Beispiel #1
void QIMPenWidget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
    if ( !readOnly && mode == Input ) {
        int dx = QABS( e->pos().x() - lastPoint.x() );
        int dy = QABS( e->pos().y() - lastPoint.y() );
        if ( dx + dy > 1 ) {
            if ( inputStroke->addPoint( e->pos() ) ) {
		QPainter paint( this );
		paint.setPen( Qt::black );
		paint.setBrush( Qt::black );
		const QArray<QIMPenGlyphLink> &chain = inputStroke->chain();
		QPoint p( e->pos() );
		for ( int i = (int)chain.count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
		    paint.drawRect( p.x()-1, p.y()-1, 2, 2 );
		    p.rx() -= chain[i].dx;
		    p.ry() -= chain[i].dy;
		    if ( p == lastPoint )

		/* ### use this when thick lines work properly on all devices
		paint.setPen( QPen( Qt::black, 2 ) );
		paint.drawLine( lastPoint, e->pos() );
	    lastPoint = e->pos();
Beispiel #2
void KoDecorationTab::setShadow( double shadowDistanceX, double shadowDistanceY, const QColor& shadowColor )
    short int sd = SD_RIGHT_UP;
    double dist = 0.0;

    if ( shadowDistanceX > 0 ) // right
        if ( shadowDistanceY == 0 )
            sd = SD_RIGHT;
            sd = shadowDistanceY > 0 ? SD_RIGHT_BOTTOM : SD_RIGHT_UP;
    else if ( shadowDistanceX == 0 ) // top/bottom
        sd = shadowDistanceY > 0 ? SD_BOTTOM : SD_UP;
    else // left
        if ( shadowDistanceY == 0 )
            sd = SD_LEFT;
            sd = shadowDistanceY > 0 ? SD_LEFT_BOTTOM : SD_LEFT_UP;

    shadowDirectionButtonGroup->setButton( sd );

    dist = QMAX( QABS(shadowDistanceX), QABS(shadowDistanceY) );
    shadowDistanceKDoubleNumInput->setValue( dist );

    shadowKColorButton->setColor( shadowColor.isValid() ? shadowColor: gray  );

OPimBackendOccurrence::List ODateBookAccessBackend::filterOccurrences( const OPimBackendOccurrence::List dayList,
                                                                       const QDateTime& dt ) {
    OPimBackendOccurrence::List tmpList;
    OPimBackendOccurrence::List::ConstIterator it;

    for ( it = dayList.begin(); it != dayList.end(); ++it ) {
        OPimBackendOccurrence occ = *it;

         * Let us find occurrences that are 'now'!
         * If the is on the same day as start or end of the Occurrence
         * check how near start/end are.
         * If it is in the middle of a multiday occurrence list it.
         * We might want to 'lose' the sixty second offset and list
         * all Events which are active at that time.
        if ( == occ.startDateTime().date() ) {
            if ( QABS( dt.time().secsTo( occ.startDateTime().time() ) ) < 60 )
                tmpList.append( occ );
        }else if ( == occ.endDateTime().date() ) {
            if ( QABS( dt.time().secsTo( occ.endDateTime().time()   ) ) < 60 )
                tmpList.append( occ );
        }else if ( >= occ.startDateTime().date() &&
          >= occ.endDateTime().date()  )
            tmpList.append( occ );

    return tmpList;
Beispiel #4
int KPrGeneralProperty::getGeneralPropertyChange() const
    int flags = 0;

    if ( !m_generalValue.m_name.isNull() && m_generalValue.m_name != m_ui->nameInput->text() )
        flags |= Name;

    if ( m_ui->protect->state() != QButton::NoChange )
        if ( ( m_ui->protect->isOn() ? STATE_ON : STATE_OFF ) != m_generalValue.m_protect )
            flags |= Protect;

        if ( !m_ui->protect->isOn() )
            KoRect rect = getRect();
            if ( m_generalValue.m_rect.left() != rect.left() )
                flags |= Left;
            if ( != )
                flags |= Top;
            // this has to be done as the rect cahnges width/hight if left or top is changed
            if ( QABS( m_generalValue.m_rect.width() - rect.width() ) > 1e-6 )
                flags |= Width;
            if ( QABS( m_generalValue.m_rect.height() - rect.height() ) > 1e-6 )
                flags |= Height;

    if ( m_ui->keepRatio->state() != QButton::NoChange
         && ( m_ui->keepRatio->isOn() ? STATE_ON : STATE_OFF ) != m_generalValue.m_keepRatio )
        flags |= KeepRatio;

    return flags;
Beispiel #5
void QRangeControl::setSteps(int lineStep,int pageStep)
    if (lineStep != line || pageStep != page) {
	line = QABS(lineStep);
	page = QABS(pageStep);
Beispiel #6
QRangeControl::QRangeControl( int minValue, int maxValue,
			      int lineStep, int pageStep,
			      int value )
    minVal  = minValue;
    maxVal  = maxValue;
    line    = QABS( lineStep );
    page    = QABS( pageStep );
    prevVal = minVal - 1;
    val	    = bound( value );
    d	    = 0;
bool QwtPlotPicker::end(bool ok)
    ok = QwtPicker::end(ok);
    if ( !ok )
        return FALSE;

    QwtPlot *plot = QwtPlotPicker::plot();
    if ( !plot )
        return FALSE;

    const QPointArray &pa = selection();
    if ( pa.count() == 0 )
        return FALSE;

    if ( selectionFlags() & PointSelection )
        const QwtDoublePoint pos = invTransform(pa[0]);
        emit selected(pos);
    else if ( (selectionFlags() & RectSelection) && pa.count() >= 2 )
        QPoint p1 = pa[0];
        QPoint p2 = pa[int(pa.count() - 1)];

        if ( selectionFlags() & CenterToCorner )
            p1.setX(p1.x() - (p2.x() - p1.x()));
            p1.setY(p1.y() - (p2.y() - p1.y()));
        else if ( selectionFlags() & CenterToRadius )
            const int radius = QMAX(QABS(p2.x() - p1.x()),
                QABS(p2.y() - p1.y()));
            p2.setX(p1.x() + radius);
            p2.setY(p1.y() + radius);
            p1.setX(p1.x() - radius);
            p1.setY(p1.y() - radius);

        emit selected(invTransform(QRect(p1, p2)).normalize());
        QwtArray<QwtDoublePoint> dpa(pa.count());
        for ( int i = 0; i < int(pa.count()); i++ )
            dpa[i] = invTransform(pa[i]);

        emit selected(dpa);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #8
 * -1 if no time is associated
 * otherwise the length of the occurrence in hours
int OPimOccurrence::length()const {
    if ( m_isAllDay )
        return -1;
        return ( m_end.hour() * 60 - m_start.hour() * 60 )
            + QABS( m_start.minute() - m_end.minute() );
    void selectThisSize()
	int psize=(ptsize<<6)/10;

