Beispiel #1
QList<QSharedPointer<RShape> > RDimAlignedData::getShapes(const RBox& queryBox, bool ignoreComplex) const {

    QSharedPointer<RBlockReferenceEntity> dimBlockReference = getDimensionBlockReference();
    if (!dimBlockReference.isNull()) {
        return dimBlockReference->getShapes(queryBox, ignoreComplex);

    QList<QSharedPointer<RShape> > ret;

    double dimexo = getDimexo();
    double dimexe = getDimexe();

    RLine extensionLine(extensionPoint1, extensionPoint2);

    // angle from extension endpoints towards dimension line
    double extAngle = extensionPoint1.getAngleTo(extensionPoint2);

    RS::Side side = extensionLine.getSideOfPoint(definitionPoint);
    if (side==RS::RightHand) {
        extAngle -= M_PI/2.0;
    else {
        extAngle += M_PI/2.0;

    // extension lines length
    double extLength = extensionLine.getDistanceTo(definitionPoint, false);

    RVector v1, v2, e1;
    RLine line;

    // from entity to inner point of extension line:
    v1.setPolar(dimexo, extAngle);
    // from entity to outer point of extension line:
    v2.setPolar(dimexe, extAngle);
    e1.setPolar(1.0, extAngle);

    refDefinitionPoint1 = extensionPoint1 + e1*extLength;
    refDefinitionPoint2 = extensionPoint2 + e1*extLength;
    definitionPoint = refDefinitionPoint1;

    // extension line 1:
    line = RLine(extensionPoint1 + v1, extensionPoint1 + e1*extLength + v2);
    ret.append(QSharedPointer<RLine>(new RLine(line)));

    // extension line 2:
    line = RLine(extensionPoint2 + v1, extensionPoint2 + e1*extLength + v2);
    ret.append(QSharedPointer<RLine>(new RLine(line)));

    // dimension line:
                   extensionPoint1 + e1*extLength,
                   extensionPoint2 + e1*extLength,
                   true, true));

    return ret;
Beispiel #2
int EBuffer::InsertString(const char *aStr, int aCount) {
    int P;
    int C, L;
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);

    if (BFI(this, BFI_InsertKillBlock) == 1)
        if (CheckBlock() == 1)
            if (BlockKill() == 0)
                return 0;

    if (BFI(this, BFI_Insert) == 0)
        if (CP.Col < LineLen())
            if (KillChar() == 0)
                return 0;
    if (InsText(Y, CP.Col, aCount, aStr) == 0)
        return 0;
    C = CP.Col;
    L = VToR(CP.Row);
    P = CharOffset(RLine(L), C);
    P += aCount;
    C = ScreenPos(RLine(L), P);
    if (SetPos(C, CP.Row) == 0)
        return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_Trim) && *aStr != '\t')
        if (TrimLine(L) == 0)
            return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 2) {
        if (DoWrap(0) == 0) return 0;
    } else if (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 1) {
        int P, C = CP.Col;
        PELine LP;
        int L;

        if (C > BFI(this, BFI_RightMargin)) {
            L = CP.Row;

            C = BFI(this, BFI_RightMargin);
            P = CharOffset(LP = RLine(L), C);
            while ((C > BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin)) &&
                    ((LP->Chars[P] != ' ') &&
                     (LP->Chars[P] != 9)))
                C = ScreenPos(LP, --P);

            if (P <= BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin)) {
                C = BFI(this, BFI_RightMargin);
            } else
                C = ScreenPos(LP, P);
            if (SplitLine(L, C) == 0) return 0;
            IndentLine(L + 1, BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin));
            if (SetPos(CP.Col - C - 1 + BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin), CP.Row + 1) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #3
int EBuffer::InsPrevLineChar() {
    int L = VToR(CP.Row);
    int C = CP.Col, P;

    if (L > 0) {
        if (C < LineLen(L)) {
            P = CharOffset(RLine(L), C);
            return InsertChar(RLine(L)->Chars[P]);
    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int EBuffer::InsPrevLineToEol() {
    int L = VToR(CP.Row);
    int C = CP.Col, P;
    int Len;

    if (L > 0) {
        P = CharOffset(RLine(L), C);
        Len = RLine(L)->Count - P;
        if (Len > 0)
            return InsertString(RLine(L)->Chars + P, Len);
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
int EBuffer::FoldCreateByRegexp(const char *Regexp) { /*FOLD00*/
  RxNode *R;
  int     err = 1;

  if (Modify() == 0) return 0;

