// This sends the HTTP response to the server that contains the RTSPtext Ref movie
QTSS_Error SendTheResponse(QTSS_RTSPSessionObject theSession, QTSS_StreamRef stream, StrPtrLen& movie)
    QTSS_Error err = QTSS_NoErr;
    char theMovieFile[512];
    theMovieFile[sizeof(theMovieFile) -1] = 0;
    char tmp[600];	
    tmp[sizeof(tmp) -1] = 0;
    char tmp2[80];
    tmp2[sizeof(tmp2) -1] = 0;
    UInt8 x1, x2, x3, x4;

    // send the HTTP reply header to the client
    err= QTSS_Write(stream, sResponseHeader, ::strlen(sResponseHeader), NULL, qtssWriteFlagsBufferData);
    if (err != QTSS_NoErr)
        return QTSS_NoErr;
    UInt32 ip4address = 0;
    UInt32 len = sizeof(ip4address);
    err = QTSS_GetValue(theSession, qtssRTSPSesLocalAddr, 0, &ip4address, &len);
	// Format the server IP address for building the RTSP address in the reply.
    x1 = (UInt8)((ip4address >> 24) & 0xff);
    x2 = (UInt8)((ip4address >> 16) & 0xff);
    x3 = (UInt8)((ip4address >> 8) & 0xff);
    x4 = (UInt8)((ip4address) & 0xff);
    if (movie.Len > sizeof(theMovieFile)  -1 )
        movie.Len = sizeof(theMovieFile) -1;
    ::memcpy(theMovieFile, movie.Ptr, movie.Len);
	theMovieFile[movie.Len] = '\0';
    UInt16 port = sRTSPReplyPort;
    if (0 == port)
        len = sizeof(port);
        err = QTSS_GetValue(theSession, qtssRTSPSesLocalPort, 0, &port, &len);
	// construct the RTSP address reply string for the client.
	qtss_snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp) -1, "rtsptext\r\nrtsp://%d.%d.%d.%d:%d%s\r\n", x1,x2,x3,x4, port, theMovieFile);
    // send the 'Content-Length:' part of the HTTP reply
    qtss_snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2) -1, "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", (int) ::strlen(tmp));
    err = QTSS_Write(stream, tmp2, ::strlen(tmp2), NULL, qtssWriteFlagsBufferData);
    if (err != QTSS_NoErr)
        return QTSS_NoErr;
    // send the formatted RTSP reference part of the reply
    err = QTSS_Write(stream, tmp, ::strlen(tmp), NULL, qtssWriteFlagsBufferData);
    if (err != QTSS_NoErr)
        return QTSS_NoErr;
    // flush the pending write to the client.
    err = QTSS_Flush(stream);
    return err;
Beispiel #2
Bool16 AuthenticateRequest(QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params* inParams, 
                const char* pathBuff, 
                const char* movieRootDir,
                StrPtrLen* ioRealmName,
                Bool16* foundUserPtr)
    if (foundUserPtr)
        *foundUserPtr = false;
    if (ioRealmName) //Set Value to Empty for now use whatever is set by access file or the default
        ioRealmName->Ptr[0] =  '\0';
        ioRealmName->Len = 0;        
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_NoErr;
    char passwordBuff[kBuffLen];
    StrPtrLen passwordStr(passwordBuff, kBuffLen -1);
    char nameBuff[kBuffLen];
    StrPtrLen nameStr(nameBuff, kBuffLen -1);

    theErr = QTSS_GetValue (inParams->inRTSPRequest,qtssRTSPReqUserName,0, (void *) nameStr.Ptr, &nameStr.Len);
    if ( (QTSS_NoErr != theErr) || (nameStr.Len >= kBuffLen) ) 
        debug_printf("QTSSDSAuthModule:AuthenticateRequest() Username Error - %"_S32BITARG_"\n", theErr);
        return false;    
    theErr = QTSS_GetValue (inParams->inRTSPRequest,qtssRTSPReqUserPassword,0, (void *) passwordStr.Ptr, &passwordStr.Len);
    if ( (QTSS_NoErr != theErr) || (passwordStr.Len >= kBuffLen) )
        debug_printf("QTSSDSAuthModule:AuthenticateRequest() Password Error - %"_S32BITARG_"\n", theErr);
        return false;        
    nameBuff[nameStr.Len] = '\0';
    passwordBuff[passwordStr.Len] = '\0';

