RTDECL(int) RTTimerCreate(PRTTIMER *ppTimer, unsigned uMilliesInterval, PFNRTTIMER pfnTimer, void *pvUser)
    int rc = RTTimerCreateEx(ppTimer, uMilliesInterval * UINT64_C(1000000), 0, pfnTimer, pvUser);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = RTTimerStart(*ppTimer, 0);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            int rc2 = RTTimerDestroy(*ppTimer); AssertRC(rc2);
            *ppTimer = NULL;
    return rc;
RTDECL(int) RTTimerCreate(PRTTIMER *ppTimer, unsigned uMilliesInterval, PFNRTTIMER pfnTimer, void *pvUser)
    int rc = RTTimerCreateEx(ppTimer, uMilliesInterval * RT_NS_1MS_64, 0 /* fFlags */, pfnTimer, pvUser);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = RTTimerStart(*ppTimer, 0 /* u64First */);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            int rc2 = RTTimerDestroy(*ppTimer); AssertRC(rc2);
            *ppTimer = NULL;
    return rc;
Beispiel #3
int main()
     * Init runtime
    unsigned cErrors = 0;
    int rc = RTR3InitExeNoArguments(0);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return RTMsgInitFailure(rc);

     * Check that the clock is reliable.
    RTPrintf("tstTimer: TESTING - RTTimeNanoTS() for 2sec\n");
    uint64_t uTSMillies = RTTimeMilliTS();
    uint64_t uTSBegin = RTTimeNanoTS();
    uint64_t uTSLast = uTSBegin;
    uint64_t uTSDiff;
    uint64_t cIterations = 0;

        uint64_t uTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
        if (uTS < uTSLast)
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - RTTimeNanoTS() is unreliable. uTS=%RU64 uTSLast=%RU64\n", uTS, uTSLast);
        if (++cIterations > (2*1000*1000*1000))
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - RTTimeNanoTS() is unreliable. cIterations=%RU64 uTS=%RU64 uTSBegin=%RU64\n", cIterations, uTS, uTSBegin);
            return 1;
        uTSLast = uTS;
        uTSDiff = uTSLast - uTSBegin;
    } while (uTSDiff < (2*1000*1000*1000));
    uTSMillies = RTTimeMilliTS() - uTSMillies;
    if (uTSMillies >= 2500 || uTSMillies <= 1500)
        RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - uTSMillies=%RI64 uTSBegin=%RU64 uTSLast=%RU64 uTSDiff=%RU64\n",
                 uTSMillies, uTSBegin, uTSLast, uTSDiff);
    if (!cErrors)
        RTPrintf("tstTimer: OK      - RTTimeNanoTS()\n");

     * Tests.
    static struct
        unsigned uMicroInterval;
        unsigned uMilliesWait;
        unsigned cLower;
        unsigned cUpper;
    } aTests[] =
        { 32000, 2000, 0, 0 },
        { 20000, 2000, 0, 0 },
        { 10000, 2000, 0, 0 },
        {  8000, 2000, 0, 0 },
        {  2000, 2000, 0, 0 },
        {  1000, 2000, 0, 0 },
        {   500, 5000, 0, 0 },
        {   200, 5000, 0, 0 },
        {   100, 5000, 0, 0 }

    unsigned i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aTests); i++)
        aTests[i].cLower = (aTests[i].uMilliesWait*1000 - aTests[i].uMilliesWait*100) / aTests[i].uMicroInterval;
        aTests[i].cUpper = (aTests[i].uMilliesWait*1000 + aTests[i].uMilliesWait*100) / aTests[i].uMicroInterval;
        gu64Norm = aTests[i].uMicroInterval*1000;

                 "tstTimer: TESTING - %d us interval, %d ms wait, expects %d-%d ticks.\n",
                 aTests[i].uMicroInterval, aTests[i].uMilliesWait, aTests[i].cLower, aTests[i].cUpper);

         * Start timer which ticks every 10ms.
        gcTicks = 0;
        PRTTIMER pTimer;
        gu64Max = 0;
        gu64Min = UINT64_MAX;
        gu64Prev = 0;
        if (aTests[i].uMicroInterval < 1000)
        rc = RTTimerCreate(&pTimer, aTests[i].uMicroInterval / 1000, TimerCallback, NULL);
        rc = RTTimerCreateEx(&pTimer, aTests[i].uMicroInterval * (uint64_t)1000, 0, TimerCallback, NULL);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - RTTimerCreateEx(,%u*1M,,,) -> %Rrc\n", aTests[i].uMicroInterval, rc);

         * Start the timer and active waiting for the requested test period.
        uTSBegin = RTTimeNanoTS();
        rc = RTTimerStart(pTimer, 0);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - RTTimerStart(,0) -> %Rrc\n", rc);

        while (RTTimeNanoTS() - uTSBegin < (uint64_t)aTests[i].uMilliesWait * 1000000)
            /* nothing */;

        /* destroy the timer */
        uint64_t uTSEnd = RTTimeNanoTS();
        uTSDiff = uTSEnd - uTSBegin;
        rc = RTTimerDestroy(pTimer);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - RTTimerDestroy() -> %d gcTicks=%d\n", rc, gcTicks);

        RTPrintf("tstTimer: uTS=%RI64 (%RU64 - %RU64)\n", uTSDiff, uTSBegin, uTSEnd);
        unsigned cTicks = gcTicks;
        RTThreadSleep(aTests[i].uMicroInterval/1000 * 3);
        if (gcTicks != cTicks)
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - RTTimerDestroy() didn't really stop the timer! gcTicks=%d cTicks=%d\n", gcTicks, cTicks);

         * Check the number of ticks.
        if (gcTicks < aTests[i].cLower)
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - Too few ticks gcTicks=%d (expected %d-%d)", gcTicks, aTests[i].cUpper, aTests[i].cLower);
        else if (gcTicks > aTests[i].cUpper)
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE - Too many ticks gcTicks=%d (expected %d-%d)", gcTicks, aTests[i].cUpper, aTests[i].cLower);
            RTPrintf("tstTimer: OK      - gcTicks=%d",  gcTicks);
        RTPrintf(" min=%RU64 max=%RU64\n", gu64Min, gu64Max);

        for (int j = 0; j < (int)RT_ELEMENTS(cFrequency); j++)
            uint32_t len = cFrequency[j] * 70 / gcTicks;
            uint32_t deviation = j - RT_ELEMENTS(cFrequency) / 2;
            uint64_t u64FreqPercent = (uint64_t)cFrequency[j] * 10000 / gcTicks;
            uint64_t u64FreqPercentFrac = u64FreqPercent % 100;
            u64FreqPercent = u64FreqPercent / 100;
            RTPrintf("%+4d%c %6u %3llu.%02llu%% ",
                     deviation, deviation == 0 ? ' ' : '%', cFrequency[j],
                     u64FreqPercent, u64FreqPercentFrac);
            for (unsigned k = 0; k < len; k++)

     * Summary.
    if (!cErrors)
        RTPrintf("tstTimer: SUCCESS\n");
        RTPrintf("tstTimer: FAILURE %d errors\n", cErrors);
    return !!cErrors;