	// Assume 72 dpi for now
	const int dpi=72;
	FT_Error err;
	err=FT_Set_Char_Size(myface, psize,psize,dpi,dpi);
	if (err) {
	    if (FT_IS_SCALABLE(myface) ) {
		qWarning("Set char size error %x for size %d",err,ptsize);
	    } else {
		int best=-1;
		int bdh=99;
		for (int i=0; i<myface->num_fixed_sizes; i++) {
		    FT_Bitmap_Size& sz=myface->available_sizes[i];
		    int dh = sz.height - ptsize*dpi/72/10;
		    dh = QABS(dh);
		    if ( dh < bdh ) {
		if ( best >= 0 )
		if ( err )
		    qWarning("Set char size error %x for size %d",err,ptsize);
Beispiel #10
void Screen::animate()
    if ( step == 0 )

    int t = t0;
    int p = pos0;
    if ( step < 0 ) {
	t += width() + step;
    } else {
	t -= step;
	p -= step;
	if ( p < 0 )
	    p += width();

    for ( int i = 0; i < QABS( step ); i++ ) {
	int y = (int)((height()-FrameWidth)/2 * sin( 3.1415*(double)t/180.0 ));
	yval[ p ] = y;
	t %= 360;
	p %= width();
    t0 -= step;
    if ( t0 < 0 )
	t0 += 360;
    pos0 = (pos0 - step) % width();
    if ( pos0 < 0 )
	pos0 += width();

    scroll( step, 0, QRect( FrameWidth, FrameWidth, width()-2*FrameWidth, height()-2*FrameWidth ));
Beispiel #11
QString Conversion::lineSpacing( const wvWare::Word97::LSPD& lspd )
    QString value( "0" );
    if ( lspd.fMultLinespace == 1 )
        // This will be e.g. 1.5 for a 1.5 linespacing.
        float proportionalLineSpacing = (float)lspd.dyaLine / 240.0;
        if ( QABS(proportionalLineSpacing - 1.5) <= 0.25 ) // close to 1.5?
            value = "oneandhalf";
        else if ( proportionalLineSpacing > 1.75) // close to 2.0, or more?
            value = "double";
    else if ( lspd.fMultLinespace == 0 )
        // see sprmPDyaLine in generator_wword8.htm
        //float value = QABS((float)lspd.dyaLine / 20.0); // twip -> pt
        // lspd.dyaLine > 0 means "at least", < 0 means "exactly"
        // "at least" is now possible in kword, but here it's the size of the whole
        // line, not the spacing between the line (!)
        // To convert between the two, we'd need to find out the height of the
        // highest character in the line, and substract it from the value..... Ouch.
        // Better implement line-height-at-least like OOo has.
        kdWarning(30513) << "Unhandled LSPD::fMultLinespace value: " << lspd.fMultLinespace << endl;
    return value;
Beispiel #12
void QSpinWidget::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e )
    static float offset = 0;
    static QSpinWidget* offset_owner = 0;
    if ( offset_owner != this ) {
	offset_owner = this;
	offset = 0;
    offset += -e->delta()/120;
    if ( QABS( offset ) < 1 )
    int ioff = int(offset);
    int i;
    for( i=0; i < QABS( ioff ); i++ )
	offset > 0 ? stepDown() : stepUp();
    offset -= ioff;
void GLControlWidget::drawText()
	QString str("Rendering text in OpenGL is easy with Qt");
	QFontMetrics fm(font());
	renderText((width() - fm.width(str)) / 2, 15, str);
	QFont f("courier", 8);
	QFontMetrics fmc(f);
	int x, y, z;
	x = (xRot >= 0) ? (int) xRot % 360 : 359 - (QABS((int) xRot) % 360);
	y = (yRot >= 0) ? (int) yRot % 360 : 359 - (QABS((int) yRot) % 360);
	z = (zRot >= 0) ? (int) zRot % 360 : 359 - (QABS((int) zRot) % 360);
	str.sprintf("Rot X: %03d - Rot Y: %03d - Rot Z: %03d", x, y, z);
	renderText((width() - fmc.width(str)) / 2, height() - 15, str, f);
Beispiel #14
void QSlider::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * e){
    static float offset = 0;
    static QSlider* offset_owner = 0;
    if (offset_owner != this){
	offset_owner = this;
	offset = 0;
    offset += -e->delta()*QMAX(pageStep(),lineStep())/120;
    if (QABS(offset)<1)
    setValue( value() + int(offset) );
    offset -= int(offset);
OEffectiveEvent::ValueList ODateBookAccessBackend::effectiveNonRepeatingEvents( const QDateTime& dt ) {
    OEffectiveEvent::ValueList day = effectiveNonRepeatingEvents(, );
    OEffectiveEvent::ValueList::Iterator it;

    OEffectiveEvent::ValueList tmpList;
    QDateTime dtTmp;
    for ( it = day.begin(); it != day.end(); ++it ) {
        dtTmp = QDateTime( (*it).date(), (*it).startTime() );
        if ( QABS(dt.secsTo(dtTmp) ) < 60 )
            tmpList.append( (*it) );

    return tmpList;
Beispiel #16
QValueList<EffectiveEvent> DateBookDB::getEffectiveEvents( const QDateTime &dt)
    QValueList<EffectiveEvent> day = getEffectiveEvents(,;
    QValueListConstIterator<EffectiveEvent> it;
    QValueList<EffectiveEvent> tmpList;
    QDateTime dtTmp;

    for (it = day.begin(); it != day.end(); ++it ) {
        dtTmp = QDateTime( (*it).date(), (*it).start() );
        // at the moment we don't have second granularity, be nice about that..
        if ( QABS(dt.secsTo(dtTmp)) < 60 )
            tmpList.append( *it );
    return tmpList;
Beispiel #17
void QDesignerToolBar::buttonMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e, QObject *o )
    if ( widgetInserting || ( e->state() & LeftButton ) == 0 )
    if ( QABS( QPoint( dragStartPos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() ) < QApplication::startDragDistance() )
    QMap<QWidget*, QAction*>::Iterator it = actionMap.find( (QWidget*)o );
    if ( it == actionMap.end() )
    QAction *a = *it;
    if ( !a )
    int index = actionList.find( a );
    RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand *cmd =
	new RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand( tr( "Delete Action '%1' from Toolbar '%2'" ).
					    arg( a->name() ).arg( caption() ),
					    formWindow, a, this, index );
    formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );

    QString type = ::qt_cast<QActionGroup*>(a) ? QString( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) :
	::qt_cast<QSeparatorAction*>(a) ? QString( "application/x-designer-separator" ) : QString( "application/x-designer-actions" );
    QStoredDrag *drag = new QStoredDrag( type, this );
    QString s = QString::number( (long)a ); // #### huha, that is evil
    drag->setEncodedData( QCString( s.latin1() ) );
    drag->setPixmap( a->iconSet().pixmap() );
    if ( ::qt_cast<QDesignerAction*>(a) ) {
	if ( formWindow->widgets()->find( ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget() ) )
	    formWindow->selectWidget( ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget(), FALSE );
    if ( !drag->drag() ) {
	AddActionToToolBarCommand *cmd = new AddActionToToolBarCommand( tr( "Add Action '%1' to Toolbar '%2'" ).
									arg( a->name() ).arg( caption() ),
									formWindow, a, this, index );
	formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
    lastIndicatorPos = QPoint( -1, -1 );
Beispiel #18
QWMatrix QWMatrix::invert( bool *invertible ) const
    double det = _m11*_m22 - _m12*_m21;
    if ( QABS(det) < 0.000001 ) {		// very close to zero
	if ( invertible )			//   (whatever that means...)
	    *invertible = FALSE;		// singular matrix
	QWMatrix defaultMatrix;
	return defaultMatrix;
    else {					// invertible matrix
	if ( invertible )
	    *invertible = TRUE;
	double dinv = 1.0/det;
	QWMatrix imatrix( (float)(_m22*dinv),	(float)(-_m12*dinv),
			  (float)(-_m21*dinv), (float)( _m11*dinv),
			  (float)((_m21*_dy - _m22*_dx)*dinv),
			  (float)((_m12*_dx - _m11*_dy)*dinv) );
	return imatrix;
const KstTimezone *KstTimezones::local()
    const KstTimezone *local = 0;