    // Use the name and password to check access
    DSAccessChecker accessChecker;
    if ( !accessChecker.CheckPassword( nameBuff, passwordBuff) )
         return false;
    if (foundUserPtr)
        *foundUserPtr = true;
    return true;
Beispiel #3
QTSS_Error ProcessIncomingRTCPPacket(QTSS_RTCPProcess_Params* inParams)
    ProxyClientInfo* theClient = NULL;
    UInt32 theLen = sizeof(theClient);
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_GetValue(inParams->inClientSession, sProxyClientInfoAttr, 0,
                                                                &theClient, &theLen);

    // This role receives ALL RTCP packets. We are only interested in RTCP packets
    // sent to proxy sessions. So we figure this out based on whether there
    // is a ProxyClientInfo object in the client session
    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        return QTSS_NoErr;
    // Let's forward this RTCP packet to the right upstream server
    ProxyDemuxerTask* theTask = theClient->GetDemuxerTaskForStream(inParams->inRTPStream);
    Assert(theTask != NULL);
    if (theTask == NULL)
        return QTSS_NoErr;

    // Using the RTCP socket (SocketB) of the pair, send the packet to the origin server's
    // RTCP port (the port number stored is the RTP port)
        SendTo(theTask->GetRemoteAddr(), theTask->GetOriginServerPort() + 1, inParams->inRTCPPacketData, inParams->inRTCPPacketDataLen);

    return QTSS_NoErr;
Beispiel #4
Bool16  RTPSessionOutput::FilterPacket(QTSS_RTPStreamObject *theStreamPtr, StrPtrLen* inPacket)
    UInt32* packetCountPtr = NULL;
    UInt32 theLen = 0;
    //see if we started sending and if so then just keep sending (reset on a play)
    QTSS_Error writeErr = QTSS_GetValuePtr(*theStreamPtr, sStreamPacketCountAttr, 0,(void**) &packetCountPtr,&theLen);        
    if (writeErr == QTSS_NoErr && theLen > 0 && *packetCountPtr > 0)
        return false;

    UInt16 seqnum = this->GetPacketSeqNumber(inPacket);
    UInt16 firstSeqNum = 0;            
    theLen = sizeof(firstSeqNum); 

    if (    QTSS_NoErr != QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, qtssRTPStrFirstSeqNumber, 0, &firstSeqNum, &theLen)  )
         return true;

    if ( seqnum < firstSeqNum ) 
        //printf("RTPSessionOutput::FilterPacket don't send packet = %u < first=%lu\n", seqnum, firstSeqNum);
        return true;
    //printf("RTPSessionOutput::FilterPacket found first packet = %u \n", firstSeqNum);

    fPreFilter = false;    
    return fPreFilter;
    // If the input socket is != output socket, the input socket was created dynamically
    if (fInputSocketP != fOutputSocketP)
        delete fInputSocketP;

    char remoteAddress[20] = { 0 };
    StrPtrLen theIPAddressStr(remoteAddress, sizeof(remoteAddress));
    QTSS_GetValue(this, EasyHTTPSesRemoteAddrStr, 0, static_cast<void*>(theIPAddressStr.Ptr), &theIPAddressStr.Len);
    char msgStr[2048] = { 0 };

    switch (fSessionType)
    case EasyCameraSession:
        qtss_snprintf(msgStr, sizeof(msgStr), "EasyCameraSession offline from ip[%s], device_serial[%s]", remoteAddress, device_->serial_.c_str());
    case EasyNVRSession:
        qtss_snprintf(msgStr, sizeof(msgStr), "EasyNVRSession offline from ip[%s]", remoteAddress);
    case EasyHTTPSession:
        qtss_snprintf(msgStr, sizeof(msgStr), "EasyHTTPSession offline from ip[%s]", remoteAddress);
        qtss_snprintf(msgStr, sizeof(msgStr), "Unknown session offline from ip[%s]", remoteAddress);
    QTSServerInterface::LogError(qtssMessageVerbosity, msgStr);
UInt32 EasyAdmin_GetReflectBufferSecs()
	UInt32 bufferSecs;
    UInt32 len = sizeof(UInt32);
    (void) QTSS_GetValue(sReflectorPrefs, easyPrefsHTTPServicePort, 0, (void*)&bufferSecs, &len);  
    return bufferSecs;
UInt16 EasyAdmin_GetHTTPServicePort()
	UInt16 port;
    UInt32 len = sizeof(UInt16);
    (void) QTSS_GetValue(sServerPrefs, easyPrefsHTTPServicePort, 0, (void*)&port, &len);  
    return port;
UInt16 EasyAdmin_GetRTSPort()
	UInt16 port;
    UInt32 len = sizeof(UInt16);
    (void) QTSS_GetValue(sServerPrefs, qtssPrefsRTSPPorts, 0, (void*)&port, &len);  
    return port;
Beispiel #9
Bool16 AcceptSession(QTSS_RTSPSessionObject inRTSPSession)
    char remoteAddress[20] = {0};
    StrPtrLen theClientIPAddressStr(remoteAddress,sizeof(remoteAddress));
    QTSS_Error err = QTSS_GetValue(inRTSPSession, qtssRTSPSesRemoteAddrStr, 0, (void*)theClientIPAddressStr.Ptr, &theClientIPAddressStr.Len);
    if (err != QTSS_NoErr) return false;
    return AcceptAddress(&theClientIPAddressStr);    
Bool16 Is3GPPSession(QTSS_RTCPProcess_Params *inParams)

