Beispiel #1
 * @brief Draw 3D Marker on the 2D geoscape.
 * @param[in] screenPos Position on screenlongitude and latitude of the model to draw.
 * @param[in] direction angle giving the direction the model is heading toward.
void R_Draw2DMapMarkers (const vec2_t screenPos, float direction, const char *model, int skin)
	modelInfo_t mi;
	vec2_t size;
	vec3_t scale, center, position, angles;
	float zoom = 0.4f;

	VectorCopy(vec3_origin, position);
	VectorCopy(vec3_origin, angles);

	mi.model = R_FindModel(model);
	if (!mi.model) {
		Com_Printf("Could not find model '%s'\n", model);
	} = model;
	mi.origin = position;
	mi.angles = angles; = skin;

	size[0] = size[1] = MARKER_SIZE * zoom;
	R_ModelAutoScale(size, &mi, scale, center);
	/* reset the center, as we want to place the models onto the surface of the earth */ = nullptr;

	/* go to a new matrix */

	/* Apply all transformation to model. Note that the transformations are applied starting
	 * from the last one and ending with the first one */

	/* move model to its location */
	glTranslatef(screenPos[0]* viddef.rx, screenPos[1]* viddef.ry, 0);
	/* scale model to proper resolution */
	glScalef(viddef.rx, viddef.ry, 1.0f);
	/* rotate model to proper direction. */
	glRotatef(-90.f + direction, 0, 0, 1);

	R_DrawModelDirect(&mi, nullptr, nullptr);

	/* restore previous matrix */
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Draw 3D Marker on the 3D geoscape.
 * @param[in] rotate vector giving the angles of earth rotation due to player view.
 * @param[in] pos longitude and latitude of the model to draw.
 * @param[in] direction angle giving the direction the model is heading toward.
 * @param[in] earthRadius Radius of earth on screen (this include zoom).
void R_Draw3DMapMarkers (const vec2_t nodePos, const vec2_t nodeSize, const vec3_t rotate, const vec2_t pos, float direction, float earthRadius, const char *model, int skin)
	/* normalize */
	const float nx = nodePos[0] * viddef.rx;
	const float ny = nodePos[1] * viddef.ry;
	const float nw = nodeSize[0] * viddef.rx;
	const float nh = nodeSize[1] * viddef.ry;

	/* Earth center is in the middle of node.
	 * Due to Orthographic view, this is also camera position */
	const vec3_t earthPos = {nx + nw / 2.0f, ny + nh / 2.0f, 0.0f};

	modelInfo_t mi;
	vec2_t size;
	vec3_t scale, center, position, angles;
	float zoom = 0.4f;

	VectorCopy(vec3_origin, position);
	VectorCopy(vec3_origin, angles);

	mi.model = R_FindModel(model);
	if (!mi.model) {
		Com_Printf("Could not find model '%s'\n", model);
	} = model;
	mi.origin = position;
	mi.angles = angles; = skin;

	size[0] = size[1] = MARKER_SIZE * zoom;
	R_ModelAutoScale(size, &mi, scale, center);
	/* reset the center, as we want to place the models onto the surface of the earth */ = nullptr;

	/* go to a new matrix */

	/* Apply all transformation to model. Note that the transformations are applied starting
	 * from the last one and ending with the first one */

	/* center model on earth. Translate also along z to avoid seeing
	 * bottom part of the model through earth (only half of earth is drawn) */
	glTranslatef(earthPos[0], earthPos[1], 10.0f);
	/* scale model to proper resolution */
	glScalef(viddef.rx, viddef.ry, 1.0f);
	/* place model on earth: make it tangent to earth surface, heading toward it if direction is used. */
	glRotatef(-rotate[1], 1, 0, 0);
	glRotatef(rotate[2], 0, 1, 0);
	glRotatef(rotate[0] - pos[0], 0, 0, 1);
	glRotatef(90.0f - pos[1], 1, 0, 0);
	glTranslatef(0, 0, earthRadius);
	glRotatef(90.0f + direction, 0, 0, 1);

	R_DrawModelDirect(&mi, nullptr, nullptr);

