 *  ======== Clock_walkQueueDynamic ========
 *  Walk the Clock Queue for TickMode_DYNAMIC, optionally servicing a
 *  specific tick
UInt32 Clock_walkQueueDynamic(Bool service, UInt32 thisTick)
    UInt32 distance = ~0;
    Queue_Handle clockQ;
    Queue_Elem  *elem;
    Clock_Object *obj;
    UInt32 delta;

    /* Traverse clock queue */
    clockQ = Clock_Module_State_clockQ();
    elem = Queue_head(clockQ);

    while (elem != (Queue_Elem *)(clockQ)) {

        obj = (Clock_Object *)elem;
        elem = Queue_next(elem);

        /* if  the object is active ... */
        if (obj->active == TRUE) {

            /* optionally service if tick matches timeout */
            if (service == TRUE) {

                /* if this object is timing out update its state */
                if (obj->currTimeout == thisTick) {

                    if (obj->period == 0) { /* oneshot? */
                        /* mark object idle */
                        obj->active = FALSE;
                    else {                      /* periodic */
                        /* refresh timeout */
                        obj->currTimeout += obj->period;

                    Log_write2(Clock_LM_begin, (UArg)obj, (UArg)obj->fxn);

                    /* call handler */

            /* if object still active update distance to soonest tick */
            if (obj->active == TRUE) {

                delta = obj->currTimeout - thisTick;

                /* if this is the soonest tick update distance to soonest */
                if (delta < distance) {
                    distance = delta;


    return (distance);
 *  ======== Task_schedule ========
 *  Find highest priority task and invoke it.
 *  Must be called with interrupts disabled.
Void Task_schedule()
    Queue_Handle maxQ;
    Task_Object *prevTask;
    Task_Object *curTask;
#ifndef ti_sysbios_knl_Task_DISABLE_ALL_HOOKS
    Int i;

    do {
        Task_module->workFlag = 0;

        /* stall until a task is ready */
        while (Task_module->curSet == 0) {

        /* Determine current max ready Task priority */
        maxQ = (Queue_Handle)((UInt8 *)(Task_module->readyQ) +

        /* if a higher priority task is ready - switch to it */
        if (maxQ > Task_module->curQ) {
            prevTask = Task_module->curTask;
            Task_module->curQ = maxQ;
            Task_module->curTask = Queue_head(maxQ);
            curTask = Task_module->curTask;

            if (Task_checkStackFlag) {
                Task_checkStacks(prevTask, curTask);
#if !defined(ti_sysbios_knl_Task_DISABLE_ALL_HOOKS) \
    || (xdc_runtime_Log_DISABLE_ALL == 0)
            /* It's safe to enable intrs here */

#ifndef ti_sysbios_knl_Task_DISABLE_ALL_HOOKS
            for (i = 0; i < Task_hooks.length; i++) {
                if (Task_hooks.elem[i].switchFxn != NULL) {
                    Task_hooks.elem[i].switchFxn(prevTask, curTask);

            Log_write4(Task_LM_switch, (UArg)prevTask, (UArg)prevTask->fxn,
                       (UArg)curTask, (UArg)curTask->fxn);

            /* Hard-disable intrs - this fxn is called with them disabled */
    } while (Task_module->workFlag);
Beispiel #3
 *  ======== Task_startup ========
Void Task_startup()
    Queue_Handle maxQ;
    Task_Object *prevTask;
    Task_Struct dummyTask;
    Int i;

    Hwi_disable();      /* re-enabled in Task_enter of first task */

    /* Use dummyTask as initial task to swap from */
    prevTask = Task_handle(&dummyTask);

    /* stall until a task is ready */
    while (Task_module->curSet == 0) {

    /* Determine current max ready Task priority */
    maxQ = (Queue_Handle)((UInt8 *)(Task_module->readyQ) + 

    Task_module->curQ = maxQ;
    Task_module->curTask = Queue_head(maxQ);

    /* we've done the scheduler's work */
    Task_module->workFlag = 0;

    /* Signal that we are entering task thread mode */
    /* should be safe to enable intrs here */

