Beispiel #1
Camera::Camera(int width, int height)
	: m_windowWidth(width)
	, m_windowHeight(height)
	, m_eyePosition(Point4(0, 0, 0, 1))
	, m_worldPos(Point4(0, 0, 0, 1))
	, m_scale(Vec3(1, 1, 1))
	, m_nVector(Vec4(0, 0, -1, 0))
	, m_upVector(Vec4(0, 1, 0, 0))
	, m_mouseX(0)
	, m_mouseY(0)
	, m_distanceFactor(0.0)
Beispiel #2
int MarketDefaultTest::Tester::testCfgDefaults()
	mStatus.message(kInfoMessage, _T("Starting testCfgDefaults\r\n"));

	int errors = 0;

	// This one we can do multiple times, because we are using the API
	MarketDefaults* dflts = GetMarketDefaults(_T("testHighLevel"));
	if (dflts == NULL) {
		mStatus.message(kErrorMessage, _T("Unexpected Error: Market defaults is NULL\r\n"));
		return 1;

	CfgDefaultTestClassDesc cd;
	CfgDefaultTestParamBlock pd(cd);

#define CHECKVALUE(f, i, v, n) highLevelCheck(pd.paramdefs[i].def.f, v, _T(n))

	errors += CHECKVALUE(i, 0, intValue, "int"); 
	errors += CHECKVALUE(f, 1, floatValue, "float"); 
	errors += CHECKVALUE(p[0], 2, Point3(array3), "Point3"); 
	errors += CHECKVALUE(p4[0], 3, Point4(array4), "Point4"); 

	mStatus.message(kInfoMessage, _T("Finished testCfgDefaults - %d error(s)\r\n\r\n"), errors);

	return errors;
Beispiel #3
Point4  Matrix4::operator*(const Point4& rhs) const {
    Point4 tmp = Point4(0,0,0,0);
    for( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            tmp.v[i] += rhs.v[j] * m[i][j];
    return tmp;
Beispiel #4
	void menu::render(size_t i, bool replace) {
		auto size = current_size();
		if(i < 0 || i >= size) { return; }

		auto &item = current_at(i);

		IDType id;
		if(replace) { = engine->add(id);
		} else {

		Decimal scale =
		    glm::min(actual_height() / Decimal(size), actual_scale());
		Decimal spacing = uiTextHeight * scale;
		Point2 origin   = Point2(60, 50 + spacing * (size - i - 1));

		engine->add<component::text>(id, font, item.value);
		engine->add<component::screenposition>(id, origin);
		engine->add<component::scale>(id, Point3(scale));

		if(int(i) == current) {
			engine->add<component::color>(id, Point4(1, 1, selectionAlpha, 1));

		if(item.control) {
			IDType controlID;
			auto offset = Point2(uiTextWidth / uiBase * scale, 0);
			offset.y -= 12 * scale;
			controlDtors[(int)i] = item.control->render(engine, controlID,
			                                       origin + offset, 8 * scale);
Beispiel #5
//void Sphere::ViewportDisplay() const
//  static GLUquadric *q = NULL;
//  if ( q == NULL ) {
//      q = gluNewQuadric();
//      gluQuadricTexture(q,true);
//  }
//  gluSphere(q,1,50,50);
//void Plane::ViewportDisplay() const
//  const int resolution = 32;
//  float xyInc = 2.0f / resolution;
//  float uvInc = 1.0f / resolution;
//  glPushMatrix();
//  glNormal3f(0,0,1);
//  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
//  float y1=-1, y2=xyInc-1, v1=0, v2=uvInc;
//  for ( int y=0; y<resolution; y++ ) {
//      float x1=-1, x2=xyInc-1, u1=0, u2=uvInc;
//      for ( int x=0; x<resolution; x++ ) {
//          glTexCoord2f(u1, v1);
//          glVertex3f ( x1, y1, 0 );
//          glTexCoord2f(u2, v1);
//          glVertex3f ( x2, y1, 0 );
//          glTexCoord2f(u2, v2);
//          glVertex3f ( x2, y2, 0 );
//          glTexCoord2f(u1, v2);
//          glVertex3f ( x1, y2, 0 );
//          x1=x2; x2+=xyInc; u1=u2; u2+=uvInc;
//      }
//      y1=y2; y2+=xyInc; v1=v2; v2+=uvInc;
//  }
//  glEnd();
//  glPopMatrix();
//void TriObj::ViewportDisplay() const
//  glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
//  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<NF(); i++ ) {
//      for ( int j=0; j<3; j++ ) {
//          if ( HasTextureVertices() ) glTexCoord3fv( &VT( FT(i).v[j] ).x );
//          if ( HasNormals() ) glNormal3fv( &VN( FN(i).v[j] ).x );
//          glVertex3fv( &V( F(i).v[j] ).x );
//      }
//  }
//  glEnd();
void PointLight::SetViewportLight(int lightID) const
  glLightf( GL_LIGHT0 + lightID, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION,  0 );
  glLightf( GL_LIGHT0 + lightID, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION,    0 );
Point4 Matrix4::operator*(const Point4& rhs) const
    return(Point4(std::inner_product(rhs.v, rhs.v+4, v+0, 0),
                  std::inner_product(rhs.v, rhs.v+4, v+4, 0),
                  std::inner_product(rhs.v, rhs.v+4, v+8, 0),
                  std::inner_product(rhs.v, rhs.v+4, v+12, 0)

