FUNCTION : user_initialize()
PURPOSE  : Pro/DEVELOP standard initialize 
   Define an action and menu button for selecting a component.
ProError SetupCreoSelectPlugin()
	log4cpp::Category& logcat = ::log4cpp::Category::getInstance(LOGCAT_LOGFILEONLY);
    ProError status;
    uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_select;

    // Add new button to the menu bar
    status = ProCmdActionAdd("IsisSelectComponent",(uiCmdCmdActFn)DoSelect, 
		uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways,	PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_select);

	switch( status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_select, 
		"-ISIS Select Cyphy Component", 
	    "-ISIS Select Cyphy Component Label", 
	    "-ISIS Select Cyphy Component Description", 
	    MSGFIL) ) 
		logcat.warnStream() << "The command was designated. Use the Screen Customization dialog box to place it.";
		logcat.warnStream() << "One or more input arguments was invalid.";
		logcat.warnStream() << "The message file was not found.";
		return PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND;
		logcat.warnStream() << "One or more messages was not found in the message file.";
	    return PRO_TK_MSG_NOT_FOUND;
	switch( status = ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_select, "isis_select.png") ) {
	 case  PRO_TK_NO_ERROR:
		logcat.info("The icon was assigned.");
		logcat.warn("The input arguments were invalid.");
	    return PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS;
     case PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND:
		logcat.warn("The icon file was not found.");
        return PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND;
		logcat.warn("The file specified was not a Creo Parametric .BIF file or a custom .GIF file.");
        return PRO_TK_INVALID_FILE;
		logcat.warn("The file specified was not of required format.");
        return status;

    return PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;
Beispiel #2
// 添加菜单项
void AddMenuItem(char *menuName, char *itemName, actionFunc menuitemAction, accessFunc menuitemAccess, 
				 ProFileName msgFile, char *iconName/* = NULL*/)
	string strCmd, strName, strLabel, strHelp, strTip;
	uiCmdCmdId uiMenuBottonId;
	strLabel = string(itemName);
	strCmd = string("cmd") + strLabel;
	ProError status = ProCmdActionAdd((char*)strCmd.c_str(), (uiCmdCmdActFn)menuitemAction, uiProeImmediate, menuitemAccess, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &uiMenuBottonId);
	strName = string("Item_") + strLabel + string("Name");
	strHelp = strLabel + string(" Operator");
	strTip = string("Show ") + strHelp;
	status = ProMenubarmenuPushbuttonAdd(menuName, (char*)strName.c_str(), (char*)strLabel.c_str(), (char*)strHelp.c_str(), NULL, PRO_B_TRUE, uiMenuBottonId, msgFile);
	if (iconName != NULL)
		status = ProCmdIconSet(uiMenuBottonId, iconName);
		status = ProCmdDesignate(uiMenuBottonId, (char*)strLabel.c_str(), (char*)strHelp.c_str(), (char*)strTip.c_str(), msgFile);
FUNCTION : user_initialize()
PURPOSE  : Pro/DEVELOP standard initialize - define menu button
ProError SetupCreoPlugins()
    ProError status;
    uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_update;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_refresh;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_add;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_create;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_connect;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_remove;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_createconn;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_createanalysispoints;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_dumpposition;
	uiCmdCmdId	cmd_id_datumresolve;

    //status = ProUITranslationFilesEnable();
	//if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

    Add new button to the menu bar
    //ProTKSprintf(revcode, "%s - %s", version, build);

	// Update (Export)
    status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISExportComponent",(uiCmdCmdActFn)DoUpdateComponent,uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways,	PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_update);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_update, "-ISIS Export Cyphy Component", "-ISIS Export Cyphy Component Label", "-ISIS Export Cyphy Component Description", MSGFIL);
	ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_update, "isis_update_component.png");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Refresh
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISRefresh",(uiCmdCmdActFn)DoResync,uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways,	PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_refresh);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_refresh, "-ISIS Refresh", "-ISIS Refresh Label", "-ISIS Refresh Description", MSGFIL);
	ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_refresh, "isis_refresh.png");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Add Component
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISAddComponent", (uiCmdCmdActFn)DoAddComponent, uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_add);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_add, "-ISIS Add Cyphy Component", "-ISIS Add Cyphy Component Label", "-ISIS Add Cyphy Component Description", MSGFIL);
	ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_add, "isis_add_component.png");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Create Component
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISCreateComponent", (uiCmdCmdActFn)DoCreateComponent, uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_create);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_create, "-ISIS Create New Component in Cyphy", "-ISIS Create New Component in Cyphy Label", "-ISIS Create New Component in Cyphy Description", MSGFIL);
	ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_create, "isis_create_component.png");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Connect Components
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISConnectComponent", (uiCmdCmdActFn)DoConnectComponents, uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_connect);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_connect, "-ISIS Connect Cyphy Component", "-ISIS Connect Cyphy Component Label", "-ISIS Connect Cyphy Component Description", MSGFIL);
	ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_connect, "isis_connect.png");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Remove Component(s)
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISRemoveComponent", (uiCmdCmdActFn)DoRemoveComponent, uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_remove);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_remove, "-ISIS Remove Cyphy Component", "-ISIS Remove Cyphy Component Label", "-ISIS Remove Cyphy Component Description", MSGFIL);
	ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_remove, "isis_remove_component.png");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Create Connector
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISCreateConnector", (uiCmdCmdActFn)DoCreateConnector, uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_createconn);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_createconn, "-ISIS Create Cyphy Connector", "-ISIS Create Cyphy Connector Label", "-ISIS Create Cyphy Connector Description", MSGFIL);
	ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_createconn, "isis_create_connector.png");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Create Analysis Points
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISCreateAnalysisPoints", (uiCmdCmdActFn)DoCreateAnalysisPoints, uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_createanalysispoints);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_createanalysispoints, "-ISIS Create Analysis Point", "-ISIS Create Analysis Point Label", "-ISIS Create Analysis Point Description", MSGFIL);
	ProCmdIconSet(cmd_id_createanalysispoints, "isis_analysispoint.png");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Dump Position Matrices
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISDumpPosition", (uiCmdCmdActFn)DoDumpPosition, uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_dumpposition);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_dumpposition, "-ISIS Dump Position", "-ISIS Dump Position Label", "-ISIS Dump Position Description", MSGFIL);
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Test datum resolution
	status = ProCmdActionAdd("ISISDatumResolve", (uiCmdCmdActFn)DoDatumResolve, uiProe2ndImmediate, TestAccessAlways, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE, &cmd_id_datumresolve);
	status = ProCmdDesignate(cmd_id_datumresolve, "-ISIS Datum Resolve", "-ISIS Datum Resolve Label", "-ISIS Datum Resolve Description", MSGFIL);
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

	// Load ribbon
	status = ProRibbonDefinitionfileLoad(L"toolkitribbonui_asm.rbn");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;
	status = ProRibbonDefinitionfileLoad(L"toolkitribbonui_part.rbn");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;
	status = ProRibbonDefinitionfileLoad(L"toolkitribbonui_sheetm.rbn");
	if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) return status;

    /* Upon success */
    return PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;