Beispiel #1
void PsychGLColor4f(PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord, float r, float g, float b, float a)
    double colors[4];
    colors[0] = r;
    colors[1] = g;
    colors[2] = b;
    colors[3] = a;
    PsychSetArrayColor(windowRecord, 0, 4, colors, NULL);
PsychError SCREENFrameOval(void)  
	PsychRectType			rect;
	double					numSlices, outerRadius, xScale, yScale, xTranslate, yTranslate, rectY, rectX, penWidth, penHeight, penSize, innerRadius;
	PsychWindowRecordType	*windowRecord;
	psych_bool				isArgThere, isclassic;
    double					*xy, *colors;
	unsigned char			*bytecolors;
	double*					penSizes;
	int						numRects, i, nc, mc, nrsize;
	GLUquadricObj			*diskQuadric;

	//all sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
	//check for superfluous arguments
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(6));   //The maximum number of inputs
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));  //The maximum number of outputs

	//get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
	PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);

	// Query, allocate and copy in all vectors...
	numRects = 4;
	nrsize = 0;
	colors = NULL;
	bytecolors = NULL;
	mc = nc = 0;
	// The negative position -3 means: xy coords are expected at position 3, but they are optional.
	// NULL means - don't want a size's vector.
	PsychPrepareRenderBatch(windowRecord, -3, &numRects, &xy, 2, &nc, &mc, &colors, &bytecolors, 4, &nrsize, &penSizes, FALSE);
    isclassic = PsychIsGLClassic(windowRecord);

	// Only up to one rect provided?
	if (numRects <= 1) {
		// Get the oval and draw it:
		PsychCopyRect(rect, windowRecord->clientrect);
		isArgThere=PsychCopyInRectArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, FALSE, rect);	
		if (isArgThere && IsPsychRectEmpty(rect)) return(PsychError_none);
		numRects = 1;

		// Get the pen width and height arguments
		PsychCopyInDoubleArg(4, FALSE, &penWidth);
		PsychCopyInDoubleArg(5, FALSE, &penHeight);
		penSize = (penWidth > penHeight) ? penWidth : penHeight;
	else {
		// Multiple ovals provided. Set up the first one:
        PsychCopyRect(rect, &xy[0]);
		penSize = penSizes[0];

	// Create quadric object:
	if (isclassic) diskQuadric = gluNewQuadric();

	// Draw all ovals (one or multiple):
	for (i=0; i < numRects;) {
		// Per oval color provided? If so then set it up. If only one common color
		// was provided then PsychPrepareRenderBatch() has already set it up.
		if (nc>1) {
			// Yes. Set color for this specific item:
			PsychSetArrayColor(windowRecord, i, mc, colors, bytecolors);

		// Per oval penSize provided? If so, set it up. Otherwise keep at default size
		// common for all ovals, set by code outside loop:
		if (nrsize > 1) penSize = penSizes[i];

		// Compute drawing parameters for ellipse:
		if (!IsPsychRectEmpty(rect)) {
			//The glu disk object location and size with a  center point and a radius,   
			//whereas FrameOval accepts a bounding rect. Converting from one set of parameters
			//to the other we should careful what we do for rects size of even number of pixels in length.
			PsychGetCenterFromRectAbsolute(rect, &xTranslate, &yTranslate);
			if(rectX == rectY){
			}else if(rectX > rectY){ 
			}else {
			numSlices   =   3.14159265358979323846  * 2 * outerRadius;
			innerRadius = outerRadius - penSize;
			innerRadius = (innerRadius < 0) ? 0 : innerRadius;         

            if (isclassic) {
                // Draw: Set up position, scale and size via matrix transform:
                glTranslated(xTranslate, yTranslate, 0);
                glScaled(xScale, yScale, 1);

                // Compute disk quadric for given params: This is awfully slow and would
                // benefit a lot from shader magic on modern GPUs:
                gluDisk(diskQuadric, innerRadius, outerRadius, (int) numSlices, 1);
            else {
                PsychDrawDisc(windowRecord, (float) xTranslate, (float) yTranslate, (float) innerRadius, (float) outerRadius, (int) numSlices, (float) xScale, (float) yScale, 0, 360);
		// Done with this one. Set up the next one, if any...
		if (i < numRects) {
            PsychCopyRect(rect, &xy[i*4]);

		// Next oval.

