Beispiel #1
void RE_LoadWorldMap( const char *name )
    gbUsingCachedMapDataRightNow = qtrue;	// !!!!!!!!!!!!

    RE_LoadWorldMap_Actual( name );

    gbUsingCachedMapDataRightNow = qfalse;	// !!!!!!!!!!!!
Beispiel #2
// new wrapper used for convenience to tell z_malloc()-fail recovery code whether it's safe to dump the cached-bsp or not.
void RE_LoadWorldMap( const char *name )
	*(ri.gbUsingCachedMapDataRightNow()) = qtrue;	// !!!!!!!!!!!!

		RE_LoadWorldMap_Actual( name, s_worldData, 0 );

	*(ri.gbUsingCachedMapDataRightNow()) = qfalse;	// !!!!!!!!!!!!
Beispiel #3

Loads in a model for the given name

Zero will be returned if the model fails to load.
An entry will be retained for failed models as an
optimization to prevent disk rescanning if they are
asked for again.
static qhandle_t RE_RegisterModel_Actual( const char *name )
	model_t		*mod;
	unsigned	*buf;
	int			lod;
	int			ident;
	qboolean	loaded;
//	qhandle_t	hModel;
	int			numLoaded;
Ghoul2 Insert Start
	int			hash;
	modelHash_t	*mh;
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	if ( !name || !name[0] ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "RE_RegisterModel: NULL name\n" );
		return 0;

	if ( strlen( name ) >= MAX_QPATH ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_DEVELOPER, "Model name exceeds MAX_QPATH\n" );
		return 0;

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//	if (!tr.registered) {
//		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "RE_RegisterModel (%s) called before ready!\n",name );
//		return 0;
//	}
	// search the currently loaded models

	hash = generateHashValue(name, FILE_HASH_SIZE);

	// see if the model is already loaded
	for (mh=mhHashTable[hash]; mh; mh=mh->next) {
		if (Q_stricmp(mh->name, name) == 0) {
			if (tr.models[mh->handle]->type == MOD_BAD)
				return 0;
			return mh->handle;

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	if (name[0] == '#')
		char		temp[MAX_QPATH];

		RE_LoadWorldMap_Actual(va("maps/%s.bsp", name + 1), tr.bspModels[tr.numBSPModels - 1], tr.numBSPModels);	//this calls R_LoadSubmodels which will put them into the Hash
		Com_sprintf(temp, MAX_QPATH, "*%d-0", tr.numBSPModels);
		hash = generateHashValue(temp, FILE_HASH_SIZE);
		for (mh=mhHashTable[hash]; mh; mh=mh->next)
			if (Q_stricmp(mh->name, temp) == 0)
				return mh->handle;

		return 0;

	// allocate a new model_t

	if ( ( mod = R_AllocModel() ) == NULL ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "RE_RegisterModel: R_AllocModel() failed for '%s'\n", name);
		return 0;

	// only set the name after the model has been successfully loaded
	Q_strncpyz( mod->name, name, sizeof( mod->name ) );

	// make sure the render thread is stopped
	R_IssuePendingRenderCommands(); //

	int iLODStart = 0;
	if (strstr (name, ".md3")) {
		iLODStart = MD3_MAX_LODS-1;	//this loads the md3s in reverse so they can be biased
	mod->numLods = 0;

	// load the files
	numLoaded = 0;

	for ( lod = iLODStart; lod >= 0 ; lod-- ) {
		char filename[1024];

		strcpy( filename, name );

		if ( lod != 0 ) {
			char namebuf[80];

			if ( strrchr( filename, '.' ) ) {
				*strrchr( filename, '.' ) = 0;
			sprintf( namebuf, "_%d.md3", lod );
			strcat( filename, namebuf );

		qboolean bAlreadyCached = qfalse;
		if (!RE_RegisterModels_GetDiskFile(filename, (void **)&buf, &bAlreadyCached))
			if (numLoaded)	//we loaded one already, but a higher LOD is missing!
				Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMD3: %s has LOD %d but is missing LOD %d ('%s')!", mod->name, lod+1, lod, filename);

		//loadmodel = mod;	// this seems to be fairly pointless

		// important that from now on we pass 'filename' instead of 'name' to all model load functions,
		//	because 'filename' accounts for any LOD mangling etc so guarantees unique lookups for yet more
		//	internal caching...
		ident = *(unsigned *)buf;
		if (!bAlreadyCached)
			ident = LittleLong(ident);

		switch (ident)
			// if you add any new types of model load in this switch-case, tell me,
			//	or copy what I've done with the cache scheme (-ste).
			case MDXA_IDENT:

				loaded = R_LoadMDXA( mod, buf, filename, bAlreadyCached );

			case MDXM_IDENT:

				loaded = R_LoadMDXM( mod, buf, filename, bAlreadyCached );

			case MD3_IDENT:

				loaded = R_LoadMD3( mod, lod, buf, filename, bAlreadyCached );


				ri.Printf (PRINT_WARNING,"RE_RegisterModel: unknown fileid for %s\n", filename);
				goto fail;

		if (!bAlreadyCached){	// important to check!!
			ri.FS_FreeFile (buf);

		if ( !loaded ) {
			if ( lod == 0 ) {
				ri.Printf (PRINT_WARNING,"RE_RegisterModel: cannot load %s\n", filename);
				goto fail;
			} else {
		} else {
			// if we have a valid model and are biased
			// so that we won't see any higher detail ones,
			// stop loading them
			if ( lod <= r_lodbias->integer ) {

	if ( numLoaded ) {
		// duplicate into higher lod spots that weren't
		// loaded, in case the user changes r_lodbias on the fly
		for ( lod-- ; lod >= 0 ; lod-- ) {
			mod->md3[lod] = mod->md3[lod+1];
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	RE_InsertModelIntoHash(name, mod);
	return mod->index;
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	// we still keep the model_t around, so if the model name is asked for
	// again, we won't bother scanning the filesystem
	mod->type = MOD_BAD;
	RE_InsertModelIntoHash(name, mod);
	return 0;