Beispiel #1
/* Returns the projected matrix A and the error of each eigenvector */
constructArray_qdp(QDP_ColorVector **eigVec, Matrix *A, QLA_Real *err,
		   QDP_Subset subset)
  QLA_Complex cc;
  QLA_Real rr;
  QDP_ColorVector *res, *grad;
  int i, j, Nvecs;

  Nvecs = A->N;
  res = QDP_create_V();
  grad = QDP_create_V();

  for(i=0; i<Nvecs; i++) {
    Matrix_Vec_mult_qdp(eigVec[i], res, subset);
    QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&rr, res, eigVec[i], subset);
    A->M[i][i].real = rr;
    A->M[i][i].imag = 0.0;
    QDP_V_eq_V(grad, res, subset);
    QDP_V_meq_r_times_V(grad, &rr, eigVec[i], subset);
    QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&rr, grad, subset);
    err[i] = sqrt(rr);
    for(j=i+1; j<Nvecs; j++) {
      QDP_c_eq_V_dot_V(&cc, res, eigVec[j], subset);
      A->M[i][j].real = QLA_real(cc);
      A->M[i][j].imag = QLA_imag(cc);
      A->M[j][i].real = QLA_real(cc);
      A->M[j][i].imag = -QLA_imag(cc);

static void
su2_extract(NCPROT QLA_Real r[4], QLA_ColorMatrix(*m), int i, int j)
  QLA_Complex *a00, *a01, *a10, *a11;
  a00 = &QLA_elem_M(*m, i, i);
  a01 = &QLA_elem_M(*m, i, j);
  a10 = &QLA_elem_M(*m, j, i);
  a11 = &QLA_elem_M(*m, j, j);
  r[0] = QLA_real(*a00) + QLA_real(*a11);
  r[1] = QLA_imag(*a01) + QLA_imag(*a10);
  r[2] = QLA_real(*a01) - QLA_real(*a10);
  r[3] = QLA_imag(*a00) - QLA_imag(*a11);
Beispiel #3
static void
Qs(float_DD_put)(char *buf, size_t index, int count, void *v_arg)
    Qs(USQCDArgs) *arg = v_arg;
#if QNc == 'N'
    typedef QLA_DN_DiracPropagator(arg->nc, Ptype);
    typedef Qx(QLA_D,_DiracPropagator) Ptype;
    Ptype *P = arg->P;
    Ptype *dst = &P[index];
    QLA_F_Complex *src = (void *)buf;
    int js = arg->js;
    int jc = arg->jc;
    int is, ic;
    if (count != 1)
        luaL_error(arg->L, " count != 1");
    for (is = 0; is < QDP_Ns; is++) {
        for (ic = 0; ic < arg->nc; ic++, src++) {
            QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_P(*dst, ic, is, jc, js),
                               QLA_real(*src), QLA_imag(*src));
Beispiel #4
static int
mc_det(lua_State *L)
    mMatComplex *m = qlua_checkMatComplex(L, 1);
    mMatComplex *lu;
    mMatComplex *r;
    gsl_permutation *p;
    int signum;
    gsl_complex d;
    QLA_D_Complex *z;

    if (m->l_size != m->r_size)
        return luaL_error(L, "square matrix expected");
    p = new_permutation(L, m->l_size);
    lu = qlua_newMatComplex(L, m->l_size, m->l_size);
    r = qlua_newMatComplex(L, m->l_size, m->l_size);
    gsl_matrix_complex_memcpy(lu->m, m->m);
    gsl_linalg_complex_LU_decomp(lu->m, p, &signum);
    d = gsl_linalg_complex_LU_det(lu->m, signum);
    z = qlua_newComplex(L);
    QLA_real(*z) = GSL_REAL(d);
    QLA_imag(*z) = GSL_IMAG(d);

    return 1;
Beispiel #5
static int
mc_put(lua_State *L)                                           /* (-3,+0,e) */
    mMatComplex *v = qlua_checkMatComplex(L, 1);
    int sl, sr;

    qlua_checkindex2(L, 2, "matrix set", &sl, &sr);

    if ((sl >= 0) && (sl < v->l_size) &&
        (sr >= 0) && (sr < v->r_size)) {
        switch (qlua_qtype(L, 3)) {
        case qReal: {
            gsl_complex z;
            double x = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
            GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, x, 0);
            gsl_matrix_complex_set(v->m, sl, sr, z);
            return 0;
        case qComplex: {
            gsl_complex zz;
            QLA_D_Complex *z = qlua_checkComplex(L, 3);
            GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&zz, QLA_real(*z), QLA_imag(*z));
            gsl_matrix_complex_set(v->m, sl, sr, zz);
            return 0;
    return qlua_badindex(L, "matrix.complex[]");
Beispiel #6
static int
mc_get(lua_State *L)                                           /* (-2,+1,e) */
    switch (qlua_qtype(L, 2)) {
    case qTable: {
        mMatComplex *v = qlua_checkMatComplex(L, 1);
        int sl, sr;

        qlua_checkindex2(L, 2, "matrix get", &sl, &sr);

        if ((sl >= 0) && (sl < v->l_size) &&
            (sr >= 0) && (sr < v->r_size)) {
            QLA_D_Complex *z = qlua_newComplex(L);
            gsl_complex zz = gsl_matrix_complex_get(v->m, sl, sr);

            QLA_real(*z) = GSL_REAL(zz);
            QLA_imag(*z) = GSL_IMAG(zz);
            return 1;
    case qString:
        return qlua_lookup(L, 2, opMatComplex);
    return qlua_badindex(L, "matrix.complex[]");
Beispiel #7
RotateBasis_qdp(QDP_ColorVector **eigVec, Matrix *V, QDP_Subset subset)
  QLA_Complex z;
  QDP_ColorVector **Tmp;
  int i, j, N;

  N = V->N;
  /* Allocate the temporary vectors needed */
  Tmp = malloc(N*sizeof(QDP_ColorVector *));
  for(i=0; i<N; i++) Tmp[i] = QDP_create_V();

  for(i=0; i<N; i++) {
    QDP_V_eq_zero(Tmp[i], subset);
    for(j=0; j<N; j++) {
      QLA_real(z) = V->M[j][i].real;
      QLA_imag(z) = V->M[j][i].imag;
      QDP_V_peq_c_times_V(Tmp[i], &z, eigVec[j], subset);

  /* Copy rotated basis to the eigVec and free temporaries */
  for(i=0; i<N; i++) {
    QDP_V_eq_V(eigVec[i], Tmp[i], subset);
    normalize_qdp(eigVec[i], subset);
Beispiel #8
static void
show_dot(const char *name, QDP_DiracFermion *a, QDP_DiracFermion *b)
    QLA_Complex v;