   Bool16 is3GPP = false;
   UInt32 theLen = sizeof(is3GPP);
   (void)QTSS_GetValue(inParams->inClientSession, qtssCliSessIs3GPPSession, 0, (void*)&is3GPP, &theLen);
   return is3GPP;
Beispiel #11
QTSS_Object QTSSModuleUtils::GetModuleAttributesObject(QTSS_ModuleObject inModObject)
    QTSS_Object theAttributesObject = NULL;
    UInt32 theLen = sizeof(theAttributesObject);
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_GetValue(inModObject, qtssModAttributes, 0, &theAttributesObject, &theLen);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    return theAttributesObject;
kern_return_t GetServerStatusRec(QTSServerStatusRec* outServerStatus)
    Assert(outServerStatus != NULL);
    ::memset(outServerStatus, 0, sizeof(QTSServerStatusRec));
    QTSS_ServerState theState = qtssRunningState;
    UInt32 theSize = sizeof(theState);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssSvrState, 0, &theState, &theSize);
    //Convert the RTPServerInterface state to the server control's state
    if (sGracefulShutdownInProgress)
        outServerStatus->serverState = kSCGoingToShutDown;
    else if (theState == qtssRefusingConnectionsState)
        outServerStatus->serverState = kSCRefusingConnections;
    else if (theState == qtssStartingUpState)
        outServerStatus->serverState = kSCStartingUp;
    else if (theState == qtssShuttingDownState)
        outServerStatus->serverState = kSCShuttingDown;
        outServerStatus->serverState = kSCRunning;
    outServerStatus->numCurrentConnections = 0;
    outServerStatus->connectionsSinceStartup = 0;
    outServerStatus->currentBandwidth = 0;
    outServerStatus->bytesSinceStartup = 0;
    //get the 4 key stats out of the RTP server
    theSize = sizeof(outServerStatus->numCurrentConnections);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssRTPSvrCurConn, 0, &outServerStatus->numCurrentConnections, &theSize);

    theSize = sizeof(outServerStatus->connectionsSinceStartup);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssRTPSvrTotalConn, 0, &outServerStatus->connectionsSinceStartup, &theSize);

    theSize = sizeof(outServerStatus->currentBandwidth);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssRTPSvrCurBandwidth, 0, &outServerStatus->currentBandwidth, &theSize);

    theSize = sizeof(outServerStatus->bytesSinceStartup);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssRTPSvrTotalBytes, 0, &outServerStatus->bytesSinceStartup, &theSize);
    return SCNoError;
Beispiel #13
QTSS_Error  RTPSessionOutput::RewriteRTCP(QTSS_RTPStreamObject *theStreamPtr, StrPtrLen* inPacketStrPtr, SInt64 *currentTimePtr, UInt32 inFlags, SInt64* packetLatenessInMSec, SInt64* timeToSendThisPacketAgain, UInt64* packetIDPtr, SInt64* arrivalTimeMSecPtr)
    UInt32  theLen;
    SInt64 firstRTPCurrentTime = 0;
    theLen = sizeof(firstRTPCurrentTime);  
    QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, sFirstRTPCurrentTimeAttr, 0, (void*)&firstRTPCurrentTime, &theLen);

    SInt64 firstRTPArrivalTime = 0;
    theLen = sizeof(firstRTPArrivalTime);  
    QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, sFirstRTPArrivalTimeAttr, 0, (void*)&firstRTPArrivalTime, &theLen);