  R = RxCompile(Regexp);

  if (R != NULL) {
    PELine X;
    int    first = -1;
    int    L;

    for (L = 0; L < RCount; L++) {
      RxMatchRes RM;

      X = RLine(L);

      if (RxExec(R, X->Chars, X->Count, X->Chars, &RM) == 1) {
        if (first >= 0) {
          int i;

          for (i = L; i > 0; i--) {
            PELine Y;

            Y = RLine(i);

            if ((Y->Count == 0) || strrchr(Y->Chars, '}')) {
              if ((L - i) > 2) {
                while ((i > 0) && (RLine(i - 1)->Count == 0)) i--;

                if ((first >= 0) && i
                    && (FoldCreate(i) == 0)) err = 0;
        } else first = L;

        if (FoldCreate(L) == 0) {
          err = 0;
  return err;
Beispiel #6
void EBuffer::Rehilit(int ToRow) {
  hlState State;
  int     HilitX;
  PELine  L;
  int     ECol;

  if (StartHilit == -1)                   // all ok

  if (BFI(this, BFI_MultiLineHilit) == 0) // everything handled in redisplay

  if (ToRow <= StartHilit)                // will be handled in redisplay

  if (ToRow >= RCount) ToRow = RCount;

  HilitX = 1;

  while ((StartHilit < RCount) && ((StartHilit < ToRow) || HilitX)) {
    L = RLine(StartHilit);

    HilitX = 0;

    if (StartHilit > 0) State = RLine(StartHilit - 1)->StateE;
    else State = 0;

    if ((BFI(this, BFI_HilitOn) == 1) && (HilitProc != 0)) {
      HilitProc(this, StartHilit, 0, 0, 0, L, State, 0, &ECol);
    } else {
      Hilit_Plain(this, StartHilit, 0, 0, 0, L, State, 0, &ECol);

    if (L->StateE != State) {
      HilitX    = 1;
      L->StateE = State;
    Draw(StartHilit, StartHilit); // ?

    if (StartHilit > EndHilit) EndHilit = StartHilit;

    if (HilitX == 0) // jump over (can we always do this ?)
      if (StartHilit < EndHilit) {
        StartHilit = EndHilit;
Beispiel #7
// FindFunction -- search for line matching 'RoutineRegexp'
// starting from current line + 'delta'. 'way' should be +1 or -1.
int EBuffer::FindFunction(int delta, int way) {
    RxNode     *regx;
    int         line;
    PELine      L;
    RxMatchRes  res;

    if (BFS(this, BFS_RoutineRegexp) == 0) {
        View->MView->Win->Choice(GPC_ERROR, "Error", 1,
                                 "O&K", "No routine regexp.");
        return -1;
    regx = RxCompile(BFS(this, BFS_RoutineRegexp));
    if (regx == 0) {
        View->MView->Win->Choice(GPC_ERROR, "Error", 1,
                                 "O&K", "Failed to compile regexp '%s'",
                                 BFS(this, BFS_RoutineRegexp));
        return -1;

    //** Scan backwards from the current cursor position,
    Msg(S_BUSY, "Matching %s", BFS(this, BFS_RoutineRegexp));
    line = VToR(CP.Row) + delta;
    while (line >= 0 && line < RCount) {
        L = RLine(line);
        if (RxExec(regx, L->Chars, L->Count, L->Chars, &res) == 1)
        line += way;
    if (line < 0)
        line = 0;
    if (line >= RCount)
        line = RCount - 1;
    return line;
Beispiel #8
int EBuffer::BlockUnTab() {
    EPoint B, E;
    ELine *L;
    int O, C;

    AutoExtend = 0;
    if (CheckBlock() == 0) return 0;
    if (RCount <= 0) return 0;
    B = BB;
    E = BE;
    Draw(B.Row, E.Row);
    for (int i = B.Row; i < E.Row; i++) {
        L = RLine(i);
        O = 0;
        C = 0;
        while (O < L->Count) {
            if (L->Chars[O] == '\t') {
                C = NextTab(C, BFI(this, BFI_TabSize));

                if (DelChars(i, O, 1) != 1)
                    return 0;
                if (InsChars(i, O, C - O, 0) != 1)
                    return 0;
                O = C;
            } else {
    return 1;
Beispiel #9
QList<RVector> RShape::getIntersectionPointsAT(const RArc& arc1,
            const RTriangle& triangle2, bool limited) {


