Beispiel #1
static int
in_ifadownkill(struct rtentry *rt, void *xap)
	struct in_ifadown_arg *ap = xap;

	if (rt->rt_ifa == ap->ifa &&
	    (ap->del || !(rt->rt_flags & RTF_STATIC))) {
		 * Aquire a reference so that it can later be freed
		 * as the refcount would be 0 here in case of at least
		 * ap->del.
		 * Disconnect it from the tree and permit protocols
		 * to cleanup.
		rt_expunge(ap->rnh, rt);
		 * At this point it is an rttrash node, and in case
		 * the above is the only reference we must free it.
		 * If we do not noone will have a pointer and the
		 * rtentry will be leaked forever.
		 * In case someone else holds a reference, we are
		 * fine as we only decrement the refcount. In that
		 * case if the other entity calls RT_REMREF, we
		 * will still be leaking but at least we tried.
		return (0);
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
rtalloc_mpath_fib(struct route *ro, uint32_t hash, u_int fibnum)
	struct radix_node *rn0, *rn;
	u_int32_t n;
	struct rtentry *rt;
	int64_t weight;

	 * XXX we don't attempt to lookup cached route again; what should
	 * be done for sendto(3) case?
	if (ro->ro_rt && ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp && (ro->ro_rt->rt_flags & RTF_UP)
	    && RT_LINK_IS_UP(ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp))
	ro->ro_rt = rtalloc1_fib(&ro->ro_dst, 1, 0, fibnum);

	/* if the route does not exist or it is not multipath, don't care */
	if (ro->ro_rt == NULL)
	if (rn_mpath_next((struct radix_node *)ro->ro_rt) == NULL) {

	/* beyond here, we use rn as the master copy */
	rn0 = rn = (struct radix_node *)ro->ro_rt;
	n = rn_mpath_count(rn0);

	/* gw selection by Modulo-N Hash (RFC2991) XXX need improvement? */
	hash += hashjitter;
	hash %= n;
	for (weight = abs((int32_t)hash), rt = ro->ro_rt;
	     weight >= rt->rt_weight && rn; 
	     weight -= rt->rt_weight) {
		/* stay within the multipath routes */
		if (rn->rn_dupedkey && rn->rn_mask != rn->rn_dupedkey->rn_mask)
		rn = rn->rn_dupedkey;
		rt = (struct rtentry *)rn;
	/* XXX try filling rt_gwroute and avoid unreachable gw  */

	/* gw selection has failed - there must be only zero weight routes */
	if (!rn) {
		ro->ro_rt = NULL;
	if (ro->ro_rt != rt) {
		ro->ro_rt = (struct rtentry *)rn;

Beispiel #3
rtalloc_mpath_fib(struct route *ro, uint32_t hash, u_int fibnum)
	struct rtentry *rt;

	 * XXX we don't attempt to lookup cached route again; what should
	 * be done for sendto(3) case?
	if (ro->ro_rt && ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp && (ro->ro_rt->rt_flags & RTF_UP)
	    && RT_LINK_IS_UP(ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp))
	ro->ro_rt = rtalloc1_fib(&ro->ro_dst, 1, 0, fibnum);

	/* if the route does not exist or it is not multipath, don't care */
	if (ro->ro_rt == NULL)
	if (rn_mpath_next((struct radix_node *)ro->ro_rt) == NULL) {

	rt = rt_mpath_selectrte(ro->ro_rt, hash);
	/* XXX try filling rt_gwroute and avoid unreachable gw  */

	/* gw selection has failed - there must be only zero weight routes */
	if (!rt) {
		ro->ro_rt = NULL;
	if (ro->ro_rt != rt) {
		ro->ro_rt = rt;

Beispiel #4
 * Input a Neighbor Solicitation Message.
 * Based on RFC 2461
 * Based on RFC 2462 (duplicate address detection)
nd6_ns_input(struct mbuf *m, int off, int icmp6len)
	struct ifnet *ifp = m->m_pkthdr.rcvif;
	struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *);
	struct nd_neighbor_solicit *nd_ns;
	struct in6_addr saddr6 = ip6->ip6_src;
	struct in6_addr daddr6 = ip6->ip6_dst;
	struct in6_addr taddr6;
	struct in6_addr myaddr6;
	char *lladdr = NULL;
	struct ifaddr *ifa = NULL;
	int lladdrlen = 0;
	int anycast = 0, proxy = 0, tentative = 0;
	int tlladdr;
	int rflag;
	union nd_opts ndopts;
	struct sockaddr_dl proxydl;
	char ip6bufs[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN], ip6bufd[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];