    UInt32 rtpTime = 0;
    theLen = sizeof(rtpTime); 
    QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, sFirstRTPTimeStampAttr, 0, (void*)&rtpTime, &theLen);
    UInt32* theReport = (UInt32*) inPacketStrPtr->Ptr; 
    theReport+=2; // point to the NTP time stamp
    SInt64* theNTPTimestampP = (SInt64*)theReport;      
    *theNTPTimestampP = OS::HostToNetworkSInt64(OS::TimeMilli_To_1900Fixed64Secs(*currentTimePtr)); // time now

    UInt32 baseTimeStamp = 0;
    theLen = sizeof(baseTimeStamp);
    (void) QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, sBaseRTPTimeStampAttr, 0, (void*)&baseTimeStamp, &theLen); // we need a starting stream time that is synched 

    UInt32 streamTimeScale = 0;
    theLen =  sizeof(streamTimeScale);
    QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, qtssRTPStrTimescale, 0, (void *) &streamTimeScale, &theLen);

    SInt64 packetOffset = *currentTimePtr - fBaseArrivalTime; // real time that has passed
    packetOffset -=  (firstRTPCurrentTime - firstRTPArrivalTime); // less the initial buffer delay for this stream
    if (packetOffset < 0)
        packetOffset = 0;

    Float64 rtpTimeFromStart = (Float64) packetOffset / (Float64) 1000.0;
    UInt32 rtpTimeFromStartInScale =  (UInt32) (Float64) ((Float64) streamTimeScale * rtpTimeFromStart);
    //printf("rtptime offset time =%f in scale =%"_U32BITARG_"\n", rtpTimeFromStart, rtpTimeFromStartInScale );

    theReport += 2; // point to the rtp time stamp of "now" synched and scaled in stream time
    *theReport = htonl(baseTimeStamp + rtpTimeFromStartInScale); 
    theLen = sizeof(UInt32);                   
    UInt32 packetCount = 0;
    (void) QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, sStreamPacketCountAttr, 0, &packetCount,&theLen);
    theReport += 1; // point to the rtp packets sent
    *theReport = htonl(ntohl(*theReport) * 2); 
    UInt32 byteCount = 0;
    (void) QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, sStreamByteCountAttr, 0, &byteCount,&theLen);
    theReport += 1; // point to the rtp payload bytes sent
    *theReport = htonl(ntohl(*theReport) * 2); 
    return QTSS_NoErr;
Beispiel #14
inline Bool16 GetRequestFlushState(QTSS_Filter_Params* inParams)
{   Bool16 result = false;
    UInt32 paramLen = sizeof(result);
    QTSS_Error err = QTSS_GetValue(inParams->inRTSPRequest, sFlushingID, 0, (void*)&result, &paramLen);
    if (err != QTSS_NoErr)
    {   paramLen = sizeof(result);
        result = false;
        //qtss_printf("no flush val so set to false session=%"_U32BITARG_" err =%"_S32BITARG_"\n",sSessID, err);
        err =QTSS_SetValue(inParams->inRTSPRequest, sFlushingID, 0, (void*)&result, paramLen);
        //qtss_printf("QTSS_SetValue flush session=%"_U32BITARG_" err =%"_S32BITARG_"\n",sSessID, err);
    return result;
kern_return_t GetRefuseConnections(QTSRefuseConnectionsRec* outRefuseConnections)
    QTSS_ServerState theState = qtssRunningState;
    UInt32 theSize = sizeof(theState);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssSvrState, 0, &theState, &theSize);

    if (theState == qtssRefusingConnectionsState)
        outRefuseConnections->refuseConnections = true;
        outRefuseConnections->refuseConnections = false;
    return SCNoError;
QTSS_Error CountRequest( QTSS_RTSPRequestObject inRTSPRequest, QTSS_ClientSessionObject inClientSession,
                         QTSS_RTSPSessionObject inRTSPSession, QTSS_CliSesClosingReason *inCloseReasonPtr )