    QDP_c_eq_D_dot_D(&v, a, b, QDP_all);
    printf0(" <%s> = %30.20e %+30.20e\n", name, QLA_real(v), QLA_imag(v));
Beispiel #9
static int
c_mul_cm(lua_State *L)
    QLA_D_Complex *b = qlua_checkComplex(L, 1);
    mMatComplex *a = qlua_checkMatComplex(L, 2);

    return do_ccmul(L, a, QLA_real(*b), QLA_imag(*b));
Beispiel #10
printm(QLA_ColorMatrix *m)
  for(int i=0; i<QLA_Nc; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<QLA_Nc; j++) {
      QLA_Complex *z = &QLA_elem_M(*m,i,j);
      printf("%10g%+10gi  ", QLA_real(*z), QLA_imag(*z));
Beispiel #11
static void
q_CL_P_writer(const int p[], int c, int d, int re_im, double v, void *e)
    qCL_P_env *env = e;
    int i = QDP_index_L(env->lat, p);

    if (re_im == 0) {
        QLA_real(QLA_elem_P(env->out[i], c, d, env->c, env->d)) = v;
    } else {
        QLA_imag(QLA_elem_P(env->out[i], c, d, env->c, env->d)) = v;
Beispiel #12
static int
cm_div_c(lua_State *L)
    mMatComplex *a = qlua_checkMatComplex(L, 1);
    QLA_D_Complex *b = qlua_checkComplex(L, 2);
    double br = QLA_real(*b);
    double bi = QLA_imag(*b);
    double h = hypot(br, bi);
    double n = 1/h;

    return do_ccmul(L, a, br * n * n, -bi * n * n);
Beispiel #13
static void
q_CL_D_writer(const int p[], int c, int d, int re_im, double v, void *e)
    CL_D_env *env = e;
    int i = QDP_index_L(env->lat, p);
    QLA_D3_DiracFermion *f = env->f;
    if (re_im == 0) {
        QLA_real(QLA_elem_D(f[i], c, d)) = v;
    } else {
        QLA_imag(QLA_elem_D(f[i], c, d)) = v;
Beispiel #14
static void
f_writer(const int pos[4], int c, int d, int re_im, double v, void *env)
    int n = QDP_node_number(pos);
    int i = QDP_index(pos);
    QDP_DiracFermion *f = (QDP_DiracFermion *)env;
    QLA_DiracFermion *df = QDP_expose_D(f);

    assert(n == self);
    if (re_im == 0) {
        QLA_real(QLA_elem_D(df[i], c, d)) = v;
    } else {
        QLA_imag(QLA_elem_D(df[i], c, d)) = v;
Beispiel #15
static double
q_CL_u_reader(int d, const int p[], int a, int b, int re_im, void *env)
    QLA_D_Complex z;
    QCArgs *args = env;
    int i = QDP_index_L(args->lat, p);

    if (p[d] == (args->lattice[d] - 1)) {
        QLA_c_eq_c_times_c(z, args->bf[d], QLA_elem_M(args->uf[d][i], a, b));
    } else {
        QLA_c_eq_c(z, QLA_elem_M(args->uf[d][i], a, b));

    if (re_im == 0) 
        return QLA_real(z);
        return QLA_imag(z);
Beispiel #16
static void
qlamakegroup(QLA_Complex *x, int g)
  switch(g&GROUP_TYPE) {
  case GROUP_GL: break;
  case GROUP_U: {
    QLA_Real n = QLA_norm2_c(*x);
    if(n==0) { QLA_c_eq_r(*x, 1); }
    else {
      n = 1/sqrt(n);
      QLA_c_eq_r_times_c(*x, n, *x);
  } break;
  case GROUP_H: QLA_c_eq_r(*x, QLA_real(*x)); break;
  case GROUP_AH: QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(*x, 0, QLA_imag(*x)); break;
  if(g&GROUP_S) QLA_c_eq_r(*x, 1);
  if(g&GROUP_T) QLA_c_eq_r(*x, 0);
Beispiel #17
static int
mc_trace(lua_State *L)                                         /* (-1,+2,e) */
    mMatComplex *m = qlua_checkMatComplex(L, 1);
    int i;
    double tr;
    double ti;
    QLA_D_Complex *t = qlua_newComplex(L);
    if (m->l_size != m->r_size)
        return luaL_error(L, "matrix:trace() expects square matrix");
    for (ti = tr = 0, i = 0; i < m->l_size; i++) {
        gsl_complex z = gsl_matrix_complex_get(m->m, i, i);
        tr += GSL_REAL(z);
        ti += GSL_IMAG(z);
    QLA_real(*t) = tr;
    QLA_imag(*t) = ti;

    return 1;
Beispiel #18
main(void) {
  QLA_ColorMatrix O, iQ, tmp, matI;

  for(int i=0; i<QLA_Nc; i++) {
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(matI,i,i), 1.0, 0.0);

  QLA_Complex tr;
  QLA_Real half = 0.5;

  for(int i=0; i<QLA_Nc; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<QLA_Nc; j++) {
      QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(O,i,j), i+1, QLA_Nc*(j+1));
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(O,i,i), 2+1, 1);

#if QDP_Colors == 3
  QLA_Complex ci;
  QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(ci, 0, 1);

  //use my own implementation
  QLA_ColorMatrix expiQ;
  QLA_ColorMatrix QQ;
  QLA_ColorMatrix QQQ;
  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&QQ, &iQ, &iQ); //-Q^2
  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&QQQ, &QQ, &iQ); //-iQ^3
  QLA_M_eq_c_times_M(&QQQ, &ci, &QQQ); //Q^3
  QLA_Complex c0, c1;
  QLA_C_eq_trace_M(&c0, &QQQ);
  QLA_c_eq_r_times_c(c0, 0.3333333, c0);

  QLA_C_eq_trace_M(&c1, &QQ);
  QLA_c_eq_r_times_c(c1, -0.5, c1);

  double _Complex tf0, tf1, tf2;
  getfs(&tf0, &tf1, &tf2, QLA_real(c0), QLA_real(c1));

  QLA_Complex f0, f1, f2;
  f0 = tf0; 
  f1 = tf1;
  f2 = tf2;

  printf("iQ = \n");
  printf("QLA: exp(iQ) = \n");
  printf("Q^3 = \n");
  printf("c0 = "); printc(&c0);
  printf("c1 = "); printc(&c1);  

#if QDP_Colors == 2
  QLA_ColorMatrix expO;
  QLA_Complex Tr, det;
  QLA_c_eq_c_times_c(det, QLA_elem_M(O,0,0),QLA_elem_M(O,1,1));
  QLA_c_meq_c_times_c(det, QLA_elem_M(O,0,1), QLA_elem_M(O,1,0));

  QLA_C_eq_trace_M(&Tr, &O);
  QLA_Complex s, t;
  QLA_c_eq_r_times_c(s, 0.5, Tr); // s=TrA/2

  QLA_Complex s2;
  QLA_c_eq_c_times_c(s2, s, s); //s2 = s^2
  QLA_c_meq_c(s2, det); //s2 = s^2 - detA

  double _Complex dc_t = QLA_real(s2) + QLA_imag(s2) * _Complex_I;
  dc_t = csqrt(dc_t); // sqrt(s^2 - det A)
  QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(t, creal(dc_t), cimag(dc_t)); // t = sqrt(s^2 - det A)

  printf(" Matrix O = \n"); printm(&O);
  printf("TrO = ");         printc(&Tr);
  printf("detO = ");        printc(&det); 
  printf("s = ");           printc(&s);
  printf("t^2 = ");         printc(&s2);
  printf("t = ");           printc(&t);

  //use the QLA exp function
  QLA_ColorMatrix qla_exp;
  QLA_M_eq_exp_M(&qla_exp, &O); //exp(O)
  double _Complex cosht, sinht, sinht_t;

  if(QLA_real(t) == 0 && QLA_imag(t) == 0) {
    cosht = 1;
    sinht = 0;
    sinht_t = 1;	
  } else {
    cosht = ccosh(dc_t);
    sinht = csinh(dc_t);
    sinht_t = sinht/dc_t;

  double _Complex dc_s = QLA_real(s) + QLA_imag(s) * _Complex_I;
  double _Complex dc_f0, dc_f1;
  dc_f0 = cexp(dc_s) * (cosht - dc_s * sinht_t);
  dc_f1 = cexp(dc_s) * sinht_t;

  QLA_Complex f0, f1;
  QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(f0, creal(dc_f0), cimag(dc_f0));
  QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(f1, creal(dc_f1), cimag(dc_f1));

