QwtDoubleRect VectorCurve::boundingRect() const {
	QwtDoubleRect rect = QwtPlotCurve::boundingRect();

	if (d_type == Graph::VectXYXY)
		rect |= vectorEnd->boundingRect();
		int rows = abs(d_end_row - d_start_row) + 1;
		for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
			double x_i = x(i);
			double y_i = y(i);
			double angle = vectorEnd->x(i);
			double mag = vectorEnd->y(i);
			switch(d_position) {
				case Tail:
					rect |= QwtDoubleRect(x_i, y_i, mag*cos(angle), mag*sin(angle)).normalized();
				case Middle:
						QwtDoubleRect rect_i(0, 0, fabs(mag*cos(angle)), fabs(mag*sin(angle)));
						rect_i.moveCenter(QwtDoublePoint(x_i, y_i));
						rect |= rect_i;
				case Head:
					rect |= QwtDoubleRect(x_i, y_i, -mag*cos(angle), -mag*sin(angle)).normalized();
	return rect;
  Returns the bounding rectangle of the data. If there is
  no bounding rect, like for empty data the rectangle is invalid:
  QwtDoubleRect::isValid() == false
QwtDoubleRect QwtCPointerData::boundingRect() const
    const size_t sz = size();

    if ( sz <= 0 )
        return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid

    double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
    const double *xIt = d_x;
    const double *yIt = d_y;
    const double *end = d_x + sz;
    minX = maxX = *xIt++;
    minY = maxY = *yIt++;

    while ( xIt < end )
        const double xv = *xIt++;
        if ( xv < minX )
            minX = xv;
        if ( xv > maxX )
            maxX = xv;

        const double yv = *yIt++;
        if ( yv < minY )
            minY = yv;
        if ( yv > maxY )
            maxY = yv;
    return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
  Returns the bounding rectangle of the data. If there is
  no bounding rect, like for empty data the rectangle is invalid:
  QwtDoubleRect::isValid() == false

  \warning This is an slow implementation iterating over all points. 
           It is intended to be overloaded by derived classes. In case of
           auto scaling boundingRect() is called for every replot, so it 
           might be worth to implement a cache, or use x(0), x(size() - 1)
           for ordered data ...
QwtDoubleRect QwtData::boundingRect() const
    const size_t sz = size();

    if ( sz <= 0 )
        return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid

    double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
    minX = maxX = x(0);
    minY = maxY = y(0);

    for ( size_t i = 1; i < sz; i++ )
        const double xv = x(i);
        if ( xv < minX )
            minX = xv;
        if ( xv > maxX )
            maxX = xv;

        const double yv = y(i);
        if ( yv < minY )
            minY = yv;
        if ( yv > maxY )
            maxY = yv;
    return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
  Calculate the viewBox from an rect and boundingRect().

  \param rect Rectangle in scale coordinates
  \return viewBox View Box, see QSvgRenderer::viewBox
QwtDoubleRect QwtPlotSvgItem::viewBox(const QwtDoubleRect &rect) const
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040100
    const QSize sz = d_data->renderer.defaultSize();
#if QT_VERSION > 0x040000
    const QSize sz(d_data->picture.width(),
    QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics(&d_data->picture);
    const QSize sz(metrics.width(), metrics.height());
    const QwtDoubleRect br = boundingRect();

    if ( !rect.isValid() || !br.isValid() || sz.isNull() )
        return QwtDoubleRect();

    QwtScaleMap xMap;
    xMap.setScaleInterval(br.left(), br.right());
    xMap.setPaintInterval(0, sz.width());

    QwtScaleMap yMap;
    yMap.setScaleInterval(br.top(), br.bottom());
    yMap.setPaintInterval(sz.height(), 0);

    const double x1 = xMap.xTransform(rect.left());
    const double x2 = xMap.xTransform(rect.right());
    const double y1 = yMap.xTransform(rect.bottom());
    const double y2 = yMap.xTransform(rect.top());

    return QwtDoubleRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
  Returns the bounding rectangle of the data. If there is
  no bounding rect, like for empty data the rectangle is invalid:
  QwtDoubleRect::isValid() == false
QwtDoubleRect QwtArrayData::boundingRect() const
    const size_t sz = size();

    if ( sz <= 0 )
        return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid

    double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
    QwtArray<double>::ConstIterator xIt = d_x.begin();
    QwtArray<double>::ConstIterator yIt = d_y.begin();
    QwtArray<double>::ConstIterator end = d_x.begin() + sz;
    minX = maxX = *xIt++;
    minY = maxY = *yIt++;