	rflag = (V_ip6_forwarding) ? ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER : 0;
	if (ND_IFINFO(ifp)->flags & ND6_IFF_ACCEPT_RTADV && V_ip6_norbit_raif)
		rflag = 0;
	IP6_EXTHDR_CHECK(m, off, icmp6len,);
	nd_ns = (struct nd_neighbor_solicit *)((caddr_t)ip6 + off);
	IP6_EXTHDR_GET(nd_ns, struct nd_neighbor_solicit *, m, off, icmp6len);
	if (nd_ns == NULL) {
	ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *); /* adjust pointer for safety */
	taddr6 = nd_ns->nd_ns_target;
	if (in6_setscope(&taddr6, ifp, NULL) != 0)
		goto bad;

	if (ip6->ip6_hlim != 255) {
		    "nd6_ns_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s\n",
		    ip6->ip6_hlim, ip6_sprintf(ip6bufs, &ip6->ip6_src),
		    ip6_sprintf(ip6bufd, &ip6->ip6_dst), if_name(ifp)));
		goto bad;

	if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&saddr6)) {
		/* dst has to be a solicited node multicast address. */
		if (daddr6.s6_addr16[0] == IPV6_ADDR_INT16_MLL &&
		    /* don't check ifindex portion */
		    daddr6.s6_addr32[1] == 0 &&
		    daddr6.s6_addr32[2] == IPV6_ADDR_INT32_ONE &&
		    daddr6.s6_addr8[12] == 0xff) {
			; /* good */
		} else {
			nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: bad DAD packet "
			    "(wrong ip6 dst)\n"));
			goto bad;
	} else if (!V_nd6_onlink_ns_rfc4861) {
		struct sockaddr_in6 src_sa6;

		 * According to recent IETF discussions, it is not a good idea
		 * to accept a NS from an address which would not be deemed
		 * to be a neighbor otherwise.  This point is expected to be
		 * clarified in future revisions of the specification.
		bzero(&src_sa6, sizeof(src_sa6));
		src_sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
		src_sa6.sin6_len = sizeof(src_sa6);
		src_sa6.sin6_addr = saddr6;
		if (nd6_is_addr_neighbor(&src_sa6, ifp) == 0) {
			nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: "
				"NS packet from non-neighbor\n"));
			goto bad;

	if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&taddr6)) {
		nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: bad NS target (multicast)\n"));
		goto bad;

	icmp6len -= sizeof(*nd_ns);
	nd6_option_init(nd_ns + 1, icmp6len, &ndopts);
	if (nd6_options(&ndopts) < 0) {
		    "nd6_ns_input: invalid ND option, ignored\n"));
		/* nd6_options have incremented stats */
		goto freeit;

	if (ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr) {
		lladdr = (char *)(ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr + 1);
		lladdrlen = ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr->nd_opt_len << 3;

	if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&ip6->ip6_src) && lladdr) {
		nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: bad DAD packet "
		    "(link-layer address option)\n"));
		goto bad;

	 * Attaching target link-layer address to the NA?
	 * (RFC 2461 7.2.4)
	 * NS IP dst is unicast/anycast			MUST NOT add
	 * NS IP dst is solicited-node multicast	MUST add
	 * In implementation, we add target link-layer address by default.
	 * We do not add one in MUST NOT cases.
	if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&daddr6))
		tlladdr = 0;
		tlladdr = 1;

	 * Target address (taddr6) must be either:
	 * (1) Valid unicast/anycast address for my receiving interface,
	 * (2) Unicast address for which I'm offering proxy service, or
	 * (3) "tentative" address on which DAD is being performed.
	/* (1) and (3) check. */
	if (ifp->if_carp)
		ifa = (*carp_iamatch6_p)(ifp, &taddr6);
		ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, &taddr6);

	/* (2) check. */
	if (ifa == NULL) {
		struct rtentry *rt;
		struct sockaddr_in6 tsin6;
		int need_proxy;
		struct route_in6 ro;

		bzero(&tsin6, sizeof tsin6);
		tsin6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
		tsin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
		tsin6.sin6_addr = taddr6;

