Beispiel #1
static PyObject *BPy_BoolVectorProperty(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
	StructRNA *srna;


	if(srna) {
		static const char *kwlist[]= {"attr", "name", "description", "default", "options", "subtype", "size", "update", NULL};
		const char *id=NULL, *name="", *description="";
		int id_len;
		int def[PYRNA_STACK_ARRAY]={0};
		int size=3;
		PropertyRNA *prop;
		PyObject *pydef= NULL;
		PyObject *pyopts= NULL;
		int opts=0;
		char *pysubtype= NULL;
		int subtype= PROP_NONE;
		PyObject *update_cb= NULL;

		if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw,
		                                 (char **)kwlist, &id, &id_len,
		                                 &name, &description, &pydef,
		                                 &PySet_Type, &pyopts, &pysubtype, &size,
			return NULL;

		BPY_PROPDEF_SUBTYPE_CHECK(BoolVectorProperty, property_flag_items, property_subtype_array_items)

		if(size < 1 || size > PYRNA_STACK_ARRAY) {
			PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "BoolVectorProperty(size=%d): size must be between 0 and " STRINGIFY(PYRNA_STACK_ARRAY), size);
			return NULL;

		if(pydef && PyC_AsArray(def, pydef, size, &PyBool_Type, FALSE, "BoolVectorProperty(default=sequence)") < 0)
			return NULL;

		if (bpy_prop_callback_check(update_cb, 2) == -1) {
			return NULL;

		// prop= RNA_def_boolean_array(srna, id, size, pydef ? def:NULL, name, description);
		prop= RNA_def_property(srna, id, PROP_BOOLEAN, subtype);
		RNA_def_property_array(prop, size);
		if(pydef) RNA_def_property_boolean_array_default(prop, def);
		RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, name, description);

		if(pyopts) {
			if(opts & PROP_HIDDEN) RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
			if((opts & PROP_ANIMATABLE)==0) RNA_def_property_clear_flag(prop, PROP_ANIMATABLE);
		bpy_prop_callback_assign(prop, update_cb);
		RNA_def_property_duplicate_pointers(srna, prop);
Beispiel #2
/* sequence slice (set): idparr[a:b] = value */
static int BPy_IDArray_ass_slice(BPy_IDArray *self, int begin, int end, PyObject *seq)
    IDProperty *prop = self->prop;
    short is_double = 0;
    const PyTypeObject *py_type = idp_array_py_type(self, &is_double);
    const size_t elem_size = is_double ? sizeof(double) : sizeof(float);
    size_t alloc_len;
    size_t size;
    void *vec;

    CLAMP(begin, 0, prop->len);
    CLAMP(end, 0, prop->len);
    begin = MIN2(begin, end);

    size = (end - begin);
    alloc_len = size * elem_size;

    vec = MEM_mallocN(alloc_len, "array assignment"); /* NOTE: we count on int/float being the same size here */
    if (PyC_AsArray(vec, seq, size, py_type, is_double, "slice assignment: ") == -1) {
        return -1;

    memcpy((void *)(((char *)IDP_Array(prop)) + (begin * elem_size)), vec, alloc_len);

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
static PyObject *BPy_FloatVectorProperty(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
	StructRNA *srna;


	if(srna) {
		static const char *kwlist[] = {"attr", "name", "description", "default", "min", "max", "soft_min", "soft_max", "step", "precision", "options", "subtype", "size", NULL};
		const char *id=NULL, *name="", *description="";
		int id_len;
		float min=-FLT_MAX, max=FLT_MAX, soft_min=-FLT_MAX, soft_max=FLT_MAX, step=3, def[PYRNA_STACK_ARRAY]={0.0f};
		int precision= 2, size=3;
		PropertyRNA *prop;
		PyObject *pydef= NULL;
		PyObject *pyopts= NULL;
		int opts=0;
		char *pysubtype= NULL;
		int subtype= PROP_NONE;

		if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, "s#|ssOfffffiO!si:FloatVectorProperty", (char **)kwlist, &id, &id_len, &name, &description, &pydef, &min, &max, &soft_min, &soft_max, &step, &precision, &PySet_Type, &pyopts, &pysubtype, &size))
			return NULL;

		BPY_PROPDEF_SUBTYPE_CHECK(FloatVectorProperty, property_flag_items, property_subtype_array_items)

		if(size < 1 || size > PYRNA_STACK_ARRAY) {
			PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "FloatVectorProperty(size=%d): size must be between 0 and " STRINGIFY(PYRNA_STACK_ARRAY), size);
			return NULL;

		if(pydef && PyC_AsArray(def, pydef, size, &PyFloat_Type, "FloatVectorProperty(default=sequence)") < 0)
			return NULL;

		prop= RNA_def_property(srna, id, PROP_FLOAT, subtype);
		RNA_def_property_array(prop, size);
		if(pydef) RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, def);
		RNA_def_property_range(prop, min, max);
		RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, name, description);
		RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, MAX2(soft_min, min), MIN2(soft_max, max), step, precision);

		if(pyopts) {
			if(opts & PROP_HIDDEN) RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
			if((opts & PROP_ANIMATABLE)==0) RNA_def_property_clear_flag(prop, PROP_ANIMATABLE);
		RNA_def_property_duplicate_pointers(srna, prop);