    // First try the simplest solution of checking for well-formed TZ setting.
    char *envZone = ::getenv("TZ");
    if (envZone)
        if (envZone[0] == '\0')
            return m_UTC;
        if (envZone[0] == ':')
        local = zone(envZone);
    if (local)
        return local;

    // Try to match /etc/localtime against the list of zoneinfo files.
    QFile f;
    if (
        // Compute the MD5 sum of /etc/localtime.
        KMD5 context("");
        QIODevice::Offset referenceSize = f.size();
        QString referenceMd5Sum = context.hexDigest();
        if (!m_zoneinfoDir.isEmpty())
            // Compare it with each zoneinfo file.
            for (ZoneMap::Iterator it = m_zones->begin(); it != m_zones->end(); ++it)
                KstTimezone *zone =;
                f.setName(m_zoneinfoDir + '/' + zone->name());
                if (
                    QIODevice::Offset candidateSize = f.size();
                    QString candidateMd5Sum;
                    if (candidateSize == referenceSize)
                        // Only do the heavy lifting for file sizes which match.
                        candidateMd5Sum = context.hexDigest();
                    if (candidateMd5Sum == referenceMd5Sum)
                        local = zone;
    if (local)
        return local;

    // BSD support.
    QString fileZone;
    if (!
        // Solaris support using /etc/default/init.
        if (
            QTextStream ts(&f);

            // Read the last line starting "TZ=".
            while (!ts.atEnd())
                fileZone = ts.readLine();
                if (fileZone.startsWith("TZ="))
                    fileZone = fileZone.mid(3);

                    local = zone(fileZone);
        QTextStream ts(&f);

        // Read the first line.
        if (!ts.atEnd())
            fileZone = ts.readLine();

            local = zone(fileZone);
    if (local)
        return local;

    // None of the deterministic stuff above has worked: try a heuristic. We
    // try to find a pair of matching timezone abbreviations...that way, we'll
    // likely return a value in the user's own country.
    if (!m_zoneinfoDir.isEmpty())
        AbbreviationsMatch matcher(tzname[0], tzname[1]);
        int bestOffset = INT_MAX;
        for (ZoneMap::Iterator it = m_zones->begin(); it != m_zones->end(); ++it)
            KstTimezone *zone =;
            int candidateOffset = QABS(zone->offset(Qt::LocalTime));
            if (zone->parse(matcher) && matcher.test() && (candidateOffset < bestOffset))
                bestOffset = candidateOffset;
                local = zone;
    if (local)
        return local;
    return m_UTC;
Beispiel #20
int OEffectiveEvent::length()const {
    return (data->end.hour() * 60 - data->start.hour() * 60)
        + QABS(data->start.minute() - data->end.minute() );
void QPlatinumStyle::drawControl( ControlElement element,
				  QPainter *p,
				  const QWidget *widget,
				  const QRect &r,
				  const QColorGroup &cg,
				  SFlags how,
				  const QStyleOption& opt ) const
    switch( element ) {
    case CE_PushButton:
	    QColorGroup myCg( cg );
	    const QPushButton *btn;
	    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
	    bool useBevelButton;
	    SFlags flags;
	    flags = Style_Default;
	    btn = (const QPushButton*)widget;
	    p->setBrushOrigin( -widget->backgroundOffset().x(),
			       -widget->backgroundOffset().y() );

	    // take care of the flags based on what we know...
	    if ( btn->isDown() )
		flags |= Style_Down;
	    if ( btn->isOn() )
		flags |= Style_On;
	    if ( btn->isEnabled() )
		flags |= Style_Enabled;
	    if ( btn->isDefault() )
		flags |= Style_Default;
 	    if (! btn->isFlat() && !(flags & Style_Down))
 		flags |= Style_Raised;

	    r.coords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

	    p->setPen( cg.foreground() );
	    p->setBrush( QBrush(cg.button(), NoBrush) );

	    QBrush fill;
	    if ( btn->isDown() ) {
		fill = cg.brush( QColorGroup::Dark );
		// this could be done differently, but this
		// makes a down Bezel drawn correctly...
		myCg.setBrush( QColorGroup::Mid, fill );
	    } else if ( btn->isOn() ) {
		fill = QBrush( cg.mid(), Dense4Pattern );
		myCg.setBrush( QColorGroup::Mid, fill );
	    // to quote the old QPlatinumStlye drawPushButton...
	    // small or square image buttons as well as toggle buttons are
	    // bevel buttons (what a heuristic....)
	    if ( btn->isToggleButton()
		 || ( btn->pixmap() &&
		      (btn->width() * btn->height() < 1600 ||
		       QABS( btn->width() - btn->height()) < 10 )) )
		useBevelButton = TRUE;
		useBevelButton = FALSE;

	    int diw = pixelMetric( PM_ButtonDefaultIndicator, widget );
	    if ( btn->isDefault() ) {
		x1 += 1;
		y1 += 1;
		x2 -= 1;
		y2 -= 1;
		QColorGroup cg2( myCg );
		SFlags myFlags = flags;
		// don't draw the default button sunken, unless it's necessary.
		if ( myFlags & Style_Down )
		    myFlags ^= Style_Down;
		if ( myFlags & Style_Sunken )
		    myFlags ^= Style_Sunken;

		cg2.setColor( QColorGroup::Button, cg.mid() );
		if ( useBevelButton ) {
		    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, QRect( x1, y1,
							     x2 - x1 + 1,
							     y2 - y1 + 1 ),
				   myCg, myFlags, opt );
		} else {
		    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonCommand, p, QRect( x1, y1,
							       x2 - x1 + 1,
							       y2 - y1 + 1 ),
				   cg2, myFlags, opt );

	    if ( btn->isDefault() || btn->autoDefault() ) {
		x1 += diw;
		y1 += diw;
		x2 -= diw;
		y2 -= diw;

	    if ( !btn->isFlat() || btn->isOn() || btn->isDown() ) {
		if ( useBevelButton ) {
		    // fix for toggle buttons...
		    if ( flags & (Style_Down | Style_On) )
			flags |= Style_Sunken;
		    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, QRect( x1, y1,
							     x2 - x1 + 1,
							     y2 - y1 + 1 ),
				   myCg, flags, opt );
		} else {

		    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonCommand, p, QRect( x1, y1,
							       x2 - x1 + 1,
							       y2 - y1 + 1 ),
				   myCg, flags, opt );

	    if ( p->brush().style() != NoBrush )
		p->setBrush( NoBrush );
    case CE_PushButtonLabel:
	    const QPushButton *btn;
	    bool on;
	    int x, y, w, h;
	    SFlags flags;
	    flags = Style_Default;
	    btn = (const QPushButton*)widget;
	    on = btn->isDown() || btn->isOn();
	    r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );
	    if ( btn->isMenuButton() ) {
		int dx = pixelMetric( PM_MenuButtonIndicator, widget );

