Beispiel #1
HHV4Vector::Rotate(const HHV4Vector & q)
  Double_t ex, ey, ez, en;
  Double_t a, b, c, d, px1, py1, pz1, px2, py2, pz2, px3, py3, pz3;
  px1 = Px();
  py1 = Py();
  pz1 = Pz();
  ex = q.Px();
  ey = q.Py();
  ez = q.Pz();
  en = sqrt(ex * ex + ey * ey + ez * ez);
  ex = ex / en;
  ey = ey / en;
  ez = ez / en;
  //  cout << "Rotate e: " << ex << "  " << ey << "  " << ez << endl;
  a = ez;
  b = sqrt(1. - a * a);
  c = ex / b;
  d = -ey / b;
  px2 = a * px1 + b * pz1;   // rotation around y-axis
  py2 = py1;
  pz2 = -b * px1 + a * pz1;
  //  cout << "Rotate p2: " << px2 << "  " << py2 << "  " << pz2 << endl;
  px3 = c * px2 + d * py2;   // rotation around z-axis
  py3 = -d * px2 + c * py2;
  pz3 = pz2;
  //  cout << "Rotate p3: " << px3 << "  " << py3 << "  " << pz3 << endl;
  SetPxPyPzE(px3, py3, pz3, E());
Beispiel #2
HHV4Vector::Boost(Double_t bx, Double_t by, Double_t bz)
  //Boost this Lorentz vector
  //cout << "Boost: beta " << bx << "  " << by << "  " << bz << "  " << bx**2+by**2+bz**2 << endl;
  //  cout << "Boost:  P    " << Px()<<"  " << Py()<<"  " << Pz()<<"  " << endl;
  Double_t b2 = bx * bx + by * by + bz * bz;
  Double_t gamma = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - b2);
  Double_t bp = bx * Px() + by * Py() + bz * Pz();
  Double_t gamma2 = b2 > 0 ? (gamma - 1.0) / b2 : 0.0;
  Double_t px, py, pz;
  //  cout << "Boost: b2,g,bp,g2: " << b2 << "  " << gamma << "  " << bp << "  " << gamma2 << endl;
  px = Px() + gamma2 * bp * bx + gamma * bx * E();
  py = Py() + gamma2 * bp * by + gamma * by * E();
  pz = Pz() + gamma2 * bp * bz + gamma * bz * E();
  m_e = gamma * (E() + bp);
  m_phi = atan2(py, px);
  m_eta = -log(tan(0.5 * acos(pz / sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz))));
  //  cout << "Boost:  E " << E << "  px " << px<< "  py " << py<< "  pz " << pz
  //       << "  Phi " <<Phi<<" Eta " <<Eta << endl;
PreconditionerBlockMS<space_type>::initAMS( void )
        M_grad  = Grad( _domainSpace=M_Qh, _imageSpace=M_Vh);

        // This preconditioner is linked to that backend : the backend will
        // automatically use the preconditioner.
        auto prec = preconditioner(_pc=pcTypeConvertStrToEnum(soption(M_prefix_11+".pc-type")),
            LOG(INFO) << "[ AMS ] : using SetConstantEdgeVector \n";
            *M_ozz = ozz; M_ozz->close();
            *M_zoz = zoz; M_zoz->close();
            *M_zzo = zzo; M_zzo->close();

            LOG(INFO) << "[ AMS ] : using SetCoordinates \n";
            *M_X = X; M_X->close();
            *M_Y = Y; M_Y->close();
            *M_Z = Z; M_Z->close();
Beispiel #4
HHV4Vector::PrintEPxPyPzM(int pos) const
  if (pos >= 0) {
    PSTools::coutf(4, pos);
    std::cout << " ";
  PSTools::coutf(10, m_name);
  PSTools::coutf(4, ID());
  PSTools::coutf(9, 2, E());
  PSTools::coutf(9, 2, Px());
  PSTools::coutf(9, 2, Py());
  PSTools::coutf(9, 2, Pz());
  PSTools::coutf(9, 2, M());
  PSTools::coutf(5, Mother());
  for (int i = 0; i < nDaughter(); i++) {
    PSTools::coutf(4, Daughter(i));
  std::cout << std::endl;
  //  cout << Name << "  " << ID << "  ";
//  Printf(" (EPxPyPzM)=  %8.2f  %8.2f  %8.2f  %8.2f  %8.2f", E(), Px(), Py(),
//         Pz(), M());
void FifthCKF::FifthCKFfiltering(double *z, UINT m_length)
	CMatrix Pplus(4, 4);
	Pplus = glb.Pplus;

