Beispiel #1
void OMXPlayerVideo::Output(double pts, bool bDropPacket)
  if (!g_renderManager.IsStarted()) {
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - renderer not started", __FUNCTION__);

  if (CThread::m_bStop)

  // we aim to submit subtitles 100ms early
  const double preroll = DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(100);
  double media_pts = m_av_clock->OMXMediaTime();

  if (m_nextOverlay != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE && media_pts + preroll <= m_nextOverlay)

  int buffer = g_renderManager.WaitForBuffer(CThread::m_bStop);
  if (buffer < 0)

  double subtitle_pts = m_nextOverlay;
  double time = subtitle_pts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE ? subtitle_pts - media_pts : 0.0;

  if (m_nextOverlay != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)
    media_pts = m_nextOverlay;

  m_nextOverlay = NextOverlay(media_pts);


  time += m_av_clock->GetAbsoluteClock();
  g_renderManager.FlipPage(CThread::m_bStop, time/DVD_TIME_BASE);
Beispiel #2
void OMXPlayerVideo::Output(int iGroupId, double pts, bool bDropPacket)
  if (!g_renderManager.IsStarted()) {
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - renderer not started", __FUNCTION__);

  // calculate the time we need to delay this picture before displaying
  double iSleepTime, iClockSleep, iFrameSleep, iPlayingClock, iCurrentClock, iFrameDuration;

  iPlayingClock = m_av_clock->GetClock(iCurrentClock, false); // snapshot current clock
  iClockSleep = pts - iPlayingClock; //sleep calculated by pts to clock comparison
  iFrameSleep = m_FlipTimeStamp - iCurrentClock; // sleep calculated by duration of frame
  iFrameDuration = (double)DVD_TIME_BASE / m_fFrameRate; //pPacket->duration;

  // correct sleep times based on speed
    iClockSleep = iClockSleep * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / m_speed;
    iFrameSleep = iFrameSleep * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / abs(m_speed);
    iFrameDuration = iFrameDuration * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / abs(m_speed);
    iClockSleep = 0;
    iFrameSleep = 0;

  // dropping to a very low framerate is not correct (it should not happen at all)
  iClockSleep = min(iClockSleep, DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(500));
  iFrameSleep = min(iFrameSleep, DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(500));

  if( m_stalled )
    iSleepTime = iFrameSleep;
    iSleepTime = iFrameSleep + (iClockSleep - iFrameSleep) / m_autosync;

  // present the current pts of this frame to user, and include the actual
  // presentation delay, to allow him to adjust for it
  if( m_stalled )
    m_iCurrentPts = DVD_NOPTS_VALUE;
    m_iCurrentPts = pts - max(0.0, iSleepTime);

  // timestamp when we think next picture should be displayed based on current duration
  m_FlipTimeStamp  = iCurrentClock;
  m_FlipTimeStamp += max(0.0, iSleepTime);
  m_FlipTimeStamp += iFrameDuration;

  if( m_speed < 0 )
    if( iClockSleep < -DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(200))


#if 0
  if( m_speed != DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL)
    // calculate frame dropping pattern to render at this speed
    // we do that by deciding if this or next frame is closest
    // to the flip timestamp
    double current   = fabs(m_dropbase -  m_droptime);
    double next      = fabs(m_dropbase - (m_droptime + iFrameDuration));
    double frametime = (double)DVD_TIME_BASE / m_fFrameRate;

    m_droptime += iFrameDuration;
#ifndef PROFILE
    if( next < current /*&& !(pPicture->iFlags & DVP_FLAG_NOSKIP) */)
      return /*result | EOS_DROPPED*/;

    while(!m_bStop && m_dropbase < m_droptime)             m_dropbase += frametime;
    while(!m_bStop && m_dropbase - frametime > m_droptime) m_dropbase -= frametime;
    m_droptime = 0.0f;
    m_dropbase = 0.0f;
  m_droptime = 0.0f;
  m_dropbase = 0.0f;