		QColorGroup g = cg;
		int xx = x + w - dx - 4;
		int yy = y - 3;
		int hh = h + 6;

		if ( !on ) {
		    p->setPen( g.mid() );
		    p->drawLine( xx, yy + 2, xx, yy + hh - 3 );
		    p->setPen( g.button() );
		    p->drawLine( xx + 1, yy + 1, xx + 1, yy + hh - 2 );
		    p->setPen( g.light() );
		    p->drawLine( xx + 2, yy + 2, xx + 2, yy + hh - 2 );
		if ( btn->isEnabled() )
		    flags |= Style_Enabled;
		drawPrimitive( PE_ArrowDown, p, QRect(x + w - dx - 1, y + 2,
						      dx, h - 4),
			       g, flags, opt );
		w -= dx;
	    if ( btn->iconSet() && !btn->iconSet()->isNull() ) {
		QIconSet::Mode mode = btn->isEnabled()
				      ? QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled;
		if ( mode == QIconSet::Normal && btn->hasFocus() )
		    mode = QIconSet::Active;
		QIconSet::State state = QIconSet::Off;
		if ( btn->isToggleButton() && btn->isOn() )
		    state = QIconSet::On;
		QPixmap pixmap = btn->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small,
							 mode, state );
		int pixw = pixmap.width();
		int pixh = pixmap.height();
		p->drawPixmap( x + 2, y + h / 2 - pixh / 2, pixmap );
		x += pixw + 4;
		w -= pixw + 4;
	    drawItem( p, QRect( x, y, w, h ),
		      AlignCenter | ShowPrefix,
		      btn->colorGroup(), btn->isEnabled(),
		      btn->pixmap(), btn->text(), -1,
		      on ? &btn->colorGroup().brightText()
		      : &btn->colorGroup().buttonText() );
	    if ( btn->hasFocus() )
		drawPrimitive( PE_FocusRect, p,
			       subRect(SR_PushButtonFocusRect, widget),
			       cg, flags );
	QWindowsStyle::drawControl( element, p, widget, r, cg, how, opt );
void QPlatinumStyle::drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement pe,
				    QPainter *p,
				    const QRect &r,
				    const QColorGroup &cg,
				    SFlags flags,
				    const QStyleOption& opt ) const
    switch (pe) {
    case PE_HeaderSection:
	    // adjust the sunken flag, otherwise headers are drawn
	    // sunken...
	    if ( flags & Style_Sunken )
		flags ^= Style_Sunken;
	    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, r, cg, flags, opt );
    case PE_ButtonTool:
	    // tool buttons don't change color when pushed in platinum,
	    // so we need to make the mid and button color the same
	    QColorGroup myCG = cg;
	    QBrush fill;

	    // quick trick to make sure toolbuttons drawn sunken
	    // when they are activated...
	    if ( flags & Style_On )
		flags |= Style_Sunken;

	    fill = myCG.brush( QColorGroup::Button );
	    myCG.setBrush( QColorGroup::Mid, fill );
	    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, r, myCG, flags, opt );
    case PE_ButtonBevel:
	    int x,
	    r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );

	    QPen oldPen = p->pen();
	    if ( w * h < 1600 ||
		 QABS(w - h) > 10 ) {
		// small buttons

		if ( !(flags & (Style_Sunken | Style_Down)) ) {
		    p->fillRect( x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4,
				 cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button) );
		    // the bright side
		    p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		    // the bright side
		    p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x + w - 1, y );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x, y + h - 1 );

		    p->setPen( cg.light() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + w - 2, y + 1 );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, y + h - 2 );

		    // the dark side
		    p->setPen( cg.mid() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 2, y + h - 2, x + w - 2, y + h - 2 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 2, y + 2, x + w - 2, y + h - 3 );

		    p->setPen( cg.dark().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + h - 1, x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 1 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 1, y + 1,
				 x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 2 );
		} else {
		    p->fillRect(x + 2, y + 2,
				w - 4, h - 4,
				cg.brush( QColorGroup::Mid ));

		    // the dark side
		    p->setPen( cg.dark().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x + w - 1, y );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x, y + h - 1 );

		    p->setPen( cg.mid().dark());
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1,
				 x + w-2, y + 1);
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1,
				 x + 1, y + h - 2 );

		    // the bright side!

		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + h - 2,
				 x + w - 2,
				 y + h - 2 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 2, y + 1,
				 x + w - 2,
				 y + h - 2 );
		    p->drawLine(x, y + h - 1,
				x + w - 1,
				y + h - 1 );
		    p->drawLine(x + w - 1, y,
				x + w - 1,
				y + h - 1 );
	    } else {
		// big ones
		if ( !(flags & (Style_Sunken | Style_Down)) ) {
		    p->fillRect( x + 3, y + 3, w - 6,
				 h - 6,
				 cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button) );

		    // the bright side
		    p->setPen( cg.button().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x + w - 1, y );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x, y + h - 1 );

		    p->setPen( cg.button() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1,
				 x + w - 2, y + 1 );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1,
				 x + 1, y + h - 2 );

		    p->setPen( cg.light() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 2, y + 2,
				 x + 2, y + h - 2 );
		    p->drawLine( x + 2, y + 2,
				 x + w - 2, y + 2 );
		    // the dark side!

		    p->setPen( cg.mid() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 3, y + h - 3,
				 x + w - 3,
				 y + h - 3 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 3, y + 3,
				 x + w - 3,
				 y + h - 3 );
		    p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 2, y + h - 2,
				 x + w - 2,
				 y + h - 2 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 2, y + 2,
				 x + w - 2,
				 y + h - 2 );

		    p->setPen( cg.dark().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + h - 1,
				 x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 1 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 1, y + 1,
				 x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 1 );
		} else {
		    p->fillRect( x + 3, y + 3, w - 6,
				 h - 6,
				 cg.brush( QColorGroup::Mid ) );

		    // the dark side
		    p->setPen( cg.dark().dark().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x + w - 1, y );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x, y + h - 1 );

		    p->setPen( cg.dark().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1,
				 x + w - 2, y + 1 );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1,
				 x + 1, y + h - 2 );

		    p->setPen( cg.mid().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 2, y + 2,
				 x + 2, y + w - 2 );
		    p->drawLine( x + 2, y + 2,
				 x + w - 2, y + 2 );

		    // the bright side!

		    p->setPen( cg.button() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 2, y + h - 3,
				 x + w - 3,
				 y + h - 3 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 3, y + 3,
				 x + w - 3,
				 y + h - 3 );

		    p->setPen( cg.midlight() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + h - 2,
				 x + w - 2,
				 y + h - 2 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 2, y + 1,
				 x + w - 2,
				 y + h - 2 );

		    p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x, y + h - 1,
				 x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 1 );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 1, y,
				 x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 1 );

