|   ParseCommandLine
static void
ParseCommandLine(char** args)
    const char* arg;

    /* default values */
    Options.path     = NULL;
    Options.friendly_name = NULL;
    Options.broadcast = false;
    Options.port = 0;

    while ((arg = *args++)) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "-f")) {
            Options.friendly_name = *args++;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-p")) {
            if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger32U(*args++, Options.port))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument\n");
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-b")) {
            Options.broadcast = true;
        } else if (Options.path == NULL) {
            Options.path = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: too many arguments\n");

    /* check args */
    if (Options.path == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: path missing\n");
Beispiel #2
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int opt;
  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ql:d:uw:f:bc:s:")) != -1) {
    switch (opt) {
    case 'q':
      quietFlag = 1;
    case 'd': {
      char *c = optarg;
      while (*c) {
        Debug_SetFlag(*c, 1);
  if (optind != argc-1) {

  char *configfile = argv[optind];
  int err = ReadConfigFile(configfile);
  if (err < 0) {

   * Since we create a process (i.e. fork) we need to clean up its state when
   * we exit.  We do this by having the OS send us a signal when something
   * finishes.
  signal(SIGCHLD, handleSIGCHLD);

  err = InitializeBackends();
  if (err < 0) {

  int listenfd = SetupListenSocket();
  if(listenfd < 0){

  return 0; /* Never reached. */
Beispiel #3
|       main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    // check command line
    if (argc != 3) {

    // init options
    Options.verbose = true;
    ServerType server_type = SERVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
    int port = -1;

    // parse command line
    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "udp")) {
        server_type = SERVER_TYPE_UDP;
    } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "tcp")) {
        server_type = SERVER_TYPE_TCP;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown server type\n");

    port = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);

    switch (server_type) {
        case SERVER_TYPE_TCP: TcpServerLoop(port); break;
        case SERVER_TYPE_UDP: UdpServerLoop(port); break;
        default: break;

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
|   ParseCommandLine
static void
ParseCommandLine(char** args)
    const char* arg;
    char**      tmp = args+1;

    /* default values */
    Options.port = 0;
    Options.path = "";

    while ((arg = *tmp++)) {
        if (Options.port == 0 && !strcmp(arg, "-p")) {
            long port;
            if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(*tmp++, port, false))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid port\n");
            Options.port = port;
        } else if (Options.path.IsEmpty() && !strcmp(arg, "-f")) {
            Options.path = *tmp++;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: too many arguments\n");
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc == 1) PrintUsageAndExit();

    // parse options
    const char* input_filename  = NULL;
    const char* output_filename = NULL;
    bool        verbose         = false;
    AP4_Result  result;

    // parse the command line arguments
    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *++argv)) {
        if (!AP4_CompareStrings(arg, "--verbose")) {
            verbose = true;
        } else if (input_filename == NULL) {
            input_filename = arg;
        } else if (output_filename == NULL) {
            output_filename = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument (%s)\n", arg);
            return 1;

    // create the input stream
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(input_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", input_filename);
        return 1;

    // create the output stream
    AP4_ByteStream* output = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(output_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_WRITE, output);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output file (%s)\n", output_filename);
        return 1;

    // process the file
    AP4_CompactingProcessor* processor = new AP4_CompactingProcessor(verbose);
    result = processor->Process(*input, *output, NULL);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to process the file (%d)\n", result);

    // cleanup
    delete processor;

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
|       main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    AP4_Result result = AP4_SUCCESS;

    // parse the command line
    if (argc != 2) PrintUsageAndExit();

    // create the input stream
    AP4_ByteStream* input;
    try {
        input = new AP4_FileByteStream(argv[1],
    } catch (AP4_Exception) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", argv[1]);
        return 1;

    AP4_File* file = new AP4_File(*input);

    AP4_Movie* movie = file->GetMovie();
    if (movie != NULL) {
        // get a hint track reader
        AP4_Track* hint_track = movie->GetTrack(AP4_Track::TYPE_HINT, 1);
        if (hint_track == NULL) {
            AP4_Debug("No hint track in this movie\n");
            return AP4_FAILURE;
        AP4_HintTrackReader reader(*hint_track, *movie, 0x01020304);
        AP4_String rtp_file_name(argv[1]);
        rtp_file_name += ".rtp";

        // display the sdp
        AP4_String sdp;
        AP4_Debug("sdp:\n%s\n\n", sdp.c_str());

        // dump the packet
        result = DumpRtpPackets(reader, rtp_file_name.c_str());
        if (AP4_FAILED(result)) goto bail;

    } else {
        AP4_Debug("No movie found in the file\n");
        return AP4_FAILURE;

    delete file;

    return result;
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc != 2)

	vector<CWordInfo> WordInfos;
	string BigramsFileName =  argv[1];
	string WordFreqFileName =  MakeFName(BigramsFileName, "wrd_freq");

	// читаем статистику слов
	if (!ReadWordFreqs(WordFreqFileName, WordInfos))
		return 1;

	// создаем бинарный файл для биграмм
	if (!BuildBigramsBin(BigramsFileName, WordInfos, true))
		return 1;

		string RevFile = MakeFName(BigramsFileName, "rev");
		string Command = Format ("gsort -k 2,3 <%s >%s", BigramsFileName.c_str(), RevFile.c_str());
		fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", Command.c_str());
		if (system (Command.c_str()) != 0)
			fprintf (stderr,"!!! an exception occurred (cannot sort) !!!\n");
			return 1;

		if (!BuildBigramsBin(RevFile, WordInfos, false))
			return 1;
		fprintf (stderr, "remove %s\n", RevFile.c_str());

	string OutIndexFile = MakeFName(BigramsFileName, "wrd_idx");
	fprintf (stderr, "create file %s\n", OutIndexFile.c_str());
	FILE* fp = fopen (OutIndexFile.c_str(), "w");
	if (!fp)
		fprintf (stderr, "cannot open file %s\n", OutIndexFile.c_str());
		return 1;
	for (vector<CWordInfo>::const_iterator it = WordInfos.begin(); it != WordInfos.end(); it++)
		fprintf (fp, "%s %u %u %u %u %u\n",it->m_WordStr.c_str(), 
	fclose (fp);
	return 0;
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
    const char* input_filename  = argv[1];
    // open the input
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    AP4_Result result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(input_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", input_filename);
        return 1;
    // get the movie
    AP4_File* file = new AP4_File(*input, AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance, true);
    AP4_Movie* movie = file->GetMovie();
    AP4_Atom* atom = NULL;
    do {
        // process the next atom
        result = AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance.CreateAtomFromStream(*input, atom);
        if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
            printf("atom size=%lld\n", atom->GetSize());
            if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOF) {
                AP4_ContainerAtom* moof = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, atom);
                if (moof) {
                    // remember where we are in the stream
                    AP4_Position position = 0;
                    // process the movie fragment
                    ProcessMoof(movie, moof, input, position-atom->GetSize(), position+8);

                    // go back to where we were before processing the fragment
            } else {
                delete atom;
    } while (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result));
    // cleanup
    delete file;

    return 0;                                            
Beispiel #9
|   ParseCommandLine
static void
ParseCommandLine(char** args)
    char** _args = args++;
    const char* arg;

    /* default values */
    Options.path = NULL;
    while ((arg = *args++)) {
        if (Options.path == NULL) {
            Options.path = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: too many arguments\n");

    /* check args */
    if (Options.path == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: path missing\n");
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    if (argc < 3) {
        PrintUsageAndExit(argc, argv);
    NHSE::TSearchEngine searchEngine(argv[1], argv[2]);
    std::cerr << "Search engine is loaded\n";
    std::string query;
    while (query != "exit") {
        std::cout << "Query: ";
        std::getline(std::cin, query);
        std::vector<std::string> documents = searchEngine.Search(query);

    return 0;
Beispiel #11
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc != 2)
    string ConfigFile = argv[1];
    CTrigramModel M;
    try {
		fprintf (stderr, "init model  from %s\n", ConfigFile.c_str() );
        M.InitModelFromConfigAndBuildTagset(ConfigFile, 0, 0, false);

        fprintf (stderr, "register tags from ngram file\n");

        fprintf (stderr, "convert_to_lex_binary, lexfile=%s\n", M.m_DictionaryFile.c_str());
        if (!M.convert_to_lex_binary())
            return 1;

        if (!M.read_ngram_file()) return 1;

        fprintf (stderr, "compute_counts_for_boundary ... \n");

	    fprintf (stderr, "compute_bucketed_lambdas ... \n");


        fprintf (stderr, "exiting \n");
    catch ( CExpc c)
        fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", c.m_strCause.c_str());
        return 1;
    catch ( ...)
        fprintf (stderr, "General exception\n");
        return 1;
    return 0;
Beispiel #12
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
    const char* input_filename  = argv[1];
    // open the input
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    try {
        input = new AP4_FileByteStream(input_filename,
    } catch (AP4_Exception) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", input_filename);
        return 1;
    // get the movie
    AP4_File* file = new AP4_File(*input);
    AP4_Movie* movie = file->GetMovie();
    CHECK(movie != NULL);
    AP4_Track* video_track = movie->GetTrack(AP4_Track::TYPE_VIDEO);
    CHECK(video_track != NULL);
    AP4_Ordinal index;
    index = video_track->GetNearestSyncSampleIndex(0, true);
    CHECK(index == 0);
    index = video_track->GetNearestSyncSampleIndex(0, false);
    CHECK(index == 0);
    index = video_track->GetNearestSyncSampleIndex(1, true);
    CHECK(index == 0);
    index = video_track->GetNearestSyncSampleIndex(1, false);
    CHECK(index == 12);
    index = video_track->GetNearestSyncSampleIndex(52, true);
    CHECK(index == 48);
    index = video_track->GetNearestSyncSampleIndex(52, false);
    CHECK(index == video_track->GetSampleCount());
    // cleanup
    delete file;

    return 0;                                            
Beispiel #13
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	if (argc != 3) {

	std::string mode(argv[1]);

	int nrows;
	if (mode == "--direct") {
		nrows = LoadText_Direct(argv[2]);
	} else if (mode == "--fscanf") {
		nrows = LoadText_Fscanf(argv[2]);

	printf("Read %d rows\n", nrows);

	return 0;
Beispiel #14
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 3) {

    // create the input stream
    AP4_Result result;
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(argv[1], AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s) %d\n", argv[1], result);
        return 1;

    // create the output stream
    AP4_ByteStream* output = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(argv[2], AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_WRITE, output);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output file (%s) %d\n", argv[2], result);
        return 1;

    // create the processor
    AP4_Processor* processor = new AP4_AacSampleDescriptionFixer;
    result = processor->Process(*input, *output, NULL);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to process the file (%d)\n", result);

    // cleanup
    delete processor;

    return 0;
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 2) {

    // init the variables
    AP4_ByteStream*         input       = NULL;
    const char*             filename    = NULL;
    AP4_ProtectionKeyMap    key_map;
    AP4_Array<AP4_Ordinal>  tracks_to_dump;
    AP4_Ordinal             verbosity   = 0;
    bool                    json_format = false;

