void ImageGrid::populate(){

    //init vectors
    for(int row = 0; row<rows; row++){

    cv::Mat mat = image.getMat();

    int elementWidth = static_cast<int>(ceil((double)mat.cols/cols));
    int elementHeight = static_cast<int>(ceil((double)mat.rows/rows));

    int count = 0; //debugging
    cv::Rect window = cv::Rect(0, 0, elementWidth, elementHeight);
    for(int row = 0; row<rows-1; row++){
        for(int col = 0; col<cols-1; col++){
            cv::Mat ROI(mat,window);
            GridElement element(ROI, window);
            elements[row][col] = element;
            window.x = window.x + window.width;
        window.x = 0;
        window.y += window.height;
    window.x = window.width*(cols-1);
    //final row/column might have different dimensions
    int remainingX = mat.cols - window.x;
    int remainingY = mat.rows - window.y;

    //final column except for last element, this we will handle last, can have a different width
    window.width = remainingX;
    window.y = 0;
    for(int row = 0; row<rows-1; row++){
        cv::Mat ROI(mat,window);
        GridElement element(ROI, window);
        elements[row][cols-1] = element;
        window.y += window.height;
    //final row except for last element, this we will handle last, can have a different height
    window.width = elementWidth;
    window.height = remainingY;
    window.x = 0;
    for(int col = 0; col<cols-1; col++){
        cv::Mat ROI(mat,window);
        GridElement element(ROI, window);
        elements[rows-1][col] = element;
        window.x += window.width;
    //final element can have a different width and height
    window.width = remainingX;
    cv::Mat ROI(mat,window);
    GridElement element(ROI, window);
    elements[rows-1][cols-1] = element;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
  	std::string inputFileName;
  	if (argc>1)
  		inputFileName = argv[1];
  		return 0;
  	cv::Mat image = cv::imread(inputFileName);
  	cv::Mat imageHSV;
  		std::cout << "Couldn't open " << inputFileName << std::endl; 
  		return -1;
  	cv::cvtColor(image, imageHSV, CV_BGR2HSV);
  	// create window and UI
  	cv::namedWindow(ORIG_NAME, WINDOW_FLAGS);
  	cv::namedWindow(FG_NAME, WINDOW_FLAGS);
  	ROI rect = ROI(image);
  	// event handlers
  	//int mouseParam = CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON;
  	cv::setMouseCallback(ORIG_NAME,mouseHandler, &rect);
  	cv::imshow(ORIG_NAME, image);
Beispiel #3
    Calc::Calc(const Config& config) :
        const size_t window_size = config["calc.window_size"].as<size_t>() | 1;
        _window_size = cv::Size(window_size, window_size);

        // Init background image
        cv::Rect ROI(config["crop.xmin"].as<size_t>(), config["crop.ymin"].as<size_t>(),
                     config["crop.width"].as<size_t>(), config["crop.height"].as<size_t>());
        if (config.count("input.background"))
            _background = cv::imread(config["input.background"].as<std::string>(),
            if (_background.size() != ROI.size())
                _background = _background(ROI);
            _background = cv::Mat::ones(ROI.size(), CV_8UC1) * 255;

        // Init matrices
        const int dims[] = { _ny, _nx, 2 };
        _out.density.create(_height, _width, CV_8U);
        _out.velocity.create(3, dims, CV_32F);
        _out.mask.create(2, dims, CV_8U);
Beispiel #4
roi_intersection (const ROI &A, const ROI &B)
    return ROI (std::max (A.xbegin, B.xbegin), std::min (A.xend, B.xend),
                std::max (A.ybegin, B.ybegin), std::min (A.yend, B.yend),
                std::max (A.zbegin, B.zbegin), std::min (A.zend, B.zend),
                std::max (A.chbegin, B.chbegin), std::min (A.chend, B.chend));
// Tests histogram computation.
void histogram_computation_test ()
    const int INPUT_WIDTH   = 64;
    const int INPUT_HEIGHT  = 64;
    const int INPUT_CHANNEL = 0;

    const int HISTOGRAM_BINS = 256;

    const int SPIKE1 = 51;  // 0.2f in range 0->1 maps to 51 in range 0->255
    const int SPIKE2 = 128; // 0.5f in range 0->1 maps to 128 in range 0->255
    const int SPIKE3 = 204; // 0.8f in range 0->1 maps to 204 in range 0->255

    const int SPIKE1_COUNT = INPUT_WIDTH * 8;
    const int SPIKE2_COUNT = INPUT_WIDTH * 16;
    const int SPIKE3_COUNT = INPUT_WIDTH * 40;

    // Create input image with three regions with different pixel values.
    ImageSpec spec (INPUT_WIDTH, INPUT_HEIGHT, 1, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec);

    float value[] = {0.2f};
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, value, ROI(0, INPUT_WIDTH, 0, 8));

    value[0] = 0.5f;
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, value, ROI(0, INPUT_WIDTH, 8, 24));

    value[0] = 0.8f;
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, value, ROI(0, INPUT_WIDTH, 24, 64));

    // Compute A's histogram.
    std::vector<imagesize_t> hist;
    ImageBufAlgo::histogram (A, INPUT_CHANNEL, hist, HISTOGRAM_BINS);

    // Does the histogram size equal the number of bins?
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist.size(), (imagesize_t)HISTOGRAM_BINS);

    // Are the histogram values as expected?
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist[SPIKE1], (imagesize_t)SPIKE1_COUNT);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist[SPIKE2], (imagesize_t)SPIKE2_COUNT);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist[SPIKE3], (imagesize_t)SPIKE3_COUNT);
    for (int i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_BINS; i++)
        if (i!=SPIKE1 && i!=SPIKE2 && i!=SPIKE3)
            OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist[i], 0);
TEST_P(DisparityWLSFilterTest, MultiThreadReproducibility)
    if (cv::getNumberOfCPUs() == 1)

    double MAX_DIF = 1.0;
    double MAX_MEAN_DIF = 1.0 / 256.0;
    int loopsCount = 2;
    RNG rng(0);

    DisparityWLSParams params = GetParam();
    Size size          = get<0>(params);
    int srcType        = get<1>(params);
    int guideType      = get<2>(params);
    bool use_conf      = get<3>(params);
    bool use_downscale = get<4>(params);

    Mat left(size, guideType);
    randu(left, 0, 255);
    Mat left_disp(size,srcType);
    int max_disp = (int)(size.width*0.1);
    randu(left_disp, 0, max_disp-1);
    Mat right_disp(size,srcType);
    randu(left_disp, -max_disp+1, 0);
    Rect ROI(max_disp,0,size.width-max_disp,size.height);