  // DVDPlayer sleeps until m_iSleepEndTime here before calling FlipPage.
  // Video playback in asynchronous in OMXPlayer, so we don't want to do that here, as it prevents the video fifo from being kept full.
  // So, we keep track of when FlipPage would have been called on DVDPlayer and return early if it is not time.
  // m_iSleepEndTime == DVD_NOPTS_VALUE means we are not waiting to call FlipPage, otherwise it is the time we want to call FlipPage
  if (m_iSleepEndTime == DVD_NOPTS_VALUE) {
    m_iSleepEndTime = iCurrentClock + iSleepTime;

  if (!CThread::m_bStop && m_av_clock->GetAbsoluteClock(false) < m_iSleepEndTime + DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(500))

  double pts_media = m_av_clock->OMXMediaTime(false, false);
  ProcessOverlays(iGroupId, pts_media);

  g_renderManager.FlipPage(CThread::m_bStop, m_iSleepEndTime / DVD_TIME_BASE, -1, FS_NONE);

  m_iSleepEndTime = DVD_NOPTS_VALUE;

  //m_av_clock->WaitAbsoluteClock((iCurrentClock + iSleepTime));
Beispiel #3
void OMXPlayerVideo::Output(int iGroupId, double pts, bool bDropPacket)
  if (!g_renderManager.IsStarted()) {
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - renderer not started", __FUNCTION__);

  // calculate the time we need to delay this picture before displaying
  double iSleepTime, iClockSleep, iFrameSleep, iPlayingClock, iCurrentClock, iFrameDuration;

  iPlayingClock = m_av_clock->GetClock(iCurrentClock, false); // snapshot current clock
  iClockSleep = pts - iPlayingClock; //sleep calculated by pts to clock comparison
  iFrameSleep = m_FlipTimeStamp - iCurrentClock; // sleep calculated by duration of frame
  iFrameDuration = (double)DVD_TIME_BASE / m_fFrameRate; //pPacket->duration;

  // correct sleep times based on speed
    iClockSleep = iClockSleep * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / m_speed;
    iFrameSleep = iFrameSleep * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / abs(m_speed);
    iFrameDuration = iFrameDuration * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / abs(m_speed);
    iClockSleep = 0;
    iFrameSleep = 0;

  // dropping to a very low framerate is not correct (it should not happen at all)
  iClockSleep = min(iClockSleep, DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(500));
  iFrameSleep = min(iFrameSleep, DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(500));

  if( m_stalled )
    iSleepTime = iFrameSleep;
    iSleepTime = iFrameSleep + (iClockSleep - iFrameSleep) / m_autosync;

  // present the current pts of this frame to user, and include the actual
  // presentation delay, to allow him to adjust for it
  if( m_stalled )
    m_iCurrentPts = DVD_NOPTS_VALUE;
    m_iCurrentPts = pts - max(0.0, iSleepTime);

  // timestamp when we think next picture should be displayed based on current duration
  m_FlipTimeStamp  = iCurrentClock;
  m_FlipTimeStamp += max(0.0, iSleepTime);
  m_FlipTimeStamp += iFrameDuration;

  if( m_speed < 0 )
    if( iClockSleep < -DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(200))


#if 0
  if( m_speed != DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL)
    // calculate frame dropping pattern to render at this speed
    // we do that by deciding if this or next frame is closest
    // to the flip timestamp
    double current   = fabs(m_dropbase -  m_droptime);
    double next      = fabs(m_dropbase - (m_droptime + iFrameDuration));
    double frametime = (double)DVD_TIME_BASE / m_fFrameRate;

    m_droptime += iFrameDuration;
#ifndef PROFILE
    if( next < current /*&& !(pPicture->iFlags & DVP_FLAG_NOSKIP) */)
      return /*result | EOS_DROPPED*/;

    while(!m_bStop && m_dropbase < m_droptime)             m_dropbase += frametime;
    while(!m_bStop && m_dropbase - frametime > m_droptime) m_dropbase -= frametime;
    m_droptime = 0.0f;
    m_dropbase = 0.0f;
  m_droptime = 0.0f;
  m_dropbase = 0.0f;

  int buffer = g_renderManager.WaitForBuffer(m_bStop, 0);
  if (buffer < 0)