	// Release quadric object:
	if (isclassic) gluDeleteQuadric(diskQuadric);

	// Mark end of drawing op. This is needed for single buffered drawing:
 	// All Psychfunctions require this.
PsychError SCREENFillOval(void)  
	PsychRectType			rect;
	double					numSlices, radius, xScale, yScale, xTranslate, yTranslate, rectY, rectX;
	PsychWindowRecordType	*windowRecord;
	psych_bool				isArgThere;
    double					*xy, *colors;
	unsigned char			*bytecolors;
	int						numRects, i, nc, mc, nrsize;
	GLUquadricObj			*diskQuadric;
	double					perfectUpToMaxDiameter;
	static double			perfectUpToMaxDiameterOld = 0;

	//all sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
	//check for superfluous arguments
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(4));   //The maximum number of inputs
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));  //The maximum number of outputs

	//get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
	PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, TRUE, &windowRecord);

	perfectUpToMaxDiameter = PsychGetWidthFromRect(windowRecord->clientrect);
	if (PsychGetHeightFromRect(windowRecord->clientrect) < perfectUpToMaxDiameter) perfectUpToMaxDiameter = PsychGetHeightFromRect(windowRecord->clientrect);
	PsychCopyInDoubleArg(4, kPsychArgOptional, &perfectUpToMaxDiameter);
	if ((perfectUpToMaxDiameter != perfectUpToMaxDiameterOld) || (windowRecord->fillOvalDisplayList == 0)) {
		perfectUpToMaxDiameterOld = perfectUpToMaxDiameter;

		// Compute number of subdivisions (slices) to provide a perfect oval, i.e., one subdivision for each
		// distance unit on the circumference of the oval.
		numSlices=3.14159265358979323846 * perfectUpToMaxDiameter;

		// Destroy old display list so it gets rebuilt with the new numSlices setting:
		if (windowRecord->fillOvalDisplayList != 0) {
			glDeleteLists(windowRecord->fillOvalDisplayList, 1);
			windowRecord->fillOvalDisplayList = 0;

	// Already cached display list for filled ovals for this windowRecord available?
	if (windowRecord->fillOvalDisplayList == 0) {
		// Nope. Create our prototypical filled oval:
		// Generate a filled disk of that radius and subdivision and store it in a display list:
		windowRecord->fillOvalDisplayList = glGenLists(1);
		glNewList(windowRecord->fillOvalDisplayList, GL_COMPILE);
		gluDisk(diskQuadric, 0, 1, (int) numSlices, 1);
		// Display list ready for use in this and all future drawing calls for this windowRecord.

	// Query, allocate and copy in all vectors...
	numRects = 4;
	nrsize = 0;
	colors = NULL;
	bytecolors = NULL;
	mc = nc = 0;
	// The negative position -3 means: xy coords are expected at position 3, but they are optional.
	// NULL means - don't want a size's vector.
	PsychPrepareRenderBatch(windowRecord, -3, &numRects, &xy, 2, &nc, &mc, &colors, &bytecolors, 0, &nrsize, NULL);

	// Only up to one rect provided?
	if (numRects <= 1) {
		// Get the oval and draw it:
		PsychCopyRect(rect, windowRecord->clientrect);
		isArgThere=PsychCopyInRectArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, FALSE, rect);	
		if (isArgThere && IsPsychRectEmpty(rect)) return(PsychError_none);
		numRects = 1;
	else {
		// Multiple ovals provided. Set up the first one:
		PsychCopyRect(rect, &xy[0]);

	// Draw all ovals (one or multiple):
	for (i=0; i<numRects;) {
		// Per oval color provided? If so then set it up. If only one common color
		// was provided then PsychPrepareRenderBatch() has already set it up.
		if (nc>1) {
			// Yes. Set color for this specific item:
			PsychSetArrayColor(windowRecord, i, mc, colors, bytecolors);