    // parse the command line
    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *argv++)) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--track")) {
            arg = *argv++;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --track option\n");
                return 1;
            char* track_ascii = arg;
            char* key_ascii = NULL;
            char* delimiter = strchr(arg, ':');
            if (delimiter != NULL) {
                *delimiter = '\0';
                key_ascii = delimiter+1;  

            // this track will be dumped
            AP4_Ordinal track_id = (AP4_Ordinal) strtoul(track_ascii, NULL, 10); 

            // see if we have a key for this track
            if (key_ascii != NULL) {
                unsigned char key[16];
                if (AP4_ParseHex(key_ascii, key, 16)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for key\n");
                    return 1;
                // set the key in the map
                key_map.SetKey(track_id, key, 16);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--verbosity")) {
            arg = *argv++;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --verbosity option\n");
                return 1;
            verbosity = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--format")) {
            arg = *argv++;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --format option\n");
                return 1;
            if (strcmp(arg, "json") == 0) {
                json_format = true;
            } else if (strcmp(arg, "text")) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown output format\n");
                return 1;
        } else {
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
            // Emscripten has to "mount" the filesystem to a virtual directory.
            EM_ASM(FS.mount(NODEFS, { root: '.' }, '/working'));
            const char* const mount_name = "/working/%s";
            const int filename_size = snprintf(NULL, 0, mount_name, arg);
            char* mounted_filename = (char*) malloc(filename_size + 1);
            sprintf(mounted_filename, mount_name, arg);
            filename = mounted_filename;
            filename = arg;
            AP4_Result result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
            mounted_filename = NULL;

            if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input (%d)\n", result);
                return 1;
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 3) {
    // parse command line
    AP4_Result result;
    char** args = argv+1;
    unsigned char key[16];
    bool          key_option = false;
    if (!strcmp(*args, "--key")) {
        if (argc != 5) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid command line\n");
            return 1;
        if (AP4_ParseHex(*args++, key, 16)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for key\n");
            return 1;
        key_option = true;

	// create the input stream
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(*args++, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input (%d)\n", result);
	// create the output stream
    AP4_ByteStream* output = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(*args++, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_WRITE, output);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output (%d)\n", result);

	// open the file
    AP4_File* input_file = new AP4_File(*input);   

    // get the movie
    AP4_SampleDescription* sample_description;
    AP4_Track* video_track;
    AP4_Movie* movie = input_file->GetMovie();
    if (movie == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no movie in file\n");
        goto end;

    // get the video track
    video_track = movie->GetTrack(AP4_Track::TYPE_VIDEO);
    if (video_track == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no video track found\n");
        goto end;

    // check that the track is of the right type
    sample_description = video_track->GetSampleDescription(0);
    if (sample_description == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to parse sample description\n");
        goto end;

    // show info
    AP4_Debug("Video Track:\n");
    AP4_Debug("  duration: %ld ms\n", video_track->GetDurationMs());
    AP4_Debug("  sample count: %ld\n", video_track->GetSampleCount());

    switch (sample_description->GetType()) {
        case AP4_SampleDescription::TYPE_HEVC:
            WriteSamples(video_track, sample_description, output);

        case AP4_SampleDescription::TYPE_PROTECTED: 
            if (!key_option) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: encrypted tracks require a key\n");
                goto end;
            DecryptAndWriteSamples(video_track, sample_description, key, output);

            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unsupported sample type\n");

    delete input_file;

    return 0;
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 2) {

    // init the variables
    const char*  input_filename                = NULL;
    const char*  output_filename               = NULL;
    const char*  track_selector                = NULL;
    AP4_UI32     selected_track_id             = 0;
    unsigned int fragment_duration             = 0;
    bool         auto_detect_fragment_duration = true;
    bool         create_segment_index          = false;
    bool         quiet                         = false;
    AP4_UI32     timescale = 0;
    AP4_Result   result;

    Options.verbosity          = 1;
    Options.debug              = false;
    Options.trim               = false;
    Options.no_tfdt            = false;
    Options.force_i_frame_sync = AP4_FRAGMENTER_FORCE_SYNC_MODE_NONE;
    // parse the command line
    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *argv++)) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--verbosity")) {
            arg = *argv++;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --verbosity option\n");
                return 1;
            Options.verbosity = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--debug")) {
            Options.debug = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--index")) {
            create_segment_index = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--quiet")) {
            quiet = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--trim")) {
            Options.trim = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--no-tfdt")) {
            Options.no_tfdt = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--force-i-frame-sync")) {
            arg = *argv++;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --fragment-duration option\n");
                return 1;
            if (!strcmp(arg, "all")) {
                Options.force_i_frame_sync = AP4_FRAGMENTER_FORCE_SYNC_MODE_ALL;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "auto")) {
                Options.force_i_frame_sync = AP4_FRAGMENTER_FORCE_SYNC_MODE_AUTO;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown mode for --force-i-frame-sync\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--fragment-duration")) {
            arg = *argv++;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --fragment-duration option\n");
                return 1;
            fragment_duration = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
            auto_detect_fragment_duration = false;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--timescale")) {
            arg = *argv++;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --timescale option\n");
                return 1;
            timescale = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--track")) {
            track_selector = *argv++;
            if (track_selector == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --track option\n");
                return 1;
        } else {
            if (input_filename == NULL) {
                input_filename = arg;
            } else if (output_filename == NULL) {
                output_filename = arg;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument '%s'\n", arg);
                return 1;
    if (Options.debug && Options.verbosity == 0) {
        Options.verbosity = 1;
    if (input_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no input specified\n");
        return 1;
    AP4_ByteStream* input_stream = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(input_filename, 
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input (%d)\n", result);
        return 1;
    if (output_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no output specified\n");
        return 1;
    AP4_ByteStream* output_stream = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(output_filename, 
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot create/open output (%d)\n", result);
        return 1;
    // parse the input MP4 file (moov only)
    AP4_File input_file(*input_stream, AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance, true);
    // check the file for basic properties
    if (input_file.GetMovie() == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no movie found in the file\n");
        return 1;
    if (!quiet && input_file.GetMovie()->HasFragments()) {
        fprintf(stderr, "NOTICE: file is already fragmented, it will be re-fragmented\n");
    // create a cusor list to keep track of the tracks we will read from
    AP4_Array<TrackCursor*> cursors;
    // iterate over all tracks
    TrackCursor*  video_track = NULL;
    TrackCursor*  audio_track = NULL;
    TrackCursor*  subtitles_track = NULL;
    unsigned int video_track_count = 0;
    unsigned int audio_track_count = 0;
    unsigned int subtitles_track_count = 0;
    for (AP4_List<AP4_Track>::Item* track_item = input_file.GetMovie()->GetTracks().FirstItem();
                                    track_item = track_item->GetNext()) {
        AP4_Track* track = track_item->GetData();

        // sanity check
        if (track->GetSampleCount() == 0 && !input_file.GetMovie()->HasFragments()) {
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: track %d has no samples, it will be skipped\n", track->GetId());

        // create a sample array for this track
        SampleArray* sample_array;
        if (input_file.GetMovie()->HasFragments()) {
            sample_array = new CachedSampleArray(track);
        } else {
            sample_array = new SampleArray(track);

        // create a cursor for the track
        TrackCursor* cursor = new TrackCursor(track, sample_array);

        if (track->GetType() == AP4_Track::TYPE_VIDEO) {
            if (video_track) {
                fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: more than one video track found\n");
            } else {
                video_track = cursor;
        } else if (track->GetType() == AP4_Track::TYPE_AUDIO) {
            if (audio_track == NULL) {
                audio_track = cursor;
        } else if (track->GetType() == AP4_Track::TYPE_SUBTITLES) {
            if (subtitles_track == NULL) {
                subtitles_track = cursor;

    if (cursors.ItemCount() == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no valid track found\n");
        return 1;
    if (track_selector) {
        if (!strncmp("audio", track_selector, 5)) {
            if (audio_track) {
                selected_track_id = audio_track->m_Track->GetId();
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no audio track found\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strncmp("video", track_selector, 5)) {
            if (video_track) {
                selected_track_id = video_track->m_Track->GetId();
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no video track found\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strncmp("subtitles", track_selector, 9)) {
            if (subtitles_track) {
                selected_track_id = subtitles_track->m_Track->GetId();
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no subtitles track found\n");
                return 1;
        } else {
            selected_track_id = (AP4_UI32)strtol(track_selector, NULL, 10);
            bool found = false;
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<cursors.ItemCount(); i++) {
                if (cursors[i]->m_Track->GetId() == selected_track_id) {
                    found = true;
            if (!found) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: track not found\n");
                return 1;
    if (video_track_count == 0 && audio_track_count == 0 && subtitles_track_count == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no audio, video, or subtitles track in the file\n");
        return 1;
    AP4_AvcSampleDescription* avc_desc = NULL;
    if (video_track && (Options.force_i_frame_sync != AP4_FRAGMENTER_FORCE_SYNC_MODE_NONE)) {
        // that feature is only supported for AVC
        AP4_SampleDescription* sdesc = video_track->m_Track->GetSampleDescription(0);
        if (sdesc) {
            avc_desc = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_AvcSampleDescription, sdesc);
        if (avc_desc == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "--force-i-frame-sync can only be used with AVC/H.264 video\n");
            return 1;
    // remember where the stream was
    AP4_Position position;

    // for fragmented input files, we need to populate the sample arrays
    if (input_file.GetMovie()->HasFragments()) {
        AP4_LinearReader reader(*input_file.GetMovie(), input_stream);
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<cursors.ItemCount(); i++) {
        AP4_UI32 track_id;
        AP4_Sample sample;
        do {
            result = reader.GetNextSample(sample, track_id);
            if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
                for (unsigned int i=0; i<cursors.ItemCount(); i++) {
                    if (cursors[i]->m_Track->GetId() == track_id) {
        } while (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result));
    } else if (video_track && (Options.force_i_frame_sync != AP4_FRAGMENTER_FORCE_SYNC_MODE_NONE)) {
        AP4_Sample sample;
        if (Options.force_i_frame_sync == AP4_FRAGMENTER_FORCE_SYNC_MODE_AUTO) {
            // detect if this looks like an open-gop source
            for (unsigned int i=1; i<video_track->m_Samples->GetSampleCount(); i++) {
                if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(video_track->m_Samples->GetSample(i, sample))) {
                    if (sample.IsSync()) {
                        // we found a sync i-frame, assume this is *not* an open-gop source
                        Options.force_i_frame_sync = AP4_FRAGMENTER_FORCE_SYNC_MODE_NONE;
                        if (Options.debug) {
                            printf("this does not look like an open-gop source, not forcing i-frame sync flags\n");
        if (Options.force_i_frame_sync != AP4_FRAGMENTER_FORCE_SYNC_MODE_NONE) {
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<video_track->m_Samples->GetSampleCount(); i++) {
                if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(video_track->m_Samples->GetSample(i, sample))) {
                    if (IsIFrame(sample, avc_desc)) {