    RTriangle plane(arc1.getCenter(), arc1.getStartPoint(), arc1.getEndPoint());
    QList<RVector> r = plane.getIntersectionPoints(RLine(triangle2.getCorner(0), triangle2.getCorner(1)));
    r.append(plane.getIntersectionPoints(RLine(triangle2.getCorner(1), triangle2.getCorner(2))));
    r.append(plane.getIntersectionPoints(RLine(triangle2.getCorner(2), triangle2.getCorner(0))));
    if (r.size()<2) {
        return QList<RVector>();

    RLine l(r[0], r[1]);
    return l.getIntersectionPoints(arc1);
Beispiel #10
int EBuffer::LineIndented(int Row, const char *indentchars) {
    ELine *l;

    if (Row < 0) return 0;
    if (Row >= RCount) return 0;
    l = RLine(Row);
    return ScreenPos(l, LineIndentedCharCount(l, indentchars));
Beispiel #11
bool RArc::scale(const RVector& scaleFactors, const RVector& c) {
    // negative scaling: mirroring and scaling
    if (scaleFactors.x < 0.0) {
        mirror(RLine(center, center + RVector(0.0, 1.0)));
    if (scaleFactors.y < 0.0) {
        mirror(RLine(center, center + RVector(1.0, 0.0)));

    center.scale(scaleFactors, c);
    radius *= scaleFactors.x;
    if (radius < 0.0) {
        radius *= -1.0;

    return true;
Beispiel #12
int EBuffer::MoveNextEqualIndent() {
    int L = VToR(CP.Row);
    int I = LineIndented(L);

    while (L++ < RCount - 1)
        if ((RLine(L)->Count > 0) && (LineIndented(L) == I))
            return SetPosR(I, L);
    return 0;
Beispiel #13
int EBuffer::IsLineBlank(int Row) const {
    PELine X = RLine(Row);
    int P;

    for (P = 0; P < X->Count; P++)
        if (X->Chars[P] != ' ' && X->Chars[P] != 9)
            return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #14
bool REntityData::flipVertical() {
    // if this entity is based on a shape (point,line,arc,...),
    // transform using shape API:
    RShape* s = castToShape();
    if (s==NULL) {
        return mirror(RLine(RVector(0,0), RVector(1,0)));
    return s->flipVertical();
Beispiel #15
int EBuffer::BlockSort(int Reverse) {
    int rq;
    ELine *oldL;

    if (CheckBlock() == 0) return 0;
    if (RCount == 0) return 0;

    SortMinRow = BB.Row;
    SortMaxRow = BE.Row;
    if (BlockMode != bmStream || BE.Col == 0)

    if (SortMinRow >= SortMaxRow)
        return 1;

    SortBuffer = this;
    SortReverse = Reverse;
    switch (BlockMode) {
    case bmLine:
    case bmStream:
        SortMinCol = -1;
        SortMaxCol = -1;

    case bmColumn:
        SortMinCol = BB.Col;
        SortMaxCol = BE.Col;

    SortRows = (int *)malloc((SortMaxRow - SortMinRow + 1) * sizeof(int));
    if (SortRows == 0) {
        return 0;
    for (rq = 0; rq <= SortMaxRow - SortMinRow; rq++)
        SortRows[rq] = rq + SortMinRow;

    qsort(SortRows, SortMaxRow - SortMinRow + 1, sizeof(int), SortProc);

    // now change the order of lines according to new order in Rows array.

    for (rq = 0; rq <= SortMaxRow - SortMinRow; rq++) {
        oldL = RLine(SortRows[rq]);
        if (InsLine(1 + rq + SortMaxRow, 0) == 0)
            return 0;
        if (InsChars(1 + rq + SortMaxRow, 0, oldL->Count, oldL->Chars) == 0)
            return 0;

    for (rq = 0; rq <= SortMaxRow - SortMinRow; rq++)
        if (DelLine(SortMinRow) == 0)
            return 0;

    return 1;
Beispiel #16
int EBuffer::MovePrevEqualIndent() {
    int L = VToR(CP.Row);
    int I = LineIndented(L);

    while (--L >= 0)
        if ((RLine(L)->Count > 0) && (LineIndented(L) == I))
            return SetPosR(I, L);
    return 0;
Beispiel #17
void ROrthoGrid::paintCursor(const RVector& pos) {
    // crosshair size:
    double s = 0;
    if (!RSettings::getShowLargeCrosshair()) {
        s = view.mapDistanceFromView(25);