		/* Always use the default FIB. */
		bzero(&ro, sizeof(ro));
		ro.ro_dst = tsin6;
		rtalloc_mpath_fib((struct route *)&ro, RTF_ANNOUNCE,
		rt = ro.ro_rt;
		rt = in6_rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)&tsin6, 0, 0,
		need_proxy = (rt && (rt->rt_flags & RTF_ANNOUNCE) != 0 &&
		    rt->rt_gateway->sa_family == AF_LINK);
		if (rt != NULL) {
			 * Make a copy while we can be sure that rt_gateway
			 * is still stable before unlocking to avoid lock
			 * order problems.  proxydl will only be used if
			 * proxy will be set in the next block.
			if (need_proxy)
				proxydl = *SDL(rt->rt_gateway);
		if (need_proxy) {
			 * proxy NDP for single entry
			ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_ifpforlinklocal(ifp,
			if (ifa)
				proxy = 1;
	if (ifa == NULL) {
		 * We've got an NS packet, and we don't have that adddress
		 * assigned for us.  We MUST silently ignore it.
		 * See RFC2461 7.2.3.
		goto freeit;
	myaddr6 = *IFA_IN6(ifa);
	anycast = ((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_ANYCAST;
	tentative = ((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE;
	if (((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DUPLICATED)
		goto freeit;

	if (lladdr && ((ifp->if_addrlen + 2 + 7) & ~7) != lladdrlen) {
		nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s "
		    "(if %d, NS packet %d)\n",
		    ip6_sprintf(ip6bufs, &taddr6),
		    ifp->if_addrlen, lladdrlen - 2));
		goto bad;

	if (IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&myaddr6, &saddr6)) {
		nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: duplicate IP6 address %s\n",
		    ip6_sprintf(ip6bufs, &saddr6)));
		goto freeit;

	 * We have neighbor solicitation packet, with target address equals to
	 * one of my tentative address.
	 * src addr	how to process?
	 * ---		---
	 * multicast	of course, invalid (rejected in ip6_input)
	 * unicast	somebody is doing address resolution -> ignore
	 * unspec	dup address detection
	 * The processing is defined in RFC 2462.
	if (tentative) {
		 * If source address is unspecified address, it is for
		 * duplicate address detection.
		 * If not, the packet is for addess resolution;
		 * silently ignore it.
		if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&saddr6))

		goto freeit;

	 * If the source address is unspecified address, entries must not
	 * be created or updated.
	 * It looks that sender is performing DAD.  Output NA toward
	 * all-node multicast address, to tell the sender that I'm using
	 * the address.
	 * S bit ("solicited") must be zero.
	if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&saddr6)) {
		struct in6_addr in6_all;

		in6_all = in6addr_linklocal_allnodes;
		if (in6_setscope(&in6_all, ifp, NULL) != 0)
			goto bad;
		nd6_na_output_fib(ifp, &in6_all, &taddr6,
		    ((anycast || proxy || !tlladdr) ? 0 : ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE) |
		    rflag, tlladdr, proxy ? (struct sockaddr *)&proxydl : NULL,
		goto freeit;

	nd6_cache_lladdr(ifp, &saddr6, lladdr, lladdrlen,

	nd6_na_output_fib(ifp, &saddr6, &taddr6,
	    ((anycast || proxy || !tlladdr) ? 0 : ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE) |
	    rflag | ND_NA_FLAG_SOLICITED, tlladdr,
	    proxy ? (struct sockaddr *)&proxydl : NULL, M_GETFIB(m));
	if (ifa != NULL)

	nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_ns_input: src=%s\n",
		ip6_sprintf(ip6bufs, &saddr6)));
	nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_ns_input: dst=%s\n",
		ip6_sprintf(ip6bufs, &daddr6)));
	nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_ns_input: tgt=%s\n",
		ip6_sprintf(ip6bufs, &taddr6)));
	if (ifa != NULL)
Beispiel #5
 * Do what we need to do when inserting a route.
static struct radix_node *
in6_addroute(void *v_arg, void *n_arg, struct radix_node_head *head,
	    struct radix_node *treenodes)
	struct rtentry *rt = (struct rtentry *)treenodes;
	struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)rt_key(rt);
	struct radix_node *ret;

	if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&sin6->sin6_addr))
		rt->rt_flags |= RTF_MULTICAST;