  QLA_M_eq_c_times_M(&expO, &f1, &O);
  QLA_M_peq_c(&expO, &f0);
  printf("QLA exp = \n"); printm(&qla_exp);
  printf("my expO = \n"); printm(&expO);


  return 0;
Beispiel #19
static int
qaff_w_write(lua_State *L)
    mAffWriter *b = qlua_checkAffWriter(L, 1);
    const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
    struct AffNode_s *n;
    int status;
    const char *msg = NULL;

    check_writer(L, b);


    if (b->master) {
        status = 0;
        n = qlua_AffWriterMkPath(b, p);
        if (n == 0) {
            msg = aff_writer_errstr(b->ptr);
            goto end;

        msg = "Write error";
        switch (qlua_qtype(L, 3)) {
        case qString: {
            const char *str = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
            if (aff_node_put_char(b->ptr, n, str, strlen(str)) == 0)
                status = 1;
        case qVecInt: {
            mVecInt *v = qlua_checkVecInt(L, 3);
            int size = v->size;
            uint32_t *d = qlua_malloc(L, size * sizeof (uint32_t));
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                d[i] = v->val[i];
            if (aff_node_put_int(b->ptr, n, d, size) == 0)
                status = 1;

			qlua_free(L, d);

        case qVecReal: {
            mVecReal *v = qlua_checkVecReal(L, 3);
            int size = v->size;
            double *d = qlua_malloc(L, size * sizeof (double));
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                d[i] = v->val[i];
            if (aff_node_put_double(b->ptr, n, d, size) == 0)
                status = 1;

			qlua_free(L, d);
        case qVecComplex: {
            mVecComplex *v = qlua_checkVecComplex(L, 3);
            int size = v->size;
            double _Complex *d = qlua_malloc(L, size * sizeof (double _Complex));
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                d[i] = QLA_real(v->val[i]) + I * QLA_imag(v->val[i]);
            if (aff_node_put_complex(b->ptr, n, d, size) == 0)
                status = 1;

			qlua_free(L, d);
            msg = "Unsupported data type";
    } else {
        status = 0;

    if (status)
        return 0;

    if (b->master)
        return luaL_error(L, msg);
        return luaL_error(L, "generic writer error");
Beispiel #20
static int
qaff_r_read(lua_State *L)
    mAffReader *b = qlua_checkAffReader(L, 1);
    const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
    struct AffNode_s *n;
    uint32_t size;

    check_reader(L, b);

    n = qlua_AffReaderChPath(b, p);
    if (n == 0)
        goto end;
    size = aff_node_size(n);

    switch (aff_node_type(n)) {
    case affNodeVoid:
        lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
        return 1;
    case affNodeChar: {
		char *d = qlua_malloc(L, size + 1);

        if (aff_node_get_char(b->ptr, n, d, size) == 0) {
            d[size] = 0;
            lua_pushstring(L, d);
			qlua_free(L, d);

            return 1;
		qlua_free(L, d);
    case affNodeInt: {
		uint32_t *d = qlua_malloc(L, size * sizeof (uint32_t));

        if (aff_node_get_int(b->ptr, n, d, size) == 0) {
            mVecInt *v = qlua_newVecInt(L, size);
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                v->val[i] = d[i];
			qlua_free(L, d);

            return 1;
		qlua_free(L, d);
    case affNodeDouble: {
		double *d = qlua_malloc(L, size * sizeof (double));

        if (aff_node_get_double(b->ptr, n, d, size) == 0) {
            mVecReal *v = qlua_newVecReal(L, size);
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                v->val[i] = d[i];
			qlua_free(L, d);
            return 1;
		qlua_free(L, d);
    case affNodeComplex: {
		double _Complex *d = qlua_malloc(L, size * sizeof (double _Complex));

        if (aff_node_get_complex(b->ptr, n, d, size) == 0) {
            mVecComplex *v = qlua_newVecComplex(L, size);
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                QLA_real(v->val[i]) = creal(d[i]);
                QLA_imag(v->val[i]) = cimag(d[i]);
			qlua_free(L, d);

            return 1;
		qlua_free(L, d);
        goto end;
    return luaL_error(L, aff_reader_errstr(b->ptr));

    return luaL_error(L, "bad arguments for AFF read");
Beispiel #21
static void
pushqlatype(lua_State *L, QLA_Complex *c)
  qhmc_complex_create(L, QLA_real(*c), QLA_imag(*c));
QOPPC(symanzik_1loop_gauge_force1) (QOP_info_t *info, QOP_GaugeField *gauge, 
		   QOP_Force *force, QOP_gauge_coeffs_t *coeffs, REAL eps)
  REAL Plaq, Rect, Pgm ;
  QDP_ColorMatrix *tempmom_qdp[4];
  QDP_ColorMatrix *Amu[6]; // products of 2 links Unu(x)*Umu(x+nu)
  QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat;
  QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat1;
  QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat2;
  QDP_ColorMatrix *staples;
  QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat3;
  QDP_ColorMatrix *tmpmat4;

  int i, k;
  int mu, nu, sig;
  double dtime;
  //REAL eb3 = -eps*beta/3.0;
  REAL eb3 = -eps/3.0;
  int j[3][2] = {{1,2},
  //  QOP_printf0("beta: %e, eb3: %e\n", beta, eb3);
  dtime = -QOP_time();

  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    tempmom_qdp[mu] = QDP_create_M();
    QDP_M_eq_zero(tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_all);

  tmpmat = QDP_create_M();
  for(i=0; i<QOP_common.ndim; i++) {
    fblink[i] = gauge->links[i];
    fblink[OPP_DIR(i)] = QDP_create_M();
    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[i], QDP_neighbor[i], QDP_backward, QDP_all);
    QDP_M_eq_Ma(fblink[OPP_DIR(i)], tmpmat, QDP_all);

  for(i=0; i<6; i++) {
    Amu[i] = QDP_create_M();

  staples = QDP_create_M();
  tmpmat1 = QDP_create_M();
  tmpmat2 = QDP_create_M();
  tmpmat3 = QDP_create_M();
  tmpmat4 = QDP_create_M();

  Plaq = coeffs->plaquette;
  Rect = coeffs->rectangle;
  Pgm  = coeffs->parallelogram;

  //Construct 3-staples and rectangles
  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    for(nu=0; nu<4; nu++) {
	// tmpmat1 = Umu(x+nu)
	QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat1, fblink[mu], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all); 
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(Amu[i], fblink[nu], tmpmat1, QDP_all);

        //tmpmat2 = Umu(x-nu)
	QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat2, fblink[mu], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(Amu[i+3], fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], tmpmat2, QDP_all);

	//tmpmat = U_{nu}(x+mu)
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(staples, Amu[i], tmpmat, QDP_all);        
        QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Plaq, staples, QDP_all);
        //tmpmat = U_{-nu}(x+mu)
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(tmpmat3, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], staples, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat4, tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, tmpmat4, QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Rect, tmpmat, QDP_all);

        QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(tmpmat4, tmpmat2, tmpmat3, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, tmpmat4, QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_backward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[nu], &Rect, tmpmat3, QDP_all);

        //tmpmat = U_{-nu}(x+mu)
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat3, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat, tmpmat3, staples, QDP_all);        
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[nu], &Rect, tmpmat3, QDP_all);

        //tmpmat = U_{-nu}(x+mu) 
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(staples, Amu[i+3], tmpmat, QDP_all);        
        QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Plaq, staples, QDP_all);

        QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(tmpmat3, fblink[nu], staples, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat4, tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, tmpmat4, QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Rect, tmpmat, QDP_all);

        QDP_M_eq_Ma_times_M(tmpmat, tmpmat3, tmpmat1, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat4, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_backward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[nu], &Rect, tmpmat4, QDP_all);

        QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat3, staples, tmpmat, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat4, tmpmat3, tmpmat1, QDP_all);
        QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[nu], &Rect, tmpmat4, QDP_all);

    // Construct the  pgm staples and add them to force
    QDP_M_eq_zero(staples, QDP_all);
    for(nu=0; nu<4; nu++){
	for(sig=0; sig<4;sig ++){
	  if(sig!=mu && nu!=sig){
	    // the nu_sig_mu ... staple and 3 reflections
            //tmpmat = Amu["sig"](x+nu)
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, Amu[j[i][k]], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat1 = Unu(x)*Amu["sig"](x+nu)
            QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat1, fblink[nu], tmpmat, QDP_all);   
            //tmpmat3 = Unu(x+mu+sig)
            QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[sig], QDP_forward, QDP_all); // HERE?
            //tmpmat2 = Unu(x)*Amu["sig"](x+nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig))
	    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat2, tmpmat1, tmpmat3, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat = Usig(x+mu)
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[sig], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat1 = Unu(x)*Amu["sig"](x+nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig))*adj(Usig(x+mu))
	    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat1, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all);

	    QDP_M_peq_M(staples, tmpmat1, QDP_all);

            //tmpmat = Amu["sig"](x-nu)
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, Amu[j[i][k]], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat1 = U_{-nu}(x)*Amu["sig"](x-nu)
            QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat1, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], tmpmat, QDP_all);   
            //tmpmat3 = U_{-nu}(x+mu+sig)
            QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[sig], QDP_forward, QDP_all); // HERE?
            //tmpmat2 = U_{-nu}nu(x)*Amu["sig"](x-nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig))
	    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat2, tmpmat1, tmpmat3, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat = Usig(x+mu)
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[sig], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat1 = U_{-nu}(x)*Amu["sig"](x-nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig))*adj(Usig(x+mu))
	    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat1, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all);

	    QDP_M_peq_M(staples, tmpmat1, QDP_all);

            //tmpmat = Amu["-sig"](x-nu)
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, Amu[j[i][k]+3], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_backward, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat1 = U_{-nu}(x)*Amu["-sig"](x-nu)
            QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat1, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], tmpmat, QDP_all);   
            //tmpmat = U_{-nu}(x+mu-sig)
            QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(nu)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[sig], QDP_backward, QDP_all); // HERE?
            //tmpmat2 = U_{-nu}nu(x)*Amu["-sig"](x-nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu-sig))
	    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat2, tmpmat1, tmpmat3, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat = U_{-sig}(x+mu)
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(sig)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat1 = U_{-nu}(x)*Amu["-sig"](x-nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu-sig))*adj(U_{-sig}(x+mu))
	    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat1, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all);

	    QDP_M_peq_M(staples, tmpmat1, QDP_all);


            //tmpmat = Amu["-sig"](x+nu)
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, Amu[j[i][k]+3], QDP_neighbor[nu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat1 = Unu(x)*Amu["-sig"](x+nu)
            QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(tmpmat1, fblink[nu], tmpmat, QDP_all);   
            //tmpmat3 = Unu(x+mu-sig)
            QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[nu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat3, tmpmat, QDP_neighbor[sig], QDP_backward, QDP_all); // HERE?
            //tmpmat2 = Unu(x)*Amu["-sig"](x+nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu-sig))
	    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat2, tmpmat1, tmpmat3, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat = U_{-sig}(x+mu)
	    QDP_M_eq_sM(tmpmat, fblink[OPP_DIR(sig)], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, QDP_all);
            //tmpmat1 = Unu(x)*Amu["sig"](x+nu)*adj(Unu(x+mu+sig))*adj(Usig(x+mu))
	    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat1, tmpmat2, tmpmat, QDP_all);

	    QDP_M_peq_M(staples, tmpmat1, QDP_all);

	  }//close if sig!=nu ...
	}//close sig loop
      }// close if nu!=mu
    }//close the pgm nu loop

    QDP_M_peq_r_times_M(tempmom_qdp[mu], &Pgm, staples, QDP_all);

  }// closes the mu loop

#ifdef CHKSUM
  QLA_ColorMatrix qcm;
  QLA_Complex det, chk;
  QLA_c_eq_r(chk, 0);
  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++){
    QDP_M_eq_M_times_Ma(tmpmat, fblink[mu], tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_all); // HERE?
    QDP_M_eq_r_times_M_plus_M( tempmom_qdp[mu], &eb3, tmpmat, force->force[mu], QDP_all);// HERE?
    QDP_M_eq_antiherm_M(force->force[mu], tempmom_qdp[mu], QDP_all);// HERE
#ifdef CHKSUM
    QDP_m_eq_sum_M(&qcm, force->force[mu], QDP_all);
    QLA_C_eq_det_M(&det, &qcm);
    QLA_c_peq_c(chk, det);
#ifdef CHKSUM
  QOP_printf0("chksum: %g %g\n", QLA_real(chk), QLA_imag(chk));

  //DESTROY various fields


  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++){
  for(i=0; i<6; i++) {

  for(i=4; i<8; i++) {

  dtime += QOP_time();

  double nflop = 96720;
  info->final_sec = dtime;
  info->final_flop = nflop*QDP_sites_on_node; 
  info->status = QOP_SUCCESS;
  //QOP_printf0("Time in slow g_force: %e\n", info->final_sec);
Beispiel #23
/* optimized version of building blocks 
   compute tr(B^+ \Gamma_n F) [n=0..15] and projects on n_qext momenta
   select time interval [tsrc: tsnk] and does time reversal if time_rev==1
   save results to aff_w[aff_kpath . 'g%d/qx%d_qy%d_qz%d']
    csrc = { xsrc, ysrc, zsrc, tsrc }
    qext[4 * i_qext + dir] components
    time_rev ==0 for proton_3, ==1 for proton_negpar_3
    bc_baryon_t =+/-1 boundary condition for baryon 2pt[sic!] function; =bc_quark^3
const char *
save_bb(lua_State *L,
        mLattice *S,
        mAffWriter *aff_w,
        const char *aff_kpath,
        QDP_D3_DiracPropagator *F,
        QDP_D3_DiracPropagator *B,
        const int *csrc,             /* [qRank] */
        int tsnk,
        int n_mom,
        const int *mom,             /* [n_mom][qRank] */
        int time_rev,                /* 1 to reverse, 0 to not */
        int t_axis,                  /* 0-based */
        double bc_baryon_t)
    /* gamma matrix parameterization for left multiplication:
       Gamma_n [i,j] = gamma_coeff[n][i] * \delta_{i,gamma_ind[n][i]}
                v[0]    a[0]*v[I[0]]
        Gamma * v[1] =  a[1]*v[I[1]]
                v[2]    a[2]*v[I[2]]
                v[3]    a[3]*v[I[3]]
        (Gamma * X)_{ik} = a[i] * X[I[i],k]
    double complex gamma_left_coeff[16][4] = {
        { 1, 1, 1, 1 },             /* G0 = 1 */
        { I, I,-I,-I },             /* G1 = g1 */
        {-1, 1, 1,-1 },             /* G2 = g2 */
        {-I, I,-I, I },             /* G3 = g1 g2 */
        { I,-I,-I, I },             /* G4 = g3 */
        {-1, 1,-1, 1 },             /* G5 = g1 g3 */
        {-I,-I,-I,-I },             /* G6 = g2 g3 */
        { 1, 1,-1,-1 },             /* G7 = g1 g2 g3 */
        { 1, 1, 1, 1 },             /* G8 = g4 */
        { I, I,-I,-I },             /* G9 = g1 g4 */
        {-1, 1, 1,-1 },             /* G10= g2 g4 */
        {-I, I,-I, I },             /* G11= g1 g2 g4 */
        { I,-I,-I, I },             /* G12= g3 g4 */
        {-1, 1,-1, 1 },             /* G13= g1 g3 g4 */
        {-I,-I,-I,-I },             /* G14= g2 g3 g4 */
        { 1, 1,-1,-1 },             /* G15= g1 g2 g3 g4 */
    int gamma_left_ind[16][4] = {
        { 0, 1, 2, 3 },             /* G0 = 1 */
        { 3, 2, 1, 0 },             /* G1 = g1 */
        { 3, 2, 1, 0 },             /* G2 = g2 */
        { 0, 1, 2, 3 },             /* G3 = g1 g2 */
        { 2, 3, 0, 1 },             /* G4 = g3 */
        { 1, 0, 3, 2 },             /* G5 = g1 g3 */
        { 1, 0, 3, 2 },             /* G6 = g2 g3 */
        { 2, 3, 0, 1 },             /* G7 = g1 g2 g3 */
        { 2, 3, 0, 1 },             /* G8 = g4 */
        { 1, 0, 3, 2 },             /* G9 = g1 g4 */
        { 1, 0, 3, 2 },             /* G10= g2 g4 */
        { 2, 3, 0, 1 },             /* G11= g1 g2 g4 */
        { 0, 1, 2, 3 },             /* G12= g3 g4 */
        { 3, 2, 1, 0 },             /* G13= g1 g3 g4 */
        { 3, 2, 1, 0 },             /* G14= g2 g3 g4 */
        { 0, 1, 2, 3 },             /* G15= g1 g2 g3 g4 */
#define get_mom(mom_list, i_mom) ((mom_list) + 4*(i_mom))
    if (4 != S->rank || 
            4 != QDP_Ns ||
            3 != t_axis) {
        return "not implemented for this dim, spin, color, or t-axis";