    while ( xIt < end )
        const double xv = *xIt++;
        if ( xv < minX )
            minX = xv;
        if ( xv > maxX )
            maxX = xv;

        const double yv = *yIt++;
        if ( yv < minY )
            minY = yv;
        if ( yv > maxY )
            maxY = yv;
    return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
  Returns the intersection of this rectangle and rectangle other.
  Returns an empty rectangle if there is no intersection.
QwtDoubleRect QwtDoubleRect::operator&(const QwtDoubleRect &other) const
    if (isNull() || other.isNull())
        return QwtDoubleRect();

    const QwtDoubleRect r1 = normalized();
    const QwtDoubleRect r2 = other.normalized();

    const double minX = qwtMax(r1.left(), r2.left());
    const double maxX = qwtMin(r1.right(), r2.right());
    const double minY = qwtMax(r1.top(), r2.top());
    const double maxY = qwtMin(r1.bottom(), r2.bottom());

    return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
QwtDoubleRect QwtCurve::boundingRect() const
    if ( d_data == NULL )
        return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0); // invalid

    return d_data->boundingRect();
Beispiel #8
void VectorPlot::setupPlot(const QwtDoubleRect &rect) {
	QwtScaleDiv *hDiv = plot->axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom);
	QwtScaleDiv *vDiv = plot->axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft);
// In earlier qwt version some member function names are different from newer version
#if QWT_VERSION <= 0x050101
	double lLimit = std::min(hDiv->lBound(), rect.left());
	double rLimit = std::max(hDiv->hBound(), rect.right());
	double bLimit = std::min(vDiv->lBound(), rect.bottom());
	double tLimit = std::max(vDiv->hBound(), rect.top());
	double lLimit = std::min(hDiv->lowerBound(), rect.left());
	double rLimit = std::max(hDiv->upperBound(), rect.right());
	double bLimit = std::min(vDiv->lowerBound(), rect.bottom());
	double tLimit = std::max(vDiv->upperBound(), rect.top());
	plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, lLimit, rLimit);
	plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, bLimit, tLimit);

	double xMargin = plot->invTransform(QwtPlot::xBottom, plot->margin());
	double yMargin = plot->invTransform(QwtPlot::yLeft, plot->margin());
	mBoundingRect = QwtDoubleRect(QwtDoublePoint(lLimit - xMargin, tLimit + yMargin),
								  QwtDoublePoint(rLimit + xMargin, bLimit - yMargin));

	qDebug() << "xMargin:" << xMargin;
	qDebug() << "yMargin:" << yMargin;
	qDebug() << "mBoundingRect:" << mBoundingRect;
//	mBoundingRect = rect;
QwtDoubleRect HistogramItem::boundingRect() const
    QwtDoubleRect rect = d_data->data.boundingRect();
    if ( !rect.isValid() ) 
        return rect;

    if ( d_data->attributes & Xfy )
        rect = QwtDoubleRect( rect.y(), rect.x(), 
            rect.height(), rect.width() );

        if ( rect.left() > d_data->reference ) 
            rect.setLeft( d_data->reference );
        else if ( rect.right() < d_data->reference ) 
            rect.setRight( d_data->reference );
        if ( rect.bottom() < d_data->reference ) 
            rect.setBottom( d_data->reference );
        else if ( rect.top() > d_data->reference ) 
            rect.setTop( d_data->reference );

    return rect;
QwtDoubleRect QwtPlotCurve::boundingRect() const
    if ( d_xy == NULL )
        return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid

    return d_xy->boundingRect();
Beispiel #11
QwtDoubleRect Matrix::boundingRect()
    int rows = numRows();
    int cols = numCols();
    double dx = fabs(x_end - x_start)/(double)(cols - 1);
    double dy = fabs(y_end - y_start)/(double)(rows - 1);

    return QwtDoubleRect(QMIN(x_start, x_end) - 0.5*dx, QMIN(y_start, y_end) - 0.5*dy,
						 fabs(x_end - x_start) + dx, fabs(y_end - y_start) + dy).normalized();
Beispiel #12
 * Klonuje obiekt danych.
 * @return kopia obiektu danych utworzona na stercie
QwtRasterData* FeatureData::copy() const
    FeatureData* data = new FeatureData(paramsArray, minParam, maxParam);
    data->framesCount = framesCount;
    data->paramsPerFrame = paramsPerFrame;
    data->info = info;
    data->ownsArray = true;
    data->setBoundingRect(QwtDoubleRect(0, 0, framesCount, paramsPerFrame));
    return data;
QwtDoubleRect QwtIntervalData::boundingRect() const
    double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
    minX = maxX = minY = maxY = 0.0;

