         
   view indique le numero de la vue dans le schema de       
   presentation pour laquelle on construit des pages.      
   Procedure utilisee pour la pagination et l'impression   
   les parametres b et pSchP sont utilises pour le print   
void PageHeaderFooter (PtrElement pElPage, PtrDocument pDoc, int view,
		       int *b, PtrPSchema * pSchP)
   PtrPRule            pR;
   PtrPSchema          pSP;

   *b = 0;
   *pSchP = NULL;
   if (pElPage->ElPageType == PgBegin)
	/* Nouveau type de page, on determine la hauteur des pages */
	pR = NULL;
	if (pElPage->ElParent != NULL)
	   /* l'element englobant porte-t-il une regle page ? */
	   pR = GetPageRule (pElPage->ElParent, pDoc, view, &pSP);
	if (pR != NULL)		/* on a trouve la regle page */
	     *b = pR->PrPresBox[0];	/* parametre retour */
	     /* Hauteur minimum du bas de page */
	     PageFooterHeight = PixelValue (pSP->PsPresentBox->PresBox[(*b) - 1]->PbFooterHeight, UnPoint, NULL, 0);
	     /* cherche la regle de hauteur de la boite page */
	     pR = GetPRulePage (PtHeight, *b, pSP);
	     if (pR != NULL)
		if (!pR->PrDimRule.DrPosition)
		   PageHeight = PixelValue (pR->PrDimRule.DrValue, UnPoint, NULL, 0) - PageFooterHeight;
	     *pSchP = pSP;	/* parametre retour */
Beispiel #2
void SVGToMouseCoordinates (Document doc, AmayaFrame *p_frame,
                            int x0, int y0, int width, int height,
                            void *CTM, float x, float y,
                            int *newx, int *newy)
  int   frame;
  float a, b, c, d, e, f;

  if (CTM)
      /* Get the coefficients of the Matrix */
      a = ((PtrTransform)(CTM))->AMatrix;
      b = ((PtrTransform)(CTM))->BMatrix;
      c = ((PtrTransform)(CTM))->CMatrix;
      d = ((PtrTransform)(CTM))->DMatrix;
      e = ((PtrTransform)(CTM))->EMatrix;
      f = ((PtrTransform)(CTM))->FMatrix;
      /* By default, the transfom matrix is the identity */
      a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; d = 1; e = 0; f = 0;

  if (BoxCanvas)
      // take into account MBP of the canvas
      x0 = x0 + BoxCanvas->BxLMargin + BoxCanvas->BxLBorder + BoxCanvas->BxLPadding;
      y0 = y0 + BoxCanvas->BxTMargin + BoxCanvas->BxTBorder + BoxCanvas->BxTPadding;

  frame = p_frame->GetFrameId();
  *newx = x0 + PixelValue ( (int)(a * x + c * y + e),
                            UnPixel, NULL,
                            ViewFrameTable[frame - 1].FrMagnification);

  *newy = y0 + PixelValue ( (int)(b * x + d * y + f),
                            UnPixel, NULL,
                            ViewFrameTable[frame - 1].FrMagnification);
Beispiel #3
 * Read in output from Isaac and populate a sqlite db with the read in values
 * as well as calculated values using erc.  Calculated values include:
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    const char *pszInputfile = NULL;
    const char *pszOutputDB = NULL;
    const char *pszTableName = NULL;
    const char *pszOutputfile = NULL;
    int bDrop = FALSE;
    int bProgress = TRUE;

    int i = 1;
    while( i < argc )
        if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-d" ) )
            bDrop = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-p" ) )
            bProgress = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-db" ) )
            pszOutputDB = argv[++i];
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-p" ) )
            pszTableName = argv[++i];
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-f" ) )
            pszOutputfile = argv[++i];
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-h" ) )
        else if( pszInputfile == NULL )
            pszInputfile = argv[i];

    if( pszInputfile == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "No input file provided\n");
    if( pszOutputfile == NULL && 
        ( pszOutputDB == NULL || pszTableName == NULL ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Invalid output selected, use database and table or "
                         "output file\n" );
    // Setup outputs
    int bDbOut = FALSE;
    int bTextOut = FALSE;
    if( pszOutputfile != NULL )
        bTextOut = TRUE;
    if( pszOutputDB != NULL && pszTableName != NULL )
        bDbOut = TRUE;