	 * A little bit of help for both IPv6 output and input:
	 *   For local addresses, we make sure that RTF_LOCAL is set,
	 *   with the thought that this might one day be used to speed up
	 *   ip_input().
	 * We also mark routes to multicast addresses as such, because
	 * it's easy to do and might be useful (but this is much more
	 * dubious since it's so easy to inspect the address).  (This
	 * is done above.)
	 * XXX
	 * should elaborate the code.
	if (rt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST) {
		if (IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&satosin6(rt->rt_ifa->ifa_addr)
				       &sin6->sin6_addr)) {
			rt->rt_flags |= RTF_LOCAL;

	if (!rt->rt_rmx.rmx_mtu && rt->rt_ifp)
		rt->rt_rmx.rmx_mtu = IN6_LINKMTU(rt->rt_ifp);

	ret = rn_addroute(v_arg, n_arg, head, treenodes);
	if (ret == NULL && rt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST) {
		struct rtentry *rt2;
		 * We are trying to add a host route, but can't.
		 * Find out if it is because of an
		 * ARP entry and delete it if so.
		rt2 = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)sin6, 0, RTF_CLONING);
		if (rt2) {
			if (rt2->rt_flags & RTF_LLINFO &&
				rt2->rt_flags & RTF_HOST &&
				rt2->rt_gateway &&
				rt2->rt_gateway->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
				ret = rn_addroute(v_arg, n_arg, head,
			} else
	} else if (ret == NULL && rt->rt_flags & RTF_CLONING) {
		struct rtentry *rt2;
		 * We are trying to add a net route, but can't.
		 * The following case should be allowed, so we'll make a
		 * special check for this:
		 *	Two IPv6 addresses with the same prefix is assigned
		 *	to a single interrface.
		 *	# ifconfig if0 inet6 3ffe:0501::1 prefix 64 alias (*1)
		 *	# ifconfig if0 inet6 3ffe:0501::2 prefix 64 alias (*2)
		 *	In this case, (*1) and (*2) want to add the same
		 *	net route entry, 3ffe:0501:: -> if0.
		 *	This case should not raise an error.
		rt2 = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)sin6, 0, RTF_CLONING);
		if (rt2) {
			if ((rt2->rt_flags & (RTF_CLONING|RTF_HOST|RTF_GATEWAY))
			 && rt2->rt_gateway
			 && rt2->rt_gateway->sa_family == AF_LINK
			 && rt2->rt_ifp == rt->rt_ifp) {
				ret = rt2->rt_nodes;
	return ret;
Beispiel #6
 * Do what we need to do when inserting a route.
static struct radix_node *
in_addroute(void *v_arg, void *n_arg, struct radix_node_head *head,
	    struct radix_node *treenodes)
	struct rtentry *rt = (struct rtentry *)treenodes;
	struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)rt_key(rt);
	struct radix_node *ret;

	 * A little bit of help for both IP output and input:
	 *   For host routes, we make sure that RTF_BROADCAST
	 *   is set for anything that looks like a broadcast address.
	 *   This way, we can avoid an expensive call to in_broadcast()
	 *   in ip_output() most of the time (because the route passed
	 *   to ip_output() is almost always a host route).
	 *   We also do the same for local addresses, with the thought
	 *   that this might one day be used to speed up ip_input().
	 * We also mark routes to multicast addresses as such, because
	 * it's easy to do and might be useful (but this is much more
	 * dubious since it's so easy to inspect the address).
	if (rt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST) {
		if (in_broadcast(sin->sin_addr, rt->rt_ifp)) {
			rt->rt_flags |= RTF_BROADCAST;
		} else if (satosin(rt->rt_ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr ==
		    sin->sin_addr.s_addr) {
			rt->rt_flags |= RTF_LOCAL;
	if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr)))
		rt->rt_flags |= RTF_MULTICAST;

	if (!rt->rt_rmx.rmx_mtu && rt->rt_ifp)
		rt->rt_rmx.rmx_mtu = rt->rt_ifp->if_mtu;

	ret = rn_addroute(v_arg, n_arg, head, treenodes);
	if (ret == NULL && rt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST) {
		struct rtentry *rt2;
		 * We are trying to add a host route, but can't.
		 * Find out if it is because of an
		 * ARP entry and delete it if so.
		rt2 = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)sin, 0, RTF_CLONING);
		if (rt2) {
			if (rt2->rt_flags & RTF_LLINFO &&
			    rt2->rt_flags & RTF_HOST &&
			    rt2->rt_gateway &&
			    rt2->rt_gateway->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
				ret = rn_addroute(v_arg, n_arg, head,
			} else

