 * Client mode connection thread.
 * @returns iprt status code.
 * @param   hSelf           Thread handle. Use to sleep on. The main thread will
 *                          signal it to speed up thread shutdown.
 * @param   pvUser          Ignored.
static DECLCALLBACK(int) txsTcpClientConnectThread(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser)
    for (;;)
        /* Stop? */
        bool fStop = g_fTcpStopConnecting;
        if (fStop)
            return VINF_SUCCESS;

        /* Try connect. */ /** @todo make cancelable! */
        RTSOCKET hTcpClient;
        Log2(("Calling RTTcpClientConnect(%s, %u,)...\n", g_szTcpConnectAddr, g_uTcpConnectPort));
        int rc = RTTcpClientConnectEx(g_szTcpConnectAddr, g_uTcpConnectPort, &hTcpClient,
                                      RT_SOCKETCONNECT_DEFAULT_WAIT, &g_pTcpConnectCancelCookie);
        Log(("txsTcpRecvPkt: RTTcpClientConnect -> %Rrc\n", rc));
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            hTcpClient = txsTcpSetClient(hTcpClient, true /*fFromServer*/);
            RTTcpClientCloseEx(hTcpClient, true /* fGracefulShutdown*/);

        if (txsTcpIsFatalClientConnectStatus(rc))
            return rc;

        /* Delay a wee bit before retrying. */
        RTThreadUserWait(hSelf, 1536);
    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
 * Disconnects from the host and resets the receive state.
 * @returns nothing.
void USBProxyBackendUsbIp::disconnect()
    if (m->hSocket != NIL_RTSOCKET)
        int rc = RTPollSetRemove(m->hPollSet, USBIP_POLL_ID_SOCKET);
        Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_POLL_HANDLE_ID_NOT_FOUND);

        RTTcpClientCloseEx(m->hSocket, false /*fGracefulShutdown*/);
        m->hSocket = NIL_RTSOCKET;

Beispiel #3
 * Tries to reconnect to the USB/IP host.
 * @returns VBox status code.
int USBProxyBackendUsbIp::reconnect()
    /* Make sure we are disconnected. */

    /* Connect to the USB/IP host. */
    int rc = RTTcpClientConnect(m->pszHost, m->uPort, &m->hSocket);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = RTTcpSetSendCoalescing(m->hSocket, false);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            LogRel(("USB/IP: Disabling send coalescing failed (rc=%Rrc), continuing nevertheless but expect increased latency\n", rc));

        rc = RTPollSetAddSocket(m->hPollSet, m->hSocket, RTPOLL_EVT_READ | RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR,
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            RTTcpClientCloseEx(m->hSocket, false /*fGracefulShutdown*/);
            m->hSocket = NIL_RTSOCKET;

    return rc;