  double pts_overlay = m_av_clock->OMXMediaTime(false, false)
                     + 2* (double)DVD_TIME_BASE / g_graphicsContext.GetFPS();
  ProcessOverlays(iGroupId, pts_overlay);

  double timestamp = CDVDClock::GetAbsoluteClock(false) + 2 / g_graphicsContext.GetFPS();
  g_renderManager.FlipPage(CThread::m_bStop, timestamp, -1, FS_NONE);
void OMXPlayerVideo::Output(int iGroupId, double pts, bool bDropPacket)

  if (!g_renderManager.IsConfigured()
    || m_video_width != m_width
    || m_video_height != m_height
    || m_fps != m_fFrameRate)
    m_width   = m_video_width;
    m_height  = m_video_height;
    m_fps     = m_fFrameRate;

    unsigned flags = 0;
    ERenderFormat format = RENDER_FMT_BYPASS;

      m_bAllowFullscreen = false; // only allow on first configure

    if(m_flags & CONF_FLAGS_FORMAT_SBS)
      if(g_Windowing.Support3D(m_video_width, m_video_height, D3DPRESENTFLAG_MODE3DSBS))
        CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "3DSBS movie found");
        flags |= CONF_FLAGS_FORMAT_SBS;

    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s - change configuration. %dx%d. framerate: %4.2f. format: BYPASS",
        __FUNCTION__, m_width, m_height, m_fps);

    if(!g_renderManager.Configure(m_video_width, m_video_height, 
          m_video_width, m_video_height, m_fps, flags, format, 0,
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - failed to configure renderer", __FUNCTION__);

  if (!g_renderManager.IsStarted()) {
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - renderer not started", __FUNCTION__);

  // calculate the time we need to delay this picture before displaying
  double iSleepTime, iClockSleep, iFrameSleep, iPlayingClock, iCurrentClock, iFrameDuration;

  iPlayingClock = m_av_clock->GetClock(iCurrentClock, false); // snapshot current clock
  iClockSleep = pts - iPlayingClock; //sleep calculated by pts to clock comparison
  iFrameSleep = m_FlipTimeStamp - iCurrentClock; // sleep calculated by duration of frame
  iFrameDuration = (double)DVD_TIME_BASE / m_fFrameRate; //pPacket->duration;

  // correct sleep times based on speed
    iClockSleep = iClockSleep * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / m_speed;
    iFrameSleep = iFrameSleep * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / abs(m_speed);
    iFrameDuration = iFrameDuration * DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL / abs(m_speed);
    iClockSleep = 0;
    iFrameSleep = 0;

  // dropping to a very low framerate is not correct (it should not happen at all)
  iClockSleep = min(iClockSleep, DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(500));
  iFrameSleep = min(iFrameSleep, DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(500));

  if( m_stalled )
    iSleepTime = iFrameSleep;
    iSleepTime = iFrameSleep + (iClockSleep - iFrameSleep) / m_autosync;

  // present the current pts of this frame to user, and include the actual
  // presentation delay, to allow him to adjust for it
  if( m_stalled )
    m_iCurrentPts = DVD_NOPTS_VALUE;
    m_iCurrentPts = pts - max(0.0, iSleepTime);

  // timestamp when we think next picture should be displayed based on current duration
  m_FlipTimeStamp  = iCurrentClock;
  m_FlipTimeStamp += max(0.0, iSleepTime);
  m_FlipTimeStamp += iFrameDuration;

  if( m_speed < 0 )
    if( iClockSleep < -DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(200))


#if 0
  if( m_speed != DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL)
    // calculate frame dropping pattern to render at this speed
    // we do that by deciding if this or next frame is closest
    // to the flip timestamp
    double current   = fabs(m_dropbase -  m_droptime);
    double next      = fabs(m_dropbase - (m_droptime + iFrameDuration));
    double frametime = (double)DVD_TIME_BASE / m_fFrameRate;

    m_droptime += iFrameDuration;
#ifndef PROFILE
    if( next < current /*&& !(pPicture->iFlags & DVP_FLAG_NOSKIP) */)
      return /*result | EOS_DROPPED*/;