        ROI = Rect(ROI.x/2,ROI.y/2,ROI.width/2,ROI.height/2);

    for (int iter = 0; iter <= loopsCount; iter++)
        double lambda = rng.uniform(100.0, 10000.0);
        double sigma  = rng.uniform(1.0, 100.0);

        Ptr<DisparityWLSFilter> wls_filter = createDisparityWLSFilterGeneric(use_conf);

        Mat resMultiThread;

        Mat resSingleThread;

        EXPECT_LE(cv::norm(resSingleThread, resMultiThread, NORM_INF), MAX_DIF);
        EXPECT_LE(cv::norm(resSingleThread, resMultiThread, NORM_L1), MAX_MEAN_DIF*left.total());
void iterator_wrap_test (ImageBuf::WrapMode wrap, std::string wrapname)
    const int WIDTH = 4, HEIGHT = 4, CHANNELS = 3;
    static float buf[HEIGHT][WIDTH][CHANNELS] = {
        { {0,0,0},  {1,0,1},  {2,0,2},  {3,0,3} },
        { {0,1,4},  {1,1,5},  {2,1,6},  {3,1,7} },
        { {0,2,8},  {1,2,9},  {2,2,10}, {3,2,11} },
        { {0,3,12}, {1,3,13}, {2,3,14}, {3,3,15} }
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec, buf);

    std::cout << "iterator_wrap_test " << wrapname << ":";
    int i = 0;
    int noutside = 0;
    for (ITERATOR p (A, ROI(-2, WIDTH+2, -2, HEIGHT+2), wrap);
         !p.done(); ++p, ++i) {
        if ((i % 8) == 0)
            std::cout << "\n    ";
        std::cout << "   " << p[0] << ' ' << p[1] << ' ' << p[2];
        // Check wraps
        if (! p.exists()) {
            if (wrap == ImageBuf::WrapBlack) {
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], 0.0f);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], 0.0f);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], 0.0f);
            } else if (wrap == ImageBuf::WrapClamp) {
                ITERATOR q = p;
                q.pos (clamp (p.x(), 0, WIDTH-1), clamp (p.y(), 0, HEIGHT-1));
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], q[0]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], q[1]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], q[2]);
            } else if (wrap == ImageBuf::WrapPeriodic) {
                ITERATOR q = p;
                q.pos (p.x() % WIDTH, p.y() % HEIGHT);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], q[0]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], q[1]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], q[2]);
            } else if (wrap == ImageBuf::WrapMirror) {
                ITERATOR q = p;
                int x = p.x(), y = p.y();
                wrap_mirror (x, 0, WIDTH);
                wrap_mirror (y, 0, HEIGHT);
                q.pos (x, y);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], q[0]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], q[1]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], q[2]);
    std::cout << "\n";
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (noutside, 48);  // Should be 48 wrapped pixels
Beispiel #8
	Creates a ROI in the center of the last image
void ROI_BG::segment()
	width = 200;								//width of ROI
	height = ptrData->getLastImage()->rows;		//height of ROI
	x = ptrData->getLastImage()->cols / 2;
	y = ptrData->getLastImage()->rows / 2;

	Mat ROI(*ptrData->getLastImage(), Rect(x - width / 2, y - height / 2, width, height));
	*out = ROI;
void CaptureThreadC::CaptureCamera() {

    bool colorFrameAdded = false;
    cv::VideoCapture capture(0);
    //keep getting last frame until told to stop
    int frame_count = 0;
    while (isRunning) {

        //time stuff
        struct timeb start;

        capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320);
        capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240);

        int frameheight = capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
        int framewidth = capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);

        cv::Mat bufferMat(frameheight, framewidth, CV_8UC3);

        capture >> bufferMat;
        cv::resize(bufferMat, bufferMat, CvSize(1200, 600));


        colorFrameAdded = true;
        if (colorFrameAdded == true)
            cv::Mat  currentFrame = bufferMat.clone();
            cv::Mat gray_img;
            vector<cv::Point> points;	//to hold this frame face points

            int topLeftx = framewidth / 8;
            int topLefty = frameheight / 3;
            int bottomRightx = framewidth * 2;
            int bottomRighty = frameheight;


            cv::Rect ROI(cv::Point(topLeftx, topLefty), cv::Point(bottomRightx, bottomRighty));


    colorFrameAdded = false;

    //regulate fps
    struct timeb end;

int ManualLabeling::growFromSeedRaw(const cv::Mat& rawImage, cv::Mat&labeledImage, cv::Point2i seedPoint) {
    //assume that the labeled Mat is allocated.
    cv::Mat segmentedImage;
    int rectOff = 100;
    int rectSide = rectOff*2+1;
    //The model of the image is that is a orange blob.
    cv::Rect ROI(seedPoint.x - rectOff, seedPoint.y - rectOff, rectSide, rectSide);

    catheterFloodFillSegmentation(rawImage, segmentedImage, seedPoint, ROI);
    //catheterImageSegmentation(rawImage, segmentedImage,seedPt,ROI);

    return growFromSeed(segmentedImage, labeledImage, seedPoint);
Beispiel #11
void AllignedFrameSource::nextFrame(cv::OutputArray frame)

    if (origFrame_.rows % scale_ == 0 && origFrame_.cols % scale_ == 0)
        cv::superres::arrCopy(origFrame_, frame);
        cv::Rect ROI(0, 0, (origFrame_.cols / scale_) * scale_, (origFrame_.rows / scale_) * scale_);
        cv::superres::arrCopy(origFrame_(ROI), frame);
Beispiel #12
CImage *CROI(CImage *cimg, int xl, int yl, int xr, int yr)
  CImage *croi=NULL;
  int i;

  if (ValidPixel(cimg->C[0],xl,yl)&&ValidPixel(cimg->C[0],xr,yr)&&
      (xl <= xr)&&(yl <= yr)) {
    croi = (CImage *) calloc(1,sizeof(CImage));
    if (croi == NULL){
    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
      croi->C[i] = ROI(cimg->C[i], xl, yl, xr, yr);
  return (croi);
Beispiel #13
static bool
fill_ (ImageBuf &dst, const float *values, ROI roi=ROI(), int nthreads=1)
    if (nthreads != 1 && roi.npixels() >= 1000) {
        // Lots of pixels and request for multi threads? Parallelize.
        ImageBufAlgo::parallel_image (
            boost::bind(fill_<T>, boost::ref(dst), values,
                        _1 /*roi*/, 1 /*nthreads*/),
            roi, nthreads);
        return true;