		// Compute drawing parameters for ellipse:
		if (!IsPsychRectEmpty(rect)) {
			//The glu disk object location and size with a  center point and a radius,   
			//whereas FillOval accepts a bounding rect.   Converting from one set of parameters
			//to the other we should careful what we do for rects size of even number of pixels in length.
			PsychGetCenterFromRectAbsolute(rect, &xTranslate, &yTranslate);
			if(rectX == rectY){
			}else if(rectX > rectY){ 
			}else if(rectY > rectX){
			// Draw: Set up position, scale and size via matrix transform:
			glScaled(xScale * radius, yScale * radius, 1);
			// Draw cached disk object (stored in display list):
			// Done.
		// Done with this one. Set up the next one, if any...
		if (i < numRects) PsychCopyRect(rect, &xy[i*4]);

		// Next oval.
	// Mark end of drawing op. This is needed for single buffered drawing:

 	//All psychfunctions require this.
PsychError SCREENFrameRect(void)  
	PsychColorType					color;
	PsychRectType					rect;
	PsychWindowRecordType			*windowRecord;
	int								whiteValue;
	psych_bool							isArgThere;
	double							penSize, lf, fudge;
	GLdouble						dVals[4]; 
    double							*xy, *colors, *penSizes;
	unsigned char					*bytecolors;
	int								numRects, i, j, nc, mc, nrsize;

	//all sub functions should have these two lines
	PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);
	//check for superfluous arguments
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumInputArgs(4));   //The maximum number of inputs
	PsychErrorExit(PsychCapNumOutputArgs(0));  //The maximum number of outputs

	// Get tweakable correction factor for framerect:
	lf = PsychPrefStateGet_FrameRectCorrection();

	//get the window record from the window record argument and get info from the window record
	PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &windowRecord);
	// Query, allocate and copy in all vectors...
	numRects = 4;
	nrsize = 0;
	colors = NULL;
	bytecolors = NULL;
	penSizes = NULL;
	// The negative position -3 means: xy coords are expected at position 3, but they are optional.
	// NULL means - don't want a size's vector.
	PsychPrepareRenderBatch(windowRecord, -3, &numRects, &xy, 2, &nc, &mc, &colors, &bytecolors, 4, &nrsize, &penSizes);

	// Default rect is fullscreen:
	PsychCopyRect(rect, windowRecord->rect);

	// Only up to one rect provided?
	if (numRects <= 1) {
		// Get the rect and draw it
		isArgThere=PsychCopyInRectArg(kPsychUseDefaultArgPosition, FALSE, rect);	
		if (isArgThere && IsPsychRectEmpty(rect)) return(PsychError_none);
		numRects = 1;

	// Pen size starts as "undefined", just to make sure it gets initially set:
	penSize = -DBL_MAX;
	// Framed rect drawing loop:
	for (i=0; i<numRects; i++) {
		// Multiple rects to draw or single iteration to draw provided rect?
		if (numRects > 1) {
			// Multi-Rect drawing: Assign next rect from array and setup corresponding
			// color and penSize...

			// Assign rect:
			rect[kPsychLeft] = xy[i*4 + 0];
			rect[kPsychTop] = xy[i*4 + 1];
			rect[kPsychRight] = xy[i*4 + 2];
			rect[kPsychBottom] = xy[i*4 + 3];

			// Per rect color provided?
			if (nc>1) {
				// Yes. Set color for this specific rect:
				PsychSetArrayColor(windowRecord, i, mc, colors, bytecolors);
		else {
			// Only one single rect to draw in this single loop iteration.
			// The rect is already set up in 'rect', and the drawing color has
			// been set as well by PsychPrepareRenderBatch(). penSize has been
			// set by that routine as well in penSizes[0], so we don't have
			// anything to do here...
			// NO OP.
		j = (nrsize > 1) ? i : 0; 
		if (penSizes[j] != penSize) {
			penSize = penSizes[j];
			if (lf != -1) glLineWidth((GLfloat) penSize);
		if (IsPsychRectEmpty(rect)) continue;