#ifndef ti_sysbios_knl_Task_DISABLE_ALL_HOOKS
    /* Run switch hooks for first real Task */
    for (i = 0; i < Task_hooks.length; i++) {
        if (Task_hooks.elem[i].switchFxn != NULL) {
            Task_hooks.elem[i].switchFxn(NULL, Task_module->curTask);

    Log_write4(Task_LM_switch, (UArg)0, (UArg)0, 

    /* must leave this function with ints disabled */

    /* inform dispatcher that we're running on task stack */

    /* start first task by way of enter() */
 *  ======== Event_post ========
Void Event_post(Event_Object *event, UInt eventId)
    UInt tskKey, hwiKey;
    Event_PendElem *elem;
    Queue_Handle pendQ;

    Assert_isTrue((eventId != 0), Event_A_nullEventId);

    Log_write3(Event_LM_post, (UArg)event, (UArg)event->postedEvents, (UArg)eventId);

    pendQ = Event_Instance_State_pendQ(event);

    /* atomically post this event */
    hwiKey = Hwi_disable();

    /* or in this eventId */
    event->postedEvents |= eventId;

    /* confirm that ANY tasks are pending on this event */
    if (Queue_empty(pendQ)) {

    tskKey = Task_disable();

    /* examine pendElem on pendQ */
    elem = (Event_PendElem *)Queue_head(pendQ);

    /* check for match, consume matching eventIds if so. */
    elem->matchingEvents = Event_checkEvents(event, elem->andMask, elem->orMask);

    if (elem->matchingEvents != 0) {

        /* remove event elem from elem queue */
        Queue_remove((Queue_Elem *)elem);

        /* mark the Event as having been posted */
        elem->pendState = Event_PendState_POSTED;

        /* disable Clock object */
        if (BIOS_clockEnabled && (elem->tpElem.clock != NULL)) {

        /* put task back into readyQ */
        Task_unblockI(elem->tpElem.task, hwiKey);


    /* context switch may occur here */
Beispiel #5
 *  ======== Power_rebuildConstraint ========
Void Power_rebuildConstraint(Power_Constraint type)
    Queue_Handle constraintsQ;
    Queue_Elem * elem;
    UInt value;
    UInt key;

    /* disable scheduling */
    key = Swi_disable();

    /* first, re-initialize the aggregate constraint */
    if (type == Power_DISALLOWED_CPU_SETPOINT_MASK) {
        Power_module->disallowedSetpointsCPU = 0;
    else if (type == Power_DISALLOWED_PER_SETPOINT_MASK) {
        Power_module->disallowedSetpointsPER = 0;
    else if (type == Power_DISALLOWEDSLEEPSTATE_MASK) {
        Power_module->disallowedSleepModes = 0;

    constraintsQ = Power_Module_State_constraintsQ();

    if (!Queue_empty(constraintsQ)) {
        elem = Queue_head(constraintsQ);

        do {
            /* only if constraint 'type' matches... */
            if (((Power_ConstraintObj *)elem)->type == type) {

                /* get the constraint value */
                value = (UInt) ((Power_ConstraintObj *)elem)->value;

                /* update the agregate constraint */
                if (type == Power_DISALLOWED_CPU_SETPOINT_MASK) {
                    Power_module->disallowedSetpointsCPU |= value;
                else if (type == Power_DISALLOWED_PER_SETPOINT_MASK) {
                    Power_module->disallowedSetpointsPER |= value;
                else if (type == Power_DISALLOWEDSLEEPSTATE_MASK) {
                    Power_module->disallowedSleepModes |= value;

            elem = Queue_next(elem);

        } while (elem != (Queue_Elem *) constraintsQ);

    /* re-enable scheduling */
Beispiel #6
 *  ======== Task_deleteTerminatedTasksFunc ========
Void Task_deleteTerminatedTasksFunc()
    UInt key;
    Task_Handle tsk;

    key = Hwi_disable();

    if (!Queue_empty(Task_Module_State_terminatedQ())) {
        tsk = Queue_head(Task_Module_State_terminatedQ());
    else {
 *  ======== Task_deleteTerminatedTasksFunc ========
Void Task_deleteTerminatedTasksFunc()
    UInt hwiKey, taskKey;
    Task_Handle tsk;

    taskKey = Task_disable();

    hwiKey = Hwi_disable();

    if (!Queue_empty(Task_Module_State_terminatedQ())) {
        tsk = Queue_head(Task_Module_State_terminatedQ());
        tsk->readyQ = NULL;
    else {