    RBox b = view.getBox();
    if (isometric) {
        double dxp, dyp, dxn, dyn;
        if (RSettings::getShowLargeCrosshair()) {
            dxp = b.c2.x - pos.x;
            dyp = tan(M_PI/6) * dxp;
            dxn = pos.x - b.c1.x;
            dyn = tan(M_PI/6) * dxn;
        else {
            dxp = dxn = cos(M_PI/6) * s;
            dyp = dyn = sin(M_PI/6) * s;

        // .-´
        if (projection==RS::IsoTop || projection==RS::IsoRight) {
            view.paintGridLine(RLine(pos + RVector(dxp,dyp), pos - RVector(dxn,dyn)));
        // `-.
        if (projection==RS::IsoTop || projection==RS::IsoLeft) {
            view.paintGridLine(RLine(pos + RVector(dxp,-dyp), pos - RVector(dxn,-dyn)));

        // |
        if (projection==RS::IsoRight || projection==RS::IsoLeft) {
            if (RSettings::getShowLargeCrosshair()) {
                view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(pos.x, b.c1.y), RVector(pos.x, b.c2.y)));
            else {
                view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(pos.x, pos.y - s), RVector(pos.x, pos.y + s)));
    else {
        if (RSettings::getShowLargeCrosshair()) {
            view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(b.c1.x, pos.y), RVector(b.c2.x, pos.y)));
            view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(pos.x, b.c1.y), RVector(pos.x, b.c2.y)));
        else {
            double s = view.mapDistanceFromView(25);
            RVector sx(s, 0);
            RVector sy(0, s);
            view.paintGridLine(RLine(pos-sx, pos+sx));
            view.paintGridLine(RLine(pos-sy, pos+sy));
Beispiel #18
int EBuffer::GetMap(int Row, int *StateLen, hsState **StateMap) {
  hlState State = 0;


  *StateLen = LineChars(Row);

  if (Row > 0) State = RLine(Row - 1)->StateE;

  if (*StateLen > 0) {
    PELine L = RLine(Row);
    int    ECol;

    *StateMap = (hsState *)malloc(*StateLen);

    if (*StateMap == 0) return 0;

    if ((BFI(this, BFI_HilitOn) == 1) && (HilitProc != 0)) HilitProc(this,
    else Hilit_Plain(this, Row, 0, 0, *StateLen, L, State, *StateMap, &ECol);

    //        if (L->StateE != State) {
    //            L->StateE = State;
    //        }
  } else {
    *StateLen = 1;
    *StateMap = (hsState *)malloc(1);

    if (*StateMap == 0) return 0;

    (*StateMap)[0] = (hsState)(State & 0xFF);
  return 1;
Beispiel #19
int EBuffer::Delete() {
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);
    if (CheckBlock() == 1 && BFI(this, BFI_DeleteKillBlock)) {
        if (BlockKill() == 0)
            return 0;
    } else if (CP.Col < LineLen()) {
        if (BFI(this, BFI_DeleteKillTab)) {
            int P;
            int C = CP.Col, C1;

            P = CharOffset(RLine(Y), C);
            C1 = ScreenPos(RLine(Y), P + 1);
            if (DelText(Y, C, C1 - C) == 0) return 0;
        } else {
            ELine *L = RLine(Y);
            int C = CharOffset(L, CP.Col);

            if (L->Count > 0 && L->Chars[C] == '\t') {
                /* We're on top of tab character. Skip over all spaces and
                   tabs so that only the last space/tab gets deleted. */
                while (C < L->Count &&
                        (L->Chars[C+1] == '\t' || L->Chars[C+1] == ' ')) C++;

            if (DelText(Y, ScreenPos(L, C), 1) == 0) return 0;
    } else
        if (LineJoin() == 0) return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 2) {
        if (DoWrap(0) == 0) return 0;
        if (CP.Col >= LineLen(Y))
            if (CP.Row < VCount - 1) {
                if (SetPos(BFI(this, BFI_LeftMargin), CP.Row + 1) == 0) return 0;
    if (BFI(this, BFI_Trim))
        if (TrimLine(VToR(CP.Row)) == 0)
            return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #20
int EBuffer::TrimLine(int Row) {
    PELine L = RLine(Row);
    int P, X, E;

    if (L->Count == 0) return 1;
    P = L->Count;
    while ((P > 0) && ((L->Chars[P - 1] == ' ') || (L->Chars[P - 1] == 9)))
    X = ScreenPos(L, P);
    E = ScreenPos(L, L->Count);
    if (E - X > 0)
        if (DelText(Row, X, E - X, 1) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #21
bool REllipse::scale(const RVector& scaleFactors, const RVector& c) {
    if (fabs(fabs(scaleFactors.x) - fabs(scaleFactors.y)) > RS::PointTolerance) {
        qWarning("REllipse::scale: scaling with different factors in X/Y not supported for ellipses at this point");
        return false;

