PsychError SCREENWaitBlanking(void) 
    PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord;
    int waitFrames, framesWaited;
    double tvbl, ifi;
    long screenwidth, screenheight;
    int vbl_startline, beampos, lastline;
    psych_uint64 vblCount, vblRefCount;
    CGDirectDisplayID	cgDisplayID;
    GLint read_buffer, draw_buffer;
    // All subfunctions should have these two lines.  
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(2));     //The maximum number of inputs
    PsychErrorExit(PsychRequireNumInputArgs(1)); //The required number of inputs	
    PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(1));    //The maximum number of outputs
    // Get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Tried to call 'WaitBlanking' on something else than an onscreen window!");
    // Get the number of frames to wait:
    waitFrames = 0;
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(2, FALSE, &waitFrames);

	// We default to wait at least one interval if no argument supplied:
    waitFrames = (waitFrames < 1) ? 1 : waitFrames;
    // Enable this windowRecords framebuffer as current drawingtarget:
    // This is needed to make sure that Offscreen windows work propely.
    // Retrieve display handle for beamposition queries:
    PsychGetCGDisplayIDFromScreenNumber(&cgDisplayID, windowRecord->screenNumber);
    // Retrieve final vbl_startline, aka physical height of the display in pixels:
    PsychGetScreenSize(windowRecord->screenNumber, &screenwidth, &screenheight);
    vbl_startline = (int) screenheight;
    // Query duration of a monitor refresh interval: We try to use the measured interval,
	// but fallback of the nominal value reported by the operating system if necessary:
    if ((ifi = windowRecord->VideoRefreshInterval)<=0) {
        if (PsychGetNominalFramerate(windowRecord->screenNumber) > 0) {
            // Valid nominal framerate returned by OS: Calculate nominal IFI from it.
            ifi = 1.0 / ((double) PsychGetNominalFramerate(windowRecord->screenNumber));        
        else {
            // No reasonable value available! We fallback to an assumed 60 Hz refresh...
            ifi = 1.0 / 60.0;
    // Query vblcount to test if this method works correctly:
    PsychOSGetVBLTimeAndCount(windowRecord, &vblRefCount);
    // Check if beamposition queries are supported by this OS and working properly:
    if (-1 != PsychGetDisplayBeamPosition(cgDisplayID, windowRecord->screenNumber) && windowRecord->VBL_Endline >= 0) {
        // Beamposition queries supported and fine. We can wait for VBL without bufferswap-tricks:
        // This is the OS-X way of doing things. We query the rasterbeamposition and compare it
        // to the known values for the VBL area. If we enter VBL, we take a timestamp and return -
        // or wait for the next VBL if waitFrames>0
        // Query current beamposition when entering WaitBlanking:
        beampos = PsychGetDisplayBeamPosition(cgDisplayID, windowRecord->screenNumber);
        // Are we in VBL when entering WaitBlanking? If so, we should wait for one additional frame,
        // because by definition, WaitBlanking should always wait for at least one monitor refresh
        // interval...
        if ((beampos<=windowRecord->VBL_Endline) && (beampos>=vbl_startline)) waitFrames++;
        while(waitFrames > 0) {
            // Enough time for a sleep? If the beam is far away from VBL area, we try to sleep to
            // yield some CPU time to other processes in the system -- we are nice citizens ;)
            beampos = PsychGetDisplayBeamPosition(cgDisplayID, windowRecord->screenNumber);
            while (( ((float)(vbl_startline - beampos)) / (float) windowRecord->VBL_Endline * ifi) > 0.003) {
                // At least 3 milliseconds left until retrace. We sleep for 1 millisecond.
                beampos = PsychGetDisplayBeamPosition(cgDisplayID, windowRecord->screenNumber);
            // Less than 3 ms away from retrace. Busy-Wait for retrace...
			lastline = PsychGetDisplayBeamPosition(cgDisplayID, windowRecord->screenNumber);
			beampos = lastline;
			while ((beampos < vbl_startline) && (beampos >= lastline)) {
				lastline = beampos;
				beampos = (long) PsychGetDisplayBeamPosition(cgDisplayID, windowRecord->screenNumber);
            // Retrace! Take system timestamp of VBL onset:
            // If this wasn't the last frame to wait, we need to wait for end of retrace before
            // repeating the loop, because otherwise we would detect the same VBL and skip frames.
            // If it is the last frame, we skip it and return as quickly as possible to save the
            // Matlab script some extra Millisecond for drawing...
            if (waitFrames>1) { 
                beampos = vbl_startline;
                while ((beampos<=windowRecord->VBL_Endline) && (beampos>=vbl_startline)) { beampos = PsychGetDisplayBeamPosition(cgDisplayID, windowRecord->screenNumber); };
            // Done with this refresh interval...
            // Decrement remaining number of frames to wait:
    else if (vblRefCount > 0) {
        // Display beamposition queries unsupported, but vblank count queries seem to work. Try those.
        // Should work on Linux and OS/X:
        while(waitFrames > 0) {
            vblCount = vblRefCount;