    sqlite3 *db;
    char *zErr;
    int rc;
    char sql[BUF_SIZE];

    if( bDbOut )
        rc = sqlite3_open( pszOutputDB, &db );

        if ( rc )
            fprintf( stderr, "Can't open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
            sqlite3_close( db );
            exit( 1 );

        if( bDrop )
            sprintf( sql, "drop table %s", pszTableName );

            rc = sqlite3_exec( db, sql, NULL, NULL, &zErr );

            if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
                if ( zErr != NULL )
                    fprintf( stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", zErr );
                    sqlite3_free( zErr );

        sprintf( sql, "create table %s ( day integer, year integer, x float, "
                      "y float, cause int, time int, erc float, bi float, ros float, "
                      "fuel int)", pszTableName );

        rc = sqlite3_exec( db, sql, NULL, NULL, &zErr );

        if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
            if ( zErr != NULL )
                fprintf( stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", zErr );
                sqlite3_free( zErr );
            exit( 1 );
    FILE *fout;
    if( bTextOut )
        fout = fopen( pszOutputfile, "w" );
    if( fout == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Could not open %s for writing\n", pszOutputfile );
        exit( 1 );

    FILE *fin;
    char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
    fin = fopen( pszInputfile, "r" );
    if( fin == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Could not open %s for reading\n", pszInputfile );
        exit( 1 );
    int nRecords = 0;
    if( bProgress )
        while( fgets( buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1, fin ) )
        fseek( fin, 0, SEEK_SET );
     * Isaac's fields:
     * day year lat long cause time erc
    /* Skip header */
    if( fgets( buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1, fin ) == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Could not read data from file" );
        exit( 1 );

        //int iNFDRSVersion = 78,iClimateClass = 1,iJulianLookFreeze = 365,iJulianGreenUp = 1,iLat = (int) 45,iHerbAnnual=0,iWoodyDeciduous=0,iOneIsTen=0,iStartKBDI=800;
    //double fStart100 = 20.0,fStart1000=20.0,fAvgPrecip = 45.0;
    //double fMC1 = 3,fMC10 = 4,fMC100 = 5,fMC1000 = 10,fMCWood = 120,fMCHerb = 120;
    //int iRainEvent = 0, iKBDI = 800,iGreenWoody = 20,iGreenHerb = 20,iSeason = 2,iSOW = 0;

    // Initialize the NFDRS calculator
    //                  iJulianGreenUp,iLat,iHerbAnnual,
    //                  iWoodyDeciduous,iOneIsTen,
    //                  fStart100,fStart1000, 
    //                  iStartKBDI,fAvgPrecip);
    //double fROS=0,fERC=0,fFL=0;
    //int iSC=0,iFIL=0,iBI=0,iWS=0,iSlopeCls=1;

    NFDRCalc nfdr;
    nfdr.iSetFuelModel( FUEL_MODEL_G, 0 );
    nfdr.SetVersion( 78 );

    double one_hour, ten_hour, hundred_hour, thousand_hour, woody, herb;
    /* What we actually get */
    double nfdr_erc;
    int nfdr_bi, nfdr_sc;;
    double dfDummy;
    int nDummy;

    GDALDatasetH hFuelDS;
    hFuelDS = GDALOpen( "/home/kyle/src/omfrr/trunk/data/"
                        "small_fuel40.tif", GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hFuelDS == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open fuels data for query.\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    GDALDatasetH hSlopeDS;
    hSlopeDS = GDALOpen( "/home/kyle/src/omfrr/trunk/data/"
                         "small_slope.tif", GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hSlopeDS == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open slope data for query.\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    GDALDatasetH hNarrMaskDS;
    hNarrMaskDS = GDALOpen( "/home/kyle/src/omfrr/trunk/data/"
                            "narr_mask_byte.tif", GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hNarrMaskDS == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open NARR mask for query.\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    int nMaskXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( hNarrMaskDS );
    int nMaskYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize( hNarrMaskDS );

    const char *pszAlbersWkt =
    /* Assume same srs */
    //const char *pszAlbersWkt = NULL;

    char out_buf[2048];
    int day, year, cause, time;
    double x, y, erc;
    int fuel, mask, slope, slope_class;
    ifstream frisk_stream( "/home/kyle/src/omfrr/trunk/data/"
                           "narr_32km_frisk.flt", ios::binary );