Beispiel #7
 * Get the current position of the skeleton
 * @param skeletonIndex the skeleton to read from
 * @return the current position as defined in the Kinect SDK (w is ignored)
Kinect::Point4 Kinect::GetPosition(int skeletonIndex)
    if (skeletonIndex <= 0 || skeletonIndex > kNumSkeletons)
	wpi_setWPIErrorWithContext(ParameterOutOfRange, "Skeleton index must be 1");
	return Point4();
    return m_position[skeletonIndex-1];
Beispiel #8
int MarketDefaultTest::Tester::verifyHighLevelValues(MarketDefaults* dflts)
	int errors = 0;

#define CHECKVALUE(t, n, d, v) highLevelCheck(dflts->Get##t(highLevelSClass, highLevelClass,\
							_T(n), d), v, _T(n))

	errors += CHECKVALUE(Int, "int", 0, intValue);
	errors += CHECKVALUE(Float, "float", 0.0f, floatValue);
	errors += CHECKVALUE(Point3, "point3",  Point3(0,0,0), Point3(array3));
	errors += CHECKVALUE(Point4, "point4", Point4(0,0,0,0), Point4(array4));
	errors += CHECKVALUE(String, "string", _T(""), TSTR(theString));
	errors += CHECKVALUE(ClassID, "classid", Class_ID(0,0), Class_ID(clarray[0], clarray[1]));

	errors += verifyMtl(dflts->CreateMtl(highLevelSClass, highLevelClass, _T("classid"),
		Class_ID(0, 0)), Class_ID(clarray[0], clarray[1]), _T("classid"));


	return errors;
Beispiel #9
Point4 TransformMatrix::operator*( const Point4 &v )
    const float *pnt = v.Data();
    float   result[4];

    for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
        float rowCol = 0.0;
        for( int k = 0; k < 4; ++k )
            rowCol += mData[i][k] * pnt[k];
        result[i] = rowCol;
    return Point4( result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3] );
Beispiel #10
	CfgDefaultTestParamBlock(ClassDesc2& cd)
		: ParamBlockDesc2(1, _T("CfgDefaultTestParamBlock"), 0, &cd, 0, 
		kIntParam, _T("int"), TYPE_INT, 0, 0,
			p_configurable_default, 0, _T("testHighLevel"), NULL,

		kFloatParam, _T("float"), TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 0,
			p_configurable_default, 0.0f, _T("testHighLevel"), NULL,

		kPoint3Param, _T("point3"), TYPE_POINT3, 0, 0,
			p_configurable_default, Point3(0, 0, 0), _T("testHighLevel"), NULL,

		kPoint4Param, _T("point4"), TYPE_FRGBA, 0, 0,
			p_configurable_default, Point4(0, 0, 0, 0), _T("testHighLevel"), NULL,

		p_end) {}
Beispiel #11
void scigraphics::painter::clearBordersArea()
  if ( ! ableToDraw() )

  const int Shift = 10;