		if (lf == -1) {
			// New style rendering: More robust against variations in GPU implementations:
			fudge = penSize;
			glRectd(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychTop], rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychTop] + fudge);
			glRectd(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychBottom], rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychBottom] - fudge);
			glRectd(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychTop]+fudge, rect[kPsychLeft]+fudge, rect[kPsychBottom]-fudge);
			glRectd(rect[kPsychRight]-fudge, rect[kPsychTop]+fudge, rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychBottom]-fudge);
		else {
			// Old style: Has a couple of problems in corner cases. Left for now as reference...
			if (penSize > 1) {
				// Width > 1
				fudge = (penSize > 1) ? lf * penSize/2 : 0.0;
				// Draw 4 separate segments, extend the left and right
				// vertical segments by half a penWidth.
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychTop] - fudge);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychBottom] + fudge);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychTop]);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychTop]);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychBottom] + fudge);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychTop] - fudge);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychBottom]);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychBottom]);
			else {
				// Width <= 1: Simple case...
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychBottom]);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychLeft], rect[kPsychTop]);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychTop]);
				glVertex2d(rect[kPsychRight], rect[kPsychBottom]);
		// Next rect...
	// Need to reset line width?
	if (penSize!=1 && lf!=-1) glLineWidth(1);

	// Mark end of drawing op. This is needed for single buffered drawing:

// Batch-drawing version of DrawTexture:
PsychError SCREENDrawTextures(void) 
	// If you change useString then also change the corresponding synopsis string in ScreenSynopsis.c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
	static char useString[] = "Screen('DrawTextures', windowPointer, texturePointer(s) [, sourceRect(s)] [, destinationRect(s)] [, rotationAngle(s)] [, filterMode(s)] [, globalAlpha(s)] [, modulateColor(s)] [, textureShader] [, specialFlags] [, auxParameters]);";
	//                                               1              2                    3                 4                      5                    6                 7				    8					9				 10					11
	static char synopsisString[] = "Draw many textures at once, either one texture to many locations or many textures.\n"
	"This function accepts the same parameters as Screen('DrawTexture'), but it is optimized for drawing many textures. "
	"You can leave out each argument, a default setting will be used in that case, provide it once to apply it to all "
	"drawn items, or provide a vector or matrix with a individual setting for each drawn item. If you provide multiple "
	"settings per argument, then the number must match between all arguments.\n\n"
	"a) One texture drawn to different locations at different orientations: Provide one texture handle for the texturePointer, "
	"a 4 row by n columns matrix for 'destinationRect' to provide target rectangles for n locations, provide a n component "
	"vector of 'rotationAngles' for the n different orientations of the n drawn texture patches.\n"
	"b) n textures drawn to n different locations: Same as a) but provide a n component vector of 'texturePointers' one for "
	"each texture to be drawn to one of n locations at n angles.\n";

	PsychWindowRecordType			*source, *target;
	PsychRectType					sourceRect, targetRect, tempRect;
	PsychColorType					color;
    double							*dstRects, *srcRects, *colors, *penSizes, *globalAlphas, *filterModes, *rotationAngles;
	unsigned char					*bytecolors;
	int								numTexs, numdstRects, numsrcRects, i, nc, mc, nrsize, m, n, p, numAngles, numFilterModes, numAlphas, numRef;
	double*							texids;
	double							rotationAngle, globalAlpha, filterMode;
	double*							auxParameters;
	int								numAuxParams, numAuxComponents;

    psych_bool isclassic;
	int textureShader, backupShader;
	int specialFlags = 0;

    //all subfunctions should have these two lines.  
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);
    //Get the window structure for the onscreen window.  It holds the onscreen GL context which we will need in the
    //final step when we copy the texture from system RAM onto the screen.
	// The target window is a fixed parameter:
    PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, kPsychArgRequired, &target);