    // Serial case
    for (ImageBuf::Iterator<T> p (dst, roi);  !p.done();  ++p)
        for (int c = roi.chbegin;  c < roi.chend;  ++c)
            p[c] = values[c];
    return true;
Beispiel #14
void LBP::Procura(Mat &Query)
    Mat ROI(Size(WIDTH,HEIGHT),CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
    Mat LBP;
    Point roi;  // Armazena as coordenadas das Features
    int raio=1; int vizinhaca=8;
    DetectFace df;

    // convoluçao para gerar uma imagem de 320 x 240 px em NAO faces de 25 x 30 px
    for(int i = 0; i <= Query.rows - HEIGHT ; i++)
        roi.y = i;

        for(int j =0; j <= Query.cols - WIDTH ; j++)
            roi.x = j;
            Query.operator ()(Rect(roi.x,roi.y,WIDTH,HEIGHT)).convertTo(ROI,CV_32FC1,1,0);


            Mat temp;
            MatConstIterator_<float> it = LBP.begin<float>(), it_end = LBP.end<float>();

            for(; it != it_end; ++it) temp.push_back(*it);

            PREDICAO = boost.predict( temp, Mat(),Range::all(),false,true);
            //Bboost.predict( const float* row_sample, int row_len, bool returnDFVal=false ) const;
            QString nome = QString("ROI00%1-%2.jpg").arg(i).arg(j);
            string result2 = nome.toUtf8().constData();

            if ( PREDICAO > 12 )
                df.predicao = PREDICAO; df.ponto = roi;
                faces.push_back( df );
Beispiel #15
void test_paste ()
    std::cout << "test paste\n";
    // Create the source image, make it a gradient
    ImageSpec Aspec (4, 4, 3, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A ("A", Aspec);
    for (ImageBuf::Iterator<float> it (A);  !it.done();  ++it) {
        it[0] = float(it.x()) / float(Aspec.width-1);
        it[1] = float(it.y()) / float(Aspec.height-1);
        it[2] = 0.1f;

    // Create destination image -- black it out
    ImageSpec Bspec (8, 8, 3, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf B ("B", Bspec);
    float gray[3] = { .1, .1, .1 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (B, gray);

    // Paste a few pixels from A into B -- include offsets
    ImageBufAlgo::paste (B, 2, 2, 0, 1 /* chan offset */,
                         A, ROI(1, 4, 1, 4));

    // Spot check
    float a[3], b[3];
    B.getpixel (1, 1, 0, b);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[0], gray[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[1], gray[1]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[2], gray[2]);

    B.getpixel (2, 2, 0, b);
    A.getpixel (1, 1, 0, a);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[0], gray[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[1], a[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[2], a[1]);

    B.getpixel (3, 4, 0, b);
    A.getpixel (2, 3, 0, a);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[0], gray[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[1], a[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[2], a[1]);
Beispiel #16
void CameraConfigure()

	int w = 600, h= 600;

	int fps=  fastCMOS->getFramerate().fps;

	ROI rfit = fastCMOS->setROI(ROI(w,h));
	ROI roi = fastCMOS->getROI();
	//IMAQBuffer* buf = fastCMOS->snap();

	int mode = fastCMOS->getMode();

//	IMAQBuffer* buf = fastCMOS->snap();

//	void *buf = fastCMOS->getLastFrame();
Beispiel #17
std::list<ROI> *
	if (_q->get_buffer() == NULL) {
		//cout << "GradientClassifier: ERROR, src buffer not set. NOT classifying." << endl;
		return new std::list<ROI>;

	list<ROI> *rv = new list<ROI>;
	int        cur_val, cur_diff, direction = 0;
	upoint_t   cur_pos, edge_start;
	cur_pos.x = cur_pos.y = edge_start.x = edge_start.y = 0;

	unsigned int jumpSize = 0;

	ROI current;

	for (list<ScanlineGrid *>::iterator it = _scanlines->begin(); it != _scanlines->end(); it++) {
		ScanlineGrid *slm = (*it);

		_last_pos = *(*slm);
		_last_val = _q->get(_last_pos);

		while (!slm->finished()) {
			cur_pos  = *(++(*slm));
			cur_val  = _q->get(cur_pos);
			cur_diff = cur_val - _last_val;

			if ((cur_pos.x < _last_pos.x || cur_pos.y < _last_pos.y) //new scan line
			    || (current.pixel_step
			        && ((cur_pos.x - current.start.x) > _max_size //area found is too big
			            || (cur_pos.y - current.start.y) > _max_size))) {

				edge_start.x = edge_start.y = direction = jumpSize = 0;

			int curDir = (cur_diff < 0 ? -1 : (cur_diff > 0 ? 1 : 0));
			switch (curDir) {
			case -1:
				switch (direction) {
				case -1: //drop continues
					jumpSize -= cur_diff;
				case 0: //new drop
					jumpSize   = -cur_diff;
					edge_start = cur_pos;
				case 1:
					if (jumpSize < _threshold) //spike reset ramp
						jumpSize   = -cur_diff;
						edge_start = cur_pos;
					} else // found edge!
						if (current.pixel_step) //this is a line end
							current.set_width(_last_pos.x - current.start.x);
							current.set_height(_last_pos.y - current.start.y);


						} else if (_use_falling_edge) {

						edge_start = cur_pos;
						jumpSize   = -cur_diff;
				direction = -1;

			case 0:
				switch (direction) {
				case -1:                      //ramp end
				case 1:                       //ramp end
					if (jumpSize >= _threshold) //found edge!
						if (current.pixel_step) //this is a line end
							current.set_width(_last_pos.x - current.start.x);
							current.set_height(_last_pos.y - current.start.y);


						} else {
							if ((_use_falling_edge && direction == 1) || (_use_rising_edge && direction == -1)) {

				case 0: break;
				direction = jumpSize = 0;
				edge_start.x = edge_start.y = 0;

			case 1:
				switch (direction) {
				case 1: //climb continues
					jumpSize += cur_diff;
				case 0: //new climb
					jumpSize   = cur_diff;
					edge_start = cur_pos;
				case -1:
					if (jumpSize < _threshold) //spike reset ramp
						jumpSize   = cur_diff;
						edge_start = cur_pos;
					} else // found edge!
						if (current.pixel_step) //this is a line end
							current.set_width(_last_pos.x - current.start.x);
							current.set_height(_last_pos.y - current.start.y);


						} else if (_use_rising_edge) {

						edge_start = cur_pos;
						jumpSize   = cur_diff;
				direction = 1;