	return ret;
Beispiel #7
 * Accept by socket(4) in AF_ROUTE received service requests.
 *  o RTAX_DST holds key x for fec = < x, nh > where nh -> ifp
 *  o RTAX_GATEWAY holds by sockaddr_ftn{} for MPLS label
 *    binding necessary 
 *     < seg_i , seg_j > 
 *    tuple where seg_i denotes key for by nhlfe generated ilm, 
 *    Furthermore, seg_j denotes typically upstream label for 
 *    transmission downstream by interface ifp in link-layer.
 *  o In rt_addrinfo{} Service Primitive (spi) contained flags 
 *    encodes with MPLS label binding linked operation.
 *     RTF_{POP|PUSH|SWAP} - self expanatory.
 *     RTF_MPE, denotes initial label of Label Switch Path.
 *     RTF_STK, denotes label stacking, but not yet fully
 *     implemented.
mpls_rt_output_fib(struct rt_msghdr *rtm, struct rt_addrinfo *rti, 
		struct rtentry **rt, u_int fibnum)
	struct rtentry *fec = NULL;
	struct ifnet *ifp = NULL;
	struct mpls_aliasreq ifra;
	int error = 0, cmd = 0;
	(void)printf("%s\n", __func__);
#endif /* MPLS_DEBUG */

	if (rti_dst(rti)->sa_len > sizeof(ifra.ifra_x)) {
		log(LOG_INFO, "%s: destination x in fec invalid\n", __func__);
		error = EMSGSIZE;
		goto out;
	if (rti_gateway(rti)->sa_family != AF_MPLS) {
		log(LOG_INFO, "%s: segment invalid\n", __func__);
		error = EINVAL;
		goto out;
	if (rti_gateway(rti)->sa_len > sizeof(ifra.ifra_seg)) {
		log(LOG_INFO, "%s: segment invalid\n", __func__);
		error = EMSGSIZE;
		goto out;
 * Fetch interface by Forward Equivalence Class (fec).
 	fec = rtalloc1_fib(rti_dst(rti), 0, 0UL, fibnum);
	if ((fec == NULL) 
		|| (fec->rt_gateway == NULL) 
		|| ((ifp = fec->rt_ifp) == NULL)
		|| (fec->rt_ifa == NULL) 
		|| ((fec->rt_flags & RTF_UP) == 0)) {
		error = ESRCH;
		goto out;
	bzero(&ifra, sizeof(ifra));
	bcopy(rti_dst(rti), &ifra.ifra_x, rti_dst(rti)->sa_len);
 	switch ((int)rtm->rtm_type) {
	case RTM_ADD:	
 * Apply MPLS label binding on Forward Equivalence Class (fec).

 * Delete MPLS label binding on fec.
		cmd = (cmd == 0) ? SIOCDIFADDR : cmd;
 * Perform MPLS control operations on interface-layer.
 		bcopy(rti_gateway(rti), &ifra.ifra_seg, rti_gateway(rti)->sa_len);
		ifra.ifra_flags = rti_flags(rti);
 		error = mpls_control(NULL, cmd, (caddr_t)&ifra, ifp, NULL);
	case RTM_GET: 
 * XXX: looks ugly... I'll delegate this operation 
 * XXX: back to rt_output, but I'm not yet sure, if 
 * XXX: I'll should do that...
		ifra.ifra_seg.sftn_len = SMPLS_LEN;
		ifra.ifra_seg.sftn_family = AF_MPLS;
		((struct sockaddr_mpls *)&ifra.ifra_seg)->smpls_label = 
 * Fetch Incoming Label Map (ilm) by MPLS label binding on fec.
		*rt = ((ifra.ifra_flags & RTF_MPE) == 0) 
			? rtalloc1_fib((struct sockaddr *)&ifra.ifra_seg, 
				0, 0UL, ifp->if_fib) : NULL;	
		if (*rt != NULL) {
 * Update by socket(2) on route(4) used Service Data Unit (sdu).
			bcopy(rt_key(*rt), rti_dst(rti), 
			bcopy((*rt)->rt_gateway, rti_gateway(rti), 
		} else
		 	error = EADDRNOTAVAIL;
		log(LOG_INFO, "%s: command invalid\n", __func__);		
		error = EOPNOTSUPP;
	if (fec != NULL) 
	return (error);