Beispiel #1
float *findRotChannel(skcHeader_t *h, const char *name, int frameNum, int parentIndex) {
#if 0
	char channelName[32];
	strcat(channelName," rot");
	return getChannelValue(h,channelName,frameNum);
static int i = 0;
	static quat_t qs[1024];
	float *q;
	char channelName[32];
	float *f;
	float len;
	i %= 1024;
	q = qs[i];

	strcat(channelName," rot");
	f = getChannelValue(h,channelName,frameNum);
	if(f == 0) {
		//return quat_identity;
	} else {
	////if(parentIndex == -1)
	//	QuatInverse(q);
	len = QuatNormalize(q);
	if(abs(len-1.f) > 0.1) {
		T_Error("Non-normalized quat in skc file (%f)\n",len);
#if 1
	return q;
// クォータニオンの球面線形補間
// Q1をQ2方向に補間する
Quat &QuatSlerp( Quat &Qo, const Quat &Q1, const Quat &Q2, float t )
	Quat q1( Q1 );
	Quat q2( Q2 );
	float  theta;

	theta = QuatDot( Q1, Q2 );

	if( theta < 0 )
		theta = -theta;
		q2 *= -1;

	if( theta > 1.0f )
		theta = 1.0f;

	if( theta < SLERP_MAX )
		theta = acosf( theta );

		q1 *= sinf( theta * (1.0f - t) );
		q2 *= sinf( theta * t );
		q1 += q2;

		Qo = q1 / sinf( theta );
		q1 += q2 * t;
		QuatNormalize( Qo, q1 );

	return Qo;
Beispiel #3
int RE_BuildSkeleton(refSkeleton_t * skel, qhandle_t hAnim, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frac, qboolean clearOrigin)
	skelAnimation_t *skelAnim;

	skelAnim = R_GetAnimationByHandle(hAnim);

	if(skelAnim->type == AT_MD5 && skelAnim->md5)
		int             i;
		md5Animation_t *anim;
		md5Channel_t   *channel;
		md5Frame_t     *newFrame, *oldFrame;
		vec3_t          newOrigin, oldOrigin, lerpedOrigin;
		quat_t          newQuat, oldQuat, lerpedQuat;
		int             componentsApplied;

		anim = skelAnim->md5;

		// Validate the frames so there is no chance of a crash.
		// This will write directly into the entity structure, so
		// when the surfaces are rendered, they don't need to be
		// range checked again.
		   if((startFrame >= anim->numFrames) || (startFrame < 0) || (endFrame >= anim->numFrames) || (endFrame < 0))
		   ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "RE_BuildSkeleton: no such frame %d to %d for '%s'\n", startFrame, endFrame, anim->name);
		   //startFrame = 0;
		   //endFrame = 0;

		Q_clamp(startFrame, 0, anim->numFrames - 1);
		Q_clamp(endFrame, 0, anim->numFrames - 1);

		// compute frame pointers
		oldFrame = &anim->frames[startFrame];
		newFrame = &anim->frames[endFrame];

		// calculate a bounding box in the current coordinate system
		for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			skel->bounds[0][i] =
				oldFrame->bounds[0][i] < newFrame->bounds[0][i] ? oldFrame->bounds[0][i] : newFrame->bounds[0][i];
			skel->bounds[1][i] =
				oldFrame->bounds[1][i] > newFrame->bounds[1][i] ? oldFrame->bounds[1][i] : newFrame->bounds[1][i];

		for(i = 0, channel = anim->channels; i < anim->numChannels; i++, channel++)
			// set baseframe values
			VectorCopy(channel->baseOrigin, newOrigin);
			VectorCopy(channel->baseOrigin, oldOrigin);

			QuatCopy(channel->baseQuat, newQuat);
			QuatCopy(channel->baseQuat, oldQuat);

			componentsApplied = 0;

			// update tranlation bits
			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TX)
				oldOrigin[0] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				newOrigin[0] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TY)
				oldOrigin[1] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				newOrigin[1] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TZ)
				oldOrigin[2] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				newOrigin[2] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			// update quaternion rotation bits
			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QX)
				((vec_t *) oldQuat)[0] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				((vec_t *) newQuat)[0] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QY)
				((vec_t *) oldQuat)[1] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				((vec_t *) newQuat)[1] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QZ)
				((vec_t *) oldQuat)[2] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				((vec_t *) newQuat)[2] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];