    //RVector oldMinorPoint = getMinorPoint();

    // negative scaling: mirroring and scaling
    if (scaleFactors.x < 0.0) {
        mirror(RLine(center, center + RVector(0.0, 1.0)));
    if (scaleFactors.y < 0.0) {
        mirror(RLine(center, center + RVector(1.0, 0.0)));

    center.scale(scaleFactors, c);


    RVector f = RVector(fabs(scaleFactors.x), fabs(scaleFactors.y), fabs(scaleFactors.z));

//    if (fabs(majorPoint.getMagnitude()) > 1.0e-4) {
//        ratio = oldMinorPoint.getMagnitude() / majorPoint.getMagnitude();
//    }

    return true;

//    QList<RVector> box = getBoxCorners();
//    RVector::scaleList(box, scaleFactors, c);
//    // TODO:
//    REllipse e = REllipse::createInscribed(box);
//    //*this = e;

//    return true;
Beispiel #22
QList<RLine> RPatternLine::getLines() const {
    QList<RLine> ret;

    RVector cursor(0,0);

    // continuous:
    if (dashes.length()==0) {
        RVector newCursor = cursor + RVector::createPolar(10.0, angle);
        ret.append(RLine(cursor, newCursor));
        cursor = newCursor;
    else {
        for (int i=0; i<dashes.length(); i++) {
            double dash = dashes[i];
            RVector newCursor = cursor + RVector::createPolar(qAbs(dash), angle);
            if (dash>0) {
                ret.append(RLine(cursor, newCursor));
            cursor = newCursor;

    return ret;
Beispiel #23
void ROrthoGrid::paintGridLines(const RVector& space, const RBox& box, bool meta) {
    if (!space.isValid()) {

    // updates cache if necessary:

    RVector min = box.getCorner1();
    RVector max = box.getCorner2();

    double deltaX = max.x - min.x;
    double deltaY = max.y - min.y;

    if (deltaX / space.x > 1e3 || deltaY / space.y > 1e3) {

    double dx = deltaY / tan(M_PI/6);
    if (isometric) {
        min.x -= dx;
        max.x += dx;
    int c;
    double x;
    for (x=min.x, c=0; x<max.x; x+=space.x, c++) {
        //int x2 = RMath::mround(x/space.x);
        //if (!isometric || c%2==0) {
        if (isometric) {
            if (projection==RS::IsoTop || projection==RS::IsoRight) {
                view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(x, min.y), RVector(x+dx, max.y)));
            if (projection==RS::IsoTop || projection==RS::IsoLeft) {
                view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(x, min.y), RVector(x-dx, max.y)));

            // vertical grid lines:
            if (projection==RS::IsoRight || projection==RS::IsoLeft) {
                view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(x, min.y), RVector(x, max.y)));
                view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(x-space.x/2, min.y), RVector(x-space.x/2, max.y)));
        else {
            view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(x, min.y), RVector(x, max.y)));

    // horizontal lines:
    if (!isometric) {
        for (double y=min.y; y<max.y; y+=space.y) {
            view.paintGridLine(RLine(RVector(min.x, y), RVector(max.x, y)));
Beispiel #24
bool RDimRotatedData::moveReferencePoint(const RVector& referencePoint, const RVector& targetPoint) {
    // if definition point and extension points are on one line,
    // move the extension points together with the definition point:
    bool moveExtensionPoints = false;
    if (referencePoint.equalsFuzzy(definitionPoint)) {
        if (RLine(extensionPoint1, extensionPoint2).isOnShape(definitionPoint, false)) {
            moveExtensionPoints = true;

    bool ret = RDimLinearData::moveReferencePoint(referencePoint, targetPoint);