    // return the stream to its original position

    // auto-detect the fragment duration if needed
    if (auto_detect_fragment_duration) {
        if (video_track) {
            fragment_duration = AutoDetectFragmentDuration(video_track);
        } else if (audio_track && input_file.GetMovie()->HasFragments()) {
            fragment_duration = AutoDetectAudioFragmentDuration(*input_stream, audio_track);
        if (fragment_duration == 0) {
            if (Options.verbosity > 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "unable to autodetect fragment duration, using default\n");
            fragment_duration = AP4_FRAGMENTER_DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_DURATION;
        } else if (fragment_duration > AP4_FRAGMENTER_MAX_AUTO_FRAGMENT_DURATION) {
            if (Options.verbosity > 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "auto-detected fragment duration too large, using default\n");
            fragment_duration = AP4_FRAGMENTER_DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_DURATION;
    // fragment the file
    Fragment(input_file, *output_stream, cursors, fragment_duration, timescale, selected_track_id, create_segment_index);
    // cleanup and exit
    if (input_stream)  input_stream->Release();
    if (output_stream) output_stream->Release();

    return 0;
Beispiel #18
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    int returnCode = 0;




    // Filename for configuration file?
    std::string configFilename = BOX_GET_DEFAULT_BBACKUPD_CONFIG_FILE;

    // See if there's another entry on the command line
    int c;
    std::string options("c:");
    options += Logging::OptionParser::GetOptionString();
    Logging::OptionParser LogLevel;

    while((c = getopt(argc, (char * const *)argv, options.c_str())) != -1)
        case 'c':
            // store argument
            configFilename = optarg;

            int ret = LogLevel.ProcessOption(c);
            if(ret != 0)
    // Adjust arguments
    argc -= optind;
    argv += optind;

    // Check there's a command
    if(argc != 1)


    // Read in the configuration file
    BOX_INFO("Using configuration file " << configFilename);

    std::string errs;
    std::auto_ptr<Configuration> config(
        (configFilename, &BackupDaemonConfigVerify, errs));

    if(config.get() == 0 || !errs.empty())
        BOX_ERROR("Invalid configuration file: " << errs);
        return 1;
    // Easier coding
    const Configuration &conf(*config);

    // Check there's a socket defined in the config file
        BOX_ERROR("Daemon isn't using a control socket, "
                  "could not execute command.\n"
                  "Add a CommandSocket declaration to the "
                  "bbackupd.conf file.");
        return 1;

    // Connect to socket

#ifndef WIN32
    SocketStream connection;
#else /* WIN32 */
    WinNamedPipeStream connection;
#endif /* ! WIN32 */

#ifdef WIN32
        std::string socket = conf.GetKeyValue("CommandSocket");
        connection.Open(Socket::TypeUNIX, conf.GetKeyValue("CommandSocket").c_str());
        BOX_ERROR("Failed to connect to daemon control socket.\n"
                  "Possible causes:\n"
                  "  * Daemon not running\n"
                  "  * Daemon busy syncing with store server\n"
                  "  * Another bbackupctl process is communicating with the daemon\n"
                  "  * Daemon is waiting to recover from an error"

        return 1;

    // For receiving data
    IOStreamGetLine getLine(connection);

    // Wait for the configuration summary
    std::string configSummary;
    if(!getLine.GetLine(configSummary, false, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
        BOX_ERROR("Failed to receive configuration summary "
                  "from daemon");
        return 1;

    // Was the connection rejected by the server?
        BOX_ERROR("Server rejected the connection. Are you running "
                  "bbackupctl as the same user as the daemon?");
        return 1;

    // Decode it
    int autoBackup, updateStoreInterval, minimumFileAge, maxUploadWait;
    if(::sscanf(configSummary.c_str(), "bbackupd: %d %d %d %d", &autoBackup,
                &updateStoreInterval, &minimumFileAge, &maxUploadWait) != 4)
        BOX_ERROR("Config summary didn't decode.");
        return 1;
    // Print summary?
    BOX_TRACE("Daemon configuration summary:\n"
              "  AutomaticBackup = " <<
              (autoBackup?"true":"false") << "\n"
              "  UpdateStoreInterval = " << updateStoreInterval <<
              " seconds\n"
              "  MinimumFileAge = " << minimumFileAge << " seconds\n"
              "  MaxUploadWait = " << maxUploadWait << " seconds");

    std::string stateLine;
    if(!getLine.GetLine(stateLine, false, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) || getLine.IsEOF())
        BOX_ERROR("Failed to receive state line from daemon");
        return 1;

    // Decode it
    int currentState;
    if(::sscanf(stateLine.c_str(), "state %d", &currentState) != 1)
        BOX_ERROR("Received invalid state line from daemon");
        return 1;

    BOX_TRACE("Current state: " <<

    Command command = Default;
    std::string commandName(argv[0]);

    if(commandName == "wait-for-sync")
        command = WaitForSyncStart;
    else if(commandName == "wait-for-end")
        command = WaitForSyncEnd;
    else if(commandName == "sync-and-wait")
        command = SyncAndWaitForEnd;
    else if(commandName == "status")
        BOX_NOTICE("state " <<
        command = NoCommand;

    case WaitForSyncStart:
    case WaitForSyncEnd:
        // Check that it's in automatic mode,
        // because otherwise it'll never start

            BOX_ERROR("Daemon is not in automatic mode, "
                      "sync will never start!");
            return 1;

    case SyncAndWaitForEnd:
        // send a sync command
        commandName = "force-sync";
        std::string cmd = commandName + "\n";
        connection.Write(cmd, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

        if(currentState != 0)
            BOX_INFO("Waiting for current sync/error state "
                     "to finish...");

        // Normal case, just send the command given, plus a
        // quit command.
        std::string cmd = commandName + "\n";
        connection.Write(cmd, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
    // fall through

    case NoCommand:
        // Normal case, just send the command given plus a
        // quit command.
        std::string cmd = "quit\n";
        connection.Write(cmd, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    // Read the response
    std::string line;
    bool syncIsRunning = false;
    bool finished = false;

    while(command != NoCommand && !finished && !getLine.IsEOF() &&
            getLine.GetLine(line, false, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
        BOX_TRACE("Received line: " << line);

        if(line.substr(0, 6) == "state ")
            std::string state_str = line.substr(6);
            int state_num;
            if(sscanf(state_str.c_str(), "%d", &state_num) == 1)
                BOX_INFO("Daemon state changed to: " <<
                BOX_WARNING("Failed to parse line: " << line);

        case WaitForSyncStart:
            // Need to wait for the state change...
            if(line == "start-sync")
                // And we're done
                finished = true;

        case WaitForSyncEnd:
        case SyncAndWaitForEnd:
            if(line == "start-sync")
                BOX_TRACE("Sync started...");
                syncIsRunning = true;
            else if(line == "finish-sync")
                if (syncIsRunning)
                    // And we're done
                    BOX_TRACE("Sync finished.");
                    finished = true;
                    BOX_TRACE("Previous sync finished.");
                // daemon must still be busy

            // Is this an OK or error line?
            if(line == "ok")
                BOX_TRACE("Control command "
                          "sent: " <<
                finished = true;
            else if(line == "error")
                BOX_ERROR("Control command failed: " <<
                          commandName << ". Check "
                          "command spelling.");
                returnCode = 1;
                finished = true;

    // Send a quit command to finish nicely
    connection.Write("quit\n", 5, PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);


#if defined WIN32 && ! defined BOX_RELEASE_BUILD

    return returnCode;
Beispiel #19
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 2) {
    const char* filename = NULL;
    //bool verbose = false;

    while (char* arg = *++argv) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) {
            //verbose = true;
        } else {
            if (filename == NULL) {
                filename = arg;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument '%s'\n", arg);
                return 1;
    if (filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: filename missing\n");
        return 1;

    AP4_ByteStream* input;
    try {
        input = new AP4_FileByteStream(filename,
    } catch (AP4_Exception) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", argv[1]);
        return 1;

    AP4_AvcNalParser parser;
    unsigned int  nalu_count = 0;
    for (;;) {
        bool eos;
        unsigned char input_buffer[4096];
        AP4_Size bytes_in_buffer = 0;
        AP4_Result result = input->ReadPartial(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), bytes_in_buffer);
        if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
            eos = false;
        } else if (result == AP4_ERROR_EOS) {
            eos = true;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to read from input file\n");
        AP4_Size offset = 0;
        do {
            const AP4_DataBuffer* nalu = NULL;
            AP4_Size bytes_consumed = 0;
            result = parser.Feed(&input_buffer[offset], bytes_in_buffer, bytes_consumed, nalu, eos);
            if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Feed() failed (%d)\n", result);
            if (nalu) {
                const unsigned char* nalu_payload = (const unsigned char*)nalu->GetData();
                unsigned int         nalu_type = nalu_payload[0]&0x1F;
                const char*          nalu_type_name = AP4_AvcNalParser::NaluTypeName(nalu_type);
                if (nalu_type_name == NULL) nalu_type_name = "UNKNOWN";
                printf("NALU %5d: size=%5d, type=%02d (%s)", 
                if (nalu_type == 9) {
                    unsigned int primary_pic_type = (nalu_payload[1]>>5);
                    const char*  primary_pic_type_name = AP4_AvcNalParser::PrimaryPicTypeName(primary_pic_type);
                    if (primary_pic_type_name == NULL) primary_pic_type_name = "UNKNOWN";
                    printf(" [%d:%s]\n", primary_pic_type, primary_pic_type_name);
                } else if (nalu_type == 1 || nalu_type == 2 || nalu_type == 5 || nalu_type == 19) {
                } else {
            offset += bytes_consumed;
            bytes_in_buffer -= bytes_consumed;
        } while (bytes_in_buffer);
Beispiel #20
|       main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    // check command line
    if (argc < 2) {

    // init endpoints
    EndPoint in_endpoint;
    in_endpoint.direction = ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_IN;
    EndPoint out_endpoint;
    out_endpoint.direction = ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_OUT;
    EndPoint* current_endpoint = &in_endpoint;

    // init other parameters
    unsigned int packet_size = PUMP_DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE;

    // init options
    Options.verbose       = false;
    Options.show_progress = false;