#if 1
			VectorLerp(oldOrigin, newOrigin, frac, lerpedOrigin);
			QuatSlerp(oldQuat, newQuat, frac, lerpedQuat);
			VectorCopy(newOrigin, lerpedOrigin);
			QuatCopy(newQuat, lerpedQuat);

			// copy lerped information to the bone + extra data
			skel->bones[i].parentIndex = channel->parentIndex;

			if(channel->parentIndex < 0 && clearOrigin)

				// move bounding box back
				VectorSubtract(skel->bounds[0], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[0]);
				VectorSubtract(skel->bounds[1], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[1]);
				VectorCopy(lerpedOrigin, skel->bones[i].origin);

			QuatCopy(lerpedQuat, skel->bones[i].rotation);

#if defined(REFBONE_NAMES)
			Q_strncpyz(skel->bones[i].name, channel->name, sizeof(skel->bones[i].name));

		skel->numBones = anim->numChannels;
		skel->type = SK_RELATIVE;
		return qtrue;
	else if(skelAnim->type == AT_PSA && skelAnim->psa)
		int             i;
		psaAnimation_t *anim;
		axAnimationKey_t *newKey, *oldKey;
		axReferenceBone_t *refBone;
		vec3_t          newOrigin, oldOrigin, lerpedOrigin;
		quat_t          newQuat, oldQuat, lerpedQuat;
		refSkeleton_t   skeleton;

		anim = skelAnim->psa;

		Q_clamp(startFrame, 0, anim->info.numRawFrames - 1);
		Q_clamp(endFrame, 0, anim->info.numRawFrames - 1);

		ClearBounds(skel->bounds[0], skel->bounds[1]);

		skel->numBones = anim->info.numBones;
		for(i = 0, refBone = anim->bones; i < anim->info.numBones; i++, refBone++)
			oldKey = &anim->keys[startFrame * anim->info.numBones + i];
			newKey = &anim->keys[endFrame * anim->info.numBones + i];

			VectorCopy(newKey->position, newOrigin);
			VectorCopy(oldKey->position, oldOrigin);

			QuatCopy(newKey->quat, newQuat);
			QuatCopy(oldKey->quat, oldQuat);



			VectorLerp(oldOrigin, newOrigin, frac, lerpedOrigin);
			QuatSlerp(oldQuat, newQuat, frac, lerpedQuat);

			// copy lerped information to the bone + extra data
			skel->bones[i].parentIndex = refBone->parentIndex;

			if(refBone->parentIndex < 0 && clearOrigin)

				// move bounding box back
				VectorSubtract(skel->bounds[0], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[0]);
				VectorSubtract(skel->bounds[1], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[1]);
				VectorCopy(lerpedOrigin, skel->bones[i].origin);

			QuatCopy(lerpedQuat, skel->bones[i].rotation);

#if defined(REFBONE_NAMES)
			Q_strncpyz(skel->bones[i].name, refBone->name, sizeof(skel->bones[i].name));

			// calculate absolute values for the bounding box approximation
			VectorCopy(skel->bones[i].origin, skeleton.bones[i].origin);
			QuatCopy(skel->bones[i].rotation, skeleton.bones[i].rotation);

			if(refBone->parentIndex >= 0)
				vec3_t          rotated;
				quat_t          quat;
				refBone_t      *parent;
				refBone_t      *bone;

				bone = &skeleton.bones[i];
				parent = &skeleton.bones[refBone->parentIndex];

				QuatTransformVector(parent->rotation, bone->origin, rotated);

				VectorAdd(parent->origin, rotated, bone->origin);

				QuatMultiply1(parent->rotation, bone->rotation, quat);
				QuatCopy(quat, bone->rotation);

				AddPointToBounds(bone->origin, skel->bounds[0], skel->bounds[1]);

		skel->numBones = anim->info.numBones;
		skel->type = SK_RELATIVE;
		return qtrue;