    bool isValid = false;

    const size_t sz = size();
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
        const QwtDoubleInterval intv = interval(i);
        if ( !intv.isValid() )

        const double v = value(i);

        if ( !isValid )
            minX = intv.minValue();
            maxX = intv.maxValue();
            minY = maxY = v;

            isValid = true;
            if ( intv.minValue() < minX )
                minX = intv.minValue();
            if ( intv.maxValue() > maxX )
                maxX = intv.maxValue();

            if ( v < minY )
                minY = v;
            if ( v > maxY )
                maxY = v;
    if ( !isValid )
        return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid

    return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
    Translate a rectangle from pixel into plot coordinates

    \return Rectangle in plot coordinates
    \sa QwtPlotPicker::transform()
QwtDoubleRect QwtPlotPicker::invTransform(const QRect &rect) const
    QwtDiMap xMap = plot()->canvasMap(d_xAxis);
    QwtDiMap yMap = plot()->canvasMap(d_yAxis);

    return QwtDoubleRect(
QwtDoubleRect LegendMarker::boundingRect() const
	QRect bounding_rect = rect();
	const QwtScaleMap &x_map = d_plot->canvasMap(xAxis());
	const QwtScaleMap &y_map = d_plot->canvasMap(yAxis());

	double left = x_map.invTransform(bounding_rect.left());
	double right = x_map.invTransform(bounding_rect.right());
	double top = y_map.invTransform(bounding_rect.top());
	double bottom = y_map.invTransform(bounding_rect.bottom());

	return QwtDoubleRect(left, top, qAbs(right-left), qAbs(bottom-top));
Beispiel #16
    Translate a rectangle from pixel into plot coordinates

    \return Rectangle in plot coordinates
    \sa QwtPlotPicker::transform()
QwtDoubleRect QwtPlotPicker::invTransform(const QRect &rect) const
    QwtScaleMap xMap = plot()->canvasMap(d_xAxis);
    QwtScaleMap yMap = plot()->canvasMap(d_yAxis);

    const double left = xMap.invTransform(rect.left());
    const double right = xMap.invTransform(rect.right());
    const double top = yMap.invTransform(rect.top());
    const double bottom = yMap.invTransform(rect.bottom());

    return QwtDoubleRect(left, top,
        right - left, bottom - top);
Beispiel #17
QwtDoubleRect ArrowMarker::boundingRect() const {
  const QwtScaleMap &xMap = plot()->canvasMap(xAxis());
  const QwtScaleMap &yMap = plot()->canvasMap(yAxis());

  const int x0 = xMap.transform(d_rect.left());
  const int y0 = yMap.transform(d_rect.top());
  const int x1 = xMap.transform(d_rect.right());
  const int y1 = yMap.transform(d_rect.bottom());

  return QwtDoubleRect(x0 < x1 ? d_rect.left() : d_rect.right(),
                       y0 < y1 ? d_rect.top() : d_rect.bottom(),
                       qAbs(d_rect.left() - d_rect.right()),
                       qAbs(d_rect.top() - d_rect.bottom()));
Beispiel #18
TimeSeriesFloodPlotData::TimeSeriesFloodPlotData(TimeSeries timeSeries,  QwtDoubleInterval colorMapRange)
: m_timeSeries(timeSeries),
  m_maxX(ceil(timeSeries.daysFromFirstReport()[timeSeries.daysFromFirstReport().size()-1]+timeSeries.firstReportDateTime().date().dayOfYear()+timeSeries.firstReportDateTime().time().totalDays())), // end day
  m_minY(0), // start hour
  m_maxY(24), // end hour
  // data range
  setBoundingRect(QwtDoubleRect(m_minX, m_minY, m_maxX-m_minX, m_maxY-m_minY));
  Returns the bounding rectangle of this rectangle and rectangle other.
  The bounding rectangle of a nonempty rectangle and an empty or
  invalid rectangle is defined to be the nonempty rectangle.
QwtDoubleRect QwtDoubleRect::operator|(const QwtDoubleRect &other) const
    if ( isEmpty() )
        return other;

    if ( other.isEmpty() )
        return *this;

    const double minX = qwtMin(d_left, other.d_left);
    const double maxX = qwtMax(d_right, other.d_right);
    const double minY = qwtMin(d_top, other.d_top);
    const double maxY = qwtMax(d_bottom, other.d_bottom);