    char urlBuf[256] = { 0 };   
    StrPtrLen url(urlBuf, 256 -1);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(inClientSession, qtssCliSesFullURL, 0, url.Ptr, &url.Len);
    CountHit( url.Ptr );
    return QTSS_NoErr;
Beispiel #17
inline Bool16 GetRequestAuthenticatedState(QTSS_Filter_Params* inParams) 
    Bool16 result = false;
    UInt32 paramLen = sizeof(result);
    QTSS_Error err = QTSS_GetValue(inParams->inRTSPRequest, sAuthenticatedID, 0, (void*)&result, &paramLen);
    if(err != QTSS_NoErr)
           paramLen = sizeof(result);
           result = false;
           err =QTSS_SetValue(inParams->inRTSPRequest, sAuthenticatedID, 0, (void*)&result, paramLen);
    return result;
Beispiel #18
void PrintStatus(Bool16 printHeader)
    char* thePrefStr = NULL;
    UInt32 theLen = 0;
    if ( printHeader )
        qtss_printf("     RTP-Conns RTSP-Conns HTTP-Conns  kBits/Sec   Pkts/Sec    TotConn     TotBytes   TotPktsLost          Time\n");   

    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, qtssRTPSvrCurConn, 0, &thePrefStr);
    qtss_printf( "%11s", thePrefStr);
    delete [] thePrefStr; thePrefStr = NULL;
    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, qtssRTSPCurrentSessionCount, 0, &thePrefStr);
    qtss_printf( "%11s", thePrefStr);
    delete [] thePrefStr; thePrefStr = NULL;
    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, qtssRTSPHTTPCurrentSessionCount, 0, &thePrefStr);
    qtss_printf( "%11s", thePrefStr);
    delete [] thePrefStr; thePrefStr = NULL;
    UInt32 curBandwidth = 0;
    theLen = sizeof(curBandwidth);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssRTPSvrCurBandwidth, 0, &curBandwidth, &theLen);
    qtss_printf("%11"_U32BITARG_, curBandwidth/1024);
    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, qtssRTPSvrCurPackets, 0, &thePrefStr);
    qtss_printf( "%11s", thePrefStr);
    delete [] thePrefStr; thePrefStr = NULL;
    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, qtssRTPSvrTotalConn, 0, &thePrefStr);
    qtss_printf( "%11s", thePrefStr);
    delete [] thePrefStr; thePrefStr = NULL;
    UInt64 totalBytes = sServer->GetTotalRTPBytes();
    char  displayBuff[32] = "";
    FormattedTotalBytesBuffer(displayBuff, sizeof(displayBuff),totalBytes);
    qtss_printf( "%17s", displayBuff);
    qtss_printf( "%11"_64BITARG_"u", sServer->GetTotalRTPPacketsLost());
    char theDateBuffer[QTSSRollingLog::kMaxDateBufferSizeInBytes];
    (void) QTSSRollingLog::FormatDate(theDateBuffer, false);
    qtss_printf( "%25s",theDateBuffer);
    qtss_printf( "\n");
void DoDescribeAddRequiredSDPLines2(QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params* inParams, ReflectorSession* theSession, QTSS_TimeVal modDate,  ResizeableStringFormatter *editedSDP, StrPtrLen* theSDPPtr)
    SDPContainer checkedSDPContainer;
    checkedSDPContainer.SetSDPBuffer( theSDPPtr );  
    if (!checkedSDPContainer.HasReqLines())
        if (!checkedSDPContainer.HasLineType('v'))
        { // add v line
        if (!checkedSDPContainer.HasLineType('s'))
        { // add s line
           char* theSDPName = NULL;            
            (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(inParams->inRTSPRequest, qtssRTSPReqFilePath, 0, &theSDPName);
            QTSSCharArrayDeleter thePathStrDeleter(theSDPName);
       if (!checkedSDPContainer.HasLineType('t'))
       { // add t line
            editedSDP->Put("t=0 0\r\n");

       if (!checkedSDPContainer.HasLineType('o'))
       { // add o line
            editedSDP->Put("o=broadcast_sdp ");
            char tempBuff[256]= "";               
            tempBuff[255] = 0;
            qtss_snprintf(tempBuff,sizeof(tempBuff) - 1, "%lu", (UInt64) theSession);

            editedSDP->Put(" ");
            // modified date is in milliseconds.  Convert to NTP seconds as recommended by rfc 2327
            qtss_snprintf(tempBuff, sizeof(tempBuff) - 1, "%"_64BITARG_"d", (SInt64) (modDate/1000) + 2208988800LU);

            editedSDP->Put(" IN IP4 ");
            UInt32 buffLen = sizeof(tempBuff) -1;
            (void)QTSS_GetValue(inParams->inClientSession, qtssCliSesHostName, 0, &tempBuff, &buffLen);
            editedSDP->Put(tempBuff, buffLen);

Beispiel #20
QTSS_Error CServiceSession::SetupRequest()
    QTSS_Error theErr = fRequest->Parse();
    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        return QTSS_BadArgument;