		    // corners
		    p->setPen( mixedColor(cg.dark().dark().dark(),
					  cg.dark()) );
		    p->drawPoint( x, y + h - 1 );
		    p->drawPoint( x + w - 1, y );

		    p->setPen( mixedColor(cg.dark().dark(), cg.midlight()) );
		    p->drawPoint( x + 1, y + h - 2 );
		    p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y + 1 );

		    p->setPen( mixedColor(cg.mid().dark(), cg.button() ) );
		    p->drawPoint( x + 2, y + h - 3 );
		    p->drawPoint( x + w - 3, y + 2 );
	    p->setPen( oldPen );
    case PE_ButtonCommand:
	    QPen oldPen = p->pen();
	    int x,
	    r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h);

	    if ( !(flags & (Style_Down | Style_On)) ) {
		p->fillRect( x+3, y+3, w-6, h-6,
			     cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ));
		// the bright side
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawLine( x, y, x+w-1, y );
		p->drawLine( x, y, x, y + h - 1 );

		p->setPen( cg.button() );
		p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + w - 2, y + 1 );
		p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, y + h - 2 );

		p->setPen( cg.light() );
		p->drawLine( x + 2, y + 2, x + 2, y + h - 2 );
		p->drawLine( x + 2, y + 2, x + w - 2, y + 2 );

		// the dark side!

		p->setPen( cg.mid() );
		p->drawLine( x + 3, y + h - 3 ,x + w - 3, y + h - 3 );
		p->drawLine( x + w - 3, y + 3, x + w - 3, y + h - 3 );

		p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		p->drawLine( x + 2, y + h - 2, x + w - 2, y + h - 2 );
		p->drawLine( x + w - 2, y + 2, x + w - 2, y + h - 2 );

		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawLine( x + 1, y + h - 1, x + w - 1, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawLine( x + w - 1, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1 );

		// top left corner:
		p->setPen( cg.background() );
		p->drawPoint( x, y );
		p->drawPoint( x + 1, y );
		p->drawPoint( x, y+1 );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawPoint( x + 1, y + 1 );
		p->setPen( cg.button() );
		p->drawPoint( x + 2, y + 2 );
		p->setPen( white );
		p->drawPoint( x + 3, y + 3 );
		// bottom left corner:
		p->setPen( cg.background() );
		p->drawPoint( x, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawPoint( x + 1, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawPoint( x, y + h - 2 );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawPoint( x + 1, y + h - 2 );
		p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		p->drawPoint( x + 2, y + h - 3 );
		// top right corner:
		p->setPen( cg.background() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w -1, y );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 1, y + 1 );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y + 1 );
		p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 3, y + 2 );
		// bottom right corner:
		p->setPen( cg.background() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 1, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 1, y + h - 2 );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y + h - 2 );
		p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 3, y + h - 3 );
		p->setPen( cg.mid() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 4, y + h - 4 );

	    } else {
		p->fillRect( x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4,
			     cg.brush(QColorGroup::Dark) );

		// the dark side
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawLine( x, y, x + w - 1, y );
		p->drawLine( x, y, x, y + h - 1 );

		p->setPen( cg.dark().dark() );
		p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + w - 2, y + 1 );
		p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, y + h - 2 );

		// the bright side!

		p->setPen( cg.button() );
		p->drawLine( x + 1, y + h - 2, x + w - 2, y + h - 2 );
		p->drawLine( x + w - 2, y + 1, x + w - 2, y + h - 2 );

		p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		p->drawLine( x, y + h - 1, x + w - 1, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawLine( x + w - 1, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1 );

		// top left corner:
		p->setPen( cg.background() );
		p->drawPoint( x, y );
		p->drawPoint( x + 1, y );
		p->drawPoint( x, y + 1 );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawPoint( x + 1, y + 1 );
		p->setPen( cg.dark().dark() );
		p->drawPoint( x + 3, y + 3 );
		// bottom left corner:
		p->setPen( cg.background() );
		p->drawPoint( x, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawPoint( x + 1, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawPoint( x, y + h - 2 );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawPoint( x + 1, y + h - 2 );
		// top right corner:
		p->setPen( cg.background() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 1, y );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 1, y + 1 );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y + 1 );
		// bottom right corner:
		p->setPen( cg.background() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 1, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y + h - 1 );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 1, y + h - 2 );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 2, y + h - 2 );
		p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 3, y + h - 3 );
		p->setPen( cg.mid() );
		p->drawPoint( x + w - 4, y + h - 4 );
	    p->setPen( oldPen );
    case PE_Indicator:
	    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, QRect(r.x(), r.y(),
						    r.width() - 2, r.height()),
			   cg, flags );
	    p->fillRect( r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y(), 2, r.height(),
			 cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ) );
	    p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
	    p->drawRect( r.x(), r.y(), r.width() - 2, r.height() );

	    static const QCOORD nochange_mark[] = { 3,5, 9,5,  3,6, 9,6 };
	    static const QCOORD check_mark[] = {
		3,5, 5,5,  4,6, 5,6,  5,7, 6,7,  5,8, 6,8,      6,9, 9,9,
		6,10, 8,10, 7,11, 8,11,  7,12, 7,12,  8,8, 9,8,  8,7, 10,7,
		9,6, 10,6, 9,5, 11,5,  10,4, 11,4,  10,3, 12,3,
		11,2, 12,2, 11,1, 13,1,  12,0, 13,0 };
	    if ( !(flags & Style_Off) ) {
		QPen oldPen = p->pen();
		int x1 = r.x();
		int y1 = r.y();
		if ( flags & Style_Down ) {
		QPointArray amark;
		if ( flags & Style_On ) {
		    amark = QPointArray( sizeof(check_mark)/(sizeof(QCOORD)*2),
					 check_mark );
		    // ### KLUDGE!!
		    flags ^= Style_On;
		    flags ^= Style_Down;
		} else if ( flags & Style_NoChange ) {
		    amark = QPointArray( sizeof(nochange_mark)
					 / (sizeof(QCOORD) * 2),
					 nochange_mark );

		amark.translate( x1 + 1, y1 + 1 );
		p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		p->drawLineSegments( amark );
		amark.translate( -1, -1 );
		p->setPen( cg.foreground() );
		p->drawLineSegments( amark );
		p->setPen( oldPen );
    case PE_IndicatorMask:
	    int x,
	    r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );
	    p->fillRect( x, y, w - 2, h, color1);
	    if ( flags & Style_Off ) {
		QPen oldPen = p->pen();
		p->setPen ( QPen(color1, 2));
		p->drawLine( x + 2, y + h / 2 - 1,
			     x + w / 2 - 1, y + h - 4 );
		p->drawLine( x + w / 2 - 1, y + h - 4,
			     x + w, 0);
		p->setPen( oldPen );
    case PE_ExclusiveIndicator:
#define QCOORDARRLEN(x) sizeof(x) / (sizeof(QCOORD) * 2 )
	    bool down = flags & Style_Down;
	    bool on = flags & Style_On;