    // parse command line
    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *argv++)) {
        if (current_endpoint == NULL) {
            NPT_Debug("ERROR: unexpected argument (%s)\n", arg);
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--packet-size")) {
            packet_size = strtoul(*argv++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) {
            Options.verbose = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--show-progress")) {
            Options.show_progress = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "udp")) {
            if (argv[0] && argv[1]) {
                if (!strcmp(argv[0], "server")) {
                    if (current_endpoint->direction == ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_OUT){
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: cannot use 'udp server' as output\n");
                    current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_UDP_SERVER;
                    current_endpoint->info.udp_server.port = 
                        strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
                    argv += 2;
                } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "client")) {
                    if (current_endpoint->direction == ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_IN) {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: cannot use 'udp client' as input\n");
                    if (argv[2]) {
                        current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_UDP_CLIENT;
                        current_endpoint->info.udp_client.hostname = argv[1];
                        current_endpoint->info.udp_client.port = 
                            strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
                        argv += 3;                        
                    } else {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'udp client'\n");
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'udp' endpoint\n");
         } else if (!strcmp(arg, "multicast")) {
            if (argv[0] && argv[1]) {
                if (!strcmp(argv[0], "server")) {
                    if (current_endpoint->direction == ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_OUT){
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: cannot use 'multicast server' as output\n");
                    if (argv[2]) {
                        current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_MULTICAST_SERVER;
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_server.groupname = argv[1];
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_server.port = 
                            strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
                        argv += 3;                        
                    } else {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'multicast server'\n");
                } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "client")) {
                    if (current_endpoint->direction == ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_IN) {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: cannot use 'udp client' as input\n");
                    if (argv[2] && argv[3]) {
                        current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_MULTICAST_CLIENT;
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_client.groupname = argv[1];
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_client.port = 
                            strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_client.ttl = 
                            strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 10);
                        argv += 4;                        
                    } else {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'multicast client'\n");
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'multicast' endpoint\n");
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "tcp")) {
            if (argv[0] && argv[1]) {
                if (!strcmp(argv[0], "server")) {
                    current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_TCP_SERVER;
                    current_endpoint->info.tcp_server.port = 
                        strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
                    argv += 2;
                } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "client")) {
                    if (argv[2]) {
                        current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_TCP_CLIENT;
                        current_endpoint->info.tcp_client.hostname = argv[1];
                        current_endpoint->info.tcp_client.port = 
                            strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
                        argv += 3;                        
                    } else {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'tcp client'\n");
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'tcp' endpoint\n");
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "file")) {
            if (argv[0]) {
                current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_FILE;
                current_endpoint->info.file.name = *argv++;
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'file' endpoint\n");
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "serial")) {
            if (argv[0]) {
                current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_SERIAL_PORT;
                current_endpoint->info.serial_port.name = *argv++;
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'serial' endpoint\n");
            if (argv[0]) {
                long speed = 0;
                if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(*argv++, speed))) {
                    NPT_Debug("ERROR: invalid speed for 'serial' endpoint\n");
                current_endpoint->info.serial_port.speed = (unsigned int)speed;
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'serial' endpoint\n");
        } else {
            NPT_Debug("ERROR: invalid argument (%s)\n", arg);

        if (current_endpoint == &in_endpoint) {
            current_endpoint = &out_endpoint;
        } else {
            current_endpoint = NULL;

    if (current_endpoint) {
        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing endpoint specification\n");

    // data pump
    NPT_Result result;

    // allocate buffer
    unsigned char* buffer;
    buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(packet_size);
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        NPT_Debug("ERROR: out of memory\n");

    // get output stream
    NPT_OutputStreamReference out;
    result = GetEndPointStreams(&out_endpoint, NULL, &out);
    if (NPT_FAILED(result)) {
        NPT_Debug("ERROR: failed to get stream for output (%d)", result);

    unsigned long offset = 0;
    unsigned long total  = 0;
    if (in_endpoint.type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_UDP_SERVER ||
        in_endpoint.type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_MULTICAST_SERVER) {
        NPT_UdpSocket* udp_socket;
        result = GetEndPointUdpSocket(&in_endpoint, udp_socket);

        // packet loop
        NPT_DataBuffer packet(32768);
        NPT_SocketAddress address;

        do {
            result = udp_socket->Receive(packet, &address);
            if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
                if (Options.verbose) {
                    NPT_String ip = address.GetIpAddress().ToString();
                    NPT_Debug("Received %d bytes from %s\n", packet.GetDataSize(), ip.GetChars());
                result = out->Write(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), NULL);
                offset += packet.GetDataSize();
                total  += packet.GetDataSize();
        } while (NPT_SUCCEEDED(result));
    } else {
        // get the input stream
        NPT_InputStreamReference in;
        result = GetEndPointStreams(&in_endpoint, &in, NULL);
        if (NPT_FAILED(result)) {
            NPT_Debug("ERROR: failed to get stream for input (%d)\n", result);

        // stream loop 
        do {
            NPT_Size bytes_read;
            NPT_Size bytes_written;

            // send 
            result = in->Read(buffer, packet_size, &bytes_read);
            if (Options.show_progress) {
                NPT_Debug("[%d]\r", total);
            if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(result) && bytes_read) {
                result = out->Write(buffer, bytes_read, &bytes_written);
                if (Options.show_progress) {
                    NPT_Debug("[%d]\r", total);
                offset += bytes_written;
                total  += bytes_written;
            } else {
                printf("[%d] *******************\n", result);
        } while (NPT_SUCCEEDED(result));

    delete buffer;
    return 0;
Beispiel #21
main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  int opt;

  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "iqpr:")) != -1) {

    switch (opt) {
    case 'q':
      quietFlag = 1;
    case 'i':
      idumpFlag = 1;
    case 'p':
      pdumpFlag = 1;
    case 'r':
      removeFlag = optarg;     

  if (optind != argc-1) {

  char *diskpath = argv[optind];

  int fd = diskimg_open(diskpath, (removeFlag == NULL));

  if (fd < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't open diskimagePath %s\n", diskpath);

  struct unixfilesystem *fs = unixfilesystem_init(fd);
  if (!fs) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize unix filesystem\n");

  if (!quietFlag) {  
    int disksize = diskimg_getsize(fd);
    if (disksize < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error getting the size of %s\n", argv[1]);
      // Cast the result of diskimg_close to void so the compiler doesn't
      // complain that we're ignoring its return value.
      (void) diskimg_close(fd);
    printf("Disk %s is %d bytes (%d KB)\n", argv[1],  disksize, disksize/1024);

    printf("Superblock s_isize %d\n",(int)fs->superblock.s_isize);
    printf("Superblock s_fsize %d\n",(int)fs->superblock.s_fsize);
    printf("Superblock s_nfree %d\n",(int)fs->superblock.s_nfree);
    printf("Superblock s_ninode %d\n",(int)fs->superblock.s_ninode);

  if (idumpFlag) {
    DumpInodeChecksum(fs, stdout); 

  if (pdumpFlag) {
    DumpPathnameChecksum(fs, stdout);

  if (removeFlag) { 
    RemovePathname(fs, removeFlag);

  int err = diskimg_close(fd);
  if (err < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error closing %s\n", argv[1]);
  return 0;
Beispiel #22
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 2) {
    const char* filename = NULL;

    while (char* arg = *++argv) {
        if (filename == NULL) {
            filename = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument '%s'\n", arg);
            return 1;
    if (filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: filename missing\n");
        return 1;

    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    AP4_Result result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(filename, 
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file %s (%d)\n", filename, result);
        return 1;

    AP4_HevcParser parser;
    unsigned int  nalu_count = 0;
    for (;;) {
        bool eos;
        unsigned char input_buffer[4096];
        AP4_Size bytes_in_buffer = 0;
        result = input->ReadPartial(input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer), bytes_in_buffer);
        if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
            eos = false;
        } else if (result == AP4_ERROR_EOS) {
            eos = true;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to read from input file\n");
        AP4_Size offset = 0;
        do {
            const AP4_DataBuffer* nalu = NULL;
            AP4_Size bytes_consumed = 0;
            result = parser.Feed(&input_buffer[offset], bytes_in_buffer, bytes_consumed, nalu, eos);
            if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Feed() failed (%d)\n", result);
            if (nalu) {
                const unsigned char* nalu_payload = (const unsigned char*)nalu->GetData();
                unsigned int   nalu_type = (nalu_payload[0] >> 1) & 0x3F;
                const char*    nalu_type_name = AP4_HevcParser::NaluTypeName(nalu_type);
                if (nalu_type_name == NULL) nalu_type_name = "UNKNOWN";
                printf("NALU %5d: size=%5d, type=%02d (%s)", 
                if (nalu_type == AP4_HEVC_NALU_TYPE_AUD_NUT) {
                    // Access Unit Delimiter
                    unsigned int pic_type = (nalu_payload[1]>>5);
                    const char*  pic_type_name = AP4_HevcParser::PicTypeName(pic_type);
                    if (pic_type_name == NULL) pic_type_name = "UNKNOWN";
                    printf(" [%d:%s]\n", pic_type, pic_type_name);
                } else {
            offset += bytes_consumed;
            bytes_in_buffer -= bytes_consumed;
        } while (bytes_in_buffer);
Beispiel #23
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc == 1) PrintUsageAndExit();

    // parse options
    const char*              kms_uri = NULL;
    enum Method              method  = METHOD_NONE;
    const char*              input_filename = NULL;
    const char*              output_filename = NULL;
    const char*              fragments_info_filename = NULL;
    AP4_ProtectionKeyMap     key_map;
    AP4_TrackPropertyMap     property_map;
    bool                     show_progress = false;
    bool                     strict = false;
    AP4_Array<AP4_PsshAtom*> pssh_atoms;
    AP4_DataBuffer           kids;
    unsigned int             kid_count = 0;
    AP4_Result               result;
    // parse the command line arguments
    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *++argv)) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--method")) {
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --method option\n");
                return 1;
            if (!strcmp(arg, "OMA-PDCF-CBC")) {
                method = METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CBC;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "OMA-PDCF-CTR")) {
                method = METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CTR;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "MARLIN-IPMP-ACBC")) {
                method = METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP_ACBC;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "MARLIN-IPMP-ACGK")) {
                method = METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP_ACGK;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "PIFF-CBC")) {
                method = METHOD_PIFF_CBC;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "PIFF-CTR")) {
                method = METHOD_PIFF_CTR;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "MPEG-CENC")) {
                method = METHOD_MPEG_CENC;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "ISMA-IAEC")) {
                method = METHOD_ISMA_AES;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid value for --method argument\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--fragments-info")) {
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --fragments-info option\n");
                return 1;
            fragments_info_filename = arg;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--pssh") || !strcmp(arg, "--pssh-v1")) {
            bool v1 = (strcmp(arg, "--pssh-v1") == 0);
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --pssh\n");
                return 1;
            if (AP4_StringLength(arg) < 32+1 || arg[32] != ':') {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument syntax for --pssh\n");
                return 1;
            unsigned char system_id[16];
            arg[32] = '\0';
            result = AP4_ParseHex(arg, system_id, 16);
            if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument syntax for --pssh\n");
                return 1;
            const char* pssh_filename = arg+33;
            // load the pssh payload
            AP4_DataBuffer pssh_payload;
            if (pssh_filename[0]) {
                AP4_ByteStream* pssh_input = NULL;
                result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(pssh_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, pssh_input);
                if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open pssh payload file (%d)\n", result);
                    return 1;
                AP4_LargeSize pssh_payload_size = 0;
                result = pssh_input->Read(pssh_payload.UseData(), (AP4_Size)pssh_payload_size);
                if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot read pssh payload from file (%d)\n", result);
                    return 1;
            AP4_PsshAtom* pssh;
            if (v1) {
                if (kid_count) {
                    pssh = new AP4_PsshAtom(system_id, kids.GetData(), kid_count);
                } else {
                    pssh = new AP4_PsshAtom(system_id);
            } else {
                pssh = new AP4_PsshAtom(system_id);
            if (pssh_payload.GetDataSize()) {
                pssh->SetData(pssh_payload.GetData(), pssh_payload.GetDataSize());
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--kms-uri")) {
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --kms-uri option\n");
                return 1;
            if (method != METHOD_ISMA_AES) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --kms-uri only applies to method ISMA-IAEC\n");
                return 1;
            kms_uri = arg;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--show-progress")) {
            show_progress = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--strict")) {
            strict = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--key")) {
            if (method == METHOD_NONE) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --method argument must appear before --key\n");
                return 1;
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --key option\n");
                return 1;
            char* track_ascii = NULL;
            char* key_ascii = NULL;
            char* iv_ascii = NULL;
            if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_SplitArgs(arg, track_ascii, key_ascii, iv_ascii))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument for --key option\n");
                return 1;
            unsigned int track = strtoul(track_ascii, NULL, 10);