    QTSS_RTSPStatusCode statusCode = qtssSuccessOK;
    char *body = NULL;
    UInt32 bodySizeBytes = 0;

	//获取具体Content json数据部分

	StrPtrLen* lengthPtr = fRequest->GetHeaderValue(httpContentLengthHeader);

	StringParser theContentLenParser(lengthPtr);
    UInt32 content_length = theContentLenParser.ConsumeInteger(NULL);
	qtss_printf("ServiceSession read content-length:%d \n", content_length);

    if (content_length <= 0) return QTSS_BadArgument;

    // Check for the existence of 2 attributes in the request: a pointer to our buffer for
    // the request body, and the current offset in that buffer. If these attributes exist,
    // then we've already been here for this request. If they don't exist, add them.
    UInt32 theBufferOffset = 0;
    char* theRequestBody = NULL;
	 UInt32 theLen = 0;
    theLen = sizeof(theRequestBody);
    theErr = QTSS_GetValue(this, qtssEasySesContentBody, 0, &theRequestBody, &theLen);

    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        // First time we've been here for this request. Create a buffer for the content body and
        // shove it in the request.
        theRequestBody = NEW char[content_length + 1];
        memset(theRequestBody,0,content_length + 1);
        theLen = sizeof(theRequestBody);
        theErr = QTSS_SetValue(this, qtssEasySesContentBody, 0, &theRequestBody, theLen);// SetValue creates an internal copy.
        Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
        // Also store the offset in the buffer
        theLen = sizeof(theBufferOffset);
        theErr = QTSS_SetValue(this, qtssEasySesContentBodyOffset, 0, &theBufferOffset, theLen);
        Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
void AddHistorySample()
    // Retrieve the bandwidth & session count parameters from the server
    UInt32 theCurrentSessions = 0;
    UInt32 theSize = sizeof(theCurrentSessions);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssRTPSvrCurConn, 0, &theCurrentSessions, &theSize);

    UInt32 theCurrentBandwidth = 0;
    theSize = sizeof(theCurrentBandwidth);
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssRTPSvrCurBandwidth, 0, &theCurrentBandwidth, &theSize);

    OSMutexLocker locker(sHistoryMutex);
    //keep track of maximums.
    if ((long)theCurrentBandwidth > sBandwidthHi)
        sBandwidthHi = theCurrentBandwidth;
    if ((long)theCurrentSessions > sConnectionHi)
        sConnectionHi = theCurrentSessions;
    //keep track of minimums.
    if (((long)theCurrentBandwidth < sBandwidthLo) || (sBandwidthLo == -1))
        sBandwidthLo = theCurrentBandwidth;
    if (((long)theCurrentSessions < sConnectionLo) || (sConnectionLo == -1))
        sConnectionLo = theCurrentSessions;
    //keep track of sum for eventual average
    //fBandwidthAvg += theCurrentBandwidth;     <---this was overflowing at high bitrates
    //fConnectionAvg += theCurrentSessions;
    // fBandwidthAvg was overflowing, 
    // so now we do it the ugly way
    sBandwidthAvg =(theCurrentBandwidth+(sBandwidthAvg*sSampleIndex))/(sSampleIndex+1);
    sConnectionAvg =(theCurrentSessions+(sConnectionAvg*sSampleIndex))/(sSampleIndex+1);
Beispiel #22
    QTSS_Object sessionObject;
    UInt32 len = sizeof(QTSS_Object);

    for (int x = 0; QTSS_GetValue(relayModuleAttributesObject, sRelaySessionObjectID, x, &sessionObject, &len) == QTSS_NoErr; x++)
        Assert(sessionObject != NULL);
        Assert(len == sizeof(QTSS_Object));

        if (sessionObject == fRelaySessionObject)   
            (void)QTSS_RemoveValue(relayModuleAttributesObject, sRelaySessionObjectID, x);
 * For the given rtsp session, will return true if the client is in the configured
 * bypass list in the prefs, false if they aren't
static Bool16 IsClientInBypassList(QTSS_RTSPSessionObject* theRTSPSession) {
    qtss_printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::IsClientInBypassList method start\n");
    // don't forget to *deref the param!
    char remoteAddress[20] = {0};
    StrPtrLen theClientIPAddressStr(remoteAddress,sizeof(remoteAddress));
    QTSS_Error err = QTSS_GetValue(*theRTSPSession, qtssRTSPSesRemoteAddrStr, 0, (void*)theClientIPAddressStr.Ptr, &theClientIPAddressStr.Len);
    if (err != QTSS_NoErr) return false;