			_last_val = cur_val;
			_last_pos = cur_pos;
	} //END: For all scanline models

	return rv;
Beispiel #18
// Test ImageBuf::zero and ImageBuf::fill
void test_zero_fill ()
    const int WIDTH = 8;
    const int HEIGHT = 6;
    const int CHANNELS = 4;
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    spec.alpha_channel = 3;

    // Create a buffer -- pixels should be undefined
    ImageBuf A ("A", spec);
    // Set a pixel to an odd value, make sure it takes
    const float arbitrary1[CHANNELS] = { 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 };
    A.setpixel (1, 1, arbitrary1);
    float pixel[CHANNELS];   // test pixel
    A.getpixel (1, 1, pixel);
    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary1[c]);

    // Zero out and test that it worked
    ImageBufAlgo::zero (A);
    for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
        for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
            float pixel[CHANNELS];
            A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
            for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], 0.0f);

    // Test fill of whole image
    const float arbitrary2[CHANNELS] = { 0.6, 0.7, 0.3, 0.9 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, arbitrary2);
    for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
        for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
            float pixel[CHANNELS];
            A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
            for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary2[c]);

    // Test fill of partial image
    const float arbitrary3[CHANNELS] = { 0.42, 0.43, 0.44, 0.45 };
        const int xbegin = 3, xend = 5, ybegin = 0, yend = 4;
        ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, arbitrary3, ROI(xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend));
        for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
            for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
                float pixel[CHANNELS];
                A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
                if (j >= ybegin && j < yend && i >= xbegin && i < xend) {
                    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary3[c]);
                } else {
                    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary2[c]);
Beispiel #19
int main()
	cv::Mat imCalibColor;	
	cv::Mat imCalibGray;	
	cv::vector<cv::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
	cv::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
	cv::vector<cv::Point2f> pointQR;
	cv::Mat imCalibNext;
	cv::Mat imQR;
	cv::vector<cv::Mat> tabQR;
	/*cv::vector<cv::Point2f> corners1;
	cv::vector<cv::Point2f> corners2;
	cv::vector<cv::Point2f> corners3;
	cv::vector<cv::Point2f> corners4;
	cv::vector<cv::Point2f> corners5;*/

	double qualityLevel = 0.01;
	double minDistance = 10;
	int blockSize = 3;
	bool useHarrisDetector = false;
	double k = 0.04;
	int maxCorners = 600;

	int A = 0, B= 0, C= 0;
	char key;
	int mark;
	bool patternFound = false;
	cv::VideoCapture vcap("../rsc/capture2.avi");

	for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
		std::ostringstream oss;
		oss << "../rsc/QrCodes/QR" << i << ".jpg";
		imQR = cv::imread(oss.str());
		cv::cvtColor(imQR, imQR, CV_BGR2GRAY);
		std::cout<< "Bouh!!!!!!" << std::endl;

			vcap >> imCalibColor;
		vcap >> imCalibColor;

		cv::Mat edges(imCalibColor.size(),CV_MAKETYPE(imCalibColor.depth(), 1));
		cv::cvtColor(imCalibColor, imCalibGray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
		Canny(imCalibGray, edges, 100 , 200, 3);

		cv::findContours( edges, contours, hierarchy, cv::RETR_TREE, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
		cv::imshow("pointInteret", imCalibColor);

		mark = 0;

		cv::vector<cv::Moments> mu(contours.size());
  		cv::vector<cv::Point2f> mc(contours.size());

		for( int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ )
			mu[i] = moments( contours[i], false ); 
			mc[i] = cv::Point2f( mu[i].m10/mu[i].m00 , mu[i].m01/mu[i].m00 );

		for( int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ )
			int k=i;
			int c=0;

			while(hierarchy[k][2] != -1)
				k = hierarchy[k][2] ;
				c = c+1;
			if(hierarchy[k][2] != -1)
			c = c+1;

			if (c >= 5)
				if (mark == 0)		A = i;
				else if  (mark == 1)	B = i;		// i.e., A is already found, assign current contour to B
				else if  (mark == 2)	C = i;		// i.e., A and B are already found, assign current contour to C
				mark = mark + 1 ;

		if (A !=0 && B !=0 && C!=0)

			cv::Mat imagecropped = imCalibColor;
			cv::Rect ROI(280/*pointQR[0].x*/, 260/*pointQR[0].y*/, 253, 218);
			cv::Mat croppedRef(imagecropped, ROI);
			cv::cvtColor(croppedRef, imagecropped, CV_BGR2GRAY);
			cv::threshold(imagecropped, imagecropped, 180, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

			cv::circle(imCalibColor, cv::Point(pointQR[0].x, pointQR[0].y), 3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0);
			cv::circle(imCalibColor, cv::Point(pointQR[1].x, pointQR[1].y), 3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0);
			cv::circle(imCalibColor, cv::Point(pointQR[2].x, pointQR[2].y), 3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0);

			cv::Point2f D(0.0f,0.0f);
			cv::Point2f E(0.0f,0.0f);
			cv::Point2f F(0.0f,0.0f);

			D.x = (mc[A].x + mc[B].x)/2;
			E.x = (mc[B].x + mc[C].x)/2;
			F.x = (mc[C].x + mc[A].x)/2;

			D.y = (mc[A].y + mc[B].y)/2;
			E.y = (mc[B].y + mc[C].y)/2;
			F.y = (mc[C].y + mc[A].y)/2;

			cv::circle(imCalibColor, cv::Point(pointQR[3].x, pointQR[3].y), 3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0);
			cv::circle(imCalibColor, cv::Point(pointQR[4].x, pointQR[4].y), 3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0);
			cv::circle(imCalibColor, cv::Point(pointQR[5].x, pointQR[5].y), 3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0);

			patternFound = true;
			std::cout << "patternfound" << std::endl;
			cv::SiftFeatureDetector detector;
			cv::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2;
			detector.detect(tabQR[3], keypoints1);
			detector.detect(imagecropped, keypoints2);

			cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorExtractor> descriptor = cv::DescriptorExtractor::create("SIFT");
			cv::Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;
			descriptor->compute(tabQR[3], keypoints1, descriptors1 );
			descriptor->compute(imagecropped, keypoints2, descriptors2 );

			cv::FlannBasedMatcher matcher; 
			std::vector< cv::DMatch > matches; 
			matcher.match( descriptors1, descriptors2, matches ); 
			double max_dist = 0; double min_dist = 100;

			for( int i = 0; i < descriptors1.rows; i++ ) 
				double dist = matches[i].distance; 
				if( dist < min_dist ) min_dist = dist; 
				if( dist > max_dist ) max_dist = dist; 

			std::vector< cv::DMatch > good_matches;
			for( int i = 0; i < descriptors1.rows; i++ ) 
				if( matches[i].distance <= 2*min_dist ) 
					good_matches.push_back( matches[i]); 
			cv::Mat imgout; 
			drawMatches(tabQR[3], keypoints1, imagecropped, keypoints2, good_matches, imgout); 

			std::vector<cv::Point2f> pt_img1; 
			std::vector<cv::Point2f> pt_img2; 
			for( int i = 0; i < (int)good_matches.size(); i++ ) 
				pt_img1.push_back(keypoints1[ good_matches[i].queryIdx ].pt ); 
				pt_img2.push_back(keypoints2[ good_matches[i].trainIdx ].pt ); 
			cv::Mat H = findHomography( pt_img1, pt_img2, CV_RANSAC );

			cv::Mat result; 
			cv::Mat half(result,cv::Rect(0,0,imagecropped.cols,imagecropped.rows)); 
			imshow( "Result", result );


		key = (char)cv::waitKey(67);
	}while(patternFound != true && key != 27);

		imCalibNext = imCalibColor;
	return patternFound;