    int latsize[4];
    QDP_latsize_L(S->lat, latsize);
    if (NULL == aff_w ||
            NULL == aff_kpath || 
            NULL == mom ||
            n_mom < 0) {
        return "incorrect pointer parameters";
    int i;
    for (i = 0 ; i < S->rank; i++) {
        if (csrc[i] < 0 || latsize[i] <= csrc[i]) {
            return "incorrect source coordinates";
    if (tsnk < 0 || latsize[t_axis] <= tsnk) {
        return "incorrect sink t-coordinate";
    if (n_mom <= 0)
        return NULL;       /* relax */

    int src_snk_dt = -1;
    int lt = latsize[t_axis];
    if (!time_rev) {
        src_snk_dt = (lt + tsnk - csrc[t_axis]) % lt;
    } else {
        src_snk_dt = (lt + csrc[t_axis] - tsnk) % lt;
    int bb_arr_size = 16 * n_mom * (src_snk_dt + 1) * 2 * sizeof(double);
    double *bb_arr = qlua_malloc(L, bb_arr_size);
    memset(bb_arr, 0, bb_arr_size);
#define bb_real(i_gamma, i_mom) ((bb_arr) + (src_snk_dt + 1) * (0 + 2 * ((i_mom) + n_mom * (i_gamma))))
#define bb_imag(i_gamma, i_mom) ((bb_arr) + (src_snk_dt + 1) * (1 + 2 * ((i_mom) + n_mom * (i_gamma))))

    double complex *exp_iphase = qlua_malloc(L, n_mom * sizeof(double complex));
    int coord[4];
    double complex trc_FBd[4][4];
    QLA_D3_DiracPropagator *F_exp = QDP_D3_expose_P(F);
    QLA_D3_DiracPropagator *B_exp = QDP_D3_expose_P(B);

    int i_site;
    int sites = QDP_sites_on_node_L(S->lat);
    for (i_site = 0; i_site < sites; i_site++) {
        QDP_get_coords_L(S->lat, coord, QDP_this_node, i_site);
        int t = -1;
        if (!time_rev) {
            t = (lt + coord[t_axis] - csrc[t_axis]) % lt;
        } else {
            t = (lt + csrc[t_axis] - coord[t_axis]) % lt;
        if (src_snk_dt < t)

        /* precalc phases for inner contraction loop */
        int i_mom;
        for (i_mom = 0 ; i_mom < n_mom ; i_mom++) {
            exp_iphase[i_mom] = calc_exp_iphase(coord, csrc, 
                    latsize, get_mom(mom, i_mom));
//            printf("%e+I*%e\n", creal(exp_iphase[i_mom]), cimag(exp_iphase[i_mom]));

        /* compute trace_{color} [ F * B^\dag] 
           [is,js]  = sum_{ic,jc,ks} F[ic,is; jc,ks] * (B[ic,js; jc,ks])^*
           is,js,ks - spin, ic,jc - color
        int is, js, ks, ic, jc;
        for (is = 0; is < 4; is++) {
            for (js = 0; js < 4; js++) {
                QLA_D_Complex sum;
                QLA_c_eq_r(sum, 0);
                for (ks = 0; ks < 4; ks++) {
                    for (ic = 0; ic < 3 ; ic++)
                        for (jc = 0; jc < 3 ; jc++)
                                    QLA_elem_P(F_exp[i_site], ic,is, jc,ks),
                                    QLA_elem_P(B_exp[i_site], ic,js, jc,ks));
                trc_FBd[is][js] = QLA_real(sum) + I*QLA_imag(sum);

        /* cycle over Gamma */
        int gn;
        for (gn = 0; gn < 16 ; gn++) {
            double complex sum = 0.;
            /* compute contractions Gamma(n) */
            for (is = 0; is < 4; is++) 
                sum += gamma_left_coeff[gn][is] * trc_FBd[gamma_left_ind[gn][is]][is];
            /* mult. by phase and add to timeslice sum */
            for (i_mom = 0; i_mom < n_mom; i_mom++) {
                double complex aux = exp_iphase[i_mom] * sum;
                bb_real(gn, i_mom)[t] += creal(aux);
                bb_imag(gn, i_mom)[t] += cimag(aux);
    qlua_free(L, exp_iphase);

    /* global sum */
    if (QMP_sum_double_array(bb_arr, bb_arr_size / sizeof(double))) {
        qlua_free(L, bb_arr);
        return "QMP_sum_double_array error";
    /* save to AFF */
    if (aff_w->master) {
        struct AffNode_s *aff_top = NULL;
        aff_top = aff_writer_mkpath(aff_w->ptr, aff_w->dir, aff_kpath);
        if (NULL == aff_top) {
            qlua_free(L, bb_arr);
            return aff_writer_errstr(aff_w->ptr);

        double complex *cplx_buf = qlua_malloc(L, (src_snk_dt + 1) * sizeof(double complex));
        char buf[200];
        int gn, i_mom, t;
        for (gn = 0; gn < 16; gn++)
            for (i_mom = 0; i_mom < n_mom; i_mom++) {
                /* copy & mult by bc, if necessary */
                const double *bb_re_cur = bb_real(gn, i_mom),
                             *bb_im_cur = bb_imag(gn, i_mom);
                if (!time_rev) {    /* no bc */
                    for (t = 0 ; t <= src_snk_dt; t++)
                        cplx_buf[t] = bb_re_cur[t] + I*bb_im_cur[t];
                } else {
                    if (gn < 8) {
                        for (t = 0 ; t <= src_snk_dt; t++)
                            cplx_buf[t] = bc_baryon_t * (bb_re_cur[t] + I*bb_im_cur[t]);
                    } else {
                        for (t = 0 ; t <= src_snk_dt; t++)
                            cplx_buf[t] = -bc_baryon_t * (bb_re_cur[t] + I*bb_im_cur[t]);
                /* write to AFF */
                snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "g%d/qx%d_qy%d_qz%d", 
                         gn, get_mom(mom, i_mom)[0], 
                         get_mom(mom, i_mom)[1], get_mom(mom, i_mom)[2]);
                struct AffNode_s *node = aff_writer_mkpath(aff_w->ptr, aff_top, buf);
                if (NULL == node) {
                    qlua_free(L, bb_arr);
                    qlua_free(L, cplx_buf);
                    return aff_writer_errstr(aff_w->ptr);
                if (aff_node_put_complex(aff_w->ptr, node, cplx_buf, src_snk_dt + 1)) {
                    qlua_free(L, bb_arr);
                    qlua_free(L, cplx_buf);
                    return aff_writer_errstr(aff_w->ptr);

        qlua_free(L, cplx_buf);