    while(!m_bStop && m_dropbase < m_droptime)             m_dropbase += frametime;
    while(!m_bStop && m_dropbase - frametime > m_droptime) m_dropbase -= frametime;
    m_droptime = 0.0f;
    m_dropbase = 0.0f;
  m_droptime = 0.0f;
  m_dropbase = 0.0f;

  double pts_media = m_av_clock->OMXMediaTime();
  ProcessOverlays(iGroupId, pts_media);

  while(!CThread::m_bStop && m_av_clock->GetAbsoluteClock(false) < (iCurrentClock + iSleepTime + DVD_MSEC_TO_TIME(500)) )

  g_renderManager.FlipPage(CThread::m_bStop, (iCurrentClock + iSleepTime) / DVD_TIME_BASE, -1, FS_NONE);

  //m_av_clock->WaitAbsoluteClock((iCurrentClock + iSleepTime));
Beispiel #5
CVideoPlayerVideo::EOutputState CVideoPlayerVideo::OutputPicture(const VideoPicture* pPicture)
  m_bAbortOutput = false;

  if (m_processInfo.GetVideoStereoMode() != pPicture->stereoMode)
    // signal about changes in video parameters
    m_messageParent.Put(new CDVDMsg(CDVDMsg::PLAYER_AVCHANGE));

  double config_framerate = m_bFpsInvalid ? 0.0 : m_fFrameRate;
  if (m_processInfo.GetVideoInterlaced())
    if (MathUtils::FloatEquals(config_framerate, 25.0, 0.02))
      config_framerate = 50.0;
    else if (MathUtils::FloatEquals(config_framerate, 29.97, 0.02))
      config_framerate = 59.94;

  int sorient = m_processInfo.GetVideoSettings().m_Orientation;
  int orientation = sorient != 0 ? (sorient + m_hints.orientation) % 360
                                 : m_hints.orientation;

  if (!m_renderManager.Configure(*pPicture,
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - failed to configure renderer", __FUNCTION__);
    return OUTPUT_ABORT;

  //try to calculate the framerate
  if (!m_stalled)

  // signal to clock what our framerate is, it may want to adjust it's
  // speed to better match with our video renderer's output speed

  // calculate the time we need to delay this picture before displaying
  double iPlayingClock, iCurrentClock;

  iPlayingClock = m_pClock->GetClock(iCurrentClock, false); // snapshot current clock

  if (m_speed < 0)
    double renderPts;
    int queued, discard;
    int lateframes;
    double inputPts = m_droppingStats.m_lastPts;
    m_renderManager.GetStats(lateframes, renderPts, queued, discard);
    if (pPicture->pts > renderPts || queued > 0)
      if (inputPts >= renderPts)
        m_rewindStalled = true;
      return OUTPUT_DROPPED;
    else if (pPicture->pts < iPlayingClock)
      return OUTPUT_DROPPED;

  if ((pPicture->iFlags & DVP_FLAG_DROPPED))
    m_droppingStats.AddOutputDropGain(pPicture->pts, 1);
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s - dropped in output", __FUNCTION__);
    return OUTPUT_DROPPED;

  int timeToDisplay = DVD_TIME_TO_MSEC(pPicture->pts - iPlayingClock);

  // make sure waiting time is not negative
  int maxWaitTime = std::min(std::max(timeToDisplay + 500, 50), 500);
  // don't wait when going ff
  if (m_speed > DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL)
    maxWaitTime = std::max(timeToDisplay, 0);
  int buffer = m_renderManager.WaitForBuffer(m_bAbortOutput, maxWaitTime);
  if (buffer < 0)
    return OUTPUT_AGAIN;

  ProcessOverlays(pPicture, pPicture->pts);

  deintMethod = m_processInfo.GetVideoSettings().m_InterlaceMethod;
  if (!m_processInfo.Supports(deintMethod))
    deintMethod = m_processInfo.GetDeinterlacingMethodDefault();

  if (!m_renderManager.AddVideoPicture(*pPicture, m_bAbortOutput, deintMethod, (m_syncState == ESyncState::SYNC_STARTING)))
    m_droppingStats.AddOutputDropGain(pPicture->pts, 1);
    return OUTPUT_DROPPED;