Beispiel #20

int FaceTracker::subRegionTrack(cv::Mat& _curFrame, std::vector<cv::Point2f>& _curFeatures, cv::Rect& faceRect, double& executionTime){ 
	// do tracking in the subregion, we always have at least one history //
	cv::Rect prevRect = faceTrajectroy.at(faceTrajectroy.size()-1);
	int roix = (prevRect.x - prevRect.width) > 0 ? (prevRect.x - prevRect.width):0;
	int roiy = (prevRect.y - prevRect.height) > 0 ? (prevRect.y - prevRect.height):0;
	int roiW = (roix + (3 * prevRect.width)) <= _curFrame.cols? (3 * prevRect.width) :  (_curFrame.cols - roix);
	int roiH = (roiy + (3 * prevRect.height)) <= _curFrame.rows? (3 * prevRect.height) :  (_curFrame.rows - roiy);
	cv::Rect ROI( roix, roiy, roiW, roiH);
	// crop original image, update feature points // 
	cv::Mat croppedPrevFrame(prevFrame, ROI);
	cv::Mat croppedCurFrame(_curFrame, ROI);
	std::vector<cv::Point2f> croppedPrevFeatures;
	for (int i = 0 ; i < _prevFeatures.size(); ++i){
		cv::Point2f p(_prevFeatures.at(i).x - ROI.x, _prevFeatures.at(i).y - ROI.y);

	// Track on subregion 
	int returnValue;
	cv::vector<float> err;
	cv::vector<uchar> status;
	std::vector<cv::Point2f> croppedCurFeatures;
	cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(croppedPrevFrame, croppedCurFrame, croppedPrevFeatures, croppedCurFeatures,
		   status, err, cv::Size(31,31), 3, termcrit, 0, 0.001);
	cv::Point2f min_point(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	cv::Point2f max_point(FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN);
	// refactor the points array to remove points lost due to tracking error, 
	// and map it to the original image location
	size_t i, k;
	for (i = k = 0; i < croppedCurFeatures.size(); ++i){
		// status[i] = 0, the feature has lost
		//if (status[i] == 0){
		//	continue;
		if (status[i] == 0 || distance(croppedCurFeatures[i].x, croppedCurFeatures[i].y , croppedPrevFeatures[i].x , croppedPrevFeatures[i].y) > 30){

		croppedCurFeatures[k].x = croppedCurFeatures[i].x + ROI.x;
		croppedCurFeatures[k].y = croppedCurFeatures[i].y + ROI.y;

		min_point.x = Min(min_point.x, croppedCurFeatures[k].x);
		min_point.y = Min(min_point.y, croppedCurFeatures[k].y);
		max_point.x = Max(max_point.x, croppedCurFeatures[k].x);
		max_point.y = Max(max_point.y, croppedCurFeatures[k].y);
	_curFeatures = croppedCurFeatures;

	// stablize and decide the bounding box
	faceRect.x = cvRound(min_point.x);
	faceRect.y = cvRound(min_point.y);
	faceRect.width = cvRound((max_point.x - min_point.x));
	faceRect.height = cvRound((max_point.y - min_point.y));

	fc.faceRect = faceRect;
	fc.featurePoints = _curFeatures;

	if (faceRect.width < 25 || faceRect.height < 25 || k < 15 || faceRect.height/(faceRect.width * 1.0) > 2.5){
		return -1;
	// estimate execution time //
	executionTime = estimateExecutionTime(ROI, prevFrame);
	// save into history //
	if (faceTrajectroy.size() == HISTORY_NUM + 1){

	// update //
	_prevFeatures = _curFeatures;
Beispiel #21

int FaceTracker::track(cv::Mat& _curFrame, std::vector<cv::Point2f>& _curFeatures, cv::Rect& faceRect, double& executionTime){ 
	// do tracking in the subregion, we always have at least one history //
	cv::Rect prevRect = faceTrajectroy.at(faceTrajectroy.size()-1);
	int roix = (prevRect.x - 1.5 * prevRect.width) > 0 ? (prevRect.x - 1.5 * prevRect.width):0;
	int roiy = (prevRect.y - 1.5 * prevRect.height) > 0 ? (prevRect.y - 1.5 * prevRect.height):0;
	int roiW = (roix + (4 * prevRect.width)) <= _curFrame.cols? (4 * prevRect.width) :  (_curFrame.cols - roix);
	int roiH = (roiy + (4 * prevRect.height)) <= _curFrame.rows? (4 * prevRect.height) :  (_curFrame.rows - roiy);
	cv::Rect ROI( roix, roiy, roiW, roiH);
	//std::cout << "ROI" <<  ROI.x << "," << ROI.y << "," << ROI.width << "," << ROI.height <<std::endl;
	if (faceTrajectroy.size() > 1){
		cv::Rect faceVelocity;
		float alpha = 0.7;
		for (int i = 1 ; i < faceTrajectroy.size(); ++i){
			// estimate velocity
			cv::Rect pRect = faceTrajectroy.at(i-1);
			cv::Rect cRect = faceTrajectroy.at(i);

			if (i == 1){
				faceVelocity.x = cRect.x - pRect.x;
				faceVelocity.y = cRect.y - pRect.y;
				faceVelocity.width = cRect.width - pRect.width;
				faceVelocity.height = cRect.height - pRect.height;
				faceVelocity.x = alpha * (cRect.x - pRect.x) + (1-alpha) * faceVelocity.x;
				faceVelocity.y = alpha * (cRect.y - pRect.y) + (1-alpha) * faceVelocity.y;
				faceVelocity.width = alpha * (cRect.width - pRect.width) + (1-alpha) * faceVelocity.width;
				faceVelocity.height = alpha * (cRect.height - pRect.height) + (1-alpha) * faceVelocity.height;
		//update ROI
		ROI.x = prevRect.x + faceVelocity.x;
		ROI.y = prevRect.y + faceVelocity.y;
		ROI.width = prevRect.width + faceVelocity.width;
		ROI.height = prevRect.height + faceVelocity.height;
	// crop original image, update feature points // 
	cv::Mat croppedPrevFrame(prevFrame, ROI);
	cv::Mat croppedCurFrame(_curFrame, ROI);
	std::vector<cv::Point2f> croppedPrevFeatures;
	for (int i = 0 ; i < _prevFeatures.size(); ++i){
		cv::Point2f p(_prevFeatures.at(i).x - ROI.x, _prevFeatures.at(i).y - ROI.y);

	for (int i = 0; i < croppedPrevFeatures.size(); ++i){
		circle( croppedPrevFrame, croppedPrevFeatures[i], 3, cv::Scalar(0,255,0), -1 , 8);
	cv::imshow("croppedFrame", croppedPrevFrame);
	cv::waitKey( 50 );
	// Track on subregion 
	int returnValue;
	cv::vector<float> err;
	cv::vector<uchar> status;
	std::vector<cv::Point2f> croppedCurFeatures;
	cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(croppedPrevFrame, croppedCurFrame, croppedPrevFeatures, croppedCurFeatures,
		   status, err, cv::Size(31,31), 3, termcrit, 0, 0.001);
	//cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevFrame, _curFrame, _prevFeatures, _curFeatures,
	//	   status, err, cv::Size(31,31), 3, termcrit, 0, 0.001);
	cv::Point2f min_point(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	cv::Point2f max_point(FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN);
	// refactor the points array to remove points lost due to tracking error, 
	// and map it to the original image location
	size_t i, k;
	std::vector<cv::Point2f> velocity;
	for (i = 0; i < croppedCurFeatures.size(); ++i){
		// adjust it to the correct position
		croppedCurFeatures.at(i).x +=  ROI.x;
		croppedCurFeatures.at(i).y +=  ROI.y;
		// status[i] = 0, the feature has lost
		//if (status[i] == 0 || distance(croppedCurFeatures[i].x, croppedCurFeatures[i].y , _prevFeatures[i].x , _prevFeatures[i].y) > 30){
		if (status[i] == 0){
		// compute the moving speed for each of the good feature point //
		cv::Point2f vp(croppedCurFeatures.at(i).x - _prevFeatures.at(i).x, croppedCurFeatures.at(i).y - _prevFeatures.at(i).y);
	// tracker failed!
	if (velocity.size() < 3)
		return -1;
	std::sort(velocity.begin(), velocity.end(), myFunction);
	int mid = velocity.size()/2;
	int offset = velocity.size() % 2 == 0? mid: (mid+1); 
	float q1, q3 = 0;
	if (mid % 2 == 0){
		int q1_index = (mid/2 + 1) >= velocity.size()? (velocity.size()-1) :(mid/2 + 1);
		q1 = (sqrt(velocity.at((mid/2)).x * velocity.at((mid/2)).x + velocity.at((mid/2)).y * velocity.at((mid/2)).y) + 
		sqrt(velocity.at(q1_index).x * velocity.at(q1_index).x + velocity.at(q1_index).y * velocity.at(q1_index).y))/2;

		int q3_index_1 = (mid/2) + offset >= velocity.size()? velocity.size()-1:(mid/2) + offset;
		int q3_index_2 = (mid/2)+ 1 + offset >= velocity.size()? velocity.size()-1:(mid/2) + offset +1 ;

		q3 = (sqrt(velocity.at(q3_index_1).x * velocity.at(q3_index_1).x + velocity.at(q3_index_1).y * velocity.at(q3_index_1).y) + 
		sqrt(velocity.at(q3_index_2).x * velocity.at(q3_index_2).x + velocity.at(q3_index_2).y * velocity.at(q3_index_2).y))/2;
		int q3_index = (mid/2) + offset >= velocity.size()? velocity.size()-1:(mid/2) + offset;
		q1 = sqrt(velocity.at((mid/2)).x * velocity.at((mid/2)).x + velocity.at((mid/2)).y * velocity.at((mid/2)).y);
		q3 = sqrt(velocity.at(q3_index).x * velocity.at(q3_index).x + velocity.at(q3_index).y * velocity.at(q3_index).y);
	float interval = (q3 - q1) * 3;

	for(i = k = 0; i < croppedCurFeatures.size(); ++i){		

		// status[i] = 0, the feature has lost
		if (status[i] == 0){
		// for each working feature point //
		cv::Point2f vp(croppedCurFeatures.at(i).x - _prevFeatures.at(i).x, croppedCurFeatures.at(i).y - _prevFeatures.at(i).y);
		float v = sqrt(vp.x * vp.x) + (vp.y * vp.y);
		if (v  > q3 + interval){
			croppedCurFeatures.at(i).x = _prevFeatures.at(i).x + velocity.at(mid).x;
			croppedCurFeatures.at(i).y = _prevFeatures.at(i).y + velocity.at(mid).y;
		croppedCurFeatures[k].x = croppedCurFeatures[i].x;
		croppedCurFeatures[k].y = croppedCurFeatures[i].y;

		min_point.x = Min(min_point.x, croppedCurFeatures[k].x);
		min_point.y = Min(min_point.y, croppedCurFeatures[k].y);
		max_point.x = Max(max_point.x, croppedCurFeatures[k].x);
		max_point.y = Max(max_point.y, croppedCurFeatures[k].y);
	_curFeatures = croppedCurFeatures;

	// stablize and decide the bounding box
	faceRect.x = cvRound(min_point.x);
	faceRect.y = cvRound(min_point.y);
	//faceRect.width = (cvRound((max_point.x - min_point.x)) +  cvRound((max_point.y - min_point.y)))/2;
	//faceRect.height = (cvRound((max_point.x - min_point.x)) +  cvRound((max_point.y - min_point.y)))/2;
	faceRect.width = cvRound(max_point.x - min_point.x);
	faceRect.height = cvRound(max_point.y - min_point.y);

	fc.faceRect = faceRect;
	fc.featurePoints = _curFeatures;

//	if (faceRect.width < 25 || faceRect.height < 25 || k < 15){
	if (faceRect.width < 25 || faceRect.height < 25 || k < 3){
		std::cout << "tracker fails because of width/height/k:" << faceRect.width << "," << faceRect.height << "," << k <<  std::endl;
		return -1;

	// estimate execution time //
	executionTime = estimateExecutionTime(ROI, prevFrame);
	// save into history //
	if (faceTrajectroy.size() == HISTORY_NUM + 1){

	// update //
	_prevFeatures = _curFeatures;
Beispiel #22
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	if (argc < 3) {
		std::cerr << "There are no enough parameters\n";
		return -1;

	cam_type_t cam_type = UNKNOWN_CAM;

	if (strcmp("ip", argv[2]) == 0) {
		std::cout << "IP camera was chosen\n";
		cam_type = IP;
	else if (strcmp("usb", argv[2]) == 0) {
		std::cout << "USB camera was chosen\n";
		cam_type = USB;
	else {
		std::cerr << "Unknown camera type was chosen: " << argv[2] << "\n";
		return -2;

	cv::VideoCapture video_src;

	switch (cam_type) {
		case IP:
//			video_src.open(argv[3]);
		case USB:
//			video_src.open(atoi(argv[3]));
			std::cerr << "Critical error\n";
			return -3;

	cv::Mat image;
	cv::Mat prev;
	cv::Mat current;
	cv::Mat next;
	cv::Rect motion_rect;


	int color_space = CV_BGR2GRAY;
	cv::Mat cs_prev;
	cv::Mat cs_current;
	cv::Mat cs_next;

	cv::Mat diff1;
	cv::Mat diff2;
	cv::Mat result;

	while (true) {


		cv::cvtColor(prev, cs_prev, color_space);
		cv::cvtColor(current, cs_current, color_space);
		cv::cvtColor(next, cs_next, color_space);

		cv::normalize(cs_prev, cs_prev, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);
		cv::normalize(cs_current, cs_current, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);
		cv::normalize(cs_next, cs_next, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);

		cv::resize(cs_prev, cs_prev, cv::Size(400, 400));
		cv::resize(cs_current, cs_current, cv::Size(400, 400));
		cv::resize(cs_next, cs_next, cv::Size(400, 400));

		cv::absdiff(cs_next, cs_current, diff1);
		cv::absdiff(cs_next, cs_prev, diff2);
		cv::bitwise_and(diff1, diff2, result);

		cv::imshow("bitwised", result);
		cv::dilate(result, result, cv::Mat(), cv::Point(-1,-1), 3);
		cv::GaussianBlur(result, result, cv::Size(21, 21), 0);

		cv::imshow("GaussianBlured", result);

		cv::threshold(result, result, 50, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

//		cv::imshow("thresholded", result);

//		result = cv::Mat::zeros(cv::Size(400, 400), CV_8UC1);
//		result.at<uchar>(100,100) = 255;
//		result.at<uchar>(300,100) = 255;
//		result.at<uchar>(100,300) = 255;
//		result.at<uchar>(300,300) = 255;
//		cv::erode(result, result, cv::Mat(), cv::Point(-1, -1), 3);
		cv::dilate(result, result, cv::Mat(), cv::Point(-1,-1), 1);
//		cv::imshow("dilate", result);

		int x_start = 0;
		int x_stop = cs_next.cols;
		int y_start = 0;
		int y_stop = cs_next.rows;
		cv::Scalar color(255, 255, 255);
		int max_deviation = 120;
		cv::imshow("result", result);

		cv::Rect ROI(x_start, y_start, x_stop - x_start, y_stop - y_start);

		detectMotionRect(result, ROI, motion_rect, max_deviation);
		cv::rectangle(cs_next, motion_rect, cv::Scalar(255), 3);
		cv::imshow("imgae", cs_next);

		char key = cv::waitKey(100) & 0xFF;
		if (key == 'q') {
	return 0;
void DisparityProc::imageCb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
  cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr;
  try {
    cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_8UC1);		// Choose 8 BIT Format, e.g. TYPE_8UC1, MONO8, ...
  catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e) {
    ROS_ERROR("cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what());

  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				Select ROI & Inititialize Masks

  cv::Mat image = cv_ptr->image;
  cv::Mat ROI(image, cv::Rect(x_min, y_min, width+1, height+1));

  cv::Mat X = cv::Mat::zeros(height+1, width+1, CV_32FC1);
  cv::Mat Y = cv::Mat::zeros(height+1, width+1, CV_32FC1);

  // Create Meshgrid
  cv::Range x_bound(0, width);
  cv::Range y_bound(0, height);
  meshgrid(x_bound, y_bound, X, Y);

  // Initialize and compute Masks
  const float PI = 3.14159265358979f;
  Line line1(-2.3, 175, 2);						// Bicaval
  Line line2(0.8, 20, 1);						// Short Axis
  Line line3(0, 60, 1);							// 4 Chamber
  Ellipse FO(50, 50, 35, 33, -50 * PI/180);		// Constructor(x0, y0, a, b, phi)
  Rectangle needle(0, 0 ,10, 10);					// Constructor(x0, y0, width, height)

  cv::Mat mask_line1;
  cv::Mat mask_line2;
  cv::Mat mask_line3;
  cv::Mat mask_FO;
  cv::Mat mask_needle;

  //std::cerr << "X: " << X.rows << "x" << X.cols << std::endl;
  //std::cerr << "Y: " << Y.rows << "x" << Y.cols << std::endl;

  line1.calc_mask(mask_line1, X, Y);
  line2.calc_mask(mask_line2, X, Y);
  line3.calc_mask(mask_line3, X, Y);
  FO.calc_mask(mask_FO, X, Y);

  // Auto Configuration
  // ROI = compute_config(ROI);

  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				Compute Start & End Points of Cuts

  std::pair<int,int> bicaval_start;
  std::pair<int,int> bicaval_stop;
  std::pair<int,int> short_axis_start;
  std::pair<int,int> short_axis_stop;
  std::pair<int,int> four_chamber_start;
  std::pair<int,int> four_chamber_stop;

  start_end_coord(line1, mask_FO, X, Y, bicaval_start, bicaval_stop);
  start_end_coord(line2, mask_FO, X, Y, short_axis_start, short_axis_stop);
  start_end_coord(line3, mask_FO, X, Y, four_chamber_start, four_chamber_stop);

  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				Compute Update of Tenting Curve
    Main Idea: Minimize difference between SPOT & OLD SPOT and introduce some kind of spacial delay

  // Check whether or not tenting even occurs
  bool th_exceeded = tenting_ocurrs(ROI, mask_FO);

  // Update Spot Location if Threshold is exceeded
  if (th_exceeded) {

    // Estimate current position of needle
    find_needle_tip(ROI, mask_FO, needle);
	needle_tip_ = needle.get_mid();

    if (old_spot_init) {
      // Compute whether or not intersection occurs - for each Projection
	  std::pair<int,int> tmp_proj1 = line1.projection(needle_tip_, bicaval_start);
	  std::pair<int,int> tmp_proj2 = line2.projection(needle_tip_, short_axis_start);
	  std::pair<int,int> tmp_proj3 = line3.projection(needle_tip_, four_chamber_start);
      bool moving1 = needle_moving(old_proj_bicaval, tmp_proj1);
	  bool moving2 = needle_moving(old_proj_short_axis, tmp_proj2);
	  bool moving3 = needle_moving(old_proj_four_chamber, tmp_proj3);

	  // Update Bicaval
      if (!moving1) {
		proj_bicaval = old_proj_bicaval;				// Stay Still
      else {
		minimize_with_constraint(needle, line1, 0);		// Minimize Scalar Product

	  // Update Short Axis
      if (!moving2) {
		proj_short_axis = old_proj_short_axis;			// Stay Still
      else {
		minimize_with_constraint(needle, line2, 1);		// Minimize Scalar Product

	  // Update 4 Chamber
      if (!moving3) {
		proj_four_chamber = old_proj_four_chamber;		// Stay Still
      else {
		minimize_with_constraint(needle, line3, 2);		// Minimize Scalar Product
    else {
      // Old Spot not initialized -> Initialize
      initialize_spot(needle,line1, bicaval_start, 0);
      initialize_spot(needle,line2, short_axis_start, 1);
      initialize_spot(needle,line3, four_chamber_start, 2);
      old_spot_init = true;
  else {
    //std::cerr << "Threshold NOT exceeded..." << std::endl;
    // Draw straight line
    proj_bicaval = bicaval_start;
    proj_short_axis = short_axis_start;
    proj_four_chamber = four_chamber_start;
    old_spot_init = false;

  // Derive x/y _ points (new 1D coord sys) from spot
  derive_xy_points(bicaval_start, bicaval_stop, ROI, 0);
  derive_xy_points(short_axis_start, short_axis_stop, ROI, 1);
  derive_xy_points(four_chamber_start, four_chamber_stop, ROI, 2);

  // Update Old Spot
  old_proj_bicaval = line1.projection(proj_bicaval, bicaval_start);
  old_proj_short_axis = line2.projection(proj_short_axis, short_axis_start);
  old_proj_four_chamber = line3.projection(proj_four_chamber, four_chamber_start);

  // Print Values of Needle Location
  std::cerr << "Needle Location:" << std::endl;
  int x_print = needle_tip_.first;
  int y_print = needle_tip_.second;
  int value   = ROI.at<uint8_t>(y_print, x_print);
  std::cerr << "(X,Y) = (" << x_print << ", " << y_print << ") : " << value << std::endl;

  // For Debugging -> Draw on FO
  ROI = draw_on_FO (
	needle );

  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Interpoplate the two parabolas & evaluate on a fine mesh
 *  depricated...

  Parabola left(x_points[0], y_points[0], x_points[1], y_points[1]);
  Parabola right(x_points[2], y_points[2], x_points[1], y_points[1]);

  int N_vis = 1000;
  std::vector<float> x_vis(N_vis, 0);
  std::vector<float> y_vis(N_vis, 0);

  float h = (x_points[2]-x_points[0])/(N_vis-1);
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<x_vis.size(); ++i) {
    x_vis[i] = x_points[0] + i*h;
    if (x_vis[i] < x_points[1])
      y_vis[i] = left.eval_para(x_vis[i]);
      y_vis[i] = right.eval_para(x_vis[i]);
  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Create Ros - Messages and publish data

  // Write ROI to published image
  cv_ptr->image = ROI;

  // Build Messages - BICAVAL
  std_msgs::Float64MultiArray bicaval_x;
  std_msgs::Float64MultiArray bicaval_y;

  bicaval_x.layout.dim[0].size = x_pt_bicaval.size();
  bicaval_x.layout.dim[0].stride = 1;
  bicaval_x.layout.dim[0].label = "Bicaval_X_Val";

  bicaval_x.data.insert(bicaval_x.data.end(), x_pt_bicaval.begin(), x_pt_bicaval.end());

  bicaval_y.layout.dim[0].size = y_pt_bicaval.size();
  bicaval_y.layout.dim[0].stride = 1;
  bicaval_y.layout.dim[0].label = "Bicaval_Y_Val";

  bicaval_y.data.insert(bicaval_y.data.end(), y_pt_bicaval.begin(), y_pt_bicaval.end());

  // Build Messages - SHORT AXIS
  std_msgs::Float64MultiArray short_axis_x;
  std_msgs::Float64MultiArray short_axis_y;

  short_axis_x.layout.dim[0].size = x_pt_short_axis.size();
  short_axis_x.layout.dim[0].stride = 1;
  short_axis_x.layout.dim[0].label = "Short_Axis_X_Val";

  short_axis_x.data.insert(short_axis_x.data.end(), x_pt_short_axis.begin(), x_pt_short_axis.end());

  short_axis_y.layout.dim[0].size = y_pt_short_axis.size();
  short_axis_y.layout.dim[0].stride = 1;
  short_axis_y.layout.dim[0].label = "Short_Axis_Y_Val";

  short_axis_y.data.insert(short_axis_y.data.end(), y_pt_short_axis.begin(), y_pt_short_axis.end());

  // Build Messages - 4 CHAMBER
  std_msgs::Float64MultiArray four_chamber_x;
  std_msgs::Float64MultiArray four_chamber_y;

  four_chamber_x.layout.dim[0].size = x_pt_four_chamber.size();
  four_chamber_x.layout.dim[0].stride = 1;
  four_chamber_x.layout.dim[0].label = "Four_Chamber_X_Val";

  four_chamber_x.data.insert(four_chamber_x.data.end(), x_pt_four_chamber.begin(), x_pt_four_chamber.end());

  four_chamber_y.layout.dim[0].size = y_pt_four_chamber.size();
  four_chamber_y.layout.dim[0].stride = 1;
  four_chamber_y.layout.dim[0].label = "Four_Chamber_Y_Val";

  four_chamber_y.data.insert(four_chamber_y.data.end(), y_pt_four_chamber.begin(), y_pt_four_chamber.end());

  // Build Messages - NEEDLE LOCATION
  std_msgs::Float64MultiArray needle_loc_msg;

  bool punctured = true;
  std::pair<float,float> tmp_ = FO.map_to_unit_circle(needle_tip_);
  tmp_.second = -tmp_.second;

  needle_loc_msg.layout.dim[0].size = 3;
  needle_loc_msg.layout.dim[0].stride = 1;
  needle_loc_msg.layout.dim[0].label = "Needle_Location";


  // Publish