#undef bb_real
#undef bb_imag
#undef get_mom
    qlua_free(L, bb_arr);   
    return 0;
Beispiel #24
printc(QLA_Complex *c) {
  printf("%f+i%f\n",QLA_real(*c), QLA_imag(*c));
Beispiel #25
traceless_herm_M_evalues(QLA_ColorMatrix *Q, double *u, double *w, 
			   double *q1, double *q2, double *q3) {
  QLA_Complex c0, c1;

  QLA_ColorMatrix Q2;
  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&Q2, Q, Q);
  printf("Q^2 = \n"); printm(&Q2);

  QLA_C_eq_det_M    (&c0, Q);     // c0 = det(Q)
  QLA_C_eq_trace_M  (&c1, &Q2);     // c1 = tr(Q^2)

  double athird = 1.0/3.0;
  double cc0, cc1, cc0max;
  cc0 = QLA_real(c0);     
  cc1 = 0.5 * QLA_real(c1);
  cc0max = 2*sqrt(cc1 * athird)*(cc1 * athird);  //c_0^max = 2 * (c1/3)^{3/2}
  printf("c0 = %f\n", cc0);
  printf("c1 = %f\n", cc1);
  printf("c0_max = %f\n", cc0max);

  double theta;
  theta =acos(cc0/cc0max);
  *u = sqrt(athird * cc1) * cos(athird * theta);
  *w = sqrt(cc1) * sin(athird * theta);
  *q1 = 2 * *u;
  *q2 = -*u + *w;
  *q3 = -*u - *w;

  printf("u = %f, w = %f, q1 = %f, q2 = %f, q3 = %f\n", *u, *w, *q1, *q2, *q3);

get_f_coeffs(QLA_ColorMatrix *Q, double _Complex *f0, double _Complex *f1, double _Complex *f2){
  double u, w, q1, q2, q3;
  traceless_herm_M_evalues(Q, &u, &w, &q1, &q2, &q3);
  printf("q1=\n"); printc99(&q1);

  double _Complex e2iu, e_iu;
  e2iu = cexp(2 * _Complex_I * u);
  e_iu = cexp(-1.0 * _Complex_I * u);
  double u2 = u*u;
  double w2 = w*w;

  double _Complex zeta0w;
  if (fabs(w) > 0.05) {
    zeta0w = sin(w)/w;
  else {
    zeta0w = 1 - w2/6. * (1-w2/20. * (1 - w2/42.));
  double _Complex h0, h1, h2;
  h0 = (u2 - w2) * e2iu + e_iu * ( 8 * u2 *cos(w) + 2*_Complex_I*u * (3*u2+w2)*zeta0w);
  h1 = 2*u*e2iu - e_iu * (2 * u * cos(w) - _Complex_I * (3*u2-w2)*zeta0w);
  h2 = e2iu - e_iu * ( cos(w) + 3*_Complex_I*u * zeta0w);

  double fac = 1.0/(9*u2-w2);
  *f0 = h0 * fac;
  *f1 = h1 * fac;
  *f2 = h2 * fac;

get_Bs(QLA_ColorMatrix *Q, QLA_ColorMatrix *Q2, QLA_ColorMatrix *B1, QLA_ColorMatrix *B2, double _Complex *f0, double _Complex *f1, double _Complex *f2) {
  double u, w, q1, q2, q3;
  traceless_herm_M_evalues(Q, &u, &w, &q1, &q2, &q3);
  printf("q1=\n"); printc99(&q1);

  double _Complex e2iu, e_iu;
  e2iu = cexp(2 * _Complex_I * u);
  e_iu = cexp(-1.0 * _Complex_I * u);
  double u2 = u*u;
  double w2 = w*w;

  double _Complex zeta0w, zeta1w;
  if (fabs(w) > 0.05) {
    zeta0w = sin(w)/w;
    zeta1w = (cos(w)-zeta0w)/w2;
  else {
    zeta0w = 1 - w2/6. * (1-w2/20. * (1 - w2/42.));
    zeta1w = -(1 - w2/10. * (1 - w2/28.*(1 - w2/54.)))/3.0;
  double _Complex h0, h1, h2; 
  h0 = (u2 - w2) * e2iu + e_iu * ( 8 * u2 *cos(w) + 2*_Complex_I*u * (3*u2+w2)*zeta0w);
  h1 = 2*u*e2iu - e_iu * (2 * u * cos(w) - _Complex_I * (3*u2-w2)*zeta0w);
  h2 = e2iu - e_iu * ( cos(w) + 3*_Complex_I*u * zeta0w);

  double fac = 1.0/(9*u2-w2);
  *f0 = h0 * fac;
  *f1 = h1 * fac;
  *f2 = h2 * fac;

  double _Complex r01, r11, r21, r02, r12, r22, iu;
  double cosw = cos(w);

  iu = _Complex_I * u;

  r01 = 2*(u + _Complex_I * (u2 - w2)) * e2iu 
	   + 2 * e_iu * ( 4*u*(2 - iu) * cosw + _Complex_I * (9 * u2 + w2 - iu * (3*u2 + w2))*zeta0w);

  r11 = 2*(1 + 2*iu) * e2iu 
    + e_iu * ( -2 * (1-iu) * cosw + _Complex_I * (6*u + _Complex_I * (w2 - 3*u2)) * zeta0w);

  r21 = 2 * _Complex_I * e2iu + _Complex_I * e_iu * (cosw - 3*(1-iu)*zeta0w);

  r02 = -2 * e2iu + 2 * iu * e_iu * (cosw + (1+4*iu) * zeta0w + 3 * u2 * zeta1w);

  r12 = -_Complex_I * e_iu * ( cosw + (1+2*iu) * zeta0w - 3*u2 * zeta1w);

  r22 = e_iu * (zeta0w - 3 * iu * zeta1w);

  double _Complex b10, b11, b12, b20, b21, b22;
  double fac1, fac2, fac3;
  double mult = 0.5 * fac * fac;
  fac1 = 2 * u;
  fac2 = 3*u2 - w2;
  fac3 = 2*(15*u2+w2);

  b10 = fac1 * r01 + fac2 * r02 - fac3 * (*f0);
  b10 *= mult;

  b11 = fac1 * r11 + fac2 * r12 - fac3 * (*f1);
  b11 *= mult;

  b12 = fac1 * r21 + fac2 * r22 - fac3 * (*f2);
  b12 *= mult;

  fac2 = 3*u;
  fac3 = 24*u;
  b20 = r01 - fac2 * r02 - fac3 * (*f0);
  b20 *= mult;

  b21 = r11 - fac2 * r12 - fac3 * (*f1);
  b21 *= mult;

  b22 = r21 - fac2 * r22 - fac3 * (*f2);
  b22 *= mult;

  QLA_Complex qb10, qb11, qb12, qb20, qb21, qb22;
  QLA_c_eq_c99(qb10, b10);
  QLA_c_eq_c99(qb11, b11);
  QLA_c_eq_c99(qb12, b12);
  QLA_c_eq_c99(qb20, b20);
  QLA_c_eq_c99(qb21, b21);
  QLA_c_eq_c99(qb22, b22);