    if (moveExtensionPoints) {
        // move extension points with definition point:
        RVector dir = RVector::createPolar(1.0, rotation);
        RLine dimLine = RLine(targetPoint, targetPoint + dir);
        extensionPoint1 = dimLine.getClosestPointOnShape(extensionPoint1, false);
        extensionPoint2 = dimLine.getClosestPointOnShape(extensionPoint2, false);
        definitionPoint = RVector::getAverage(extensionPoint1, extensionPoint2);
        //recomputeDefinitionPoint(referencePoint, targetPoint);

    return ret;
Beispiel #25
int EBuffer::KillWord() {
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);
    if (CP.Col >= LineLen()) {
        if (KillChar() == 0) return 0;
    } else {
        PELine L = RLine(Y);
        int P = CharOffset(L, CP.Col);
        int C;
        int Class = ChClassK(L->Chars[P]);

        while ((P < L->Count) && (ChClassK(L->Chars[P]) == Class)) P++;
        C = ScreenPos(L, P);
        if (DelText(Y, CP.Col, C - CP.Col) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #26
int EBuffer::KillWordPrev() {
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);

    if (CP.Col == 0) {
        if (KillCharPrev() == 0) return 0;
    } else if (CP.Col > LineLen()) {
        if (SetPos(LineLen(), CP.Row) == 0) return 0;
    } else {
        PELine L = RLine(Y);
        int P = CharOffset(L, CP.Col);
        int C;
        int Class = ChClassK(L->Chars[P - 1]);

        while ((P > 0) && (ChClassK(L->Chars[P - 1]) == Class)) P--;
        C = ScreenPos(L, P);
        if (DelText(Y, C, CP.Col - C) == 0) return 0;
        if (SetPos(C, CP.Row) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #27
int EBuffer::BlockSelectWord() {
    int Y = VToR(CP.Row);
    PELine L = RLine(Y);
    int P;
    int C;

    if (BlockUnmark() == 0) return 0;
    BlockMode = bmStream;

    P = CharOffset(L, CP.Col);

    if (P >= L->Count) return 0;
    C = ChClassK(L->Chars[P]);

    while ((P > 0) && (C == ChClassK(L->Chars[P - 1]))) P--;
    if (SetBB(EPoint(Y, ScreenPos(L, P))) == 0) return 0;
    while ((P < L->Count) && (C == ChClassK(L->Chars[P]))) P++;
    if (SetBE(EPoint(Y, ScreenPos(L, P))) == 0) return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #28
int EBuffer::ScanForRoutines() {
    RxNode *regx;
    int line;
    PELine L;
    RxMatchRes res;

    if (BFS(this, BFS_RoutineRegexp) == 0) {
        View->MView->Win->Choice(GPC_ERROR, "Error", 1, "O&K", "No routine regexp.");
        return 0;
    regx = RxCompile(BFS(this, BFS_RoutineRegexp));
    if (regx == 0) {
        View->MView->Win->Choice(GPC_ERROR, "Error", 1, "O&K", "Failed to compile regexp '%s'", BFS(this, BFS_RoutineRegexp));
        return 0;

    if (rlst.Lines) {
        rlst.Lines = 0;
    rlst.Lines = 0;
    rlst.Count = 0;

    Msg(S_BUSY, "Matching %s", BFS(this, BFS_RoutineRegexp));
    for (line = 0; line < RCount; line++) {
        L = RLine(line);
        if (RxExec(regx, L->Chars, L->Count, L->Chars, &res) == 1) {
            rlst.Lines = (int *) realloc((void *) rlst.Lines, sizeof(int) * (rlst.Count | 0x1F));
            rlst.Lines[rlst.Count - 1] = line;
            Msg(S_BUSY, "Routines: %d", rlst.Count);
    return 1;
Beispiel #29
void RExporter::exportArcSegment(const RArc& arc) {
    double segmentLength;
    if (pixelSizeHint>0.0) {
        // approximate arc with segments with the length of 2 pixels:
        segmentLength = pixelSizeHint * 2;
    else {
        segmentLength = arc.getRadius() / 40.0;