            // Wait for next vblank counter increment - aka start of next frame (its vblank):
            while (vblCount == vblRefCount) {
                // Requery:
                PsychOSGetVBLTimeAndCount(windowRecord, &vblCount);
                // Yield at least 100 usecs. This is accurate as this code-path
                // only executes on OS/X and Linux, never on Windows (as of 01/06/2011):

            vblRefCount = vblCount;
            // Done with this refresh interval...
            // Decrement remaining number of frames to wait:
    else {            
        // Other methods unsupported. We use the doublebuffer swap method of waiting for retrace.
        // Working principle: On each frame, we first copy the content of the (user visible) frontbuffer into the backbuffer.
        // Then we ask the OS to perform a front-backbuffer swap on next vertical retrace and go to sleep via glFinish() et al.
        // until the OS signals swap-completion. This way PTB's/Matlabs execution will stall until VBL, when swap happens and
        // we get woken up. We repeat this procedure 'waitFrames' times, then we take a high precision timestamp and exit the
        // Waitblanking loop. As backbuffer and frontbuffer are identical (due to the copy) at swap time, the visual display
        // won't change at all for the subject.
        // This method should work reliably, but it has one drawback: A random wakeup delay (scheduling jitter) is added after
        // retrace has been entered, so Waitblanking returns only after the beam has left retrace state on older hardware.
        // This means a bit less time (1 ms?) for stimulus drawing on Windows than on OS-X where Waitblanking returns faster. 
        // Child protection:
        if (windowRecord->windowType != kPsychDoubleBufferOnscreen) {
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "WaitBlanking tried to perform swap-waiting on a single buffered window!");
        // Setup buffers for front->back copy op:
        // Backup old read- writebuffer assignments:
        glGetIntegerv(GL_READ_BUFFER, &read_buffer);
        glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_BUFFER, &draw_buffer);
        // Set read- and writebuffer properly:
        // Reset viewport to full-screen default:
        glViewport(0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight);                
        glScissor(0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight);                
        // Reset color buffer writemask to "All enabled":
        glColorMask(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);

		// Disable draw shader:
		PsychSetShader(windowRecord, 0);