    return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
MatrixRaster::MatrixRaster (double* &matr, const int rws, const int cls): 
  QwtRasterData(QwtDoubleRect(0.0,0.0,cls,rws)), data_array(matr), rows(rws), cols(cls) {  

	if ((matr==NULL) || (rws==0) || (cls==0))
		const unsigned int matr_size=static_cast<const unsigned int>(rws)*static_cast<const unsigned int>(cls);
		double tmp;

		for (unsigned int i=1u; i<matr_size; ++i)
			from=(tmp<from)? tmp : from;
			to=(to<tmp)? tmp : to;
Beispiel #21
TimeSeriesLinePlotData::TimeSeriesLinePlotData(TimeSeries timeSeries, double fracDaysOffset)
: m_timeSeries(timeSeries),
  m_maxX(timeSeries.daysFromFirstReport()[timeSeries.daysFromFirstReport().size()-1]+timeSeries.firstReportDateTime().date().dayOfYear()+timeSeries.firstReportDateTime().time().totalDays()), // end day
  m_boundingRect = QwtDoubleRect(m_minX, m_minY, (m_maxX - m_minX), (m_maxY - m_minY));
  m_minValue = m_minY;
  m_maxValue = m_maxY;
  m_units = timeSeries.units();
  m_fracDaysOffset = fracDaysOffset; // note updating in xValue does not affect scaled axis
  m_x = m_timeSeries.daysFromFirstReport();
  m_y = m_timeSeries.values();
Beispiel #22
// set ranges and bounding box
void VectorLinePlotData::init(){

  unsigned M = m_xVector.size();
  unsigned N = m_yVector.size();

  if ((M <= 1) || (N <= 1) ||  (M != N)){
    throw std::runtime_error("Incorrectly sized matrix or vector for VectorLinePlotData");

  m_size = N;
  m_minX = minimum(m_xVector);
  m_maxX = maximum(m_xVector);
  m_minY = minimum(m_yVector);
  m_maxY = maximum(m_yVector);

  // set the bounding box
  m_boundingRect = QwtDoubleRect(m_minX, m_minY, (m_maxX - m_minX), (m_maxY - m_minY));
Beispiel #23
//! Redraw the canvas
void QwtPolarCanvas::drawContents( QPainter *painter )
  if ( d_data->paintAttributes & PaintCached && d_data->cache
       && d_data->cache->size() == contentsRect().size() )
    painter->drawPixmap( contentsRect().topLeft(), *d_data->cache );
    QwtPolarPlot *plt = plot();
    if ( plt )
      const bool doAutoReplot = plt->autoReplot();
      plt->setAutoReplot( false );
      drawCanvas( painter, QwtDoubleRect( contentsRect() ) );
      plt->setAutoReplot( doAutoReplot );
Beispiel #24
  Return normalized bounding rect of the axes

  \sa QwtPlot::autoReplot(), QwtPlot::replot().
QwtDoubleRect QwtPlotPicker::scaleRect() const
    QwtDoubleRect rect;

    if ( plot() )
        const QwtScaleDiv *xs = plot()->axisScaleDiv(xAxis());
        const QwtScaleDiv *ys = plot()->axisScaleDiv(yAxis());

        if ( xs && ys )
            rect = QwtDoubleRect( xs->lowerBound(), ys->lowerBound(), 
                xs->range(), ys->range() );
            rect = rect.normalized();

    return rect;
Beispiel #25
 * Tworzy obiekt danych, szuka zakresu wartości i kopiuje cechy z ekstraktora.
 * @param extractor obiekt ekstraktora
FeatureData::FeatureData(Aquila::Extractor* extractor):
    QwtRasterData(QwtDoubleRect(0, 0, extractor->getFramesCount(), extractor->getParamsPerFrame())),
    framesCount(extractor->getFramesCount()), paramsPerFrame(extractor->getParamsPerFrame()),
    canceled(false), ownsArray(false)
    maxParam = std::numeric_limits<double>().min();
    minParam = std::numeric_limits<double>().max();
    paramsArray = new double*[framesCount];

    QProgressDialog progress(QObject::tr("Generating feature chart..."),
        QObject::tr("Cancel"), 0, framesCount);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < framesCount; ++i)
        if (progress.wasCanceled())
            canceled = true;
            break; // TODO: potential memory leak?

