Beispiel #1
static PyObject* GetDataDecimal(Cursor* cur, Py_ssize_t iCol)
    // The SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT support is hopeless (SQL Server ignores scale on input parameters and output columns,
    // Oracle does something else weird, and many drivers don't support it at all), so we'll rely on the Decimal's
    // string parsing.  Unfortunately, the Decimal author does not pay attention to the locale, so we have to modify
    // the string ourselves.
    // Oracle inserts group separators (commas in US, periods in some countries), so leave room for that too.
    // Some databases support a 'money' type which also inserts currency symbols.  Since we don't want to keep track of
    // all these, we'll ignore all characters we don't recognize.  We will look for digits, negative sign (which I hope
    // is universal), and a decimal point ('.' or ',' usually).  We'll do everything as Unicode in case currencies,
    // etc. are too far out.

    // TODO: Is Unicode a good idea for Python 2.7?  We need to know which drivers support Unicode.

    SQLWCHAR buffer[100];
    SQLLEN cbFetched = 0; // Note: will not include the NULL terminator.

    SQLRETURN ret;
    ret = SQLGetData(cur->hstmt, (SQLUSMALLINT)(iCol+1), SQL_C_WCHAR, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &cbFetched);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        return RaiseErrorFromHandle("SQLGetData", cur->cnxn->hdbc, cur->hstmt);

    if (cbFetched == SQL_NULL_DATA)

    // Remove non-digits and convert the databases decimal to a '.' (required by decimal ctor).
    // We are assuming that the decimal point and digits fit within the size of SQLWCHAR.

    int cch = (int)(cbFetched / sizeof(SQLWCHAR));

    for (int i = (cch - 1); i >= 0; i--)
        if (buffer[i] == chDecimal)
            // Must force it to use '.' since the Decimal class doesn't pay attention to the locale.
            buffer[i] = '.';
        else if ((buffer[i] < '0' || buffer[i] > '9') && buffer[i] != '-')
            memmove(&buffer[i], &buffer[i] + 1, (cch - i) * sizeof(SQLWCHAR));

    I(buffer[cch] == 0);

    Object str(PyUnicode_FromSQLWCHAR(buffer, cch));
    if (!str)
        return 0;

    return PyObject_CallFunction(decimal_type, "O", str.Get());
Beispiel #2
    PyObject* DetachValue()
        // At this point, Trim should have been called by PostRead.

        if (bytesUsed == SQL_NULL_DATA || buffer == 0)

        if (usingStack)
            if (dataType == SQL_C_CHAR)
                return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(buffer, bytesUsed);

            if (dataType == SQL_C_BINARY)
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000
                return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(buffer, bytesUsed);
                return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(buffer, bytesUsed);

            if (sizeof(SQLWCHAR) == Py_UNICODE_SIZE)
                return PyUnicode_FromUnicode((const Py_UNICODE*)buffer, bytesUsed / element_size);

            return PyUnicode_FromSQLWCHAR((const SQLWCHAR*)buffer, bytesUsed / element_size);

        if (bufferOwner && PyUnicode_CheckExact(bufferOwner))
            if (PyUnicode_Resize(&bufferOwner, bytesUsed / element_size) == -1)
                return 0;
            PyObject* tmp = bufferOwner;
            bufferOwner = 0;
            buffer      = 0;
            return tmp;

        if (bufferOwner && PyBytes_CheckExact(bufferOwner))
            if (_PyBytes_Resize(&bufferOwner, bytesUsed) == -1)
                return 0;
            PyObject* tmp = bufferOwner;
            bufferOwner = 0;
            buffer      = 0;
            return tmp;

#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000
        if (bufferOwner && PyByteArray_CheckExact(bufferOwner))
            if (PyByteArray_Resize(bufferOwner, bytesUsed) == -1)
                return 0;
            PyObject* tmp = bufferOwner;
            bufferOwner = 0;
            buffer      = 0;
            return tmp;

        // We have allocated our own SQLWCHAR buffer and must now copy it to a Unicode object.
        I(bufferOwner == 0);
        PyObject* result = PyUnicode_FromSQLWCHAR((const SQLWCHAR*)buffer, bytesUsed / element_size);
        if (result == 0)
            return false;
        buffer = 0;
        return result;