 *  ======== Power_serviceNotifyQ ========
Power_NotifyResponse Power_serviceNotifyQ(Power_Event eventType)
    Power_NotifyResponse returnStatus = Power_NOTIFYDONE;
    Power_NotifyResponse clientStatus;
    Queue_Handle notifyQ;
    Queue_Elem * elem;
    Fxn notifyFxn;
    UArg clientArg;

    notifyQ = Power_Module_State_notifyQ();

    /* point to first client notify object */
    elem = Queue_head(notifyQ);

    /* walk the queue and notify each registered client of the event */
    do {
        if (((Power_NotifyObj *)elem)->eventTypes & eventType) {

            /* pull params from notify object */
            notifyFxn = ((Power_NotifyObj *)elem)->notifyFxn;
            clientArg = ((Power_NotifyObj *)elem)->clientArg;

            /* call the client's notification function */
            clientStatus = (Power_NotifyResponse) (*(Fxn)notifyFxn)(
                eventType, clientArg);

            /* if client declared error stop all further notifications */
            if (clientStatus == Power_NOTIFYERROR) {
                return (Power_NOTIFYERROR);

        /* get next element in the notification queue */
        elem = Queue_next(elem);

    } while (elem != (Queue_Elem *) notifyQ);

    return (returnStatus);
Beispiel #9
 *  ======== GateMutexPri_insertPri ========
 *  Inserts the element in order by priority, with higher priority
 *  elements at the head of the queue.
Void GateMutexPri_insertPri(Queue_Object* queue, Queue_Elem* newElem, Int newPri)
    Queue_Elem* qelem;
    /* Iterate over the queue. */
    for (qelem = Queue_head(queue); qelem != (Queue_Elem *)queue; 
         qelem = Queue_next(qelem)) {
        /* Tasks of equal priority will be FIFO, so '>', not '>='. */
        if (newPri > Task_getPri((Task_Handle)qelem)) {
            /* Place the new element in front of the current qelem. */
            Queue_insert(qelem, newElem);
     * Put the task at the back of the queue if:
     *   1. The queue was empty.
     *   2. The task had the lowest priority in the queue.
    Queue_enqueue(queue, newElem);
Beispiel #10
 *  ======== Power_notify ========
 *  Note: when this function is called, Swi and Task scheduling are disabled,
 *  but interrupts are enabled.
Power_Status Power_notify(Power_Event eventType, UInt timeout,
    Power_SigType sigType, UArg extArg1, UArg extArg2)
    Power_NotifyResponse clientStatus;
    UInt32 notifyStartTime;
    Queue_Handle notifyQ;
    Queue_Elem * elem;
    Arg eventArg1;
    Arg eventArg2;
    UInt clients = 0;
    Fxn notifyFxn;
    Arg clientArg;
    UInt key;

    /* determine the appropriate notification queue */
    notifyQ = (Queue_Handle)((UInt8 *)(Power_module->notifyQ) +
                (UInt)(eventType * (2 * sizeof(Ptr))));

    /* if queue is empty, return immediately */
    if (Queue_empty(notifyQ)) {
        return (Power_SOK);

    /* reset the count of clients doing delayed completion */
    ti_sysbios_family_c674_Power_notifyWaitCount[(UInt)eventType] = 0;

    /* grab notification start time (# ticks) */
    notifyStartTime = Clock_getTicks();

    /* point to first client notify object */
    elem = Queue_head(notifyQ);

    /* walk the queue and notify each registered client of the event */
    do {
        clients++;      /* count each registered client being notified */

        /* pull params from notify object */
        notifyFxn = ((Power_NotifyObj *)elem)->notifyFxn;
        clientArg = ((Power_NotifyObj *)elem)->clientArg;