    CMatrix xhat(4, 1);
	xhat = glb.xhat;
	StoreData *fifthckf = new StoreData(xhat(1, 1), xhat(2, 1), xhat(3, 1), xhat(4, 1));

	CMatrix Shat(dim, dim);
	CMatrix rjpoint1(dim, 1);
	CMatrix rjpoint2(dim, cpoints);
	CMatrix rjpoint3(dim, hcpoints - cpoints - 1);
	CMatrix Xminus1(dim, 1);
	CMatrix Xminus2(dim, cpoints);
	CMatrix Repmat2(dim, cpoints);
	CMatrix Xminus3(dim, hcpoints - cpoints - 1);
	CMatrix Repmat3(dim, hcpoints - cpoints - 1);
	CMatrix jtemp(dim, 1);
	CMatrix Zhat1(1, 1);
	CMatrix Zhat2(1, cpoints);
	CMatrix RepmatZ2(1, cpoints);
	CMatrix Zhat3(1, hcpoints - cpoints - 1);
	CMatrix RepmatZ3(1, hcpoints - cpoints - 1);
	CMatrix W(dim, 1);
	CMatrix Pz(1, 1);
	CMatrix Xtemp(dim, 1);
	CMatrix Pxz(4, 1);

	int num = 1;//第0个未知存放的是占位符0,并不是真正的测量值,因此应当从下标1开始取测量值
	for (UINT count = TimeInterval; count <= m_length; count += TimeInterval)
		//Time Update
		//Evaluate the Cholesky factor
		Shat = Pplus.Cholesky();

		//Evaluate the cubature points and the propagated cubature points//Estimate the predicted state
		CMatrix CX(4, 1);
		for (int i = 1; i <= hcpoints; ++i)
			for (int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
				jtemp(j, 1) = glb.kesi_FifthCKF(j, i);
			jtemp = Shat * jtemp + xhat;
			Xtemp = glb.fai * jtemp;

			if ( 1 == i)
				for (int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
					Xminus1(j, 1) = Xtemp(j, 1);
				CX = CX + c5_w2 * Xtemp;
			else if (i > 1 && i <= cpoints + 1)//此编程风格会提高代码的冗余度,但提高了程序的运行效率,下同
				for (int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
					Xminus2(j, i - 1) = Xtemp(j, 1);
				CX = CX + c5_w1 * Xtemp;
				for (int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
					Xminus3(j, i - cpoints - 1) = Xtemp(j, 1);
				CX = CX + c5_w4 * Xtemp;

		//xhat = CX;

		//Estimate the predicted error covariance
		for (int i = 1; i <= cpoints; ++i)
			#pragma omp parallel for
			for (int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
				Repmat2(j, i) = CX(j, 1);

		for (int i = 1; i <= hcpoints - cpoints - 1; ++i)
			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
				Repmat3(j, i) = CX(j, 1);

		Pplus = c5_w2 * ((Xminus1 - CX) * (~(Xminus1 - CX))) + 
			c5_w1 * (Xminus2 - Repmat2) * (~(Xminus2 - Repmat2)) + 
			c5_w4 * (Xminus3 - Repmat3) * (~(Xminus3 - Repmat3)) + glb.gama * glb.Im * (~glb.gama);

		//Measurement Update
		//Evaluate the Cholesky factor
		Shat = Pplus.Cholesky();