    // avoid a segment length of 0:
    if (segmentLength<1.0e-4) {
        segmentLength = 1.0e-4;

    double a1 = arc.getStartAngle();
    double a2 = arc.getEndAngle();
    RVector center = arc.getCenter();
    double radius = arc.getRadius();
    // avoid huge radius and slow down to almost stand-still:
    if (radius>1.0e6) {

    double aStep;
    if (radius<1.0e-3) {
        aStep = 0.1;
    else {
        aStep = segmentLength / radius;
        if (aStep>1.0) {
            aStep = 1.0;
        double minAStep = 2*M_PI/360.0;
        if (!draftMode) {
            minAStep /= 4;

        if (aStep<minAStep) {
            aStep = minAStep;
    RVector prev = arc.getStartPoint();
    RVector ci;
    double a;

    if(!arc.isReversed()) {
        // Arc Counterclockwise:
        if(a1>a2-RS::AngleTolerance) {
        for(a=a1+aStep; a<=a2; a+=aStep) {
            ci.x = center.x + cos(a) * radius;
            ci.y = center.y + sin(a) * radius;
            //path.lineTo(RVector(ci.x, ci.y));
            this->exportLineSegment(RLine(prev, ci));
            prev = ci;
    } else {
        // Arc Clockwise:
        if(a1<a2+RS::AngleTolerance) {
        for(a=a1-aStep; a>=a2; a-=aStep) {
            ci.x = center.x + cos(a) * radius;
            ci.y = center.y + sin(a) * radius;
            this->exportLineSegment(RLine(prev, ci));
            //path.lineTo(RVector(cix, ciy));
            prev = ci;
    this->exportLineSegment(RLine(prev, arc.getEndPoint()));
Beispiel #30
void RExporter::exportLine(const RLine& line, double offset) {
    if (!line.isValid()) {

    double length = line.getLength();

    if (length>1e100 || length<RS::PointTolerance) {

    RLinetypePattern p = getLinetypePattern();

    // continuous line or
    // we are in draft mode or
    // QCAD is configured to show screen based line patterns
    if (!p.isValid() || p.getNumDashes() == 1 || draftMode || screenBasedLinetypes) {

    double patternLength = p.getPatternLength();

    // avoid huge number of small segments due to very fine 
    // pattern or long lines:
    if (patternLength<RS::PointTolerance || length / patternLength > 5000) {

    double angle = line.getAngle();
    RVector* vp = NULL;
    vp = new RVector[p.getNumDashes()];
    for (int i = 0; i < p.getNumDashes(); ++i) {
        vp[i] = RVector(cos(angle) * fabs(p.getDashLengthAt(i)),
                        sin(angle) * fabs(p.getDashLengthAt(i)));

    bool optimizeEnds = false;
    if (RMath::isNaN(offset)) {
        offset = getPatternOffset(length, p);
        optimizeEnds = true;
    else {
        double num = ceil(offset / patternLength);
        offset -= num * patternLength;

    bool done = false;
    int i = 0;
    RVector cursor(line.getStartPoint() + RVector::createPolar(offset, angle));
    double total = offset;
    bool dashFound = false;
    bool gapFound = false;
    RVector p1 = line.getStartPoint();
    RVector p2 = p1;

    do {
        if (dashFound && !gapFound) {
            // don't shoot over end of line:
            if (total + fabs(p.getDashLengthAt(i)) >= length - 1.0e-6) {
                if (optimizeEnds) {
                    exportLineSegment(RLine(p1, line.endPoint));
                else {
                    exportLineSegment(RLine(p1, p2));
            exportLineSegment(RLine(p1, p2));

        // dash, no gap. note that a dash can have a length of 0.0 (point):
        if (p.getDashLengthAt(i) > -RS::PointTolerance) {
            // check if we're on the line already:
            if (total + p.getDashLengthAt(i) > 0) {
                p1 = cursor;

                // no gap at the beginning of the line:
                if (total < 0 || (!dashFound && optimizeEnds)) {
                    p1 = line.startPoint;

                p2 = cursor + vp[i];
                if (!p2.equalsFuzzy(line.startPoint, 1.0e-6)) {
                    dashFound = true;
            gapFound = false;

        // gap:
        else {
            gapFound = true;

        cursor += vp[i];
        total += fabs(p.getDashLengthAt(i));

        done = total > length;

        if (i >= p.getNumDashes()) {
            i = 0;
    } while (!done);

    if (!gapFound || !dashFound) {
        if (total + fabs(p.getDashLengthAt(i)) >= length - 1.0e-6) {
            if (optimizeEnds || (total>length && !gapFound)) {
                exportLineSegment(RLine(p1, line.endPoint));
            else {
                exportLineSegment(RLine(p1, p2));
        } else {
            exportLineSegment(RLine(p1, p2));

    delete[] vp;