  QLA_M_eq_c(B1, &qb10);
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M(B1, &qb11, Q); 
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M(B1, &qb12, Q2);
  QLA_M_eq_c(B2, &qb20);
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M(B2, &qb21, Q); 
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M(B2, &qb22, Q2);

main(void) {
  QLA_ColorMatrix O, iQ, matI;

  for(int i=0; i<QLA_Nc; i++) {
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(matI,i,i), 1.0, 0.0);


  //QLA_Complex tr;
  //QLA_Real half = 0.5;

  for(int i=0; i<QLA_Nc; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<QLA_Nc; j++) {
      QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(O,i,j), i+1, QLA_Nc*(j+1));
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(O,i,i), 2+1, 1);

#if QDP_Colors == 3
  QLA_ColorMatrix A;

  for ( int m = 0; m < QLA_Nc; m++) {
    for ( int n = 0; n < QLA_Nc; n++) {
      QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(A, m, n), 3+m, 2-n);
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(A,m,m), 2+1, 1);

  QLA_M_eq_antiherm_M(&A, &A);

  QLA_Complex minus_i;
  QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(minus_i, 0, -1);
  QLA_ColorMatrix Q, Q2, expiQ, qla_expA;

  QLA_M_eq_C_times_M(&Q, &minus_i, &matI);
  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&Q2, &Q, &Q);

  printf("Q=\n"); printm(&Q);

  double _Complex f0, f1, f2;
  QLA_ColorMatrix B1, B2;
  get_Bs(&Q, &Q2, &B1, &B2, &f0, &f1, &f2);
  printf("f0, f1, f2=\n");

  QLA_Complex qf0, qf1, qf2;

  QLA_c_eq_c99(qf0, f0);
  QLA_c_eq_c99(qf1, f1);
  QLA_c_eq_c99(qf2, f2);
  QLA_M_eq_c(&expiQ, &qf0);
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M(&expiQ, &qf1, &Q);
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M(&expiQ, &qf2, &Q2);

  QLA_M_eq_exp_M(&qla_expA, &matI);

  printf("my expiQ = \n");
  printf("qla expA = \n");

  // derivative
  QLA_Complex trB1M, trB2M;
  QLA_ColorMatrix prod, deriv;

  //tr(B_1 M)
  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M (&prod, &B1, &matI); //B_1 M
  QLA_C_eq_trace_M   (&trB1M, &prod);
  //tr(B_2 M);
  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M (&prod, &B2, &matI); //B_2 M
  QLA_C_eq_trace_M   (&trB2M, &prod);
  // deriv = Tr(B_1 M) Q
  QLA_M_eq_c_times_M (&deriv, &trB1M, &Q);
  // deriv += Tr(B_2 M) Q^2
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M (&deriv, &trB2M, &Q2);
  // deriv += f1 M
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M (&deriv, &qf1, &matI);
  // deriv += f2 Q M
  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M  (&prod, &Q, &matI); // Q M
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M (&deriv, &qf2, &prod); 
  // deriv += f2 M Q
  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M  (&prod, &matI, &Q); // M Q
  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M (&deriv, &qf2, &prod);

  QLA_M_eq_c_times_M  (&deriv, &minus_i, &deriv);
  printf("M = \n");

  printf("deriv = \n");

  QLA_M_meq_M(&deriv, &expiQ);
  printf("diff = \n");
  printf("2/3f0 = \n");
  f0 *= 2.0/3;



#if QDP_Colors == 2
  QLA_ColorMatrix expO;
  QLA_Complex Tr, det;
  QLA_c_eq_c_times_c(det, QLA_elem_M(O,0,0),QLA_elem_M(O,1,1));
  QLA_c_meq_c_times_c(det, QLA_elem_M(O,0,1), QLA_elem_M(O,1,0));

  QLA_C_eq_trace_M(&Tr, &O);
  QLA_Complex qs, qt;
  QLA_c_eq_r_times_c(qs, 0.5, Tr); // s=TrA/2

  QLA_Complex qs2;
  QLA_c_eq_c_times_c(qs2, qs, qs); //s2 = s^2
  QLA_c_meq_c(qs2, det); //s2 = s^2 - detA

  double _Complex t = QLA_real(qs2) + QLA_imag(qs2) * _Complex_I;
  t = csqrt(t); // sqrt(s^2 - det A)
  QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(qt, creal(t), cimag(t)); // t = sqrt(s^2 - det A)

  printf(" Matrix O = \n"); printm(&O);
  printf("TrO = ");         printc(&Tr);
  printf("detO = ");        printc(&det); 
  printf("s = ");           printc(&qs);
  printf("t^2 = ");         printc(&qs2);
  printf("t = ");           printc(&qt);

  //use the QLA exp function
  QLA_ColorMatrix qla_exp;
  QLA_M_eq_exp_M(&qla_exp, &O); //exp(O)
  double _Complex exps, cosht, sinht, sinht_t;
  double _Complex s = QLA_real(qs) + QLA_imag(qs) * _Complex_I;
  exps = cexp(s);

  if(creal(t) == 0 && cimag(t) == 0) {
    cosht = 1;
    sinht = 0;
    sinht_t = 1;	
  } else {
    cosht = ccosh(t);
    sinht = csinh(t);
    sinht_t = sinht/t;

  double _Complex f0, f1;
  f1 = exps * sinht_t;  
  f0 = exps * cosht - s * f1;;

  //derivative of the exponential
  double _Complex f0s, f1s, f1t, f0t2, f1t2, t2;
  t2 = t*t;

  f0s = f0 - f1;
  f1s = f1;
  if (cabs(t) > 0.05) { 
    f1t = ((f0-f1) + s*f1)/t;
    f1t2 = f1t/t;
  else { //when |t| < 0.05, the error is O(10^{-14})
    f1t = exps * t/3 * (1+t2/10*(1+t2/28));
    f1t2 = exps / 3 * (1+t2/10*(1+t2/28));
  //  f0t = t * f1 - s * f1t;
  f0t2 = f1 - s * f1t2;
  printf("f0   = \n"); printc99(&f0);
  printf("f1   = \n"); printc99(&f1);
  printf("f0s  = \n"); printc99(&f0s);
  printf("f1s  = \n"); printc99(&f1s);

  printf("f1t  = \n"); printc99(&f1t);
  printf("f0t2 = \n"); printc99(&f0t2);
  printf("f1t2 = \n"); printc99(&f1t2);

  QLA_Complex qf0, qf1;
  QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(qf0, creal(f0), cimag(f0));
  QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(qf1, creal(f1), cimag(f1));

  QLA_M_eq_c_times_M(&expO, &qf1, &O);
  QLA_M_peq_c(&expO, &qf0);
  printf("QLA exp = \n"); printm(&qla_exp);
  printf("my expO = \n"); printm(&expO);

    QLA_Complex qf0s, qf0t, qf1s, qf1t;
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(qf0s, creal(f0s), cimag(f0s));
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(qf0t, creal(f0t), cimag(f0t));
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(qf1s, creal(f1s), cimag(f1s));
    QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(qf1t, creal(f1t), cimag(f1t));

  QLA_ColorMatrix deriv;

  QLA_ColorMatrix B, AB;
  QLA_M_eq_M(&B, &matI);

  //QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(B,1,0), 0.1, 0.2);
  //QLA_c_eq_r_plus_ir(QLA_elem_M(B,0,1), 0.2, 0.1);
  printf("B=\n");  printm(&B);

  QLA_M_eq_M_times_M(&AB, &O, &B);
  printf("AB=\n"); printm(&AB);
  QLA_M_eq_c_times_M(&deriv, &qf1, &B); //f1 * B
  printf("f1 B = \n"); printm(&deriv);

