Beispiel #1
int ioPrintPreProcessing(PrintingLogicPtr printJob,int numberOfPages) {
    OSStatus		status = noErr;
    UInt32	realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
    if (printJob->thePrRecHdl == NULL) 
        return -1;
    printJob->numberOfPages = numberOfPages;
    printJob->allowPostscript = false;
    if (!PrJobDialog(printJob->thePrRecHdl))
    	return -2;
    if (status == noErr) {
        //	Get the user's Print dialog selection for first and last pages to print.
        if (status == noErr)
            TPPrint foo = *printJob->thePrRecHdl;
            printJob->firstPage = foo->prJob.iFstPage;
            printJob->lastPage =  foo->prJob.iLstPage;
        //	Check that the selected page range does not exceed the actual number of
        //	pages in the document.
        if (status == noErr)
            realNumberOfPagesinDoc = printJob->numberOfPages;
            if (realNumberOfPagesinDoc < printJob->lastPage)
                printJob->lastPage = realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
        //	Begin a new print job.
		printJob->thePrPort = PrOpenDoc(printJob->thePrRecHdl, nil, nil);
		status = PrError();

    return status;
OSStatus DoJobPrintDialog(char * jobNameStr) 
	Boolean accepted = false;

	OSStatus  err = 0;
	UInt32 realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
	CFStringRef jobNameRef = 0;

    // Set the job name
	if(jobNameStr) {
		jobNameRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, jobNameStr,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
		if (jobNameRef){
			(void)PMSetJobNameCFString (gPrintSettings,jobNameRef);
			CFRelease (jobNameRef); jobNameRef = 0;

    // Calculate the number of pages required to print the entire document.
   //  err = DetermineNumberOfPagesInDoc(gPageFormat, &realNumberOfPagesinDoc);
	if(err) goto done;

    // Set a valid page range before displaying the Print dialog
    err = PMSetPageRange(gPrintSettings, 1, realNumberOfPagesinDoc);
	if(err) goto done;

    //	Display the Print dialog.
    err = PMSessionPrintDialog(gPrintSession, gPrintSettings, gPageFormat, &accepted);

	#pragma unused(jobNameStr)
	accepted = PrJobDialog(gPrRecHdl);

	if(!accepted) return -1;
	return noErr;
Beispiel #3
boolean shellprint (WindowPtr w, boolean fldialog) {

	9/5/90 dmb:  open and close print resources each time we're called.  also, 
	make sure we close each page opened, even when errors occur
	9/28/91 dmb: for exit of edit mode before printing
	4/24/92 dmb: make sure bJDocLoop is bSpoolLoop before calling PrPicFile, as 
	per IM II-155.  otherwise, we can get bogus PrErrors

	// classic mac
	TPPrPort printport;
	TPrStatus printstatus;
	THPrint hp = shellprintinfo.printhandle;

	SInt32	firstPage = 1;
	SInt32	lastPage = 9999;

	short i;
	boolean fl = false;
	if (w == nil) /*defensive driving*/
		return (false);

	PrOpen ();
	if (!shellcheckprinterror (true))
		return (false);

	fl = false; /*until sucessfull print, this is return value*/

	if (fldialog) {
		if (!PrJobDialog (hp))
			goto exit;
		PrValidate (hp);

	setcursortype (cursoriswatch);

	shellupdateallnow (); /*update all windows that were dirtied by the print dialog*/

	shellpushglobals (w);

	(*shellglobals.settextmoderoutine) (false); /*make sure editing changes are accepted*/

	pushport (nil); /*save current port on stack*/

	shellprintinfo.printport = printport = PrOpenDoc (hp, nil, nil);
	currentprintport = w;

	/*prepares for printing*/
	(*shellglobals.beginprintroutine) ();

	/*fills in fields of printinfo record*/
	(*shellglobals.setprintinfoproutine) ();
	//this only counts the number of pages.

	// wird in classic lastPage gesetzt?
	if(lastPage > shellprintinfo.ctpages)
		lastPage = shellprintinfo.ctpages;

	for (i = 1; i <= lastPage; i++) { /*print one page*/

		if (PrError () != noErr)

		PrOpenPage (printport, nil);

		if (PrError () == noErr) {

			SetFractEnable (true);

			fl = (*shellglobals.printroutine) (i);

			SetFractEnable (false);

		PrClosePage (printport);

		if (!fl)

		if (keyboardescape ()) {

			PrSetError (iPrAbort);

	} /*for*/

	PrCloseDoc (printport);

	if (fl) {

		if (	(PrError () == noErr)
			&& ((**hp).prJob.bJDocLoop == bSpoolLoop))
			PrPicFile (hp, nil, nil, nil, &printstatus);

		fl = shellcheckprinterror (false);

	popport ();
	(*shellglobals.endprintroutine) ();

	shellpopglobals ();


	PrClose ();

	currentprintport = NULL;

	return (fl);

	} /*shellprint*/