	//ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "RE_BuildSkeleton: bad animation '%s' with handle %i\n", anim->name, hAnim);

	// FIXME: clear existing bones and bounds?
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #4
int RE_BuildSkeleton( refSkeleton_t *skel, qhandle_t hAnim, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frac, bool clearOrigin )
	skelAnimation_t *skelAnim;

	skelAnim = R_GetAnimationByHandle( hAnim );

	if ( skelAnim->type == animType_t::AT_IQM && skelAnim->iqm ) {
		return IQMBuildSkeleton( skel, skelAnim, startFrame, endFrame, frac );
	else if ( skelAnim->type == animType_t::AT_MD5 && skelAnim->md5 )
		int            i;
		md5Animation_t *anim;
		md5Channel_t   *channel;
		md5Frame_t     *newFrame, *oldFrame;
		vec3_t         newOrigin, oldOrigin, lerpedOrigin;
		quat_t         newQuat, oldQuat, lerpedQuat;
		int            componentsApplied;

		anim = skelAnim->md5;

		// Validate the frames so there is no chance of a crash.
		// This will write directly into the entity structure, so
		// when the surfaces are rendered, they don't need to be
		// range checked again.

		   if((startFrame >= anim->numFrames) || (startFrame < 0) || (endFrame >= anim->numFrames) || (endFrame < 0))
		   Log::Debug("RE_BuildSkeleton: no such frame %d to %d for '%s'\n", startFrame, endFrame, anim->name);
		   //startFrame = 0;
		   //endFrame = 0;

		startFrame = Math::Clamp( startFrame, 0, anim->numFrames - 1 );
		endFrame = Math::Clamp( endFrame, 0, anim->numFrames - 1 );

		// compute frame pointers
		oldFrame = &anim->frames[ startFrame ];
		newFrame = &anim->frames[ endFrame ];

		// calculate a bounding box in the current coordinate system
		for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			skel->bounds[ 0 ][ i ] =
			  oldFrame->bounds[ 0 ][ i ] < newFrame->bounds[ 0 ][ i ] ? oldFrame->bounds[ 0 ][ i ] : newFrame->bounds[ 0 ][ i ];
			skel->bounds[ 1 ][ i ] =
			  oldFrame->bounds[ 1 ][ i ] > newFrame->bounds[ 1 ][ i ] ? oldFrame->bounds[ 1 ][ i ] : newFrame->bounds[ 1 ][ i ];

		for ( i = 0, channel = anim->channels; i < anim->numChannels; i++, channel++ )
			// set baseframe values
			VectorCopy( channel->baseOrigin, newOrigin );
			VectorCopy( channel->baseOrigin, oldOrigin );

			QuatCopy( channel->baseQuat, newQuat );
			QuatCopy( channel->baseQuat, oldQuat );

			componentsApplied = 0;

			// update tranlation bits
			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TX )
				oldOrigin[ 0 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				newOrigin[ 0 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TY )
				oldOrigin[ 1 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				newOrigin[ 1 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TZ )
				oldOrigin[ 2 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				newOrigin[ 2 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			// update quaternion rotation bits
			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QX )
				( ( vec_t * ) oldQuat ) [ 0 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				( ( vec_t * ) newQuat ) [ 0 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QY )
				( ( vec_t * ) oldQuat ) [ 1 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				( ( vec_t * ) newQuat ) [ 1 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QZ )
				( ( vec_t * ) oldQuat ) [ 2 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				( ( vec_t * ) newQuat ) [ 2 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			QuatCalcW( oldQuat );
			QuatNormalize( oldQuat );

			QuatCalcW( newQuat );
			QuatNormalize( newQuat );

#if 1
			VectorLerp( oldOrigin, newOrigin, frac, lerpedOrigin );
			QuatSlerp( oldQuat, newQuat, frac, lerpedQuat );
			VectorCopy( newOrigin, lerpedOrigin );
			QuatCopy( newQuat, lerpedQuat );

			// copy lerped information to the bone + extra data
			skel->bones[ i ].parentIndex = channel->parentIndex;

			if ( channel->parentIndex < 0 && clearOrigin )
				VectorClear( skel->bones[ i ].t.trans );
				QuatClear( skel->bones[ i ].t.rot );