        paramsArray[i] = new double[paramsPerFrame];
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < paramsPerFrame; ++j)
            double value = extractor->getParam(i, j);
            if (value < minParam)
                minParam = value;
            if (value > maxParam)
                maxParam = value;
            paramsArray[i][j] = value;


    info = QObject::tr("%3, %1 frames, %2 params per frame").arg(framesCount).
Beispiel #26
// set ranges and bounding box
void MatrixFloodPlotData::init(){

  unsigned M = m_matrix.size1();
  unsigned N = m_matrix.size2();

  if ((M <= 1) || (N <= 1) || (M != m_xVector.size()) || (N != m_yVector.size())){
    throw std::runtime_error("Incorrectly sized matrix or vector for MatrixFloodPlotData");

  m_minX = minimum(m_xVector);
  m_maxX = maximum(m_xVector);
  m_minY = minimum(m_yVector);
  m_maxY = maximum(m_yVector);

  m_minValue = minimum(m_matrix);
  m_maxValue = maximum(m_matrix);

  // default behavior is to have entire data range considered for colormapping
  // override by setting colorMapRange
  m_colorMapRange = QwtDoubleInterval(m_minValue, m_maxValue);

  // set the bounding box
  setBoundingRect(QwtDoubleRect(m_minX, m_minY, m_maxX-m_minX, m_maxY-m_minY));
QwtDoubleRect QwtPlotItem::boundingRect() const
    return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid
Beispiel #28
QwtDoubleRect C2DCurveData::boundingRect() const
  if (mSize <= 0)
    return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid

  if (mLastRectangle == mSize)
    return QwtDoubleRect(mMinX, mMinY, mMaxX - mMinX, mMaxY - mMinY);

  const double *xIt = mpX + mLastRectangle;
  const double *yIt = mpY + mLastRectangle;
  const double *end = mpX + mSize;

  mLastRectangle = mSize;

  // We have to remember whether we have an initial NaN
  bool MinXisNaN = isnan(mMinX);
  bool MaxXisNaN = isnan(mMaxX);
  bool MinYisNaN = isnan(mMinY);
  bool MaxYisNaN = isnan(mMaxY);

  while (xIt < end)
      const double xv = *xIt++;

      if (!isnan(xv))
          if ((xv < mMinX || MinXisNaN) && xv > -std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity())
              mMinX = xv;
              MinXisNaN = false;

          if ((xv > mMaxX || MaxXisNaN) && xv < std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity())
              mMaxX = xv;
              MaxXisNaN = false;

      const double yv = *yIt++;

      if (!isnan(yv))
          if ((yv < mMinY || MinYisNaN) && yv > -std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity())
              mMinY = yv;
              MinYisNaN = false;

          if ((yv > mMaxY  || MaxYisNaN) && yv < std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity())
              mMaxY = yv;
              MaxYisNaN = false;

  if (isnan(mMinX + mMaxX + mMinY + mMaxY))
    return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid

  // We need to avoid very small data ranges (absolute and relative)
  C_FLOAT64 minRange;

  minRange = fabs(mMinY + mMaxY) * 5e-5 + std::numeric_limits< C_FLOAT64 >::min() * 100.0;

  if (mMaxY - mMinY < minRange)
      mMinY = mMinY - minRange * 0.5;
      mMaxY = mMaxY + minRange * 0.5;

  if (mMinX == 0 && mMaxX == 0)
    return QwtDoubleRect(0.1, mMinY, -0.2, mMaxY - mMinY); // invalid X

  minRange = fabs(mMinX + mMaxX) * 5.e-5 + std::numeric_limits< C_FLOAT64 >::min() * 100.0;

  if (mMaxX - mMinX < minRange)
      mMinX = mMinX - minRange * 0.5;
      mMaxX = mMaxX + minRange * 0.5;

  return QwtDoubleRect(mMinX, mMinY, mMaxX - mMinX, mMaxY - mMinY);
     QwtRasterData(QwtDoubleRect(-1.5, -1.5, 3.0, 3.0))
static inline QwtDoubleRect boundingRect(const QwtPolygonF &polygon)
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    if (polygon.isEmpty())
        return QwtDoubleRect(0, 0, 0, 0);

    register const QwtDoublePoint *pd = polygon.data();

    double minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
    minx = maxx = pd->x();
    miny = maxy = pd->y();

    for (uint i = 1; i < polygon.size(); i++, pd++) 
        if (pd->x() < minx)
            minx = pd->x();
        else if (pd->x() > maxx)
            maxx = pd->x();
        if (pd->y() < miny)
            miny = pd->y();
        else if (pd->y() > maxy)
            maxy = pd->y();
    return QwtDoubleRect(minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny);
    return polygon.boundingRect();