	/* restore previous matrix */
Beispiel #3
 * @todo need to merge UI model case, and the common case (looks to be a copy-pasted code)
void UI_DrawModelNode (uiNode_t* node, const char* source)
	modelInfo_t mi;
	uiModel_t* model;
	vec3_t nodeorigin;
	vec2_t screenPos;

	assert(UI_NodeInstanceOf(node, "model"));			/**< We use model extradata */

	if (!source || source[0] == '\0')

	model = UI_GetUIModel(source);
	/* direct model name - no UI model definition */
	if (!model) {
		/* prevent the searching for a model def in the next frame */
		mi.model = R_FindModel(source); = source;
		if (!mi.model) {
			Com_Printf("Could not find model '%s'\n", source);

	/* compute the absolute origin ('origin' property is relative to the node center) */
	UI_GetNodeScreenPos(node, screenPos);
	UI_GetNodeAbsPos(node, nodeorigin);
	R_CleanupDepthBuffer(nodeorigin[0], nodeorigin[1], node->box.size[0], node->box.size[1]);
	if (EXTRADATA(node).clipOverflow) {
		UI_PushClipRect(screenPos[0], screenPos[1], node->box.size[0], node->box.size[1]);
	nodeorigin[0] += node->box.size[0] / 2 + EXTRADATA(node).origin[0];
	nodeorigin[1] += node->box.size[1] / 2 + EXTRADATA(node).origin[1];
	nodeorigin[2] = EXTRADATA(node).origin[2];

	VectorMA(EXTRADATA(node).angles, cls.frametime, EXTRADATA(node).omega, EXTRADATA(node).angles);
	mi.origin = nodeorigin;
	mi.angles = EXTRADATA(node).angles;
	mi.scale = EXTRADATA(node).scale; = nullVector;
	mi.color = node->color;
	mi.mesh = 0;

	/* special case to draw models with UI model */
	if (model) {
		UI_DrawModelNodeWithUIModel(node, source, &mi, model);
		if (EXTRADATA(node).clipOverflow)

	/* if the node is linked to a parent, the parent will display it */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).tag) {
		if (EXTRADATA(node).clipOverflow)

	/* autoscale? */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).autoscale) {
		vec3_t autoScale;
		vec3_t autoCenter;
		const vec2_t size = {node->box.size[0] - node->padding, node->box.size[1] - node->padding};
		R_ModelAutoScale(size, &mi, autoScale, autoCenter);

	/* no animation */
	mi.frame = 0;
	mi.oldframe = 0;
	mi.backlerp = 0;

	/* get skin */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).skin && *EXTRADATA(node).skin) = atoi(UI_GetReferenceString(node, EXTRADATA(node).skin));
	else = 0;

	/* do animations */
	if (EXTRADATA(node).animation && *EXTRADATA(node).animation) {
		const char* ref;
		ref = UI_GetReferenceString(node, EXTRADATA(node).animation);

		/* check whether the cvar value changed */
		if (strncmp(EXTRADATA(node).oldRefValue, source, MAX_OLDREFVALUE)) {
			Q_strncpyz(EXTRADATA(node).oldRefValue, source, MAX_OLDREFVALUE);
			/* model has changed but mem is already reserved in pool */
			EXTRADATA(node).animationState = nullptr;
		animState_t* as = EXTRADATA(node).animationState;
		if (!as) {
			as = Mem_PoolAllocType(animState_t, cl_genericPool);
			if (!as)
				Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Model %s should have animState_t for animation %s - but doesn't\n",, ref);
			R_AnimChange(as, mi.model, ref);
			EXTRADATA(node).animationState = as;
		} else {
			const char* anim;
			/* change anim if needed */
			anim = R_AnimGetName(as, mi.model);
			if (anim && !Q_streq(anim, ref))
				R_AnimChange(as, mi.model, ref);
			R_AnimRun(as, mi.model, cls.frametime * 1000);

		mi.frame = as->frame;
		mi.oldframe = as->oldframe;
		mi.backlerp = as->backlerp;

	/* draw the main model on the node */
	R_DrawModelDirect(&mi, nullptr, nullptr);

	/* draw all children */
	if (node->firstChild) {
		uiNode_t* child;
		modelInfo_t pmi = mi;
		for (child = node->firstChild; child; child = child->next) {
			const char* tag;
			char childSource[MAX_VAR];
			const char* childRef;