  QLA_Complex trB, trAB;
  QLA_C_eq_trace_M(&trB,  &B); 
  QLA_C_eq_trace_M(&trAB, &AB);
  double _Complex ctrB  = QLA_real(trB) + _Complex_I * QLA_imag(trB);
  double _Complex ctrAB = QLA_real(trAB) + _Complex_I * QLA_imag(trAB);
  double _Complex coeff;
  coeff  = (f0s - f0t2 * s) * ctrB;
  coeff += (f1s - f1t2 * s) * ctrAB;
  coeff *= 0.5;
  printf("coeff = "); printc99(&coeff);
  QLA_Complex qc;
  QLA_D_c_eq_c99(qc, coeff);


  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M(&deriv, &qc, &matI); // f1 * B + () I
  printf("f1B+()I=\n"); printm(&deriv);
  coeff = 0.5 * (f0t2 * ctrB + f1t2 * ctrAB);
  QLA_D_c_eq_c99(qc, coeff);


  QLA_M_peq_c_times_M(&deriv, &qc, &O);


  exp_deriv_site(&deriv, &expO, &O, &B);


  return 0;
Beispiel #26
Rayleigh_min_qdp(QDP_ColorVector *vec, QDP_ColorVector **eigVec,
		 Real Tolerance,  Real RelTol, int Nvecs, int MaxIter,
		 int Restart, QDP_Subset subset)
  QLA_Complex cc;
  QLA_Real beta, cos_theta, sin_theta;
  QLA_Real quot, P_norm, theta, real_vecMp, pMp;
  QLA_Real g_norm, old_g_norm, start_g_norm;
  QDP_ColorVector *Mvec, *grad, *P, *MP;
  int iter;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("begin Rayleigh_min_qdp\n");

  Mvec = QDP_create_V();
  grad = QDP_create_V();
  //oldgrad = QDP_create_V();
  P = QDP_create_V();
  MP = QDP_create_V();

  project_out_qdp(vec, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);
  normalize_qdp(vec, subset);
  Matrix_Vec_mult_qdp(vec, Mvec, subset);
  project_out_qdp(Mvec, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);

  /* Compute the quotient quot=vev*M*vec */
  QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&quot, vec, Mvec, subset);
  /* quot is real since M is hermitian. quot = vec*M*vec */
#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("Rayleigh_min: Start -- quot=%g\n", quot);
  /* Compute the grad=M*vec - quot*vec */
  QDP_V_eq_V(grad, Mvec, QDP_all);
  QDP_V_meq_r_times_V(grad, &quot, vec, subset);
  /* set P (the search direction) equal to grad */
  QDP_V_eq_V(P, grad, QDP_all);
  /* compute the norms of P and grad */
  QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
  P_norm = sqrt(P_norm);
  QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&g_norm, grad, subset);
  g_norm = sqrt(g_norm);
  start_g_norm = g_norm;
  //QDP_V_eq_V(oldgrad, grad, subset);
#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("Rayleigh_min: Start -- g_norm=%g\n", g_norm);

  iter = 0;
  while( (g_norm>Tolerance*quot) &&
	 ( ((iter<MaxIter)&&(g_norm/start_g_norm>RelTol)) || (iter<MINITER) )
	 ) {
    Matrix_Vec_mult_qdp(P, MP, subset);
    QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&real_vecMp, vec, MP, subset);
    QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&pMp, P, MP, subset);
    theta = 0.5*atan(2.0*real_vecMp/(quot*P_norm - pMp/P_norm));
    sin_theta = sin(theta);
    cos_theta = cos(theta);
    if(sin_theta*cos_theta*real_vecMp>0) {
      theta = theta - 0.5*M_PI;  /* chose the minimum not the maximum */
      sin_theta = sin(theta);  /* the sin,cos calls can be avoided */
      cos_theta = cos(theta);
    sin_theta = sin_theta/P_norm;
    /* vec = cos(theta)*vec +sin(theta)*P/p_norm */
    //dax_p_by_qdp(cos_theta, vec, sin_theta, P, subset);
    QDP_V_eq_r_times_V(vec, &cos_theta, vec, subset);
    QDP_V_peq_r_times_V(vec, &sin_theta, P, subset);
    /* Mvec = cos(theta)*Mvec +sin(theta)*MP/p_norm */
    //dax_p_by_qdp(cos_theta, Mvec, sin_theta, MP, subset);
    QDP_V_eq_r_times_V(Mvec, &cos_theta, Mvec, subset);
    QDP_V_peq_r_times_V(Mvec, &sin_theta, MP, subset);
    /* renormalize vec ... */
    if( iter%Restart == 0 ) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	QLA_Real vec_norm;
	if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("Renormalizing...");
	QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&vec_norm, vec, subset);
	if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("  norm: %g\n", sqrt(vec_norm));
      /* Project vec on the orthogonal complement of eigVec */
      project_out_qdp(vec, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);
      normalize_qdp(vec, subset);
      Matrix_Vec_mult_qdp(vec, Mvec, subset);
      /* Recompute the quotient */
      QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&quot, vec, Mvec, subset);
      /* Recompute the grad */
      QDP_V_eq_V(grad, Mvec, QDP_all);
      QDP_V_meq_r_times_V(grad, &quot, vec, subset);
      //QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&g_norm, grad, subset);
      //printf("g_norm = %g\n", g_norm);
      /* Project P on the orthogonal complement of eigVec */
      //QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
      //printf("P_norm = %g\n", P_norm);
      project_out_qdp(P, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);
      //QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
      //printf("P_norm = %g\n", P_norm);
      /* make P orthogonal to vec */
      QDP_c_eq_V_dot_V(&cc, vec, P, subset);
      //printf("cc = %g\n", QLA_real(cc));
      QDP_V_meq_c_times_V(P, &cc, vec, subset);
      //QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
      //printf("P_norm = %g\n", P_norm);
      /* make P orthogonal to grad */
      QDP_c_eq_V_dot_V(&cc, grad, P, subset);
      //printf("cc = %g\n", QLA_real(cc));
      QDP_V_meq_c_times_V(P, &cc, grad, subset);
      QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
      P_norm = sqrt(P_norm);
    QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&quot, vec, Mvec, subset);
#ifdef DEBUG
    node0_printf("Rayleigh_min: %i, quot=%8g g=%8g b=%6g P:%6g\n",
		 iter, quot, g_norm, beta, P_norm);
    old_g_norm = g_norm;

    QDP_V_eq_V(grad, Mvec, QDP_all);
    QDP_V_meq_r_times_V(grad, &quot, vec, subset);

    //QDP_V_meq_V(oldgrad, grad, subset);
    //QDP_r_eq_re_V_dot_V(&g_norm, oldgrad, grad, subset);
    //QDP_V_eq_V(oldgrad, grad, subset);

    QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&g_norm, grad, subset);
    g_norm = sqrt(g_norm);

    beta = cos_theta*g_norm*g_norm/(old_g_norm*old_g_norm);
    if( beta>2.0 ) beta = 2.0;  /* Cut off beta */

    QDP_c_eq_V_dot_V(&cc, vec, P, subset);
    QLA_real(cc) *= beta;
    QLA_imag(cc) *= beta;
    QDP_V_eq_r_times_V_plus_V(P, &beta, P, grad, subset);
    QDP_V_meq_c_times_V(P, &cc, vec, subset);
    QDP_r_eq_norm2_V(&P_norm, P, subset);
    P_norm = sqrt(P_norm);
  project_out_qdp(vec, eigVec, Nvecs, subset);
  normalize_qdp(vec, subset);

#ifdef DEBUG
  if(QDP_this_node==0) printf("end Rayleigh_min_qdp\n");
  return iter;