				// move bounding box back
				VectorSubtract( skel->bounds[ 0 ], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[ 0 ] );
				VectorSubtract( skel->bounds[ 1 ], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[ 1 ] );
				VectorCopy( lerpedOrigin, skel->bones[ i ].t.trans );

			QuatCopy( lerpedQuat, skel->bones[ i ].t.rot );
			skel->bones[ i ].t.scale = 1.0f;

#if defined( REFBONE_NAMES )
			Q_strncpyz( skel->bones[ i ].name, channel->name, sizeof( skel->bones[ i ].name ) );

		skel->numBones = anim->numChannels;
		skel->type = refSkeletonType_t::SK_RELATIVE;
		return true;

	// FIXME: clear existing bones and bounds?
	return false;
Beispiel #5
float *AttitudeUpdate(float dt,float _beta, float _zeta, float a_x,float a_y, float a_z,float w_x, float w_y, float w_z,float m_x, float m_y, float m_z)

	float qConj[4];
	float unbiasedGyro[4];
	float qDot[4];
	float beta,zeta;
	float F[6];
	float J[6*4];
	float step[4];
	float North,East,Down;
	float b2,b4;

    float q1 = q[0]; float q2 = q[1]; float q3 = q[2]; float q4 = q[3];
    float _error[4];
    float accel[] = {0,-a_x,-a_y,-a_z};
    float mag[] = {0,m_x,m_y,m_z};

    // Direction cosine matrix from quaternion
    float qdcm13 = 2.0f*(q2*q4 - q1*q3);
    float qdcm23 = 2.0f*(q3*q4 + q1*q2);
    float qdcm33 = 2.0f*(0.5f - q2*q2 - q3*q3);
    float qdcm12 = 2.0f*(q2*q3 + q1*q4);
    float qdcm22 = 2.0f*(0.5f - q2*q2 - q4*q4);
    float qdcm32 = 2.0f*(q3*q4 - q1*q2);
    float qdcm11 = 2.0f*(0.5f - q3*q3 - q4*q4);
    float qdcm21 = 2.0f*(q2*q3 - q1*q4);
    float qdcm31 = 2.0f*(q2*q4 + q1*q3);
    counter += dt;
    // Earth's field
    North = qdcm11*mag[1] + qdcm21*mag[2] + qdcm31*mag[3];
    East =  qdcm12*mag[1] + qdcm22*mag[2] + qdcm32*mag[3];
    Down =  qdcm13*mag[1] + qdcm23*mag[2] + qdcm33*mag[3];

    b2 = sqrtf(North*North + East*East);
    b4 = Down;
    // 6 x 1
    F[0] =        qdcm13 - accel[1];
    F[1] =        qdcm23 - accel[2];
    F[2] =        qdcm33 - accel[3];
    F[3] =        b2*qdcm11 + b4*qdcm13 - mag[1];
    F[4] =        b2*qdcm21 + b4*qdcm23 - mag[2];
    F[5] =        b2*qdcm31 + b4*qdcm33 - mag[3];

    // 6 x 4

    J[0] = -2*q3; 			J[1] =  2*q4; 			J[2] = -2*q1; 			J[3] =  2*q2;
    J[4] =  2*q2;        	J[5] =	2*q1;        	J[6] =	2*q4;        	J[7] =	2*q3;
    J[8] =     0;       	J[9] =	-4*q2;       	J[10]=	-4*q3;          J[11] = 0;
    J[12]=-2*b4*q3;         J[13]=  2*b4*q4;        J[14]=-4*b2*q3-2*b4*q1; J[15]= -4*b2*q4+2*b4*q2;
    J[16]=-2*b2*q4+2*b4*q2; J[17]=  2*b2*q3+2*b4*q1;J[18]= 2*b2*q2+2*b4*q4; J[19]=-2*b2*q1+2*b4*q3;
    J[20]=2*b2*q3;          J[21]=  2*b2*q4-4*b4*q2;J[22]= 2*b2*q1-4*b4*q3; J[23] =2*b2*q2;

