Beispiel #1
std::shared_ptr<Ego::Particle> ParticleHandler::spawnParticle(const Vector3f& spawnPos, const Facing& spawnFacing, const PRO_REF spawnProfile,
                                                              const PIP_REF particleProfile, const ObjectRef spawnAttach, Uint16 vrt_offset, const TEAM_REF spawnTeam,
                                                              const ObjectRef spawnOrigin, const ParticleRef spawnParticleOrigin, const int multispawn, const ObjectRef spawnTarget, const bool onlyOverWater)
    const std::shared_ptr<ParticleProfile> &ppip = ProfileSystem::get().ParticleProfileSystem.get_ptr(particleProfile);

    if (!ppip)
        const std::string spawnOriginName = _currentModule->getObjectHandler().exists(spawnOrigin) ? _currentModule->getObjectHandler()[spawnOrigin]->getName() : "INVALID";
        const std::string spawnProfileName = ProfileSystem::get().isValidProfileID(spawnProfile) ? ProfileSystem::get().getProfile(spawnProfile)->getPathname() : "INVALID";
		Log::get().debug("spawn_one_particle() - cannot spawn particle with invalid particle profile == %d, spawn origin == %" PRIuZ " (\"%s\"), spawn profile == %d (\"%s\"))\n",
                         spawnOrigin.get(), spawnOriginName.c_str(),
                         REF_TO_INT(spawnProfile), spawnProfileName.c_str());

        return Ego::Particle::INVALID_PARTICLE;

    // count all the requests for this particle type

    //Try to get a free particle
    std::shared_ptr<Ego::Particle> particle = getFreeParticle(ppip->force);
    if(particle) {
        //Initialize particle and add it into the game
        if(particle->initialize(ParticleRef(_totalParticlesSpawned++), spawnPos, spawnFacing, spawnProfile, particleProfile, spawnAttach, vrt_offset, 
                                spawnTeam, spawnOrigin, ParticleRef(spawnParticleOrigin), multispawn, spawnTarget, onlyOverWater)) 
            _particleMap[particle->getParticleID()] = particle;
        else {
            //If we failed to spawn somehow, put it back to the unused pool

    if(!particle) {
        const std::string spawnOriginName = _currentModule->getObjectHandler().exists(spawnOrigin) ? _currentModule->getObjectHandler().get(spawnOrigin)->getName() : "INVALID";
        const std::string particleProfileName = LOADED_PIP(particleProfile) ? ProfileSystem::get().ParticleProfileSystem.get_ptr(particleProfile)->_name : "INVALID";
        const std::string spawnProfileName = ProfileSystem::get().isValidProfileID(spawnProfile) ? ProfileSystem::get().getProfile(spawnProfile)->getPathname().c_str() : "INVALID";
        Log::get().debug("spawn_one_particle() - cannot allocate a particle!    owner == %" PRIuZ "(\"%s\"), spawn profile == %d(\"%s\"), particle profile == %d(\"%s\")\n",
                         spawnOrigin.get(), spawnOriginName.c_str(),
                         REF_TO_INT(spawnProfile), spawnProfileName.c_str(),
                         REF_TO_INT(particleProfile), particleProfileName.c_str());        

    return particle;
Beispiel #2
bool link_push_module()
    return false;
    //TODO: not ported
#if 0
    bool retval;
    link_stack_entry_t * pentry;
    PLA_REF ipla;

    if ( link_stack_count >= MAX_PLAYER || pickedmodule_index < 0 ) return false;

    // grab an entry
    pentry = link_stack + link_stack_count;
    BLANK_STRUCT_PTR( pentry )

    // store the load name of the module
    strncpy( pentry->modname, mnu_ModList_get_vfs_path( pickedmodule_index ), SDL_arraysize( pentry->modname ) );

    // find all of the exportable characters
    pentry->hero_count = 0;
    for ( ipla = 0; ipla < MAX_PLAYER; ipla++ )
        ObjectRef ichr;
        Object * pchr;

        hero_spawn_data_t * phero;

        if ( !PlaStack.lst[ipla].valid ) continue;

        // Is it alive?
        ichr = PlaStack.lst[ipla].index;
        if ( !_currentModule->getObjectHandler().exists( ichr ) ) continue;
        pchr = _currentModule->getObjectHandler().get( ichr );

        if ( pentry->hero_count < LINK_HEROES_MAX )
            phero = pentry->hero + pentry->hero_count;

            // copy some important info
            phero->object_index = REF_TO_INT( pchr->getProfileID() );

            phero->pos_stt.x    = pchr->pos_stt.x;
            phero->pos_stt.y    = pchr->pos_stt.y;
            phero->pos_stt.z    = pchr->pos_stt.z;

            chr_get_pos( pchr, phero->pos.v );

    // the function only succeeds if at least one hero's info was cached
    retval = false;
    if ( pentry->hero_count > 0 )
        retval = true;

    return retval;