Beispiel #1
void PIUActionList::PutObject (const char *inType, PIActionDescriptor inValue)
	PutObject (PIUActionControl::GetStringID (inType), inValue);
Beispiel #2
void AddMailNotifyItem(LPFdirEntry lpFdirEntry, int type)
	char lpszText[10240];
	char szContributor[LEN_CIXNAME];
    char szFileName[LEN_CIXFILENAME];
	char szFileDate[64];
	char szFileSize[64];
	MAILOBJECT mailObject;
	LPFlistEntry lpFlistEntry;// = (LPFlistEntry)lpFdirEntry->fdirFlistEntry[0];
//	Context context = (Context)lpGlobals->context;

	if (lpFdirEntry->fdirFlistEntry[0] != NULL )
		lpFlistEntry = (LPFlistEntry)lpFdirEntry->fdirFlistEntry[0];
	lstrcpy( szContributor, "$CIX$" );

	if(lstrcmp(lpGlobals->context.lpcConfName, "filepool") == 0)

	formatLong(szFileSize, "", lpFdirEntry->fdirSize, " bytes");
	strftime(szFileDate, 63, "%A %d %B %Y", localtime(&lpFdirEntry->fdirTimestamp));
    setCase(szFileName, lpFdirEntry->fdirName, setup.wNotifyCase);

	if (lpFdirEntry->fdirFlistEntry[0] != NULL )
		wsprintf(lpszText, "\r\n"
					 " %s\r\n"
					 "   Filename: %s\r\n"
					 "    Hotlink: cixfile:\r\n"
					 "  File size: %s\r\n"
					 "Contributor: %s\r\n"
					 "       Date: %s\r\n"
					 "Description: \r\n\r\n"
					 type?"The following local file has been exported to the filepool:":"The following file has been exported to the filepool:",
				   setup.os_and_status?"     Status: \r\n        O/S: \r\n":"",
		wsprintf(lpszText, "\r\n"
					 " %s\r\n"
					 "   Filename: %s\r\n"
					 "    Hotlink: cixfile:\r\n"
					 "  File size: %s\r\n"
					 "Contributor: %s\r\n"
					 "       Date: %s\r\n"
					 "Description: <Unknown>\r\n\r\n"
					 type?"The following local file has been exported to the filepool:":"The following file has been exported to the filepool:",
				   setup.os_and_status?"     Status: \r\n        O/S: \r\n":"");
	InitObject(&mailObject, OT_MAIL, MAILOBJECT);
	lstrcpy(mailObject.szTo, "*****@*****.**");
	lstrcpy(mailObject.szSubject, "Export To Filepool - ");
	lstrcat(mailObject.szSubject, szFileName);
	mailObject.szCC[0] = '\x0';
	mailObject.szReply[0] = '\x0';
	PutObject(NULL, &mailObject, lpszText);
Beispiel #3
void VDBFlushMgr::RemoveObject(IObjToFlush *inObject )
	PutObject( inObject,false, true, false);