	    static const QCOORD pts1[] = {		// normal circle
		5,0, 8,0, 9,1, 10,1, 11,2, 12,3, 12,4, 13,5,
		13,8, 12,9, 12,10, 11,11, 10,12, 9,12, 8,13,
		5,13, 4,12, 3,12, 2,11, 1,10, 1,9, 0,8, 0,5,
		1,4, 1,3, 2,2, 3,1, 4,1 };
	    static const QCOORD pts2[] = {		// top left shadow
		5,1, 8,1, 3,2, 7,2, 2,3, 5,3,  2,4, 4,4,
		1,5, 3,5, 1,6, 1,8, 2,6, 2,7 };
	    static const QCOORD pts3[] = {		// bottom right, dark
		5,12, 8,12, 7,11, 10,11, 8,10, 11,10,
		9,9, 11,9, 10,8, 12,8, 11,7, 11,7,
		12,5, 12,7 };
	    static const QCOORD pts4[] = {		// bottom right, light
		5,12, 8,12, 7,11, 10,11, 9,10, 11,10,
		10,9, 11,9, 11,7, 11,8, 12,5, 12,8 };
	    static const QCOORD pts5[] = {		// check mark
		6,4, 8,4, 10,6, 10,8, 8,10, 6,10, 4,8, 4,6 };
	    static const QCOORD pts6[] = {		// check mark extras
		4,5, 5,4, 9,4, 10,5, 10,9, 9,10, 5,10, 4,9 };
	    int x, y;
	    x = r.x();
	    y = r.y();
	    p->eraseRect( r );
	    p->setBrush( (down||on) ? cg.brush( QColorGroup::Dark )
			 : cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button) );
	    p->setPen( NoPen );
	    p->drawEllipse( x, y, 13, 13 );
	    p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
	    QPointArray a( QCOORDARRLEN(pts1), pts1 );
	    a.translate( x, y );
	    p->drawPolyline( a );	// draw normal circle
	    QColor tc, bc;
	    const QCOORD *bp;
	    int	bl;
	    if ( down || on ) {			// pressed down or on
		tc = cg.dark().dark();
		bc = cg.light();
		bp = pts4;
		bl = QCOORDARRLEN(pts4);
	    } else {					// released
		tc = cg.light();
		bc = cg.dark();
		bp = pts3;
		bl = QCOORDARRLEN(pts3);
	    p->setPen( tc );
	    a.setPoints( QCOORDARRLEN(pts2), pts2 );
	    a.translate( x, y );
	    p->drawLineSegments( a );		// draw top shadow
	    p->setPen( bc );
	    a.setPoints( bl, bp );
	    a.translate( x, y );
	    p->drawLineSegments( a );
	    if ( on ) {				// draw check mark
		int x1 = x,
		    y1 = y;
		p->setBrush( cg.foreground() );
		p->setPen( cg.foreground() );
		a.setPoints( QCOORDARRLEN(pts5), pts5 );
		a.translate( x1, y1 );
		p->drawPolygon( a );
		p->setBrush( NoBrush );
		p->setPen( cg.dark() );
		a.setPoints( QCOORDARRLEN(pts6), pts6 );
		a.translate( x1, y1 );
		p->drawLineSegments( a );

    case PE_ExclusiveIndicatorMask:
	    static const QCOORD pts1[] = {		// normal circle
		5,0, 8,0, 9,1, 10,1, 11,2, 12,3, 12,4, 13,5,
		13,8, 12,9, 12,10, 11,11, 10,12, 9,12, 8,13,
		5,13, 4,12, 3,12, 2,11, 1,10, 1,9, 0,8, 0,5,
		1,4, 1,3, 2,2, 3,1, 4,1 };
	    QPointArray a(QCOORDARRLEN(pts1), pts1);
	    a.translate(r.x(), r.y());
    case PE_ScrollBarAddLine:
	    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, r, cg,
			   (flags & Style_Enabled) | ((flags & Style_Down)
						      ? Style_Sunken
						      : Style_Raised) );
	    p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
	    p->drawRect( r );
	    drawPrimitive( ((flags & Style_Horizontal) ? PE_ArrowRight
			    : PE_ArrowDown), p, QRect(r.x() + 2,
						      r.y() + 2,
						      r.width() - 4,
						      r.height() - 4),
			   cg, flags );
    case PE_ScrollBarSubLine:
	    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, r, cg,
			   (flags & Style_Enabled) | ((flags & Style_Down)
						      ? Style_Sunken
						      : Style_Raised) );
	    p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
	    p->drawRect( r );
	    drawPrimitive( ((flags & Style_Horizontal) ? PE_ArrowLeft
			    : PE_ArrowUp ), p, QRect(r.x() + 2,
						     r.y() + 2,
						     r.width() - 4,
						     r.height() - 4),
			   cg, flags );
    case PE_ScrollBarAddPage:
    case PE_ScrollBarSubPage:
 	    QPen oldPen = p->pen();
	    if ( r.width() < 3 || r.height() < 3 ) {
		p->fillRect( r, cg.brush(QColorGroup::Mid) );
		p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		p->drawRect( r );
		p->setPen( oldPen );
	    } else {
		int x,
		r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );
		if ( flags & Style_Horizontal ) {
		    p->fillRect( x + 2, y + 2, w - 2,
				 h - 4,
				 cg.brush(QColorGroup::Mid) );
		    // the dark side
		    p->setPen( cg.dark().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x + w - 1, y );
		    p->setPen( cg.shadow());
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x, y + h - 1 );

		    p->setPen( cg.mid().dark());
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + w - 1,
				 y + 1 );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + 1,
				 y + h - 2 );

		    // the bright side!

		    p->setPen( cg.button());
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + h - 2,
				 x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 2 );
		    p->setPen( cg.shadow());
		    p->drawLine( x, y + h - 1,
				 x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 1 );

		} else {
		    p->fillRect( x + 2, y + 2, w - 4,
				 h - 2,
				 cg.brush(QColorGroup::Mid) );

		    // the dark side
		    p->setPen( cg.dark().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x + w - 1, y );
		    p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		    p->drawLine( x, y, x, y + h - 1 );

		    p->setPen( cg.mid().dark() );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + w - 2,
				 y + 1 );
		    p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 1, x + 1,
				 y + h - 1 );

		    // the bright side!
		    p->setPen( cg.button() );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 2, y + 1,
				 x + w - 2,
				 y + h - 1 );

		    p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
		    p->drawLine( x + w - 1, y,
				 x + w - 1,
				 y + h - 1 );

	    p->setPen( oldPen );
    case PE_ScrollBarSlider:
	    QPoint bo = p->brushOrigin();
	    p->setBrushOrigin( r.topLeft() );
	    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, r, cg, Style_Raised );
	    p->setBrushOrigin( bo );
	    drawRiffles( p, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), cg,
			 flags & Style_Horizontal );
	    p->setPen( cg.shadow() );
	    p->drawRect( r );
	    if ( flags & Style_HasFocus ) {
		drawPrimitive( PE_FocusRect, p, QRect(r.x() + 2, r.y() + 2,
						      r.width() - 5,
						      r.height() - 5 ),
			       cg, flags );
	QWindowsStyle::drawPrimitive( pe, p, r, cg, flags, opt );

void QButtonGroup::moveFocus( int key )
    QWidget * f = qApp->focusWidget();

    QButtonItem * i;
    i = buttons->first();
    while( i && i->button != f )
	i = buttons->next();

    if ( !i || !i->button )

    QWidget * candidate = 0;
    int bestScore = -1;