  wpoint Point1( -Shift, -Shift );
  wpoint Point2( Indents.left(), Drawer->height() + Shift );
  Drawer->eraseRectangle( wrectangle(Point1,Point2) );

  wpoint Point3( Drawer->width() + Shift, Drawer->height() - Indents.down() );
  Drawer->eraseRectangle( wrectangle(Point2,Point3) );
  wpoint Point4( Drawer->width() - Indents.right(), -Shift );
  Drawer->eraseRectangle( wrectangle(Point3,Point4) );

  wpoint Point5( -Shift, Indents.up() );
  Drawer->eraseRectangle( wrectangle(Point4,Point5) );
Beispiel #12
namespace Bibim
    const Point4 Point4::Zero = Point4(0, 0, 0, 0);
Beispiel #13
// Unary negation operator, negates every component and returns a copy
Point4 Point4::operator-(void) const {
    return Point4(-x, -y, -z,-w);
Beispiel #14
void Camera::recoverModelTransform()
	m_worldPos = Point4(0, 0, 0, 1);
	m_scale = Vec3(1, 1, 1);
Beispiel #15
// Basic vector math operations with points, you can add a Vector4 to a Point4, or subtract
// a Vector4 from a Point4
Point4  Point4::operator+ (const Vector4& rhs) const {
    return Point4(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z, w + rhs.w);
Beispiel #16
int Plate::BuildMaps(TimeValue t, RenderMapsContext &rmc) {
	SubRendParams srp;
  	PlateMap *pmap = FindMap(rmc.NodeRenderID());
	if (pmap&&!DoThisFrame(t,srp.fieldRender,pmap->mapTime))
		return 1;
	ViewParams vp;

	Box2 sbox;


	rmc.FindMtlScreenBox(sbox, &vp.affineTM, rmc.SubMtlIndex());

	int xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax;

	BOOL fieldRender = FALSE;
	if (srp.fieldRender) { *= 2;
		sbox.bottom *= 2;
		fieldRender = TRUE;

		// add a margin around object for refraction
	int ew = srp.devWidth/20;
	int eh = srp.devHeight/20;
	xmax = sbox.right+ew;
	xmin = sbox.left-ew;
	ymax = sbox.bottom+eh;
	ymin =;

	if (srp.rendType==RENDTYPE_REGION) {
		ymin = MAX(ymin,srp.ymin-eh);
		ymax = MIN(ymax,srp.ymax+eh);
		xmin = MAX(xmin,srp.xmin-ew);
		xmax = MIN(xmax,srp.xmax+ew);

	srp.xmin = MAX(xmin,-ew);
	srp.xmax = MIN(xmax,srp.devWidth+ew);
	srp.ymin = MAX(ymin,-eh);
	srp.ymax = MIN(ymax,srp.devHeight+eh);

	int xorg = xmin;
	int yorg = ymin;
	int devw = srp.devWidth;
	int devh = srp.devHeight;

	// The renderer is set up to allocate A-buffer for the range
	// 0..devWidth-1,  0..devHeight-1.  If the region of the plate
	// bitmap goes out of this region, it must be extended.
	int d1 = 0, d2 = 0;
	if (srp.xmin<0) d1 = -srp.xmin;
	if (srp.xmax>=srp.devWidth) d2 = srp.xmax-srp.devWidth+1;
	int d = MAX(d1,d2);
	if (d) {
		srp.devWidth += 2*d;
		srp.xmax += d;
		srp.xmin += d;
		// must also correct fov (or zoom) so the renderer computes the
		// same xscale and yscale
		if (vp.projType==PROJ_PERSPECTIVE) {
			vp.fov = 2.0f*(float)atan((float(srp.devWidth)/float(devw))*tan(0.5*vp.fov));
		else {
			vp.zoom *= (float(srp.devWidth)/float(devw));
		srp.blowupCenter.x += d; // DS: 11/6/00

	d1 = d2 = 0;
	if (srp.ymin<0) d1 = -srp.ymin;
	if (srp.ymax>=srp.devHeight) d2 = srp.ymax-srp.devHeight+1;
	d = MAX(d1,d2);
	if (d) {
//		if (fieldRender)
//			d = ((d+1)>>1)<<1; // make d even, so line doubling (below) works right.
		srp.devHeight += 2*d;
		srp.ymax += d;
		srp.ymin += d;
		srp.blowupCenter.y += d;   // DS: 11/6/00