    // Classic OpenGL-1/2?
    isclassic = PsychIsGLClassic(target);
	// First get all source texture handles:
	PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &m, &n, &p, &texids);
	if ((p!=1) || (m>1 && n!=1) || (n>1 && m!=1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The second argument must be either a row- or columnvector of valid texture handles.");
	// This is the number of texture handles:
	numTexs = m * n;

	// Only one texture?
	if (numTexs == 1) {
		// Yes. Allocate it in the conventional way:
		PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(2, kPsychArgRequired, &source);
		if(source->windowType!=kPsychTexture) {
			PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The second argument supplied was not a texture handle!");

	// Query, allocate and copy in all vectors...
	numdstRects = 4;
	nrsize = 0;
	colors = NULL;
	bytecolors = NULL;
	penSizes = NULL;
	// The negative position -4 means: dstRects coords are expected at position 4, but they are optional.
	// NULL means - don't want a size's vector.
	PsychPrepareRenderBatch(target, -4, &numdstRects, &dstRects, 8, &nc, &mc, &colors, &bytecolors, 5, &nrsize, &penSizes, FALSE);

	// At this point, target is set up as target window, i.e. its GL-Context is active, it is set as drawing target,
	// alpha blending is set up according to Screen('BlendFunction'), and the drawing color is set if it is a singular one.
	if (nc <= 1) {
		// Only one - or no - color provided. One or none?
		if(PsychCopyInColorArg(8, kPsychArgOptional, &color)) {
			// One global modulate color provided:

			// Setup global vertex color as modulate color for texture drawing:
			PsychSetGLColor(&color, target);
		else {
			// No modulateColor provided: Don't use this parameter:
			nc = 0;

	// Try to get source rects:
	if (PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(3, kPsychArgOptional, &m, &n, &p, &srcRects)) {
		if ((p!=1) || (m!=1 && m!=4)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The third argument must be either empty, or a single srcRect 4 component row vector, or a 4 row by n column matrix with srcRects for all objects to draw, not a 3D matrix!");
		// Ok, its a one row or four row matrix:
		if (m==4) {
			// Potentially multiple source rects provided:
			numsrcRects = n;
		else {
			// Its a one row vector: This is either a single srcRect for all textures, or something invalid:
			if (n!=4) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The third argument must be either empty, or a single srcRect 4 component row vector, or a 4 row by n column matrix with srcRects for all objects to draw!");
			// Single srcRect provided:
			numsrcRects = 1;
	else {
		// No srcRects provided:
		numsrcRects = 0;
	// Optional rotation angles:
	if (PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(5, kPsychArgOptional, &m, &n, &p, &rotationAngles)) {
		if ((p!=1) || (m>1 && n!=1) || (n>1 && m!=1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The fifth argument must be either a row- or columnvector of rotation angles.");
	numAngles = m * n;

	// Default to 0 degree rotation -- upright drawing:
	rotationAngle = (numAngles == 1) ? rotationAngles[0] : 0.0;
	// Optional filter modes:
	if (PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(6, kPsychArgOptional, &m, &n, &p, &filterModes)) {
		if ((p!=1) || (m>1 && n!=1) || (n>1 && m!=1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The sixth argument must be either a row- or columnvector of filterModes.");
	numFilterModes = m * n;

	// Default to bilinear filtering:
	filterMode = (numFilterModes == 1) ? filterModes[0] : 1;
	// Optional globalAlphas:
	if (PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(7, kPsychArgOptional, &m, &n, &p, &globalAlphas)) {
		if ((p!=1) || (m>1 && n!=1) || (n>1 && m!=1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The seventh argument must be either a row- or columnvector of globalAlpha values.");
	numAlphas = m * n;
	globalAlpha = (numAlphas == 1) ? globalAlphas[0] : 1.0;
	// Optional auxParameters:
	auxParameters = NULL;
	if (PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(11, kPsychArgOptional, &m, &n, &p, &auxParameters)) {
		if ((p!=1) || (m < 4) || ((m % 4) !=0)|| (n < 1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The 11th argument must be a column vector or matrix of 'auxParameter' values with at least 4 components and component count a multiple of four.");
	numAuxParams = n;
	numAuxComponents = m;
	// Check for consistency: Each parameter must be either not present, present once,
	// or present as many times as all other multi-parameters:
	numRef = (numsrcRects > numdstRects) ? numsrcRects : numdstRects;
	numRef = (numRef > numTexs) ? numRef : numTexs;
	numRef = (numRef > nc) ? numRef : nc;
	numRef = (numRef > numAlphas) ? numRef : numAlphas;
	numRef = (numRef > numFilterModes) ? numRef : numFilterModes;
	numRef = (numRef > numAngles) ? numRef : numAngles;
	numRef = (numRef > numAuxParams) ? numRef : numAuxParams;