			/* skip non "model" nodes */
			if (child->behaviour != node->behaviour)

			/* skip invisible child */
			if (child->invis || !UI_CheckVisibility(child))

			mi.angles = EXTRADATA(child).angles;
			mi.scale = EXTRADATA(child).scale; = nullVector;
			mi.origin = EXTRADATA(child).origin;
			mi.color = pmi.color;

			/* get the anchor name to link the model into the parent */
			tag = EXTRADATA(child).tag;

			/* init model name */
			childRef = UI_GetReferenceString(child, EXTRADATA(child).model);
			if (Q_strnull(childRef))
				childSource[0] = '\0';
				Q_strncpyz(childSource, childRef, sizeof(childSource));
			mi.model = R_FindModel(childSource); = childSource;

			/* init skin */
			if (EXTRADATA(child).skin && *EXTRADATA(child).skin) = atoi(UI_GetReferenceString(child, EXTRADATA(child).skin));
			else = 0;

			R_DrawModelDirect(&mi, &pmi, tag);

	if (EXTRADATA(node).clipOverflow)
Beispiel #4
 * @brief Draws an item to the screen
 * @param[in] node Context node
 * @param[in] org Node position on the screen (pixel). Single nodes: Use the center of the node.
 * @param[in] item The item to draw.
 * @param[in] x Position in container. Set this to -1 if it's drawn in a single container.
 * @param[in] y Position in container. Set this to -1 if it's drawn in a single container.
 * @param[in] scale
 * @param[in] color
 * @sa SCR_DrawCursor
 * Used to draw an item to the equipment containers. First look whether the objDef_t
 * includes an image - if there is none then draw the model
void UI_DrawItem (uiNode_t *node, const vec3_t org, const item_t *item, int x, int y, const vec3_t scale, const vec4_t color)
	const objDef_t *od = item->item;
	vec4_t col;
	vec3_t origin;

	assert(org[2] > -1000 && org[2] < 1000); 	/*< prevent use of vec2_t for org */

	Vector4Copy(color, col);
	/* no ammo in this weapon - highlight this item */
	if (od->weapon && od->reload && !item->ammoLeft) {
		col[1] *= 0.5;
		col[2] *= 0.5;

	VectorCopy(org, origin);

	/* Calculate correct location of the image or the model (depends on rotation) */
	/** @todo Change the rotation of the image as well, right now only the location is changed.
	 * How is image-rotation handled right now? */
	if (x >= 0 || y >= 0) {
		/* Add offset of location in container. */
		origin[0] += x * C_UNIT;
		origin[1] += y * C_UNIT;

		/* Add offset for item-center (depends on rotation). */
		if (item->rotated) {
			origin[0] += od->sy * C_UNIT / 2.0;
			origin[1] += od->sx * C_UNIT / 2.0;
			/** @todo Image size calculation depends on handling of image-rotation.
			imgWidth = od->sy * C_UNIT;
			imgHeight = od->sx * C_UNIT;
		} else {
			origin[0] += od->sx * C_UNIT / 2.0;
			origin[1] += od->sy * C_UNIT / 2.0;

	/* don't handle the od->tech->image here - it's very ufopedia specific in most cases */
	if (od->image[0] != '\0') {
		const int imgWidth = od->sx * C_UNIT;
		const int imgHeight = od->sy * C_UNIT;
		origin[0] -= od->sx * C_UNIT / 2.0;
		origin[1] -= od->sy * C_UNIT / 2.0;

		/* Draw the image. */
		UI_DrawNormImageByName(false, origin[0], origin[1], imgWidth, imgHeight, 0, 0, 0, 0, od->image);
	} else {
		uiModel_t *model = NULL;
		const char *modelName = GAME_GetModelForItem(od, &model);

		/* no model definition in the tech struct, not in the fallback object definition */
		if (Q_strnull(modelName)) {
			Com_Printf("UI_DrawItem: No model given for item: '%s'\n", od->id);

		if (model && node) {
			UI_DrawModelNode(node, modelName);
		} else {
			modelInfo_t mi;
			vec3_t angles = {-10, 160, 70};
			vec3_t size = {scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]};
			vec3_t center;

			if (item->rotated)
				angles[0] -= 90;

			if (od->scale)
				VectorScale(size, od->scale, size);