    FRisk oFRisk;
    int skip = 0;
    int done = 0;
    int wind_speed;
    long offset;
    int nPixel;
    int nLine;
    if( bProgress )
        GDALTermProgress( 0.0, NULL, NULL );
    while( fgets( buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1, fin ) ) 
        //frisk_stream.seekg( 0, ios::beg );
        /* Note that it *appears* that isaac writes x,y and not lat,lon */
        sscanf( buffer, "%d %d %lf %lf %d %d %lf", &day, &year, &x, &y,
                &cause, &time, &erc );

        /* Calculate fire behavior indices based on fire risk data.
         * Load all into the sqlite db.  We need:
         * | BI | ROS | ERC | Flame Length | Fuel Model |
         * ROS and Flame length need to be calculated with rothermel.
         * BI, ERC and SC are calculated with nfdrs and fuel model G

        /* Get the slope and find the class */
        slope = (int)PixelValue( hSlopeDS, 1, x, y, pszAlbersWkt );
        if( slope <= 25 )
            slope_class = 1;
        else if( slope <= 40 )
            slope_class = 2;
        else if( slope <= 55 )
            slope_class = 3;
        else if( slope <= 75 )
            slope_class = 4;
            slope_class = 5;

        /* Check the mask, if we don't have data, skip it and emit a
         * warning

        mask = (int)PixelValue( hNarrMaskDS, 1, x, y, pszAlbersWkt );
        if( !mask )
            fprintf( stderr, "NARR data not available, skipping record\n" );
        /* NFDRS Stuff */

        PixelIndex(hNarrMaskDS, x, y, pszAlbersWkt, &nPixel, &nLine);
        if( nPixel >= nMaskXSize || nLine >= nMaskYSize )
            CPLDebug( "fig_load", "Invalid pixel x:%d y:%d", nPixel, nLine );

        /* We should always have data for our query */
        assert( mask );
        assert( nPixel < nMaskXSize );
        assert( nLine < nMaskYSize );

        offset = nPixel + nLine * nMaskXSize;
        frisk_stream.seekg( offset * FRISK_SIZE, ios::beg );
        oFRisk.ReadBinary( frisk_stream );

        wind_speed = (int)oFRisk.GetRandomWindSpeed( day );
        one_hour = (double)oFRisk.GetOneHour( erc );
        ten_hour = (double)oFRisk.GetTenHour( erc );
        hundred_hour = (double)oFRisk.GetHundredHour( erc );
        thousand_hour = (double)oFRisk.GetThousandHour( erc );
        woody = (double)oFRisk.GetWoody( erc );
        herb = (double)oFRisk.GetHerb( erc );

        nfdr.iSetMoistures( one_hour, ten_hour, hundred_hour, thousand_hour,
                            woody, herb, nDummy, nDummy, nDummy, nDummy,
                            nDummy, nDummy );

        nfdr_erc = nfdr_bi = nfdr_sc = 0.0;
        nfdr.iCalcIndexes( wind_speed, slope_class, &dfDummy, &nfdr_sc, &nfdr_erc,
                           &dfDummy, &nDummy, &nfdr_bi );

        /* Look up fuel model for fb calculations, *not* nfdr */
        fuel = (int)PixelValue( hFuelDS, 1, x, y, pszAlbersWkt );

        if( bDbOut )
            sprintf( sql, "insert into %s values(%d, %d, %lf, %lf, %d, %d,"
                          "%lf, %d, %lf, %d)",
                     pszTableName, day, year, x, y, cause, time, erc, nfdr_bi,
                     erc, fuel);

            rc = sqlite3_exec( db, sql, NULL, NULL, &zErr );

            if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
                if ( zErr != NULL )
                    fprintf( stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", zErr );
                    sqlite3_free( zErr );
        if( bTextOut )
            sprintf( out_buf, "%d %d %lf %lf %d %d %lf %d %lf %d\n",
                     day, year, x, y, cause, time, erc, nfdr_bi, erc, fuel);
            fputs( out_buf, fout );

        if( bProgress )
            double percent = (float)done / (float) nRecords;
            GDALTermProgress( percent, NULL, NULL );
    if( bProgress )
        GDALTermProgress( 1.0, NULL, NULL );

    if( skip )
        fprintf( stderr, "Skipped %d records\n", skip );

    fclose( fin );
    if( bDbOut )
        sqlite3_close( db );
    if( bTextOut )
        fclose( fout );

    return 0;