            // parse the key value
            unsigned char key[16];
            AP4_SetMemory(key, 0, sizeof(key));
            if (AP4_CompareStrings(key_ascii, "random") == 0) {
                result = AP4_System_GenerateRandomBytes(key, 16);
                if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to generate random key (%d)\n", result);
                    return 1;
                char key_hex[32+1];
                key_hex[32] = '\0';
                AP4_FormatHex(key, 16, key_hex);
                printf("KEY.%d=%s\n", track, key_hex);
            } else {
                if (AP4_ParseHex(key_ascii, key, 16)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for key\n");
                    return 1;
            // parse the iv
            unsigned char iv[16];
            AP4_SetMemory(iv, 0, sizeof(iv));
            if (AP4_CompareStrings(iv_ascii, "random") == 0) {
                result = AP4_System_GenerateRandomBytes(iv, 16);
                if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to generate random key (%d)\n", result);
                    return 1;
                iv[0] &= 0x7F; // always set the MSB to 0 so we don't have wraparounds
            } else {
                unsigned int iv_size = (unsigned int)AP4_StringLength(iv_ascii)/2;
                if (AP4_ParseHex(iv_ascii, iv, iv_size)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for iv\n");
                    return 1;
            switch (method) {
                case METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CTR:
                case METHOD_ISMA_AES:
                case METHOD_PIFF_CTR:
                case METHOD_MPEG_CENC:
                    // truncate the IV
                    AP4_SetMemory(&iv[8], 0, 8);
            // check that the key is not already there
            if (key_map.GetKey(track)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: key already set for track %d\n", track);
                return 1;
            // set the key in the map
            key_map.SetKey(track, key, 16, iv, 16);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--property")) {
            char* track_ascii = NULL;
            char* name = NULL;
            char* value = NULL;
            if (method != METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CBC     && 
                method != METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CTR     &&
                method != METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP_ACBC &&
                method != METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP_ACGK &&
                method != METHOD_PIFF_CBC         &&
                method != METHOD_PIFF_CTR         &&
                method != METHOD_MPEG_CENC) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: this method does not use properties\n");
                return 1;
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --property option\n");
                return 1;
            if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_SplitArgs(arg, track_ascii, name, value))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument for --property option\n");
                return 1;
            unsigned int track = strtoul(track_ascii, NULL, 10);

            // check that the property is not already set
            if (property_map.GetProperty(track, name)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: property %s already set for track %d\n",
                                name, track);
                return 1;
            // set the property in the map
            property_map.SetProperty(track, name, value);
            // special treatment for KID properties
            if (!strcmp(name, "KID")) {
                if (AP4_StringLength(value) != 32) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid size for KID property (must be 32 hex chars)\n");
                    return 1;
                AP4_UI08 kid[16];
                if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_ParseHex(value, kid, 16))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid syntax for KID property (must be 32 hex chars)\n");
                    return 1;
                // check if we already have this KID
                bool kid_already_present = false;
                for (unsigned int i=0; i<kid_count; i++) {
                    if (AP4_CompareMemory(kids.GetData()+(i*16), kid, 16) == 0) {
                        kid_already_present = true;
                if (!kid_already_present) {
                    kids.AppendData(kid, 16);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--global-option")) {
            arg = *++argv;
            char* name = NULL;
            char* value = NULL;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --global-option option\n");
                return 1;
            if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_SplitArgs(arg, name, value))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument for --global-option option\n");
                return 1;
            AP4_GlobalOptions::SetString(name, value);
        } else if (input_filename == NULL) {
            input_filename = arg;
        } else if (output_filename == NULL) {
            output_filename = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument (%s)\n", arg);
            return 1;

    // check the arguments
    if (method == METHOD_NONE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing --method argument\n");
        return 1;
    if (input_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing input filename\n");
        return 1;
    if (output_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing output filename\n");
        return 1;

    // create an encrypting processor
    AP4_Processor* processor = NULL;
    if (method == METHOD_ISMA_AES) {
        if (kms_uri == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: method ISMA-IAEC requires --kms-uri\n");
            return 1;
        AP4_IsmaEncryptingProcessor* isma_processor = new AP4_IsmaEncryptingProcessor(kms_uri);
        processor = isma_processor;
    } else if (method == METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP_ACBC ||
               method == METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP_ACGK) {
        bool use_group_key = (method == METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP_ACGK);
        if (use_group_key) {
            // check that the group key is set
            if (key_map.GetKey(0) == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: method MARLIN-IPMP-ACGK requires a group key\n");
                return 1;
        AP4_MarlinIpmpEncryptingProcessor* marlin_processor = 
            new AP4_MarlinIpmpEncryptingProcessor(use_group_key);
        processor = marlin_processor;
    } else if (method == METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CTR ||
               method == METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CBC) {
        AP4_OmaDcfEncryptingProcessor* oma_processor = 
            new AP4_OmaDcfEncryptingProcessor(method == METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CTR?
                                              AP4_OMA_DCF_CIPHER_MODE_CTR :
        processor = oma_processor;
    } else if (method == METHOD_PIFF_CTR ||
               method == METHOD_PIFF_CBC ||
               method == METHOD_MPEG_CENC) {
        AP4_CencVariant variant = AP4_CENC_VARIANT_MPEG;
        switch (method) {
            case METHOD_PIFF_CBC:
                variant = AP4_CENC_VARIANT_PIFF_CBC;
            case METHOD_PIFF_CTR:
                variant = AP4_CENC_VARIANT_PIFF_CTR;
            case METHOD_MPEG_CENC:
                variant = AP4_CENC_VARIANT_MPEG;
        AP4_CencEncryptingProcessor* cenc_processor = new AP4_CencEncryptingProcessor(variant);
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<pssh_atoms.ItemCount(); i++) {
        processor = cenc_processor;
    // create the input stream
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(input_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", input_filename);
        return 1;

    // create the output stream
    AP4_ByteStream* output = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(output_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_WRITE, output);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output file (%s)\n", output_filename);
        return 1;

    // create the fragments info stream if needed
    AP4_ByteStream* fragments_info = NULL;
    if (fragments_info_filename) {
        result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(fragments_info_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, fragments_info);
        if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open fragments info file (%s)\n", fragments_info_filename);
            return 1;
    // process/decrypt the file
    ProgressListener listener;
    if (fragments_info) {
        bool check = CheckWarning(*fragments_info, key_map, method);
        if (strict && check) return 1;
        result = processor->Process(*input, *output, *fragments_info, show_progress?&listener:NULL);
    } else {
        bool check = CheckWarning(*input, key_map, method);
        if (strict && check) return 1;
        result = processor->Process(*input, *output, show_progress?&listener:NULL);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to process the file (%d)\n", result);

    // cleanup
    delete processor;
    if (fragments_info) fragments_info->Release();
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<pssh_atoms.ItemCount(); i++) {
        delete pssh_atoms[i];
    return 0;
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 2) {
    // default options
    Options.verbose                = false;
    Options.input                  = NULL;
    Options.init_segment_name      = AP4_SPLIT_DEFAULT_INIT_SEGMENT_NAME;
    Options.media_segment_name     = AP4_SPLIT_DEFAULT_MEDIA_SEGMENT_NAME;
    Options.pattern_params         = AP4_SPLIT_DEFAULT_PATTERN_PARAMS;
    Options.start_number           = 1;
    Options.track_id               = 0;
    Options.audio_only             = false;
    Options.video_only             = false;
    Options.init_only              = false;
    Options.track_filter           = 0;
    // parse command line
    AP4_Result result;
    char** args = argv+1;
    while (const char* arg = *args++) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) {
            Options.verbose = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--init-segment")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --init-segment option\n");
                return 1;
            Options.init_segment_name = *args++;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--media-segment")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --media-segment option\n");
                return 1;
            Options.media_segment_name = *args++;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--pattern-parameters")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument after --pattern-params option\n");
                return 1;
            Options.pattern_params = *args++;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--track-id")) {
            Options.track_id = strtoul(*args++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--start-number")) {
            Options.start_number = strtoul(*args++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--init-only")) {
            Options.init_only = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--audio")) {
            Options.audio_only = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--video")) {
            Options.video_only = true;
        } else if (Options.input == NULL) {
            Options.input = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument\n");
            return 1;

    // check args
    if (Options.input == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing input file name\n");
        return 1;
    if ((Options.audio_only && (Options.video_only || Options.track_id)) ||
        (Options.video_only && (Options.audio_only || Options.track_id)) ||
        (Options.track_id   && (Options.audio_only || Options.video_only))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --audio, --video and --track-id options are mutualy exclusive\n");
        return 1;
    if (strlen(Options.pattern_params) < 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --pattern-params argument is too short\n");
        return 1;
    if (strlen(Options.pattern_params) > 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --pattern-params argument is too long\n");
        return 1;
    const char* cursor = Options.pattern_params;
    while (*cursor) {
        if (*cursor != 'I' && *cursor != 'N') {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid pattern parameter '%c'\n", *cursor);
            return 1;
	// create the input stream
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(Options.input, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input (%d)\n", result);
        return 1;
    // get the movie
    AP4_File* file = new AP4_File(*input, AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance, true);
    AP4_Movie* movie = file->GetMovie();
    if (movie == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "no movie found in file\n");
        return 1;
    // filter tracks if required
    if (Options.audio_only) {
        AP4_Track* track = movie->GetTrack(AP4_Track::TYPE_AUDIO);
        if (track == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "--audio option specified, but no audio track found\n");
            return 1;
        Options.track_filter = track->GetId();
    } else if (Options.video_only) {
        AP4_Track* track = movie->GetTrack(AP4_Track::TYPE_VIDEO);
        if (track == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "--video option specified, but no video track found\n");
            return 1;
        Options.track_filter = track->GetId();
    } else if (Options.track_id) {
        AP4_Track* track = movie->GetTrack(Options.track_id);
        if (track == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "--track-id option specified, but no such track found\n");
            return 1;
        Options.track_filter = track->GetId();
    // save the init segment
    AP4_ByteStream* output = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(Options.init_segment_name, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_WRITE, output);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output file (%d)\n", result);
        return 1;
    AP4_FtypAtom* ftyp = file->GetFileType(); 
    if (ftyp) {
        result = ftyp->Write(*output);
        if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot write ftyp segment (%d)\n", result);
            return 1;
    if (Options.track_filter) {
        AP4_MoovAtom* moov = movie->GetMoovAtom();
        // only keep the 'trak' atom that we need
        AP4_List<AP4_Atom>::Item* child = moov->GetChildren().FirstItem();
        while (child) {
            AP4_Atom* atom = child->GetData();
            child = child->GetNext();
            if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TRAK) {
                AP4_TrakAtom* trak = (AP4_TrakAtom*)atom;
                AP4_TkhdAtom* tkhd = (AP4_TkhdAtom*)trak->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TKHD);
                if (tkhd && tkhd->GetTrackId() != Options.track_filter) {
                    delete atom;

