Beispiel #1
void ADynamicLight::CollectWithinRadius(const DVector3 &pos, subsector_t *subSec, float radius)
	if (!subSec) return;

	subSec->validcount = ::validcount;

	touching_subsectors = AddLightNode(&subSec->lighthead, subSec, this, touching_subsectors);
	if (subSec->sector->validcount != ::validcount)
		touching_sector = AddLightNode(&subSec->render_sector->lighthead, subSec->sector, this, touching_sector);
		subSec->sector->validcount = ::validcount;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < subSec->numlines; i++)
		seg_t * seg = subSec->firstline + i;

		// check distance from x/y to seg and if within radius add this seg and, if present the opposing subsector (lather/rinse/repeat)
		// If out of range we do not need to bother with this seg.
		if (DistToSeg(pos, seg) <= radius)
			if (seg->sidedef && seg->linedef && seg->linedef->validcount != ::validcount)
				// light is in front of the seg
				if ((pos.Y - seg->v1->fY()) * (seg->v2->fX() - seg->v1->fX()) + (seg->v1->fX() - pos.X) * (seg->v2->fY() - seg->v1->fY()) <= 0)
					seg->linedef->validcount = validcount;
					touching_sides = AddLightNode(&seg->sidedef->lighthead, seg->sidedef, this, touching_sides);
			if (seg->linedef)
				FLinePortal *port = seg->linedef->getPortal();
				if (port && port->mType == PORTT_LINKED)
					line_t *other = port->mDestination;
					if (other->validcount != ::validcount)
						subsector_t *othersub = R_PointInSubsector(other->v1->fPos() + other->Delta() / 2);
						if (othersub->validcount != ::validcount) CollectWithinRadius(PosRelative(other), othersub, radius);

			seg_t *partner = seg->PartnerSeg;
			if (partner)
				subsector_t *sub = partner->Subsector;
				if (sub != NULL && sub->validcount != ::validcount)
					CollectWithinRadius(pos, sub, radius);
	sector_t *sec = subSec->sector;
	if (!sec->PortalBlocksSight(sector_t::ceiling))
		line_t *other = subSec->firstline->linedef;
		if (sec->GetPortalPlaneZ(sector_t::ceiling) < Z() + radius)
			DVector2 refpos = other->v1->fPos() + other->Delta() / 2 + sec->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::ceiling);
			subsector_t *othersub = R_PointInSubsector(refpos);
			if (othersub->validcount != ::validcount) CollectWithinRadius(PosRelative(othersub->sector), othersub, radius);
	if (!sec->PortalBlocksSight(sector_t::floor))
		line_t *other = subSec->firstline->linedef;
		if (sec->GetPortalPlaneZ(sector_t::floor) > Z() - radius)
			DVector2 refpos = other->v1->fPos() + other->Delta() / 2 + sec->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::floor);
			subsector_t *othersub = R_PointInSubsector(refpos);
			if (othersub->validcount != ::validcount) CollectWithinRadius(PosRelative(othersub->sector), othersub, radius);
void AFastProjectile::Tick ()
	int i;
	DVector3 frac;
	int changexy;

	double oldz = Z();

	if (!(flags5 & MF5_NOTIMEFREEZE))
		//Added by MC: Freeze mode.
		if (bglobal.freeze || level.flags2 & LEVEL2_FROZEN)

	// [RH] Ripping is a little different than it was in Hexen
	FCheckPosition tm(!!(flags2 & MF2_RIP));

	int count = 8;
	if (radius > 0)
		while ( fabs(Vel.X) > radius * count || fabs(Vel.Y) > radius * count)
			// we need to take smaller steps.
			count += count;

	// Handle movement
	if (!Vel.isZero() || (Z() != floorz))
		// force some lateral movement so that collision detection works as intended.
		if ((flags & MF_MISSILE) && Vel.X == 0 && Vel.Y == 0 && !IsZeroDamage())
			Vel.X = MinVel;

		frac = Vel / count;
		changexy = frac.X != 0 || frac.Y != 0;
		int ripcount = count / 8;
		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
			if (changexy)
				if (--ripcount <= 0)
					tm.LastRipped.Clear();	// [RH] Do rip damage each step, like Hexen
				if (!P_TryMove (this, Pos() + frac, true, NULL, tm))
				{ // Blocked move
					if (!(flags3 & MF3_SKYEXPLODE))
						if (tm.ceilingline &&
							tm.ceilingline->backsector &&
							tm.ceilingline->backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum &&
							Z() >= tm.ceilingline->backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(PosRelative(tm.ceilingline)))
							// Hack to prevent missiles exploding against the sky.
							// Does not handle sky floors.
							Destroy ();
						// [RH] Don't explode on horizon lines.
						if (BlockingLine != NULL && BlockingLine->special == Line_Horizon)
							Destroy ();

					P_ExplodeMissile (this, BlockingLine, BlockingMobj);
			UpdateWaterLevel ();
			oldz = Z();
			if (oldz <= floorz)
			{ // Hit the floor

				if (floorpic == skyflatnum && !(flags3 & MF3_SKYEXPLODE))
					// [RH] Just remove the missile without exploding it
					//		if this is a sky floor.
					Destroy ();

				P_HitFloor (this);
				P_ExplodeMissile (this, NULL, NULL);
			if (Top() > ceilingz)
			{ // Hit the ceiling

				if (ceilingpic == skyflatnum &&  !(flags3 & MF3_SKYEXPLODE))
					Destroy ();

				SetZ(ceilingz - Height);
				P_ExplodeMissile (this, NULL, NULL);
			if (!frac.isZero() && ripcount <= 0) 
				ripcount = count >> 3;