        /* determine the event arguments... */
        /* if event triggered internally then Power determines event args: */
        if (sigType == Power_SigType_INTERNAL) {

            if (eventType == Power_PENDING_CPU_SETPOINTCHANGE) {
                eventArg1 = (Arg) Power_module->currentSetpointCPU;
                eventArg2 = (Arg) Power_module->nextSP;
            else if (eventType == Power_DONE_CPU_SETPOINTCHANGE) {
                eventArg1 = (Arg) Power_module->previousSP;
                eventArg2 = (Arg) Power_module->currentSetpointCPU;
            else if (eventType == Power_PENDING_PER_SETPOINTCHANGE) {
                eventArg1 = (Arg) Power_module->currentSetpointPER;
                eventArg2 = (Arg) Power_module->nextSPPER;
            else if (eventType == Power_DONE_PER_SETPOINTCHANGE) {
                eventArg1 = (Arg) Power_module->previousSPPER;
                eventArg2 = (Arg) Power_module->currentSetpointPER;
            else {
                eventArg1 = NULL;
                eventArg2 = NULL;
        /* else for externally triggered events use client-specified args: */
        else {
            eventArg1 = (Arg) extArg1;
            eventArg2 = (Arg) extArg2;

        asm(" .global _Power_ntfy");

        clientStatus = (Power_NotifyResponse) (*(Fxn)notifyFxn)(eventType,
           eventArg1, eventArg2, clientArg);

        /* if client said not done, increment count of clients to wait for */
        if (clientStatus == Power_NOTIFYNOTDONE) {
            key = Hwi_disable();
            ti_sysbios_family_c674_Power_notifyWaitCount[(UInt)eventType] += 1;
        else if (clientStatus == Power_NOTIFYERROR) {
            return (Power_EFAIL);

        /* get next element in this notify queue */
        elem = Queue_next(elem);

    } while (elem != (Queue_Elem *) notifyQ);

    /* if no timout and a client said not done, return immediately  */
    if ((timeout == 0) 
      && (ti_sysbios_family_c674_Power_notifyWaitCount[(UInt)eventType] != 0)) {
        return (Power_ETIMEOUT);

    /* if any client said not done: wait until they signal completion */
    while (ti_sysbios_family_c674_Power_notifyWaitCount[(UInt)eventType] != 0) {
        if ((Clock_getTicks() - notifyStartTime) > timeout) {
            return (Power_ETIMEOUT);

    return (Power_SOK);
 *  ======== Clock_workFunc ========
 *  Service Clock Queue for TickMode_PERIODIC
Void Clock_workFunc(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
    Queue_Elem  *elem;
    UInt hwiKey, count;
    UInt32 time, compare;
    Clock_Object *obj;
    Queue_Handle clockQ;

    hwiKey = Hwi_disable();
    time = Clock_module->ticks;
    count = Clock_module->swiCount;
    Clock_module->swiCount = 0;

    /* Log when count > 1, meaning Clock_swi is delayed */
    if (count > 1) {
        Log_write1(Clock_LW_delayed, (UArg)count);

    compare = time - count;

     * Here count can be zero. When Clock_tick() runs it increments
     * swiCount and posts the Clock_workFunc. In Clock_workFunc we
     * get the value of swiCount atomically. Before we read swiCount, an
     * interrupt could occur, Clock_tick() will post the swi again.
     * That post is unnecessary as we are getting ready to process that
     * tick. The next time this swi runs the count will be zero.

    while (count) {

        compare = compare + 1;
        count = count - 1;

        /* Traverse clock queue */

        clockQ = Clock_Module_State_clockQ();
        elem = Queue_head(clockQ);

        while (elem != (Queue_Elem *)(clockQ)) {
            obj = (Clock_Object *)elem;
            elem = Queue_next(elem);
            /* if event has timed out */
            if ((obj->active == TRUE) && (obj->currTimeout == compare)) {

                if (obj->period == 0) { /* oneshot? */
                    /* mark object idle */
                    obj->active = FALSE;
                else {                  /* periodic */
                    /* refresh timeout */
                    obj->currTimeout += obj->period;