		//Evaluate the cubature points and the propagated cubature points//Estimate the predicted measurement
		CMatrix Z(1, 1);
		for (int i = 1; i <= hcpoints; ++i)
			for (int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
				jtemp(j, 1) = glb.kesi_FifthCKF(j, i);
			jtemp = Shat * jtemp + CX;

			if (1 == i)
				Zhat1(1, 1) = atan(jtemp(3, 1) / jtemp(1, 1));
				Z(1, 1) = Z(1, 1) + c5_w2 * Zhat1(1, 1);

				#pragma omp parallel for
				for (int j = 1; j<= dim; ++j)
					rjpoint1(j, 1) = jtemp(j, 1);
			else if (i > 1 && i <= cpoints + 1)
				Zhat2(1, i - 1) = atan(jtemp(3, 1) / jtemp(1, 1));
			    Z(1, 1) = Z(1, 1) + c5_w1 * Zhat2(1, i - 1);

				#pragma omp parallel for
				for (int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
					rjpoint2(j, i - 1) = jtemp(j, 1);
				Zhat3(1, i - cpoints - 1) = atan(jtemp(3, 1) / jtemp(1, 1));
				Z(1, 1) = Z(1, 1) + c5_w4 * Zhat3(1, i - cpoints - 1);

				#pragma omp parallel for
				for (int j = 1; j <= dim; ++j)
					rjpoint3(j, i - cpoints - 1) = jtemp(j, 1);

		//Estimate the innovation covariance matrix
		Pz(1, 1) = Rn;//For saving memory

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for (int i = 1; i <= cpoints; ++i)
			RepmatZ2(1, i) = Z(1, 1);

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for (int i = 1; i <= hcpoints - cpoints - 1; ++i)
			RepmatZ3(1, i) = Z(1, 1);

		Pz = c5_w2 * (Zhat1 - Z) * (~(Zhat1 - Z)) + 
			c5_w1 * (Zhat2 - RepmatZ2)* (~(Zhat2 - RepmatZ2)) + 
			c5_w4 * (Zhat3 - RepmatZ3) * (~(Zhat3 - RepmatZ3)) + Pz;

		//Estimate the cross-covariance matrix 
		Pxz = c5_w2 * (rjpoint1 - CX) * (~(Zhat1 - Z)) + 
			c5_w1 *(rjpoint2 - Repmat2) * (~(Zhat2 - RepmatZ2)) + 
			c5_w4 * (rjpoint3 - Repmat3) * (~(Zhat3 - RepmatZ3));

		//Estimate the Kalman gain
		W = ((double)1 / Pz(1, 1)) * Pxz;

		//Estimate the updated state
		//Znum(1, 1) = z[num];
		xhat = CX + W * (z[num] - Z(1, 1));

		Pplus = Pplus - Pz(1, 1) * W * (~W);

		StoreData *fifthckf = new StoreData(xhat(1, 1), xhat(2, 1), xhat(3, 1), xhat(4, 1));
Vector3< Momentum > PseudoJet::Spatial() const
    return {Px(), Py(), Pz()};
boca::LorentzVector< Momentum > PseudoJet::LorentzVector() const
    return {Px(), Py(), Pz(), Energy()};
PreconditionerBlockMS<space_type>::PreconditionerBlockMS(space_ptrtype Xh,             // (u)x(p)
                                                         ModelProperties model,        // model
                                                         std::string const& p,         // prefix
                                                         sparse_matrix_ptrtype AA )    // The matrix
        M_backend(backend()),           // the backend associated to the PC
        M_Xh( Xh ),
        M_Vh( Xh->template functionSpace<0>() ), // Potential
        M_Qh( Xh->template functionSpace<1>() ), // Lagrange
        M_Vh_indices( M_Vh->nLocalDofWithGhost() ),
        M_Qh_indices( M_Qh->nLocalDofWithGhost() ),
        M_uin( M_backend->newVector( M_Vh )  ),
        M_uout( M_backend->newVector( M_Vh )  ),
        M_pin( M_backend->newVector( M_Qh )  ),
        M_pout( M_backend->newVector( M_Qh )  ),
        U( M_Xh, "U" ),
        M_er( 1. ),
        M_model( model ),
        M_prefix( p ),
        M_prefix_11( p+".11" ),
        M_prefix_22( p+".22" ),
        u(M_Vh, "u"),
        ozz(M_Vh, "ozz"),
        zoz(M_Vh, "zoz"),
        zzo(M_Vh, "zzo"),
        M_ozz(M_backend->newVector( M_Vh )),
        M_zoz(M_backend->newVector( M_Vh )),
        M_zzo(M_backend->newVector( M_Vh )),
        X(M_Qh, "X"),
        Y(M_Qh, "Y"),
        Z(M_Qh, "Z"),
        M_X(M_backend->newVector( M_Qh )),
        M_Y(M_backend->newVector( M_Qh )),
        M_Z(M_backend->newVector( M_Qh )),
        phi(M_Qh, "phi")
    LOG(INFO) << "[PreconditionerBlockMS] setup starts";
    this->setMatrix( AA );