    if  (QTSSModuleUtils::AddressInList(sModulePrefs, sIPBypassListID, &theClientIPAddressStr)) {
        qtss_printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::IsClientInBypassList client is in list\n");
        return true;
    else {
        qtss_printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::IsClientInBypassList client is NOT in list\n");
        return false;
Beispiel #24
QTSS_Error DestroySession(QTSS_ClientSessionClosing_Params* inParams)
    ProxyClientInfo* theClient = NULL;
    UInt32 theLen = sizeof(theClient);
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_GetValue(inParams->inClientSession, sProxyClientInfoAttr, 0,
                                                                &theClient, &theLen);

    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        return theErr;
    delete theClient;
    // NULL out the attribute so in case there is a race condition no one will
    // get this dangling pointer
    (void)QTSS_SetValue(inParams->inClientSession, sProxyClientInfoAttr, 0, NULL, 0);
    return QTSS_NoErr;
Beispiel #25
void    QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute(QTSS_Object inObject, char* inAttributeName, QTSS_AttrDataType inType, 
                                                void* ioBuffer, void* inDefaultValue, UInt32 inBufferLen)
    // Check to make sure this attribute is the right type. If it's not, this will coerce
    // it to be the right type. This also returns the id of the attribute
    QTSS_AttributeID theID = QTSSModuleUtils::CheckAttributeDataType(inObject, inAttributeName, inType, inDefaultValue, inBufferLen);

    // Get the attribute value.
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_GetValue(inObject, theID, 0, ioBuffer, &inBufferLen);
    // Caller should KNOW how big this attribute is
    Assert(theErr != QTSS_NotEnoughSpace);
    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        // If we couldn't get the attribute value for whatever reason, just use the
        // default if it was provided.
        ::memcpy(ioBuffer, inDefaultValue, inBufferLen);

        if (inBufferLen > 0)
            // Log an error for this pref only if there was a default value provided.
            char* theValueAsString = NULL;
            theErr = QTSS_ValueToString(inDefaultValue, inBufferLen, inType, &theValueAsString);
            Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
            OSCharArrayDeleter theValueStr(theValueAsString);
            QTSSModuleUtils::LogError(  sMissingPrefVerbosity, 
        // Create an entry for this attribute                           
        QTSSModuleUtils::CreateAttribute(inObject, inAttributeName, inType, inDefaultValue, inBufferLen);
static void CallEndSession(QTSS_ClientSessionObject* theClientSession) {
    // action=listener_remove&server=myserver.com&port=8000&client=1&mount=/live&user=&pass=&duration=3600
    // the duration
    SInt64* connectedTime = NULL;
    UInt32 connectedTimeLen = sizeof(connectedTime);
    (void)QTSS_GetValuePtr(*theClientSession, qtssCliSesTimeConnectedInMsec, 0, (void**)&connectedTime, &connectedTimeLen);
    qtss_printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallEndSession connected time in seconds %li\n", (*connectedTime / 1000));
    long duration = (long)*connectedTime / 1000;
    // the mount point
    char mountPoint[128] = {0};
    StrPtrLen mountPointStr(mountPoint,sizeof(mountPoint));
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(*theClientSession, attrClientSessionMountPoint, 0, (void*)mountPointStr.Ptr, &mountPointStr.Len);
    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallEndSession: mount point: %s\n", mountPoint);
    // TODO - we don't use this data on the remote end (yet), but implement - will probably need to copy 
    // credentials into the client session from the RTSP session (annoying, but both aren't visible at all times)
//    // username and password
//    char* username = NULL;
//    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(theRTSPSession, attrRtspSessionProvidedUsername, 0,  &username);
//    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallEndSession: Provided username extracted from client session: %s\n", username);
//    char* password = NULL;
//    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(theRTSPSession, attrRtspSessionProvidedPassword, 0,  &password);
//    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallEndSession: Provided password extracted from client session: %s\n", password);
    // ice session id
    char* iceSessID = NULL;
    QTSS_Error getSessErr = QTSS_GetValueAsString(*theClientSession, attrClientSessionFullSessionID, 0, &iceSessID);
    char postdata[512];
    qtss_sprintf(postdata, "action=listener_remove&server=%s&port=554&client=%s&mount=%s&user=%s&pass=%s&duration=%li",
            hostname, iceSessID, mountPoint, "", "", duration);
    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallAuthorizeSession: generated postdata: %s\n", postdata);
    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallAuthorizeSession: i would post this to: %s\n", sEndSessionEndpoint);
// Handle the QTSS_Initialize role call back.
QTSS_Error Initialize(QTSS_Initialize_Params* inParams)
    QTSS_Error err = QTSS_NoErr;
	UInt32 ulen = sizeof(sServerIPAddr);
    // Setup module utils
    QTSSModuleUtils::Initialize(inParams->inMessages, inParams->inServer, inParams->inErrorLogStream);