	if (numTexs > 1 && numTexs != numRef) {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: Number of provided texture handles %i doesn't match number of other primitives %i!\n", numTexs, numRef);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Inconsistent number of arguments provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");

	if (numsrcRects > 1 && numsrcRects != numRef) {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: Number of provided source rectangles %i doesn't match number of other primitives %i!\n", numsrcRects, numRef);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Inconsistent number of arguments provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");
	if (numdstRects > 1 && numdstRects != numRef) {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: Number of provided destination rectangles %i doesn't match number of other primitives %i!\n", numdstRects, numRef);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Inconsistent number of arguments provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");
	if (numAngles > 1 && numAngles != numRef) {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: Number of provided rotation angles %i doesn't match number of other primitives %i!\n", numAngles, numRef);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Inconsistent number of arguments provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");

	if (numAlphas > 1 && numAlphas != numRef) {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: Number of provided global alpha values %i doesn't match number of other primitives %i!\n", numAlphas, numRef);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Inconsistent number of arguments provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");

	if (numFilterModes > 1 && numFilterModes != numRef) {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: Number of provided filtermode values %i doesn't match number of other primitives %i!\n", numFilterModes, numRef);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Inconsistent number of arguments provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");

	if (nc > 1 && nc != numRef) {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: Number of provided modulateColors %i doesn't match number of other primitives %i!\n", nc, numRef);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Inconsistent number of arguments provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");

	if (numAuxParams > 1 && numAuxParams != numRef) {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: Number of provided 'auxParameter' column vectors %i doesn't match number of other primitives %i!\n", numAuxParams, numRef);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Inconsistent number of arguments provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");

	// Assign optional override texture shader, if any provided:
	textureShader = -1;
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(9, kPsychArgOptional, &textureShader);

	// Assign any other optional special flags:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(10, kPsychArgOptional, &specialFlags);

	// Ok, everything consistent so far.
	// Texture blitting loop:
	for (i=0; i < numRef; i++) {
		// Draw i'th texture:
		// Check if more than one texture provided. If not then the one single texture has been
		// setup already above:
		if (numTexs > 1) {
			// More than one texture handle provided: Need to allocate i'th one in:
			if(!IsWindowIndex((PsychWindowIndexType) texids[i])) {
				printf("PTB-ERROR: %i th entry in texture handle vector is not a valid handle!\n");
				PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid texture handle provided to Screen('DrawTextures').");

			// Get it:
			FindWindowRecord((PsychWindowIndexType) texids[i], &source);
			if(source->windowType!=kPsychTexture) {
				printf("PTB-ERROR: %i th entry in texture handle vector is not a valid handle!\n");
				PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The second argument supplied was not a texture handle!");

			// Ok, we have our texture record in source:
		// Source rectangle provided?
		if (numsrcRects > 1) {
			// Get i'th source rectangle:
			PsychCopyRect(sourceRect, &(srcRects[i*4]));
		} else if (numsrcRects == 1) {
			// Single source rect provided - get it:
			PsychCopyRect(sourceRect, &(srcRects[0]));
		} else {
			// No source rect provided: Take rectangle of current texture as srcRect:
		// Skip this texture if sourceRect is an empty rect:
		if (IsPsychRectEmpty(sourceRect)) continue;
		// Destination rectangle provided?
		if (numdstRects > 1) {
			// Get i'th destination rectangle:
			PsychCopyRect(targetRect, &(dstRects[i*4]));
		} else if (numdstRects == 1) {
			// Single destination rect provided - get it:
			PsychCopyRect(targetRect, &(dstRects[0]));
		} else {
			// No destination rect provided: Center the current sourceRect in the current
			// target window and use that as destination:
            PsychCopyRect(tempRect, target->clientrect);
			PsychCenterRectInRect(sourceRect, tempRect, targetRect);
		// Skip this texture if targetRect is an empty rect:
		if (IsPsychRectEmpty(targetRect)) continue;
		if (numAngles > 1) rotationAngle = rotationAngles[i];
		if (numFilterModes > 1) filterMode = filterModes[i];
		if (numAlphas > 1) globalAlpha = globalAlphas[i];
		// Disable alpha if modulateColor active:
		if (nc > 0) globalAlpha = DBL_MAX;

