Beispiel #1
// SpaceBall_Event():
double SpaceBall_Event( LWInstance _inst, const LWMasterAccess *access ) {
  if( access->eventCode == LWEVNT_COMMAND ) {
    if( strncmp( (const char *)access->eventData, "RenderFrame", 11 ) == 0 )
      is_safe = false;
    else if( strncmp( (const char *)access->eventData, "RenderScene", 11 ) == 0 )
      is_safe = false;
    else if( strncmp( (const char *)access->eventData, "RenderObject", 12 ) == 0 )
      is_safe = false;

    if( sb_int != NULL ) {
      if( sb_int->IsOpen() ) {
        int do_capture;
        GET_INT( sb_int->capture, do_capture );

        if( do_capture ) {
          if( (sb_int->current_function >= 0) && (sb_int->current_function < num_functions) ) {
            StringTools::strdup2( function_map[ sb_int->current_function ], (const char *)access->eventData );
            REDRAW_CON( sb_int->list );
            HandleList( sb_int->list, NULL );

  } else if ( access->eventCode == LWEVNT_RENDER_DONE ) {
    is_safe = true;

  return 0.0;
Beispiel #2
// HandleSortBy():
void HandleSortBy( LWControl *con, void *data ) {
  int state, index;
  GET_INT( rint->sort_by_popup, state );
  GET_INT( rint->list, index );

  // Store the item
  ReplaceObjects_SwapObject *swap = NULL;
  if( index != -1 ) {
    swap = rint->swaps[ index ];
    assert( swap != NULL );

  // Sort the list
  if( state == 0 )
    rint->swaps.QSort( SortSwapObjects_Alpha );
    rint->swaps.QSort( SortSwapObjects_Weight );

  // Reselect the item
  if( swap != NULL ) {
    unsigned long new_index = rint->swaps.FindIndexOf( swap );
    SET_IVEC( rint->list, new_index, 1, 0 );

  REDRAW_CON( rint->list );
Beispiel #3
// HandleClearAll():
void HandleClearAll( LWControl *con, void *data ) {
  if( (*rint->message->yesNo)( "Clear Swap List?", "Do you really want to clear the swap list?", NULL ) == 0 )

  REDRAW_CON( rint->list );
  HandleList( rint->list, NULL );
Beispiel #4
// ShowGroupTab():
bool FreeKeyInterface::ShowGroupTab() {
  UNGHOST_CON( group_name       );
  UNGHOST_CON( group_delete     );
  UNGHOST_CON( group_edit_mode  );
  UNGHOST_CON( group_edit_apply );

  REDRAW_CON( group_name );
  return true;
Beispiel #5
// SetStatusText():
//  Sets the status text and mode.  If the text is NULL, only the mode is changed.
//   the default mode is Info if none is provided.  This function can optionally
//   redraw the status line after settings it's contents.
void FreeKeyInterface::SetStatusText( const char *text, enum fk_status_mode mode, bool draw_now ) {
  if( text != NULL )
    strcpy( status_text, text );

  status_mode = mode;

  if( draw_now )
    REDRAW_CON( fk_int->status_line );
Beispiel #6
// OnItemMultiScroll():
//  Called to handle the custom scroll bar under the lister
void OnItemMultiScroll( LWControl *ctl, int mx, fk_mousestate mouse_state ) {
  static last_clicked = CLICKED_NONE;
  static down_pos     = 0;
  static item_pos     = 0;

  // Mouse Released; Reset
  if( mouse_state == MSTATE_UP ) {
    SET_STR( fk_int->select_item_name, "MS:  Mouse Released", strlen( "MS:  Mouse Released" ) );
    last_clicked = CLICKED_NONE;
    REDRAW_CON( fk_int->item_multiscroll );

  // Mouse was just clicked; see what was clicked
  if( mouse_state == MSTATE_DOWN ) {
    down_pos = mx;
    mx -= CON_HOTX( ctl );

    // Test the Divider
    int div_near = mx > fk_int->ms_divider ? mx-fk_int->ms_divider: fk_int->ms_divider-mx;
    if( div_near < 6 ) {
      last_clicked = CLICKED_DIVIDER;
      item_pos = fk_int->ms_divider;

      SET_STR( fk_int->select_item_name, "MS:  Clicked Divider", strlen( "MS:  Clicked Divider" ) );


  // Mouse Moved:  Change some value
  if( mouse_state == MSTATE_MOVING ) {
    if( last_clicked == CLICKED_DIVIDER )
      fk_int->ms_divider = mx;
//      fk_int->ms_divider = down_pos - item_pos + mx - item_pos;

    char buffer[ 64 ];
    sprintf( buffer, "MS:  Moved Divider to %d", fk_int->ms_divider );
    SET_STR( fk_int->select_item_name, buffer, strlen( buffer ) );