			VectorNegate(od->center, center);

			mi.origin = origin;
			mi.angles = angles; = center;
			mi.scale = size;
			mi.color = col; = modelName;

			/* draw the model */
			R_DrawModelDirect(&mi, NULL, NULL);
Beispiel #5
 * @brief Draw a model using UI model definition
static void UI_DrawModelNodeWithUIModel (uiNode_t* node, const char* source, modelInfo_t* mi, uiModel_t* model)
	bool autoScaleComputed = false;
	vec3_t autoScale;
	vec3_t autoCenter;

	while (model) {
		/* no animation */
		mi->frame = 0;
		mi->oldframe = 0;
		mi->backlerp = 0;

		mi->model = R_FindModel(model->model);
		if (!mi->model) {
			model = model->next;

		mi->skin = model->skin;
		mi->name = model->model;

		/* set mi pointers to model */
		mi->origin = model->origin;
		mi->angles = model->angles;
		mi->center = model->center;
		mi->color = model->color;
		mi->scale = model->scale;

		if (model->tag && model->parent) {
			/* tag and parent defined */
			uiModel_t* parentModel;
			modelInfo_t pmi;
			vec3_t pmiorigin;
			animState_t* as;
			/* place this model part on an already existing model tag */
			parentModel = UI_GetUIModel(model->parent);
			if (!parentModel) {
				Com_Printf("UI Model: Could not get the model '%s'\n", model->parent);
			pmi.model = R_FindModel(parentModel->model);
			if (!pmi.model) {
				Com_Printf("UI Model: Could not get the model '%s'\n", parentModel->model);
			} = parentModel->model;

			pmi.origin = pmiorigin;
			pmi.angles = parentModel->angles;
			pmi.scale = parentModel->scale; = parentModel->center;
			pmi.color = parentModel->color;

			pmi.origin[0] = parentModel->origin[0] + mi->origin[0];
			pmi.origin[1] = parentModel->origin[1] + mi->origin[1];
			pmi.origin[2] = parentModel->origin[2];
			/* don't count window offset twice for tagged models */
			mi->origin[0] -= node->root->box.pos[0];
			mi->origin[1] -= node->root->box.pos[1];

			/* autoscale? */
			if (EXTRADATA(node).autoscale) {
				if (!autoScaleComputed)
					Sys_Error("Wrong order of model nodes - the tag and parent model node must be after the base model node");
				pmi.scale = autoScale; = autoCenter;

			as = &parentModel->animState;
			pmi.frame = as->frame;
			pmi.oldframe = as->oldframe;
			pmi.backlerp = as->backlerp;

			R_DrawModelDirect(mi, &pmi, model->tag);
		} else {
			/* no tag and no parent means - base model or single model */
			const char* ref;
			UI_InitModelInfoView(node, mi, model);
			Vector4Copy(node->color, mi->color);

			/* compute the scale and center for the first model.
			 * it think its the bigger of composite models.
			 * All next elements use the same result
			if (EXTRADATA(node).autoscale) {
				if (!autoScaleComputed) {
					vec2_t size;
					size[0] = node->box.size[0] - node->padding;
					size[1] = node->box.size[1] - node->padding;
					R_ModelAutoScale(size, mi, autoScale, autoCenter);
					autoScaleComputed = true;
				} else {
					mi->scale = autoScale;
					mi->center = autoCenter;

			/* get the animation given by node properties */
			if (EXTRADATA(node).animation && *EXTRADATA(node).animation) {
				ref = UI_GetReferenceString(node, EXTRADATA(node).animation);
			/* otherwise use the standard animation from UI model definition */
			} else
				ref = model->anim;

			/* only base models have animations */
			if (ref && *ref) {
				animState_t* as = &model->animState;
				const char* anim = R_AnimGetName(as, mi->model);
				/* initial animation or animation change */
				if (anim == nullptr || !Q_streq(anim, ref))
					R_AnimChange(as, mi->model, ref);
					R_AnimRun(as, mi->model, cls.frametime * 1000);

				mi->frame = as->frame;
				mi->oldframe = as->oldframe;
				mi->backlerp = as->backlerp;
			R_DrawModelDirect(mi, nullptr, nullptr);

		/* next */
		model = model->next;