    //float Jt[4*6];
    // step = J'*F
    //       4 x 6 * 6 x 1
    //vDSP_mmul( Jt,1,F,1,step,1,4,1,6);
    step[0] = J[0]*F[0] + J[4]*F[1] + J[8]*F[2] + J[12]*F[3] + J[16]*F[4] + J[20]*F[5];
    step[1] = J[1]*F[0] + J[5]*F[1] + J[9]*F[2] + J[13]*F[3] + J[17]*F[4] + J[21]*F[5];
    step[2] = J[2]*F[0] + J[6]*F[1] + J[10]*F[2] + J[14]*F[3] + J[18]*F[4] + J[22]*F[5];
    step[3] = J[3]*F[0] + J[7]*F[1] + J[11]*F[2] + J[15]*F[3] + J[19]*F[4] + J[23]*F[5];
    // normalize step 
    qConj[0] = q[0]; qConj[1] = -q[1]; qConj[2]=-q[2]; qConj[3]=-q[3];
    // Error

    // update gyro biases
    w_bx += zeta*_error[1]; w_by += zeta*_error[2]; w_bz += zeta*_error[3];

    // quaternion dynamics
    unbiasedGyro[0] = 0; unbiasedGyro[1] = (w_x-w_bx); unbiasedGyro[2]= (w_y-w_by); unbiasedGyro[3] = (w_z-w_bz);
    // higher gain during startup
    if(counter < 5.0f)
        beta = 1.0f;
        zeta = 1.0f;
        beta = _beta;
        zeta = _zeta;
    qDot[0] = 0.5f*qDot[0] - beta*step[0];
    qDot[1] = 0.5f*qDot[1] - beta*step[1];
    qDot[2] = 0.5f*qDot[2] - beta*step[2];
    qDot[3] = 0.5f*qDot[3] - beta*step[3];
    q[0] += qDot[0]*dt;
    q[1] += qDot[1]*dt;
    q[2] += qDot[2]*dt;
    q[3] += qDot[3]*dt;

return q;

Beispiel #6
void CG_AddFragment(localEntity_t * le)
	vec3_t          newOrigin;
	trace_t         trace;

	if(le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY)
		// sink into the ground if near the removal time
		int             t;
		float           oldZ;

		t = le->endTime - cg.time;
		if(t < SINK_TIME)
			// we must use an explicit lighting origin, otherwise the
			// lighting would be lost as soon as the origin went
			// into the ground
			VectorCopy(le->refEntity.origin, le->refEntity.lightingOrigin);
			le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN;
			oldZ = le->refEntity.origin[2];
			le->refEntity.origin[2] -= 16 * (1.0 - (float)t / SINK_TIME);
			le->refEntity.origin[2] = oldZ;


	// calculate new position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory(&le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin);

	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace(&trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID);
	if(trace.fraction == 1.0)
		// still in free fall
		VectorCopy(newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin);

		if(le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE)
#if 0
			vec3_t          angles;

			BG_EvaluateTrajectory(&le->angles, cg.time, angles);
			AnglesToAxis(angles, le->refEntity.axis);
			// Tr3B - new quaternion code
			quat_t          qrot;

			// angular rotation for this frame
			float           angle = le->angVel * (cg.time - le->angles.trTime) * 0.001 / 2;

			// create the rotation quaternion
			qrot[3] = cos(angle);	// real part
			VectorScale(le->rotAxis, sin(angle), qrot);	// imaginary part

			// create the new orientation
			QuatMultiply0(le->quatOrient, qrot);

			// apply the combined previous rotations around other axes
			QuatMultiply1(le->quatOrient, le->quatRot, qrot);

			// convert the orientation into the form the renderer wants
			QuatToAxis(qrot, le->refEntity.axis);
			le->angles.trTime = cg.time;


		// add a blood trail
		if(le->leBounceSoundType == LEBS_BLOOD)


	// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
	// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
	// and floating levels
	if(trap_CM_PointContents(trace.endpos, 0) & CONTENTS_NODROP)

	// leave a mark
	CG_FragmentBounceMark(le, &trace);

	// do a bouncy sound
	CG_FragmentBounceSound(le, &trace);

	// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
	CG_ReflectVelocity(le, &trace);