    REDRAW_CON( ctl );
Beispiel #7
// HandleRemove():
void HandleRemove( LWControl *con, void *data ) {
  int index;
  GET_INT( rint->list, index );

  if( index == -1 )

  assert( index < (int)rint->swaps.NumElements() );
  delete rint->swaps[ index ];
  rint->swaps.Remove( index );

  if( index == (int)rint->swaps.NumElements() )

  SET_IVEC( rint->list, index, 1, 0 );
  REDRAW_CON( rint->list );
  HandleList( rint->list, NULL );
Beispiel #8
// ShowItemSelectionTab():
bool FreeKeyInterface::ShowItemSelectionTab() {
  UNGHOST_CON( select_item_name       );
  UNGHOST_CON( select_name_mode       );
  UNGHOST_CON( apply_select_item_name );
  UNGHOST_CON( select_toggle          );
  UNGHOST_CON( select_item_mode       );
  UNGHOST_CON( select_info_area );
  UNGHOST_CON( fk_int->select_children_toggle );

  REDRAW_CON( select_item_name );

  // Decide if the And Children toggle should be ghosted
  int sel_opt, sel_mode;
  GET_INT( fk_int->select_item_mode, sel_mode );
  GET_INT( fk_int->select_toggle, sel_opt );

  if( (sel_opt == 2) && (sel_mode > 0) )
    GHOST_CON( fk_int->select_children_toggle );

  return true;
Beispiel #9
// UpdateProgress():
//  Updates the progress bar.  If the user aborted the process (closed
//   the Processing panel), then this returns false so FreeKey::Process()
//   knows to stop working.
bool __cdecl UpdateProgress( char *name, int current, int total ) {
  if( !processing_open )
    return true;

  // Free any existing progress bar item name
  if( fk_int->progress_name != NULL ) {
    free( fk_int->progress_name );
    fk_int->progress_name = NULL;

  // Fill in some progress info
  fk_int->progress_name  = strdup( name );
  fk_int->progress_cur   = current;
  fk_int->progress_total = total;

  // Update the progress bar
  REDRAW_CON( fk_int->progress_bar );

  // Return a continue/abort value
  return fk_continue_processing;
Beispiel #10
// OnFreeKey():
//  This actually processes the scene file.  To make the process
//   interuptable, the process task is spawned as another thread.
void OnFreeKey(LWControl *ctl, FreeKeyInterface *panel) {  
  if( !fk_int->fkd->TestKey( fk_int->fkd->ReadKey(), fk_int->fkd->GetDongleID() ) ) {
    fk_int->message->Error( "FreeKey Error:  Licence key not found; Processing disabled",
                            "Registering FreeKey will make it fully functional." );

  if( fk_int->processing ) {
    fk_int->stop_processing = true;

  fk_int->stop_processing = false;
  fk_int->processing      = true;
  fk_int->progress_total  = 1;
  fk_int->progress_cur    = 0;

  // See if there's anything to Freekey
  if( !AnyAssignedToGroups( &fk->GetScene().GetBaseItem() ) ) {
    fk_int->SetStatusText( "ERROR:  No items assigned to any groups", STATUSMODE_ERROR, true );
    fk_int->message->Error( "Freekey Error:  No items have",
                            "been assigned to any groups!  Aborting" );

    fk_int->processing = false;
    fk_int->stop_processing = true;

  // Change the FreeKey-ify control's text to Abort
  SET_STR( fk_int->freekey, "Abort Process", strlen( "Abort Process" ) );
  REDRAW_CON( fk_int->freekey );

  // Count the number of item for total
  fk_int->progress_total = fk->GetScene().GetBaseItem().CountItems(false, true);

  int error;
  try {
    // Begin Processing
    error = fk->Process( UpdateProgress );
    if( error != FREEKEY_OK ) {
      if( error == FREEKEY_USER_ABORT ) {  /// Check for an abort
        fk_int->message->Info( "FreeKey Info:  User Abort",
                               "Any partially written output file has been removed" );
      } else
        throw false;

    sprintf( fk_int->status_text, "Complete!  Processed %d items sucessfully.",
             fk->GetNumObjectsProcessed() + fk->GetNumLightsProcessed() + fk->GetNumBonesProcessed() );
    fk_int->SetStatusText( NULL, STATUSMODE_INFO, true );
    fk_int->message->Info( "FreeKey Info:  Processing comlete!" );
  } catch( bool ) {
    // Handle Errors
//    fk->CloseFiles();

    sprintf( fk_int->status_text, "ERROR:  %s", FreeKey::GetErrorString( error ) );
    fk_int->SetStatusText( NULL, STATUSMODE_ERROR, true );

    fk_int->message->Error( "FreeKey Error, aborting:", FreeKey::GetErrorString( error ) );

  // Restore the FreeKey-ify control's text
  SET_STR( fk_int->freekey, "FreeKey-ify!", strlen( "FreeKey-ify!" ) );
  REDRAW_CON( fk_int->freekey );

  fk_int->processing = false;
  fk_int->stop_processing = false;