        // only keep the 'trex' atom that we need
        AP4_ContainerAtom* mvex = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, moov->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MVEX));
        if (mvex) {
            child = mvex->GetChildren().FirstItem();
            while (child) {
                AP4_Atom* atom = child->GetData();
                child = child->GetNext();
                if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TREX) {
                    AP4_TrexAtom* trex = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_TrexAtom, atom);
                    if (trex && trex->GetTrackId() != Options.track_filter) {
                        delete atom;
    result = movie->GetMoovAtom()->Write(*output);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot write init segment (%d)\n", result);
        return 1;
    AP4_Atom* atom = NULL;
    unsigned int track_id = 0;
    for (;!Options.init_only;) {
        // process the next atom
        result = AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance.CreateAtomFromStream(*input, atom);
        if (AP4_FAILED(result)) break;
        if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOF) {
            AP4_ContainerAtom* moof = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, atom);

            unsigned int traf_count = 0;
            AP4_ContainerAtom* traf = NULL;
            do {
                traf = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, moof->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TRAF, traf_count));
                if (traf == NULL) break;
                AP4_TfhdAtom* tfhd = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_TfhdAtom, traf->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TFHD));
                if (tfhd == NULL) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid media format\n");
                    return 1;                    
                track_id = tfhd->GetTrackId();
            } while (traf);
            // check if this fragment has more than one traf
            if (traf_count > 1) {
                if (Options.audio_only) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --audio option incompatible with multi-track fragments");
                    return 1;
                if (Options.video_only) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --video option incompatible with multi-track fragments");
                    return 1;
                track_id = 0;
            // open a new file for this fragment
            if (output) {
                output = NULL;
            char segment_name[4096];
            if (Options.track_filter == 0 || Options.track_filter == track_id) {
                AP4_UI64 p[2] = {0,0};
                unsigned int params_len = strlen(Options.pattern_params);
                for (unsigned int i=0; i<params_len; i++) {
                    if (Options.pattern_params[i] == 'I') {
                        p[i] = track_id;
                    } else if (Options.pattern_params[i] == 'N') {
                        p[i] = NextFragmentIndex(track_id)+Options.start_number;
                switch (params_len) {
                    case 1:
                        sprintf(segment_name, Options.media_segment_name, p[0]);
                    case 2:
                        sprintf(segment_name, Options.media_segment_name, p[0], p[1]);
                        segment_name[0] = 0;
                result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(segment_name, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_WRITE, output);
                if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output file (%d)\n", result);
                    return 1;
        // write the atom
        if (output && atom->GetType() != AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MFRA) {
        delete atom;

    // cleanup
    delete file;
    if (input) input->Release();
    if (output) output->Release();
    return 0;
Beispiel #25
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 3) {
    // default options
    Options.segment_duration           = 0;
    Options.pmt_pid                    = 0x100;
    Options.audio_pid                  = 0x101;
    Options.video_pid                  = 0x102;
    Options.verbose                    = false;
    Options.playlist                   = NULL;
    Options.playlist_hls_version       = 3;
    Options.input                      = NULL;
    Options.output                     = NULL;
    Options.segment_duration_threshold = DefaultSegmentDurationThreshold;
    // parse command line
    AP4_Result result;
    char** args = argv+1;
    while (const char* arg = *args++) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--segment")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --segment requires a number\n");
                return 1;
            Options.segment_duration = strtoul(*args++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--segment-duration-threshold")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --segment-duration-threshold requires a number\n");
                return 1;
            Options.segment_duration_threshold = strtoul(*args++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) {
            Options.verbose = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--pmt-pid")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --pmt-pid requires a number\n");
                return 1;
            Options.pmt_pid = strtoul(*args++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--audio-pid")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --audio-pid requires a number\n");
                return 1;
            Options.audio_pid = strtoul(*args++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--video-pid")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --video-pid requires a number\n");
                return 1;
            Options.video_pid = strtoul(*args++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--playlist")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --playlist requires a filename\n");
                return 1;
            Options.playlist = *args++;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--playlist-hls-version")) {
            if (*args == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --playlist-hls-version requires a number\n");
                return 1;
            Options.playlist_hls_version = strtoul(*args++, NULL, 10);
            if (Options.playlist_hls_version ==0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --playlist-hls-version requires number > 0\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (Options.input == NULL) {
            Options.input = arg;
        } else if (Options.output == NULL) {
            Options.output = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument\n");
            return 1;

    // check args
    if (Options.input == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing input file name\n");
        return 1;
    if (Options.output == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing output file name\n");
        return 1;
	// create the input stream
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(Options.input, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input (%d)\n", result);
        return 1;
	// open the file
    AP4_File* input_file = new AP4_File(*input, AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance, true);   

    // get the movie
    AP4_SampleDescription* sample_description;
    AP4_Movie* movie = input_file->GetMovie();
    if (movie == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no movie in file\n");
        return 1;

    // get the audio and video tracks
    AP4_Track* audio_track = movie->GetTrack(AP4_Track::TYPE_AUDIO);
    AP4_Track* video_track = movie->GetTrack(AP4_Track::TYPE_VIDEO);
    if (audio_track == NULL && video_track == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no suitable tracks found\n");
        delete input_file;
        return 1;

    // create the appropriate readers
    AP4_LinearReader* linear_reader = NULL;
    SampleReader*     audio_reader  = NULL;
    SampleReader*     video_reader  = NULL;
    if (movie->HasFragments()) {
        // create a linear reader to get the samples
        linear_reader = new AP4_LinearReader(*movie, input);
        if (audio_track) {
            audio_reader = new FragmentedSampleReader(*linear_reader, audio_track->GetId());
        if (video_track) {
            video_reader = new FragmentedSampleReader(*linear_reader, video_track->GetId());
    } else {
        if (audio_track) {
            audio_reader = new TrackSampleReader(*audio_track);
        if (video_track) {
            video_reader = new TrackSampleReader(*video_track);
    // create an MPEG2 TS Writer
    AP4_Mpeg2TsWriter writer(Options.pmt_pid);
    AP4_Mpeg2TsWriter::SampleStream* audio_stream = NULL;
    AP4_Mpeg2TsWriter::SampleStream* video_stream = NULL;
    // add the audio stream
    if (audio_track) {
        sample_description = audio_track->GetSampleDescription(0);
        if (sample_description == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to parse audio sample description\n");
            goto end;

        unsigned int stream_type = 0;
        unsigned int stream_id   = 0;
        if (sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_MP4A) {
            stream_type = AP4_MPEG2_STREAM_TYPE_ISO_IEC_13818_7;
            stream_id   = AP4_MPEG2_TS_DEFAULT_STREAM_ID_AUDIO;
        } else if (sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_AC_3 ||
                   sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_EC_3) {
            stream_type = AP4_MPEG2_STREAM_TYPE_ATSC_AC3;
            stream_id   = AP4_MPEG2_TS_STREAM_ID_PRIVATE_STREAM_1;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: audio codec not supported\n");
            return 1;

        result = writer.SetAudioStream(audio_track->GetMediaTimeScale(),
        if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "could not create audio stream (%d)\n", result);
            goto end;
    // add the video stream
    if (video_track) {
        sample_description = video_track->GetSampleDescription(0);
        if (sample_description == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to parse video sample description\n");
            goto end;
        // decide on the stream type
        unsigned int stream_type = 0;
        unsigned int stream_id   = AP4_MPEG2_TS_DEFAULT_STREAM_ID_VIDEO;
        if (sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_AVC1 ||
            sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_AVC2 ||
            sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_AVC3 ||
            sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_AVC4) {
            stream_type = AP4_MPEG2_STREAM_TYPE_AVC;
        } else if (sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_HEV1 ||
                   sample_description->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_HVC1) {
            stream_type = AP4_MPEG2_STREAM_TYPE_HEVC;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: video codec not supported\n");
            return 1;
        result = writer.SetVideoStream(video_track->GetMediaTimeScale(),
        if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "could not create video stream (%d)\n", result);
            goto end;
    result = WriteSamples(writer,
                          audio_track, audio_reader, audio_stream,
                          video_track, video_reader, video_stream,
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to write samples (%d)\n", result);

    delete input_file;
    delete linear_reader;
    delete audio_reader;
    delete video_reader;
    return result == AP4_SUCCESS?0:1;
Beispiel #26
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int opt;
  char *queryWord = NULL;
  char *queryFile = NULL;
  int discardDupFiles = 1;
  int cacheSizeInKB = 0;

  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ql:d:uw:f:bc:s:")) != -1) {
    switch (opt) {
      case 'q':
        quietFlag = 1;
      case 'l':
        diskLatency = atoi(optarg);
      case 'c':
        cacheSizeInKB = atoi(optarg);
      case 'b':
        diskBusyWaitEnable = 1;
      case 'u':
        discardDupFiles = 0;
      case 'w':
        queryWord = strdup(optarg);
      case 'f':
        queryFile = strdup(optarg);
      case 's':
        serverAckFd = atoi(optarg);
	diskLatency = 0;  /* Default for assignment 3 is zero-latency */
      case 'd': {
        char *c = optarg;
        while (*c) {
          Debug_SetFlag(*c, 1);
  if (optind != argc-1) {

   * Allocate Memory for any caching of data. 0 means infinite cache.
  if (cacheSizeInKB == 0) {
    cacheSizeInKB = INFINITE_CACHE_SIZE/1024;  
  int retVal = CacheMem_Init(cacheSizeInKB);
  if (retVal < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate memory for cache\n");
    return 1;

  char *diskpath = diskpath = argv[optind];
  BuildDiskIndex(diskpath, discardDupFiles);

  if (queryWord) {
  if (queryFile) {

  if (serverAckFd) {
  if (!quietFlag) {
    printf("************ Stats ***************\n");

  return 0;
Beispiel #27
|       main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 5) {

    // parse options
    if (strcmp(*++argv, "--kms-uri")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: the first option must be --kms-uri\n");
        return 1;
    const char* kms_uri = *++argv;

    // create an encrypting processor
    AP4_IsmaEncryptingProcessor processor(kms_uri);

    // setup default values
    const char* input_filename = NULL;
    const char* output_filename = NULL;

    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *++argv)) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--key")) {
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --key option\n");
                return 1;
            char* track_ascii = NULL;
            char* key_ascii = NULL;
            char* salt_ascii = NULL;
            if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_SplitArgs(arg, track_ascii, key_ascii, salt_ascii))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument for --key option\n");
                return 1;
            unsigned char key[16];
            unsigned char salt[8];
            unsigned int track = strtoul(track_ascii, NULL, 10);
            if (AP4_ParseHex(key_ascii, key, 16)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for key\n");
            if (AP4_ParseHex(salt_ascii, salt, 8)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for salt\n");
            // set the key in the map
            processor.GetKeyMap().SetKey(track, key, salt);
        } else if (input_filename == NULL) {
            input_filename = arg;
        } else if (output_filename == NULL) {
            output_filename = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument (%s)\n", arg);
            return 1;

    // check the arguments
    if (input_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing input filename\n");
        return 1;
    if (output_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing output filename\n");
        return 1;
    if (kms_uri == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing kms uri\n");
        return 1;

    // create the input stream
    AP4_ByteStream* input;
        input = new AP4_FileByteStream(input_filename,
    } catch (AP4_Exception) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", input_filename);
        return 1;