    QPoint goal( f->mapToGlobal( f->geometry().center() ) );

    i = buttons->first();
    while( i && i->button ) {
	if ( i->button != f &&
	     i->button->isEnabled() ) {
	    QPoint p(i->button->mapToGlobal(i->button->geometry().center()));
	    int score = (p.y() - goal.y())*(p.y() - goal.y()) +
			(p.x() - goal.x())*(p.x() - goal.x());
	    bool betterScore = score < bestScore || !candidate;
	    switch( key ) {
	    case Key_Up:
		if ( p.y() < goal.y() && betterScore ) {
		    if ( QABS( p.x() - goal.x() ) < QABS( p.y() - goal.y() ) ) {
			candidate = i->button;
			bestScore = score;
		    } else if ( i->button->x() == f->x() ) {
			candidate = i->button;
			bestScore = score/2;
	    case Key_Down:
		if ( p.y() > goal.y() && betterScore ) {
		    if ( QABS( p.x() - goal.x() ) < QABS( p.y() - goal.y() ) ) {
			candidate = i->button;
			bestScore = score;
		    } else if ( i->button->x() == f->x() ) {
			candidate = i->button;
			bestScore = score/2;
	    case Key_Left:
		if ( p.x() < goal.x() && betterScore ) {
		    if ( QABS( p.y() - goal.y() ) < QABS( p.x() - goal.x() ) ) {
			candidate = i->button;
			bestScore = score;
		    } else if ( i->button->y() == f->y() ) {
			candidate = i->button;
			bestScore = score/2;
	    case Key_Right:
		if ( p.x() > goal.x() && betterScore ) {
		    if ( QABS( p.y() - goal.y() ) < QABS( p.x() - goal.x() ) ) {
			candidate = i->button;
			bestScore = score;
		    } else if ( i->button->y() == f->y() ) {
			candidate = i->button;
			bestScore = score/2;
	i = buttons->next();

    QButton *buttoncand = ::qt_cast<QButton*>(candidate);
    if ( buttoncand && ::qt_cast<QButton*>(f) &&
	 ((QButton*)f)->isOn() &&
	 buttoncand->isToggleButton() &&
	 ( isExclusive() || ( ::qt_cast<QRadioButton*>(f) &&
			      ::qt_cast<QRadioButton*>(candidate)))) {
	if ( f->focusPolicy() & TabFocus ) {
	    f->setFocusPolicy( (FocusPolicy)(f->focusPolicy() & ~TabFocus) );
	    candidate->setFocusPolicy( (FocusPolicy)(candidate->focusPolicy()|
						     TabFocus) );
	buttoncand->setOn( TRUE );
	buttoncand->animateTimeout(); // ### crude l&f hack

    if ( candidate ) {
	if (key == Key_Up || key == Key_Left)
Beispiel #24
void QWidget::scroll( int dx, int dy, const QRect& r )
    if ( testWState( WState_BlockUpdates ) && !children() )
    bool valid_rect = r.isValid();
    QRect sr = valid_rect?r:rect();
    int x1, y1, x2, y2, w=sr.width(), h=sr.height();
    if ( dx > 0 ) {
	x1 = sr.x();
	x2 = x1+dx;
	w -= dx;
    } else {
	x2 = sr.x();
	x1 = x2-dx;
	w += dx;
    if ( dy > 0 ) {
	y1 = sr.y();
	y2 = y1+dy;
	h -= dy;
    } else {
	y2 = sr.y();
	y1 = y2-dy;
	h += dy;

    if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0 )

    QSize s( qt_screen->width(), qt_screen->height() );
    QRegion alloc = valid_rect ? paintableRegion() : allocatedRegion();

    QRegion dAlloc = alloc;
    QPoint td1 = qt_screen->mapToDevice( QPoint(0,0), s );
    QPoint td2 = qt_screen->mapToDevice( QPoint(dx,dy), s );
    dAlloc.translate( td2.x()-td1.x(), td2.y()-td1.y() );

    QRegion scrollRegion( alloc & dAlloc );

    if ( w > 0 && h > 0 ) {
	QGfx * mygfx=graphicsContext( FALSE );
	mygfx->setClipDeviceRegion( scrollRegion );
	delete mygfx;

    paintable_region_dirty = TRUE;

    QPoint gpos = mapToGlobal( QPoint() );

    if ( !valid_rect && children() ) {	// scroll children
	QPoint pd( dx, dy );
	QObjectListIt it(*children());
	register QObject *object;
	while ( it ) {				// move all children
	    object = it.current();
	    if ( object->isWidgetType() ) {
		QWidget *w = (QWidget *)object;
		QPoint oldp = w->pos();
		QRect  r( w->pos() + pd, w->size() );
		w->crect = r;
		w->updateRequestedRegion( gpos + w->pos() );
		QMoveEvent e( r.topLeft(), oldp );
		QApplication::sendEvent( w, &e );

    QSize ds( qt_screen->deviceWidth(), qt_screen->deviceHeight() );
    scrollRegion = qt_screen->mapFromDevice( scrollRegion, ds );
    scrollRegion.translate( -gpos.x(), -gpos.y() );

    QRegion update( sr );
    update -= scrollRegion;
    if ( dx ) {
	int x = x2 == sr.x() ? sr.x()+w : sr.x();
	update |= QRect( x, sr.y(), QABS(dx), sr.height() );
    if ( dy ) {
	int y = y2 == sr.y() ? sr.y()+h : sr.y();
	update |= QRect( sr.x(), y, sr.width(), QABS(dy) );
    repaint( update, !testWFlags(WRepaintNoErase) );
    if ( !valid_rect && children() )
	paint_children( this, update, FALSE );
Beispiel #25
void QHeader::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *m )
    int s = orient == Horizontal ? m->pos().x() : m->pos().y();
    if ( state == Idle ) {
	bool hit = FALSE;
	int i = 0;
	while ( i <= (int) count() ) {
	    if ( i && pPos(i) - MINSIZE/2 < s && s < pPos(i) + MINSIZE/2 &&
		 data->resize.testBit(i-1) ) {
		hit = TRUE;
		if ( orient == Horizontal )
		    setCursor( *hSplitCur );
		    setCursor( *vSplitCur );
	if ( !hit )
	    setCursor( arrowCursor );
    } else {
	switch ( state ) {
	case Idle:
	    debug( "QHeader::mouseMoveEvent() (%s) Idle state",
		   name( "unnamed" ) );
	case Pressed:
	case Blocked:
	    if ( QABS( s - clickPos ) > 4 && data->move ) {
		state = Moving;
		moveToIdx = -1;
		if ( orient == Horizontal )
		    setCursor( sizeHorCursor );
		    setCursor( sizeVerCursor );
	case Sliding:
	    handleColumnResize( handleIdx, s, FALSE );
	case Moving: {
	    int newPos = findLine( s );
	    if ( newPos != moveToIdx ) {
		if ( moveToIdx == handleIdx || moveToIdx == handleIdx + 1 )
		    repaint( sRect(handleIdx) );
		    unMarkLine( moveToIdx );
		moveToIdx = newPos;
		if ( moveToIdx == handleIdx || moveToIdx == handleIdx + 1 )
		    paintRect( pPos( handleIdx ), pSize( handleIdx ) );
		    markLine( moveToIdx );
	    warning( "QHeader::mouseMoveEvent: (%s) unknown state",
		     name( "unnamed" ) );
Beispiel #26
void QMainWindow::moveToolBar( QToolBar * t , QMouseEvent * e )
    if ( e->type() == Event_MouseButtonPress ) {
	//debug( "saw press" );
	d->moving = 0;
	d->offset = e->pos();
	d->pos = QCursor::pos();
    } else if ( e->type() == Event_MouseButtonRelease ) {
	//debug( "saw release" );
	if ( d->moving ) {
	    qApp->removeEventFilter( this );
	    d->moving = 0;

    //debug( "saw move" );

    // with that out of the way, let's concentrate on the moves...