		// Pass auxParameters for current primitive in the auxShaderParams field.
		target->auxShaderParamsCount = numAuxComponents;
		if (numAuxParams > 0) {
			if (numAuxParams == 1) {
				target->auxShaderParams = auxParameters;
			else {
				target->auxShaderParams = &(auxParameters[i * numAuxComponents]);
		else {
			target->auxShaderParams = NULL;
		// Multiple modulateColors provided?
		if (nc > 1) {
            if (isclassic) {
                // Yes. Set it up as current vertex color: We submit to internal currentColor for
                // shader based color processing and via glColorXXX() for fixed pipe processing:
                if (mc==3) {
                    if (colors) {
                        // RGB double:
                        target->currentColor[0]=colors[i*3 + 0];
                        target->currentColor[1]=colors[i*3 + 1];
                        target->currentColor[2]=colors[i*3 + 2];
                    else {
                        // RGB uint8:
                        target->currentColor[0]=((double) bytecolors[i*3 + 0] / 255.0);
                        target->currentColor[1]=((double) bytecolors[i*3 + 1] / 255.0);
                        target->currentColor[2]=((double) bytecolors[i*3 + 2] / 255.0);
                else {
                    if (colors) {
                        // RGBA double:
                        target->currentColor[0]=colors[i*4 + 0];
                        target->currentColor[1]=colors[i*4 + 1];
                        target->currentColor[2]=colors[i*4 + 2];
                        target->currentColor[3]=colors[i*4 + 3];
                    else {
                        // RGBA uint8:
                        target->currentColor[0]=((double) bytecolors[i*4 + 0] / 255.0);
                        target->currentColor[1]=((double) bytecolors[i*4 + 1] / 255.0);
                        target->currentColor[2]=((double) bytecolors[i*4 + 2] / 255.0);
                        target->currentColor[3]=((double) bytecolors[i*4 + 3] / 255.0);
            else {
                PsychSetArrayColor(target, i, mc, colors, bytecolors);
		// Ok, everything assigned. Check parameters:
        if (filterMode > 5) {
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "filterMode needs to be negative for a specific blur level, or at most 5 for other modes.");    

		// Set rotation mode flag for texture matrix rotation if secialFlags is set accordingly:
		if (specialFlags & kPsychUseTextureMatrixForRotation) source->specialflags|=kPsychUseTextureMatrixForRotation;
		if (specialFlags & kPsychDontDoRotation) source->specialflags|=kPsychDontDoRotation;

		// Perform blit operation for i'th texture, either with or without an override texture shader applied:
		if (textureShader > -1) {
			backupShader = source->textureFilterShader;
			source->textureFilterShader = -1 * textureShader;
			PsychBlitTextureToDisplay(source, target, sourceRect, targetRect, rotationAngle, (int) filterMode, globalAlpha);	
			source->textureFilterShader = backupShader;
		else {
			PsychBlitTextureToDisplay(source, target, sourceRect, targetRect, rotationAngle, (int) filterMode, globalAlpha);	

		// Reset rotation mode flag:
		source->specialflags &= ~(kPsychUseTextureMatrixForRotation | kPsychDontDoRotation);

		// Next one...

	target->auxShaderParams = NULL;
	target->auxShaderParamsCount = 0;

    // Mark end of drawing op. This is needed for single buffered drawing:
