 * Thread checking for expired requests.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @param   pThread    Thread handle.
 * @param   pvUser     Opaque user data.
static int drvdiskIntIoReqExpiredCheck(RTTHREAD pThread, void *pvUser)

    while (pThis->fRunning)
        int rc = RTSemEventWait(pThis->SemEvent, pThis->uCheckIntervalMs);

        if (!pThis->fRunning)

        Assert(rc == VERR_TIMEOUT);

        /* Get current timestamp for comparison. */
        uint64_t tsCurr = RTTimeSystemMilliTS();

        /* Go through the array and check for expired requests. */
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->apReqActive); i++)
            PDRVDISKAIOREQACTIVE pReqActive = &pThis->apReqActive[i];
            PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq = ASMAtomicReadPtrT(&pReqActive->pIoReq, PDRVDISKAIOREQ);

            if (   pIoReq
                && (tsCurr > pReqActive->tsStart)
                && (tsCurr - pReqActive->tsStart) >= pThis->uExpireIntervalMs)
                RTMsgError("Request %#p expired (active for %llu ms already)\n",
                           pIoReq, tsCurr - pReqActive->tsStart);

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * Free a async I/O request.
 * @returns nothing.
 * @param   pThis     Disk driver.
 * @param   pIoReq    The I/O request to free.
static void drvdiskintIoReqFree(PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis, PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq)
    if (pThis->fCheckDoubleCompletion)
        /* Search if the I/O request completed already. */
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < pThis->cEntries; i++)
            if (RT_UNLIKELY(pThis->papIoReq[i] == pIoReq))
                RTMsgError("Request %#p completed already!\n", pIoReq);
                RTMsgError("Start timestamp %llu Completion timestamp %llu (completed after %llu ms)\n",
                           pIoReq->tsStart, pIoReq->tsComplete, pIoReq->tsComplete - pIoReq->tsStart);

        pIoReq->tsComplete = RTTimeSystemMilliTS();
        pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry] = pIoReq;

        pThis->iEntry = (pThis->iEntry+1) % pThis->cEntries;
        if (pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry])
            pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry] = NULL;
static void tstPDMACStressTestFileVerify(PPDMACTESTFILE pTestFile, PPDMACTESTFILETASK pTestTask)
    size_t   cbLeft = pTestTask->DataSeg.cbSeg;
    RTFOFF   off    = pTestTask->off;
    uint8_t *pbBuf  = (uint8_t *)pTestTask->DataSeg.pvSeg;

    while (cbLeft)
        size_t cbCompare;
        unsigned iSeg = off / pTestFile->cbFileSegment;
        PPDMACTESTFILESEG pSeg = &pTestFile->paSegs[iSeg];
        uint8_t *pbTestPattern;
        unsigned offSeg = off - pSeg->off;

        cbCompare = RT_MIN(cbLeft, pSeg->cbSegment - offSeg);
        pbTestPattern = pSeg->pbData + offSeg;

        if (memcmp(pbBuf, pbTestPattern, cbCompare))
            unsigned idx = 0;

            while (   (pbBuf[idx] == pbTestPattern[idx])
                   && (idx < cbCompare))

            RTMsgError("Unexpected data for off=%RTfoff size=%u\n"
                       "Expected %c got %c\n",
                       pTestTask->off + idx, pTestTask->DataSeg.cbSeg,
                       pbTestPattern[idx], pbBuf[idx]);

        pbBuf  += cbCompare;
        off    += cbCompare;
        cbLeft -= cbCompare;
 * Verifies a read request.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   pThis    Disk integrity driver instance data.
 * @param   paSeg    Segment array of the containing the data buffers to verify.
 * @param   cSeg     Number of segments.
 * @param   off      Start offset.
 * @param   cbWrite  Number of bytes to verify.
static int drvdiskintReadVerify(PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis, PCRTSGSEG paSeg, unsigned cSeg,
                                uint64_t off, size_t cbRead)
    int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;

    LogFlowFunc(("pThis=%#p paSeg=%#p cSeg=%u off=%llx cbRead=%u\n",
                 pThis, paSeg, cSeg, off, cbRead));

    Assert(off % 512 == 0);
    Assert(cbRead % 512 == 0);

    /* Compare read data */
    size_t cbLeft   = cbRead;
    RTFOFF offCurr  = (RTFOFF)off;
    RTSGBUF SgBuf;

    RTSgBufInit(&SgBuf, paSeg, cSeg);

    while (cbLeft)
        PDRVDISKSEGMENT pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTAvlrFileOffsetRangeGet(pThis->pTreeSegments, offCurr);
        size_t cbRange  = 0;
        bool fCmp       = false;
        unsigned offSeg = 0;

        if (!pSeg)
            /* Get next segment */
            pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTAvlrFileOffsetGetBestFit(pThis->pTreeSegments, offCurr, true);
            if (!pSeg)
                /* No data in the tree for this read. Assume everything is ok. */
                cbRange = cbLeft;
            else if (offCurr + (RTFOFF)cbLeft <= pSeg->Core.Key)
                cbRange = cbLeft;
                cbRange = pSeg->Core.Key - offCurr;
            fCmp    = true;
            offSeg  = offCurr - pSeg->Core.Key;
            cbRange = RT_MIN(cbLeft, (size_t)(pSeg->Core.KeyLast + 1 - offCurr));

        if (fCmp)
            RTSGSEG Seg;
            RTSGBUF SgBufCmp;
            size_t cbOff = 0;

            Seg.cbSeg = cbRange;
            Seg.pvSeg = pSeg->pbSeg + offSeg;

            RTSgBufInit(&SgBufCmp, &Seg, 1);
            if (RTSgBufCmpEx(&SgBuf, &SgBufCmp, cbRange, &cbOff, true))
                /* Corrupted disk, print I/O log entry of the last write which accessed this range. */
                uint32_t cSector = (offSeg + cbOff) / 512;
                AssertMsg(cSector < pSeg->cIoLogEntries, ("Internal bug!\n"));

                RTMsgError("Corrupted disk at offset %llu (%u bytes in the current read buffer)!\n",
                           offCurr + cbOff, cbOff);
                RTMsgError("Last write to this sector started at offset %llu with %u bytes (%u references to this log entry)\n",
            RTSgBufAdvance(&SgBuf, cbRange);

        offCurr += cbRange;
        cbLeft  -= cbRange;

    return rc;