    /* Indices are need to extract sub matrix */
    std::iota( M_Vh_indices.begin(), M_Vh_indices.end(), 0 );
    std::iota( M_Qh_indices.begin(), M_Qh_indices.end(), M_Vh->nLocalDofWithGhost() );

    M_11 = AA->createSubMatrix( M_Vh_indices, M_Vh_indices, true, true);

    /* Boundary conditions */
    BoundaryConditions M_bc = M_model.boundaryConditions();
    map_vector_field<FEELPP_DIM,1,2> m_dirichlet_u { M_bc.getVectorFields<FEELPP_DIM> ( "u", "Dirichlet" ) };
    map_scalar_field<2> m_dirichlet_p { M_bc.getScalarFields<2> ( "phi", "Dirichlet" ) };

    /* Compute the mass matrix (needed in first block, constant) */
    auto f2A = form2(_test=M_Vh, _trial=M_Vh, _matrix=M_mass);
    auto f1A = form1(_test=M_Vh);
    f2A = integrate(_range=elements(M_Vh->mesh()), _expr=inner(idt(u),id(u))); // M
    for(auto const & it : m_dirichlet_u )
        LOG(INFO) << "Applying " << it.second << " on " << it.first << " for "<<M_prefix_11<<"\n";
        f2A += on(_range=markedfaces(M_Vh->mesh(),it.first), _expr=it.second,_rhs=f1A, _element=u, _type="elimination_symmetric");
    /* Compute the L (= er * grad grad) matrix (the second block) */
    auto f2L = form2(_test=M_Qh,_trial=M_Qh, _matrix=M_L);
    for(auto it : M_model.materials() )
        f2L += integrate(_range=markedelements(M_Qh->mesh(),marker(it)), _expr=M_er*inner(gradt(phi), grad(phi)));
    auto f1LQ = form1(_test=M_Qh);

    for(auto const & it : m_dirichlet_p)
        LOG(INFO) << "Applying " << it.second << " on " << it.first << " for "<<M_prefix_22<<"\n";
        f2L += on(_range=markedfaces(M_Qh->mesh(),it.first),_element=phi, _expr=it.second, _rhs=f1LQ, _type="elimination_symmetric");

    if(soption(_name="pc-type", _prefix=M_prefix_11) == "ams")
#if FEELPP_DIM == 3
        M_grad  = Grad( _domainSpace=M_Qh, _imageSpace=M_Vh);

        // This preconditioner is linked to that backend : the backend will
        // automatically use the preconditioner.
        auto prec = preconditioner(_pc=pcTypeConvertStrToEnum(soption(M_prefix_11+".pc-type")),
            LOG(INFO) << "[ AMS ] : using SetConstantEdgeVector \n";
            *M_ozz = ozz; M_ozz->close();
            *M_zoz = zoz; M_zoz->close();
            *M_zzo = zzo; M_zzo->close();

            LOG(INFO) << "[ AMS ] : using SetCoordinates \n";
            *M_X = X; M_X->close();
            *M_Y = Y; M_Y->close();
            *M_Z = Z; M_Z->close();
    std::cerr << "ams preconditioner is not interfaced in two dimensions\n";
    toc( "[PreconditionerBlockMS] setup done ", FLAGS_v > 0 );