    // create the output stream
    AP4_ByteStream* output;
    try {
        output = new AP4_FileByteStream(output_filename,
    } catch (AP4_Exception) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output file (%s)\n", output_filename);
        return 1;

    // process/decrypt the file
    processor.Process(*input, *output);

    // cleanup

    return 0;
Beispiel #28
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc == 1) PrintUsageAndExit();

    // parse options
    AP4_UI08       encryption_method        = 0;
    bool           encryption_method_is_set = false;
    AP4_UI08       padding_scheme           = 0;
    const char*    input_filename           = NULL;
    const char*    output_filename          = NULL;
    bool           show_progress            = false;
    bool           key_is_set               = false;
    unsigned char  key[16];
    unsigned char  iv[16];
    AP4_BlockCipher::CipherMode cipher_mode = AP4_BlockCipher::CBC;
    const char*    content_type             = "";
    const char*    content_id               = "";
    const char*    rights_issuer_url        = "";
    AP4_LargeSize  plaintext_length         = 0;
    AP4_DataBuffer textual_headers_buffer;
    AP4_TrackPropertyMap textual_headers;

    AP4_SetMemory(key, 0, sizeof(key));
    AP4_SetMemory(iv, 0, sizeof(iv));

    // parse the command line arguments
    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *++argv)) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--method")) {
            arg = *++argv;
            if (!strcmp(arg, "CBC")) {
                encryption_method = AP4_OMA_DCF_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_AES_CBC;
                encryption_method_is_set = true;
                padding_scheme = AP4_OMA_DCF_PADDING_SCHEME_RFC_2630;
                cipher_mode = AP4_BlockCipher::CBC;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "CTR")) {
                encryption_method = AP4_OMA_DCF_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_AES_CTR;
                encryption_method_is_set = true;
                padding_scheme = AP4_OMA_DCF_PADDING_SCHEME_NONE;
                cipher_mode = AP4_BlockCipher::CTR;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "NULL")) {
                encryption_method = AP4_OMA_DCF_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_NULL;
                encryption_method_is_set = true;
                padding_scheme = AP4_OMA_DCF_PADDING_SCHEME_NONE;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid value for --method argument\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--show-progress")) {
            show_progress = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--content-type")) {
            content_type = *++argv;
            if (content_type == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --content-type option\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--content-id")) {
            content_id = *++argv;
            if (content_type == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --content-id option\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--rights-issuer")) {
             rights_issuer_url = *++argv;
            if (rights_issuer_url == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --rights-issuer option\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--key")) {
            if (!encryption_method_is_set) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --method argument must appear before --key\n");
                return 1;
            } else if (encryption_method_is_set == AP4_OMA_DCF_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --key cannot be used with --method NULL\n");
                return 1;
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --key option\n");
                return 1;
            char* key_ascii = NULL;
            char* iv_ascii = NULL;
            if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_SplitArgs(arg, key_ascii, iv_ascii))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument for --key option\n");
                return 1;
            if (AP4_ParseHex(key_ascii, key, 16)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for key\n");
            if (AP4_ParseHex(iv_ascii, iv, 16)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for iv\n");
                return 1;
            // check that the key is not already there
            if (key_is_set) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: key already set\n");
                return 1;
            key_is_set = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--textual-header")) {
            char* name = NULL;
            char* value = NULL;
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --textual-header option\n");
                return 1;
            if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_SplitArgs(arg, name, value))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument for --textual-header option\n");
                return 1;

            // check that the property is not already set
            if (textual_headers.GetProperty(0, name)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: textual header %s already set\n", name);
                return 1;
            // set the property in the map
            textual_headers.SetProperty(0, name, value);
        } else if (input_filename == NULL) {
            input_filename = arg;
        } else if (output_filename == NULL) {
            output_filename = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument (%s)\n", arg);
            return 1;

    // check the arguments
    if (!encryption_method_is_set) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing --method argument\n");
        return 1;
    if (!key_is_set) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: encryption key not specified\n");
        return 1;
    if (input_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing input filename\n");
        return 1;
    if (output_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing output filename\n");
        return 1;
    (void)show_progress; // avoid warnings

    // convert to a textual headers buffer
    textual_headers.GetTextualHeaders(0, textual_headers_buffer);

    // create the input stream
    AP4_Result result;
    AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(input_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s) %d\n", input_filename, result);
        return 1;

    // get the size of the input
    result = input->GetSize(plaintext_length);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot get the size of the input\n");
        return 1;
    // create an encrypting stream for the input
    AP4_ByteStream* encrypted_stream;
    if (encryption_method == AP4_OMA_DCF_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_NULL) {
        encrypted_stream = input;
    } else {
        result = AP4_EncryptingStream::Create(cipher_mode, *input, iv, 16, key, 16, true, &AP4_DefaultBlockCipherFactory::Instance, encrypted_stream);
        if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to create cipher (%d)\n", result);
            return 1;
    // create the output stream
    AP4_ByteStream* output = NULL;
    result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(output_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_WRITE, output);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output file (%s) %d\n", output_filename, result);
        return 1;

    // create the file
    AP4_File file;
    // set the brand
    AP4_UI32 compatible_brands[1] = {AP4_OMA_DCF_BRAND_ODCF};
    file.SetFileType(AP4_OMA_DCF_BRAND_ODCF, 2, compatible_brands, 1);
    // create the odrm atom (force a 64-bit size)
    AP4_ContainerAtom* odrm = new AP4_ContainerAtom(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_ODRM, AP4_FULL_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE_64, true, 0, 0);
    // create the ohdr atom
    AP4_OhdrAtom* ohdr = new AP4_OhdrAtom(encryption_method, 

    // create the odhe atom (the ownership is transfered)
    AP4_OdheAtom* odhe = new AP4_OdheAtom(content_type, ohdr);
    // create the odda atom
    AP4_OddaAtom* odda = new AP4_OddaAtom(*encrypted_stream);
    // add the odrm atom to the file (the owndership is transfered)
    // write the file to the output
    AP4_FileWriter::Write(file, *output);
    // cleanup

    return 0;
Beispiel #29
|   main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc == 1) PrintUsageAndExit();

    // parse options
    const char* kms_uri = NULL;
    enum Method method  = METHOD_NONE;
    const char* input_filename = NULL;
    const char* output_filename = NULL;
    AP4_ProtectionKeyMap key_map;
    AP4_TrackPropertyMap property_map;
    bool                 show_progress = false;

    // parse the command line arguments
    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *++argv)) {
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--method")) {
            arg = *++argv;
            if (!strcmp(arg, "OMA-PDCF-CBC")) {
                method = METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CBC;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "OMA-PDCF-CTR")) {
                method = METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CTR;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "MARLIN-IPMP")) {
                method = METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "ISMA-IAEC")) {
                method = METHOD_ISMA_AES;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid value for --method argument\n");
                return 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--kms-uri")) {
            if (method != METHOD_ISMA_AES) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --kms-uri only applies to method ISMA-IAEC\n");
                return 1;
            kms_uri = *++argv;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--show-progress")) {
            show_progress = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--key")) {
            if (method == METHOD_NONE) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: --method argument must appear before --key\n");
                return 1;
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --key option\n");
                return 1;
            char* track_ascii = NULL;
            char* key_ascii = NULL;
            char* iv_ascii = NULL;
            if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_SplitArgs(arg, track_ascii, key_ascii, iv_ascii))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument for --key option\n");
                return 1;
            unsigned char key[16];
            unsigned char iv[16];
            unsigned int track = strtoul(track_ascii, NULL, 10);
            AP4_SetMemory(key, 0, sizeof(key));
            AP4_SetMemory(iv, 0, sizeof(iv));
            if (AP4_ParseHex(key_ascii, key, 16)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for key\n");
            if (AP4_ParseHex(iv_ascii, iv, 8)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid hex format for iv\n");
                return 1;
            // check that the key is not already there
            if (key_map.GetKey(track)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: key already set for track %d\n", track);
                return 1;
            // set the key in the map
            key_map.SetKey(track, key, iv);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--property")) {
            char* track_ascii = NULL;
            char* name = NULL;
            char* value = NULL;
            if (method != METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CBC && 
                method != METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CTR &&
                method != METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: this method does not use properties\n");
                return 1;
            arg = *++argv;
            if (arg == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing argument for --property option\n");
                return 1;
            if (AP4_FAILED(AP4_SplitArgs(arg, track_ascii, name, value))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid argument for --property option\n");
                return 1;
            unsigned int track = strtoul(track_ascii, NULL, 10);

            // check that the property is not already set
            if (property_map.GetProperty(track, name)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: property %s already set for track %d\n",
                                name, track);
                return 1;
            // set the property in the map
            property_map.SetProperty(track, name, value);
        } else if (input_filename == NULL) {
            input_filename = arg;
        } else if (output_filename == NULL) {
            output_filename = arg;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unexpected argument (%s)\n", arg);
            return 1;

    // check the arguments
    if (method == METHOD_NONE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing --method argument\n");
        return 1;
    if (input_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing input filename\n");
        return 1;
    if (output_filename == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: missing output filename\n");
        return 1;

    // create an encrypting processor
    AP4_Processor* processor;
    if (method == METHOD_ISMA_AES) {
        if (kms_uri == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: method ISMA-IAEC requires --kms-uri\n");
            return 1;
        AP4_IsmaEncryptingProcessor* isma_processor = new AP4_IsmaEncryptingProcessor(kms_uri);
        processor = isma_processor;
    } else if (method == METHOD_MARLIN_IPMP) {
        AP4_MarlinIpmpEncryptingProcessor* marlin_processor = 
            new AP4_MarlinIpmpEncryptingProcessor();
        processor = marlin_processor;
    } else {
        AP4_OmaDcfEncryptingProcessor* oma_processor = 
            new AP4_OmaDcfEncryptingProcessor(method == METHOD_OMA_PDCF_CTR?
                                              AP4_OMA_DCF_CIPHER_MODE_CTR :
        processor = oma_processor;

    // create the input stream
    AP4_ByteStream* input;
        input = new AP4_FileByteStream(input_filename,
    } catch (AP4_Exception) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", input_filename);
        return 1;

    // create the output stream
    AP4_ByteStream* output;
    try {
        output = new AP4_FileByteStream(output_filename,
    } catch (AP4_Exception) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open output file (%s)\n", output_filename);
        return 1;

    // process/decrypt the file
    ProgressListener listener;
    AP4_Result result = processor->Process(*input, *output, show_progress?&listener:NULL);
    if (AP4_FAILED(result)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to process the file (%d)\n", result);

    // cleanup
    delete processor;

    return 0;
Beispiel #30
/* main */
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
  /*OpenCL variables */
  cl_device_id device;
  cl_device_type device_type; /*to test if we are on cpu or gpu*/
  cl_context context;
  cl_command_queue cmdQueue;

  /* The event variables are created only when needed */
#ifdef _UNBLOCK
  cl_uint  num_events = 3;
  cl_event event[num_events];

  FPTYPE * buffers[3];
  cl_mdsys_t cl_sys;
  cl_int status;

  int nprint, i, nthreads = 0;
  char restfile[BLEN], trajfile[BLEN], ergfile[BLEN], line[BLEN];
  FILE *fp,*traj,*erg;
  mdsys_t sys;

