Beispiel #1
static void
write_header(FILE *              const fp, 
             int                 const cols, 
             int                 const rows, 
             int                 const BitsPerPixel, 
             int                 const Planes, 
             struct pcxCmapEntry const cmap16[],
             unsigned int        const xPos, 
             unsigned int        const yPos) {

    int i, BytesPerLine;

    Putbyte(PCX_MAGIC, fp);        /* .PCX magic number            */
    Putbyte(0x05, fp);             /* PC Paintbrush version        */
    Putbyte(0x01, fp);             /* .PCX run length encoding     */
    Putbyte(BitsPerPixel, fp);     /* bits per pixel               */
    Putword(xPos, fp);             /* x1   - image left            */
    Putword(yPos, fp);             /* y1   - image top             */
    Putword(xPos+cols-1, fp);      /* x2   - image right           */
    Putword(yPos+rows-1, fp);      /* y2   - image bottom          */

    Putword(cols, fp);             /* horizontal resolution        */
    Putword(rows, fp);             /* vertical resolution          */

    /* Write out the Color Map for images with 16 colors or less */
    if (cmap16)
        for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
            Putbyte(cmap16[i].r, fp);
            Putbyte(cmap16[i].g, fp);
            Putbyte(cmap16[i].b, fp);
    else {
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
            Putbyte(0, fp);
            Putbyte(0, fp);
            Putbyte(0, fp);
    Putbyte(0, fp);                /* reserved byte                */
    Putbyte(Planes, fp);           /* number of color planes       */

    BytesPerLine = ((cols * BitsPerPixel) + 7) / 8;
    Putword(BytesPerLine, fp);    /* number of bytes per scanline */

    Putword(1, fp);                /* palette info                 */

        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 58; ++i)        /* fill to end of header        */
            Putbyte(0, fp);
 * public GIFEncode
static void
	FILE *fp,
	int GWidth,
	int GHeight,
	int GInterlace,
	int Background,
	int BitsPerPixel,
	int Red[],
	int Green[],
	int Blue[],
	ifun_t* GetPixel
    int B;
    int RWidth, RHeight;
    int LeftOfs, TopOfs;
    int Resolution;
    int ColorMapSize;
    int InitCodeSize;
    int i;

    cur_accum = 0; /* globals */
    cur_bits = 0;

    Interlace = GInterlace;
    ColorMapSize = 1 << BitsPerPixel;
    RWidth = Width = GWidth;
    RHeight = Height = GHeight;
    LeftOfs = TopOfs = 0;
    Resolution = BitsPerPixel;

    CountDown = (long)Width * (long)Height;
    Pass = 0;
    if( BitsPerPixel <= 1 )
	InitCodeSize = 2;
	InitCodeSize = BitsPerPixel;
    curx = cury = 0;
    fwrite( "GIF87a", 1, 6, fp );
    Putword( RWidth, fp );
    Putword( RHeight, fp );
    B = 0x80;       /* Yes, there is a color map */
    B |= (Resolution - 1) << 5;
    B |= (BitsPerPixel - 1);
    fputc( B, fp );
    fputc( Background, fp );
    fputc( 0, fp );
    for( i=0; i<ColorMapSize; i++ ) {
	fputc( Red[i], fp );
	fputc( Green[i], fp );
	fputc( Blue[i], fp );
    fputc( ',', fp );
    Putword( LeftOfs, fp );
    Putword( TopOfs, fp );
    Putword( Width, fp );
    Putword( Height, fp );
    if( Interlace )
	fputc( 0x40, fp );
	fputc( 0x00, fp );
    fputc( InitCodeSize, fp );
    compress( InitCodeSize+1, fp, GetPixel );
    fputc( 0, fp );
    fputc( ';', fp );
    fclose( fp );