    // Get prefs object
    sPrefs = QTSSModuleUtils::GetModulePrefsObject(inParams->inModule);
    sServerPrefs = inParams->inPrefs;
    sServer = inParams->inServer;
    // Get the Server's IP address for later use.
	err = QTSS_GetValue(sServer, qtssSvrDefaultIPAddr, 0, &sServerIPAddr, &ulen);
    err = RereadPrefs();
    return err;
Bool16  RTPSessionOutput::FilterPacket(QTSS_RTPStreamObject *theStreamPtr, StrPtrLen* inPacket)
    if (fPreFilter == false)
        return false;

    UInt16 seqnum = this->GetPacketSeqNumber(inPacket);
    UInt16 firstSeqNum = 0;            
    UInt32 theLen = sizeof(firstSeqNum); 
    if (    QTSS_NoErr != QTSS_GetValue(*theStreamPtr, qtssRTPStrFirstSeqNumber, 0, &firstSeqNum, &theLen)  )
        return true;

    if ( seqnum < firstSeqNum ) 
        return true;
    fPreFilter = false;    
    return fPreFilter;
Beispiel #29
	char remoteAddress[20] = {0};
	StrPtrLen theIPAddressStr(remoteAddress,sizeof(remoteAddress));
	QTSS_GetValue(this, qtssRTSPSesRemoteAddrStr, 0, (void*)theIPAddressStr.Ptr, &theIPAddressStr.Len);

	char msgStr[2048] = { 0 };
	qtss_snprintf(msgStr, sizeof(msgStr), "session offline from ip[%s]",remoteAddress);
	QTSServerInterface::LogError(qtssMessageVerbosity, msgStr);
    // Invoke the session closing modules
    QTSS_RoleParams theParams;
    theParams.rtspSessionClosingParams.inRTSPSession = this;
    for (UInt32 x = 0; x < QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPSessionClosingRole); x++)
        (void)QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPSessionClosingRole, x)->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPSessionClosing_Role, &theParams);

    fLiveSession = false; //used in Clean up request to remove the RTP session.
    this->CleanupRequest();// Make sure that all our objects are deleted
    //if (fSessionType == qtssServiceSession)
    //    QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->AlterCurrentServiceSessionCount(-1);
QTSS_Error RereadPrefs()
    // Use the standard GetPref routine to retrieve the correct values for our preferences
    QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute(sPrefs, "loss_thin_tolerance",    qtssAttrDataTypeUInt32,
                                &sLossThinTolerance, &sDefaultLossThinTolerance, sizeof(sLossThinTolerance));
    QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute(sPrefs, "num_losses_to_thin",     qtssAttrDataTypeUInt32,
                                &sNumLossesToThin,      &sDefaultNumLossesToThin,   sizeof(sNumLossesToThin));
    QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute(sPrefs, "loss_thick_tolerance",   qtssAttrDataTypeUInt32,
                                &sLossThickTolerance,   &sDefaultLossThickTolerance, sizeof(sLossThickTolerance));
    QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute(sPrefs, "num_losses_to_thick",    qtssAttrDataTypeUInt32,
                                &sLossesToThick,        &sDefaultLossesToThick, sizeof(sLossesToThick));
    QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute(sPrefs, "num_worses_to_thin", qtssAttrDataTypeUInt32,
                                &sWorsesToThin,         &sDefaultWorsesToThin, sizeof(sWorsesToThin));
    QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute(sPrefs, "flow_control_udp_thinning_module_enabled",  qtssAttrDataTypeBool16,
            &sModuleEnabled, &sDefaultModuleEnabled, sizeof(sDefaultModuleEnabled));

    UInt32 len = sizeof(sDisableThinning);
    (void) QTSS_GetValue(sServerPrefs, qtssPrefsDisableThinning, 0, (void*)&sDisableThinning, &len);
    return QTSS_NoErr;