/* Start profiling */

#ifdef __PROFILING
  double t1, t2;

  t1 = second();


  /* handling the command line arguments */
  switch (argc) {
      case 2: /* only the cpu/gpu argument was passed, setting default nthreads */
	      if( !strcmp( argv[1], "cpu" ) ) nthreads = 16;
	      else nthreads = 1024;
      case 3: /* both the device type (cpu/gpu) and the number of threads were passed */
	      nthreads = strtol(argv[2],NULL,10);
	      if( nthreads<0 ) {
		      fprintf( stderr, "\n. The number of threads must be more than 1.\n");
  /* Initialize the OpenCL environment */
  if( InitOpenCLEnvironment( argv[1], &device, &context, &cmdQueue ) != CL_SUCCESS ){
    fprintf( stderr, "Program Error! OpenCL Environment was not initialized correctly.\n" );
    return 4;

  /* The event initialization is performed only when needed */
#ifdef _UNBLOCK
  /* initialize the cl_event handler variables */
  for( i = 0; i < num_events; ++i) {
	  event[i] = clCreateUserEvent( context, NULL );
	  clSetUserEventStatus( event[i], CL_COMPLETE );

  /* read input file */
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,restfile)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,trajfile)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,ergfile)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;
  if(get_me_a_line(stdin,line)) return 1;

  /* allocate memory */
  cl_sys.natoms = sys.natoms;
  cl_sys.rx = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  cl_sys.ry = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  cl_sys.rz = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  cl_sys.vx = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  cl_sys.vy = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  cl_sys.vz = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  cl_sys.fx = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  cl_sys.fy = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  cl_sys.fz = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  buffers[0] = (FPTYPE *) malloc( 2 * cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE) );
  buffers[1] = (FPTYPE *) malloc( 2 * cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE) );
  buffers[2] = (FPTYPE *) malloc( 2 * cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE) );
  /* read restart */
  fp = fopen( restfile, "r" );
  if( fp ) {
    for( i = 0; i < 2 * cl_sys.natoms; ++i ){
#ifdef _USE_FLOAT
      fscanf( fp, "%f%f%f", buffers[0] + i, buffers[1] + i, buffers[2] + i);
      fscanf( fp, "%lf%lf%lf", buffers[0] + i, buffers[1] + i, buffers[2] + i);
    status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.rx, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[0], 0, NULL, NULL ); 
    status |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.ry, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[1], 0, NULL, NULL ); 
    status |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.rz, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[2], 0, NULL, NULL ); 
    status |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.vx, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[0] + cl_sys.natoms, 0, NULL, NULL ); 
    status |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.vy, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[1] + cl_sys.natoms, 0, NULL, NULL ); 
    status |= clEnqueueWriteBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.vz, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[2] + cl_sys.natoms, 0, NULL, NULL ); 

  } else {
    perror("cannot read restart file");
    return 3;
  /* initialize forces and energies.*/
  size_t globalWorkSize[1];
  globalWorkSize[0] = nthreads;
  const char * sourcecode =
  #include <opencl_kernels_as_string.h>

  cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithSource( context, 1, (const char **) &sourcecode, NULL, &status );
  status |= clBuildProgram( program, 0, NULL, kernelflags, NULL, NULL );
#ifdef __DEBUG
  size_t log_size;
  char log [200000]; 
  clGetProgramBuildInfo( program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, sizeof(log), log, &log_size );
  fprintf( stderr, "\nLog: \n\n %s", log ); 
  cl_kernel kernel_force = clCreateKernel( program, "opencl_force", &status );
  cl_kernel kernel_ekin = clCreateKernel( program, "opencl_ekin", &status );
  cl_kernel kernel_verlet_first = clCreateKernel( program, "opencl_verlet_first", &status );
  cl_kernel kernel_verlet_second = clCreateKernel( program, "opencl_verlet_second", &status );
  cl_kernel kernel_azzero = clCreateKernel( program, "opencl_azzero", &status );
  FPTYPE * tmp_epot;
  cl_mem epot_buffer;
  tmp_epot = (FPTYPE *) malloc( nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE) );
  epot_buffer = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  /* precompute some constants */
  FPTYPE c12 = 4.0 * sys.epsilon * pow( sys.sigma, 12.0);
  FPTYPE c6  = 4.0 * sys.epsilon * pow( sys.sigma, 6.0);
  FPTYPE rcsq = sys.rcut * sys.rcut;
  FPTYPE boxby2 = HALF * sys.box;  
  FPTYPE dtmf = HALF * sys.dt / mvsq2e / sys.mass;
  sys.epot = ZERO;
  sys.ekin = ZERO;

  /* Azzero force buffer */
  status = clSetMultKernelArgs( kernel_azzero, 0, 4, KArg(cl_sys.fx), KArg(cl_sys.fy), KArg(cl_sys.fz), KArg(cl_sys.natoms));

  status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( cmdQueue, kernel_azzero, 1, NULL, globalWorkSize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

  status |= clSetMultKernelArgs( kernel_force, 0, 13,
  status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( cmdQueue, kernel_force, 1, NULL, globalWorkSize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
  status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, epot_buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE), tmp_epot, 0, NULL, NULL );     
  for( i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) sys.epot += tmp_epot[i];
  FPTYPE * tmp_ekin;
  cl_mem ekin_buffer;
  tmp_ekin = (FPTYPE *) malloc( nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE) );
  ekin_buffer = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE), NULL, &status );
  status |= clSetMultKernelArgs( kernel_ekin, 0, 5, KArg(cl_sys.vx), KArg(cl_sys.vy), KArg(cl_sys.vz),
    KArg(cl_sys.natoms), KArg(ekin_buffer));
  status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( cmdQueue, kernel_ekin, 1, NULL, globalWorkSize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
  status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, ekin_buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE), tmp_ekin, 0, NULL, NULL );     

  for( i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) sys.ekin += tmp_ekin[i];
  sys.ekin *= HALF * mvsq2e * sys.mass;
  sys.temp  = TWO * sys.ekin / ( THREE * sys.natoms - THREE ) / kboltz;


  printf("Starting simulation with %d atoms for %d steps.\n",sys.natoms, sys.nsteps);
  printf("     NFI            TEMP            EKIN                 EPOT              ETOT\n");
  /* download data on host */
  status = clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.rx, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[0], 0, NULL, NULL ); 
  status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.ry, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[1], 0, NULL, NULL ); 
  status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.rz, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[2], 0, NULL, NULL ); 
  sys.rx = buffers[0];
  sys.ry = buffers[1];
  sys.rz = buffers[2];
  output(&sys, erg, traj);

  /* main MD loop */
  for(sys.nfi=1; sys.nfi <= sys.nsteps; ++sys.nfi) {

    /* propagate system and recompute energies */
    /* 2) verlet_first   */
    status |= clSetMultKernelArgs( kernel_verlet_first, 0, 12,
    CheckSuccess(status, 2);

    /* When the data transfer is non blocking, this kernel has to wait the completion of part 8 (event[2]) */
#ifdef _UNBLOCK
    status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( cmdQueue, kernel_verlet_first, 1, NULL, globalWorkSize, NULL, 1, &event[2], NULL );
    status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( cmdQueue, kernel_verlet_first, 1, NULL, globalWorkSize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

    /* 6) download position@device to position@host */
    if ((sys.nfi % nprint) == nprint-1) {

    /* In non blocking mode (CL_FALSE) this data transfer raises events[i] */
#ifdef _UNBLOCK
	status  = clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.rx, CL_FALSE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[0], 0, NULL, &event[2] );
	status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.ry, CL_FALSE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[1], 0, NULL, &event[1] );
	status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.rz, CL_FALSE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[2], 0, NULL, &event[0] );
	status  = clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.rx, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[0], 0, NULL, NULL );
	status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.ry, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[1], 0, NULL, NULL );
	status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, cl_sys.rz, CL_TRUE, 0, cl_sys.natoms * sizeof(FPTYPE), buffers[2], 0, NULL, NULL );
	CheckSuccess(status, 6);

    /* 3) force */
    status |= clSetMultKernelArgs( kernel_force, 0, 13,

    CheckSuccess(status, 3);
    status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( cmdQueue, kernel_force, 1, NULL, globalWorkSize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

    /* 7) download E_pot[i]@device and perform reduction to E_pot@host */
    if ((sys.nfi % nprint) == nprint-1) {

    /* In non blocking mode (CL_FALSE) this data transfer kernel raises an event[1] */
#ifdef _UNBLOCK
	status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, epot_buffer, CL_FALSE, 0, nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE), tmp_epot, 0, NULL, &event[1] );
	status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, epot_buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE), tmp_epot, 0, NULL, NULL );
	CheckSuccess(status, 7);

    /* 4) verlet_second */
    status |= clSetMultKernelArgs( kernel_verlet_second, 0, 9,

    CheckSuccess(status, 4);
    status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( cmdQueue, kernel_verlet_second, 1, NULL, globalWorkSize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

    if ((sys.nfi % nprint) == nprint-1) {

	/* 5) ekin */
	status |= clSetMultKernelArgs( kernel_ekin, 0, 5, KArg(cl_sys.vx), KArg(cl_sys.vy), KArg(cl_sys.vz),
			KArg(cl_sys.natoms), KArg(ekin_buffer));
	CheckSuccess(status, 5);
	status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( cmdQueue, kernel_ekin, 1, NULL, globalWorkSize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

	/* 8) download E_kin[i]@device and perform reduction to E_kin@host */
	/* In non blocking mode (CL_FALSE) this data transfer kernel raises an event[2] */
#ifdef _UNBLOCK
	status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, ekin_buffer, CL_FALSE, 0, nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE), tmp_ekin, 0, NULL, &event[2] );
	status |= clEnqueueReadBuffer( cmdQueue, ekin_buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, nthreads * sizeof(FPTYPE), tmp_ekin, 0, NULL, NULL );
	CheckSuccess(status, 8);

    /* 1) write output every nprint steps */
    if ((sys.nfi % nprint) == 0) {

    /* Calling a synchronization function (only when in non blocking mode) that will wait until all the
     * events[i], related to the data transfers, to be completed */
#ifdef _UNBLOCK
        clWaitForEvents(3, event);
	sys.rx = buffers[0];
	sys.ry = buffers[1];
	sys.rz = buffers[2];

	/* initialize the sys.epot@host and sys.ekin@host variables to ZERO */
	sys.epot = ZERO;
	sys.ekin = ZERO;

	/* reduction on the tmp_Exxx[i] buffers downloaded from the device
	 * during parts 7 and 8 of the previous MD loop iteration */
	for( i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
		sys.epot += tmp_epot[i];
		sys.ekin += tmp_ekin[i];

	/* multiplying the kinetic energy by prefactors */
	sys.ekin *= HALF * mvsq2e * sys.mass;
	sys.temp  = TWO * sys.ekin / ( THREE * sys.natoms - THREE ) / kboltz;

	/* writing output files (positions, energies and temperature) */
	output(&sys, erg, traj);


/* End profiling */

#ifdef __PROFILING

t2 = second();

fprintf( stdout, "\n\nTime of execution = %.3g (seconds)\n", (t2 - t1) );


  /* clean up: close files, free memory */
  printf("Simulation Done.\n");


  return 0;