        // Swap-Waiting loop for 'waitFrames' frames:
        while(waitFrames > 0) {
            // Copy current content of front buffer into backbuffer:
            glRasterPos2i(0, screenheight);
            glCopyPixels(0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight, GL_COLOR);            
            // Ok, front- and backbuffer are now identical, so a bufferswap
            // will be a visual no-op.
            // Enable beamsyncing of bufferswaps to VBL:
            PsychOSSetVBLSyncLevel(windowRecord, 1);                
            // Trigger bufferswap in sync with retrace:
            // Wait for swap-completion, aka beginning of VBL:
            // VBL happened - Take system timestamp:
            // This code-chunk is an alternate way of syncing, only used for debugging:
            if (false) {
                // Disable beamsyncing of bufferswaps to VBL:
                PsychOSSetVBLSyncLevel(windowRecord, 0);                
                // Swap buffers immediately without vsync:
            // Decrement remaining number of frames to wait:
        } // Do it again...
        // Enable beamsyncing of bufferswaps to VBL:
        PsychOSSetVBLSyncLevel(windowRecord, 1);                
        // Restore assignment of read- writebuffers and such:
        // Done with Windows waitblanking...
    // Compute number of frames waited: It is timestamp of return of this waitblanking minus
    // timestamp of return of last waitblanking, divided by duration of a monitor refresh
    // interval, mathematically rounded to an integral number:
    framesWaited = (int) (((tvbl - windowRecord->time_at_last_vbl) / ifi) + 0.5f);
    // Update timestamp for next invocation of Waitblanking:
    windowRecord->time_at_last_vbl = tvbl;
    // Return optional number of frames waited:
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, (double) framesWaited);
    // Done.
// Callback handler for Window manager: Handles some events
LONG FAR PASCAL WndProc(HWND hWnd, unsigned uMsg, unsigned wParam, LONG lParam)
  static PAINTSTRUCT ps;
  PsychWindowRecordType	**windowRecordArray;
  int i, numWindows; 

  // What event happened?
  switch(uMsg) {
      // System command received: We intercept system commands that would start
      // the screensaver or put the display into powersaving sleep-mode:
      switch(wParam) {
		// Left mouse button depressed:
		mousebutton_l = TRUE;

		// Left mouse button released:
		mousebutton_l = FALSE;

		// Middle mouse button depressed:
		mousebutton_m = TRUE;

		// Middle mouse button released:
		mousebutton_m = FALSE;

		// Right mouse button depressed:
		mousebutton_r = TRUE;

		// Right mouse button released:
		mousebutton_r = FALSE;
    case WM_PAINT:
      // Repaint event: This happens if a previously covered non-fullscreen window
      // got uncovered, so part of it needs to be redrawn. PTB's rendering model
      // doesn't have a concept of redrawing a stimulus. As this is mostly useful
      // for debugging, we just do a double doublebuffer swap in the hope that this
      // will restore the frontbuffer...
      BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
      EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
      // Scan the list of windows to find onscreen window with handle hWnd:
      PsychCreateVolatileWindowRecordPointerList(&numWindows, &windowRecordArray);
      for(i = 0; i < numWindows; i++) {
			if (PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecordArray[i]) &&
	    		 windowRecordArray[i]->targetSpecific.windowHandle == hWnd &&
				 windowRecordArray[i]->stereomode == 0) {
	  			// This is it! Initiate bufferswap twice:
      // Done.
      return 0;

    case WM_SIZE:
      // Window resize event: Only happens in debug-mode (non-fullscreen).
      // We resize the viewport accordingly and then trigger a repaint-op.
      glViewport(0, 0, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
      PostMessage(hWnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0);
      // printf("\nPTB-INFO: Onscreen window resized to: %i x %i.\n", (int) LOWORD(lParam), (int) HIWORD(lParam));
      return 0;

    case WM_CLOSE:
      // WM_CLOSE falls through to WM_CHAR and emulates an Abort-key press.
      // -> Manually closing an onscreen window does the same as pressing the Abort-key.
    case WM_CHAR:
      // Character received. We only care about one key, the '@' key.
      // Pressing '@' will immediately close all onscreen windows, show
      // the cursor and such. It is the emergency stop key.
      if (wParam=='@') {
	// Emergency shutdown:
	printf("\nPTB-INFO: Master-Abort key '@' pressed by user.\n");
	printf("PTB-INFO: Enforcing script abortion and restoring desktop by executing Screen('CloseAll') now!\n");
	printf("PTB-INFO: Please ignore the false error message (INTERNAL PSYCHTOOLBOX ERROR) caused by this...\n");

    return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);