                Log_write2(Clock_LM_begin, (UArg)obj, (UArg)obj->fxn);

                /* call handler */
Beispiel #12
 *  ======== Semaphore_pend ========
Bool Semaphore_pend(Semaphore_Object *sem, UInt timeout)
    UInt hwiKey, tskKey;
    Semaphore_PendElem elem;
    Queue_Handle pendQ;
    Clock_Struct clockStruct;

    Log_write3(Semaphore_LM_pend, (IArg)sem, (UArg)sem->count, (IArg)((Int)timeout));

     *  Consider fast path check for count != 0 here!!!

     *  elem is filled in entirely before interrupts are disabled.
     *  This significantly reduces latency.

    /* add Clock event if timeout is not FOREVER nor NO_WAIT */
    if (BIOS_clockEnabled
            && (timeout != BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER) 
            && (timeout != BIOS_NO_WAIT)) {
        Clock_Params clockParams;
        clockParams.arg = (UArg)&elem;
        clockParams.startFlag = FALSE;  /* will start when necessary, thankyou */
        Clock_construct(&clockStruct, (Clock_FuncPtr)Semaphore_pendTimeout, 
                                        timeout, &clockParams);
        elem.tpElem.clock = Clock_handle(&clockStruct);
        elem.pendState = Semaphore_PendState_CLOCK_WAIT;
    else {
        elem.tpElem.clock = NULL;
        elem.pendState = Semaphore_PendState_WAIT_FOREVER;

    pendQ = Semaphore_Instance_State_pendQ(sem);

    hwiKey = Hwi_disable();

    /* check semaphore count */
    if (sem->count == 0) {

        if (timeout == BIOS_NO_WAIT) {
            return (FALSE);

        Assert_isTrue((BIOS_getThreadType() == BIOS_ThreadType_Task),

        /* lock task scheduler */
        tskKey = Task_disable();

        /* get task handle and block tsk */
        elem.tpElem.task = Task_self();

        /* leave a pointer for Task_delete() */
        elem.tpElem.task->pendElem = (Task_PendElem *)&(elem);


        if (((UInt)sem->mode & 0x2) != 0) {    /* if PRIORITY bit is set */
            Semaphore_PendElem *tmpElem;
            Task_Handle tmpTask;
            UInt selfPri;
            tmpElem = Queue_head(pendQ);
            selfPri = Task_getPri(elem.tpElem.task);

            while (tmpElem != (Semaphore_PendElem *)pendQ) {
                tmpTask = tmpElem->tpElem.task;
                /* use '>' here so tasks wait FIFO for same priority */
                if (selfPri > Task_getPri(tmpTask)) {
                else {
                    tmpElem = Queue_next((Queue_Elem *)tmpElem);
            Queue_insert((Queue_Elem *)tmpElem, (Queue_Elem *)&elem);
        else {      
            /* put task at the end of the pendQ */
            Queue_enqueue(pendQ, (Queue_Elem *)&elem);

        /* start Clock if appropriate */
        if (BIOS_clockEnabled && 
                (elem.pendState == Semaphore_PendState_CLOCK_WAIT)) {


        Task_restore(tskKey);   /* the calling task will block here */

        /* Here on unblock due to Semaphore_post or timeout */

        if (Semaphore_supportsEvents && (sem->event != NULL)) {
            /* synchronize Event state */
            hwiKey = Hwi_disable();
            Semaphore_eventSync(sem->event, sem->eventId, sem->count);

        /* deconstruct Clock if appropriate */
        if (BIOS_clockEnabled && (elem.tpElem.clock != NULL)) {

        elem.tpElem.task->pendElem = NULL;

        return ((Bool)(elem.pendState));
    else {

        if (Semaphore_supportsEvents && (sem->event != NULL)) {
            /* synchronize Event state */
            Semaphore_eventSync(sem->event, sem->eventId, sem->count);


        /* deconstruct Clock if appropriate */
        if (BIOS_clockEnabled && (elem.tpElem.clock != NULL)) {

        return (TRUE);