    // first, the threshold

    QPoint p( QCursor::pos() );
    if ( !d->moving &&
	 QABS( p.x() - d->pos.x() ) < 3 &&
	 QABS( p.y() - d->pos.y() ) < 3 )

    // okay.  it's a real move.

    //    debug( "move event to %d, %d", p.x(), p.y() );

    if ( !d->moving ) {
	d->moving = t;
	qApp->installEventFilter( this );

    QPoint lp( mapFromGlobal( p ) );
    QMainWindowPrivate::ToolBarDock * dock = 0;
    // five possible cases: in each of the docs, and outside.
    if ( centralWidget()->geometry().contains( lp ) ||
	 !rect().contains( lp ) ) {
	// not a dock
	if ( t->parentWidget() ) {
	    t->recreate( 0, 0,
			 QPoint( p.x() - d->offset.x(),
				 p.y() - d->offset.y() ),
			 TRUE );
	    dock = d->tornOff;
	} else {
	    t->move( p.x() - d->offset.x(),
		     p.y() - d->offset.y() );
    } else if ( lp.y() < centralWidget()->y() ) {
	//top dock
	dock = d->top;
    } else if ( lp.y() >= centralWidget()->y() + centralWidget()->height() ) {
	// bottom dock
	dock = d->bottom;
    } else if ( lp.x() < centralWidget()->x() ) {
	// bottom dock
	dock = d->left;
    } else if ( lp.x() >= centralWidget()->x() + centralWidget()->width() ) {
	// right dock
	dock = d->right;
    } else {
	fatal( "never to happen" );

    if ( !dock )

    debug( "1" );
    // at this point dock points to the new dock
    QMainWindowPrivate::ToolBar * ct;
    ct = takeToolBarFromDock( t, d->top );
    if ( !ct )
	ct = takeToolBarFromDock( t, d->left );
    if ( !ct )
	ct = takeToolBarFromDock( t, d->right );
    if ( !ct )
	ct = takeToolBarFromDock( t, d->bottom );
    if ( dock != d->tornOff && !ct )
	ct = takeToolBarFromDock( t, d->tornOff );
    if ( dock == d->tornOff || ct == 0 )

    debug( "2" );
    QMainWindowPrivate::ToolBar * c = dock->first();
    QRect inLine;
    QRect betweenLines;
    int linestart = 0;
    while( c && ct ) {
	debug( "3 %p %p", c, ct );
	if ( c->nl ) {
	    if ( dock == d->top ) {
		betweenLines.setRect( 0, 0, width(),
				      c->t->y() + c->t->height()/4 );
	    } else if ( dock == d->bottom ) {
		betweenLines.setRect( 0, c->t->y() + c->t->height()/4,
				      width(), c->t->height()/2 );
	    } else if ( dock == d->left ) {
		betweenLines.setRect( 0, 0, c->t->x() + c->t->width()/4,
				      height() );
	    } else {
		betweenLines.setRect( c->t->x() + 3*c->t->width()/4, 0,
				      c->t->width()/2, height() );
	    linestart = dock->at();
	if ( dock == d->top || dock == d->bottom ) {
	    inLine.setRect( c->t->x()-c->t->height()/4, c->t->y(),
			    c->t->height()/2, c->t->height() );
	} else {
	    inLine.setRect( c->t->x(), c->t->y() - c->t->width()/4,
			    c->t->width(), c->t->width()/2 );
	if ( inLine.contains( lp ) ) {
	    // ct goes in just before c, and takes over nl
	    dock->insert( dock->at(), ct );
	    if ( t->parentWidget() != this )
		t->recreate( this, 0, QPoint( 0, -t->height() ), TRUE );
	    t->setOrientation( (dock == d->top || dock == d->bottom )
			       ? QToolBar::Horizontal : QToolBar::Vertical );
	    ct->nl = c->nl;
	    c->nl = FALSE;
	    ct = 0;
	} else {
	    QMainWindowPrivate::ToolBar * c2 = dock->next();
	    if ( c2 == 0 || c2->nl ) {
		// about to do the next line, so check whether c
		// should go in above this line
		if ( betweenLines.contains( lp ) ) {
		    dock->insert( linestart, ct );
		    if ( t->parentWidget() != this )
			t->recreate( this, 0, QPoint( 0, -t->height() ),
				     TRUE );
		    t->setOrientation( (dock == d->top || dock == d->bottom )
				       ? QToolBar::Horizontal
				       : QToolBar::Vertical );
		    ct->nl = TRUE;
		    ct = 0;
		} else {
		    // perhaps at the end of this line?  let's see
		    if ( dock == d->top || dock == d->bottom )
			inLine.setRect( c->t->x() + c->t->width(),
					width() - c->t->x() - c->t->width(),
					c->t->height() );
			inLine.setRect( c->t->x(),
					c->t->y() + c->t->height(),
					height() - c->t->y() - c->t->height());
		    if ( inLine.contains( lp ) ) {
			dock->insert( dock->at(), ct );
			if ( t->parentWidget() != this )
			    t->recreate( this, 0, QPoint( 0, -t->height() ),
					 TRUE );
			t->setOrientation( (dock == d->top ||
					    dock == d->bottom )
					   ? QToolBar::Horizontal
					   : QToolBar::Vertical );
			ct->nl = FALSE;
			ct = 0;
	    c = c2;
    debug( "4" );
    // okay, is it at the very end?
    if ( ct ) {
	debug( "4a" );
	dock->append( ct );
	if ( t->parentWidget() != this )
	    t->recreate( this, 0, QPoint( 0, -t->height() ), TRUE );
	t->setOrientation( (dock == d->top || dock == d->bottom )
			   ? QToolBar::Horizontal : QToolBar::Vertical );
	ct->nl = TRUE;
Beispiel #27
void QHeader::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
    int section;
    bool hit;

    int c = orient == Horizontal ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y();
    c += offset();

    switch( state ) {
    case Idle:
	hit = FALSE;
	if ( (section = sectionAt( c )) >= 0 ) {
	    int index = d->s2i[section];
	    if ( (index > 0 && c < d->positions[index] + GRIPMARGIN) ||
		 (c > d->positions[index] + d->sizes[section] - GRIPMARGIN) ) {
		if ( index > 0 && c < d->positions[index]  + GRIPMARGIN )
		    section = d->i2s[--index];
		if ( d->resize.testBit(section) ) {
		    hit = TRUE;
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
		    if ( orient == Horizontal )
			setCursor( splitHCursor );
			setCursor( splitVCursor );
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
	if ( !hit )
    case Blocked:
    case Pressed:
	if ( QABS( c - clickPos ) > 4 && d->move ) {
	    state = Moving;
	    moveToIdx = -1;
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
	    if ( orient == Horizontal )
		setCursor( sizeHorCursor );
		setCursor( sizeVerCursor );
    case Sliding:
	handleColumnResize( handleIdx, c, FALSE );
    case Moving: {
	int newPos = findLine( c );
	if ( newPos != moveToIdx ) {
	    if ( moveToIdx == handleIdx || moveToIdx == handleIdx + 1 )
		repaint( sRect(handleIdx) );
		unMarkLine( moveToIdx );
	    moveToIdx = newPos;
	    if ( moveToIdx == handleIdx || moveToIdx == handleIdx + 1 )
		paintRect( pPos( handleIdx ), pSize( handleIdx ) );
		markLine( moveToIdx );
	qWarning( "QHeader::mouseMoveEvent: (%s) unknown state", name() );