	srp.xorg = srp.xmin;
	srp.yorg = srp.ymin;

	srp.doEnvMap = useEnvMap;
	//srp.doingMirror = TRUE;  // DS: 11/6/00: no longer necessary

	int w = srp.xmax-srp.xmin;
	int h = srp.ymax-srp.ymin;

	if (w<=0||h<=0) 
		return 1;
#ifdef DBG
	w = ((w+3)/4)*4;   // For some reason this needs to be a multiple of 4 for bm->Display

  	if (pmap==NULL) {
	  	pmap = new PlateMap;
		pmap->nodeID = rmc.NodeRenderID();
		pmap->next = maps;
		maps = pmap;
	pmap->AllocMap(w, h);
	pmap->org.x = xorg-devw/2;
	pmap->org.y = yorg-devh/2;
	pmap->devW = devw;  // TBD: This should be accessable from the SC
	pmap->mapTime = t;

	// Set up clipping planes to clip out stuff between camera and plate.
	Box3 b = rmc.ObjectSpaceBoundingBox();
	Matrix3 tmObToWorld = rmc.ObjectToWorldTM();
	Matrix3 obToCam = tmObToWorld*vp.affineTM;	
	int nplanes=0;
	Point4 pl[6],pc;
	Point4 clip[6];

	pl[0] = Point4( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -b.pmax.x);
	pl[1] = Point4(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,  b.pmin.x);
	pl[2] = Point4( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, -b.pmax.y);
	pl[3] = Point4( 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f,  b.pmin.y);
	pl[4] = Point4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, -b.pmax.z);
	pl[5] = Point4( 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f,  b.pmin.z);
	if (vp.projType==PROJ_PARALLEL) {
		for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
			pc = TransformPlane(obToCam,pl[i]);	
			// see if camera = (0,0,0) is in front of plane
			if (pc.z>0.0f)  
				clip[nplanes++] = -pc;
	else {
		for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
			pc = TransformPlane(obToCam,pl[i]);	
			// see if camera = (0,0,0) is in front of plane
			if (pc.w>0.0f)  
				clip[nplanes++] = -pc;

	srp.fieldRender = FALSE;

//	assert(nplanes<4);
	if (!rmc.Render(pmap->bm, vp, srp, clip, nplanes))
		return 0;

	if (srp.fieldRender) {
		// Double the lines, otherwise the blur wont work right,
		// because the blank lines in between get averaged in and darken it.
		int	evenLines = srp.evenLines; 
			evenLines = !evenLines;

		PixelBuf l64(w);
		if (evenLines) {
			for (int i=0; i<h; i+=2) {
				BMM_Color_64 *p64=l64.Ptr();
				if (i+1<h) {
					pmap->bm->GetPixels(0,i,  w, p64); 
					pmap->bm->PutPixels(0,i+1,w, p64);				
		else {
			for (int i=0; i<h; i+=2) {
				BMM_Color_64 *p64=l64.Ptr();
				if (i+1<h) {
					pmap->bm->GetPixels(0,i+1,w, p64); 
					pmap->bm->PutPixels(0,i  ,w, p64);				

#ifdef DBG
	if (devw>200){
		TSTR buf;
		RenderGlobalContext *gc = rmc.GetGlobalContext();
		RenderInstance* inst = gc->GetRenderInstance(rmc.NodeRenderID());
		INode *node  = inst->GetINode();
		buf.printf(_T("Thinwall: %s"), node->GetName());
		pmap->bm->Display(buf, BMM_UR);
		MessageBox(NULL, _T("hi"), _T(" Plate Test"), MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

	if (applyBlur) {
		// I tried pyramids here, but SATs looked much better. 
		//  maybe we should give users a choice?
//		pmap->bm->SetFilter(BMM_FILTER_PYRAMID); 
		BitmapFilter *filt = pmap->bm->Filter();
		if (filt)
			filt->MakeDirty();  // so filter gets recomputed for each frame
	return 1;
Beispiel #17
Point4  Point4::operator- (const Vector4& rhs) const {
    return Point4(x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z, w - rhs.w);
Point4 p3to4 (const Point3 &p3)
	return Point4 (p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z(), 1);